◯ Dreams Control!「思い通りになる夢」を思い通りに見る方法: 科学者たちの試み

2014-05-24 07:23:42 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

05/24:3014 WIRED NEWS (US)

Psychologists Give People Control of Their Dreams Using Brain Stimulation. Really?
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Image: Old Visuals Everett Collection/Getty

My dreams are often like a bad TV night – full of repeats that I’ve slept through many times before. Other people are luckier. Their dreams are more like a movie experience, but one where they not only get to choose the film, they can also take directorial control and influence the course of events. This is known as “lucid dreaming” and considered a half-way house between sleep and wakefulness.

In a study out this week, a team of psychologists led by Ursula Voss at the J.W. Goethe University in Frankfurt, claim to have given non lucid-dreamers the power of lucid dreaming by applying weak electrical current to the surface of their scalps and into their brains.

The rationale behind the study is simple. Past research has associated lucid dreaming with electrical brain activity in the low gamma range – around 40Hz. Voss and colleagues therefore used transcranial alternating current stimulation (tACS) to promote gamma activity in frontal and temporal regions of their participants’ brains, in the hope that this would provoke lucid dreaming (tACS is similar tDCS, which I’ve written about on this blog before).

I have to admit this reasoning tickled my BS-detector a little. Neurobunk research conducted in the 1960s made the mistake of assuming that because experienced meditators exhibit brain activity in the alpha range (around 10Hz), then teaching people to express alpha brainwaves would give them a shortcut to the peace and enlightenment associated with years of meditative practice. It was an elementary case of confusing correlation for causality and results were disappointing.

Despite my initial skepticism, it turns out that, aside from a small sample, this new dream research is well conducted. Voss and her team tested 27 healthy volunteers (15 women, 12 men, none of whom usually have lucid dreams) on four successive nights. Each night, the participants were zapped with electricity in a different frequency range or – and it’s important they included this condition – with no electricity at all (known as a “sham” treatment). The stimulation was delivered after between two and three minutes of uninterrupted REM sleep. Shortly afterwards the participants were woken and they answered questions about the dream they’d just had.

The main result is that stimulation specifically delivered in the low gamma range, at 40Hz, and to a lesser extent at 25Hz, was associated with a greater experience of lucid dreaming, as compared to stimulation at other higher and lower frequencies or to sham treatment. “Our experiment is, to the best of our knowledge, the first to demonstrate altered conscious awareness as a direct consequence of induced gamma-band oscillations during sleep,” the researchers concluded. Excitable headlines have followed, such as “Brain Zap Could Help You Control Your Dreams” and “Having Nightmares? Control Your Dreams With Electric Currents“.

Despite the robust methodology, I think these headlines are getting carried away. Here’s why. Lucid dreaming was defined by higher scores in participants’ feelings of insight (knowing that they were dreaming); dissociation (taking a third person perspective); and control (being able to shape events). I looked up the paper where the researchers first described their scale for measuring these factors. If I understand correctly, the participants rated their experience of these three factors on a scale of 0 (strongly disagree that I had such an experience) to 5 (strongly agree). Now if we look to see the scores they gave for how much dream insight, dissociation and control they had, we find that the averages for the gamma stimulation condition are around 0.6, 1.3, and 0.5 respectively.

Yes, these scores are significantly higher compared with stimulation at other frequencies and with sham treatment, but they are nonetheless incredibly low. A real life creation of the dream control depicted in the movie Inception, this is not! I suppose this study is a proof of principle, so let’s wait and see what comes from future research.

But actually one more thing – these kind of studies that examine the impact of brain stimulation seem so crude. Do the researchers really know what neural effect the stimulation is having and why? I don’t think they do – the explanation in this paper is typically sketchy. “We assume that lower gamma activity is mediated by activation of fast-spiking interneurons that are known to generate gamma oscillations in cortical networks … These networks have been proposed to gate sensory processing, which might also enable lucid dreaming in a temporarily specific manner.” Got that? No, me neither.

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Tags: brain stimulation, dreaming, Sleep
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Ghostly Plane Wrecks Found in Remote, Exotic Locations

New Quantum Theory Could Explain the Flow of Time

Human Design Imperfections

05/24:3014 WIRED NEWS (US)

2014.5.15 THU
「思い通りになる夢」を思い通りに見る方法: 科学者たちの試み



この研究は、5月11日付けで『Nature Neuroscience』誌に発表されたもので、フランクフルトにあるゲーテ大学(フランクフルト大学)で心理学を研究するウルズラ・フォス率いるチームが手がけたものだ。
フォス氏らは2009年の研究において、明晰夢を見る訓練を受けた6名を調べ、明晰夢が起きている間、前頭野から30~40Hzの脳波が発生していることを明らかにしていた(ガンマ波とされる脳波の帯域だ)。同氏らは今回、明晰夢を誘発するため、経頭蓋交流電気刺激法(tACS:Transcranial Alternating Current Stimulation)を用いて、被験者の脳の前頭野と側頭野におけるガンマ波活動を促進した。


◯ Paul McCartney's Newest Dancing Is a Robot. ポールの相棒はロボットだ

2014-05-23 17:10:49 | ♪ One Short Talk

05/23/2014 Paul McCartney.

Paul McCartney's Newest Dancing Buddy Is a Robot

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Paul McCartney's new music video for "Appreciate" introduces us to his most recent collaborator: a slick robot named Newman.

The video follows Newman walking through a museum that comes to life at the twang of McCartney's iconic Höfner bass. Together, the two wake up the still-life displays.

SEE ALSO: Watch Michael Jackson and Justin Timberlake's Throwback Music Video

"I woke up one morning with an image in my head of me standing with a large robot," McCartney explains on his website. McCartney then worked with puppeteers from the War Horse theater production to make his dream a reality.

Newman and his stealthy puppeteers greeted The Beatles singer in Japan on Thursday. They'll all join McCartney onstage for his upcoming shows in Tokyo and Osaka.

Have something to add to this story? Share it in the comments.

ジェシカCATCHERMAY 17および2014年までに
YOUTUBE、PAUL MCCARTNEYニューマンおよび彼の秘密の人形使いは木曜日にジャパンでビートルズの歌手に挨拶しました。


i pray he's getting well soon.

◯The Fukushima crisis800【1】Fukushima: NOT SAFE!!!最悪 被曝1 to 20 mSv/年,子供も対象

2014-05-23 12:59:43 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

05/23/2014 wat.tv.fr. The United States National Academy of Sciences. CBS News. COM.

Japan: Fukushima: Safety Level NOT SAFE! -
2011-12-27 20:16:26
Japan: Fukushima: Safety Level NOT SAFE! -


Japan: Fukushima: Safety Level NOT SAFE! –December 11, 2011

Following the Fukushima nuclear disaster, the Japanese government raised the level of the allowable
radiation exposure from 1 to 20 mSv per year, even for children.

On April nineteenth, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, announced the amounts of radiation a child can be exposed to one year is 20 mSv.
Officials proclaimed that 20mSv/year is safe. But is it?


4月19日、文科省は、子どもが1年間で浴びてもよい放射線量を20ミリシーベルト(20mSv)とすると発表した。役人たちは年20mSvは安全だと宣言した。 本当にそうなのか?

In this video, we’ll test the official claim ofthe safety against the established radiobiological science, the same science upon which the United States National Academy of Sciences predicts that 20mSv of radiation not only can cause cancers all across Fukushima but would primarily kill women and children.

In this video, we’ll also test the official claim of the safety against recently published research, such as the largest study of nuclear workers ever conducted, comprising over 407, 391 workers from 15 countries.
(注: The 15-Country Collaborative Study of Cancer Risk among Radiation Workers in the Nuclear Industry: Estimates of Radiation-Related Cancer Risks )

The study found increased cancer mortality among nuclear workers exposed to the average of 2mSv/y. That’s just one tenth of the allegedly ‘safe’ 20 mSv/y allowed in Fukushima.

In this video, we’ll see that the public has been misled by the government and major media into the false sense of safety regarding nuclear fallout, obstructing the ability of citizens to be fully informed, so that we can make sound decisions that direct our democracies to safe energy futures.
So stay tuned as we cover all that and more.


この動画で、我々はこの日本政府の公式見解が、たとえば15ヶ国の407,391人の原子力関連労働者に対する過去最大調査のような、近年公表された研究と対立する点をも検証する。 この過去最大の調査研究は、平均で年2mSvの被ばくをする原子力関連労働者の間のガン死亡率上昇を見つけた。それは福島で許容されている、安全と言われる年20mSvのわずか10分の1に過ぎない。



The United States National Academy of Sciences is a logical resource to consult about the state’s radiation science. And the academy regularly publishes reports on low-dose radiation risks.
The reports are based on decades of epidemiological and radiaobiological research, from which risk predicting models are built.


The Academy’s most recent report provides both raw data and instructions so that you can apply their risk models to a wide range of exposure scenarios. We can therefore find the cancer risks of 20 mSv.

