


2018年02月07日 | その他

00 Once you see all those animals, you should feel better.
Do you really think so?
01 What’s the matter with you? What’s bothering you now?
I need to fix my car as soon as possible.
02 Look over there. It looks like we are going to have a storm or something.
I hope it snows all day long tomorrow.
03 Can I get you anything?
Yes, please. Could you bring that ladder over here?
04 How many apples did you eat today?
I think I had two this morning.
05 What would you like to drink?
If it is possible, I’d like to have a Diet Coke.
06 Whose cellular phone is this anyway?
That is Tom’s. I think he bought that last week.
07 Richard, What are you doing up there?
Believe it or not, I am conducting my research now.
08 Who is that? To tell the truth, I don’t like him that much.
Me, neither. But I think we should give him credit for today’s prosperity.
09 One should keep one’s promise; otherwise no one will trust him or her.
You can say that again.
10 Speaking of the tennis match, this is John’s last one of the season.
In that case, I will ask you some questions about this game when I get to my office. What is your number again?
11 Do you know how to cook this?
I used to know the recipe but I forgot.
12 I feel sick to my stomach.
Take an aspirin . What makes you think that will work for my stomachache.
13 Feel free to call me, whenever you want to play tennis.
No thanks. I am too busy for that.
14 I have two sisters and both of them are sick. To make matters worse, they have to take their final exams this week.
Oh, that’s terrible. Are they taking any medicine?.
15 How come you are not wearing a yellow uniform today?
Sorry. I didn’t have any time to change this morning.
16 I have to make a decision by 10:30.
What’s the hurry? Take your time
17 How often do you play tennis?
Twice a week. That is, if I am not busy and I can get an empty court.
18 Do you mind if I give you some advice on that? It is a very important tip on how to use the court.
No, not at all. It sounds like you know what you are talking about.
19 You are much better than me.
No. Don’t be modest. Everyone knows that you are the best player around here.
40 Jone promised to visit Paul’s office before he leaves for Egypt.
Oh, boy. It wasn’t easy getting here but I am really glad I could keep my promise to you.
41 Let me know when she comes in.
I think she just called in sick. Wait a minute. Let me check on that. Yeah, she couldn’t make it today.
42 Why don’t you give her a call and remind her that I’ll stop by around 9.
No problem. Anything else?
43 I wonder if this pearl neckless will make her happy.
You never know until you try. Where there is a will, there is a way.
44 Are you surprised at the news?
As a matter of fact, I could not believe it when I heard it the first time.
45 Do you want me to verify that for you?
Will you? It’s very kind of you to do that. But then again, you don’t have to if you don’t want to.
46 It was here on the table this morning but it’s gone now.
That’s very strange. Has anyone seen Steve’s car keys this morning?
47 It’s obvious he failed the exam twice before he became a broadcaster.
How did you figure it out? Did anyone tell you about that?
- I am not going to tell you. That’s a secret.
48 The reason why he failed the exam was he simply didn’t study hard enough.
As far as I know, he was too busy to prepare for the exam.
49 If he studies hard, he will pass the exam. That’s for sure.
I guess you are right about that. No pain, no gain, I suppose.
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