○ The Fukuahima Crisis 559; Nuc Leakage Could Reach TKY 3hrs東海村放射能漏れ.3時間で東京に!!

2013-05-31 11:15:16 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

05/31/2013. Nuclear Organization . Nuclear Regulation Agency . Sankei Shimbun . Jiji Press . Yomiuri Shimbun .NHKnews
◯It is a radiation leak at Nuclear Organization. A maximum of 55 researcher contamination
Sankei Shimbun 10:28 on May 25, 2013
Disclosure of the radioactive material occurred in the Japan Atomic Energy Agency JPARC acceleration (hadron) experimental facility in pref.Ibaraki Tokaimura, and the nuclear regulation agency announced on the 25th that four researchers may have done internal exposure at least.
If there is no influence on the site exterior, are and it is carrying out.
Exposure dose will be investigated from now on noting that 55 persons have entered around the institution at disclosure that day and 55 persons may be contaminated at the maximum.
Although it has already stopped, it enters, and disclosure investigates the institution and investigates Ibaraki Prefecture in detail about an accident situation in the afternoon on the same day.
Although the disclosure accident had occurred on the daytime of the 23rd, Nuclear Organization was reported to the regulation agency on the night of the 24th when a total of one day or more passed.
The omission in check which Nuclear Organization goes up to about 10,000 affairs with a prototype fast-breeder reactor "Monju" is revealed, and it is only that the Atsuyuki Suzuki chairman of the board of directors did the resignation to take responsibility.
The regulation agency hears a situation also about the circumstances which were delayed in the report.
According to the regulation agency, equipment malfunctions during the experiment which irradiates with a proton beam the target which was able to do it with gold, and generates an elementary particle around 11:55 a.m. on the 23rd.
Some gold which the output of the beam went up by usual 400 times, and was radioactive-material-ized evaporated, and it revealed outside the control area for radiation.
Four persons who did internal exposure were 22 to 34-year-old researchers, and were 1.6, 1.1 and 0, and 7 or 0.6 millisieverts, respectively.
JPARC supposes that there is no influence on health.
According to the mechanism, it applied around 4 to 6:00 on the afternoon of the 23rd, and, in the 10-n gray grade, the value of the 70 to130-n gray per hour (1-n gray is 0.0008 microsieverts) usually went up by the monitoring post of the adjoining institution temporarily.
A building is closed and serves as keep off.

◯It does not -beam-malfunction, and does not assume but is a filter uninstalled experimental facility radiation leak to = ventilation fan.
Jiji Press 15:00 on May 25, 2013
In the accident of the high-intensity proton accelerator facility (JPARC) in which Japan Atomic Energy Agency and High Energy Accelerator Research Organization do joint management in Ibaraki Tokaimura, It turned out on the 25th that sufficient disclosure preventive measure -- a nuclear mechanism etc. do not assume malfunction of the proton beam leading to a radiation leak, and do not install the filter of a radioactive material in a ventilation fan -- was not taken.

◯ It is too late a - shock. -- contamination report delay and local distrust
Yomiuri Shimbun 18:37 on May 25, 2013
For Japan Atomic Energy Agency, at the accident from which the radioactive material leaked in the nuc. elementary particle experimental facility, four men (25 days and 22 to 34 year-old) are 1.6-millisievert contamination contamination at the maximum. It was announced.
amedas/ wind direction and the wind velocity

05/31/2013. 原子力機構. 原子力規制庁. 産経新聞. 時事通信社. 読売新聞. NHKnews

◯原子力機構で放射能漏れ 研究員最大55人被曝か









◯05/26/2013. 08:50pm NHKnews
放射能漏れ被曝者 新たに26人判明。







Tokaimura is 110.2kilometers NE frm Tokyo station です。



ref. 09/30/1999 Tokai-mura JCO criticality accident.
•Tokai-mura JCO criticality accident ,Wikipediais the atomic energy accident that the nuclear fuel fabrication plant of the subsidiary of Sumitomo Metal Mining located in Tokai-mura, Naka-gun, pref.Ibaraki, "JCO" Co., Ltd. caused on September 30, 1999 (criticality accident). It caused the dead due to the accident radiation exposure for the first time in Japan.

