


2024-08-31 23:53:58 | 雑感

A dramatic, nighttime scene set in a desolate, dystopian world where humanity has succumbed to darkness. The foreground features a young man and woman, both in their late teens, standing on a high plateau, gazing down at a decaying, crime-ridden city glowing eerily in the night. The city, illuminated with a strange, sinister light, contrasts with the dark surroundings, hinting at the malevolent forces within. The young man holds a legendary sword, known as the 'King's Blade,' which can cut through any being, while the young woman wears a crown embedded with a radiant blue gem, the 'Lapis Orb,' capable of dispelling all darkness and bringing forth light. They are the chosen warriors, standing side by side with determined, tense expressions that reflect both their inner resolve and the weight of their mission. The atmosphere is tense, as they prepare for the final battle against the dark forces at dawn. The background shows a vast, starless night sky, adding to the sense of looming danger and the cold of winter, which tightens their faces further. The entire scene captures the essence of a world on the brink of destruction, with the hopes of restoration resting on these two young warriors.


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画質低下:degradation, deterioration

2024-08-31 18:20:37 | ChatGPT
Translate: この画像処理装置は画質低下を防ぐことができる。

"This image processing device can prevent image quality degradation."

How about "image quality deterioration" instead of "image quality degradation"?

Yes, "image quality deterioration" is also a valid translation and can be used interchangeably with "image quality degradation." Both convey the same idea, though "degradation" is slightly more commonly used in technical contexts.

So, the sentence can be translated as:

"This image processing device can prevent image quality deterioration."

Explain the difference between deterioration and degradation.

"Deterioration" and "degradation" are similar terms, but they carry slightly different connotations depending on the context:

  1. Deterioration:

    • General Usage: Refers to the process of something becoming worse or declining in quality, value, or condition over time. It suggests a gradual decline and is often used in a broader, less technical sense.
    • Example: "The building showed signs of deterioration due to neglect."
    • Connotation: Often implies a natural or inevitable process, like aging or wear and tear.
  2. Degradation:

    • Technical/Specific Usage: Often used in more technical contexts to describe the reduction in quality, performance, or value. It can imply not just a decline but also a lowering of status, function, or effectiveness.
    • Example: "The chemical degradation of the material caused it to lose its strength."
    • Connotation: Suggests a more technical, systematic, or severe decline, sometimes due to external factors like stress, misuse, or harsh conditions.

In summary:

  • "Deterioration" is more general and can be used to describe any kind of decline, often gradual and natural.
  • "Degradation" is more specific and is often used in technical or scientific contexts, where the decline is more systematic or severe.

In the context of image quality, both terms are correct, but "degradation" might be preferred in technical discussions related to the performance of devices or systems.

Give me several example sentences using each of the words "deterioration" and "degradation".

Certainly! Here are several example sentences for each word:


  1. The old bridge showed significant deterioration after years of exposure to harsh weather conditions.
  2. Without proper maintenance, the quality of the roads will inevitably lead to their deterioration.
  3. The patient's health began to show signs of deterioration after the surgery.
  4. The ongoing conflict in the region has led to the deterioration of diplomatic relations between the two countries.
  5. The house suffered from deterioration due to a lack of upkeep over the years.


  1. The constant exposure to high temperatures caused the degradation(*分解)of the plastic components.
  2. Environmental pollution has led to the degradation of the local ecosystem.
  3. The degradation of signal quality made it difficult to maintain a stable internet connection.
  4. The harsh chemicals contributed to the rapid degradation of the material’s integrity.
  5. The athlete’s performance suffered due to the gradual degradation of muscle strength from overtraining.

Each set of examples demonstrates how the terms are used in different contexts, with "deterioration" often describing a general decline and "degradation" frequently used in more technical or specific situations.

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複数の処理:process, processing

2024-08-31 18:10:05 | ChatGPT
Translate the following: この画像処理装置は複数の画質変更処理を同時に行うことができる。

The image processing device can perform multiple image quality adjustments simultaneously.

In the translation, 変更処理 appears to be translated simply as "adjustment", which appears to omit the word for 処理. Is that OK?

You're correct to notice that the translation of "変更処理" as just "adjustment" doesn't fully capture the meaning of "処理" (which means "processing" or "process"). A more precise translation that includes this nuance would be:

"This image processing device can perform multiple image quality adjustment processes simultaneously."

