


2019-12-30 16:34:56 | 雑感




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2019-12-30 16:24:02 | 英語特許散策
"1. A monopolar aqueous battery system, characterised by the combination of:

(a) a plurality of cells electrically connected at least in part'in series and connected hydraulically at least in part in parallel;

(b) means defining a hydraulic pathway for an electrolyte common to at least two of said cells,
wherein an electrical electrolytic conductive bypass path is formed through shared electrolyte around said cells,
whereby undesirable shunt currents can arise in said shared electrolyte; and

(c) means defining a REDOX reaction wherein water is electrically consumed and replaced,
including means for applying a protective current through at least a part of said conductive bypass path through said shared electrolyte in a direction which is the same as the shunt currents through said shared electrolyte and of a magnitude which effectively at least reduces said shunt currents. 

FIG. 6 shows a current sensing device in accordance with a still further embodiment of the present invention. The current sensing device is formed on a substrate 200 and incorporates three piezoelectric elements 102. Different numbers of piezoelectric elements may be used. The conductor 106 carries the reference current to all the piezoelectric elements. In this embodiment, the reference current is applied to connectors 602 and 604.
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2019-12-27 19:21:33 | 英語特許散策

"Drawing FIGS 8. 6 through 10 illustrate a preferred implementation of a radio frequency identification tag system in the form of livestock management system 200.

Referring particularly to FIG. 6, livestock management system 200 includes a corral 202 for holding a plurality of livestock, one of which is shown as a livestock 204.

Corral 202 further includes a sensing chute 206 adapted from a first fence member 208 spaced apart from and substantially parallel to a second fence member 210.

Positioned adjacent sensing chute 206 is an exciter/reader 212 performing a combined excitation and read function.

In a preferred embodiment, secured into a vertical portion first fence member 208 is an exciter antenna element 214 and a reader antenna element 216 each of which are coupled to exciter/reader 212.

Each of exciter antenna element 214 and reader antenna element 216 are made from a suitable conductive material, such as copper.

Further, exciter antenna element 214 is made with a substantially larger surface area than reader antenna element 216.

Exciter/reader 212 is further suitably coupled to earth ground 254.

It will be appreciated that in alternate, and equally preferred embodiments, either or both of fence member 208 and fence member 210 may be equipped with an exciter antenna element and/or a reader antenna element, Moreover, than one exciter/reader 212 may be used."

"Example 5: One-month Pre-clinical Assessment in Farm Swine
A total of 24 stents were implanted in 12 farm swine pigs(*12頭の家畜ブタ)for 1 month.

Two doses were assessed: 0.30 013 pg batimastat per mm2 of stent surface area, was obtained using a dip loading process prior to implantation; the higher dose of 1.09 0.06 pg batimastat per mm2 of stent, was obtained using an additional loading process. The higher dose was set at the maximum quantity that could be loaded onto the stent. Analysis of the Quantitative Coronary Angiogram (QCA) and histomorphometric results show that there was a significant difference between the intimal area for the low dose of batimastat compared to the control (2.5 vs 4.0). Histological examination confirmed that all the vessels were patent, without the presence of thrombus in the vessel lumen. All sections showed stent struts to be compeletely covered, leading to a smooth endoluminal surface. There was no excessive inflammatory response at stent struts in BiodivYsio Batimastat treated sections compared to the control sections. Medial and adventitial layers appeared similar in all three groups. The perivascular nerve fibers, the adipose tissue and adjacent myocardium appeared normal in control and BiodivYsio Batimastat treated sections. Therefore this study demonstrated that the BiodivYsio Batimastat stent with low and high dose was well tolerated up to 28 days, low dose demonstrating some anti-restenotic potential."

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2019-12-27 15:43:35 | 英語特許散策

"[0038] FIG. 1 shows a TC sensor 1 as known in the art. The TC sensor 1 has a temperature sensor 2 in the shape of a thermistor and a buffer amplifier 3 for pCO2 electrode voltage amplification and pO2 electrode current to voltage conversion. The TC sensor 1 further comprises a pO2 measuring electrode 4 in the shape of a Pt cathode, an Ag/AgCl reference electrode 5, a pCO2 electrode 6 comprising a pH glass electrode and a heating element 7 for heating the TC sensor 1 to make the skin permeable for CO2 and especially for O2 The pO2 electrode 4, the reference electrode 5 and the pCO2 electrode 6 all open into a measuring surface 8 of the TC sensor 1. A membrane system 9 covers the measuring surface 8, an electrolyte solution (not shown) being embedded between the membrane system 9 and the measuring surface 8 to secure transfer of the O2 and CO2 diffused through the membrane system 9 to the measuring surface 8. The TC sensor 1 is to be mounted on a patients' skin by means of an adhesive 11 ring, a contact fluid 10 being placed between the skin and the measuring surface 8. The TC sensor 1 is via a cable 12 connected to a monitor (not shown) controlling the functioning of and processing data from the sensor. The TC sensor 1 has an outer diameter of around 15 mm."

[0036] 図1は、本分野で既知の経皮センサ1を示す。経皮センサ1は、サーミスタの形状の温度センサ2、並びにpCO 2 電極電圧の増幅及びpO 2 電極電流の電圧への変換のための緩衝増幅器3を有する。経皮センサ1は、Pt陰極の形状のpO 2 測定電極4、Ag/AgCl参照電極5、pHガラス電極を含むpCO 2 電極6、及び皮膚をCO 2 に及び特にO 2 に浸透性するために経皮センサ1を加熱するための加熱素子7を更に含む。pO 2 電極4、参照電極5、及びpCO 2 電極6は、全て経皮センサ1の測定表面8に開放している。膜系9が測定表面8を覆い、電解質溶液(図示せず)は膜系9と測定表面8との間に埋め込まれて、膜系9を通って測定表面8へ拡散するO 2 及びCO 2 の移動を保証する。経皮センサ1は、接着性の11の環の手段により患者の皮膚に取り付けられ、接合液10は、皮膚と測定表面8との間に位置される。経皮センサ1は、センサからのデータの関数化及び処理を制御するモニター(図示せず)に接続されるケーブル12を介する。経皮センサ1は約15mmの外径を有する。

"[0058] FIG. 5 further represents a flowchart of the method of interpolating as it is conducted and operated by the digital interpolator 10. In a first step 100 an input signal is differentiated. In a consecutive second step 102, the differentiated signal or derivated signal 54 is interpolated to form an interpolator stage output signal 56. In a further step 104, the interpolated and differentiated signal 56 is integrated by means of the integrator 40 to form the output signal 52 at a second clock frequency f2, which is larger than the clock frequency f1 on which the input signal 50 is initially provided."