While It processed nuclear fuel in a nuclear fuel fabrication plant of JCO on September 30, 1999, uranium solution reached critical state, and fission chain reaction occurred, and this state lasted for approximately 20 hours. Two people died and one became seriously ill and, in three workers who took a neutron line at point-blank range, in this way started a person of 667 radiation exposure.
It is an accident of level 4 (without the big risk to the establishment outside) at International Nuclear Event Scale (INES).
By the way, the first Fukushima nuclear plant accident is level 7.

• Plz weak person of the heart is not seen

Tokai-mura JCO criticality accident is Same as Nuc.Bomb

ref. .




○ The Fukushima Crisis 558 ; Jpn's PPL Should Have More Med Exam国連;「健康調査」やるべき!

2013-05-31 05:57:58 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

05/31/2013 Commission on Human Rights of the U.N.05/02/2013 save-children-from-radiation.org

"The damage of the radioactive exposure cannot be called only thyroid cancer". A long-term health investigation is necessary about chromosome aberration, deformity, all diseases with the morbid possibility including leukemia. (2) a / Anand Glover United Nations "right special report official to health" (May 2 2013) (the proposal that because a Anand Glover United Nations "right special report official to health" realized a right to the health of the Japanese citizen enough for Japanese Government in Commission on Human Rights)

2. Inhabitants health investigation into in the damage area nuclear plant accident

● Affected by the Fukushima nuclear plant accident and an annual exposure dose should carry out the healthy investigation to inhabitants in all areas more than 1mSv/yrs.

● You should carry out a general and detailed investigation without the leak about an impact of the radiation exposure damage about the healthy investigation for a necessary period. In addition, it is necessary to offer necessary treatment appropriately.

● About the medical examination of the child, you should inspect morbid possible chromosome aberration, deformity, leukemia for all illness by radiation exposure without remaining in examination of thyroid cancer and should include it in the inspection item about urinalysis and the blood test.

● When there are a child and parents in hope of second inspection and additional inspection, you should carry this out to all applicants.

● You should simplify a procedure so that examined child and parents can know the test result.

● You should not limit inspection about the internal radiation exposure to the inspection with the hall body counter. About the inspection of the internal radiation exposure, it should be carried out by all people (person living in local inhabitants, a refugee, the place except Fukushima) affected by the nuclear plant accident.

● We watch the health condition of the nuclear power generation worker and should offer necessary treatment.

3. A policy and reporting about the upper limit of the exposure dose

● You should devise a refuge area for and the national plan about the upper limit of the exposure dose based on the latest scientific data and meet. Comparing economic advantage and risk of the nuclear power generation and do not decide these and am decided based on the way of thinking of human rights and an exposure dose for one year must become within it 1mSv.


●Report (plan) http://www.save-children-from-radiation.org/2013/05/24/un-special-rapporteur-anand-grover-s-report-on-fukushima-accident-is-published/ by Anand Glover United Nations "right special report official to health"

05/31/2013 国連人権委員会.05/02/2013 save-children-from-radiation.org


2. 原発事故の被害地域における住民健康調査

● 福島原発事故の影響を受けかつ年間被曝量が1ミリシーベルトを上回る全ての地域において、住民への健康調査を実施すべきである。

● 健康調査については被曝被害のインパクトについて総合的かつ漏れの無い詳細調査を必要な期間にわたって実施すべきである。又、必要な治療を適切に提供する必要がある。

● 子どもの健康診断については、甲状腺がんの検診にとどまること無く、放射線被曝により罹患の可能性がある染色体異常、奇形、白血病など全ての疾病について検査を行うべきであり、尿検査や血液検査についても検査項目に含めるべきである。

● 二次検査や追加検査を希望する子どもや両親がいる場合には、全ての希望者にこれを実施するべきである。

● 検査を受けた子どもや両親が検査結果を知ることができるよう手続きを簡素化するべきである。

● 内部被曝に関する検査をホールボディーカウンターによる検査に限るべきではない。内部被ばくの検査については、原発事故の影響を受けている全ての人(地域の住民、避難者、福島県以外の場所に住んでいる人)に実施されるべきである。

● 原発作業員の健康状態を監視し、必要な治療を提供すべきである。

3. 被曝量の上限に関する政策と情報提供

● 最新の科学的なデータに基づいて避難対象地域と被曝量の上限に関する国家計画を策定すべきであう。原発の経済便益とリスクを天秤にかけてこれらを決めるのではなく、人権の考え方に基づいて決定を行い、かつ一年の被曝量が1ミリシーベルト未満になるようにしなければならない。



○ When & Who vs Bulgaria. サッカー日本代表vsブルガリア戦,19時20分から日本tv.

