kuringo's Blog


Daily Routine

2020年07月12日 11時10分44秒 | 日記
Push-ups :23 times
Walking :0 minutes
Standing on one foot :10 minutes eachhe
Cigarettes :0
jogging-on-the-spot :26 minutes

Nine years and two hundred and sixteen days in a row have passed since
I kicked smoking.
I was able to keep 23-time push-ups for the twenty-sixth consecutive day
and more than 9-time push-ups for the two hundredth successive day.

Happily, it is sunny in Nagoya for the first time in a very long time.
I enjoyed sunlight while I was riding my bike on my way to the workplace
in the morning and it was actually crisp to ride it without wearing a
pair of raincoats and without fear of rainfall.
I really hope such a sunny day will continue, but this year's rainy season
has not ended yet.
Anyway, I have to remember that there is no rainy season that doesn't end.
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2020年07月12日 11時02分38秒 | 日記


run-down :荒廃した、荒れ放題の
tonic :〔人の気持ちを〕元気づける[明るくする]もの
willingness to buy :《a ~》購買意欲
all at once :一度にそろって、いっせいに、突然、出し抜けに
domestication :〔動植物の〕家畜化、栽培化、帰化
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