Credidimus Caritati 私たちは天主の愛を信じた

2024年から贖いの業の2000周年(33 - 2033)のノベナの年(2024-2033)が始まります


2020年08月04日 | 聖伝のミサの予定
最近私たちは、新型コロナウイルスの感染者数が増えた、という不安なニュースを毎日たくさん聞かされております。日本を代表する優秀なお医者さんたちからのアドバイスに裏付けられたものであるはずの Go to キャンペーンも、まさかこんなことになるとは、というストレスいっぱいの反応も聞きます。そのような不安をマスコミがさかんに報道している時ですからこそ、私たちはますます「元后、憐みの御母、我らの命、慰め、望みなるマリア」に向かいて呼ばわり、ひたすら仰ぎ望み奉ろうと思います。
● 会場の換気を最高度によくする
● 食事の時にはおしゃべりをせず、黙想会のように霊的良書の朗読を聞く
● 手洗いをこまめにすること(医者の指摘によると、体の中で手が一番不衛生な部分です。)
● 不要な会話を慎しむこと(特に御聖体が安置されている「聖堂」の中ではよろしくお願いいたします。しかし、マスクで隠されていたとしてもニコニコの笑顔はいつもの通りお願いいたします。)
● 太陽の光を浴びながら秋田の大自然に浸る(熱中症対策をしながら、密を避けるために、戸外での聖母行列なども予定しています。)
● 睡眠時間をよくとる(今までは、巡礼者のお友達同士で夜もおしゃべりをしたことがあったかもしれませんがお控え下さり、夜は早めに就寝されるように願います。)
To all our beloved pilgrims who have signed up for the Akita pilgrimage 2020
Our pilgrimage to Akita has only 10 days left. How have you been?
The Convent of the Handmaid of the Holy Eucharist has informed our contact person telling that they would close the entire premise of the convent, including the gardens. They do not know yet when they can reopen.
So, although it is unlikely that we will be able to visit the convent this time, we will still carry out our Akita pilgrimage as it is planned, while taking measures to prevent infection against Coronavirus as we are doing now.
We believe that even if we cannot see Our Lady in Akita unfortunately, it will be worthwhile for us to gather near Our Lady from all over Japan and spend few days offering the Traditional Latin Mass, and prayers.
However, if any of you would like to cancel this pilgrimage, for this reason of inaccessibility or some other, we understand you very well. Please have no worries. We would be grateful if you let us know your decision if you change your mind! Thank you for your cooperation.
Our measures to combat Coronavirus during the Akita Pilgrimage are as follows.
We hear a lot of news of anxiety every day about novel coronavirus. We hear stressful information through mass media. Therefore, we want to have recourse to the "Holy Queen, Mother of Mercy, our Life, our sweetness, our Hope", to cry and to send up our sighs.
According to modern medical science, it is known that an increase of anxiety and stress lowers the human immune system and that the state of mind has a great impact on our health. It has been suggested that social connections with friends would indirectly strengthen our immunity to infections and other diseases by relieving stress. In these times of anxiety, it is our hope that pilgrims from all parts of Japan will have a happy time together during the pilgrimage, with blessings from Our Lady.
At the same time, we will continue with our basic measures against virus that we have taken in Tokyo and Osaka for our Masses. We will just continue them for the Akita pilgrimage.
Due to the unusual circumstances, this year's pilgrimage will have a slightly different program and we may not be able to do some activities which we had originally planned. Please be kindly informed that we will have to make some adjustment of our program. However, we hope to keep our spiritual joy, peace and happiness as we had planned!
[At the Hotel Plaza Crypton]
With the help of Hotel Crypton, we are planning the following:
● Ventilation of the place to the maximum
● Listening to good spiritual readings in silence while we eat, instead of chatting at the table.
I would also like to ask the pilgrims some cooperation.
● Wash your hands frequently (doctors point out that hands are the most unsanitary parts of the body)
● Refrain from unnecessary conversation (especially in the "chapel" where the Blessed Sacrament is present. However, please keep your smiles as always, even if they are hidden by masks)
● Not afraid of sunshine and enjoy the great nature of Akita (we will have procession(s) of Our Lady outside, while taking precautions against heat stroke).
● Get good sleep (we ask that you refrain from chatting with your fellow pilgrims at night.)
[Regarding the visit of the Convent]
Although we are just around the corner, we cannot go to the statue of Our Lady of Akita, this time. Therefore, we are planning to make other activities as replacement but as useful and memorable. Thank you so much for your kind understanding!
Of course, Our Lady of Akita, seeing us making great sacrifices by canceling other plans to come all the way to Akita instead of going for fun, would be very pleased. Our Masses, prayers, and singing of chant would console her. We believe that Our Lady will have great mercy on us, her little children, because of her motherly tenderness, though we are not worthy for it.
This year's pilgrimage is offered with the intention of "thanksgiving," however, we are increasingly convinced that due to ever-changing world and ecclesiastical situation, we need to make this pilgrimage for the "prayer and reparation" that Our Lady of Akita has asked us. In particular, let us pray for the Holy Father, bishops, priests and religious, as she begged us to do.
If you have any other questions or concerns, please contact us and we would be happy to assist you.
Now, I am very much looking forward to seeing you smiling in Akita.
May the Lord God bless you!
Father Thomas Onoda,
priest of the Society of St. Pius X


