tetujin's blog


Tsubaki-hana Garden

2017-02-09 22:48:00 | 大島笑顔100プロジェクト

Tsubaki (camellia in Japanese) is those you might know as camellia japonica and camellia sasanqua.

The Tsubaki-hana Garden is a private property with a total area of 17.5 hectors, planting camellia cultivars in a natural forest. There were many visitors coming to enjoy the camellia flowers.

Yes, it was the largeset annual event of the Camellia Festival in Oshima.
The view of the sea and the hill from the observation deck is very nice. On a sunny day, I can lie down on the lawn, and can sunbathe watching Mt. Fuji floating in the ocean.

From January to early March, the flowers of Tsubaki are brilliant. We can enjoy plentiful kinds of camellia of garden.
In addition, the milk-tasting rice crackers those sold at the entrance are delicious.

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