○ TFC 634; Fukushima in freefall:Tepco in desperation1 - 自由落下の福島と絶望の東電 ! ! 1

2013-08-31 20:09:33 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

08/31/2013 natural news. japantimes. businessweek. abc.net. ctvnews.ca. fairewinds by Arnie Gundersen.

World Situation

Fukushima Reaches Desperation Point: Water Filtration Equipment Goes Offline & Leaks Just Won’t Stop And Are Out Of Control, TEPCO Calls For International HELP
Environment, Global News, Health, PoliticsAdd comments
●- Fukushima in freefall: radioactive water filters taken offline, Tepco in desperation as leaks just won’t stop (Natural News, Aug 27, 2013):

After a 29-month cover-up, the Tokyo Electric Power Co (Tepco) is now calling for international help and has all but admitted Fukushima’s radiation leaks are spiraling out of control. In addition to the leaking water storage units that are unleashing hundreds of tons of radioactive water each day, Tepco now says 50% of its contaminated water filtration capability has been taken offline due to corrosion.

The result is that radiation leaks are escalating out of control and attempted remediation efforts are faltering. This is in addition to the fact the Japanese government’s attempted brainwashing propaganda campaign has also been exposed. It attempted to convince people that if they drank beer or smiled, they would be immune to radiation poisoning. (Yes, this is how desperate they’ve become…)

From day one, the Fukushima fiasco has been all about denial: Deny the leaks, shut off the radiation sensors, black out the news and fudge the science. Yet more than two years later, the denials are colliding with the laws of physics, and Tepco’s cover stories are increasingly being blown wide open.

natural news.
● - 自由落下中の福島-:
福島は絶望ポイントに達しました。:natural news.08/27/2013

●As Businessweek.com now reports, Japan seems to have no practical interest in solving this problem:

Russia’s nuclear company, Rosatom, of which Rosenergoatom is a unit, sent Japan a 5 kilogram (11 pound) sample of an absorbent that could be used at Fukushima almost three years ago, Asmolov said. It also formed working groups ready to help Japan on health effect assessment, decontamination, and fuel management, among others, Asmolov said. The assistance was never used, he said.

That’s because for Tepco to welcome any assistance, it would first have to admit it has a problem. And that’s unacceptable in a business culture where egos run rampant and the idea of taking responsibility for your actions is considered abhorrent.

To save their own careers, Tepco experts would gladly sacrifice the health of millions of Japanese citizens.

27 families file suit against TEPCO

The problem with denial in the face of a world-class radiation disaster is that sooner or later the body bags start to pile up. Now, 74 people from 27 families are filing suit in the Osaka District Court, seeking 15 million Yen each for psychological and physical damage. (And they are the lucky ones who are still living.)

●As Japan Times reports:

The group will argue that Tepco should have taken stronger measures to protect the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant from earthquakes and tsunami after the government’s Headquarters for Earthquake Research Promotion warned in 2002 that there was a 20 percent chance of a magnitude 8 or so quake occurring in the Japan Trench in the Pacific Ocean within 30 years.

Fishing ban reinstarted

Part of the Fukushima denial was the claim that fish were somehow not being irradiated by the numerous leaks of highly radioactive water. This cover-up was further enforced by lifting a fishing ban that had been announced in the days following the original Fukushima meltdown event in 2011.

Now that fishing ban has been reinstated. Australian reporter Mark Willacy visited the fishermen to get their reaction to the news, and what he reported sounds right in line with what we’re seeing, too:

[The fishermen] are very angry. They’ve obviously believed that Tepco has been lying to them for weeks, if not months. You know, they seem to suggest that that the cover-ups get worse… They believe Tepco’s probably sitting on more secrets that they don’t want anyone to know about. So there’s a feeling that Tepco just cannot be trusted and that these fisherman probably don’t really feel like they have a future anymore.

Tepco lying? Say it isn’t so!

Zeolites to the rescue?

In desperation, Tepco is now trying to figure out how to stop thousands of tons of radioactive water from leaking into groundwater supplies (and ultimately into the ocean).

●As Businessweek.com、今の報告書、日本政府は、この問題の解決に実際的な興味を持たないように見えます:




オーストラリアのリポーター、Mark Willacyは、ニュースにそれらの反応を得る漁師、および彼が報告したものを訪ねました、ちょうど私たちも見ています。

○ British MPs reject military intervention in Syria.英国下院シリア軍事介入拒絶。

2013-08-30 07:24:10 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

08/30/2013 06:00 rt.com. headline news.

British MPs reject military intervention in Syria
rt.com 26 minutes ago

UK government motion on Syria intervention has been rejected by a 285 to 272 margin after British lawmakers rejected an opposition Labour amendment calling for more information about the deployment of chemical weapons in Syria.

The Labour amendment was defeated Thursday by 332 votes to 220, with a government majority of 112. “A number of Tories in the no lobby with Labour,” wrote Labour MP Jon Trickett. 
British Prime Minister David Cameron has asserted that such action would put a halt to human rights atrocities in Syria, while Labour party MPs said they required more evidence of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s guilt to intervene in the Middle Eastern nation’s two-year civil war.

08/30/201 06:00 rt.com。
英国のMP(Member of Paliament) ,下院は、26分前にシリアの中の軍事介入を拒絶しました。rt.com

○ The Fukushima Crisis 633; The Guardian ★Fukushima: the global fallout. 地球的な死の灰。

2013-08-29 07:18:18 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

08/30/2013. The Guardian.

Fukushima: the global fallout
The disaster in 2011 has profoundly shaken confidence in the future of nuclear power – a situation exacerbated by rising costs
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The Guardian, Wednesday 21 August 2013 23.15 BST
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The long, dark shadow cast by the meltdown at Japan's Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power station grew longer and darker on Wednesday as the plant's operator, Tokyo Electric Power Company, Tepco, admitted that 300 tonnes of highly toxic water had leaked from purpose-built storage tanks. The disaster, caused when the tsunami that followed the devastating earthquake in 2011 knocked out backup generators pumping water to cool the fuel rods, has cost more than $200bn.


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○ The Fukushima Crisis 632; Reckless Rush Job Makes Ruins 向こう見ずなやっつけ仕事が破滅へ。

2013-08-28 07:43:45 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

Reckless Rush Job Makes Ruins.

08/28/2013 (Kyodo News)
[the present condition of the 1st nuclear power plant of Fukushima] "A Rush Job"a hurried construction tank and Reckless Rush Job Makes Ruins.

About 300 tons of high-level radioactive water began to leak from the ground tank of the 1st nuclear power plant of Tokyo Electric Power Fukushima, and it exposed the limit of the hurriedly constructed tank.
In spite of having been anxious about durability from the beginning, correspondence falls behind, and the crisis of a contaminated water problem just deepens.
It will dissolve and reuse under the influence of land subsidence on the 24th, and a possibility that the patch eye deteriorated etc. will surface.
Although the government also began to consider the strength improvement of the tank, contamination is already spreading in an open sea or groundwater.
"Why one did not notice such a lot of water like this having leaked" Fukushima Prefecture Masao Uchibori.The vice-governor will be Toden to 24 days and a prefectural office. Yoshigo Aizawa,Vice presidents were summoned and anger was thrown.
Vice-President Aizawa "the maximum resource is supplied to a contaminated water problem.
Although it bowed, "I also resided in Fukushima permanently and commanded on the spot", the Uchibori vice-governor thrust off severely, saying "what the people of the prefecture are asking for is not an apology but execution."
The measure against contaminated water is in a "precarious-day-to-day-management" state.
The groundwater which flows into a reactor building and is mixed with a radioactive material continues increasing in number by about 400 tons per day, and it is about 330,000 tons now.
The total capacity does not have about 390,000 tons and a margin, and Toden is continuing extending it, although contaminated water is kept by about 1000 tanks.
A tank only has two kinds of that the type and bolt which weld a patch eye fasten.
What was revealed is a bolt type, and from the welded type, it was easy to install it and it has found it useful.
However, a life is five years that the packing made of resin of a patch eye deteriorates easily, and reliability was regarded as questionable.
It is announced that it once dissolved and transferred the tank which Toden revealed on the 24th to the present place since land subsidence occurred when it installed in June, 2011.
The component of a tank is distorted and it is concluded that the patch eye might deteriorate or it may have loosened.
Toden prepared for disclosure, and enclosed the surroundings of the tank group with a 30-cm-high cough, and the worker has patrolled it twice per day.
But, the area of a tank group is vast, a dose of radiation is also high, and also the puddle by rain is also in a cough, and distinction is difficult for it.
committee of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission which did the field survey on the 23rd "it was natural even if there was a puddle. Fuketa Toyoshi (- and the means which advanced)
It was criticized that check was careless."
The whereabouts of 300 tons of escaped contaminated water is also unknown.
Although it is concluded that the part flowed into the open sea through the drain, the regulation committee points out a possibility of having sunk in in the earth considerably.
If contamination spreads in the earth, the "groundwater bypass" beginning of mission which pumps up groundwater before contamination and it emits to the sea will also become difficult.
The 23rd day went into examination of the emergency plan to the governmental contaminated water processing task force.
Although it talks also about the exchange to a welded type tank with high durability, transfer destination reservation of contaminated water is a difficult problem.
"Tank extension is a match with time.
(Also future) It is in the situation which continues using a bolt type for the time being, saying whether it may not be a welding type" (Vice-President Aizawa), and it does not spread.
(Kyodo News)
2013/08/26 10:22

