


2015-07-28 21:19:19 | 米国特許散策

"One or more different inventions may be described in the present application. Further, for one or more of the inventions described herein, numerous alternative embodiments may be described; it should be understood that(理解すべき)these are presented for illustrative purposes only(例示). The described embodiments are not intended to be limiting in any sense(いかなる意味でも限定でない、非限定). One or more of the inventions may be widely applicable to numerous embodiments, as is readily apparent from the disclosure. In general, embodiments are described in sufficient detail to enable those skilled in the art to practice(当業者により実行可能) one or more of the inventions, and it is to be understood that(理解すべき)other embodiments may be utilized and that structural, logical, software, electrical and other changes may be made without departing from the scope of(範囲から外れること無く)the particular inventions. Accordingly(従って), those skilled in the art will recognize that one or more of the inventions may be practiced with various modifications and alterations. Particular features of one or more of the inventions may be described with reference to one or more particular embodiments or figures that form a part of the present disclosure, and in which are shown, by way of illustration(例示として), specific embodiments of one or more of the inventions. It should be understood, however, that such features are not limited to usage in the one or more particular embodiments or figures with reference to which they are described. The present disclosure is neither a literal description(文字通りの説明)of all embodiments of one or more of the inventions nor a listing of features of one or more of the inventions that must be present in all embodiments." (US8967326)

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in all aspects

2015-07-28 00:38:16 | 米国特許散策(図面の説明、電気)


The figures are not necessarily to scale(実寸), emphasis instead generally being placed upon illustrative principles. The figures are to be considered illustrative(例示的)in all aspects(すべての観点、態様において)and are not intended to limit the invention, the scope of which is defined only by the claims." (US8786336)

"In all aspects of the present invention, the device may further include a child-proof(いたずら防止)lock or child-proof catch type arrangement(構成、手段)in the actuation means such that some extra manipulation by a user is required before the magnets can be rotated. For example, the actuation means may comprise(から成る)a knob that must be pushed down before rotational force applied to the knob can be transferred to the magnet(s)). Other arrangements which will be readily apparent to the person of skill in the art will also be readily apparent." (US7012495)

"The present invention may, of course(もちろん), be carried out in other specific ways than those herein set forth(ここに記載した)without departing from the spirit and the essential characteristics of the invention. The present embodiments are, therefore, to be construed in all aspects as illustrative and not restrictive(例示であり限定でない), and all changes coming within the meaning and equivalency range of the appended claims are intended to be embraced therein(含まれる、包含)." (US6680029)

"The present invention has now been described in accordance with several exemplary embodiments, which are intended to be illustrative in all aspects, rather than restrictive. Thus, the present invention is capable of many variations(変形)in detailed implementation, which may be derived from the description contained herein by a person of ordinary skill in the art(当業者)." (US8468775)

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refer to/reference

2015-07-27 15:30:23 | 表現

Pain in the English.com

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2015-07-22 15:24:36 | 表現


a disturbing noise; a sound or signal giving notice of danger or calling attention to some event or condition; a device that warns or signals by means of a noise (as a bell or siren) or visual effect (as a flashing light) (Merriam-Webster)


an alarm or other signal to warn of danger (as from hostile aircraft or a violent storm);
the state of readiness of those warned by an alert (Merriam-Webster)

Alerts versus Alarms(医療現場)
Alarm: 「即座に命に関わる患者状態を伝える・・・秒単位の遅延が命を左右する」
Alert: 「即座に命に関わらないが、重大・・・アラームほどには緊急でない

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2015-07-17 07:23:42 | 表現


attachable and detachable?


