◯The Fukushima Crisis805Trial福島集団疎開裁判.「見えない、臭わない、味もしない、理想的な毒」

2014-05-30 15:31:44 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

[information] -- comment [ of Chomsky ]: to 4.24 Sendai High Court judgment -- while a court recognizes the danger to health -- nevertheless, children -- from the area in Fukushima -- refuge -- carry out -- he got to know having obstructed the trial which truly surprised.
There is nothing that treats the children who are the most important property how in what gets damaged easiliest, and this case, or tells the level of social morals above.
He expects strongly that this cruel judgment will be reversed, and it believes.

> text (April 30, 2013)
05/30/2014 From a foreign country Five persons' typical voice (2014 4? May)
Fashion designer Katharine Hamnett
The Switzerland Geneva mayor Remy Pagani
Civil rights activist Noam Chomsky
Former Secretary of State for the Environment France Corinne Lepage
Hiroaki Koide (un-Japanese Japanese .)
Public broadcasting of South Korea, Germany, and France
it does not give up with Nonaka, either -- Michiyuki Matsuzaki (NPO representation) Mr. (doctor) Yamamoto [ Taro ] Mr. (actor) Kaori Kanda (professional storyteller) -- NPO "Chernobyl -- applying -- the end "
Mr. Haruhiko Arai (dramatist)
Mr. Hiroaki Koide (a scholar and nuclear engineering)
[Report] Below the resume of the striped group evacuation trial continuation lecture meeting which 5.23?25 Hokkaido 4 city wipes is a resume of the lecture meeting (lecturer: defense counsel Toshio Yanagihara) of "a striped group evacuation trial to wipe" performed from the 23rd of this month at four places (Asahikawa, Sapporo, Tomakomai, and Muroran) in Hokkaido.
0 To the start (self-introduction)
It was ignorant to a nuclear power plant or radioactivity to 3.11.
Why did it come to be concerned with the evacuation trial after 3.11?
Encounter with -> "Bitech Century"
The science trial of -> prohibition = unusual experience with the residents of the "genetically modified unevenness" in the inside concerned with the trial of the gene modification technology which is state-of-the-art technology
1, the Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster (1), and the Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster occur twice.
In "the relation between man and nature", as for the 1st time, the 2nd times are in "the relation between man and a human being."
The accident which occurred in the "Seki charge of man and nature" of the 1st time means after that the accident which occurs in the 2nd "relation between man and a human being", and it is operated (mind conte roll).
Therefore, when the operation is revealed, the suspicion and fear and the distrust to civic technology and people that employ and manage it reach the maximum.
However, nature cannot be deceived, even if the operation is not revealed fortunately but it is able to deceive civic eyes.
Any mind control is powerless in front of "the relation between man and nature."
Nature judges man mercilessly.
Moreover, with "the relation between man and nature", today is specialized, and it cannot subdivide and cannot grasp a natural global image correctly by the division-ized technology.
therefore -- self--- It cannot grasp correctly about the danger of producing in using artificially.
this meaning of today's technology is also powerless in front of "the relation between man and nature" it is ("mechanism of safety and danger" supplement).
(Reference > danger is made by people!)
Collaboration "mechanism of safety and danger" third chapter "how is distrust to civic science formed?" chapter 4 "round-table talk" 184 to187 pages are depended.
The viewpoint which recognizes (2) and "the ideal poison not appearing, not stinking, and in which there is not the taste, either": Think in azimuth difference (gap).
Previously, I only considered common human being understanding from the position of my understanding.
As for me, in the position of the external reason which is not that [ one's ] about itself, the most secret motive also considers judgment of it to be also from others' viewpoint now.
comparison of both consideration -- azimuth difference strong to be sure -- producing -- although carried out, it is the only means for avoiding optical deception and setting concepts in the true position in which they stand about the cognitive ability of humanity.
(Kant "(Traume eines Geistersehers)")
A. Time azimuth difference : contrast of henceforth before 3.11
B. Azimuth difference regarding the place : contrast with Chernobyl and Fukushima
C. Contrast with human azimuth difference: "a government important person, a self-governing body important person and nuclear unevenness resident, and its family" and average citizen
Mayor example Koriyama
* Today's examination
. Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster seen from the world (contrast with the inside of Japan)
. From the world history to the Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster (contrast with a 100-year front)
2, the Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster seen from the world
. Akira Sugaya Matsumoto mayor (14.4.24)
Why was such a message expressed now?
. From a foreign country Five typical voice (2013 4? May) fashion designers Katharine Hamnett
The Switzerland Geneva mayor Remy Pagani
Civil rights activist Noam Chomsky Former Secretary of State for the Environment France Corinne Lepage
Hiroaki Koide (un-Japanese Japanese)
voice of people of a foreign country to obscurity the message from Italy -- why did they utter such voice?
. News which reports the striped group evacuation trial to wipe
television -- the time of the statement on June 24, 2011 -- TBSNEWS23 -- one company.
Henceforth, entirely nothing.
Outside the country.
The public broadcasting of South Korea, Germany, and France is coverage and broadcast.
South Korean public broadcaster (KBS) "Koriyama and "striped group evacuation trial to wipe"" (2012.1.10)
. Reality of Fukushima (from the speech in the Geneva United Nations in October, 2012)
"Various standard values are raised". [ of the Japanese government ] [ hiding plan "information the 3 administration of a country", "showing an accident small", ]
The Chernobyl accident should be teaching thoroughly.
Example Evacuation of schoolchildren of Kiev -> the actual condition of 2011.4.19 time [ 20 ] raising health impairment: Test result of childhood thyroid cancer
35 times (14.2.7) of Belarus -> they are 40 times by the announcement on the May 19 [ newest ].
"collapse" of a screen effect theory -- certain (14.5.19)
The side reader "talk of cancer" latest Fukushima of the Koriyama health center to distribution Dose near the junior high school main gate in Fukushima Dose of a train window (Ban'etsu Tosen tugboat ? Koriyama)
The remark "Churchill and Roosevelt knew having occurred by Holocaust those days" (historical repetition) of Spielberg after making the movie "Schindler's List"
. Determination of the Sendai High Court on April 24, 2013 (judgment)
The media in the world were surprised.
-> inconsistency with an epoch-making finding of fact (reason) and an unreasonable conclusion (main sentence)
. Relief of the children which a start moment to lose of the Matsumoto child studying-abroad project does not become, either is started as citizen type public works by a civic hand.
3, contrast with war
The Shohei Ooka's "Leyte record of war"
4, the Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster seen from the world history
Similarity to World War I
the "speech oppression problem of 5 and "delicious lover" -- not achieving accountability oneself [ of me / note-of-protest > ] -- the expression person of a minority opinion -- it can admit decisively" -- if there is nothing, it will protest against speech oppression of Fukushima Prefecture which issues a statement of protest