08/28/2013 (共同通信)

【福島第1原発の現状】 "やっつけ仕事" 急造タンク、限界あらわに  後手の対策、危機招く 

 東京電力福島第1原発の地上タンクから高濃度汚染水約300トンが漏れ出し、急ごしらえタンクの限界を露呈した。当初から耐久性が懸念されていたにもかかわらず対応は後手に回り、汚染水問題の危機は深まるばかりだ。 24日には地盤沈下の影響で解体・再利用し、接ぎ目が劣化した可能性なども浮上。 政府はタンクの強度向上も検討し始めたが、汚染は既に外洋や地下水に広がりつつある。
 福島県の 内堀雅雄 (うちぼり・まさお) 副知事は24日、県庁に東電の 相沢善吾 (あいざわ・ぜんご) 副社長らを呼びつけ、怒りをぶつけた。
 23日に現地調査した原子力規制委員会の 更田豊志 (ふけた・とよし) 委員は「水たまりがあっても当たり前になっていた。点検がずさんだった」と批判した。
2013/08/26 10:22

○ The Fukushima Crisis 631;Cancer by Fish Eating.「日本では数年で魚食で癌患者が爆発的に増加」

2013-08-27 23:23:29 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

08/27/2013. France24 tv.

A greenling, 150,000 Bq (kilo), 254,000 Bq (kilo) of rockfish: Contamination of the sea near Fukushima, and a food chain, /television France24 continuing (August 21)
Two years or more have passed since the catastrophe in the Fukushima nuclear power plant.
However, the ocean space around Fukushima is polluted by the high-concentration radioactive material.
The contamination which led the food chain in Japanese marine products still continues.
While causing very serious health impairment.
A greenling, 150,000 Bq per km.
Rockfish, 254,000 Bq per km.
We cannot recommend you fishing by the beach of the Fukushima nuclear power plant.
Of course, we have known becoming like this since March, 2011.
The seabed of the nuclear power plant circumference due to which the accident was caused cannot escape the radioactive material which comes out from the broken nuclear reactor.
The high-concentration cesium 134 and 137 is unusually detected from the animal and fish and shellfishes in which the investigation which the Japanese persons concerned conduct every month also inhabits a surrounding ocean area.
The Tokyo Electric Power which showed the damage of the accident too little until now August 21, Officially for the first time The outflow of 300 tons of advanced contaminated water Environmental damageA dog and play with ball in the water. were accepted.
It is a situation which should be apprehended extremely.
The Japanese government supposes that 40% of the fish which can be taken in the surrounding ocean area of the Fukushima nuclear power plant are not suitable for consumption by radioactive contamination, and specifies 36 sorts of fish and shellfishes as the ban on sale.
The Japanese government is going to build a 2-meter-high wall to the seabed of the Fukushima nuclear power plant circumference, and block that the animals of the sea polluted by the high-concentration radioactive material approach the seashore.
Is such a measure a suitable method to prevent spreading a radioactive material all over the sea?
"No, there is no such thing."
The Stephen Lom representative of a civic organization "nuclear lookout post" is described in this way to coverage of France24.
"In Japan, the persons concerning cancer will increase in number explosively within several years after this.
Fish are the foundations of Japanese meal.
The food in which people covering numbers of generations were polluted will be taken in.
Even if the Japanese government is a dose of radiation of a comparatively small quantity which has permitted sale in a market, it is accumulated in built-in of liver, the stomach, and others.
And serious health impairment is done with progress of years. "
(abstract & edited.
- source article:"nuclear power plant disaster : fish" / television France24 of Fukushima continued by polluting high concentration radiation (August 21)
(« Accident nucléaire : les poissons de Fukushima toujours hautement radioactifs », France24, 2013.08.21)


Jpn's doggie alway wanna to eat fishes too.

08/27/2013. France24 tv.




I'm not Monster, but am dog,turning around in the sea water.





(abstract & edited.)

● source article:「原発事故:高濃度放射線に汚染され続ける福島の魚」/テレビFrance24(8月21日)
(« Accident nucléaire : les poissons de Fukushima toujours hautement radioactifs », France24, 2013.08.21)

○ Barcelona vs Santos FC 8-0 (Neymar Debut) All Highlights and G.バルサ,めちゃ強,8:0

2013-08-27 18:10:24 | ♪ utu. Sports&Funny. 動画.

August 26, 2013
Barça of the Messi + Neymar is too strong! ? : It turns down Santos flatly in 8-0!

Hi ! folks!I
Brazilian Neymar joined a Spanish Barça from Brazilian Santos, but, in commemoration of it, Barça vs. Santos was performed. It was balsa 8-0 Santos how.

Barça of the Messi + Neymais too strong.
Barcelona vs. Santos FC 8-0 (Neymar Debut) All Highlights

Wow! Barça, The world's strongest army corps birth?

2013年 08月 26日

Hi ! folks!

Barcelona vs Santos FC 8-0 (Neymar Debut) All Highlights and G

Wow !! 世界最強軍団誕生か!?

○ The Fukushima Crisis 630;1000 times of Hiroshima Nuc. Bomb.広島原爆の千倍以上の放射能

2013-08-27 15:59:00 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

08/27/2013 saigaijyouhou.com. jp.wsj-Jiji Press . news.tv-asahi. takumiuna.makusta.jp
O The Fukuahima Crisis 629;DOOM11 330,000 tons of "emergency warning" contaminated water -- 2Kei 7 trillion Bq (16th power of 10 : Kei )(12th power of 10 1 trillion : Chou )

above's related article.

August 25, 2013
The Fukushima nuclear power plant breakdown is a question of time! Radioactivity of 1000 times or more of the Hiroshima atomic bomb
2013/08/25 13:31
- The Fukushima nuclear power plant breakdown is a question of time! The radioactivity total amount of a contaminated water tank is equal to 1000 or more times of the Hiroshima atomic bomb! It is CNN "the Fukushima nuclear power plant is unsolvable."
Although Toden exhibited the internal picture of the contaminated water tank which poses a problem, a picture shows that an inside rusts, and it is lazy, and it comes out of it, and is in a tattering state.
Although it seems that Toden was going to use this tank several more years, considering that radioactivity acts to degrade a thing, this is a very fearful thing.

