


2024-07-17 16:48:20 | 英語特許散策

Preferably, the antiredeposition agent used in the laundry detergent formulation of the present invention is provided in the form of a water-soluble solution polymer, a slurry, a dried powder, granules or another solid form.

[0052] The binder material is generally configured to bind the fibers in the coalescing layer 120 .

The binder material can be an acrylic resin or an epoxy, as examples.

In some particular examples the binder material is an acrylic latex binder.

In some examples the binder material is a styrene/acrylonitrile copolymer resin. 

The binder material can be an emulsion polymer, resins, epoxies, solution polymers, styrene-acrylates, styrene-butadiene, acrylics,

vinyl acetates, acrylonitriles, urethanes, urea formaldehyde, melamine formaldehyde, acidified acrylates, polyvinyl alcohol, and combinations thereof. 

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Specification and Description

2024-07-17 12:00:33 | ChatGPT
Me: When someone files an application for a patent for their invention, they prepare documents including a request, a description, claims, and an abstract. What is the difference between the specification and the description? Is the description part of a specification? Are the specification and the description the same?

When filing a patent application, understanding the terminology and structure of the documents is crucial. Here are the distinctions and relationships between the specification and the description:


  • Definition: The specification is a comprehensive document that includes various sections necessary for a patent application.
  • Components: It typically comprises the title of the invention, a detailed description of the invention, claims, an abstract, and any drawings.
  • Purpose: The specification serves to disclose the invention in a manner that enables others skilled in the art to understand and potentially replicate it.


  • Definition: The description is a part of the specification.
  • Content: It provides a detailed and thorough explanation of the invention, including how it works, how it can be made, and how it can be used.
  • Purpose: The description ensures that the invention is fully and clearly disclosed, satisfying legal requirements for patentability.


  • Description as Part of Specification: The description is indeed a part of the specification. While the specification is the entire document, the description is a specific section within it.
  • Different from Each Other: They are not the same thing. The specification is the entire set of documents submitted, whereas the description is a subset of the specification focused on detailing the invention.

Example Breakdown

  1. Title: Name of the invention.
  2. Abstract: A brief summary of the invention.
  3. Description: Detailed explanation of the invention.
  4. Claims: Define the legal boundaries of the patent protection.
  5. Drawings: Visual aids to support the description.


The specification encompasses all parts of the patent application, including the description. The description is an essential section within the specification, providing a detailed account of the invention to meet the requirements for patentability.

Me: Clarify the difference in practice concerning the terms "specification" and "description" between the US patent office and the patent offices of EU and Japan. Specifically, do the terms "specification" and "description" mean the same thing in both the US and the other countries?

The terms "specification" and "description" can have slightly different meanings and implications depending on the patent office and jurisdiction. Here is a clarification of these terms as they are understood in the United States, the European Union, and Japan.

United States (USPTO)

  • Specification:
    • Definition: In the US, the specification refers to the entire written document submitted with the patent application. This includes the title, abstract, background, summary, detailed description, claims, and any drawings.
    • Components: The specification encompasses multiple sections:
      • Title
      • Abstract
      • Background of the invention
      • Summary of the invention
      • Detailed description of the invention
      • Claims
      • Drawings (if necessary)
    • Purpose: The specification as a whole is meant to fully disclose the invention to the public and establish the scope of the patent claims.
  • Description:
    • Definition: The description is part of the specification and refers specifically to the sections that provide a detailed explanation of the invention, including its technical aspects, how it works, and how it can be made and used.
    • Components: The description typically includes the background, summary, and detailed description sections, but does not include the claims.

European Union (EPO)

  • Specification:
    • Definition: Similar to the US, in the EU, the specification refers to the entire document submitted with the patent application, including the description, claims, abstract, and drawings.
    • Components: The specification includes:
      • Title
      • Abstract
      • Description
      • Claims
      • Drawings (if necessary)
    • Purpose: The specification serves to disclose the invention and define the scope of the patent protection.
  • Description:
    • Definition: In the EU, the description is also a part of the specification. It provides a detailed and comprehensive explanation of the invention, similar to the US practice.
    • Components: The description includes an introduction, detailed description of the invention, and may include examples and embodiments, but it excludes the claims.