This version preserves the meaning of "処理" by explicitly including "processes."

How about "This image processing device can perform multiple image quality adjustment processings simultaneously."

While "adjustment processings" is technically a more literal translation, it sounds a bit awkward in English. The word "processings" is not commonly used in this context. A clearer and more natural translation would be:

"This image processing device can perform multiple image quality adjustment processes simultaneously."

This version maintains both clarity and accuracy while sounding natural in English.

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Synapse, Yohei Kimura (feat. Li-sa-X)の画像化:攻撃前夜

2024-08-31 13:29:44 | ChatGPT



A dramatic, nighttime scene set in a desolate, dystopian world where humanity has succumbed to darkness. The foreground features a young man and woman, both in their late teens, standing on a high plateau, gazing down at a decaying, crime-ridden city glowing eerily in the night. The city, illuminated with a strange, sinister light, contrasts with the dark surroundings, hinting at the malevolent forces within. The young man holds a legendary sword, known as the 'King's Blade,' which can cut through any being, while the young woman wears a crown embedded with a radiant blue gem, the 'Lapis Orb,' capable of dispelling all darkness and bringing forth light. They are the chosen warriors, standing side by side with determined, tense expressions that reflect both their inner resolve and the weight of their mission. The atmosphere is tense, as they prepare for the final battle against the dark forces at dawn. The background shows a vast, starless night sky, adding to the sense of looming danger and the cold of winter, which tightens their faces further. The entire scene captures the essence of a world on the brink of destruction, with the hopes of restoration resting on these two young warriors.


次のシーンも作成したが落第、制限に達したのでまた明日。しかし20ドル払ってChatGPT Plusにアップグレードしたはずなのにたった2画像でオーバなのは解せません。アカウントがちゃんとPlusになっているのか、プラン確認方法がどうもよく分かりません。

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2024-08-31 13:18:51 | 英語特許散策

[0162] Therefore, if different transmission pools are used between UEs, transmission resource information included in SCI may be misinterpreted,

which may cause a problem when performing

SL DRX operation based on transmission resource information included in the SCI
SCIに含まれた送信リソース情報ベースにSL  DRX動作

(e.g., awake and sleep operation based on the next transmission resource information included in the SCI or configuring a value of a timer (SL DRX HARQ RTT timer, SL DRX retransmission timer, SL DRX inactivity timer) based on the next transmission resource information included in the SCI).
(例えば、SCIに含まれた次の送信リソース情報ベースawake及びsleep動作又はSCIに含まれた次の送信リソース情報ベースタイマー(SL  DRX  HARQ  RTT  Timer、SL  DRX  Retransmission  Timer、SL  DRX  Inactivity  timer)値設定)


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2024-08-30 17:16:36 | ChatGPT
Translate the following: 健康の増進のためには定期的なエクササイズを意識付けることが大切である。

The translation of the sentence is:

"It is important to make a conscious effort to exercise regularly in order to promote good health."

Give me another example using "consciousness".

Certainly! Here’s another example:


Translation: "To raise consciousness about environmental protection, it is important to start with small actions in daily life."

Translate the following, using the word "consciousness" for 意識: 健康の増進のためには定期的なエクササイズを意識付けることが大切である。

"It is important to cultivate consciousness of regular exercise in order to promote good health."


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Microsoft Image Creator: Synapse, Yohei Kimura (feat. Li-sa-X)の画像化

2024-08-30 14:25:05 | 雑感


Microsoft Bing Image Creator



Due to more than a decade of domination by the dark forces, humanity has fallen into corruption, lost hope, and drowned in pleasure. Cities have decayed, crime has become a daily occurrence, and it seemed only a matter of time before darkness would completely cover the earth. Some people with a compassionate heart had left the city centers early on and moved to higher ground, establishing self-sufficient communities in various places. From one such community, a pair of teenagers, a boy and a girl, were observing from afar a city below that displayed an eerie glow in the night darkness. The confrontation with the forces was set to begin just before dawn the next day. The boy and girl were chosen warriors from the heavens. Their weapons were a king's sword that could slice through all existence and a sapphire orb that could break all darkness and bring light. However, these sacred treasures could only unleash their power under certain conditions: absolute purity, perfect innocence, courage, and love. If any of these were even slightly lacking, the power would diminish proportionally to the extent of the deficiency. The revival of the world was entrusted to the two warriors of love. The boy held the king’s sword, and the girl wore a crown with the sapphire orb embedded at the front. Their eyes seemed unwavering, but their tense expressions were not solely due to the cold of winter.