* Exchange planned examination of a tank = a surveillance attitude is also strengthening ? Toden.
URL http://jp.wsj.com/article/JJ10888297538440374852820338097720113610535.html
On the problem to which high-level radioactive water leaked from the tank of the 1st nuclear power plant of Tokyo Electric Power Fukushima, Toden Vice-President Yoshigo Aizawa said to the press corps on the 24th in the Fukushima prefectural office, "He is considering now the replacement plan of a tank (the model with which contaminated water leaked)", and it clarified the intention to exchange tanks.
Moreover, other tanks also showed the intention to strengthen a surveillance attitude so that there might be no contaminated water leak.
There are about 350 tanks of the same type by which contaminated water leaked in the 1st nuclear power plant of Fukushima.
The tank is made high [ the danger of a leak ] compared with the tank of the type which a junction is the packing made of rubber and welds.
It apologizes saying on the same day, Vice-President Aizawa visits the Masao Uchibori vice-governor of Fukushima Prefecture, and he "apologizes for it having been greatly worried again" about the leak from a tank.
The circumstances of the contaminated water leak were explained.
[Jiji Press]: The end of quotation

In Tokyo Shimbun as of August 23, in "tank, around 800 cups of 25-meter pools and 334,000 tons of contaminated water accumulate about a contaminated water problem.
The total of radioactivity is an astronomical numerical value of 2Kei 7 trillion Bq (16th power of 10 : Kei )(12th power of 10 1 trillion : Chou )
, and also have leak appearance? It is anxious. " is reported.
If the number of 7 quadrillion Bq of these two capitals is a fact, this serves as a numerical value which matches by 1100 times the atomic bomb dropped to Hiroshima, and it will be able to be told to human beings' hand that it is a level which cannot be undertaken.
If it also takes into consideration that the simple extempore tank which is using rubber packing rusts earnestly, this calls it only a hopeless situation and there is no business.
* 330,000 tons of "emergency warning" contaminated water -- 2Kei 7 trillion Bq (16th power of 10 : Kei )(12th power of 10 1 trillion : Chou )
URL http://takumiuna.makusta.jp/e227709.html
Shock of the Fukushima first "300 tons of contaminated water" It is "accident convergence is a lie."
300 tons of contaminated water of the radioactive material leaked and came out from the tank of a Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant.
The cause cannot be investigated.
In a tank, around 800 cups of 25-meter pools and 334,000 tons of contaminated water accumulate.
The total of radioactivity is an astronomical numerical value of 2Kei 7 trillion Bq (16th power of 10 : Kei )(12th power of 10 1 trillion : Chou ), and also have leak appearance? It is anxious.
The measure against contaminated water is driven into the critical situation.
: The end of quotation

* Assistant Professor Koide "when the burst size by this tank leak is said plainly, it is the same quantity as the Hiroshima atomic bomb"
URL http://saigaijyouhou.com/blog-entry-753.html
And no less than these 350 tattering contaminated water tanks exist in the site of a Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant!
Although there have still been a lot of aftershocks northeast, this is a place where it is doubtful whether the earthquake of seismic intensity 5 class can be borne.
The inside of the site of a Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant is pouring in a lot of cooling water, in order for no less than 1000 tons of groundwater to flow in every day and also to cool a nuclear fuel.
Although it is checked that no less than 40 cm of underground water tanks of a Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant have come floating in the middle of this month, the ground of a Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant is influence of a lot of water, and this is considered to have generated owing to being in a state like a bog.
From overseas media, "solution is [ the nuclear power plant disaster of Fukushima ] impossible" is said actually. [ "which a Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant liquefies with contaminated water, and collapses" ]
* # Fukushima # nuclear power plant ? title #Fukushima #Nuke GroundTurnig IntoQuicksand which liquefies and collapses with contaminated water

* "If solution is impossible --", it is a contaminated water outflow, and they are overseas media.
URL http://news.tv-asahi.co.jp/news_international/articles/000011063.html
The Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant tends to rush into the level beyond Huma knowlge.
Even if it says clearly and countries like the United States, Japan, Russia, China, Germany, and Britain cooperate with might and main, I cannot think that the problem of a Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant is solvable.
However strictly temporary time earnings may be as hard as possible and may try hard, only the extraction work of a nuclear fuel will take the time for several years or more.
In this blog, if it can do from before, it is appealing to western part of Japan or Hokkaido to secure a refuge place, but the cause is because the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant is in a state critical so far.
Though refuge is impossible, since he can buy radioactivity measure articles with Amazon etc. immediately, let's prepare an iodine tablet and a simple radiation detector within now.
A lot of nuclear fuels than the time of exploding in 2011 are kept to the common pool of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant.
If a contaminated water tank fails, the work of a Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant will also be in a stop state, and cooling work will all also be a stop.
If it becomes so, a nuclear fuel will cause thermal run-away and will sprinkle a lot of radioactive materials.
since -- please take only a preparation and measures a little early without postponing for the reason of "since it is troublesome."

08/27/2013 saigaijyouhou.com. jp.wsj-時事通信社. news.tv-asahi. takumiuna.makusta.jp

○ The Fukuahima Crisis 629;DOOM11「緊急事態宣言を」汚染水33万トンで2京7000兆ベクレル
のrelated article です。


2013/08/25 13:31




URL http://jp.wsj.com/article/JJ10888297538440374852820338097720113610535.html






URL http://takumiuna.makusta.jp/e227709.html

福島第一「汚染水300トン」の衝撃 「事故収束はウソ」


☆小出助教「今回のタンク漏れによる放出量はわかりやすく言うと、 広島原爆と同じ量なんですよ」
URL http://saigaijyouhou.com/blog-entry-753.html