【お知らせ】4.24仙台高裁判決に対するチョムスキーのコメント:裁判所が、健康への危険性を認識しながら、にもかかわらず、子どもたちを福島の地域から避難さ せようとする試みを阻んだことを知り、本当に驚いています。最も傷つきやすいもの、この場合、最も大切な財産である子どもたちをどのように扱うか以上に社会のモラルの水準を物語るものはありません。この残酷な判決が覆されることを強く希望し、信じます。->原文(2013年4月30日) 

05/30/2014 外国から 5人の代表的な声(2014年4~5月)

  ファッション・デザイナー キャサリン・ハムネット

   スイス・ジュネーブ市長 レミー・パガーニ

    人権活動家 ノーム・チョムスキー     

フランス前環境大臣 コリンヌ・ルパージュ




以下は、今月23日から、北海道の4箇所(旭川・札幌・苫小牧・室蘭)で行った「ふくしま集団疎開裁判」の講演会(講演者:弁護団 柳原敏夫)のレジメです。


3.11まで原発や放射能に無知だった。3.11以後、なぜ疎開裁判に関わるようになったのか。 →「バイテク・センチュリー」との出会い


1、福島原発事故 (1)、福島原発事故は2度発生する。

2度目の「人間と人間との関係」の中で発生する事故とは、1度目の「人間と自然との関 係」の中で発生した事故がその後意図して操作(マインドコント ロール)されたものである。従って、その操作が発覚したとき、市民の科学技術とそれを運用・管理する人たちに対する疑心暗鬼・不信感は極大に達する。


そ の上、「人間と自然との関係」で、今日の専門化し、細分化し、分断化された科学技術では自然の全体像を正しく把握することができない。そのため、自 然を人工的に利用するにあたって生じる危険性についても正しく把握することができない。この意味でも、今日の科学技術は「人間と自然との関係」の前で無力 である(『安全と危険のメカニズム』補足より)。
(参考->危険は人によって作られる! 共著「安全と危険のメカニズム」第3章「市民の科学への不信はいかにして形成されるか」第4章「座談会」184~187頁より)


ref. カントの『視霊者の夢』(Traume eines Geistersehers)、シラーの『招霊妖術師』(Der Geisterseher)においては、ドイツ語のガイスト(Geist)は「霊」と訳されている。それは、 啓蒙的な合理的世界の外に存在し、しかしその外からこの機械的な合理的世界に生命 ...