This is the Academy’s data table for estimated cancer cases caused by 100 mSv of radiation, stratified by
ages and segregated by ... Highlighted in yellow are the predicted number of cases for all cancers per 100 thousand persons.
Immediately we can see that risk of cancers are uniformly decreases as age increases for both males and females. In other words, children are the most vulnerable to radiation.
これはアカデミーの、年齢と性別で分けた10mSv の被ばくにより引き起こされるガン症状の推定データ表である。黄色の部分は、10万人につき発生するすべてのガンの推定数である。

Parting these date yields this graph. This cancer risk graph keeps the shape, irrespective of its dose.
This shape is therefore the face (phase?) of radiation-induced cancer risk across the human life span.
これらのデータを取り出したのが下記のグラフである。 このガンリスクを示すグラフは、放射線量がどうであろうと、この形は変わらない。この形はそれゆえ、人間の年齢に関わらず、放射線影響により起こされるガンリスクの様相を示す。


Following the Academy’s instructions on scaling the model to specific doses, the Y axis is recalibrated to the predicted cancer cases caused by the allegedly ‘safe’ 20mSv. And here in turn recalibrations for 10 and for 2mSv. According to the Academy, there is no harmless dose of radiation. So, obviously 20mSv is not safe.

(10万人単位:年20mSv)                         (同10mSvの場合)


(10万人につき、年2mSvの被ばく場合 * ゼロ歳女児は10万人につき約95.5人、ゼロ歳男児は51.26人)

But what’s most remarkable is that children and, most especially, girls, are most at risk of radiation-induced cancer. In fact, girls are almost twice as vulnerable as the same-aged boys. And an five-year-old girl is five times, and an infant female seven times, more vulnerable than a 30-year-old man.



These data from the National Academy of Sciences are freely available to all major media and government officials. Yet rather than informing the public of the actual state of radiation science and the real risks of nuclear power, they lead us, instead, to believe that 20mSv of radiation is either safe or its effects are complete mysteries.


( CBS News. COM: “Residents traveled to Tokyo to protest at the government’ loosening safety limit despite the fact of the long-term impact of low-dose radiation is unkown.” ― < The Long-Term Impact of Low-Dose Radiation is Unknown.>
Even worse than the failure to inform, major media lead the public to believe that scientific models of low-dose radiation risk, such as we’ve just reviewed, don’t even exist.

Yet, outside the media’s cocoon of blissful ignorance, science marches forward, further characterizing the risks of low-dose radiation. And the flow of incoming evidence published since the Academy’s last report in 2006, said just the Academy’s risk model is either accurate or may underestimate risk.


In 2007, the largest study ever conducted on occupations of low-dose radiation exposure was published.

The study contained over 400,000 nuclear industry workers from 15 countries. The study found a significant relation between radiation dose and cancer mortality. The average period of the nuclear workers’ employment in the study was 10.5 years, and the average dose accumulated over those years was 19.4mSv.
This implies the average annual dose of 1.85mSv/year.


To get an more accurate estimate of the average annual dose, this data table, showing the average accumulated dose and years of employment for each country is useful. From these date we find that the average annual dose for the whole cohort was 1.95mSv/year, rounding off to 2mSv/y.

The data provided by the study also allow calculation of the median annual dose of the whole cohort, which was lower still, at merely 0.45, or one half of a mSv/y.

So the representative dose rate among the nuclear workers in the study was at most one tenth of the 20mSv/year allowed in Fukushima. So, with the allowance of 20mSv/year, Fukushiman children may receive up to 10 times the dose rate associated with the increased cancer among adult nuclear workers.


それゆえ、この調査における原子力関連労働者の放射線量の平均は福島で認められる年20mSvのせいぜい10分の1である。 それゆえ、政府により年20mSvを許容されると、福島の子どもたちは、原子力関連労働者の間で増大するガンに関連した放射線量の10倍までを被ばくすることになるかもしれない。
To get the sense of the distribution of exposures over the cohort, 90% of the workers in the study received the accumulated doses under 50mSv over their entire period of employment which overall was 10.5 on average.
So, dividing 50mSv by 10.5 years suggests that the dose rate for most of the workers was probably below 5mSv/year, which was just one fourth of the maximum annual dose for Fukushimans.


調査対象の労働者のうちの90%の積算量 50mSv未満÷平均雇用年月10.5年 =調査対象労働者のほとんどにとっての年平均放射線量:5mSv/年未満と見積もり
To get the sense of the distribution of radiation effects over the 15 countries’ cohort, the authors eliminated each country in the study one at a time to see if eliminating one country’s data eliminated the indicated radiation effect. In each seven analysis, they found the excess risk ratio, or ERR, was higher than, but compatible with, the National Academy of Sciences BEIR Ⅶ risk model, which was the risk model we previously reviewed. So the indicated radiation effect was not biased by data from any particular country.

The authors of the study noted workers’ smoking as a possible confounding factor, since long cancer was common among the workers. However, other smoking-associated cancers showed little relation to radiation
dose. And the authors concluded that even if smoking played a role, you cannot fully account for the dose relation of cancer to radiation.

So, let’s re-cap. The fifteen countries’ study authored by 51 radiation scientists is the largest study ever conducted on nuclear workers. It found increased cancer risk among the workers. The average worker dose was 2mSv/year. Most workers receive under 5mSv/year. And the maximum dose allowed in Japan is 20mSv/year. That’s ten times higher than the average annual worker dose, and four times higher than most worker doses.
15ヶ国の調査対象群に対する放射線影響の広がりを理解するために、この研究報告の著者たちは、このように示された放射線影響が一つの国のデータの除去により、なくなってしまうかどうかを見るため、一度にひとつずつ調査対象国を減らして分析した。7つの分析のそれぞれにおいて、過剰リスク割合(ERR)は、全米科学アカデミーのBEIRⅦというリスクモデルより高いか、それと相容れるものであると分かった。 このBEIRⅦモデルというのは、動画で今見たリスクモデルだ。それゆえ、示唆された放射線影響は、特定のどの国のデータによっても偏るものではなかった。



◯The Fukushima crisis800【2】Fukushima: NOT SAFE!!!最悪 被曝1 to 20 mSv/年,子供も対象

2014-05-23 12:25:48 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

Two years later, in 2009, Jacob and colleagues analyzed the 15 countries’ study we’ve just reviewed, plus eight other nuclear workers studies. What makes nuclear worker exposures especially relevant to areas contaminated by nuclear fallout is its dose exposure scenarios to deliver doses at a slow, persistent rate.
And the meta analysis of Jacob and colleagues suggests that such slow-dose rates might be more harmful than fast-dose rates.


For example, this chart from Jacob et al shows excess cancer mortality risk found in nine studies of nuclear workers. Each study it noted, by a red dot whose rightward displacement from zero risk along the bottom axis to note to the degree of increased risk found in that study. In contrast, the blue dots represent comparative excess risks among the atom-bomb survivor cohort.

Adjusted to match to the sex ratio and the average age of nuclear workers in each study, as we can see, the red dots are usually more rightward displaced than the blue dots, and therefore, most nuclear worker studies found higher risk of cancer mortality than among atom-bomb survivors.


This is a significant finding because radiation risk models are largely founded upon fast-dose exposures like from atomic-bomb blasts, and it has been assumed that fast-dose rates were more harmful. However, the findings of Jacob and colleagues bring us a few in the question, as an editorial on the findings of Jacob et al, in the journal Occupation and Environmental Medicine observed: “ …a number of recent studies challenge the assumption that low-dose-rate exposures to penetrating forms of ionizing radiation are less effective at causing cancer than high-dose-rate exposures, because risk estimates for people who received low-dose-rate exposures tend to be larger than, or similar to, the corresponding estimates derived from the study of Japanese atomic-bomb survivors. “


This graph of Jacob et al. demonstrates the discrepancy of risk models. The two leading risk models are on the left. The second is the National Academy of Sciences’ cancer risk model we examined previously. Both risk models are based largely on the fast-dose-rate exposures experienced by atomic-bomb survivors. But the third bar on the right represents the higher level of risk derived from slow-dose-rate experienced by nuclear workers. So the cutting-edge of meta analytical research suggests that the leading contemporary radiation risk models may actually underestimate the carcinogenic efficiency of low-dose radiation.


Science is not only further clarifying the harmful effects of low-dose radiation on large-scale, macroscopic levels but on a microscopic level as well. Recent research has increased the fatality of data in the low-dose range regarding radiation-induced genetic damage. Chromosomal translocation are reform of genetic damage resulting from the faulty repair of DNA molecules damaged by genotoxic chemicals, or radiation.

Chromosomal translocations, also known as chromosomal aberrations, are believed to result in many forms of cancer, and the increased frequency of chromosomal aberrations is recognized as an indication of increased risk of cancer. As such, radiation-induced chromosomal aberrations are fundamental to the cause or mechanism of radiation-induced cancer. It has been well-documented that a median to high-dose radiation increases chromosomal aberrations, but the influence of low-dose radiation has been less certain. But this mechanism of radiation-induced cancer occurs at low-doses. There would be little reason to doubt
that low-dose radiation can cause cancer.

In 2010, Bhatti and colleague published a meta analysis of studies that examined the influence of medical X-ray examinations on the incidence of chromosomal translocation.