☆#福島 #原発 は汚染水で液状化し倒壊する?字幕 #Fukushima #Nuke GroundTurnig IntoQuicksand

URL http://news.tv-asahi.co.jp/news_international/articles/000011063.html








○ The Fukuahima Crisis 629;DOOM11「緊急事態宣言を」汚染水33万トンで2京7000兆ベクレル

2013-08-26 07:15:27 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

08/26/2013 Tokyo Shimbun.
330,000 tons of "emergency warning" contaminated water -- 2Kei 7 trillion Bq (16th power of 10 : Kei )(12th power of 10 1 trillion : Chou )
Convergence declaration is withdrawn right now and it is an emergency warning!
Sea pollution from the nuclear power plant which is continuing polluting the world for Japan.
Toden accepted hanging down all the time after an accident.
Cesium 137 is 20 trillion Bq and strontium is 10 trillion Bq.
The Tokyo Electric Power announces contaminated water officially, saying, "8 million Bq per liter."
It is estimated at 24 trillion Bq at leaked 300 tons.
The worst ever sea pollution and an environmental pollution state are already the situations which are not avoided.
8/23 of Tokyo Shimbun has told the contaminated water problem in the news flash.
Shock of the Fukushima first "300 tons of contaminated water" It is "accident convergence is a lie."
300 tons of contaminated water of the radioactive material leaked and came out from the tank of a Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant.
The cause cannot be investigated.
In a tank, around 800 cups of 25-meter pools and 334,000 tons of contaminated water accumulate.
The total of radioactivity is an astronomical numerical value of 7 quadrillion Bq of two capitals, and also have leak appearance? It is anxious.
The measure against contaminated water is driven into the critical situation.
<> Visual reliance, the leakage-of-water scale which cannot be grasped
"Where should anger be put?"
The Takashi Niizuma marketing manager of the Iwaki-shi, Fukushima fishermen's cooperative association is angry.
It opted for adjournment of the test operation which was due to be begun from the 5th next month in response to the contaminated water leak on the 21st.
Section Chief Niizuma "however it may assert safety, consumers do not catch.
Test operation must be seen for a while.
I hear that after all, the accident has not been converged yet."
This accidental spillage of the evaluation "the level 3."
Is the contaminated water of a Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in what kind of situation now?
The contaminated water total amount in the site as of the 20th is about 430,000 tons, 93,000 tons accumulates in a reactor building and 334,000 tons is kept in the tank.
It has influenced that it also became impossible for a leak to find and keep it with an underground water tank in April, this year.
Under the present circumstances, since there is no perfect purifying facility, contaminated water must be collected.
Groundwater flowed in in the building, the radioactive material was touched, and 400 tons of contaminated water is newly produced every day.
This time, the tank by which contaminated water leaked is the "flange type" which connected steel materials with the bolt.
Although it can manufacture in about one week, a life is as short as five years.
Although there are only about 350 sets of about 1000 sets of the whole tank and inside, capacity has stored the contaminated water which is a little more than 220,000 tons close to 70 percent of the whole greatly.
Although other 650 sets were excellent in durability with the welded type, for this reason, the Tokyo Electric Power explained "It cannot stop immediately (flange type)" to manufacture at the interview on the 21st about two months.
It must be said that correspondence of Toden was careless.
The check of the contaminated water leak only viewed the surroundings of the tank group twice per day.
A possibility of discovery that it was several days after leakage of water is large.
The Toden public relations section "the frequency of viewing will be raised from now on, or a space dose of radiation will be measured.
I am uneasy although it is said that installation of a surveillance camera is considered."
The big issue should not have measurement meter in a tank at rapid increase.
From outside, even if another tank also causes leakage of water and has become empty, it does not understand.
That is, it is said that it cannot be grasped whether leakage of water is how much scale under the present circumstances.
The floodgate around the tank group stopped when contaminated water leaks (dam) had also opened wide "since a heavy rain and a typhoon come," a drainage valve.
It says, "I thought that what is necessary was just to shut if abnormal."
Furthermore, since the nearby drain was directly linked with the sea, it leaked and came out of some contaminated water to the sea.
There was a drain from a nuclear power plant disaster or before.
From the shortage of sites, the tank is installed even near a drain for the problem by consent.
Although cesium 137 has removed most with removal equipment among the radioactive materials contained in contaminated water, strontium remains.
"Polynuclear species removal equipment" (ALPS) which removes about 60 kinds of radioactive materials leaks in the stage of a test run, and the prospect of operation does not stand.
<> Sea pollution as for which the degree of seriousness increases
In May, 2011 and afterwards, the total of the radioactive material which flowed into the sea from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant is the maximum, and, as for 20 trillion Bq and strontium, cesium 137 will amount to 10 trillion Bq.
Toden is equivalent to 100 or more times of the "annual discharge management desired value" which the country approved in consideration of the influence on environment.
The leakage of water from a flange type tank also has the 5th time of fear of sea pollution but this time.
If leakage of water will continue, the degree of seriousness of sea pollution will increase.
Kinki University Professor Hideo Yamazaki (environment-analysis study) "the flow of groundwater had to be stopped in the early stage.
It is a primary mistake to have tried to build a protective barrier only to the sea side.
It claims that you should take measures immediately", and continues like this so that the polluted groundwater may not be increased any more.
"If it has leaked from one tank, it is natural to also consider others that the same thing has broken out.
A situation does not become good dependent on Toden any longer.
Does the government need to take the lead and need to consider a measure?"
<> Strontium which is not removed
The degree of incidence of this accident given to a human body is also high.
The space dose of radiation of the puddle of escaped contaminated water was "100 millisieverts/h."
The latest numerical value of Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo is very as high as about 2,850,000 times before and behind 0.035 microsievert (a micro is 1/1000 of a millimeter).
100 millisieverts is also the 200 times as many numerical values of 0.5 millisievert/h which the Nuclear Regulatory Commission asks for residents' instant refuge by a nuclear hazard.
50 millisieverts of annual cumulative doses used as the standard of a return difficult zone are reached in only 30 minutes near [ this ] a puddle.
A sievert shows the influence of the human body on the external exposure by radiation.
Emeritus Professor Nagoya University (radiochemistry), old Akira Kawaji, "whenever it is exposed to 100 millisieverts, there is an opinion with carcinogenic probability increasing 0.5%.
When it is near the puddle of contaminated water for round two days, a dose of radioactivity is 4800 millisieverts.
A life will be dropped on the probability of 50% if exposed this much.
It is said that we are anxious about a worker's safety."
Moreover, the Tokyo Electric Power announces contaminated water officially, saying, "8 million Bq per liter."
It is estimated at 24 trillion Bq at leaked 300 tons.
A becquerel expresses the power in which a radioactive material emits radiation.
Mr. Furukawa regards as questionable the strontium contained in contaminated water.
If it goes inside the body, it may accumulate in a bone and may make the circumference cancerate.
Half-life of strontium is long, and unless 29 year passes, it does not decrease in number to a half.
"Time is taken to investigate, though measurement is difficult for strontium and a fish takes in.
People's health may also be affected when the polluted fish is eaten."
Mr. Furukawa "Can it measure exactly? The numerical value of 100 millisieverts is also doubtful.
It was indicated that a problem could not evaluate an accident correctly unless it grasps what kind of how many radioactive materials leaked out."
This accident is very serious.
Director Kondo Nami of "the national network which protects children from a radiation brain" "convergence declaration of a Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident is only trickery.
Convergence declaration is a thing for re-operation, and it should withdraw it instancy.
Power was put as you should come out of and carry out an emergency warning rather now."

08/26/2013 東京新聞.




08/23/2013 の東京新聞が特報で汚染水問題を伝えてます。

福島第一「汚染水300トン」の衝撃 「事故収束はウソ」





「レベル3」という評価の今回の漏出事故。福島第一原発の汚染水は現在、どのような状況なのか。 20日現在の敷地内の汚染水総量は約43万トンで、原子炉建屋内に9万3000トンたまり、タンク内に33万4000トンが保管されている。地下貯水槽で今年4月に漏れが見つかり、保管できなくなったことも影響している。

現状では完全な浄化装置がないため、汚染水をためておくしかない。地下水が建屋内に流れ込み、放射性物質に触れて日々、400トンの汚染水が新たに生まれている。 今回、汚染水が漏れたタンクは、鋼材をボルトでつなぎ合わせた「フランジ型」だ。約1週間で製造できるが、耐用年数は5年と短い。タンク全体、約1000基のうち約350基しかないが、容量が大きく全体の7割近い22万トン余の汚染水を収めている。 ほかの650基は溶接型で耐久性に優れるが、製造に2カ月ほどかかるため、東京電力は21日の会見で「(フランジ型を)すぐにやめることはできない」と説明した。


大問題は急増でタンクに計測メーターがないこと。外からでは別のタンクも漏水を起こし、空になっていても分からない。つまり、漏水がどれほどの規模なのか、現状では把握できないという。 汚染水が漏れた場合に食い止めるタンク群の周囲の堰(せき)も、「豪雨や台風が来るから」と排水弁を開け放していた。「異常があったら閉めればよいと考えていた」という。

さらに、近くの排水溝が海に直結していたため、汚染水の一部は海に漏れ出た。排水溝は原発事故以前からあった。敷地不足から、問題を承知で、排水溝のそばにまでタンクを設置している。 汚染水に含まれる放射性物質のうちセシウム137は除去装置で大半を取り除いているが、ストロンチウムなどは残留している。約60種類の放射性物質を取り除ける「多核種除去設備」(ALPS)が試運転の段階で水漏れし、稼働の見通しは立っていない。






今回の事故は、人体に与える影響度も高い。漏れた汚染水の水たまりの空間放射線量は「毎時100ミリシーベルト」だった。東京都新宿区の最近の数値は0.035マイクロシーベルト(マイクロはミリの1000分の1)前後で、約285万倍と極めて高い。 100ミリシーベルトは、原子力規制委員会が原子力災害で住民の即時避難を求める毎時0.5ミリシーベルトの200倍の数値でもある。帰還困難区域の基準となる年間積算線量50ミリシーベルトに、この水たまり付近ではわずか30分で達する。




古川氏は「100ミリシーベルトという数値も、きちんと測定できているか疑わしい。どんな放射性物質がどの程度漏出したか把握しないと、事故を正しく評価できない」と問題点を指摘した。 今回の事故は極めて深刻だ。「子どもたちを放射脳から守る全国ネットワーク」の近藤波美事務局長は「福島第一原発事故の収束宣言はまやかしにすぎない。収束宣言は再稼働のためのもので、即時撤回すべきだ。今はむしろ緊急事態宣言を出すべきだ」と力を込めた。


○TFC628; Sr 10TBq,Cs 20TBq Found.ストロンチウム、太平洋に10兆Bq、セシウム20兆Bq流出!!