[0054] 更に図5は、デジタル補間器10によって実行及び操作される補間方法のフローチャートを示す。第1のステップ100では、入力信号が微分される。連続する第2のステップ102では、微分された信号又は導関数化された信号54を補間して、補間器ステージの出力信号56を形成する。更なるステップ104では、積分器40を用いて補間済みの微分された信号56を積分し、最初に入力信号50が提供される第1のクロック周波数f1より大きい第2のクロック周波数f2の出力信号52を形成する。

"[00197] In an example, the above simplified equation may be viewed as a sum of the CSPE for a "forward-spinning" or "positive-frequency" complex sinusoid and a "backward-spinning" or "negative-frequency" complex sinusoid, plus interaction terms. The first and the last terms in the sum may be the same as previously discussed CSPE calculations, but instead of a single complex sinusoid, there may be a linear combination of two complex sinusoids. Further, the contributions to the CSPE from these two terms may represent highly-concentrated peaks positioned at q+δ and - (q+δ), respectively. The interaction terms may have some properties that may decrease the accuracy of the algorithm if not handled properly. As will be shown below, the bias introduced by the interaction terms may be minimized by windowing the data. Additionally, the interaction terms, Γ s may be simplified as follows:"

[0133] 一例において、上記の簡約式は、「前方スピニング」又は「正周波数」複素正弦波及び「後方スピニング」又は「負周波数」複素正弦波に対するCSPEの総和と相互作用項とみなすことができる。総和における第1項と最後の項は、前述されたCSPE計算と同じとすることができるが、単一複素正弦波の代わりに、2つの複素正弦波の線形結合が存在することができる。更に、これらの2つの項からのCSPEへの寄与は、q+δ及び−(q+δ)それぞれにて位置付けられた高度に集中したピークを表すことができる。相互作用項は、適切に処理されない場合にはアルゴリズムの精度を低下させる可能性がある幾つかの特性を有することができる。以下に示すように、相互作用項によって導入されるバイアスは、データを窓関数化することによって最小にすることができる。更に、相互作用項Γは、次式のように簡約することができる。

"[0253] Unilateral US stimulation of motor cortex triggered EMG activity in the contralateral triceps brachii muscle (n=17 mice) with a mean response with latency of 20.88±1.46 msec and was consistent across trials. FIG. 19A shows EMG response latency of left triceps brachii in response to right M1 activation is plotted as a function of repetitive trial number (left) for a 10 sec ITI. Individual US-evoked raw EMG traces are shown for different trials (right). Bilateral stimulation of motor cortex to trigger tail movements was similarly consistent and elicited EMG activity in the lumbosacrocaudalis dorsalis lateralis muscle (n=26 mice) with a response latency of 22.65±1.70 msec. These response latencies are consistent with the observations of others using optogenetic and electrical methods to stimulate motor cortex. The repeatability of motor activation functioned as the inter-trial interval (ITI) between US-stimulus events decreased was studied next. An ANOVA revealed the EMG failure probability significantly (F 3, 92=120.40; P<0.001) increased as the ITI was reduced. "

[0214] 運動野の片側US刺激は、20.88±1.46ミリ秒の潜時の平均応答で、反対側の上腕三頭筋(n=17匹のマウス)におけるEMGの活動を引き起こし、それは試行を通して一貫していた。図19Aは、10秒間のITIで繰り返した試行数(左)の関数としてプロットした、右M1活性化に応じた左上腕三頭筋のEMG応答の潜時を示す。個々のUSによって誘発された生EMGトレースを、異なる試行毎に示す(右)。尾の運動を引き起こすための運動野の両側刺激は同様に一貫しており、外背側仙尾筋(lumbosacrocaudalis dorsalis lateralis muscle)(n=26匹のマウス)におけるEMG活動を22.65±1.70ミリ秒の応答潜時で誘発した。これらの応答潜時は、光遺伝学的(optogenetic)方法および電気的方法を使用して運動野を刺激する他の観察と一致する。次に、US刺激事象間の試行間間隔(ITI)の短縮に伴って関数化した運動活性化の反復率を調べた。ANOVAは、ITIが短縮するにつれてEMGの失敗確率が有意に増加したことを明らかにした(F3,92=120.40、P<0.001)。

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2019-12-27 15:27:20 | 英語特許散策

"7. The method of claim 6, wherein (f) comprises embedding the equivalent binary representation of the polynomial of the degree of at most two on the bounded integer domain to a layout of the quantum computing system of superconducting qubits comprising local fields on each of the plurality of the superconducting qubits and couplings in a plurality of pairs of the plurality of the superconducting qubits."

7. (f)は、有界整数領域上の最大でも2次の多項式の等しい2進表現を、複数の超電導キュービットの各々における局所場および複数の超電導キュービットの複数対の結合を含む超電導キュービットのシステムのレイアウトに埋め込む工程を含む、請求項6に記載の方法。

26. The system according to claim 18, wherein said plurality of polynomial equations include at least a cubic type polynomial equation.

7. 前記複数の多項式は、少なくとも3次の多項式を含む請求項1に記載のシステム。

"6. The method of claim 5, wherein the polynomial function is a third-order polynomial function."

6. 前記多項式関数が3次の多項式関数であることを特徴とする請求項5の方法。

"6. The method according to claim 5, wherein the assignment function is a polynomial of the 3<rd > degree."

5. 前記割り当て関数が、少なくとも1次の多項式、特に、3次の多項式である、請求項1から4のいずれか一項に記載の方法。

"18. The method of claim 17, further comprising:
a) Calculation of modelled integration times by approximating the integration times used to the zoom positions by a model, preferably a polynomial of the fourth degree;
b) Determining quotients from modelled and used integration times;
c) Multiplying the calibration images by the quotients determined."

8. 使用される積分時間をモデルによって、好ましくは4次の多項式によって近似することによって、モデル化された積分時間を算出するステップと、

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2019-12-26 09:49:37 | 英語特許散策

"In an embodiment, the patch structure 106 may be attached to the interposer 100 through mid level interconnects (MLI) BGA connections 104 to form a patch on interposer structure 1 13 (FIG. 1 c). The attachment of the patch structure 106 to the MLI 104 of the interposer 100 may be performed by a thermal compressive bonding (TCB) process 1 12. In some embodiments, the TCB process 1 12 may comprise at least one of a miniball (reduced diameter solder ball) or a surface mount technology (SMT) attachment process, such as by utilizing a LGA-like pad with solder paste on the interposer."

