


2022-08-03 10:01:11 | 地域

2022.3.26(土)公益財団法人 東日本鉄道文化財団「2021年度地方文化事業支援」による大室城跡解説看板の完成を祝って除幕式を開催。







“Omuro Castle”
Omuro castle used to be located in Ami town and stretched 350 meters east to west and 200 meters north to south on a hill along the south coast of Lake Kasumigaura.

 周辺には大小の城館が立ち並んでおり、大室城を含む霞ヶ浦南岸地域は、室町時代から戦国時代にかけて小田氏(現在のつくば市を本拠とする大名)と土岐氏(現在の稲敷市を本拠とする大名)の間で一帯の支配権をめぐり激しい攻防が繰り広げられました。      城の東に隣接する鴨(かも)の要害(ようがい)は小田氏支配の痕跡と言われています。
A few other castles and forts were also on the south side of the lake. Oda, a feudal lord based in current Tsukuba city, and Toki in Inashiki city fought a fierce battle for the area during Muromachi period and Sengoku period. Kamono fort next to the east side of the castle is supposed to be remains that mark the dominance by Oda.

It is unknown when the castle was built or to whom it belonged to, since no documents exist. However, given the size of the castle and high architectural technique, it is presumed that Toki finalized the construction to counter Satake, a feudal lord based in current Hitachiohta city, or Toyotomi Hideyoshi, one of the most powerful leaders in the late Sengoku period who ambitiously wanted an expansion of his dominance to Kanto area. Some suggest that Ashina, a feudal lord in Aizuwakamatsu city in Fukushima prefecture, was the one who built it. He was a successor of Toki and brought under the control of Satake by the end of Sengoku period.

Omuro castle was constructed in renkaku style. Honguruwa and Ninokuruwa were arranged in the center and additional kuruwa were placed in line east and west along the shape of the land.
A solid defensive structure was made by adopting geographical strength and architectural technique. Honguruwa and Ninokuruwa were divided by a V-shaped five-meter-depth moat. A steep slope more than ten meters high was on the north side and a deep valley stretched east to south. On the east, several defensive positions were placed next to a doorway to shoot intruders from higher ground and prevent the entry into the castle.

Prior to a residential land development, a large scale archaeological excavation was conducted in 1982. Some articles were found as artifacts of the castle: earthenware pieces that supposed to be made in 15th to 16th century, unglazed earthenware including a pot with internal handles and a brazier with embossed decoration. Forked tips of the arrow and lead bullets were also discovered.

The view of Lake Kasumigaura from the hill is amazing and it brings us back to the distant past.
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