kuringo's Blog


Daily Routine

2016年10月09日 12時51分34秒 | 日記
Push-ups:18+6 times
Walking :45 minutes
Standing on one foot :10 minutes each
jogging-on-the-spot :0 minutes

Five years and 305 days in a row have passed since I broke my smoking habit.
I was able to increase the number of push-ups by only one time and keep
over 15-time push-ups for the eighth consecutive day.

I feel it's steadily getting colder and colder.
Actually, I felt a little cold while riding a bike on my way to the
workplace, wearing a piece of clothing for summer.
And, still it's cloudy with much less sunlight than the average year.

By the way, I have to say.....
I'll never buy Zebra products for the rest of my life.
Because the Delguard which I bought the other day is useless.
I've got tired after using it for only one hour.
On top of that, the lead snaps short many times while using it.
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