They sought to gain greater precision on the impact of low-dose radiation by pulling that from multiple studies. Not only did they find those responses in low-dose range, but to their surprise, the frequency of chromosomal aberrations per unit of radiation increased below approximately 20mSv. Moreover, at doses below approximately 10mSv, the frequency of aberrations per unit of radiation increased further still, and by an order of the magnitude.

 At lower dose ranges, the dose-response relationship became increasingly large and inconsistent with the overall estimate. AT dose scores of 20 and lower ( n=196), the magnitude of the association was 0.08 translocations/ 100 CE/10 dose score units ( 95% CI: -0.002, 0.02, P=0.1; Fig.2b). At dose scores of 10 and lower ( n=131), the estimate of the dose-response relationship was 0.3 excess translocations/100 CE/ 10 dose score units (95%CI: 0.06, 0.5, P=0.02) (Fib.2c). ( dose score of 10= aaprox.10mSv)

※ 低線量範囲になるほど、線量-反応関係が強まり、全体の評価との不一致が明らかになった。線量スコアが20ユニット以下で (n=196)、線量-反応関係を表す転座頻度 は転座数0.08/100細胞等量/10ユニット (n=131) であった ( 95% CI: -0.002, 0.02, P=0.1; Fig.2b)。線量スコア10ユニット以下で、線量-反応関係を表す転座頻度の推定値は、転座数0.3/100細胞等量/10ユニットを超えた。(Fib.2c).
( 線量スコア10ユニット= 約10mSv)
Given these findings, evidence for the carcinogenicity of radiation at low-doses could hardly be more logically indicated as this examined formally.

The hypothetical syllogism is its two premises’ argument schema of classical logic of the form. Given that,
if it’s the case the P, then, Q. And, if it’s the case the Q, then, R. Then we may conclude that it is also the case that if P, then R. Plugging the scientific evidence we’ve just reviewed into the hypothetical syllogism, we may reason as follows.

Given that, if there is low-dose radiation, and then there’s more chromosomal harm. And
If there’s more chromosomal harm, then, there’s more cancer. Then, we may conclude, if there is low-dose radiation, then there’s more cancer.



To some degree, this syllogism may be oversimplification. However, our inputs in this borrowed argument schema are the output of state-of-the-art biological research.

In this video, we both reviewed both established radiobiology and recent radiobiological research. From this broad scientific base, we’ve observed that the National Academy of Sciences predicts increased cancer risk from exposures below 20mSv/year. Research published since the Academy’s last report in 2006 corroborates that prediction. Recent research also suggests that the Academy’s risk models may underestimate cancer risk. Recent research also finds that radiation exposures below 20mSv are associated with genetic damage.


Therefore, both historical and cutting-edge scientific research consistently demonstrate that Japan’s allowance of 20mSv/year is not safe.


◯ With the greatest respect ,

2014-05-23 11:05:41 | ♪ One Short Talk

By Alice Philipson11:46AM BST 02 Sep 2013
The table sheds light on just how difficult it can be for a foreigner to understand what the British really mean when they're speaking – especially for those take every word at face value.
Phrases that prove the trickiest to decipher include 'you must come for dinner', which foreigners tend to take as a direct invitation, but is actually said out of politeness by many Britons and often does not result in an invite.
The table also reveals that when a person from Britain begins a sentence "with the greatest respect ...', they actually mean 'I think you are an idiot'.

I hear what you say
I disagree and do not want to discuss it further
He accepts my point of view

With the greatest respect
You are an idiot
He is listening to me

That's not bad
That's good
That's poor
That is a very brave proposal
You are insane
He thinks I have courage
Quite good
A bit disappointing
Quite good
I would suggest
Do it or be prepared to justify yourself
Think about the idea, but do what you like
Oh, incidentally/ by the way
The primary purpose of our discussion is
That is not very important
I was a bit disappointed that
I am annoyed that
It doesn't really matter
Very interesting
That is clearly nonsense
They are impressed
I'll bear it in mind
I've forgotten it already
They will probably do it
I'm sure it's my fault
It's your fault
Why do they think it was their fault?
You must come for dinner
It's not an invitation, I'm just being polite
I will get an invitation soon
I almost agree
I don't agree at all
He's not far from agreement
I only have a few minor comments
Please rewrite completely
He has found a few typos
Could we consider some other options
I don't like your idea
They have not yet decided
The table points out that when Britons say 'I'm sure it's my fault', it actually means 'it's your fault'.
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It also reveals that 'very interesting' can often mean 'that is clearly nonsense'.
The table, which has been posted on an number of blogs, has attracted thousands of comments from both Britons and foreigners claiming the interpretations are true to life.
Duncan Green, a strategic adviser for Oxfam who posted it online, described it as "a handy guide for our fellow Europeans and others trying to fathom weaselly Brit-speak".
Mr Green said: "Sadly, I didn’t write it. It’s just one of those great things that is being passed around on the internet."
Although the author of the table is unconfirmed, it is thought it may have originally been drawn up by a Dutch company as an attempt to help employees working in the UK.

◯ サラセン発表。

2014-05-23 10:02:46 | ♪ One Short Talk

順位 作品 雅号
11位 倍返し! 言えずに今日も おもてなし まめまろ
✨12位 休みより 心落ち着く 出勤日 寝ぐせ隊長
✨13位 LINEやる 母の眉間に LINE増え 無病息災
14位 老後にと 貯金使わぬ 父70 はてはて
✨15位 除夜の鐘 税込み価格で 108つ 煩悩売り
16位 「お・も・て・な・し」 妻から言われる 「お・み・と・お・し」 浅川クリステル
17位 意見出せ 出したら指示が 倍返し 理不尽な上司
18位 大掃除 どこからやるか? 居間でしょ! 拳シロー
19位 慰労会 会社で飲むと 疲労会 ハピネス
20位 何歳に 見えるか競う クラス会 しゅう
✨21位 きれいだと ほめてもらった 胃の写真 微女
22位 飯あるの? 寝ている妻から 「時間外」 大魔神
23位 俺のLINE なぜか家族の 名前出ず・・・ LINEブロック
24位 「マジウケる」 ウケてんだったら 笑えよな まじか
25位 再雇用 鍛えた部下に 鍛えられ 筋トレマン
26位 誰やるの 炊事洗濯 僕でしょう 不人気講師
27位 体重計 買った妻だけ 計らない プニ男
28位 素顔だと 犬が吠えると 妻が言う 鰯いわしの夢太郎
✨29位 妊婦かな 席を譲って 叱られた 学生太郎
30位 再就職 面接官は 我が息子 就活オジさん
31位 今でしょう? いやいや、準備が いるでしょう 思いつきでしょ?
✨32位 出迎えの 犬の瞳に 愛をみる くたくたパパ
33位 新人に 任せた仕事が 倍返し コロコロペー
34位 頼んだよ 頼んだ事も 忘れてた かつを
35位 飲み会で 見せるパワーで 仕事して 芝竜
36位 同窓会 食後のくすりに 花が咲く 竹の子
✨37位 入学金 息子頼むぞ 倍返し ダメオヤジ
38位 今でしょ!と  NISAニーサの勧誘 金 NAISAナイサ フッ!なっしー
39位 俺の席 いつの間にやら 犬の席 単身プロ
40位 壇蜜は どんな和菓子か 店で聞く はりきりミセス
41位 風邪ひいて 休む連絡 LINEかよ! メタボリックマン
42位 玄関で 出迎えるのは ルンバだけ! 女々爺
✨43位 えっ わ・た・し? 席を譲られ 聞き返し ゆうこりん
44位 おいスマホ オレの指先 感じぬか ガラケーおやじ
45位 何故だろう 同じ食事で 妻元気 湘南おじん
46位 嫁ナビよ 車は急に 曲れない ゆいとパパ
47位 ルンバより 動きの悪い 我が亭主 麿呂&ミイ
48位 ただいまの 声にペットも 軽く無視 ビール大好きマーちゃん
49位 留学生 俺よりうまい 標準語 微風
50位 我が家では 言うこと聞くの スマホだけ 会津小心隊
51位 師走より  義母ははが来る日は 大掃除 本を読まない金次郎
52位 高齢化 夫婦喧嘩も 恒例化 恐妻閣下
53位 タクシーを 呼び止めたいけど 四十肩 ゆき
54位 火の用心 我が家はダントツ 妻用心 今を生きる
55位 風邪ひいて 息子は病院 パパ隔離 孤独人間
56位 昇進を ジェジェジェと祝う 我が女房 よみ人知らず
57位 ままごとも ゴミ出し役は 男の子 鰆の佐助
58位 機嫌いい 今でしょハンコ もらう時 景清句
59位 子供達 公園集合 みなDS トムさん
60位 今暇か あなたの仕事で かえれま10 残業
61位 アイフォンを ラブコールかと 聞くおやじ 米寿の父
✨62位 上司など 妻に比べりゃ まだあまちゃん 紙風船
63位 フリーです 結婚予定も ウェストも ずっしり裕美子
64位 オレの部下 半沢みたいな 奴ばかり 七福神
65位 プリクラに 写る娘は 誤表示だ 中年小僧
66位 年かさね 躾けた孫に しつけられ とんでるバアちゃん
67位 失敗は 成功じゃなく クビのもと 企業戦士V
68位 発泡酒 妻にビールと 偽装され りんたろう
69位 妻たちの 女子会ランチ 見てじぇじぇじぇ 節約ランチ
70位 センターは 選挙もなしに いつも妻 喜夢多来
71位 誤表示で あってと願う 年金額 八左衛門
72位 子の動向 フェースブックで 知らされる 善夢現
73位 見渡せば ゆるキャラばかりの 我が職場 コンティ
74位 サラ川が 始まり覚える 流行語 じぇじぇ返し
75位 失敗に 「いいよ いいよ」の 目が怖い 昔は乙女
76位 ワンコイン これなら言える 俺おごる 脱サラ願望
77位 リーマンを サラリと忘れる サラリーマン 知らん顔
78位 花火より 人が集まる DJポリス ツネパパ
79位 家にいる なのに会話は ラインだけ 時代遅れの母
✨80位 引越しを 遷宮とよぶ 歴ガール いつも退社
81位 「辞めます」に 上司どっきり 「タバコです」 めーちゃん
82位 会社でも 家でも食べてる 冷や飯を 冷食系男子
83位 緑化です ほったらかしの 庭を指し 花臓
✨84位 追いかける 昔白球 今薄給 高校窮児
85位 TPP どこのアイドル 父が言う やっちゃん
86位 たまにはさ スマホじゃなくて 僕見てよ 眠気に連敗中
87位 家族会 俺の一票 無効票 老郎詩人
88位 悪意ある 帰り際の いつやるの 合コン大好き
89位 胸に子を 手にゴミ袋 いざ、出勤! ハッピーマンデー
90位 秘密保護 オレのへそくり 適用か 頭ひねり
91位 残業の 申請理由は 家のローン 返済家
92位 キンタロー 相撲はとらぬが 笑い取る モモタロー
93位 ねじれより くびれ解消 妻の腰 マークン
94位 ゆるキャラを つつき娘が パパと呼ぶ じんろく
95位 新人の 短縮ことばに 辞書を引き ヒラリーマン
96位 このオレの 七年先は 五里ん霧中 ノリー
97位 雑草に なれと言われて 踏まれてる 井上うらら
✨97位 通勤中 上司を見つけて ムーンウォーク フォーー星人
99位 年の瀬に 使い始める 流行語 ねむりねこ
100位 かなづちの パパの指導で 子は泳げ 川流れ