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2015-07-17 05:18:11 | 表現

Honyaku E<>J Translation List




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US8954252 (Google; Background)

2015-07-15 14:00:04 | 英語特許散策(背景、自動車)


Autonomous vehicles(自律走行車)use various computing systems to aid in(補助)the transport of passengers from one location to another. Some autonomous vehicles may require an initial input or continuous input from an operator, such as a pilot, driver, or passenger. Other autonomous systems, for example autopilot systems, may be used only when the system has been engaged(起動、作動), which permits the operator to switch from a manual mode (where(詳細説明)the operator exercises(有する)a high degree of control over the movement of the vehicle) to an autonomous mode (where the vehicle essentially drives itself) to modes that lie somewhere in between.

Such vehicles are typically equipped with(装備)various types of sensors in order to detect objects in the environment(環境、周囲). For example, autonomous vehicles may include lasers, sonar, radar, cameras, and other devices which scan and record data from the vehicle's environment. Sensor data from one or more of these devices may be used to detect objects and their respective characteristics (position, shape, heading(方位、向き), speed, etc.).

A typical driver may communicate with pedestrians to express their intent in a number of different ways including make eye-contact, use hand gestures and other forms of communication. In this regard, a driver may let a pedestrian know that it is safe to cross the road. However, other than signaling devices typical to non-autonomous vehicles, such as turn signals, head lights, high beams, brake lights, reverse lights, and some audible signals (horns, reverse light beepers, etc.), autonomous vehicles lack the capability to directly communicate the vehicle's future behavior. In addition, while it may be sufficient for a driver to slow down or stop a vehicle at a cross walk in addition to making eye contact with, waving to, speaking to, or flashing lights to a pedestrian to communicate to the pedestrian that the driver will wait for the pedestrian to cross, simply stopping a vehicle without these driver-initiated signals may not be sufficiently reassuring to the pedestrian that it is indeed safe to cross.(US8954252)

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US8954252 (Google; Abstract)

2015-07-15 13:13:55 | 英語特許散策(要約書、自動車)

"Aspects(態様)of the disclosure(開示)relate generally to notifying a pedestrian of(通知)the intent of a self-driving vehicle(自動運転車両). For example, the vehicle may include sensors which detect an object such as a pedestrian attempting or about to cross the roadway in front of the vehicle. The vehicle's computer may then determine the correct way to respond to the pedestrian. For example, the computer may determine that the vehicle should stop or slow down, yield(譲る), or stop if it is safe to do so. The vehicle may then provide a notification to(通知)the pedestrian of what the vehicle is going to or is currently doing. For example, the vehicle may include a physical signaling device, an electronic sign or lights, a speaker for providing audible notifications, etc(等、など)." (US8954252)

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US6954272 (Intel; Background)

2015-07-14 19:15:18 | 電気


The manufacturing(製造)of electronic and optoelectronic integrated circuits (ICs) involves complex lithographic processes to form microscopic solid-state devices and circuits in semiconductor wafers. These lithographic processes typically include forming layers of material on the wafer, patterning the layers, doping the substrate and/or the patterned layers, and heat-treating(熱処理)(e.g., annealing) the resulting(得られた)structures. These processes are repeated to build up the IC structure. The result is a wafer containing a large number of ICs.

A "wafer sort" is then performed, wherein(追加説明)each IC chip on the wafer is electrically tested for functionality. The wafer is then separated ("diced") into the individual IC chips, which are then "packaged" individually or in groups for incorporation onto a "panel," e.g., a printed circuit board (PCB) or motherboard.

The packaged dies (or "dies" for short(略して)) must be placed in specific locations(特定の場所に)on the panel to within a given accuracy(特定の精度以内で)so that interconnections between the dies can be successfully established. To this end(このため、目的), the panel includes alignment marks or "fiducials" to assist in achieving the desired placement accuracy. The dies are placed on the panel by a die placement machine, sometimes referred to as a "chip shooter." The machine includes an optical vision system that locates and recognizes the fiducials as well as an alignment mark on the die. Information from the optical vision system relating to(関する)the position of the die relative the fiducials allows the die to be placed on the panel at a specific location.

