kuringo's Blog


Daily Routine

2013年05月16日 11時41分29秒 | 日記
Walking: 120 minutes
Standing with one leg :10 minutes each

I kept no-smoking for two years and 159 days in a row.
Sixty-one days have passed since I stopped doing push-ups due to the pain and
dindle in my right elbow and index finger.
They are very persistent.
Anyway I tried walking from Kuwana JR railway station in Mie Prefecture to Yatomi
JR railway station in Aichi Prefecture.
I thought it would take about two hours, but actually it took about one hour
and twenty minutes.
I think this walking route is great because I can cross the two large rivers
through two very long bridges which are actually a little narrow.
Though I felt a little fear, the view from them is great.
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