Credidimus Caritati 私たちは天主の愛を信じた

2024年から贖いの業の2000周年(33 - 2033)のノベナの年(2024-2033)が始まります

Our Measures to Combat the Coronavirus

2020年03月21日 | 聖ピオ十世会関連のニュースなど

March 20, 2020

Our Measures to Combat the Coronavirus


For the time being, please follow these rules:

- The elderly and those with pre-existing medical conditions should not attend the mass, but instead sanctify the Sunday by praying the Rosary or other prayers at home.

- Also, those whose professions or family responsibilities involve contacts with the elderly or people with pre-existing medical conditions should not attend the mass, but instead sanctify the Sunday by praying the Rosary or other prayers at home.

- Those who are feeling sick should also not attend the mass, but instead pray the Rosary or other prayers at home.

- Those who have had fever or experienced other cold-like symptoms within the past two weeks should also follow the same rules.


According to the experts, in order to minimize the risk of infection in public spaces, it is vital to avoid "any place or situation where these three conditions are met at once:"

(1) Enclosed, poorly ventilated space

(2) Close congregation of people

(3) Talk or utterance within close distance


Therefore, in order to avoid such situation at our mass center, we will adopt these three new measures starting this week.

  1. Avoid talking among the faithful in the room before or after the mass (especially after the mass).


  1. Measures to minimize the risk of infection in sung masses

(1) When we pray the Rosary, the 'prayers after mass' or the Angelus, only the precentor should pray aloud, while the other faithful should pray in whispers or in their hearts.

(2) When we are to sing the hymns or respond "Amen", "Et cum spiritu tuo", "sed libera nos a malo", "Domine non sum dignus", etc., only the choir should sing or say them aloud, while the other faithful should not sing or voice them.

(3) Throughout the duration of the mass, the faithful should make the effort not to talk or otherwise utter words.

(4) The choir should stand at a place where proper distance is secured between them and the other faithful.  (The faithful should not sit directly in front of the choir.)


  1. Wash your hands before you enter the room.


Thank you very much for your understanding and cooperation.

May the merciful Lord protect us!

Holy Mary, pray for us!

Saint Joseph, pray for us!


