kuringo's Blog



2017年05月27日 19時47分21秒 | 日記


chick flick :〈話〉女性向けの[を描いた]映画
sci-fi :〈話〉サイエンスフィクション(の) @サイファイ◆【語源】science fictionの略
movie marathon :ムービーマラソン、映画の長時間連続上映[鑑賞]
can't get enough of :~をいくら得ても十分ではない、~をもっと欲しい
cutlery :〈集合的に〉刃物類、〈英〉〔ナイフやフォークなどの〕(銀製)食卓食器類、カトラリー
      ◆【同】〈米〉silverware ; 〈米〉flatware
What are you into? :あなたは何に凝って[はまって・熱中して・夢中になって]いますか?
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Daily Routine

2017年05月27日 12時33分57秒 | 日記
Push-ups :22 times
Walking :0 minutes
Standing on one foot :0 minutes each
Cigarettes :0
jogging-on-the-spot :0 minutes

It has been six years and one hundred and sixty-nine days in a row since I stopped smoking.
I was able to keep more than 15-time push-ups for the one hundred and sixteenth
successeve day including the latest two days of 22-time push-ups.

After two rainy days, it's greatly sunny in Nagoya today.
Unlike the rainy days, it's really crisp and the breeze is brisk and soft.
The physical fatigue from the 4-hour walking is finally about to disappear,
but actually I still feel just a little tiredness.
Very luckily, I will be able to have three days off in a row from tomorrow.
I really hope to spend them meaningfully.
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