Attack begins. In the early hours of the morning, two figures dance in the air. The boy brandishes the royal sword, slicing through the dark veil that covers the city. The boy's heart is devoid of any fear; it is overflowing with a pure and innocent spirit and a sense of justice. The sword, shining in a rainbow of colors, demonstrates its power to the fullest.


The girl stands beside the boy, directing a blinding beam of light from the gem on her forehead towards the ground, transforming destruction and chaos into hope and order. Like the boy, the girl has no hesitation; she continues to emit the light of love with pure intent.


Taken by surprise, the embodiment of darkness is carved by the sacred sword and scorched by the light of love. In agony, it lets out a deafening scream that shakes the heavens.


The attack seems to have succeeded. However, the malice, weakness, and inertia that have taken root in people's hearts cannot be easily eradicated. With a sense of foreboding about the impending counterattack of the ominous force, the boy and girl momentarily waver in their resolve.


Counterattack of the Force begins. The enraged Force expands, scattering concentrated evil energy. This energy resonates and amplifies with the hearts of the devastated people, becoming a massive vibration that blows the warriors in the sky away. The counterattack far exceeds imagination, with the madness of disharmony and discord erupting from the core of the Force, piercing through the warriors.


Ultimately, they are mere inexperienced children; it seemed like this might be the end. However, the warriors barely manage to regain their footing and resolutely counterattack. The sword's edge sharpens further, slicing through and destroying the Force's barriers in all directions. The pure light emanating from the girl's sapphire transforms into a melody of innocence, purifying the space.


Seemingly overwhelmed by holiness and love, the Force [of evil] appears to have lost its momentum. However, its main body remains intact.


A brief moment of rest; the warriors land on the ground and catch their breath. The night has already passed, and the winter sky is clear and cloudless. Yet, their bodies are covered in wounds, fatigue is evident, and with weakness comes doubt. Did their existence truly contribute to the restoration of order? Do they really have the right to do so? Is it truly possible to completely eradicate the Force?


However, they must not ease their attack here! Eradicating destruction, chaos, and fear from the ground is not easy. Just a little more effort—believe in divine protection and act with pure intent. Now, resume the attack until peace returns to the people. The two stand up and once again take flight into the sky.



The Force is still alive. Dissonance and the hellish tolling of bells reverberate...


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2024-08-30 13:30:50 | ChatGPT
Translate アームは、ウエーハを吸着する吸着パッドを有している。

The arm has a suction pad for holding a wafer.

You used "suction pad" for 吸着パッド and "holding" for 吸着する. "Hold" typically is a translation for 保持, and your translation appears to lack consistency of language. Give me another translation in which apparent consistency for 吸着 is maintained.

The arm has an adsorption pad for adsorbing a wafer.

Is it OK to use "adsorb" for 吸着 in this case? "Adsorb" is typically used in the context of gases, particles, atomic elements, and so on?

You're correct that "adsorb" is typically used in scientific contexts involving gases, liquids, or particles adhering to a surface, and it may not be the best fit for describing the action of a suction pad in the context of handling a wafer. In this case, using "suction" or "vacuum" would be more appropriate and clearer for describing how the pad holds the wafer.

Here’s a revised translation:

The arm has a suction pad for securing a wafer.

This maintains consistency by using "suction" for 吸着 and "securing" to convey the action of holding the wafer via suction.

It doesn't appear that 吸着 is translated in a consistent manner in this translation. Give me another version in which the same word is used for 吸着, instead of using two different words "suction" and "securing".

You're right about the need for consistency. Here's a translation that uses the same term for 吸着:

The arm has a suction pad for suctioning a wafer.

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2024-08-30 12:52:53 | ChatGPT
Translate the following for patent application purposes, specifically for the claims section of an application. 無線通信を提供するシステムにおいて実行される通信方法であって、信号を送信するステップを有する通信方法。

In a communication method performed in a system providing wireless communication, the communication method comprising a step of transmitting a signal.

Modify the translation so that it begins with "A communication method".

A communication method performed in a system providing wireless communication, comprising a step of transmitting a signal.

