kuringo's Blog



2022年05月28日 11時53分22秒 | 日記


best bet :最善の策、確実な方法、一番のお薦め、安全な手続き
on the lookout :目を光らせて、気を付けて、警戒して
scallop :ホタテ貝◆イタヤガイ科(Pectinidae)の海生二枚貝の総称
importation :輸入(品)◆【対】exportation
little-neck clam :《貝》リトルネック・クラム◆リトルネックの二枚貝。特に小型のホンビノスガイ。
   食用の二枚貝のうち、比較的小型の種または個体。アサリ(Japanese littleneck)もこれに当たる。
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Daily Routine

2022年05月28日 10時32分03秒 | 日記
Push-ups :24 times
Walking :a total of 80 minutes
Standing on one foot :10 minutes each
Cigarettes :0
Jogging-on-the-spot :0 minutes

I have been able to do without smoking for eleven
years and one hundred and seventy days in a row.
I was able to keep more than 9-time push-ups for the
two years and one hundred and fifty-fourth day in
succession including the latest three days of 24-time

Completely unlike yesterday, it is brightly sunny in
Nagoya and I feel that the humidity is not so high.
However, weather ladies say that many parts of Japan
may see the dangerous day with scorching heat.
For example, the highest temperature in Nagoya is
predicted to be 32 degrees.
And Nagoya is less likely to enter a rainy season for
the time being.....this year's rainy season in this
region might be later than usual.
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