kuringo's Blog


Daily Routine

2020年02月13日 11時13分00秒 | 日記
Push-ups :20 times
Walking :a total of 30 minutes
Standing on one foot :10 minutes each
Cigarettes :0
jogging-on-the-spot :25 minutes

I have been able to be a non-smoker for nine years and sixty-six days in a row.
I was able to keep greater than 9-time push-ups for the fiftieth
straight day including the latest twenty-three days of 20 times of them.

After a little warm rain from last night to early this morning, it is cloudy
and sometimes sunny in Nagoya with the predicted highest temperatuer of
19 degrees, which is surely abnormally warm for February if it happens.
And actually now the temperature is already as high as 14.2 degrees.
Well, I well know that recent weather forecasts are highly likely to
prove right, so I may look forward to that.
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