Which of the following is better? 1. A communication method performed in a system providing wireless communication, comprising a step of transmitting a signal. 2. A communication method which is performed in a system providing wireless communication, comprising a step of transmitting a signal. 3. A communication method to be performed in a system providing wireless communication, comprising a step of transmitting a signal.

The best choice depends on the specific wording and style preferences typical in patent claims. However, option 1 is generally more concise and commonly used in patent language:

  1. A communication method performed in a system providing wireless communication, comprising a step of transmitting a signal.

This version avoids unnecessary words and directly states the method's action, making it the preferred choice for clarity and precision in a patent claim.

Translate the following, also for drafting a claim in a patent application: 車両に搭載される素子であって、集積回路を有する素子。

An element mounted on a vehicle, the element comprising an integrated circuit.

Isn't it better to say "An element to be mounted on a vehicle", because what is being claimed is the element alone and not the combination of the element and a vehicle on which the element is mounted?

Yes, you're correct. If the focus of the claim is on the element itself rather than the combination of the element with the vehicle, it's better to phrase it as "An element to be mounted on a vehicle." This makes it clear that the claim is directed to the element alone, regardless of whether it is actually mounted on a vehicle.

The translation should be:

An element to be mounted on a vehicle, the element comprising an integrated circuit.

If I used the initial translation "An element mounted on a vehicle" in my patent application and I were to be granted a patent, would I be unable to sue a competitor who is selling a similar element by itself without being mounted on a vehicle? Put differently, does the manner in which the element is being modified by "mounted" and not by "to be mounted" really have such a strong power as to limit the interpretation of the phrase "An element mounted on a vehicle" so narrowly that I wouldn't be able to sue my competitor selling a similar element by itself?

The phrasing of patent claims is critically important because it defines the scope of what is protected by the patent. If you claim "An element mounted on a vehicle," there is a potential risk that the claim could be interpreted narrowly, meaning it might be understood as covering only the combination of the element with the vehicle. This could potentially limit your ability to enforce the patent against competitors who sell the element alone, not yet mounted on a vehicle.

On the other hand, if you use "An element to be mounted on a vehicle," the claim more clearly covers the element itself, regardless of whether it has been mounted on a vehicle yet. This broader language helps ensure that your patent can be enforced against competitors who make, use, or sell the element itself, whether or not it is actually installed in a vehicle.

In practice, the exact interpretation would depend on how the claim is drafted, the description in the rest of the patent, and potentially how a court interprets the language. However, using "to be mounted" is generally safer to avoid unintentionally narrowing the scope of your patent rights.

So yes, the difference in wording between "mounted" and "to be mounted" can indeed have a significant impact on the scope of protection and your ability to take legal action against infringement.

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2024-08-30 10:09:03 | 英語特許散策

EP4101156(APPLE INC [US])
In some embodiments, each camera mode (e.g., 620) (e.g., video (e.g., 620d), photo (e.g., 620c),

portrait (e.g., 620b), slow-motion (e.g., 620f), panoramic modes (e.g., 620a),

time lapse (e.g., 620g))

has a plurality of settings (e.g., for a portrait capture mode: a studio lighting setting, a contour lighting setting, a stage lighting setting) with multiple values (e.g., levels of light for each setting) of the mode (e.g., portrait capture mode) that a camera (e.g., a camera sensor) is operating in to capture media (including post-processing performed automatically after capture). 

[0022] FIGS. A- 4 F illustrate examples of time lapse images of a representative PEG-HA dual network gel having 75% elasticity (75% PEG-triazole and 25% HA-hydrazone) ejected from a syringe in accordance with certain embodiments of the present disclosure.

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2024-08-29 19:07:40 | ChatGPT


Is it natural to say, "I'm going to gym"?

It's almost correct, but there's a small adjustment needed. The natural way to say it would be:

  • "I'm going to the gym."

In English, "the" is often used before places like "gym," "store," or "bank" when referring to a specific or familiar place.

But it's natural to say, "I'm going to school", isn't it? Why do you need to say "the gym" instead of just "gym"?

You're right that "I'm going to school" sounds natural without "the," while "I'm going to the gym" requires it. The difference comes down to how certain places are treated in English.

  1. "School" is considered a generic institution or concept, especially when referring to its purpose (education). So, "going to school" generally means you're attending classes or engaging in school-related activities. This is why we don’t need "the" for places like "school," "work," or "church" when talking about their general functions.