  例 郡山市長





②.外国から 5人の代表的な声(2013年4~5月)
  ファッション・デザイナー キャサリン・ハムネット

    スイス・ジュネーブ市長 レミー・パガーニ

    人権活動家 ノーム・チョムスキー     フランス前環境大臣 コリンヌ・ルパージュ


  外国から無名の人々の声  イタリアからのメッセージ




韓国公共放送局(KBS)『郡山と「ふくしま集団疎開裁判」』 (2012.1.10)    


          例 キエフの学童疎開→2011.4.19 20倍引き上げ

           ベラルーシの35倍(14.2.7)            →最新の5月19日の発表で40倍。

  最近の福島 福島市の中学校正門付近の線量           車窓の線量(磐越東線 引船~郡山)








* Human rights abuse of three subjects, as a result the greatest victim are children's "life and health" of Fukushima.
Freedom of author's expression (1) and experienced fact (a nosebleed and decontamination) (2), uncertain scientific truth (relation between contamination and health impairment)
citizen's right to know (the freedom of expression is indispensable to "the open space of free speech and discussion" which is a democratic base)
Freedom of expressing the fact which people of Fukushima which is victim experienced, truth, and the view which believes
O Protest against mother "delicious lover" speech oppression of "nosebleed is fact" Fukushima.

Human rights of being as healthy as the lives of the children of Fukushima which is the greatest victim
Contributor sokai time: 0:25 Zero comment
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
I had approval expressed for the protest of a "delicious lover" problem from the direction below introduction ("delicious lover" problem) of approval people and an approval organization (as required, updating).
O Don't give up with Nonaka, either (NPO representation).

A battle of ideology or a battle of the right and the left
It's not battle of a rich person and a poor person It is the battle protect our life.It is becoming a country which deserves raising becoming a useless country -- the -- I think that it is a battle .
First It is said that it is coming to such serious crossroads. Fact
The fact He is a hero of a country. It is what we the people know.
Even this thing [ getting to know ] is not allowed. Manipulating the information to say liking It is saying that power is seized.
It is "information disclosure's being useless absolutely" and "it being OK it being only convenient."
That posture I think that a this "delicious lover" disturbance began to show the cloven hoof.
To this Supposing it is the people who do not show the reaction of nan, either
This country It goes to the second [ of Asia where Koto is recommended to a sovereign's thought ドウリ ], and third autocracy absolute state. It will dash forward.
Me I am disagreeable.
Children It Now This which is the future which is here cannot be protected. Rich to the adults who will protect and who burn and are not The peaceful future etc. It cannot make.
" -- it is -- for [ after / " ] Doubtful は Suspect firmly and share all together. Real enemy While the battle to push down is connected gracefully if you do not recommend -- true -- If it becomes and falls in a sad country, have a sense of crisis very much. It is.
every person Us full of the feeling which is not made at all -- also coming out -- If connected Something should be able to do.
Every person It is divided. It is in a sad hot sense of powerlessness.
it is "dijyoubu that is connected with Fukushima's people! " -- " -- it is useless! " -- sharing the fact widely before exclamation Wisdom in the world While being connected firmly
It is not proved scientifically!
It will be this universe if it is considered as basis. What can be being proved by scientific methodology is a fact which is only only 4%. Intention of doing what
Actually We human beings Now It lives, is here and is also the earth. Also sun He follows space at an unreasonable speed. Because it is moving
Now I can do.
Now From the ability of you to do
Now It can do, if it is us.
Even what kind of thing Only from a small thing Big change not starting
Small thing Because it appears only in the point of tying firmly small
It It believes......
O Mr. Michiyuki Matsuzaki (doctor)
Although I am a clinician of internal medicine, there are foundations of work in catching the far and near petition which consulted without the prejudice.
Our knowledge is unripe and there are many things which cannot be concluded based on the knowledge till then.
It is required for the fact of having occurred now to face each other humbly, to record and to analyze.
It is considered enough that radioactive particulates affect nasal cavity membrane also about a bleed nose problem.
"Concluding", if a bleed nose and a nuclear power plant disaster are not related since it is not a dose in which an acute radiation damage which brings about plastocytopenia occurs cannot say a scientific attitude.
O Mr. Taro Yamamoto (actor)
Language which currently called the Prime Minister "who corresponds to the rumor as for which a basis is not with might and main as a country" emitted.
Directivity corresponding with might and main is wrong. Isn't there any coconut?
When there is no telling that it is safety or whether it is dangerous, just the government which continues disregarding the "precautionary principle" which forms and copes with the danger side in the international consensus said that "the influence of low dose contamination" does not clarify scientifically and medically,
It is the cause of a "damage caused by rumors."
"Contaminated water is blocked completely."
"About a health issue, I promise to say that a problem has neither former nor the present nor a future."
the world stage -- a scratch house -- he is one of the chiefs in whom just those who are called the Prime Minister produce a "damage caused by rumors" who discharges a lie by a face.
I will continue expression that raising voice will be continued, without yielding to this pressure.
Because it is just the greatest threat to the man of power who presumed omitting people who live in this country.
O Ms. Kaori Kanda (professional storyteller)
It approves from the bottom of its heart.
O It is in NPO "Chernobyl and is the end ".
O Mr. Haruhiko Arai (dramatist)
It approves.
O Mr. Hiroaki Koide (a scholar and nuclear engineering)
the affair of "delicious lover" -- I am amazed quite.
It does not come out having got a nosebleed, or such a thing is being in the end of 些, so that it is good anyhow.
It is a problem to just be thrown away into the area which must be made into a control area for radiation also including a baby or a child now.
Residents are troubled by such a place.
Moreover, on the other hand, people who cannot throw away and escape, either think that they would like to forget distress.
Even friction happens among people with various opinions.
All they are what has occurred in order that a country may not protect a statute, and must blame just it as a crime.
But, the human beings of the government which committed the crime call it which sprinkles a damage caused by rumors, and cut it, and the essence of things does not understand mass media of Japan -- mass media reports it.
I think that I am crazy with blaming those who have said that he got nosebleed also including Mr. IdoKawa, if some people of a nosebleed of those who are opposed to a nuclear power plant are also unscientific.
O FoE Japan