2013-05-30 14:27:12 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS


◦ Affiliated with Nippon Television from soccer representative from Japan vs. Bulgarian ,05/30/2013 19:20

The TV broadcasting time
It is from 19:20 to 21:24

The starting member expectation

The starting member had not been yet announced, but expected it by myself without permission

1 Eigo Kawashima(Stendhal Liege)

15 Yasuyuki Konno (G Osaka)
22 Maya Yoshida (Southampton)
5 Yu Nagatomo (Intel)
6 Atsushi Uchida (Schalke)

7 Yasuhito Endo (G Osaka
14 KenGo Nakamura (Kawasaki F))
17 Makoto Hasebe (Vorstburg)

10 Shinji Kagawa (Manchester, U))
8 Kiyotake Hiroshi (Nuremberg)
18 Ryoichi Maeda (Iwata)


◦サッカー日本代表vsブルガリア,05/30/2013 19:20から 日本テレビ系



1 川島永嗣(スタンダール・リエージュ)
12 西川周作(広島)
23 権田修一(F東京)

3 駒野友一(磐田)
15 今野泰幸(G大阪)
16 栗原勇蔵(横浜FM)
2 伊野波雅彦(磐田)
5 長友佑都(インテル)
6 内田篤人(シャルケ)
22 吉田麻也(サウサンプトン)
21 酒井宏樹(ハノーファー)

7 遠藤保仁(G大阪)
14 中村憲剛(川崎F)
17 長谷部誠(ボルフスブルク)
13 細貝萌(レバークーゼン→ヘルタ)
20 高橋秀人(F東京)

18 前田遼一(磐田)
11 ハーフナー・マイク(フィテッセ)
19 乾貴士(フランクフルト)
10 香川真司(マンチェスター・U)
8 清武弘嗣(ニュルンベルク)
25 工藤壮人(柏)
26 東慶悟(F東京)






1 川島永嗣(スタンダール・リエージュ)

15 今野泰幸(G大阪)
22 吉田麻也(サウサンプトン)
5 長友佑都(インテル)
6 内田篤人(シャルケ)

7 遠藤保仁(G大阪)
14 中村憲剛(川崎F)
17 長谷部誠(ボルフスブルク)

10 香川真司(マンチェスター・U)
8 清武弘嗣(ニュルンベルク)
18 前田遼一(磐田)


○ The Fukushima Crisis557;North Traind Jpn's NucPP by Suicide Bmb北が対日原発自爆テロを計画と訓練

2013-05-29 09:39:28 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

05/29/2013. sankei.jp.msn.com/world/news
This acquires the contents of http://sankei.jp.msn.com/world/news/130529/kor13052907160002-n1.htm to 7:21 on May 29.
Former cadreman testimony "to dampen the fighting spirit" the North by a nuclear power generation suicide bombing to Japan as for the plan, the training before invasion in Korea.