This die placement process provides a die placement accuracy no better than(以下、でしかない)about 25 microns (3 sigma). The main factor limiting the accuracy of the die placement process is the error in the placement of fiducials on the panel. To date(これまで、現在), a placement accuracy of 25 microns (3 sigma) has been satisfactory for most die placement applications. However, for certain new packaging applications, a die placement with much greater accuracy (e.g., 2 microns, 3 sigma) is required. For example, in bump lithography, once the dies are mounted to the panel, further lithography steps are carried out. In particular, a print solder resist layer is deposited, and then plate metal (e.g., copper) traces are formed to establish the electrical connections between the dies. Without highly accurate die placement on the panel, the subsequent lithography steps cannot be successfully performed.

Accordingly, what is needed is(必要)a die placement apparatus and method that provides(単数扱い)for greater die placement accuracy." (US6954272

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US6288406 (DuPont Photomasks, Inc.; Background)

2015-07-14 18:47:06 | 英語特許散策(背景、電気)


The manufacture(製造)of electronic integrated circuits relies heavily on the use of image projection techniques to expose(露光)resist-coated wafers with light or X-rays. The patterns formed by this exposure(露光)determine the various circuit connections and configurations. In any exposure method, accuracy of the projected image is a prime consideration. This accuracy is particularly important in the manufacture of high density random access memories (RAM) in which the yield(歩留り)and ultimately the cost of the components depend heavily on meeting tight exposure placement requirements. With the increasing demand for high performance integrated circuits, the techniques to fabricate(作製)semiconductor substrates for microelectronic devices and other purposes have been undergoing continuous development(絶え間ない進歩を経て)and now include the use of scanning-electron beam lithography systems, both for producing high quality lithographic masks and for direct pattern generation.

Electron beam lithography systems use electron sources that emit electrons at all angles. The electrons are then constrained(制約、制限)by the remainder of the system into a narrowly diverging beam. Succeeding lenses then focus the beam into one or more cross-overs before the beam reaches the target. In these systems, electron beams are formed by an electron beam column that, at a minimum(少なくとも、最低限), includes an electron source at an object plane and a target at the image plane. Usually the electron beam column includes at least an electron source at the object plane, one or more lenses, one or more apertures, and the target at the image plane. Columns for electron beam lithographic mask exposure include at least an electron source at the object plane, one or more lenses, one or more apertures, one or more deflectors, a set of beam blankers (which can be driven to stop the beam reaching the target), and a target at the image or mask plane.

In direct pattern generation where the electron beam system creates a pattern directly on a chip covered with resist material, the often complicated and time consuming mask-making process is eliminated. However, one of the key economic considerations in a direct electron beam lithography system for a production environment is the throughput achieved by direct writing(直接描画)relative to a system using a series of masks. This is of particular importance, because direct writing is necessarily a serial output process. Hence, time constraints become even more critical in direct pattern generation.

As manufacturers seek ever higher writing speeds, other significant problems also appear. These problems arise often as a result of the relationship among(関係)these various parameters. For example, as the writing speed increases, the current density must be increased to maintain the same exposure on the resist. However, higher current densities lead to beam broadening due to electron-electron interactions, thereby deleteriously(悪影響、悪化)increasing the line width. Also, a shortened exposure time further requires a shortened blanking time, since the rise time(立上り時間)of the blanker is closely related to the accuracy of the exposure of each pixel, and is also a major concern in avoiding extraneous(無関係)exposure during blanking. Hence, blanking time in raster scan type electron beam devices remains one of the key factors limiting throughput.

The electron optical column delivers a variable sized(様々なサイズの)spot with constant current density, the spot current increasing as the square of(二乗に比例して)spot size. Correct resist exposure requires a certain number of coulombs per unit area. From the resist sensitivity and beam current density we can obtain the time required to expose the area covered by the spot. The time taken to expose a mask is this time multiplied by the mask area divided by the spot area.