2013-08-25 11:45:19 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS
08/25/2013. Tokyo Electric Power. qoute
Strontium, A maximum of 10 trillion(T) Bq flows into the Pacific Ocean. Estimation during two years The 1st nuclear power plant pollution groundwater
of Fukushima 2013.8.22 01:09
Toden on the problem on which the groundwater polluted by the radioactive material is flowing out of the 1st nuclear power plant of Tokyo Electric Power Fukushima into the ocean 21 days, When it was assumed that it was flowing out of May, Heisei 23, trial calculation that the strontium 90 contained in the contaminated water which flowed out into the port goes up a maximum of about 10 trillion Bq and cesium 137 by estimation to 20 trillion Bq was released. It is expected that toxicity of strontium is high and resistance of the fishery persons concerned further becomes strong.

When it adds together, it corresponds by about 100 times the annual release-criteria value (except for tritium) to the sea at the time of usual operation provided in security regulation. Toden is explaining "The concentration in sea water is less than the concentration limit (30 Bq per a liter of strontium, 90 Bq of cesium) of regulation."

Although two or more patterns, such as an outflow from the trench (underground passage) connected with the turbine building covered with a lot of contaminated water and a polluted outflow of groundwater, were assumed, in groundwater runoff, a burst size like this could not be explained but it was concluded as the disclosure courses with a main trench.
Trench is covered with high-concentration contaminated water escaped in April, 23 immediately after an accident. A possibility that the contaminated water was flowing into the sea after that was pointed out.

The tritium concentration of former water solubility makes Toden a maximum of 40 trillion Bq, and trial calculation made the outflow to the sea difficult that strontium tends to stick to the ground. Toden requested the special research institution, referred to the numerical value converted at its company, and summarized this trial calculation.


The Tokyo Electric Power is doing the usual extremely low underestimate announcement again. It seems that a unit is different. Kei or Gai. pathfinderk.
20th power of 10 : Gai 16th power of 10 : Kei 12th power of 10 1 trillion : Chou

08/25/2013. 東京電力. qoute

ストロンチウム、太平洋に最大10兆ベクレル流出 2年間推計 福島第1原発汚染地下水
2013.8.22 01:09






東京電力がまた、いつもの極端に低い過小評価発表をやっています。 単位が違うと思われます。京 or 垓。pathfinderk.
10の20乗 垓 がい
10の16乗 京 きょう(けい)
10の12乗 兆 ちょう

○ The Fukushima Crisis627;DOOM10.汚染水の漏出が止まらず、福島原発の作業員全員退避も間近に迫る!?

2013-08-24 07:48:34 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

08/24/2013 asyura2.
Leakage of contaminated water does not stop but it presses also for all Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant worker evacuation close at hand!?
http: //www.asyura2.com/13/genpatu33/msg/163.html contributor Greatest happiness of the greatest number Time 23:03:35 on August 20, 2013: d1qFhv8SE.fbw
Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant all the members' evacuation.
It is the situation about which we are strongly anxious from immediately after an accident.
Doesn't it get off any longer this time?
The trigger in a catastrophe scenario is an overflow stream of a tank leak or groundwater. Although either is thick, I will write in detail about the case where it is the former once.
A catastrophe begins from a small leak of the temporary tank containing contaminated water suddenly one day.
Even if the contaminated water in a tank is a thing which has comparatively low radioactivity and which removed cesium, it is the concentration of 300 million Bq/L.
The radioactive material included in a 1000ton tank is 300 trillion Bq.
1000tonx300 million -- Bq/L=1.0x10^6Lx3.0x10^8 Bq/L=3.0x10^14 Bq= -- 300 trillion Bq
The contaminated water in a tank releases the radiation of 300 trillion shots in 1 second.
Are the rubber packing etc. of the temporary construction which has prevented the leak exposed to the radiation, and will it really have as long as five years?
People will not bring close to the tank containing 300 trillion-Bq contaminated water something.
Approaching is even impossible even if it is a leak small [ even if ], and he would like to stop a leak.
A leak will not be stopped after all, even if it sacrifices how many person victim, although Toden will deceive a newcomer worker and will make it work as suicide attack units.
the contaminated water which leaked blunders surface of the earth -- it becomes precocious, and spreads rapidly and the off-limits area spreads.
It leaks from other tanks before long.
The bolt of a 1000ton tank fractures and the tank collapses.
Contaminated water flows in in the site of the building of a Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, and it becomes impossible an entry impossibility and working it also around a building.
After it pushes on toward a catastrophe, as it swarmed.
The irrigation to the nuclear fuel pool of No. 1?4 stops, the water of a pool dries up, and all the nuclear fuels of 533ton serve as field ware.
The particulates of degraded uranium are sprinkled in large quantities in the atmosphere.
If it becomes like this, the enclosure of Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant will serve as whole-personnel withdrawal.
When it becomes so, all will be neglected to No. 5, No. 6, and a common pool.
If No. 5 and No. 6 were moving furnace inner core fuel to the fuel pool, the nuclear fuel of a total of 559 ton(s) is in a pool.
If neglected by whole-personnel withdrawal, this pool will also dry up, hydrogen will arise in the process which a zirconium can burn, and it will cause hydrogen explosion like No. 4.
In that case, it may be accompanied by critical-nucleus explosion like No. 3 by the timing of explosion.
It happens that it is the same as this also to the common pool where the nuclear fuel of 1097ton was stored.
The nuclear fuels which suited No. 1?4 which already exploded are a total of 884 ton(s).
On the other hand, the sum total of the nuclear fuel to No. 5, No. 6, and a common pool is 1656ton.
If a catastrophe scenario is realized, the quantity of No. 1?4 to hold and also double the amount of uranium will be sprinkled.
The 1st curtain of an accident just behind 3.11 may be the mere opening scene, and may greet acting before the audience after this.
As the 3rd curtain, the nuclear fuel of about 2000 ton(s) is waiting for the leading role's turn to turn also the 2nd nuclear power plant of Fukushima.

08/24/2013 asyura2.

投稿者 最大多数の最大幸福 日時 2013 年 8 月 20 日 23:03:35: d1qFhv8SE.fbw





破局シナリオにおけるトリガーは、タンク水漏れか、あるいは地下水の溢水 のいずれかが濃厚だが、いちおう前者の場合について、もっと詳細に書いてみよう。


1000ton×3億Bq/L=1.0×10^6L×3.0×10^8Bq/L=3.0×10^14 Bq=300兆Bq








32. 19:10:44 on August 21, 2013 : QIjsNqSoVI
Nevada blog. quotation.
it generates in the Fukushima nuclear power plant (contaminated water spill incident) Fukushima nuclear power plant distributed all over the world, and is still continuing flowing out -- although it is the [contaminated water] of violent concentration -- <the nuclear regulation committee> -- an international accident evaluation level -- << -- it is reported that examination which is called the serious abnormal occurrences >> and which is pulled up on [the level 3] was started.
However, it is evaluation with "a healthy institution", and this evaluation may not know whether the present Fukushima nuclear power plant corresponds to this, either, but it may be able to pull up it on a more serious level in a case.
Moreover, although the tank into which this contaminated water was put should be made with technology of Japan and a huge amount of expenses should have started, did technology of Japan become so low?
of course, there was a factor of being urgent -- it is an imitation -- the technology, the construction, and the result with high construction cost of "Japan -- the world's No.1 which the tank said to have for five years since it said will remain for small two years, comes out, and starts a problem -- what has become?
This contaminated water outflow is not avoided but already developing into mere global problem instead of a domestic issue South Korea, If have stopped chartered flight operation with Fukushima Airport, the cause of this operation stop is considered as this contaminated water outflow (there is only no visitor in fact), this announcement flows into the airline in the world and it is taken up by mass media, Japan = even if Japan which is called a pollution state and which it puts a label and cannot yet solve is impeached from the world, it is not wonderful at all.
While Parliament rests and Prime Minister Abe is doing absorbed in golf, the situation may be getting worse increasingly and upheaval may visit it for the Abe Administration from now on.
The end of quotation.
Say again that someone is safe safety.
A few can feel easy also about a lie.
42. 21:16:17 on August 21, 2013 : Gbd30IlCpU
this -- circulation cooling is not carried out -- if it does not bring close at about 100 millisieverts -- the filter of contaminated water -- everyone -- since it is not exchangeable, it is surprise by 100 mm in low concentration contaminated water
43. Takashi Hirose 21:27:42 on August 21, 2013 : Vov28T6X0ZQho : 0Qqy7Pi8UM Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Fukushima
Nervous breakdown
Damage caused by radiation
In order to conceal