MSN Sankei news
Korean People's Army of North Korea sent about 600 special agent meters into the nuclear power plant institution which is in all parts of Japan just before the outbreak of war for South Korea, and it turned out on the 28th that a plan to cause suicide bombing simultaneously with the U.S. Forces facility was formulated by testimony of two or more persons concerned who Escaped frm North [ army former management ].
An agent is made to trespass upon Japan towards planned implementation, information gathering of institutions is repeated, and it is said that training was also secretly performed in Japanese waters.
The nuclear power plant terrorism by North Korea surfaced to the realistic menace.
Former management says that a plan began to move to embodiment, and entered and got into stride in the 90s after halfway of the 1970s General Secretary Kim Jong-il was Chairman Kim Il-song's (Kim Il Sung) successor held the directions system to the work organization of both Korean Workers Party and an army as an "only instruction system."
It divided roughly into the plan and two Special Forces were composed.
By "pair south (South Korea)" and an "anti-Japanese" unit, about 600 two-piece battalions were allotted at a time, respectively.
A 3 or 4 sets of 80 teams are constructed by the one-piece battalion, and it lands at Japan and South Korea just before the invasion for south.
It was decided upon the strategy which cooperates, respectively and carries out the simultaneous blast of the important installations, such as a U.S. base of Japan-South Korea every place, and Tokyo besides a nuclear power plant, by suicide bombing.
In addition to the Sea of Japan side, such as Fukui and Niigata, also in the institution in the Pacific Ocean, the nuclear power plant was made into the object of suicide bombing.
The cooperators of a spot update information by photoing the circumference of an institution every year for strategy.
It is said that the special agent might steal in in landing and an institution, and might gather information to Japan with the midget submarine.
The model which reproduced the institution faithfully based on information was made, and what-if piled up.
According to another Korean Workers Party maneuvers organization persons concerned who escaped frm Northq, Special Forces sallied forth to Japanese waters with the midget submarine, and training towards a battle was also performed.
It is killed in the accident under suicide-bombing training performed in Japanese waters, and it will be said in 94 that there were some agents who got the title of the "republic hero" made into the greatest honor in North Korea.
The greatest threat is the U.S. Forces which are stationed to Okinawa etc. for the invasion for south by North Korea.
In order according to former management to consider that whole Japan is the "supply base" supporting the U.S. Forces and to open the scoring in the U.S. Forces, in addition to the terrorism for south before the outbreak of war, it is said that it was decided upon anti-Japanese simultaneous terror.
That the nuclear power plant was used as the primary importance target will call it the speculative object "it becomes unnecessary to be able to do serious damage and to use nuclear weapons" (former management), if it explodes.
Furthermore, former management explained by radioactivity being spread in a wide area, "The war-weariness mood which is opposed to war spread among the Japan-South Korea people of both countries, and it aimed at the political effect of dampening the will to fight of Japan, the U.S. and South Korea."

05/29/2013. sankei.jp.msn.com/world/news

これはhttp://sankei.jp.msn.com/world/news/130529/kor13052907160002-n1.htmの内容を5月29日 7:21に取得したものです。
北が対日原発自爆テロを計画、訓練も 韓国侵攻前「戦意そぐ」元軍幹部証言











○ The Fukushima Crisis556 ;Export Nuc PP is Same Nuc Arms原発輸出は相手国の核兵器の保有と同じ

2013-05-28 14:08:54 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

05/28/2013. Hiroaki Koide Assistant professor of Kyoto University Research Reactor Institute
Since this Mr. Hiroaki Koide's headline is the touch wrapped in wafer paper, it is rewritten simply.
"completely the same as it exports nuclear technology" Koide [ Hiroaki ] journal 5 / 25 radio forum (contents beginning)
Radio forum
The 20th broadcast
Broadcasting day: Sat., May 25, 2013 / Fri., the 31st
guest: -- Koichi Yasuda Mr. (journalist) personality: -- Jiro Ishimaru (journalist)
Hiroaki Koide journal
Ishimaru: -- Golden Week -- Mr. Koide -- how was it over ?
Yes, it was in charge of night duty of the nuclear experiment place the first half, I had the meeting held at three places of the eastern part of Hokkaido the second half, and it has run about there.
Were they every and work in Ishimaru:?
Well [: / Koide ].
Work also of Prime Minister Abe was done during the week at the goal.
The Russia Middle East is gone abroad,
It especially acted as the public traffic system of the Shinkansen including a nuclear power plant, and top sales, such as a medical field, in the Middle East.
Mr. Yonekura of the Federation of Economic Organizations was taken along, and it was carried out.
Although it is observed after all that Mr. Abe was greatly damaged hard in export of this nuclear power plant,
Seemingly it is Koide: and is the shin.
In this, Mr. Abe comments as follows.
"While there is a severe accident, the expectation for Japan with high safety standards is great."
Koide : ...
Ishimaru: "you should meet the expectation"
Yes [: / Koide ].
Ishimaru: What is it thought of this?
Koide: It is the talk which did not get tired of being based on the fact at all.
Ishimaru: Would being amazed tell concretely?
what the accident of the present Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant may be in progress now, and I may complete the accident as how, or it -- while it is not known, many workers are continuing being contaminated and there is reality in which it cannot stop that radioactivity flows into environment, either at hand.
Since it is shown at hand that nuclear technology of Japan is completely unreliable, if "it has high safety standards" etc. does what when that is right, I do not know do attach a mouth and to come out at all.
Safety standards, high safety standards.
Did we also hear much this?
A nuclear power plant of Japan
"Although there was an accident by Chernobyl and a three mile, a nuclear power plant of Japan is safe."
However, the accident happened.
Well [: / Koide ].
Although it thinks that it has a too ethical very big problem though this also writes a pigeon legally.
How is it?
It is natural.
58 sets of nuclear power plants have so far been built in Japan.
Also although the political power of the Liberal Democratic Party endorses having checked safety, and many accidents happen even in the nuclear power plant, furthermore I continue wishing "It wants without a catastrophic big accident's occurring in this [ this ]" and it excels when all those nuclear power plants are completely safe, But it is in the state where a really miserable accident does not understand even the policy of the convergence that I occurred on March 11, 2011 and had you hear it previously.
I think that I cannot consider so "the nuclear power plant in Japan is safe" etc. even if who sees.