✨ pfk 選

◯The Fukushima Crisis799【 フクシマ、危険にさらされる子供たち、脅かされる子供たちの未来 】

2014-05-22 18:35:18 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

05/22/2014 National Academy of Sciences. usa. Fairwinds org.

[The future of Fukushima, the children exposed to danger, and the children threatened]
Don't consider children's contamination in an adult and the same rank!
If girls return to the place of 20mSv where the once emitted radioactive material goes the inside of environment back and forth repeatedly, cancer development-of-symptoms probability will be all the 5 times age averages.
Fair WINS energy education March 20
After the accident of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant occurred, the days and months for three years have passed, but anxious one is a day of the stricken area neighborhood.
It is about the health of people of a book, and division children.
Introducing this time carries out the reorganization collection of the animation to which Dr. Ian Goddard and Ernie Gander Seng verified last year about the danger of the onset of cancer of the children outside Fukushima within the prefecture which was subject to the influence of the accident of a Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant.
the statistics result about the danger of the onset of cancer -- especially -- a year -- in young girls, it is going up to surprising height.
In the area where residents have been contaminated with the radioactive material of a Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, the onset of cancer is checked by 100 girls at one person's percentage every year.
If the onset of cancer continues for ten years at this rate, ten girls will show the symptoms of cancer among 100 persons.
Although this statistics result should just shiver, the Japanese government is going to return residents to that place.
He is Ernie Gander Seng of fair WINS energy education.
Although it is an animation by Ian Goddard which is introduced this time, I have introduced this animation once.
([The true onset percentage of cancer of radioactive contamination and children] http://kobajun.chips.jp/? p= 1944)
However, before seeing an animation, I wish to speak just to BEIR first.
BEIR is not Beer (beer) though natural.
BEIR is an abbreviation of the biological consequence by Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation, i.e., ionization (ionization) radiation, and is based on a report of National Academy of Sciences.
The causes I came to consider this problem to be were two anxious reports brought about from Japan.
Although one was news of NHK which is the press representing Japan, they were the contents that it was checked that radioactive cesium of a very high dose has adhered to the cedar pollen in Fukushima.
As a result of analyzing, the radioactive cesium (250,000 Bq) which starts 250,000 times of radioactive decays in 1 second per 1 kg of cedar pollen was detected.
Though natural, it is thought that the radioactive cesium which the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant emitted adhered, but if the seriousness of this problem becomes spring, it soars into environment again at this cedar pollen, and it is at the point of riding on a wind and being carried to every place.
It was what kind of way of speaking that I felt uneasy at this time had, when conveying that report posture, i.e., the fact.
NHK told this fact as follows.
"It is about 10 times [ of the dose of radiation to which those who are living in Tokyo are exposed usually ] the value, and the damage which receives healthily is not serious."
Now, it is a problem whether the basis made for there to be little damage which receives healthily was what is depended on what kind of calculation method.
In my own idea, if the radioactive cesium which starts 250,000 times of radioactive decays in 1 second is emitted into environment in large quantities, it will be said that the health impairment to a human body should be examined earnestly.
It was said that the locust which another report is from the report of the Japan Times which is an English paper of Japan, and was polluted by radioactivity in Fukushima is captured.
This locust was polluted by the radioactivity (4,000 Bq) which starts 4,000 times of radioactive decays in 1 second.
Then, why is the fact a problem?
Some Japanese have a custom which makes a locust the knob of alcohol edible.
It is like the contents of the report being the following.
"if a scientist eats to the knob grade of beer, even if it fries in oil, mayonnaise is attached and it eats a locust, it is said that there is" no problem like a human body -- my idea is different.
Although enjoying beer does not interfere, it is a completely different problem that eats a 4,000-Bq locust.
It is a problem which should serve as a control subject of the government authorities who should protect national health.
Even if I am unpleasant, I cannot but consider the problem about BIER (biological consequence of ionizing radiation).
According to the report of the biological consequence of the ionizing radiation by National Academy of Sciences, it has told that the exposure dose and the onset rate of cancer of radiation are in linear one, i.e., proportionality relation.
The more it is exposed to radiation, the more the development-of-symptoms rate of cancer is becoming high.
You have to avoid contamination if possible, if you would like to lower the development-of-symptoms rate of cancer.
It is because a dose of radioactivity and a cancer development-of-symptoms rate are in linear correlation.
This is a "-straight-line-threshold-less model (LNT?).
It is called Linear No Threshold approach."
The translator notes * International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) is issuing advice in the position [ having no straight line threshold (LNT) ] about the influence on the living thing by radiation, and is employed in each country.
However, there is also criticism from various positions.
If it is less than this, about certain it not going away and being where in a certain case, the threshold of being safe is a target of the dispute for years also among specialists, and it has not decided it still now at the beginning of the 21st century.
(It quotes from wikipedia "low dose contamination problem")
BIER is giving the following explanation.
When 100 rems, i.e., 1 Sv, radioactive exposure is carried out, a cancer probability of occurrence will be ten persons in one person's proportion.
If it can be held down in 10 rems, i.e., 100 millisieverts, contamination, a cancer probability of occurrence will be 100 persons in one person's proportion.
Furthermore, if it is made to decrease by one more step and it is stopped to 10 millisieverts (1 rem) contamination, a cancer probability of occurrence will be 1,000 persons in one person's proportion.
If an annual dose of radioactivity is judged to stop below at 20 millisieverts (2 rems), specification of an evacuation zone being canceled, returning to a house, and returning to the life as before is to be permitted in Japan now.
That is, if it lives by returning to a refuge specification release zone as the government directed, 20-millisievert contamination per year will be carried out, and the development-of-symptoms probability of the person's cancer will be a part of the rate of one person, and becoming high among 500 persons.
However, reality should become worse.
The human being selected as an object when BIER computed this probability is because both children and elderly people investigated for all the age.
The probability of dying of senility, or a heart attack and other reasons becomes high after being contaminated in the case of elderly people until it shows the symptoms of cancer.
On the other hand, since young people have the long survival time after the speed which an old and new cell replaces carries out contamination early, the development-of-symptoms rate of cancer will become high.
If the report of BIER is actually taken in its hand and you check table 12-D in it, you will be able to confirm the fact that girls' cancer development-of-symptoms probability increases by all the 5 times age averages.
That is, if girls return to a specification refuge release zone, the cancer development-of-symptoms probability will increase 5 times.
That is, the girls who live in a specification refuge release zone may show the symptoms of cancer at one person's percentage in 100 persons.
Girls will live in the place for many years.
If five year passes, the number of the girls who showed the symptoms of cancer has a possibility of increasing even to five persons.