[0009] 一実施形態では、パッチ構造106が、中間レベル相互接続(MLI)のBGA(ボール・グリッド・アレイ)接続構造104によりインターポーザ100に取り付けられることにより、インターポーザ構造113上にパッチを形成すると良い(図1c)。インターポーザ100のMLI接続構造104へのパッチ構造106の取り付けは、熱圧着接合(TCB)プロセス112によって行うことが可能である。いくつかの実施形態では、TCB(熱圧着接合)プロセス112は、ミニボール(小径はんだボール)又は例えばインターポーザ上へはんだペーストによりLGA(ランド・グリッド・アレイ)状のパッドを用いる等の表面実装技術(SMT)の少なくとも1つの取り付けプロセスを有することが可能である。

"[0025] Once a light source has been calibrated on one machine of a given type, that is the RI(m) values are calculated for the machine M having a specific zoom lens and camera, light levels for magnifications m other than those for which the light source has been calibrated can be determined by interpolation. Fig. 4 is a plot of the light intensities LInM(m) for three illumination light sources I1, I2, and 13, namely, a backlight, a co-axial light (SO), and a ringlight, required to achieve sixty percent of saturation at various zoom lens magnifications squared. The light intensity values LRM(m) associated with the calibration file for the zoom lens for the machine M are also plotted as the series labeled "Reticle Light." Note that over most of the magnification range, the light intensity value varies approximately as the square of the magnification. It is thus advantageous to do the interpolation in m<2>rather than in m directly. The interpolation can either be calculated based on a linear change in intensity L(m) vs m<2>for each magnification as needed or a lookup table with enough entries in m to achieve sufficient accuracy could be prepared beforehand and used to determine the light level required for a given magnification."


[0057] The cathode is prepared from a material C-AMXO4 having a water content of less than 1000 ppm, used directly after its synthesis or stored in a controlled atmosphere and/or treated in a controlled atmosphere. If it is necessary to mill the particles of C-AMXO4 before incorporating them in the cathode composite material, it is advisable to carry out the milling under a controlled atmosphere. A milling technique which is particularly useful is jet milling.


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2019-12-25 19:17:45 | 英語特許散策

"[0306] Human PDE4A3 coding sequence (amino acids 2 to 825 from the sequence with accession number NP—001104779) was cloned into the baculovirus expression vector pFastBac (Invitrogen) engineered to include an N-terminal His6 affinity tag and a c-terminal FLAG affinity tag to aid in purification. The recombinant Bacmid was isolated and used to transfect insect cells to generate a viral stock. To generate cell paste for purification, insect cells were infected with the virus stock and cells were harvested 72 hours after infection. Insect cell paste was lysed and after centrifugation, the supernatant was batch bound to Ni-NTA agarose (GE Healthcare) and eluted with 250 mM imidazole. This eluate was diluted with FLAG buffer (50 mM Tris HCL pH 7.5, 100 mM NaCl, 5% Glycerol, 1 mM TCEP with protease inhibitors) and batch bound to ant-FLAG M2 agarose (Sigma) overnight at 4° C. The agarose was packed into a column, washed with buffer and eluted with buffer containing elute using 250 ug/ml Flag-peptide. Fractions were analyzed using SDS-PAGE Coomassie blue staining and pooled based on purity. Pooled fractions were chromatographed on a S200 120 ml column (GE Healthcare) in 50 mM Tris HCL pH 7.5, 150 mM NaCl, 10% Glycerol, 2 mM TCEP with protease inhibitors. PDE4A3 fractions were analyzed by SDS-PAGE Coomassie blue staining, pooled based on purity, dialyzed against 50 mM Tris HCL pH 7.5, 100 mM NaCl, 20% Glycerol, 2 mM TCEP, frozen and stored at −80° C."

[0263] 生物学的アッセイ
ヒトPDE4A3コード配列(受託番号NP_001104779を持つ配列からの配列2から825)を、精製を補助するためのN末端His6親和性タグおよびc末端FLAG親和性タグを包含するように操作されたバキュロウイルス発現ベクターpFastBac(Invitrogen)にクローン化した。組換えバクミドを単離し、昆虫細胞をトランスフェクトしてウイルスストックを生成するために使用した。精製用の細胞ペーストを生成するために、昆虫細胞をウイルスストックに感染させ、感染72時間後に細胞を採取した。昆虫細胞ペーストを溶解し、遠心分離後、上清をNi−NTAアガロース(GE Healthcare)とバッチ結合(batch bound)させ、250mMのイミダゾールで溶離した。この溶離物をFLAG緩衝液(50mMのトリスHCL pH7.5、100mMのNaCl、5%グリセロール、1mMのTCEPにプロテアーゼ阻害剤を加えたもの)で希釈し、抗FLAG M2アガロース(Sigma)と4°Cで終夜バッチ結合させた。アガロースをカラムに詰め、緩衝液で洗浄し、溶離物(elute)を含有する緩衝液で、250ug/mlのFlagペプチドを使用して溶離した。SDS−PAGEクマシーブルー染色を使用して画分を分析し、純度に基づいてプールした。プールした画分を、50mMのトリスHCL pH7.5、150mMのNaCl、10%グリセロール、2mMのTCEPにプロテアーゼ阻害剤を加えたもの中、S200 120mlカラム(GE Healthcare)でクロマトグラフした。PDE4A3画分を、SDS−PAGEクマシーブルー染色によって分析し、純度に基づいてプールし、50mMのトリスHCL pH7.5、100mMのNaCl、20%グリセロール、2mMのTCEPに対して透析し、凍結させ、−80°Cで貯蔵した。

"[1488] In another embodiment of the invention, the composition can be in paste form. Examples of embodiments in a paste form include but are not limited to those described in U.S. Pat. Nos. 6,787,342 and 7,001,889 (each of which are incorporated herein by reference). In addition to the isoxazoline compound of the invention, the paste can also contain fumed silica; a viscosity modifier; a carrier; optionally, an absorbent; and optionally, a colorant, stabilizer, surfactant, or preservative.

[1489] The process for preparing a paste formulation comprises the steps of:

(a) dissolving or dispersing the isoxazoline compound into the carrier by mixing;
(b) adding the fumed silica to the carrier containing the dissolved isoxazoline compound and mixing until the silica is dispersed in the carrier;
(c) allowing the intermediate formed in (b) to settle for a time sufficient in order to allow the air entrapped during step (b) to escape; and
(d) adding the viscosity modifier to the intermediate with mixing to produce a uniform paste."

