

Inheritance 3

2018年12月14日 | ボランティア
A distinguished lady guest and fellow Toastmasters. Good evening !

Let me begin my speech with a simple question to you.
Have you ever seen your father’s will or already made yours?
I have here mine and tonight I will talk about why I had to make my last will so early and in English.

It was 12 years ago when my wife suddenly passed away in a traffic accident in New Zealand where I was working for the Japanese Consulate at that time.
I could easily imagine how regrettable she was when she had to separate from both her beloved daughter of university student and her husband after 28 years of marriage.
She was a tender mother as well as a smart wife and left her legacy behind in NZ. Therefore I visited a local bank to withdraw her money several weeks after her funeral.

“How can I help you, Sir?”
“Well, I would like to close my wife’s account.”
“Certainly, can I ask you the reason?”
“Because she has recently died.”
“OK, in your case, please show me her last will and your passport to confirm you are the right person to do so. ”
“Oh! As it happened all of a sudden she couldn’t make it.”
“Then we have to ask you additional documents such as all the copies of her family register since her age of 16 in order to make sure that she has not married someone else other than you. ”
“Nonsense! I have never suspected her and still trust her. I swear I am the only
husband for her. So please omit such complicated procedure.”
“Sorry, it is not a matter of ethics but just a law requirement. ”

I had no way but to obey the law. It took 2 months to collect all the documents needed. But that was not enough to finish the procedure. I had to wait another 3 months for
public announcement before I could withdraw cash and close her account.

It was a moment of truth when I realized that my wife’s legacy did not automatically
belong to me unless she admitted it.

Learned from this experience, I immediately made my last will consisted of several
articles at a local lawyers’ office.
Approaching the celebrating age of 70, I sincerely hope every procedure will go smoothly with these magic sentences signed by me and witnessed by a solicitor.

Now it may be your turn to prepare your will in case of your sudden fatal accidents for the people who love you.
Wish you Merry Christmas and a happy inheritance. Toastmaster!
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