05/22/2014 米国科学アカデミー. Fairwinds org.

【 フクシマ、危険にさらされる子供たち、脅かされる子供たちの未来 】


フェアウィンズ・エネルギー・エデュケイション 3月20日



今回ご紹介するのはイアン・ゴダードによる動画ですが、この動画は一度ご紹介したことがあります。(【放射能汚染・こどもたちの真のガン発生割合】 http://kobajun.chips.jp/?p=1944 )


BEIRはBiological Effects of Ionizing Radiation、すなわち電離(イオン化)放射線による生物学的影響の略語であり、米国科学アカデミーの報告に基づきます。




これは『直線しきい値なしモデル(LNT – Linear No Thresholdアプローチ)』と呼ばれています。








◯ BANSHEE ! ! ランチと再会できる全米最恐アトラクション

2014-05-22 12:18:02 | ♪ One Short Talk


2014.5.4 SUN




バンシー(banshee、bean sidhe)は、アイルランドおよびスコットランドに伝わる女の妖精です。

◯Is the US or the World Coming to an End? ― 終わりに近づいているのは、アメリカかそれとも世界?

2014-05-22 09:49:59 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

05/22/2014 paulcraigroberts.org

Welcome to PaulCraigRoberts.org


Is the US or the World Coming to an End? ― Paul Craig Roberts
April 9, 2014 | Categories: Articles & Columns | Tags: | Print This Article
Is the US or the World Coming to an End?
It will be one or the other

Paul Craig Roberts

2014 is shaping up as a year of reckoning for the United States.

Two pressures are building on the US dollar. One pressure comes from the Federal Reserve’s declining ability to rig the price of gold as Western gold supplies shrivel and market knowledge of the Fed’s illegal price rigging spreads. The evidence of massive amounts of naked shorts being dumped into the paper gold futures market at times of day when trading is thin is unequivocal. It has become obvious that the price of gold is being rigged in the futures market in order to protect the dollar’s value from QE.

The other pressure arises from the Obama regime’s foolish threats of sanctions on Russia. Other countries are no longer willing to tolerate Washington’s abuse of the world dollar standard. Washington uses the dollar-based international payments system to inflict damage on the economies of countries that resist Washington’s political hegemony.

Russia and China have had enough. As I have reported and as Peter Koenig reports here http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article38165.htm Russia and China are disconnecting their international trade from the dollar. Henceforth, Russia will conduct its trade, including the sale of oil and natural gas to Europe, in rubles and in the currencies of its BRICS partners.

This means a big drop in the demand for US dollars and a corresponding drop in the dollar’s exchange value.

As John Williams (shadowstats.com) has made clear, the US economy has not recovered from the downturn in 2008 and has weakened further. The vast majority of the US population is hard pressed from the lack of income growth for years. As the US is now an import-dependent economy, a drop in the dollar’s value will raise US prices and push living standards lower.

All evidence points to US economic failure in 2014, and that is the conclusion of John Williams’ April 9 report.

This year could also see the breakup of NATO and even the EU. Washington’s reckless coup in Ukraine and threat of sanctions against Russia have pushed its NATO puppet states onto dangerous ground. Washington misjudged the reaction in Ukraine to its overthrow of the elected democratic government and imposition of a stooge government. Crimea quickly departed Ukraine and rejoined Russia. Other former Russian territories in Ukraine might soon follow. Protesters in Lugansk, Donetsk, and Kharkov are demanding their own referendums. Protesters have declared the Donetsk People’s Republic and Kharkov People’s Republic. Washington’s stooge government in Kiev has threatened to put the protests down with violence. http://rt.com/news/eastern-ukraine-violence-threats-405/ Washington claims that the protests are organized by Russia, but no one believes Washington, not even its Ukrainian stooges.

Russian news reports have identified US mercenaries among the Kiev force that has been sent to put down the separatists in eastern Ukraine. A member of the right-wing, neo-Nazi Fatherland Party in the Kiev parliament has called for shooting the protesters dead.

Violence against the protesters is likely to bring in the Russian Army and result in the return to Russia of its former territories in Eastern Ukraine that were attached to Ukraine by the Soviet Communist Party.

With Washington out on a limb issuing threats hand over fist, Washington is pushing Europe into two highly undesirable confrontations. Europeans do not want a war with Russia over Washington’s coup in Kiev, and Europeans understand that any real sanctions on Russia, if observed, would do far more damage to Europeans. Within the EU, growing economic inequality among the countries, high unemployment, and stringent economic austerity imposed on poorer members have produced enormous strains. Europeans are in no mood to bear the brunt of a Washington-orchestrated conflict with Russia. While Washington presents Europe with war and sacrifice, Russia and China offer trade and friendship. Washington will do its best to keep European politicians bought-and-paid-for and in line with Washington’s policies, but the downside for Europe of going along with Washington is now much larger.

Across many fronts, Washington is emerging in the world’s eye as duplicitous, untrustworthy, and totally corrupt. A Securities and Exchange Commission prosecuting attorney, James Kidney used the occasion of his retirement to reveal that higher ups had squelched his prosecutions of Goldman Sachs and other “banks too big to fail,” because his SEC bosses were not focused on justice but “on getting high-paying jobs after their government service” by protecting the banks from prosecution for their illegal actions. http://www.counterpunch.org/2014/04/09/65578/

The US Agency for International Development has been caught trying to use social media to overthrow the government of Cuba. http://rt.com/news/cuba-usaid-senate-zunzuneo-241/

This audacious recklessness comes on top of Washington’s overthrow of the Ukrainian government, the NSA spying scandal, Seymour Hersh’s investigative report that the Sarin gas attack in Syria was a false flag event arranged by NATO member Turkey in order to justify a US military attack on Syria, Washington’s forcing down Bolivian President Evo Morales’ presidential plane to be searched, Saddam Hussein’s “weapons of mass destruction,” the misuse of the Libyan no-fly resolution for military attack, and on and on. Essentially, Washington has so badly damaged other countries’ confidence in the judgment and integrity of the US government that the world has lost its belief in US leadership. Washington is reduced to threats and bribes and increasingly presents as a bully.

The self-inflicted hammer blows to Washington’s credibility have taken a toll. The most serious blow of all is the dawning realization everywhere that Washington’s crackpot conspiracy theory of 9/11 is false. Large numbers of independent experts as well as more than one hundred first responders have contradicted every aspect of Washington’s absurd conspiracy theory. No aware person believes that a few Saudi Arabians, who could not fly airplanes, operating without help from any intelligence agency, outwitted the entire National Security State, not only all 16 US intelligence agencies but also all intelligence agencies of NATO and Israel as well.

Nothing worked on 9/11. Airport security failed four times in one hour, more failures in one hour than have occurred during the other 116,232 hours of the 21st century combined. For the first time in history the US Air Force could not get interceptor fighters off the ground and into the sky. For the first time in history Air Traffic Control lost airliners for up to one hour and did not report it. For the first time in history low temperature, short-lived, fires on a few floors caused massive steel structures to weaken and collapse. For the first time in history 3 skyscrapers fell at essentially free fall acceleration without the benefit of controlled demolition removing resistance from below.

Two-thirds of Americans fell for this crackpot story. The left-wing fell for it, because they saw the story as the oppressed striking back at America’s evil empire. The right-wing fell for the story, because they saw it as the demonized Muslims striking out at American goodness. President George W. Bush expressed the right-wing view very well: “They hate us for our freedom and democracy.”

But no one else believed it, least of all the Italians. Italians had been informed some years previously about government false flag events when their President revealed the truth about secret Operation Gladio. Operation Gladio was an operation run by the CIA and Italian intelligence during the second half of the 20th century to set off bombs that would kill European women and children in order to blame communists and, thereby, erode support for European communist parties.

Italians were among the first to make video presentations challenging Washington’s crackpot story of 9/11. The ultimate of this challenge is the 1 hour and 45 minute film, “Zero.” You can watch it here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QU961SGps8g&feature=youtu.be

Zero was produced as a film investigating 9/ll by the Italian company Telemaco. Many prominent people appear in the film along with independent experts. Together, they disprove every assertion made by the US government regarding its explanation of 9/11.

The film was shown to the European parliament.

It is impossible for anyone who watches this film to believe one word of the official explanation of 9/11.

The conclusion is increasingly difficult to avoid that elements of the US government blew up three New York skyscrapers in order to destroy Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Somalia, Syria, Iran, and Hezbollah and to launch the US on the neoconservatives agenda of US world hegemony.

China and Russia protested but accepted Libya’s destruction even though it was to their own detriment. But Iran became a red line. Washington was blocked, so Washington decided to cause major problems for Russia in Ukraine in order to distract Russia from Washington’s agenda elsewhere.

China has been uncertain about the trade-offs between its trade surpluses with the US and Washington’s growing encirclement of China with naval and air bases. China has come to the conclusion that China has the same enemy as Russia has–Washington.

One of two things is likely: Either the US dollar will be abandoned and collapse in value, thus ending Washington’s superpower status and Washington’s threat to world peace, or Washington will lead its puppets into military conflict with Russia and China. The outcome of such a war would be far more devastating than the collapse of the US dollar.


