kuringo's Blog



2016年03月29日 17時42分12秒 | 日記


schizophrenic :統合失調症の(患者)【@】スキツォフレニク
dish towel :布巾◆洗浄後の食器を拭くための布やタオル
waddle :〔人や動物が体を揺らしながら〕よたよたと歩く
raven black hair :黒髪、漆黒の髪◆【同】black hair
bun :丸いパン、(小さな)ロールパン、巻き髪、まげ、〔髪の毛の〕おだんご
varicose :《varicoses》静脈怒張
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Daily Routine

2016年03月29日 12時51分23秒 | 日記
Push-ups:16 times
Walking:60 minutes
Standing on one foot :11 minutes each
jogging on the spot :0 minutes

I was able to keep no-smoking for five years and 111 days in a row.
I also was able to keep 16-time push-ups for the sixth successive day and
more than 12 times of them for the fourteenth straight day.

Actually, I feel spring warmth has come here in Nagoya but I'm afraid that
it's highly unlikely that cherry blossoms along the Yamazaki Gawa riverside
will be in full bloom on my holiday of this Thursday.
Instead, I may have one chance on Sunday but it's highly likely that
the best time of the flowers will have passed.
Anyway, that's also one of the aspects in life.
I may have made too much of the blossoms.^^;;;
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