05/28/2013. 小出裕章 京都大学原子炉実験所助教

この小出裕章氏の headline はオブラートに包んだ感じなのでシンプルに書き換えています。pfk.























Naturally, it is money-making.
Since it is a company, although it is liking to export nuclear power generation for profits pursuit, if this turns over, it is good because it is inside-out that new development or construction became already very difficult in Japan.
That's right [: / Koide ].
Although the Liberal Democratic Party Administration was already built, the nuclear power plant at which it has stopped now is said that it makes it re-work and it has still said that a new nuclear power plant is also built, but regard doing it truly as it being quite difficult also for the Liberal Democratic Party, and build a nuclear power plant at home -- if there is nothing, Japan's nuclear power industry is driven into the place that it cannot but force on overseas anyhow.
If it turns over, there still "even if such an severe accident is Japan, there are still countries [ want / a nuclear power plant ]."
Although there is reality in which there are many countries of liking to build.
that's right, also in Japan, on the other hand, the fundamental reason for having carried out and having asked for another atomic power which is the reason a big company which would like to gain was is coming from the motive to like to have nuclear weapons.
Any longer, it is that time and now which dyed the hand, and has not changed Japan to atomic power at all, and the countries in the world have been thinking all the time "they would like to give the power which can have nuclear weapons somehow", and think that other countries of especially countries in the Middle East are so with Japan having been so.
Though declaration are not carried out [ except / which is called electric power ], if each country have the motive to like to secure the capability to build nuclear weapons.
I think that you may have it already thought that it is declared so to speak since it said that it was already declaring perfectly in Japan, or the thing appears also in the document of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs exactly and governmental important persons spoke the thing frequently.
Come out, and since this requires cost very much, for an international nuclear power plant affiliated manufacturer developer, this has built [ the motion of not becoming trade ] the nuclear power plant with one side.
Cost starts in October, last year in the safety measures after the Fukushima accident with nuclear new associated company Centrica of Britain, etc., and I am withdrawing by saying that investment is not appropriate any longer.
However, although it is a reason for having moved to Hitachi purchasing this time, if cost is considered for a Japanese nuclear power plant associated company, is there any field delicious still in business still?
That's right.
Since an electric power company is a monopolistic enterprise, does Japan already have a legal mechanism "even the highest investment is certainly recoverable as an electricity bill"?
Therefore, if a nuclear power plant will be high however, and it says to a contrary rather, it will have come under such mechanism "an electric power company makes a profit the more the more it is high" so far.
As long as none of such a laws is removed first of all, the motive "for an electric power company to want to do atomic power" will remain, and I think that also regard the nuclear power industry as liking to obtain profits in it is being continued.