About Dr. Paul Craig Roberts
Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy and associate editor of the Wall Street Journal. He was columnist for Business Week, Scripps Howard News Service, and Creators Syndicate. He has had many university appointments. His internet columns have attracted a worldwide following. Roberts' latest books are The Failure of Laissez Faire Capitalism and The Failure of Laissez Faire Capitalism and Economic Dissolution of the West and How America Was Lost.

05/22/2014 paulcraigroberts.org

2014年4月11日 (金)



Paul Craig Roberts




ロシアと中国はうんざりしたのだ。私とピーター・ケーニグがここで報じている通り http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article38165.htm ロシアと中国は、国際貿易をドルから切り離しつつある。今後、ロシアは、ヨーロッパへの石油と天然ガス販売も含め、貿易をルーブルで、BRICSパートナーとはその国の通貨で行うのだ。




今年、NATOが崩壊するかも知れず、EUさえもが崩壊するかも知れない。アメリカ政府の無謀なウクライナ・クーデターと、ロシアに対する経済制裁の脅しが、NATO傀儡諸国を危険な場所へと追いやっている。アメリカ政府は、選挙で選ばれた民主的政権の打倒と、傀儡政権の押し付けに対する、ウクライナでの反応を見誤ったのだ。クリミアは即座にウクライナを離脱し、ロシアに再編入した。ウクライナ国内の他の旧ロシア領も、間もなく続く可能性がある。ルガンスク、ドネツクやハリコフの抗議行動参加者達は住民投票を要求している。抗議行動参加者は、ドネツク人民共和国とハリコフ人民共和国を宣言した。キエフのアメリカ傀儡政権は、抗議行動を武力で鎮圧すると脅している。http://rt.com/news/eastern-ukraine-violence-threats-405/ アメリカ政府は、抗議行動はロシアが組織していると主張するが、アメリカ政府を信じるものはなく、ウクライナの傀儡連中ですら信じていない。




多くの前線で、アメリカ政府は、世界の目に対し、二枚舌で、信用できず、全く腐敗したものとして見え始めている。証券取引委員会検察官ジェームズ・キドニーは、退職の機会を利用して、SECの幹部は、銀行が違法行為で起訴されることから守って、正義ではなく、“国家公務員を辞めた後、高給の仕事にありつくこと”に重点を置いて、ゴールドマン・サックスや他の“大きすぎて潰せない銀行”を彼が起訴するのを、幹部連中が抑え込むんだことを暴露した 。http://www.counterpunch.org/2014/04/09/65578/







イタリア人は、アメリカ政府の常軌を逸した 9/11説明に挑戦するビデオを最初に制作した人々の一つだ。この挑戦の究極が、1時間45分の映画“Zero”だ。映画はここで見られる。http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QU961SGps8g&feature=youtu.be








◯The Fukushima Crisis798Lying Scum Japanese PM Shinzo Abe【可算名詞】口語.人間のくず,ごくつぶし.

2014-05-20 22:31:02 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

scum http://ejje.weblio.jp
音節scum 発音記号/skˈʌm/音声を聞く
1【不可算名詞】 [また a scum]
a(煮沸または発酵の際に生じる)浮きかす[泡], 上皮.
2a【不可算名詞】 [集合的に; 複数扱い] 人間のくず.
the scum of the earth 世間のくずども.-Shakespeareがよく使用する-
b【可算名詞】 《口語》 人間のかす,ごくつぶし.
【動詞】 【自動詞】
(scum・med; scum・ming) 浮きかす[泡]ができる.

05/22/2014 Global News. Arnie Gundersen. BBC Interview. TOKYO (Kyodo) .

Lying Scum Japanese PM Shinzo Abe: ‘There Is No Confirmation That Someone’s Health Has Been Directly Affected By Radioactive Substances’

Environment, Global News, Health, PoliticsAdd comments

Just ask the USS Ronald Reagan crew!!!

I could post here hundreds of links that would expose Abe as the ultimate liar.

- Arnie Gundersen: Terrifying Cancer Data For Fukushima – ‘Statistics Are Astounding Especially For Young Girls’

- 75 Fukushima Children Confirmed Or Suspected With Thyroid Cancer – Expert: ‘Gene Pool Is Damaged’; Surge In Disease Expected

- Thyroid Cancer Rates On The Rise In Japanese Children, Experts Warn Residents To Evacuate

- BBC Interview: “News about Fukushima… keeps getting worse” ― Japan Professor: “Rash of disease” in Fukushima children, rate of cancer in thyroid up to “dozens of times higher than usual” ― Expert: Forcible radiation exposure by gov’t

- Thyroid Cancers Surge Among Fukushima Youths

- Fukushima Cover-Up: Extraordinary Amount Of Children Have Thyroid Cancer

“If you don’t educate yourself now and fast, you’ll die.”
- Prof. Hayakawa of Gunma University

- Abe seeks to dispel radiation concerns stirred by Japanese manga (Mainichi/Kyodo, May 19, 2014):

TOKYO (Kyodo) ― Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on Saturday sought to dispel concerns stirred by a famous Japanese comic which linked radiation exposure from the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear complex to nosebleeds, saying there is not a single case of someone’s health known to have been damaged through exposure.

In a recent edition of the long-running comic “Oishinbo,” the main character is shown having a nosebleed after visiting the plant, where three nuclear reactors melted down and buildings exploded days after a huge earthquake and tsunami hit northeastern Japan in 2011.

“There is no confirmation that someone’s health has been directly affected by radioactive substances,” Abe told reporters after visiting Fukushima Medical University to be briefed about radiation effects in the wake of the disaster at the Fukushima plant.

“There is a need for the state to make all-out efforts to deal with baseless rumors,” Abe said and vowed to provide accurate information to eliminate such concerns.

The premier also said his government will study whether the way it has been providing information to the public was sufficient.

During his one-day trip to Fukushima, Abe watched a simulated thyroid examination at the medical university. Radioactive iodine released in nuclear accidents can accumulate in thyroid glands due to breathing or ingestion, and increase the risk of thyroid cancer.

Tags: Environment, Fukushima, Global News, Government, Japan, Nuclear, Nuclear reactors, Politics, Shinzo Abe

One Response to “Lying Scum Japanese PM Shinzo Abe: ‘There Is No Confirmation That Someone’s Health Has Been Directly Affected By Radioactive Substances’”

Marilyn Gjerdrum Says:
May 19th, 2014 at 3:22 pm
Why aren’t these criminals facing the world court for global genocide? These bastards have broken the food chain for all time, very likely have now left the planet uninhabitable for humans. By their own lies and greed, (they refused Russia’s help three years ago, the one nation that had experience with nuclear fallout) they wanted to put TEPCO’s future ahead of the lives of the people.
The bastards should be living in jail at Fukushima.
If I had my way, all the warring nations would turn on Japan and wipe them off the face of the earth…….but in retrospect, they have already done it for us. Unfortunately, others will suffer and die as well. They will cook alive, but so will others unless some people show up with pills for us to take to avoid radioactive death, so that we can just go to sleep………
Cooking from the inside out is very painful.
They have destroyed the human race and still mouth their lies……..
They are the enemies of the world. Warmongers, go after them.

05/22/2014 Global News. Arnie Gundersen. BBC Interview. TOKYO (Kyodo) .





- アーニーGundersenの:福島恐怖のがんデータ- 「統計特に若い女の子のための驚異的です」

- 75福島の子供を確認または甲状腺がんと疑われる-専門家: '遺伝子プールが損傷しています'; 考慮される疾患の急増

- 日本の小児で急上昇している甲状腺がん、専門家は、避難する住民に警告。

- BBCのインタビュー:「福島についてのニュース...が悪化し続けて" -日本の教授:福島の子どもたちの「病気の発疹」、「通常より数十倍」までの甲状腺がんの割合-専門家:「日本GOVによる強制放射線被ばく」

- 甲状腺がんは、福島の若者の間でSurgeしています。

- 福島カバーアップ:子供の甲状腺癌の異常な急上昇。


- PM安倍は、日本のマンガで攪拌した放射線の懸念払拭に努める(Mainichi/Kyodo、2014年5月19日)。

TOKYO (Kyodo) ― Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on Saturday sought to dispel concerns stirred by a famous Japanese comic which linked radiation exposure from the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear complex to nosebleeds, saying there is not a single case of someone’s health known to have been damaged through exposure.

In a recent edition of the long-running comic “Oishinbo,” the main character is shown having a nosebleed after visiting the plant, where three nuclear reactors melted down and buildings exploded days after a huge earthquake and tsunami hit northeastern Japan in 2011.

“There is no confirmation that someone’s health has been directly affected by radioactive substances,” Abe told reporters after visiting Fukushima Medical University to be briefed about radiation effects in the wake of the disaster at the Fukushima plant.