[0157] 本発明の別の実施態様において、組成物がペースト形態であってもよい。ペースト形態の実施態様の例として、米国特許第6,787,342 号及び同第7,001,889 号(これらの夫々が参考として本明細書に含まれる)に記載されたものが挙げられるが、これらに限定されない。本発明のイソオキサゾリン化合物に加えて、ペーストがまたヒュームドシリカ、粘度改質剤、担体、必要により、吸収剤、そして必要により、着色剤、安定剤、表面活性剤、又は防腐剤を含み得る。
(a) イソオキサゾリン化合物を混合により担体に溶解又は分散する工程、
(b) ヒュームドシリカを溶解されたイソオキサゾリン化合物を含む担体に添加し、シリカが担体中に分散されるまで混合する工程、
(c) 工程(b) 中に閉じ込められた空気を逃がすために(b) で生成された中間体を充分な時間にわたって沈降させる工程、及び
(d) 粘度改質剤を混合により中間体に添加して一様なペーストを生成する工程を含む。
先の工程は例示であるが、限定ではない。例えば、工程 (a)が最後の工程であってもよい。

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2019-12-25 17:54:43 | 英語特許散策

"[0062] The formulations containing the EPDM with the controlled LCB (EPDM Compositions E, F, and G) exhibited similar densities compared to the EPDM Comparative Compositions C and D. The formulations containing the EPDM with the controlled LCB and the magnesium hydroxide (EPDM Compositions E and G) exhibited comparable ablative properties compared to the EPDM Comparative Compositions C and D. The EPDM Compositions E-G also included fewer ingredients than EPDM Comparative Compositions C and D. Without being bound by any theory, it is believed that the magnesium hydroxide in the precursor compositions provides a reduced density without negatively affecting the ablative properties compared to a similar formulation including zinc oxide (EPDM Composition F) as the filler. However, the formulation including zinc oxide (EPDM Composition F) exhibited slightly improved mechanical properties compared to the formulations including the magnesium hydroxide (EPDM Compositions E and G). Therefore, each of EPDM Compositions E, F, and G exhibited desirable properties depending on the intended application of the insulation to be formed from the precursor compositions."

[0052] 制御されたLCBを有するEPDMを含む配合物(EPDM組成物E、F、及びG)は、EPDM比較組成物C及びDと比べて同等の密度を示した。制御されたLCBを有するEPDM及び水酸化マグネシウムを含む配合物(EPDM組成物E及びG)は、EPDM比較組成物C及びDと比べて同程度のアブレーション特性を示した。EPDM組成物E〜Gはまた、EPDM比較組成物C及びDよりも少ない成分を含んでいた。いかなる理論にも縛られないが、前駆体組成物中の水酸化マグネシウムによって、充填剤として酸化亜鉛を含む同様の配合物(EPDM組成物F)と比べてアブレーション特性に悪影響を与えることなく減少した密度が与えられると考えられる。しかしながら、酸化亜鉛を含む配合物(EPDM組成物F)は、水酸化マグネシウムを含む配合物(EPDM組成物E及びG)と比べて僅かに向上した機械特性を示した。したがって、EPDM組成物E、F、及びGのそれぞれは、前駆体組成物から形成する断熱材の所期の用途に応じて望ましい特性を示した。

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2019-12-25 17:48:54 | 英語特許散策

"The particulate filler materials (a) and (b) may include inorganic fillers which can be naturally-occurring or synthetic. Such materials include, but are not limited to, silica, titanium dioxide, iron oxides, silicon nitrides, glasses such as calcium, lead, lithium, cerium, tin, zirconium, strontium, barium, and aluminum-based glasses, borosilicate glasses, strontium borosilicate, barium silicate, lithium silicate, lithium alumina silicate, kaolin, quartz, talc, and mixtures thereof. The glasses may or may not have fluoride-releasing properties. The benefits of using fluoride-releasing glasses are well known. Such materials are capable of releasing fluoride into the oral cavity over the long term. Fluoride generally provides added protection against acid attack that can cause tooth decay. Mixtures of the above-described filler materials also can be used in the composition if desired. Organic particles such as polycarbonates and polyepoxides also can be used as the filler materials."

[0039] 微粒子充填材(a)及び微粒子充填材(b)は、天然品又は合成品であり得る無機充填剤を含み得る。かかる材料としては、限定するものではないが、シリカ、二酸化チタン、酸化鉄、窒化ケイ素、ガラス、例えば、カルシウム系ガラス、鉛系ガラス、リチウム系ガラス、セリウム系ガラス、スズ系ガラス、ジルコニウム系ガラス、ストロンチウム系ガラス、バリウム系ガラス及びアルミニウム系ガラス、ホウケイ酸ガラス、ホウケイ酸ストロンチウム、ケイ酸バリウム、ケイ酸リチウム、アルミナケイ酸リチウム、カオリン、石英、タルク及びそれらの混合物が挙げられる。ガラスは、フッ化物放出特性を有してもよく、又は有しなくてもよい。フッ化物放出ガラスを使用する利益はよく知られている。かかる材料は、長期にわたって口腔内でフッ化物を放出することが可能である。フッ化物は概して、虫歯の原因となる場合がある酸の攻撃に対してさらなる保護を与える。上記充填材の混合物はまた、所望により、組成物で使用することもできる。ポリカーボネート及びポリエポキシド等の有機粒子も充填材として使用することができる。

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2019-12-25 17:42:25 | 英語特許散策

"[0052] The term “quartz” means a nanopipette media is a fused silica or amorphous quartz, which is less expensive than crystalline quartz. Crystalline quartz may, however, be utilized. Ceramics and glass ceramics and borosilicate glasses may also be utilized but accuracy is not as good as quartz. The term “quartz” is intended and defined to encompass that special material as well as applicable ceramics, glass ceramics or borosilicate glasses. It should be noted that various types of glass or quartz may be used in the present nanopipette fabrication. A primary consideration is the ability of the material to be drawn to a narrow diameter opening. The preferred nanopipette material consists essentially of silicon dioxide, as included in the form of various types of glass and quartz. Fused quartz and fused silica are types of glass containing primarily silica in amorphous (non-crystalline) form."