Therefore, it is such mechanism in which this can impute cost to consumers also in structure of Japan as long as nuclear power plant development is continued in the present structure.
That's right [: / Koide ].
An electricity bill may only be made high.
It is Turkey or it is also now, Vietnam, or Jordan something, although it is whether each country out of which it came to talk previously just for a moment are planning nuclear power plant import to which it says possessing not only electricity but a nuclear weapon as a future hope.
If it says in the country of this the Middle East, it is the area in which the spark of dispute is naturally held.
Although he thinks that it leads to danger of build [ at such places / a nuclear power plant ] increasing still more, for example, it comes out, and Turkey something is peevish, builds a nuclear power plant to Turkey, and that Turkey has nuclear weapons having set in mind a political meaning -- at any rate -- it comes out by carrying out, and may it be peevish and may it have the view that a Japanese company takes part in the planning of the nuclear development of Turkey as a view?
It is natural.
Although that is right in every country,
Since it will be completely the same as carrying out nuclear development to carry out nuclear development if it says technically, if it is called nuclear power generation, although there are many peaceful use and directions imagined, some such things cannot be found in Japan,
When nuclear development is done, the thing that it will be connected with nuclear development as it is is technical fate.
Therefore, if nuclear technology is exported while Japan says that it is peaceful use, it will completely be the same as exporting nuclear technology.
Yes, although I wanted to hear it to a slight degree, time came.
Somehow thank you for Mr. [ Koide ]
Thank you [: / Koide ].
such Mr. Abe sells a nuclear power plant to Saudi, and he <is shameful as a Japanese> during an itinerant trade -- first -- Saudi Arabia -- a nuclear power plant marketing effort "Japan can offer the technology of renewable energy or the safest nuclear power generation in the world", and emphasis
You agree at the "nuclear power plant export" summit meeting to Turkey for the first time in after a nuclear power plant export]5/3 report station and the Fukushima accident to "nuclear power plant is built in Japan from now on?" Turkey mayor Sinop..










○ The Fukushima Crisis555; Fukushima Rice is Not Edible今年の福島のお米は食べられない 

2013-05-27 15:06:01 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

05/27/2013. Dr.Kunihiko Takeda Chubu univ. The rice of Fukushima is not edible this year.

The rice of Fukushima of this year is not edible
May 15, 2013 Kunihiko Takeda (central part University)

The rice of Fukushima of this year is not edible :Sound
http://takedanet.com/files/fukusimanokometdyno.226-(6%EF%BC%9A12). mp3

When I gave a lecture near Saitama approximately one year ago, it was abused by a member of the Diet of Fukushima about agriculture.

A congressman "may the farming family of Fukushima die?" 」

Takeda "should have display it at a becquerel". It is important for the farmhouse, but the health of the child is important, too. You should have electricity buy the polluted thing without shipping it. Directions are different! 」

As for me, such thing or bottom of heart were disappointed in the Japanese farming family then.

The substance of the tainted rice of Fukushima is not announced at all. The unpolished rice is polluted by the private measurement, but much pollution is not found in the rice cleaning that took the embryo. Therefore you should announce numerical value.

It is announced pollution degree of the rice field, shift coefficient, measurements, none of later processing ... Where did cesium and strontium go to?

A volunteer "to help Fukushima" from Tokyo says to a farming family of Fukushima and produces tainted rices.

A reason: (all money)

・・A big fall is seen in the amount of production of ・ farm products (money). As for the fruit, in 19,700 million yen and 32.5%, the amount of production that there was 29,200 million yen in 2010 falls in 2011 (money). 29.0% of cows for 29.4%, meat drop the vegetables to 38,900 million yen from 55,100 million yen (money). However, ... that only the rice decreases only 5.2% to 75 billion yen of 2011 from 79,100 million yen of 2010

The media call that they avoid polluted ingredients "damage by rumors". I hide polluted ingredients and do not display Becquerel. So I call it a rumor when I refrain from buying it. It is bad society. Of course I display a becquerel fairly and should sell it.

Because the Japanese "is not only for money."

