

Sally&Richard 第14話

2005年02月08日 | Sally & Richard(小説)
"Sally, what happend? I am worried about you. Can I help you?"
Richard asked her,but she didn't answer. She just cried.
"You never say anything to me . I know that you don't love me.but I believed you would change someday....,if you would love me.but,someone who is not me has lived in your heart for a long time. If you didn't love me,why did you marry me? You have never paid attention to me...NEVER. I've had enough of pretending to be a couple. I'm tired of it. I have a heart, too."
After a while,he called Marie and they met.
"Marie..In the end. I won't be able to be loved by Sally. I don't know who he is. Sally has some pictures or a man. Sally must loves him. Am I unttractive?"

He didn't go home last night. so, he stayed with Marie until next morning.

Marie is very kind. In fact, she likes Richard since she met him for the first time at Sally's wedding. Of course at first she thought of him as just friend's husband. However, the situation was changed. Marie really loves him and she didn't feel guity about Sally.

In the morning, Sally noticed that Richard didn't come back home. She didn't know what she should do . She was worried about Richard. so, she called Richard's cell phone. but he didn't answer, or even e-mail. Sally realized she made a big mistake ,but it was too late.



Sally&Richard 第13話

2005年02月08日 | Sally & Richard(小説)
Actually,Linda had gotton wind of Sally's feeling . When Sally came to her house, Sally looked at their photos...after that Sally looked a little strange. She wanted to think that it was her imagination. but, after that she was disappointed by Sally. so, she looked at a picture that Sally had when Sally went to the bathroom and until she came back to her room. Sally was disturbed and she throw her notebook down when she picked her handkerchief up, so, a picture was put in that notebook.

[She has a husband...but..but, why did she have a picture of Steve? not her husband...?]

Linda had had a telephone for a long time, but she hadn't dialled Sally's number yet. She couldn't call, She decided write a letter to Sally.

While she was writing Sally's letter she got two calls. One of them was Steve and another was Silvia. so, it was interrupted twice. She couldn't concentrate. Finally she gave up . She really thought it was a foolish idea. Even if she asked Sally, it would never change anything. Sally needed time and she had to change her mind.

(At night)
Richard got home a little bit early. Sally was crying. Of course he didn't know what was happening to her. However, she didn't say anything. He was disappointed in her. He really wanted to help her. but they didn't understand each other.

S&R 和訳へジャンプ