[0034] 用語「quartz(石英)」は、ナノピペット媒体が、結晶質の石英よりも安価である溶融シリカまたは非晶質の石英であることを意味する。しかし、結晶質の石英を利用することもできる。セラミックス、ガラスセラミックス、及びホウケイ酸ガラスも使用できるが、精度は石英ほど良好ではない。用語「quartz(石英)」は、特定の材料、ならびに適用可能なセラミックス、ガラスセラミックスまたはホウケイ酸ガラスを包含するように意図され定義される。本発明のナノピペットの製造には、様々なタイプのガラスまたは石英を使用してもよいことに留意されたい。主な考慮点は、材料が狭い直径の開口部に引き込まれる能力である。好ましいナノピペット材料は、様々な種類のガラス及び石英の形態で含まれる二酸化ケイ素からなる。溶融石英及び溶融シリカは、非結晶(非晶質)形態のシリカを主に含むガラスの種類である。

"The pasty mixture used for producing the rib is also disclosed in the publication other than the above publication. For example, Japanese Unexamined Patent Publication (Kokai) No. 8-50811 discloses a photosensitive glass insulating paste comprising a glass powder mainly containing bismuth oxide and zinc oxide, and an acrylic copolymer as a binder. However, when the molded article made by using this paste is calcined to obtain a rib, if the binder is burned off in the same manner as that described above, the glass powder is simultaneously molten to transfer to the burned off portion. As a result, the rib has a volume smaller than that of the molded article by about 20%, accompanying shrinkage of the molded article."

[0004] リブの作製のためのペースト状の混合物は上記公報以外にも開示されている。例えば、特開平8−50811号公報には、酸化ビスマス及び酸化亜鉛を主に含むガラス粉末と、バインダとしてのアクリル系共重合体とを含む感光性ガラス絶縁ペーストが開示されている。しかし、このペーストを用いて作製された成形体が焼成されてリブが得られる場合に、上述と同様にバインダが焼失するとき、ガラス粉末は同時に溶融してかかる焼失の部分へ移動する。その結果、成形体の収縮を伴って、リブが成形体に比べて約20%小さい体積を有してしまう傾向にある。

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2019-12-25 16:09:28 | 英語特許散策

"[0066] Process 1100 begins at 1102 (corresponding to FIG 12 A) where a masking operation is performed on metal piece 1200 having a first surface 1202 and second surface 1204, forming mask 1206 on second surface 1204. The mask can be any suitable mask capable of withstanding a subsequent blasting and anodizing process. In some embodiments, a photoresist mask is used, wherein the photoresist has a pattern. First 1202 and second 1204 surfaces are adjacent and contiguous with each other. At 1104 (corresponding to FIG. 12B), a texture 1208 is created on first metal surface 1202. Texture 1208 can be, for example, a rough or "blasted" surface created from a blasting operation. The blasting operation can include, for example, exposing the metal piece to a blasting media such as zirconia applied under pressure (e.g., 1 bar). At 1106 (corresponding to FIG. 12C), mask 1206 is treated so as to decrease the adhesion of the edges 1210 of mask 1206, exposing an untextured portion 1212 of second surface 1204 adjacent to the blasted metal surface 1208. In this way, edges 1210 of mask 1206 adjacent to the textured 1208 first metal surface 1202 are lifted off the underlying second metal surface 1204. Treatment of the mask can include a chemical rinse using, for example, a dilute acid solution. Alternatively, a laser ablation procedure can be used to remove edges of the mask material. In some cases, edges of the mask may become naturally less adhesive to the metal surface during exposure to anodizing processes."

[0066] プロセス1100は、(図12Aに対応する)1102において開始し、第1の表面1202及び第2の表面1204を有する金属部品1200上でマスキング作業を実行し、第2の表面1204上にマスク1206を形成する。マスクは、後続のブラスト処理及び陽極酸化処理プロセスに耐えることが可能な任意の好適なマスクとすることができる。いくつかの実施形態において、フォトレジストマスクが使用され、フォトレジストはパターンを有する。第1の表面1202と第2の表面1204とは、互いに隣接し、連続している。(図12Bに対応する)1104において、第1の金属表面1202上にテクスチャ1208を作成する。テクスチャ1208は、例えば、ブラスト処理作業により作成される粗い又は「ブラスト処理された」表面とすることができる。ブラスト処理作業は、例えば、圧力(例えば、1バール)下で適用されるジルコニアなどのブラスト処理媒体に金属部品を露出させることを含むことができる。(図12Cに対応する)1106において、マスク1206の端縁1210の密着性を下げるようにマスク1206を処理し、ブラスト処理された金属表面1208に隣接する第2の表面1204のテクスチャ加工されていない部分1212を露出させる。このようにすると、テクスチャ加工された1208第1の金属表面1202に隣接するマスク1206の端縁1210が、下にある第2の金属表面1204から持ち上げられる。マスクの処理は、例えば、希釈酸溶液を使用するケミカルリンスを含むことができる。代替的には、マスク材料の端縁を除去するために、レーザーアブレーション手順を使用することができる。いくつかの場合には、マスクの端縁は、当然、陽極酸化処理プロセスに対する露出中に金属表面に対する密着性が低くなることがある。

"[0042] In some embodiments, the primer material 152e may include a polymer primer system such as, for example, an epoxy. The polymer primer system may include other suitable thermosets and/or thermoplastics, which may have a different material composition than the polymer of the interior portion 152a, in some embodiments. In other embodiments, the primer material 152e may include a nano-structured metal oxide such as, for example, aluminum oxide including porous aluminum oxide. The polymer of the interior portion 152a may fill holes in the nano-structured oxide to increase adhesion. The primer material 152e may include other suitable materials in other embodiments."

[0034] 一部の実施形態において、下塗材152eは、例えばエポキシなどのポリマープライマー系を含み得る。ポリマープライマー系は、一部の実施形態において、内側部分152aのポリマーとは異なる材料組成を持ち得るその他の好適な熱硬化性樹脂及び/又は熱可塑性樹脂を含んでいてもよい。他の実施形態において、下塗材152eは、例えば多孔質酸化アルミニウムを含む酸化アルミニウムなど、ナノ構造をした金属酸化物を含み得る。内側部分152aのポリマーがナノ構造酸化物の孔を充填して、密着性を高め得る。下塗材152eは、他の実施形態において、その他の好適材料を含み得る。

[0039] In order to further facilitate the transmission of ultrasonic signals into the repair patch 12 during inspection of the repair patch, the vacuum bag 24 may be pressurized so as to apply pressure to the acoustic facilitation layer 22 and the repair patch. In this regard, the addition of pressure, such as approximately 10 to 11 psi increases the intimacy of the direct contact between the vacuum bag 24, the acoustic facilitation layer 22 and the repair patch 12. Further, the acoustic facilitation layer 22 compresses, thereby increasing its density and correspondingly increases its acoustic impedance ZF. In this regard, acoustic impedance is a function of density and velocity as shown below:


wherein Z is the acoustic impedance in kilograms per seconds times meters squared, ρ is the density in kilogram per cubic meter and V is the velocity of the ultrasonic signals in meters per second. Both the increased intimacy of the contact and the increased density of the acoustic facilitation layer 22 further improve the transmission of ultrasonic signals into the repair patch 12 during the inspection.