the time of a doctor coming out by a nuclear power plant disaster -- the time -- already --it is too late-- .
45. 22:09:42 on August 21, 2013 : KhYMufwVz6
http: //alcyone-sapporo.blogspot.jp/2013/08/blog-post_126.html http://blog.goo.ne.jp/nagaikenji20070927/e/195702bfb4dbc88f1ba3fffb 415de6f1?fm=rss
Hanayu blog Wednesday, August 21, 2013
[- The deception name of a disease until it may be added rapidly and is humorous! ]
<> 1<> It increase [ in deformed ] -> "German measles" Carries, and carries out for being! you make it infected with [? German measles -- the ?]-> abortion of is done
<> 2<> It increase [ in myocardial infarction ] -> "heatstroke" Carries, and carries out for being! [The child has also become! ]
<> 3<> It increase [ in contamination condition [generation of heat, inflammation], etc. ] -> "hand, foot and mouth disease" Carries, and carries out for being!
<> 4<> Contamination condition [albinism albinism: facula ]-> "Kanebo" Carry and carry out for being!
<> 5<> It thyroid-cancer [ of a child ] (it cannot be in a natural state) -> "stress" Carries, and carries out for being! <- New!!
77. August [ 2013 Year ] 23 07:59:58 : 04H74NJ0Vo
> August 21, 2013 It is leak from the Toden management.
As for proof, the .1 No. 3 No. disposal not existing became impossible.
Irrigation is impossible.
Radiation intensity is too strong to work.
Please be prepared.


32. 2013年8月21日 19:10:44 : qIjsNqSoVI
Nevada blog.引用。
福島原発で発生し、今も流出し続けています猛烈な濃度の【汚染水】ですが、<原子力規制委>が国際的事故評価レベルを≪重大な異常事象≫という、【レベル3】に引き上げる検討を開始したと報じられています。ただ、この評価も「健全な施設」での評価であり、今の福島原発がこれに該当するかどうかは分からず、場合によりましては、より深刻なレベルに引き上げられるかも知れません。また、この汚染水を入れていたタンクは日本の技術で作り、膨大な費用がかかっているはずですが、日本の技術はそんなに低くなったのでしょうか? 勿論、緊急という要因はあったにせよ、『日本の建築コストは高い、けど技術・施工・仕上がりは世界一』とも言われていましたので、5年持つと言われていたタンクが僅か2年余りで問題を起こすは一体どうなっているのでしょうか? 今回の汚染水流出は、単なる国内問題ではなく、世界的な問題に発展するのは避けられず、すでに韓国は、福島空港とのチャーター便運航を停止しており、この運航停止の原因を今回の汚染水流出としており(実際には客がいないだけなのですが)、この発表が世界中の航空会社に流れ、マスコミに取り上げられれば、日本=汚染国家、というレッテルを張られ、いまだに解決できない日本は世界から糾弾されましても何ら不思議ではありません。 国会が休み、安倍総理はゴルフ三昧している間に、事態は益々悪化しており、今後安倍政権に激変が訪れるかも知れません。引用終わり。誰か、安心です、安全ですって、また言ってくれ。うそでも、少しは安心できる。

42. 2013年8月21日 21:16:17 : gbd30ilCpU

43. 広瀬隆頑張れ 2013年8月21日 21:27:42 : vov28t6x0zQho : 0Qqy7Pi8UM




45. 2013年8月21日 22:09:42 : khYMufwVz6


◆1◆ 奇形の増加→『風疹』のせいにする!〔?風疹に感染させる?〕→堕胎させる
◆2◆ 心筋梗塞の増加→『熱中症』のせいにする!〔子供もなっているのに!〕
◆3◆ 被爆症状〔発熱、炎症等〕の増加→『手足口病』のせいにする!
◆4◆ 被爆症状〔アルビニズム白色症:白斑〕→『カネボウ』のせいにする!
◆5◆ 子供の甲状腺癌(自然状態ではあり得ない)→『ストレス』のせいにする!← New!!

77. August [ 2013 Year ] 23 07:59:58 : 04H74NJ0Vo
> August 21, 2013 It is leak from the Toden management.
As for proof, the .1 No. ?3 No. disposal not existing became impossible.
Irrigation is impossible.
Radiation intensity is too strong to work.
Please be prepared.
81. 13:44:34 on August 23, 2013 : 04H74NJ0Vo
It may also attract attention that Vice-President Aizawa who is the top of the Toden atomic power section takes acting as a leader in the Fukushima revival head office in J village in Naraha-cho, Fukushima.
> Toden To top Fukushima permanent residence of a nuclear section In response to the fact that there have been a lot of troubles involving contaminated water by a Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant at 21:36 on August 21, the Tokyo Electric Power, Vice-President Aizawa, the top of a nuclear section, was stationed permanently at the base of a spot, and the plan which strengthens the attitude of doing the work turned to decommissioning of a Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant focusing on the measure against contaminated water was made public.
It may attract attention more that Vice-President Aizawa stated as follows at the press conference on August 21.
(Report of Mr. mochizuki of fukushima-diary)
"Many risks other than a contaminated water leak exist from a tank.
and Toden where an official announcement is not made are evaluating various data.
Although the day of when and it may be released, I would like to devote myself to the contaminated water leak of a tank now. "
http://fukushima-diary.com/2013/08/vice-president-of-tepco-there-are-many-other-risks-but-the-leakage-may-show-the-data- someday/
82. 13:54:42 on August 23, 2013 : 04H74NJ0Vo
From the everywhere of the enclosure of a Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, contaminated water has come out, and in Toden, but it is not that (a dose is high and cannot measure ?) which the exact dose does not understand, either, there are some people among foreign specialists.
Although an outflow to the sea of the contaminated water leak of a tank or contaminated water is also a serious problem, the cause by which the groundwater tank came floating, and the cause of the radioactive contamination in front of an important quake-absorbing building think that they become a key which guesses the problem with which the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant is faced now.
Most possibilities that government Toden will give people exact information are zero.
83. 14:21:18 on August 23, 2013 : OCj8KZSJM6
Is sufficient explanation made by workers in case of the work accompanied by the danger of a life? Doesn't it have a form deceived by no means?
although it thinks that it is possible enough to appeal to an international administration-of-justice or criminal court as the crime contrary to humanity, isn't there any policy? - it may cooperate also with a certain lawyers and an overseas lawyer, and may be able to do.
http: Suspend //www.yomiuri.co.jp/world/news/20110318-OYT1T00273.htm Israel and the first nuclear power plant building program.
Special edition Fukushima nuclear power plant
[Jerusalem = Kenji Kato] Prime Minister Netanyahu of Israel made public the plan which suspends the building program of the first nuclear power plant for commerce in Israel to the U.S. CNN television on the 17th in response to the radiation leak accident of a Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant.
Prime Minister Netanyahu indicated the nuclear power plant disaster "occurred [ the natural disaster and the man-made disaster compounded and ]", and he said that he furthers development of the natural gas field discovered in the Mediterranean off Israel from now on.
Israel is planning construction of two 1,200,000 kilowatt class nuclear reactors by 2025 in the southern country Negev desert.
(15:45 on March 18, 2011 Yomiuri Shimbun)

77. 2013年8月23日 07:59:58 : 04H74NJ0Vo
>2013年8月21日 東電幹部からのリークです。証拠はありません. 1号機~3号機の処置が出来なくなりました。 注水が出来ないのです。放射線強度が強すぎて作業出来ないのです。 覚悟してください。

81. 2013年8月23日 13:44:34 : 04H74NJ0Vo
>東電 原子力部門のトップ福島常駐に 8月21日 21時36分





82. 2013年8月23日 13:54:42 : 04H74NJ0Vo


83. 2013年8月23日 14:21:18 : OCj8kZSJM6


特集 福島原発



(2011年3月18日15時45分 読売新聞)

○ The Fukushima crisis626 ; News From Fukushima Gets Worse.日本政府よ,悪いニュースを隠蔽するな!!