05/27/2013. 武田邦彦(中部大学)

今年の福島のお米は食べられない  武田邦彦 

平成25年5月15日 武田邦彦(中部大学)

今年の福島のお米は食べられない :音声 













○ He's Spiber not Spider-Man.「蜘蛛の糸」Inc. 芥川龍之介ではありません。

2013-05-26 11:49:03 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

05/26/2013 Spiber Inc. Institute for Advanced Biosciences, Keio University Tomita [ Masaru ] laboratory . TEDxTokyo. Nihon Keizai Shimbun.
Spiber Inc. which developed the world's first artificial spider fiber carrying out in apparent -- coming out -- it seems that there is nothing and thread of the spider which relieves various fields from none other than a person's brains was produced
Spiber Inc. which comes here and the degree of attention is going up at a stretch was summarized.
Updated date :
The mass-production organization of an artificial spider thread fiber is established for the first time in the world.
Spiber Inc.(Tsuruoka-shi, Yamagata) of the biotechnology venture business announced on the 24th that the technology which compounds thread of a spider artificially and it mass-produces to industrial use was established for the first time in the world.
Elasticity of super-steel intensity and nylon outshining First-in-the-world "thread of spider" mass-production - MSN Sankei news
that NASA -- development -- also tackling -- the fiber of the dream said to have given up development from the height of the difficulty, and "thread of a spider."
#027 Venture business of Tsuruoka which aims at utilization of thread of a spider Spiber Inc. and Mr. Shinya Murata 2012.12.11 |
In addition to intensity equivalent to the charcoal fiber of attention as Yamagata Future Lab, it has high elasticity.
It is also a possible source to hang a huge machine, if there is spider thread 1 cm in diameter.
Based on composition of spider thread having intensity and elasticity, as for the exorbitant way of thinking, rural areas to :Nikkei business on-line advanced fiber is the synthetic fiber into which the arrangement of a gene or amino acid was changed.
Since the material of a base is artificial protein, it does not depend for materials on oil, but production at normal temperature is also possible.
It is said that there is elasticity which exceeds one 4 times the intensity of steel and nylon.
: Nihon Keizai Shimbun
A tire, artificial hair, an artificial blood vessel, autoparts, etc. are among the uses expected.
A crane is 1000 years and a tortoise is 10,000 years.
About a biotechnology venture business Spibers.
246-2, Minakami, Kakuganji, Tsuruoka-shi, Yamagata-ken Japan and Kakuganji, Tsuruoka-shi, Yamagata-ken water surface
The biotechnology venture business source which became independent of Keio University and a Masaru Tomita laboratory in 2007 in the coined word which combined "the Spider (Spider: spider)" and "a fiber (Fiber: fiber)" with the Spibers.
#027 Venture business of Tsuruoka which aims at utilization of thread of a spider Spibers Inc.and Mr. Shinya Murata 2012.12.11 |
It succeeds in the artificial composition of the spider thread protein by a Yamagata Future Lab microbe, and fibrosing using it for the first time in the world.
It is development-costs the capital increase of 800 million yen to utilization of a synthetic spider thread fiber. The Yahoo! [ Spiber of Tsuruoka - (Yamagata Shimbun) ] news president is still Mr. Kazuhide Sekiguchi in his twenties.
: Mr. Kazuhide Sekiyama (Spiberincorporated company president)
: Mr. Junichi Sugawara (Spiber incorporated company vice president)
Is it, when it became acquainted and was of congenial temper at the training camp of its undergraduate student days and the company was revived?
However, the business considered first does not work, but is desperate and carries out a marketing research.
a result -- research -- it seems that the crossing of that for which a result and society are asked was discovered
Research of spider artificial composition will be started from September, 2004.
In order to industrialize this, it goes on to a graduate school, and Spiber incorporated company will be inaugurated as establishment and the representative director president with the friend of school days in September, 2007 under doctoral course enrollment in school.
Kazuhide Sekiyama Academy Hills
The fund of about 750 million yen was raised from the venture capital etc., and world's first industrialization is aimed at, cooperating with industry, academia and government.
Application patent large number.