[0034] 修理パッチの検査中に、修理パッチ12への超音波信号の伝送を更に促進するには、音響効果促進層22及び修理パッチに圧力を加えるため、真空バッグ24は加圧されてもよい。その際、約10〜11psi程度の加圧は、真空バッグ24、音響効果促進層22と修理パッチ12との間の直接接触の密着性を高める。更に、音響効果促進層22は収縮し、密度を高め、これに対応して音響インピーダンスZ F を高める。その際、音響インピーダンスは以下に示すように、密度と速度の関数になる。
Z = ρV
ここで、Zはkg/m < 2 > ・sを単位とする音響インピーダンス、ρはkg/m < 3 > を単位とする密度、Vはm/sを単位とする超音波信号の速度である。音響効果促進層22との密着度及び音響効果促進層22の密度が共に増大すると、検査時の修理パッチ12への超音波信号の伝送を更に改善する。

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2019-12-25 15:30:31 | 英語特許散策

"Irradiation can be performed using any suitable device. If the edible residue is in the form of a thin section, e.g., small pellets, electron beam irradiation may be preferred to provide high throughput. If deeper penetration is required, e.g., if the edible residue is in the form of a thick cake, gamma radiation can be used."


"[0087] Preparation of (CH3)3NCH2CH2OC(O)CH=CH2<+ ->OSO2CF3; acryloxyethyl-N,N,N-trimethylammonium trifluoromethanesulfonate (referred to herein as POS-10): A 250mL, 3-neck round bottom flask equipped with overhead stirring was charged with 50.00 g (79.9% solids in water, 0.2063 mol) of AGEFLEX™ FA1Q80MC*500 and 15.00 g deionized water. This solution was heated in an oil bath to 45°C. To the solution was rapidly added, over 10 seconds, 42.91 g (75% solids in water, 0.2063 mol) lithium trifluoromethanesulfonate (Li<+->OSO2CF3), after 1.5 hrs, 75 g of dichloromethane was added to initiate a phase split. Resultant biphasic system was transferred to a separatory funnel and the bottom (organic) layer was washed with 50 g deionized water. The resultant aqueous phase was combined with the first aqueous phase and distilled at 80°C with an air bubbler and a slight aspirator vacuum to yield 53 g POS-10 as a thick white liquid which solidified into a flaky white wax."

[0091] (CH3)3NCH2CH2OC(O)CH=CH2<+−>OSO2CF3、すなわち、アクリルオキシエチル−N,N,N−トリメチルアンモニウムトリフルオロメタンスルホネート(本明細書ではPOS−10と呼ぶ)の調製:オーバーヘッドスターラーを備えた250mL三口丸底フラスコに50.00g(水中79.9%固形分、0.2063mol)のAGEFLEX(商標)FA1Q80MC<*>500及び15.00gの脱イオン水を入れた。この溶液を油浴中で45°Cに加熱した。溶液に素早く10秒にわたって42.91g(水中75%固形分、0.2063mol)のリチウムトリフルオロメタンスルホネート(Li<+−>OSO2CF3)を加え、1.5時間後、75gのジクロロメタンを加えて、相分離を開始させた。得られた二相系を分液漏斗に移し、下側の(有機)層を50gの脱イオン水で洗浄した。得られた水相を第一水相と組み合わせ、エアバブラー及びアスピレータによる弱い吸引を用いて80°Cで蒸留して、粘性の白色液体として53gのPOS−10を生成し、これを薄片状の白色蝋に凝固させた。

"[0091] A cuboid, multifaceted, flake -like, substantially spherical or spheroid starting material may be obtained by grinding a precursor material, for example doped or undoped silicon as described below, and then sieving or classifying the ground precursor material. Exemplary grinding methods include power grinding, jet milling or ball milling. Depending on the size, shape and form of the precursor material, different milling processes can produce particles of different size, shape and surface smoothness. Flake-like particles may also be made by breaking up / grinding flat sheets of the precursor material. The starting materials may alternatively be made by various deposition, thermal plasma or laser ablation techniques by depositing a film or particulate layer onto a substrate and by removing the film or particulate layer from the substrate and grinding it into smaller particles as necessary."

[0173] 直方体、多面的、薄片状、実質的に球形または回転楕円体の出発材料は、前駆体材料、例えば後述するようなドープまたは非ドープシリコンを研削し、次に研削された前駆体材料をふるいにかける、または分類することにより得ることができる。研削方法の例としては、動力研削、ジェット粉砕またはボール粉砕が挙げられる。前駆体材料のサイズ、形状および形態に応じて、異なる粉砕プロセスは、異なるサイズ、形状および表面平滑性の粒子を製造することができる。薄片状粒子は前駆体材料のフラットシートを粉砕/研削することにより製造することもできる。出発材料はあるいは、膜または粒子層を基質上に堆積させ、該膜または粒子層を該基質から除去し、必要に応じてより小さな粒子に研削することにより、各種堆積、熱プラズマまたはレーザーアブレーション法により製造することもできる。

"[0203] After the calcination step for 5 h at 900° C., the layered nanostructure observed in FIGS. 10 and 11 still remains intact in the calcined powder as shown in the SEM micrograph in FIG. 12 at 10000× which consists of loosely bound layers of the particles allowing ease of Li migration within the structure during battery cycling. Such flaky structure resembles a “nanocroissant” and has already been formed from the precursor feed to the spray dryer and thereon to the calciner."

[0123] 900°Cで5時間のか焼工程の後、図10及び図11に観察される層状のナノ構造体は、10000倍の図12のSEM顕微鏡写真に示されるか焼粉体においてなおもインタクトのまま残り、上記構造体はゆるく結合した粒子の層からなり、電池サイクリングの間構造体内でのLiの移行を容易にする。かかる薄片状の構造体は「ナノクロワッサン」と類似し、噴霧乾燥機及びその上のか焼炉に送られる前駆体から既に形成されている。

"[0426] Excess sebum-producing disorders (e.g., seborrhea, seborrheic dermatitis, etc.) are disorders affecting the areas of the skin that are rich in sebum glands, which typically include the scalp, face, and/or trunk. Patients with these conditions typically have scaly, flaky, erythematous, and often pruritic skin. Involvement of the scalp can result in hair loss. In some cases, the skin is also oily."


