


2020-05-17 17:19:16 | 英語特許散策

The bridges, controllers, and devices can have loadable firmware, support patch and update and may be connected to other buses or networks. Hence, the risk of exploit by rogue software, or other attack on the device is present. Embodiments thus may provide the ability to verify integrity of at least certain code that executes on the components via an external entity.


[0149] Figure 12 illustrates an embodiment of this disclosure used to assess data objects on a mobile communication device. A mobile communication device 101 may first initiate a scan of a data object, such as in the case of a full system scan or when the data object is being executed or installed 1201. The recognition component evaluates application data for the data object (e.g., package name, hash of data object's content, unique identifier, content of data object) to determine if a definition accessible to the recognition component corresponds to the data object (block 1202). For example, as discussed above, the correspondence may include matching identifying information for the data object to data contained in a definition or matching the data object's content to sequences, patterns, or logic contained in a definition. If a definition corresponds to the data object, then the recognition component determines the corresponding assessment for the data object. In an embodiment, recognition component in block 1202 utilizes a data store of definition and assessment information. For example, as discussed above, the definitions stored on the mobile communication device may be pre-populated or populated when the mobile communication device receives (*現在形;完了形でもOK?)the definition and assessment information from server 151. In an embodiment, the definitions stored on the mobile communication device may be considered a cache, the cache functioning as described above. If the recognition component on the mobile communication device determines an assessment for the data object (block 1203), that assessment is processed to determine how to treat the data object (block 1204). For example, if the assessment indicates that the data object is malicious, then the mobile communication device may disallow the data object from being executed or prompt the device's user to uninstall the data object. If the recognition component on the mobile communication device does not determine an assessment for the data object (block 1203), then mobile communication device 101 transmits data object information such as application data (e.g., identifying information, content of the data object) to server 151 (block 1205). The server receives the data object information (block 1206), and a recognition component on server evaluates the data object information to determine if a definition accessible to the recognition component corresponds to the data object (block 1207). If a definition corresponds to the data object (block 1208), then server 151 determines an assessment for the data object and transmits it to mobile communication device (block 1209). If the recognition component does not determine a corresponding definition or assessment for the data object (block 1208), a decision component on the server analyzes the data object information (block 1210). If the decision component produces an assessment, then server 151 transmits the assessment to the mobile communication device (block 1209). If no assessment is produced by the decision component, then the server transmits an indication that the data object is unknown to the mobile communication device (block 1209). Mobile communication device 101 receives the assessment from the server (block 1211) and processes the assessment information to determine how to treat the data object (block 1204). In an embodiment, mobile communication device 101 adds information from the assessment received from server 151 to its local definition cache when it processes assessment information (block 1204). For example, the device may store information such as a disposition for the data object (e.g., "known good", "known bad", "malware", "spyware"), an identifier transmitted by server 151, and definition information generated by the device or transmitted by server 151 (e.g., hash of the data object's content, data object's package name).


TCP is the dominant traffic on the Internet and most DDoS attacks are based on TCP. Thus, the next step is to differentiate disparate TCP traffic. All TCP traffic is categorized into two groups according to the status of the connection establishment. Among all connection-established TCP traffic, embodiments of BTD attempt to identify the properties of a flow, whether it is benign or malicious, according to its behavior. A flow is defined as "benign" or "normal" if it responds to the control signal of the other endpoint of the same connection appropriately. On the contrary, "malicious" or "attack" flows are those that do not follow the TCP congestion control principle and act aggressively.


Generally, unless specified otherwise, the term 'malicious characteristics' refer either to malicious code (i.e. set of instructions for execution), malicious behavior (i.e. actions/instructions which when performed separately are not necessarily malicious but when performed together in a particular fashion indicate malicious intent) or a combination of the two.


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