Japan (JPO)

  • Specification:
    • Definition: In Japan, the specification refers to the entire document, including the description, claims, abstract, and drawings.
    • Components: The specification consists of:
      • Title
      • Abstract
      • Description
      • Claims
      • Drawings (if necessary)
    • Purpose: The specification discloses the invention in a manner that allows others skilled in the art to understand and replicate it.
  • Description:
    • Definition: The description is part of the specification and provides a detailed explanation of the invention, similar to practices in the US and EU.
    • Components: The description includes sections such as the field of the invention, background, summary, detailed description, and examples, but it does not include the claims.


  • In all three jurisdictions (US, EU, and Japan), the specification refers to the entire document submitted with the patent application.
  • The description is a part of the specification that provides a detailed explanation of the invention.
  • The terms "specification" and "description" have consistent meanings across these jurisdictions, with the specification being the whole document and the description being a part of that document focused on detailing the invention.

While the structure and terminology are consistent, there may be variations in format and specific requirements based on the guidelines of each patent office.

Me: My understanding is that in EU and Japanese patent practice, the description, the claims, the abstract, and the drawings are separate, independent documents, while in the US they are not. Is my understanding correct?

Your understanding is partially correct. While there are differences in how patent applications are structured and handled in the US, EU, and Japan, the separation of the description, claims, abstract, and drawings into independent documents is not entirely accurate for the EU and Japan. Here's a more precise explanation:

United States (USPTO)

  • Specification: In the US, the specification is a single document that includes the description, claims, abstract, and drawings. They are integrated into one cohesive document.
    • Components:
      • Title
      • Abstract
      • Background of the invention
      • Summary of the invention
      • Detailed description of the invention
      • Claims
      • Drawings (if necessary)

European Union (EPO)

  • Specification: In the EU, the specification also refers to the entire document submitted with the patent application. While the description, claims, abstract, and drawings are distinct sections, they are generally included within a single document.
    • Components:
      • Title
      • Abstract
      • Description
      • Claims
      • Drawings (if necessary)
    • Practice: Although these sections are separate within the document, they are submitted together as one cohesive application.

Japan (JPO)

  • Specification: In Japan, the specification similarly includes the description, claims, abstract, and drawings within a single document submitted as part of the patent application.
    • Components:
      • Title
      • Abstract
      • Description
      • Claims
      • Drawings (if necessary)
    • Practice: The sections are distinct but are part of a unified document submitted to the patent office.


  • United States (USPTO): The specification is a single document containing the description, claims, abstract, and drawings as integrated sections.
  • European Union (EPO): The specification is a single document with distinct sections for the description, claims, abstract, and drawings, but they are not separate, independent documents.
  • Japan (JPO): The specification is also a single document that includes distinct sections for the description, claims, abstract, and drawings, submitted together as one cohesive application.

In conclusion, while the sections are distinct within the patent applications in the EU and Japan, they are not submitted as entirely separate, independent documents. Instead, they are part of a single document that forms the complete patent application, similar to the practice in the US.

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2024-07-17 10:50:22 | 英語特許散策

US2024027045(VALEO VISION [FR])
[0005] The beam, which results from the various beam segments generated by each of the diodes, is projected by way of a projecting optical system generally comprising one or more lenses.

For example, it is possible to produce a complementary beam, which is associated with a basic beam that is entirely or at least mainly projected below a horizontal cut-off line of the type used for the low-beam function,

the complementary beam being added to the basic beam so as to complete it above the cut-off line;

advantageously, this high beam is adaptive, i.e. certain portions of the projected overall beam may be turned on or off, for example for anti-glare functions.

The acronym ADB (for Adaptive Driving Beam) is used for this type of function.
このタイプの機能のために(Adaptive  Driving  Beamに関する)頭字語ADBが使われる。

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2024-07-17 08:56:30 | 英語特許散策

US8559253(SONY CORP [JP])
[0108] The discharge switch 62 < 0 > is connected between the bit line BL< 0 > and the ground and controlled by the inverted column select signal/YSW< 0 > supplied to the gate electrode of the discharge switch 62 < 0 >. 

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