2013-08-23 17:36:58 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

08/23/2013. TIME

The News From Fukushima Just Gets Worse, and the Japanese Public Wants Answers

By Jason Motlagh / Tokyo Aug. 22, 20134 Comments

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A Tokyo Electric Power Company employee in protective clothing works around tanks filled with radioactive water at the Fukushima nuclear power plant in Fukushima, Japan, June 12, 2013.

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Earlier this month, at a symposium on the Fukushima nuclear disaster held at the Tokyo International Forum, an unlikely cast gathered to vent fears now gaining traction in Japan. The panel included a bank president, investigative journalist, world-renowned symphony conductor, teenage pop star and the mayor of a radioactive ghost town.  For all their obvious differences, this motley crew agreed on one thing: that the damage being caused by the crippled No. 1 nuclear plant is far worse than government officials cared to acknowledge.  “It’s time we faced the danger, ” said Takashi Hirose, a writer shocked by the under-reported radiation levels he found on recent trip into the evacuation zone. “So many terrible things are not being reported in the news.”

Read more: http://world.time.com/2013/08/22/the-news-from-fukushima-just-gets-worse-and-the-japanese-public-wants-answers/#ixzz2ciy1LGmq

Jason Motlagh/08/22/2013東京



Read more: http://world.time.com/2013/08/22/the-news-from-fukushima-just-gets-worse-and-the-japanese-public-wants-answers/#ixzz2ciy1LGmq

○ Suzuki marks 4,000 hits!!! イチロー4000本 hits!!!!

2013-08-22 21:48:30 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

08/22/2013. Nyt.

Suzuki’s first-inning single against Toronto Blue Jays starter R. A. Dickey in the Yankees’ 4-2 win Wednesday night gave him a total of 4,000 hits as a professional, 1,278 while playing for the Orix Blue Wave in the Nippon Professional Baseball League and 2,722 ― 189 as a Yankee ― in the major leagues.

The validity of Suzuki’s mark ― only Pete Rose and Ty Cobb have reached 4,000 hits solely in the majors ― has been debated, but for his teammates and supporters, the milestone helps cement Suzuki’s status as one of baseball’s greats.

Suzuki was surprised when his teammates poured out from the dugout to embrace him, forcing the game to be halted for several moments. Suzuki said he attempted to stop the celebration before it started so the game could continue uninterrupted.

“The Yankees are so used to these things happening, they are so good at ceremonies like these,” Suzuki said through an interpreter.

Suzuki bowed toward the crowd in appreciation before play resumed.

“I was really overwhelmed,” Suzuki said.

Even Dickey could not get too annoyed at the stoppage of play. “You never want to be the guy that gives up the milestone, at least I don’t,” Dickey said. “That being said, what an incredible achievement, and the manner in which he has done it has been equally impressive.”

When Suzuki’s magic moment ended, the Yankees got back to the business of winning an important game. After stumbling in midseason, the Yankees have thrust themselves back into playoff contention.

By the time Alfonso Soriano hit a deciding two-run homer in the eighth inning against Dickey, Suzuki’s milestone was a distant memory. The home run, which snapped an 0-for-17 streak, was Soriano’s ninth since he was reacquired July 26. Dickey, who allowed four runs in eight innings, estimated the pitch to Soriano was only one of five knuckleballs all night that did not flutter.

“As hot as he had been, he was due,” Manager Joe Girardi said of Soriano, who was named American League player of week after hitting .484 (15 for 31) with 5 home runs and 18 runs batted in last week. The surging Yankees have won four in a row and 10 of their past 13 games and stand only four games behind the Oakland A’s in the wild-card standings.

Girardi, who admitted to checking the standings each day, said his team, despite some still long odds, believes it is in the hunt.

“I think they believe a lot,” Girardi said. “You can tell by the way they’re playing.”

For several moments, the game appeared to be the latest chapter in the Subway Series. The Blue Jays had the former Mets Jose Reyes starting at shortstop, Dickey on the mound and Josh Thole behind the plate. All three were the center of attention.

Reyes was ejected in the second after being called out on strikes by the home plate umpire Ted Barrett. In the bottom of the inning, Dickey broke Yankees third baseman Jayson Nix’s left hand with an 80-mile-per-hour fastball.

Perhaps the most surprising contribution of the night came from Thole, whose monstrous solo home run to center field in the fourth tied the game at 2-2. It was the first home run of the season for Thole, who hit one home run last season for the Mets in 354 plate appearances.

But the Nix injury was the toughest blow for the Yankees. Although he is not an offensive force (a .616 on-base plus slugging percentage), Nix’s versatility had helped the Yankees endure the injury losses of Rodriguez, Derek Jeter and Eduardo Nunez this year.

“He’s going to be out for a while,” Girardi said. “I’m not sure what we’re going to do. I feel really bad.”

Yet it was hardly a night to be somber, with Suzuki reaching the record books, and with the Yankees making another move in the standings.

“It’s supposed to be a number special to me,” Suzuki said. “What happened tonight, I wasn’t expecting. I wasn’t expecting so much joy and happiness from them.”


Derek Jeter, on the disabled list with a strained right calf, will begin his latest minor league rehabilitation by playing five innings for Class AAA Scranton/Wilkes-Barre on Thursday. On Wednesday, Jeter worked out and ran the bases in Tampa, Fla., and reported no pain. He will play at least two games for Scranton, Joe Girardi said. ... Mariano Rivera pitched a scoreless ninth to record his 37th save.

○ The Fukuahima Crisis 625; Alarm! 福島第1で2人汚染=免震棟前で警報-130,000Bq/m2

2013-08-22 07:40:09 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

08/22/2013 Tokyo Electric Power
It is Fukushima 1st and the alarm! Toden Tokyo Electric Power announced that the radioactive material exceeding an in-company standard was detected from two workers of the cooperation company which tried to leave the 1st nuclear power plant of Fukushima on the 19th in front of the two-person contamination = quake-absorbing building.
Two persons were waiting for the bus in front of the quake-absorbing important building immediately before.
The cause of contamination is not known.
According to Toden, around 10:20 a.m., two persons underwent the inspection with the institution near the main gate on the same day in order to come out of the 1st nuclear power plant.
The 7 Bq radioactive material was detected from the 40th generation man who arranged in 13 Bq per 1 square centimeter, and a quake-absorbing building from the 50th generation man who worked on this Japanese outdoors.
Toden has determined the standard at the time of recession as the 4 Bq.
Internal exposure was not checked.
In front of the quake-absorbing building, around the 10:05, the alarm which shows detection of a radioactive material is sounding and Toden is investigating relation.
The detailed cause is not known, although the alarm sounded in front of the quake-absorbing building also on the 12th and ten workers' contamination was checked in the nuclear power plant.

ref. A becquerel is usually not per 1 square centimeter but per square meter per area.
(100x100) Two are in 13 Bq/cm2 is same as 130,000 Bq/m2.
Making an illusion which the Tokyo Electric Power makes it underestimate is a usual means.