For the purpose of understanding the description of the invention(発明の理解のため), assume the spot to be(であると想定する)square, equal to the address grid, and all the mask area to be rastered. For(に対し)a beam current density J and resist sensitivity S the exposure time per spot (pixel rate) is S/J secs. The given variable is resist sensitivity, beam current density and pixel exposure rate must be matched to achieve the correct dosage.

Over much of the operating range the MEBES machine is not making best use of the available beam current." (US6429443)

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US6429443 (Applied Materials, Inc.; Description)

2015-07-14 17:59:59 | 米国特許散策(実施例、電気)

"FIGS. 1A and 1B show schematic diagrams of an electron beam lithography system 100 in accordance with an embodiment of the invention. Throughout this disclosure, components that are well known(周知)and not necessary to the understanding of the invention(発明の理解)are omitted in the discussions(記載)and the figures in the interest of clarity(明解さのために). As shown in FIG. 1A, multiple vertical cavity surface emitting lasers (VCSELs) 112 are formed in a VCSEL array 110 for generating laser beams 102. VCSELs are semiconductor lasers that have(有する)epitaxially-grown Bragg mirrors forming a cavity. Laser beams are emitted vertically from the surface of the semiconductor substrate on which the VCSELs are fabricated(作製). VCSELs, in general, are well known; for example, see U.S. Pat. No. 5,432,809 to Grodzinski et al. and U.S. Pat. No. 5,812,571 to Peters, both of which are incorporated herein by reference in their entirety(参照による引用. VCSELs are commercially available from Mitel Semiconductor of Canada (mitelsemi.com), Emcore Corporation of Somerset, N.J. (emcore.com), and Swiss Center of Electronics and Microtechnologies ("CSEM") of Switzerland (csem.ch). Conventional VCSELs can be used in the present invention. VCSELs 112 can be arranged in a line (see FIG. 2A), a rectangular (see FIG. 2B), or a square (see FIG. 2C) array. Individual VCSELs 112 can be precisely sized(寸法、サイズ調整)and placed (e.g., to within(以内の精度)several tenths of nanometers) in the array by fabricating VCSEL array 110 using conventional semiconductor device fabrication techniques(技術、手法)or MicroElectro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) technology(技術). Accurate placement of each VCSEL 112 relative to other VCSEL 112 in the array provides for(得ることができる)electron beam writing errors that are less than 10 nm.

In FIG. 1A, photocathode 130 and demagnifying and scanning electron optics 140 ("electron optics 140") are contained in an evacuated electron beam column. In lithography system 100, the length of the column is minimized by electronically modulating VCSELs 112 using circuitry located outside the column. This is in marked contrast with(顕著な違い、大きく異なる)columns in the prior art(先行技術)that use internal deflectors and apertures for blanking. Electronic modulation of VCSELs 112 simplifies the design of the column and improves writing resolution by minimizing electron-electron interaction. Further, VCSELs 112 can be electronically modulated at a rate greater than one giga Hertz (GHz), thereby improving the throughput of lithography system 100. FIG. 3 shows a schematic diagram illustrating(示す、例示)the electronic modulation of VCSELs 112 in one embodiment of the invention. Pattern 301, the pattern to be written on the writing plane, is conventionally(通常)converted into a pixel map 303 by a rasterizer 302. Pixel map 303 contains, among other information, the location where(の場所)each pixel of pattern 301 is to be written on the writing plane. Based on information from pixel map 303, a sequencer 304 then determines the VCSELs 112 that need to be enabled at the appropriate time to obtain the desired pattern. To modulate the intensity of the photons emitted by VCSELs 112, sequencer 304 applies a DC (direct-current) voltage on each VCSEL 112 using(用いて)digital to analog converters (DAC) 305. The photon intensity can be finely modulated by applying a DC voltage level that is between the switch-ON (i.e. a voltage level which switches a VCSEL completely ON(オン)) and switch-OFF (i.e. a voltage level which switches a VCSEL completely OFF(オフ)) gate bias threshold voltages of VCSELs 112. Fine modulation of photon intensity allows pattern 301 to be written on writing plane 101 using a multiple gray level multiple pass writing technique; for example, see U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,386,221, 5,393,987, 5,533,170, and 6,037,967, all of which are incorporated herein by reference. The multiple gray level multiple pass writing technique can also be employed by varying the length of the modulation pulse applied on each VCSEL 112.