"[0018] In one example, the MEMS 5 is sliver shaped. The MEMS 5 may have a length (extending into the face of FIG. 1) of several millimeters or centimeters, for example at least 0.2 centimeter, at least 0.5 centimeter or at least 1 centimeter. The MEMS 5 may have a width W of less than 2.3 millimeters, for example less than 1.5 millimeters, for example less than approximately 1 millimeters. The MEMS 5 may have a thickness T less than 0.8 millimeters, for example less than 0.5 millimeters, less than 0.3 millimeters, less than approximately 0.2 millimeters or less than approximately 0.15 millimeters. The MEMS 5 includes an actuator array 13 to actuate on the fluid. The actuator array 13 is provided in the second fluid channel 7. For example the array 13 consists of a plurality of actuators that are provided along the length of the MEMS 5. The actuators 13 may be thermal resistors or piezo actuators."

[0009] 一実施形態では、MEMS 5は、薄片状の(sliver)形状を有する。MEMS 5は、数mm又は数cm(例えば、少なくとも0.2cm、少なくとも0.5cm、又は少なくとも1cm)の(図1の正面へと延びる)長さを有することが可能である。MEMS 5は、2.3mm未満(例えば、1.5mm未満、例えば、約1mm未満)の幅Wを有することが可能である。MEMS 5は、0.8mm未満(例えば、0.5mm未満、0.3mm未満、約0.2mm未満、又は約0.15mm未満)の厚さTを有することが可能である。MEMS 5は、流体に作用するアクチュエータアレイ13を含む。アクチュエータアレイ13は、第2の流体チャネル7内に配設される。例えば、アクチュエータアレイ13は、MEMS 5の長さに沿って配設された複数のアクチュエータからなる。該アクチュエータは、熱抵抗器又は圧電アクチュエータとすることが可能である。

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2019-12-23 19:41:09 | 英語特許散策

"The invention relates to a method for manufacturing an electronic module for a smart card, said module comprising, on the one hand, a substrate (11) having on a first face (8) a terminal block of electric contacts enabling operation by contact with the corresponding contacts of a smart card reader, and comprising an antenna (3) provided with at least one coil, a microelectronic chip (2), and metal connection wires (4, 5, 6) constituting protruding loops relative to a second face (7) and connecting the pads of the microelectronic chip (2) to corresponding pads of the antenna (3) and/or the terminal block of contacts, characterised in that it comprises a step, after wiring the connection wires (4, 5, 6), of covering the face of the module located on the side of the chip (2), with a cover (13) which flattens the wire loops (4, 5, 6) in order to reduce the height thereof."


"Designs, strategies and methods for forming biocompatible batteries with plated cathode chemistries are described. In some examples, an electrolytic manganese dioxide layer may be plated upon a cathode collector before assembly into a micro-battery. In some examples the biocompatible battery with electrodeposited cathode may be used in a biomedical device. In some further examples, the biocompatible battery with electrodeposited cathode may be used in a contact lens."

【課題】  生体適合性電池をめっきしたカソード化学物質で形成するための設計、方策及び方法を提供すること。
【解決手段】  いくつかの例では、超小型電池に組み立てる前に、電解二酸化マンガンをカソード集電体上にめっきすることができる。いくつかの例において、電着カソードを有する生体適合性電池は、生物医学的装置において使用され得る。いくつかの更なる例において、電着カソードを有する生体適合性電池は、コンタクトレンズにおいて使用され得る。

"A cart or man-portable system and method for performing endoscopic procedures is provided. A portable display device, such as a laptop computer, is coupled to a handle comprising a miniature camera and fiber optic illumination subsystem. A sterile disposable portion is fitted over the illumination subsystem and inserted into a target area on a patient. Images of the target area are conveyed from the camera to the display device while an endoscopic procedure is performed, thus facilitating real-time diagnosis during the procedure."


Dielectric materials with optimal mechanical properties for use in laser ablation patterning are proposed. These materials include a polymer selected from the group consisting of polyureas, polyurethane, and polyacylhydrazones. New methods to prepare suitable polyacylhydrazones are also provided. Those methods involve mild conditions and result in a soluble polymer that is stable at room temperature and can be incorporated into formulations that can be coated onto microelectronic substrates. The dielectric materials exhibit high elongation, low CTE, low cure temperature, and leave little to no debris post-ablation.


"A polymer or other substrate optimized for growing cells, which takes the form of a micro-thin bag with gas permeable sides. Sides of the bag can be held at a fixed distance from one another with a multitude of tiny micropillars or other spacers extending between them, keeping the bag at a predetermined thickness and preventing the bag from collapsing and the sides from sticking together. In other embodiments, the sides may be held apart by gas pressure alone. A biocompatible coating over the bag outsides controls the permeability of the bag material and provides a bio-safe area for cell growth. Tubes going into multiple bags can be connected to a manifold that delivers gaseous oxygen or removes carbon dioxide and other waste gases. Multiple bags can be stacked together tightly, with o-ring spacers in between, and housed within a vessel to form a high-surface area, ultra-compact cell growing system."


"A microelectronic unit includes a semiconductor element having a front surface to which a packaging layer is attached, and a rear surface remote from the front surface. The element includes a light detector including a plurality of light detector element arranged in an array disposed adjacent to the front surface and arranged to receive light through the rear surface. The semiconductor element also includes an electrically conductive contact at the front surface connected to the light detector. The conductive contact includes a thin region and a thicker region which is thicker than the thin region. A conductive interconnect extends through the packaging layer to the thin region of the conductive contact, and a portion of the conductive interconnect is exposed at a surface of the microelectronic unit."


"Emissive micro-pixel spatial light modulators with non-telecentric emission are introduced. The individual light emission from each multi-color micro-scale emissive pixel is directionally modulated in a unique direction to enable application-specific non-telecentric emission pattern from the micro-pixel array of the emissive spatial light modulator. Design methods for directionally modulating the light emission of the individual micro-pixels using micro-pixel level optics are described. Monolithic wafer level optics methods for fabricating the micro-pixel level optics are also described. An emissive multi-color micro-pixel spatial light modulator with non-telecentric emission is used to exemplify the methods and possible applications of the present invention: ultra-compact image projector, minimal cross-talk 3D light field display, multi-view 2D display, and directionally modulated waveguide optics for see-through near-eye displays."