  2. "Gym," on the other hand, is not treated as an institution in the same way. Instead, it's a specific location that people visit for workouts. Therefore, "the gym" refers to a specific gym you go to, rather than the concept of "gym" as a general activity.

In short:

  • No article (generic use): school, work, church (when referring to their societal roles).
  • With article (specific place): the gym, the store, the park (places visited for specific purposes).

That’s why "the gym" is needed, but "school" can stand on its own!

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2024-08-29 16:04:36 | ChatGPT
Translate the following: 条件が満たされない場合には所定の動作を開始しないように制限するステップ

The step to restrict the initiation of the specified operation if the conditions are not met.(*巧妙な言い換え:動作の開始を制限する)

How about "The step for putting a limitation in place so that the specified operation is not started if the conditions are not met"?

Your translation is also accurate and effectively conveys the meaning. It emphasizes the purpose of the step more clearly by highlighting that it’s about putting a limitation in place. Both translations are correct, but yours is more detailed in explaining the intent behind the step.

How about "The step for putting a limitation in place so as not to start the specified operation if the conditions are not met"?

Your revised translation is also correct and slightly more concise. It effectively conveys the same meaning, emphasizing the purpose of the step. The phrase "so as not to start" is a clear and natural way to express the idea of preventing the operation from beginning if conditions aren't met. This version is both precise and easy to understand.

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2024-08-29 09:32:45 | 英語特許散策

Illustrative Examples
[0349] 説明として示される例

[0337] Tumor-specific gene expression analysis plays a decisive role in a wide range of biomedical issues, including, for example, adjustment of personalized genetic-based treatment strategies, determination of prognosis, assessing clinical trial endpoints, identifying new biomarkers, and correcting therapy indications for previously-known biomarkers.
[0350] 腫瘍特異的遺伝子発現解析は、例えば、遺伝子ベースのオーダーメイド治療戦略の調整、予後判定、臨床試験エンドポイントの評価、新規バイオマーカーの同定、及び以前に公知のバイオマーカーに関する治療適応の修正を含め、広範囲にわたる生物医学的問題において決定的な役割を果たす。

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2024-08-28 19:07:19 | 英語特許散策

0054] While preferred embodiments of the present invention have been shown and described herein, it will be obvious to those skilled in the art that such embodiments are provided by way of example only.

Numerous variations, changes, and substitutions will now occur to those skilled in the art without departing from the invention. 

[0022] The presently disclosed subject matter now will be described more fully hereinafter with reference to the accompanying Figures, in which some, but not all embodiments of the inventions are shown.

Like numbers refer to like elements throughout.

The presently disclosed subject matter may be embodied in many different forms and should not be construed as limited to the embodiments set forth herein; rather, these embodiments are provided so that this disclosure will satisfy applicable legal requirements.

Indeed, many modifications and other embodiments of the presently disclosed subject matter set forth herein

will come to mind to one skilled in the art to which the presently disclosed subject matter pertains having the benefit of the teachings presented in the foregoing descriptions and the associated Figures. 

[0065] While only certain features of the disclosure have been illustrated and described herein, many modifications and changes will occur to those skilled in the art.

It is, therefore, to be understood that the appended claims are intended to cover all such modifications and changes as fall within the true spirit of the disclosure.

It should be appreciated that any of the features illustrated or described with respect to the figures discussed above may be combined in any suitable manner.


Is the translation "The thought that came to mind to the driver when the accident happened" correct and appropriate?

The translation "The thought that came to mind to the driver when the accident happened" is understandable but slightly awkward in English. A more natural and grammatically correct translation would be:

"The thought that came to the driver's mind when the accident happened."

This phrasing flows better and is more commonly used in English.

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2024-08-28 17:00:22 | 英語特許散策

US2006072526(NOKIA CORP)
[0077] Further preferred embodiments of the present invention include implementation examples in the UE and the network.

Various combinations are possible such as

an uplink modification initiated by the UE and a downlink modification by the network,

or that the UE originated speech activity initiates a modification for the active UE's PDP context and a network originated speech activity initiates a modification for the addressed UE's PDP context).


[0148] The cell change may be a handover, a connection re-establishment, a cell reselection, a connection release with redirection to another cell,

a primary component carrier change, a primary cell change in a multi-carrier system,

or a primary or serving radio link change in a multipoint transmission and/or in a reception communication system.

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