FIG. 4 shows a schematic diagram illustrating the cooling of VCSEL array 110 in one embodiment of the invention. As shown in FIG. 4, a Peltier cooling unit 410 actively cools VCSEL array 110 to prevent thermal drift. Peltier cooling units are well known. Peltier cooling unit 410 includes side surfaces 411 and 412. The temperature difference between side surfaces 411 and 412 is related to(関連)the DC current being provided to Peltier cooling unit 410. By controlling the magnitude and direction of the DC current, side surface 411 can be made cooler than side surface 412. This allows active cooling of VCSEL array 110, which contacts side surface 411. Of course(もちろん、言うまでもなく), this also results in side surface 412 being warmer than side surface 411. A thermal insulation plate 420 is thus(従って)provided to thermally isolate side surface 412 from a conventional positioning stage 430, which allows VCSEL array 110 to be adjusted for mechanical alignment. Alternatively, a heat sink 111 can be used to dissipate heat from VCSEL array 110 as shown in FIG. 1B.


Referring back to FIG. 1A, the laser beams 102 generated by VCSEL array 110 are demagnified and focused on the backside of a photocathode 130 using a demagnifying light optics 120. Photons of laser beams 102 excite electrons in photocathode 130 above the vacuum level. Excited electrons that do not lose enough energy while scattering in photocathode 130 are emitted into vacuum as electron beams 103 and conventionally accelerated towards writing plane 101. A variety of photocathodes can be used with the invention including negative electron affinity (NEA) photocathodes, cesium-tellurium (CsTe) photocathodes, and silicon-cesium oxide nanoclusters. NEA photocathodes are commercially available from Intevac, Inc. of Santa Clara, Calif. and are described in U.S. Pat. No. 5,684,360 to Baum et al., incorporated herein by reference in its entirety. CsTe photocathodes require a VCSEL 112 with a relatively short wavelength (e.g., about 300 nm) while NEA photocathodes require a VCSEL 112 with a relatively long wavelength (e.g., about 700 nm). Electron beams 103 that are emitted from photocathode 130 are demagnified and scanned(スキャン)across writing plane 101 using a demagnifying and scanning electron optics 140.

FIG. 1B schematically shows further details of lithography system 100. Demagnifying light optics 120 (FIG. 1A) is shown in FIG. 1B as including(含むものとして図示)an optical field lens 121 and an optical demagnifying lens 122. Optical field lens 121 focuses the divergent laser beams from VCSEL array 110 onto the optical demagnifying lens 122, which in turn demagnifies the laser beams for striking(照射)the photosensitive backside of photocathode 130.

In FIG. 1B, demagnifying and scanning electron optics 140 (FIG. 1A) is shown as including an electron field lens 141, a beam limiting aperture 142, a demagnifying electron lens 143, and an objective lens 144. As is known in the art, an electron optics includes magnetic (e.g., coils, pole pieces, yokes) and electrostatic components for influencing an electron beam. Divergent electron beams that are emitted from photocathode 130 are focused onto a beam limiting aperture 142. Electron beams passing through(通過)beam limiting aperture 142 are demagnified by demagnifying electron lens 143 before being focused onto writing plane 101 using objective lens 144. The present invention can also be implemented using the light and electron optics/lenses disclosed in commonly-assigned U.S. Patent Application, "Compact Photoemission Source, Field And Objective Lens Arrangement For High Throughput Electron Beam Lithography," Ser. No. 09/272,086, filed on Mar. 18, 1999, incorporated herein by reference in its entirety.

