kuringo's Blog



2016年04月21日 15時54分26秒 | 日記


have a limited budget :予算の都合がある[が限られている]
impair one's friendship (with) :友情を損なう〔人との〕
callous :皮膚のたこ、無神経な、冷淡な、思いやりのない、人情を解さない
near-death experience :臨死体験
keep trying :頑張る
have nothing else to do but do :ただ~するしかない、~する以外に手がない、~する他にどうしようもない
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Daily Routine

2016年04月21日 12時16分30秒 | 日記
Push-ups:18 times
Walking:40+40+43=123 minutes
Standing on one foot :10 minutes each
jogging on the spot :0 minutes

I have succeeded in preventing myself from smoking for five years and 134 days in a row.
I was able to keep 18-time push-ups for the third consecutive day and
at least 14-time push-ups for the nineteenth successive day.

It has been raining a little heavily since about 45 minutes ago in Naogya.
Maybe because of the south winds and having worn a pair of raincoats
on my way to the workplace by bike, I feel it's a litte humid now.
I've noticed that the Japanese wisteria blossoms on the way
are now in full bloom with their beautiful lavender color.
I wanted to go to one of the two popular beauty spots to enjoy them
but actually my schedule will not permit me to do so this year.
FYI, one is a place in Kohnan City and the other is Ten-nou-gawa Park
in Tsushima City, which are both in westen Aich prefecture.
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