"Provided herein are compositions comprising non-human animals comprising neurons expressing stabilized step function opsin proteins on neural plasma membranes and methods of using the same to selectively depolarize neurons residing in microcircuits of the pre-frontal cortex to affect one or more social behaviors, communications, and/or conditioned behaviors in the non-human animal."


"A microelectronic package having a substrate, a microelectronic element, e.g., a chip, and terminals can have conductive elements electrically connected with element contacts of the chip and contacts of the substrate. Conductive elements can be electrically insulated from one another for simultaneously carrying different electric potentials. An encapsulant can overlie the first surface of the substrate and at least a portion of a face of the microelectronic element remote from the substrate, and may have a major surface above the microelectronic element. A plurality of package contacts can overlie a face of the microelectronic element remote from the substrate. The package contacts, e.g., conductive masses, substantially rigid posts, can be electrically interconnected with terminals of the substrate, such as through the conductive elements. The package contacts can have top surfaces at least partially exposed at the major surface of the encapsulant."


"A composition and method for removing copper-containing post-etch and/or post-ash residue from patterned microelectronic devices is described. The removal composition includes water, a fluoride ion source, an alkanolamine, sulfuric acid, and an organic acid. The compositions effectively remove the copper and cobalt-containing post-etch residue from the microelectronic device without damaging exposed low-k dielectric and metal interconnect materials."


"[0002] The present invention relates to micro air vehicles, and, more particularly, to an improved starter for micro air vehicles.


[0003] Micro air vehicles and other unmanned aerial vehicles are of emerging importance today, particularly for military applications. For example, micro air vehicles can be valuable in providing reconnaissance without the need for human pilots. Micro air vehicles often include engines that are started using a manual starter assembly similar to those commonly used with commercial lawn mowers. However, in certain situations, the activation of such a starter assembly may require significant pull force, which may in turn result in unwanted movement of certain micro air vehicle components (e.g. a guidance system), and/or may result in wear on one or more components of the micro air vehicle."

[0002] 本発明は、超小型飛行機(micro air vehicle)、より詳細には、超小型飛行機の改良されたスタータに関する。

[0003] 超小型飛行機及びその他の飛行機は、特に、軍事目的のため今日、重要性を増している。例えば、超小型飛行機は、人間のパイロットを必要とせずに、偵察を可能にする点にて価値がある。超小型飛行機は、商業的な芝刈り器にて一般に使用されているものと同様の手動スタータ組立体を使用して始動されるエンジンをしばしば含む。しかし、特定の状況にて、かかるスタータ組立体を作動させるためには、大きい引張り力が必要となる一方、その結果、特定の超小型飛行機の構成要素(例えば、誘導システム)が望ましくない動きをし、且つ(又は)超小型飛行機の1つ又はより多くの構成要素が磨耗する可能性がある。

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2019-12-21 15:05:29 | ビデオ


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2019-12-20 16:38:35 | 英語特許散策

"In general, one innovative aspect of the subject matter described in this specification can be embodied in a system comprising: a training database that stores training data including attribute information about a plurality of users and corresponding proxy metrics that quantify online behavior by the plurality of users following content presentation; a content database that stores third party content received from various third party content providers; a model generator that accesses the training data in the training database and trains a model for third party content distribution based on the training data; and a content distribution server that receives a request for third party content to be presented with another portion of content at a client device, wherein the content distribution server uses the model to select third party content to be distributed to the client device in response to the request and transmits data identifying the selected third party content to the client device, wherein the model: obtains a set of attributes from the request, wherein the set of attributes relate to information about a user associated with the request, receives information about a given third party content stored in the content database, predicts, for the given third party content, a proxy metric based on the set of attributes and the information about the third party content, wherein the predicted proxy metric provides information about at least one of subject retention or subject awareness that will result from presentation of the given third party content; and identifies, using the predicted proxy metrics and for the content distribution server, the given third party content for distribution based on the predicted proxy metrics meeting a threshold. Other embodiments of this aspect include corresponding methods, apparatus, and computer programs, configured to perform the actions of the methods, encoded on computer storage devices."


"[0039] In the product submission and distribution system 100 shown in FIG. 1, the digital products are submitted to the product submission and management system 104 by way of the product submission program 116. The digital products that have been submitted (e.g., via the second client 112) are processed and then stored in the products store 106. Thereafter, the stored digital products are available to be purchased from the product distribution site 102. Upon purchasing a particular digital product, the product distribution site 102 permits the digital data for the particular digital product to be retrieved from the products store 106 and then delivered (e.g., downloaded) from the product distribution site 102 to the requesting client 110 through the data network 108. In this regard, the product distribution site 102 or some other delivery server (not shown) obtains the digital data corresponding to the particular digital product from the products store 106 and downloads such digital data through the data network 108 to the client 110. The downloaded digital data can then be stored on the client 110. In one embodiment, the downloaded digital data is encrypted as received at the client 110 but is decrypted and then perhaps re-encrypted before persistently stored on the client 110. Thereafter, the client 110 can utilize (e.g., execute) the digital data of the digital product at the client 110."


"Physical servers 22 may host functionality directed to the operations of social network environment 20. By way of example, social network environment 20 may host a website that allows one or more users, at one or more client devices 30, to view and post information, as well as communicate with one another via the website. Hereinafter, servers 22 may be referred to as server 22, although, as just described, server 22 may include numerous servers hosting, for example, social network environment 20, as well as other content distribution servers, data stores, or databases. Data store 24 may store content and data relating to, and enabling, operation of the social network environment as digital data objects including content objects. A data object, in a particular implementation, is an item of digital information typically stored or embodied in a data file, database, or record. Content objects may take many forms, including: text (e.g., ASCII, SGML, HTML), images (e.g., jpeg, tif and gif), graphics (vector-based or bitmap), audio, video (e.g., mpeg), or other multimedia, and combinations thereof. Content object data may also include executable code objects (e.g., games executable within a browser window or frame), podcasts, etc. Logically, data store 24 corresponds to one or more of a variety of separate or integrated databases, such as relational databases and object-oriented databases, that maintain information as an integrated collection of logically related records or files stored on one or more physical systems. Structurally, data store 24 may generally include one or more of a large class of data storage and management systems. In particular embodiments, data store 24 may be implemented by any suitable physical system(s) including components, such as one or more database servers, mass storage media, media library systems, storage area networks, data storage clouds, and the like. In one example embodiment, data store 24 includes one or more servers, databases (e.g., MySQL), and/or data warehouses."


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