While the invention is described using specific examples, the invention is not so limited(実施例に限定されない)and may be practiced using alternative techniques which are readily apparent to one of ordinary skill in the art reading this disclosure(本開示を読めば). The scope of the present invention is set forth in the following claims.

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US6429443(Applied Materials, Inc; Background)

2015-07-14 17:40:34 | 英語特許散策(背景、電気)

"Lithography systems are used for creating patterns, such as features(形状、特徴) of an electronic circuit, on a semiconductor substrate. In one type of suggested electron beam lithography system, a light beam from a light source is demagnified(縮小)and focused on a photocathode, which then converts the light beam into an electron beam (see, for example, U.S. Pat. No. 4,820,927 to Langner et al.). By modulating the light source and by scanning(スキャン)the electron beam using an electron optics(単数), a desired pattern can be written(描画)on a mask blank (for later photolithography) or directly on a semiconductor substrate (direct-write lithography). In this disclosure, the term "writing plane" includes semiconductor substrates, lithography mask blanks, and like(同様の)workpieces.

A multiple beam electron beam lithography system ("multi-beam system") works(動作)similarly as described above except that multiple(複数の)light sources are employed (see, for example, U.S. Pat. No. 5,039,862 to Smith et al. and U.S. Pat. No. 5,684,360 to Baum et al.). The light sources are typically arranged in an array(アレイ状に)and individually modulated to create the pattern. The placement(配置)of the light sources relative to one another in the array is critical in a multi-beam system because a light source placement error directly translates to(反映される、つながる)an electron beam writing error. In the fabrication(作製)of 0.1 micrometer devices, for example, electron beam writing errors less than 10 nm are required. Further, the rate at which the light sources are modulated to create the pattern affects the throughput of the multi-beam system. It is desirable to increase the modulation rate of the light sources to achieve a corresponding increase in the number of writing planes that can be processed.

The photocathode and electron optics of a multi-beam system are typically contained in an evacuated(減圧、排気、真空)electron beam column. It is desirable to(*望まれ、必要)shorten the length of the column to reduce interaction between electrons ("electron-electron interaction") in an electron beam. Electron-electron interaction blurs the electron beam, thereby degrading(悪化、低下)the resolution of the pattern written on the writing plane. It is also desirable to shorten the length of the column to simplify its design.(US6429443)

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US9070363 (Facebook, Inc; Claims)

2015-07-10 10:18:12 | 英語特許散策(クレーム、通信)

What is claimed is:

1. A method of translating speech(発話) from a first language to a second language, the method comprising: recognizing speech by a speaker; identifying the speech by the speaker as being in the first language; initiating(開始) a translation of the speech in the first language, by a speech translation system, into the second language; recognizing, by the speech translation system, one or more prosodic(韻律的) cues in the speech in the first language, one or more of the prosodic cues("the one or more of prosodic cues"でも同じ?) being of a specific type of prosodic cue; responsive to(に応じて) recognizing the prosodic cues, producing a back-channel cue corresponding to the specific type of prosodic cue; providing, by the speech translation system, the produced back-channel cue to the speaker, the back-channel cue comprising(から成る、構成される) an audible confirmation that initiation of the translation of the speech in the first language has occurred; and determining a translation result in the second language.

2. The method of claim 1, wherein the produced back-channel cue further confirms("comprising the ...cue further confirming ..."でもOK?) that the translation of speech in the first language is currently working(動作中、進行中) and uninterrupted.

3. The method of claim 1, wherein the recognized one or more prosodic cues comprises(単数) a pause in the speech by the speaker, the produced back-channel cue confirming that the translation of speech is in progress.

4. The method of claim 3, wherein the recognizing by the speech translation system of the one or more prosodic cues comprising a pause in the speech by the speaker adjusts sensitivity for detection of a break point beginning the pause dependent on(依存して) a speech setting for the speech by the speaker.