1つの応答 "スカム日本PM安倍晋三横たわる:「誰かの健康を直接放射性物質の影響を受けていることは確認がない」」
Why aren’t these criminals facing the world court for global genocide? These bastards have broken the food chain for all time, very likely have now left the planet uninhabitable for humans. By their own lies and greed, (they refused Russia’s help three years ago, the one nation that had experience with nuclear fallout) they wanted to put TEPCO’s future ahead of the lives of the people.
The bastards should be living in jail at Fukushima.
If I had my way, all the warring nations would turn on Japan and wipe them off the face of the earth…….but in retrospect, they have already done it for us. Unfortunately, others will suffer and die as well. They will cook alive, but so will others unless some people show up with pills for us to take to avoid radioactive death, so that we can just go to sleep………
Cooking from the inside out is very painful.
They have destroyed the human race and still mouth their lies……..
They are the enemies of the world. Warmongers, go after them.


私は私の方法を持っていた場合は、すべての戦争する国が突然日本を攻撃して、地球上から消してしまう、 が、振り返ってみると、彼らはすでに私たちのためにそれを行っているでしょう。残念ながら、他の人も同様に苦しみ、死んでしまう。彼らは生きて調理しますが、我々だけでスリープ状態に入ることができるように、そのように他の人が何人かの人々は.........、放射性死を防止するための私たちのための薬で表示されない限り、
彼らは人間を破壊してきた その嘘をつくその口で........

(a person who advocates war or warlike policies)

◯ rain shelter flower. 雨降り花。

2014-05-20 07:36:20 | ♪ One Short Talk

💥 A firefly take shelter from the rain under dis flower.

05/20/2014 yasounikki.exblog.
Tag: A firefly take shelter from the rain under dis flower.
[2011-08-04 16:38]

It will grow in slopes, such as a yard and a bank of a way, in 6 July.
Since it blooms at a rainy season term, there is also another name of "rain flower."
A rainfall flower looks down and attaches a flower to a degree.
The very appearance is "Bellflower."

Department firefly bag of a western bellflower, perennial herbaceous plant.
Distribution place It sees in whole extent of Japan.
In English, it is called "bellflower (flower of a bell)."

if it gets wet to rain, a color will fall out -- frosted glass -- like -- gently .
It is also beautiful that the spot of the dark color which is inside a bell form looms.
The lining cloth of a stylish and lovely kimono is imagined.
Silk is attached to the reverse side of the kimono of cotton, and a joke is carried out.
It is an Edoite's firefly bag which is stylish.
A purple spot pattern is in a
flower, The bell type of a petal is lovely.
Height of grass is 5to6 cm in length of a flower about 70 cm.
It seems that the flower bloomed at the time when a firefly flies about, and the name of "firefly bag" was attached since the firefly was put in this flower and it used for firefly picking.

05/20/2014 yasounikki.exblog.

タグ:ほたるぶくろ ( 2 )
[ 2012-06-30 20:18 ]
[ 2011-08-04 16:38 ]
   💥 A firefly take shelter from the rain under dis flower.                     ★… 【 梅雨の中休み 】 蛍袋・ほたるぶくろ …★ 
                   2012.06 自宅にて


【蛍袋】ききょう科ほたるぶくろ属、多年草。 分布地 日本全土に見られる。英語では「bellflower(鐘の花)」という。




◯Japan is facing a genuine test of its democracy.日本は民主主義の本当の試練に直面している。

2014-05-19 13:04:00 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

05/19/2914. (International New York Times)


05/14/2014 nytimes.com re-up version
◯ The Fukushima Crisis790 ; Hubris PM Abe.安倍首相の思い上がり。傲慢。nytimes.com
ニューヨーク・タイムズ社説、安倍首相の解釈改憲への動きを激しく批判 The New York Times Editorial Criticizes Abe's Move to Reinterpret the Pacifist Constitution
05/08/2014 - 17:59

ニューヨーク・タイムズの電子版に、安倍氏による解釈改憲の試みを強烈に批判する社説が出た。紙版では、5月9日のニューヨーク・タイムズ国際版(International New York Times)

Japan’s Pacifist Constitution


Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan is pushing for an expanded role for the Japanese military that would allow it to fight alongside allies beyond the country’s territory. He seeks to shoulder greater global security responsibilities by what he calls proactive pacifism.

But he faces a major hurdle. Article 9 of the Constitution, which has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize this year, states the Japanese people “forever renounce war as a sovereign right of the nation.” Mr. Abe’s aim to change the powers of the military would require a constitutional revision, which would mean winning two-thirds approval in both houses of Parliament, followed by a referendum ― a very tall order. So instead, Mr. Abe seeks to void Article 9 by having the government reinterpret the Constitution. Such an act would completely undermine the democratic process.

Mr. Abe’s highest political goal is to replace the Constitution written and imposed upon the Japanese by the American Army following World War II. For 67 years, not a single word has been amended. Mr. Abe strongly feels that the Constitution imposes an onerous restriction on Japanese sovereignty and is outdated. Still, as critics point out, he should know that the Constitution’s primary function is to check government power. It is not something that can be altered by the whim of government. Otherwise, there is no reason to bother with having a constitution at all.

As things stand, only the New Komeito Party, the junior coalition member of the government with a deep pacifist bent, could inhibit Mr. Abe’s ambition. Without New Komeito, the prime minister’s government loses its majority in the upper house, so Mr. Abe is doing his utmost to come up with a way toward a constitutional reinterpretation acceptable to New Komeito. The other eight opposition parties are in disarray. Mr. Abe has a strong hand, and Japan is facing a genuine test of its democracy.


NewYork Times 「日本の平和憲法」
5月8日付けのNew York Times の社説Japan's Pacifist Constitution が、日本の民主主義がいよいよ危機的状況に直面していると報じた。


日本は民主主義の本当の試練に直面している。(Japan is facing a genuine test of its democracy)


文中で興味深いのは「積極的平和主義」を記事がwhat he calls proactive pacifism と訳している点。「彼のいわゆる先取り的平和主義」。まだ何も起きていないうちに「これはいずれ平和を乱すことになるかもしれない」と判断したら他国への武力攻撃を含む干渉を行う立場というニュアンスがこのproactive pacifism にこめられている。

◯ The Fukushima Crisis797 ; "Li'l Creatures" / Spitz. 『小さな生き物』

2014-05-18 22:00:44 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

05/18/2014. /in-the-eyes-of-etranger.blogspot.jp


2013.9.11スピッツNEWアルバム『小さな生き物』発売記念トリビュート:英訳版(仮題)"Li'l Creatures" / Spitz (Singable adapted draft Ver.2.0)

"Li'l Creatures" / Spitz
Words/Music by Kusano Masamune
Adapted by Office BALÉS (*singable DRAFT version)
*means you can literally sing along with the melody
Original lyrics (Japanese)

I'm not gonna give up
I'm a living creature, yes I'm
I have my own
I wan't to protect

I want to embrace 'em
Share the warmth
with these li'l creatures
in this li'l world
This tiny tiny world

It's true it could have been better
If I hadn't known anything
If I hadn't known all that much at all
But I still keep on dreaming
The same dream that I've dreamed of
The same foolish dream I dreamed of

Rain keeps falling onto those, who
are too afraid to leap ahead, ooh
But I still keep on walking
walking all the way ahead
wherever it may lead us to

I'm not gonna give up
I'm a living creature, yes I'm
I have my own
I wan't to protect

But I hadn't known that
there were these li'l creatures
So I go again
to the far end of this world

No matter how deep we bury it underground, yeah
they wouldn't vanish into thin air

So let's start from the beginning
without deceit reveal yourself
tell us only the naked truth

I'm not gonna give up
I'm a living creature, yes I'm
I have my own
I wan't to protect

I want to embrace 'em
share the warmth
with these li'l creatures
in this li'l world
This tiny tiny world



From their new album released TODAY,
9.11.2013, marking two-and-a-half years
anniversary since 3.11.2011 in Japan.
Posted by Office BALÉS at 23:59
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Labels: Activism (平和活動), Civil Liberty (市民の自由), No Nukes (非核・反核), Nucelar Safety (核の安全性), Translations (翻訳)
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◯ The Fukushima Crisis796; LD50[lethal dose50%]. 致死50%の世界へ。

2014-05-18 10:39:19 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

05/18/2014 ENENews, May 15, 2014
Smithsonian Magazine, May 14, 2014
Nature ― Scientific Reports (pdf), Published May 15, 2014

New study reveals deaths and mutations ”increased sharply’ from exposure to Fukushima contamination, “especially at low doses” ― ‘Small’ levels of cesium may be ‘significantly toxic’ ― Smithsonian: “In other words, things don’t look good for the animals living around Fukushima”
Environment, Global News, Health, ScienceNo Comments »
- New study reveals deaths and mutations ”increased sharply’ from exposure to Fukushima contamination, “especially at low doses” ― ‘Small’ levels of cesium may be ‘significantly toxic’ ― Smithsonian: “In other words, things don’t look good for the animals living around Fukushima” (ENENews, May 15, 2014):

Smithsonian Magazine, May 14, 2014: Even Tiny Amounts of Radioactive Food Made Caterpillars Become Abnormal Butterflies [...] Researchers in Japan [...] discovered, even a small amount of radiation is too much. [...] The scientists collected plant material from around Fukushima and fed it to pale grass blue butterfly caterpillars. When the caterpillars turned into butterflies, they suffered from mutations and were more likely to die early [... even if they] had only eaten a small amount of artificial caesium [...] In other words, things don’t look good for the animals living around Fukushima.