※ 3つの主体の人権侵害、その結果、最大の被害者は、福島の「子どもたちの命と健康」

① 作者の表現の自由 (1)、経験した事実(鼻血・除染) (2)、不確実な科学的事実(被爆と健康被害の関係)

② 市民の知る権利(表現の自由は民主主義の基盤である「自由な言論と討論の広場」にとって不可欠)

③ 被害者である福島の人々の経験した事実や真実と信ずる見解を表明する自由

④ 最大の被害者である福島の子どもたちの命と健康という人権
投稿者 sokai 時刻: 0:25 0 コメント




お金持ちと貧乏人のたたかいでも ありません
これは いのちをまもるたたかいです

つまり この国が 
育てていくのに値する国になるのか ダメな国になるのか
その サカイメのたたかいなのだと思います
まず そんな大変な岐路に来てしまっているという 事実
その事実を 国の主人公である 私たち国民が知ることです
この知ることすら許さないぞ という
情報を好きに操ることが 権力を握ると云うことなのだ
その姿勢の 馬脚をあらわしはじめたのが

これにも ナンの反応も示さない国民であるとするならば
この国は 元首の思いドウリにコトをすすめるアジアの第二、第三の
独裁専制国家にむかって 驀進していくのでしょう

わたしは イヤです

子どもたち それは いま ここにある未来です 
これを守れない 守ろうともしない大人たちに
豊かで 平和な未来など 創れるはずがありません

『いのち』にとって 疑わしきは しっかりと疑い 
皆で共有して ほんとうの敵を 倒していくたたかいを
たおやかに繋がりながら すすめていかなければ
ほんとうに 悲しい国になりさがってしまうと
とても危機感をもって います

ひとりひとりの 私たちは 何も出来ない気持ちでいっぱいです
でも 繋がれば 何か出来るはず

ひとりひとりが 分断されて 悲しく辛い無力感の中にいる
事実を広く共有すること 世界の知恵とも しっかりと繋がりながら

科学的に証明されていない! を論拠とするならば
この宇宙のことを 科学の方法論で証明できているのは
たったの4%でしかない事実を どうなさるおつもりか

現に わたしたち人類は いま 生きてここにあり 
地球も 太陽も べらぼうな速度で宇宙空間を進み 動いているのだから

いま わたしにできることを
いま あなたにできることから
いま わたしたちならできることを

どんなことでも ちいさなことからしか はじまらない
ちいさきことを ちいさくしっかりつないでいくことの先にしか

それを 信じて......



◎ 山本太郎さん(俳優)








◎ 神田香織さん(講談師) 


◎ NPO「チェルノブイリへのかけはし」

◎ 荒井晴彦さん(脚本家)

◎ 小出裕章さん(学者・原子力工学)


◎ FoE Japan