08/22/2013 東京電力


ref. 通常、面積あたりベクレルは、1平方センチ当たりではなく1平方メーター当たりです。
(100x100) 13ベクレル/cm2は、130,000ベクレル/m2です。

○ The Fukushima Crisis 624;the Ban世界各国、輸入禁止の日本の食品

2013-08-21 16:21:21 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

08/21/2013 Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries.
It is the food of Japan of a ban on import in every country in the world.
(08/27/2012, as of August 27, Heisei 24)
On a lot of highly-radioactive-water problems in the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant of a here series
Furthermore, it seems that this prohibition country increases in number.
The foods of the ban on import were extracted from the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries "regulatory action (as of August 27, Heisei 24) of foreign countries and the area."
A large number [ the foreign countries and the area which is demanding "the inspection certificate of the radioactive material of government creation", and "the certificate of origin (local prefecture)" ] even if it is not a ban on import.
For details, please look at the data of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.
(Cash of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry data: http://kingo999.web.fc2.com/PDF/kensa.pdf)

[South Korea]
a spinach ,a plum, Yuzu, maron, a kiwi berry, rice, and original milk,kusasotetu , and mushrooms, a bamboo shoot, blue bracken, , a Japanese horseradish, bracken, a sand eel, a landlocked salmon, an "ugui" minnow, a sweet fish, char, A carp, a crucian carp, a greenling, a flathead flounder, akasitabirame, a stone flounder, usumebaru, a sea perch, a roundnose flounder, fox jacopever, kuroushinosita, Schlegel's black rockfish, a black sea bream, a sea raven, komonkasube, a cherry salmon, siromebaru, An Alaska pollack, Suzuki, nibe, a starry flounder, babakarei, a panther puffer, A flounder, gurnard, a spotted halibut, maanago, a dab, magochi, a Pacific cod, murasoi, a frog flounder, nogai , a "Kita" purple sea urchin, Sabouraud, a brown hakeling, matukawa, nagatsuka, a spotted shark, an eel, feed
a spinach , a landlocked salmon, char, and feed
a spinach mushrooms, a bamboo shoot, kusasotetu, prickly ash, and others, a spring, bracken, an "ugui" minnow. 
a spinach mushrooms, a bamboo shoot, original milk, black rockfish, Suzuki, nibe, a flounder, channel catfish, a crucian carp, an eel, komonkasube
Miyagi mushrooms, a bamboo shoot, kusasotetsu, , Suzuki, an "ugui" minnow, a landlocked salmon, a Pacific cod, a panther puffer.
a spinach mushrooms, a bamboo shoot, and a tea spinach three cities and towns (Asahi, Katori, Tako-cho) .
mushrooms and a spring, bracken, seri, a bamboo shoot, a Pacific cod, char, and an "ugui" minnow

All food of Fukushima, Gumma, Tochigi, Ibaraki, Miyagi, Niigata, Nagano, Saitama, Tokyo, and Chiba (10 cities and prefectures), feed

All food of Fukushima, Tokyo, Saitama, Tochigi, Gumma, Ibaraki, Chiba, and Kanagawa (8 cities and prefectures)

[New Caledonia]
Fukushima, Gumma, Tochigi, Ibaraki, Miyagi, Yamagata, Niigata, Nagano, Yamanashi, Saitama, Tokyo, Chiba (12 cities and prefectures)
All the food, feed

47 all prefectures
All the food

[Saudi Arabia]
Fukushima, Gumma, Tochigi, Ibaraki, Miyagi, Yamagata, Niigata, Nagano, Yamanashi, Saitama, Tokyo, Chiba (12 cities and prefectures)
All the food

The shipment restriction items in Fukushima, Gumma, Tochigi, Ibaraki, Chiba, and a Kanagawa (six prefectures) mentioned prefecture

Fukushima, Gumma, Tochigi, the Ibaraki (four prefectures) meat, milk and dairy products, vegetables and fruits and its processed goods, a marine product

[Hong Kong]
Fukushima, Gumma, Tochigi, Ibaraki, Chiba (five prefectures) vegetables and fruits, milk, a milk beverage, powdered milk

All the food
Chiba, Tochigi, Ibaraki, Gumma, Miyagi, Niigata, Nagano, Saitama, Tokyo (9 cities and prefectures) vegetables and fruit, dairy products

Fukushima, Gumma, Tochigi, Ibaraki, Chiba (five prefectures)
All the food

A landlocked salmon, a sand eel, an "ugui" minnow, a sweet fish

rice and a spinach original milk, a mushroom, the fry of a sand lance, a sweet fish, an "ugui" minnow, a landlocked salmon, Yuzu, a kiwi berry, beef products, bear processed meat, wild boar processed meat, a field Japanese horseradish, Japanese butterbur, bracken.
tea, beef products, deer processed meat, wild boar processed meat, kiritake, a nameko mushroom, a bamboo shoot, shiitake mushroom, prickly ash, bracken.
beef products, a bamboo shoot, shiitake mushroom, seri, bracken, a Pacific cod, an "ugui" minnow, and char
beef products, bear processed meat, shiitake mushroom, a bamboo shoot,panther puffer, Suzuki, a flounder, a Pacific cod, an "ugui" minnow, char, and a landlocked salmon
tea, shiitake mushroom, wild boar processed meat, a bamboo shoot, an eel, siromebaru, nibe, channel catfish, Suzuki, a flounder, and ginbuna
Tea, shiitake mushroom, a bamboo shoot
Tea, an "ugui" minnow, a landlocked salmon

Fukushima, Gumma, Tochigi, Ibaraki, Tokyo, Chiba (6 cities and prefectures)
All the food

47 all prefectures
Milk, a derivative, fishes, other marine products

08/21/2013 農林水産省.


ここ一連の福島第一原発での、 大量の高濃度放射能汚染水問題で


(農林省資料のキャッシュ: http://kingo999.web.fc2.com/PDF/kensa.pdf)

















○ The Fukushima Crisis 623; DOOM9,ストロンチウム高濃度汚染水漏れ300ton,基準の260万倍!

2013-08-20 13:59:50 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

★1: High-level-radioactive-water leaks = from a tank to 1st (2013/08/19-21:21) jiji[ of 120 liter Fukushima ].com
Puddle = 19 days, the nuclear power plant (Toden offer) which radioactive contamination water leaked from the storage tank, and were made in the 1st nuclear power plant of Tokyo Electric Power Fukushima
The Tokyo Electric Power announced on the 19th that high-concentration radioactive contamination water leaked from the storage tank of the 1st nuclear power plant of Fukushima.
It is said that the surface dose of radiation of contaminated water was as high as about 100 millisieverts/h, and at least 120 liters leaked.
Toden is hurrying pinpointing of the disclosure part.
According to Toden, the company's employee discovered that contaminated water was flowing out of the side of a tank around 9:50 a.m. on the 19th.
When contaminated water leaks to a tank, in order to catch on it, there was a cough made from concrete in it, but contaminated water was flowing into the ground from the valve which drains the rain water which accumulated in the cough.
With escaped contaminated water, two puddles were made on the ground.
One was 1 cm in 3 meters of every direction, and depth, and another was 1 cm in 0.5 meter long, 6 meters wide, and depth.
When it goes round at 5:00 p.m. on the 18th, it is said that it was normal.

08/20/2013 11:54 TBS radio
300-ton disclosure and Toden corrected from 120 liters of radioactive contamination water one day afterward.

★2 : 08/20/2013 12:26 Kyodo News . Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
300 tons of tank contaminated water disclosure 80 million-Bq high concentration
On the problem in which the puddle of contaminated water was found on the outskirts of a ground tank of the 1st nuclear power plant of Fukushima, the Tokyo Electric Power expressed the view that the amount of disclosure goes up to about 300 tons, after accepting the disclosure from a tank on the 20th.
The radioactive material which takes out beta rays, such as a strontium 90 (a legal standard is 30 Bq per liter), was extremely detected from the revealed contaminated water at high concentration with 80 million Bq per liter.
(This is 2,600,000 times the legal standard)

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission did the provisional appraisal of the disclosure to the level 1 (deviation) of the international accident rate scale, and it was pointing to Toden on the 19th so that it might investigate whether contaminated water is flowing out of the neighboring drain into the sea.

★1: 高濃度汚染水漏れる=タンクから120リットル-福島第1


08/20/2013 11:54 TBS radio

★2 : 08/20/2013 12:26 共同通信. 原子力規制委員会.

タンク汚染水300トン漏えい 8千万ベクレルの高濃度