Nature ― Scientific Reports (pdf), Published May 15, 2014: [We] examined possible relationships between the dose of ingested cesium per larva and the mortality and abnormality rates. Both the mortality and abnormality rates increased sharply, especially at low doses [...] the mortality and abnormality rates increased sharply, especially at low doses. Additionally, there seemed to be no threshold level below which no biological response could be detected. [...] the dose-response data suggests that the relatively small level of artificial cesium from the Fukushima Dai-ichi NPP may be significantly toxic to some individuals in butterfly populations [...] the half lethal [i.e. LD50, amount that will kill 50% of a test subjects] dose [is 1.9 Bq per larva] and the half abnormal dose [is 0.76 Bq per larva] [...] relatively small [levels] of artificial cesium from the Fukushima Dai-ichi NPP may be significantly toxic to some individuals in butterfly populations [...] we assert that the half lethal and abnormal doses we obtained were quite high. [...] it should be noted that we sampled contaminated leaves from Fukushima City, which many people inhabit as though nothing had happened [...] Implications of the half lethal and abnormal doses we obtained in the present study will impact future discussions on the effects of radioactive exposure on other organisms, including humans. [...] In conclusion, it is important to recognize the risk of internal radiation exposure due to ingested radioactive cesium, at least for the pale grass blue butterfly, and likely for certain other organisms living in the polluted area, possibly including humans. [...]

View the study published by Nature here (pdf)

Tags: Environment, Fukushima, Global News, Health, Japan, Nuclear, Nuclear reactors, Radiation

05/18/2014 ENENews, May 15, 2014
Smithsonian Magazine, May 14, 2014
Nature ― Scientific Reports (pdf), Published May 15, 2014

LD-50 【エルディーごじゅう】

50%致死量(lethal dose)。薬物の急性毒性の一つで,実験動物群の50%を殺す毒物の量。個体感受性の差が著しいときは最小致死量より精度が高い。電離放射線の場合には,強力な一時全身照射で照射後30日以内に被照射個体数の50%が死ぬ量。

新しい研究では、「急激に増加死亡や変異を明らかにし「特に低用量で、福島の汚染への暴露から "" - "スモール"かなり有毒 'セシウムのレベルであってもよい' - スミソニアン: "つまり、物事がために良いと見ていない福島を中心に生きている動物」
- つまり、物事は良いと見ていない: '" - -スモール「かなり有毒'セシウムのレベルであってもよい」スミソニアン「特に低用量で「福島の汚染への暴露から大幅に増加した」「新しい研究では、死亡や変異を明らかにし福島周辺に住む動物のため」(ENENews、2014年5月15日):

スミソニアン誌、2014年5月14日:放射性食品製毛虫が異常蝶になって少量でも [...]日本の研究[...]発見は、放射線の小さな量が多すぎる。[...]科学者たちは、福島各地から植物材料を回収して草青蝶毛虫を供給した。毛虫が蝶になったとき、彼らは変異が苦しんで、早期死亡する可能性が高かった[...彼らはあっても]は人工セシウムの少量を食べていた[...]つまり、物事が良いと見ていない福島周辺に住む動物のため。

ネイチャー-科学レポート 2014年5月15日公開(PDF)、[私たちは]幼虫ごとに摂取セシウムの線量率と死亡率、異常率との間の可能な関係を検討した。死亡率と異常率の両方が死亡し、異常率が特に低用量で、急激に増加し[...]特に低用量で、急激に増加した。さらに、生物学的応答を検出することができなかった、それ以下全くスレッショルド·レベルはないように思えた。[...]用量反応データは、福島第一原子力発電所からの人工的なセシウムの比較的小さなレベルが[...]半致死[すなわちLD50、量蝶の個体群の一部の個人にかなり有毒であることを示唆している福島第一原子力発電所5月から人工セシウム]] ...




◯ Hazardous Brain of Children.子供たちを守れ 子供の脳は携帯の電波に弱い!

2014-05-17 08:01:16 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

05/17/2014 Prof.Gandhi of the Utah university
Mobile phone The electromagnetic wave is safety or an author. George Kahlo & Martin Schram
Translator Sonoko Takatsuki Publisher Hisayoshi Taniyama Publishing office Shueisha, Inc. children can be protected. A child's brain is a prologue weak on an electric wave. Damage to DNA of the brain cell of a rat Introduction Breakage-gene damage of DNA A blood brain barrier is damaged. A cellular phone actually gene damage Conclusive proof to cause The children from whom a mobile phone causes a brain tumor can be protected. Neither a child nor parents overlooked the newspaper full-page advertisement of the total color with a child's brain weak on an electric wave.
it is in the back about skillful red, pink, blue, and green -- Mickey Mouse and a Minny mouse -- goofy -- the new portable cover of smiling face Nokia.
The copy greatly printed by the solid-white character did not have how to overlook in a belt with red 3-inch width which crosses from the end of space to an end, either.
- "say -- wanting -- " -- "let's boil and give all small Disney's Christmas magic right now" -- "-- please choose out of four kinds of Disney express-on covers -- the Christmas present of - Mickey, Minnie, Donald, and goofy is cool .
AT& "
AT & T developed the whole country for this newspaper full-page advertisement in 99 years of Christmas season using a large amount of advertising expenses.
If an example is taken to the New York Times, it is published with months [ 11 ] 12 and 19 day.
AT & T provided the person who made a contract of the family plan of the company with special service that the Nokia woods personal digital assistant becomes a 30-dollar discount, as strategy to which consumers are made to further buy a cellular phone of this Disney that truly seems to be pleasant for.
This was the Christmas campaign calculated minutely, although cost started.
The target of AT & T was borrowing Disney's character and the power in the Nokia woods, extending portable service "family plan" of the company at the home of the United States, and making children's hand grasp this Nokia woods carrying.
But, the cellular phone grasped by the small hand is applied by the small head.
"say -- this copy of"AT & T set up the new standard of the commercial cynicism as wanting.
It is this bright happy shade of very effective advertisement, and is because neither the portable maker nor the communications service company might have said.
A certain scientific information was widely distributed to the portable industry three years ago from it.
it was warned to attain far deeply the bunch of the electromagnetic waves emitted from a portable antenna until with a child's head as compared with an adult.
And the electromagnetic waves which once penetrated the child's skull go into a brain or eyes with an absorptivity far higher than an adult's case.
Dr. famous scientist Homme Gandhi of the Utah university did the research in 1996.
He investigated the difference in a partial absorption ratio with the head of the 5 years-old child, the 10 years-old child, and the adult.
The result was very shocking.
He is three age groups, and measured and compared the average of the partial absorption ratio in the unit of m?(milli watt).
The following is the measurement value.
Part ......... ... Adult 10 years-old child 5 years-old child
The partial absorption ratio within a brain (mW/) 7.8 /19.8 / 33.1
Partial Absorption Ratio of Liquid Portion of Eye /.1 (MW) 3.3 /18.4 /40.2
the partial absorption ratio (mW/) of the lens portion of eye -- 1.3 /6.9 /15.6
the partial absorption ratio (mW/) of the connective tissue of eye -- 1.8 /9.8 /19.7
-- the difference in the amount of absorption by age is remarkable as mentioned above.
Therefore, it can be said that the healthy risk by electromagnetic waves becomes quite larger than an adult in the case of a child.
These worries may be applied also to gene damage or cancer.
Now, in institutional science, the result which suggests the relevance of portable electromagnetic waves and gene damage strongly has come out.
The especially most anxious thing is that it is consistent in the experiment in the world, and formation of a small core is observed in the blood cell after exposure.

If your child uses a cellular phone, please use a loudspeaker telephone or an earphone.
cause' the strength of electromagnetic waves is in inverse proportion to the 2nd power of distance.

05/17/2014 Prof.Gandhi of the Utah university

携帯電話 その電磁波は安全か
著者  ジョージ・カーロ&マーティン・シュラム
訳者  高月園子  発行者 谷山尚義  発行所 株式会社集英社
子供たちを守れ 子供の脳は電波に弱い
プロローグ ネズミの脳細胞のDNAに損傷が 入門 DNAの破損-遺伝子損傷 血液脳関門を損傷 携帯が実際に遺伝子損傷を起こす決定的な証拠 携帯電話が脳腫瘍の原因になる 子供たちを守れ 子供の脳は電波に弱い




部位 ・・・・・・・・・ ・・・ 成人 十歳児  五歳児
脳内の局所吸収比(mW/㎏) 7.8 /19.8 /33.1
目の液体部分の局所吸収比(mW㎏) 3.3 /18.4 / 40.2
目のレンズ部分の局所吸収比(mW/㎏) 1.3  /6.9 /15.6
目の結合組織の局所吸収比(mW/㎏) 1.8  /9.8 /19.7

・If your child uses a cellular phone, please use a loudspeaker telephone or an earphone.
cause' the strength of electromagnetic waves is in inverse proportion to the 2nd power of distance.