5. The method of claim 4, wherein the speech setting is adjustable based on input provided by the speaker.

6. The method of claim 1, wherein the one or more prosodic cuesare selected from the group consisting of pauses, pitch contours, or intensity changes(選択肢のor).

(追記2016/1/23 これは単なる誤記かも?one of A, B, or Cならまだしも、the group consisting of A, B, or Cはないんじゃないだろうか?)

7. The method of claim 1, wherein the prosodic cues are selected from the group consisting of pauses and pitch contours(選択肢のand).

8. A speech translation system, comprising: a processor; a speech recognition module that identifies sound comprising speech spoken in a first language by a speaker; a prosodic module that recognizes prosodic cues in the speech in the first language, one or more of the prosodic cues being of a specific type of prosodic cue; a speech synthesis module that produces, responsive to recognizing the prosodic cues, a back-channel cue corresponding to the specific type of prosodic cue and provides the produced back-channel cue to the speaker, the back-channel cue comprising an audible confirmation that initiation of the translation of the speech in the first language has occurred; and a translation module that translates and outputs(複数動詞の並列), in a second language, the speech spoken in the first language by the speaker.
(日本人なら、原稿が「第1の言語での発話を翻訳し第2の言語で出力するモジュール」の場合、"module that translates the speech spoken in the first language and outputs the speech in a second language"とすると思う),

9. A computer program product comprising a non-transitory computer readable storage medium(非一時的コンピュータ読取可能媒体) having instructions encoded thereon(符号化された命令を有し) that, when executed by a processor, cause the processor to(プロセッサにより実行): recognize speech by a speaker; identify the speech by the speaker as being in the first language; initiate a translation of the speech in the first language, by a speech translation system, into the second language; recognize, by the speech translation system, one or more prosodic cues in the speech in the first language, one or more of the prosodic cues being of a specific type of prosodic cue; responsive to recognizing the prosodic cues, produce a back-channel cue corresponding to the specific type of prosodic cue; provide, by the speech translation system, the produced back-channel cue to the speaker, the back-channel cue comprising an audible confirmation that initiation of the translation of the speech in the first language has occurred; and determine a translation result in the second language.

12. The computer program product of claim 11, wherein the recognizing(動名詞) by the speech translation system of the one or more prosodic cues comprising a pause in the speech by the speaker adjusts sensitivity for detection of a break point beginning the pause dependent on a speech setting for the speech by the speaker.

19. The method of claim 14, wherein the one or more prosodic cues are selected from the group consisting of pauses, pitch contours, or and intensity changes.

20. The method of claim 17, wherein the prosodic cues are selected from the group consisting of pauses and pitch contours.

21. A computer program product(コンピュータプログラムプロダクト) comprising a non-transitory computer readable storage medium having instructions encoded thereon that, when executed by a processor, cause the processor to: recognizing(recognizeの誤記) speech by a speaker; identifying the speech by the speaker as being in a first language; initiating a translation of the speech in the first language, by a speech translation system, into a second language; recognizing, by the speech translation system, one or more prosodic cues in the speech in the first language, one or more of the prosodic cues being of a specific type of prosodic cue; responsive to recognizing the prosodic cues, producing a back-channel cue corresponding to the specific type of prosodic cues; providing, responsive to recognizing a back-channel cue to the speaker, the back-channel cue comprising an audible confirmation that the speech translation system is ready to receive additional speech for translation; determining a translation result in the second language. (US9070363)

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US9070363 (Facebook, Inc; Abstract)

2015-07-10 10:13:13 | 英語特許散策(要約書、通信)

A field maintainable(現場でメンテナンス、維持、保守可能) class-based translation system and apparatus with components that ease use by linguistically untrained users is disclosed(動詞単数). The apparatus includes modules for recovering errors, extending and customizing language coverage and increasing the speed of effective communication. (US9070363)

  • X
  • Facebookでシェアする
  • はてなブックマークに追加する
  • LINEでシェアする


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