A 9th biotechnology-based business competition JAPAN highest award award, the remarkable Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology National Institute of Science and Technology Policy "contribution 2010 to technology" selection source
Kazuhide Sekiyama Academy Hills
World which changes with thread of a spider: Sekiyama The Kazuhide at TEDxTokyo favorite details are seen.
The spy bar which has announced one idea after another filled in possibility
Photo by Creatas / Creatas
Aside from thread of a spider, the idea of using DNA as a chronic recording medium is also proposed.
The result of research which conquered some technical subjects was published at the international paper magazine, and was greatly taken up by overseas media.
The 3rd time of leader design the future of the Keio school-organized-by-contributions foundation 150-year website │ future Mr. Junichi Sugawara interview
The technology which writes in digital data is applied to DNA, and the new technology and "CELL-ID?" incorporating the tag which proves copyright to an industry application microbe are developed.
Now, it is said that it is during patent application.
The 3rd time of leader design the future of the Keio school-organized-by-contributions foundation 150-year website │ future Mr. Junichi Sugawara interview
It is attention required to a future trend.
If formation of a bio-cluster is promoted centering on the result of research of Institute for Advanced Biosciences, Keio University in Tsuruoka with spy bar incorporated company that the biotech industry of 21st century maximum attention should be led
Will it be under an illusion that what is necessary is just to become like Silicon Valley?
No, is it crane ballet?
Spiber Inc.Japan and Tsuruoka-shi, Yamagata
The spy bar (Tsuruoka-shi, Yamagata) of islet Press Kogyo (Toyota-shi, Aichi) of an autoparts company and bioventure announced that a trial production factory is built to Tsuruoka in order to establish the mass production technology of the synthetic fiber which obtained the hint to composition of spider thread on the 20th.
A crane is 1000 years and a tortoise is 10,000 years.
The report in the time of February, 2013.
The plottage of a factory is about 2500 square meters, and a gross floor space is about 1400 square meters.
For the time being, 100 kg of moons are produced, and by 2015, a pilot plant is installed and it will pull up to 1 ton of monthly outputs.
A crane is 1000 years and a tortoise is 10,000 years.
New materials "thread of a spider" count upon use in various fields, such as a biocompatible material for an airplane, a car, construction materials, an electronic device, and medical treatments, and it is guessed that market size is ? of hundreds of billions of yen 1 trillion yen.
The new materials "thread of a spider" of a miracle are told. Academy Hills expected degree size!!! !.
And it follows up @ pain SDX franc version @katsukichi1974.
Promo video of the technical venture using a high intensity fiber called thread of a spider.
There is a venture for which Japan is also made to feel such dreams!
Spiber Inc. spiber.jp #Spiber
Reply Retweet It is the registration 2013.05.24 to a favorite. 22:00
Roof-less @teamyanenashi follow is carried out.
It is solid movement with thread of an artificial spider stronger than steel. It can fight also with a giant now!
Reply Retweet It is the registration 2013.05.24 to a favorite. 22:13
Shuhei Hayashi@tocoro follow is carried out.
I can think that there is almost nothing about a problem since it has already passed through the huge trial over the super-long period of time of an evolutive process about the use in the practice of thread of a spider.
It is elastic, there is heat resistance and it is [ the top where pulling intensity is high ] strong also to ultraviolet rays.
Protein composition technology is further likely to prosper from now on.
Reply Retweet It is the registration 2013.05.24 to a favorite. 21:37
It follows up.
Could it do at last? It is great!! > The first in the world "thread of a spider" is mass-produced. It carries out and is [ an intensity student or ] also use to a car. - 47NEWS smar.ws/jk4Jo #SmartNews reply It is the registration 2013.05.24 to a favorite. 22:07

05/26/2013 Spiber Inc. 慶應義塾大学先端生命科学研究所冨田勝研究室. TEDxTokyo. 日本経済新聞.

お釈迦様のおぼしめしではなく、ほかならぬ人の脳みそから、いろんな分野を救済するクモの糸が生み出されたようです。ここにきて一気に注目度が上がっているスパイバー株式会社についてまとめてみました。 更新日: 

鋼鉄超える強度とナイロン顔負けの伸縮性 世界初「クモの糸」量産化 - MSN産経ニュース
#027 クモの糸の実用化を目指す鶴岡市のベンチャー企業 スパイバー株式会社・村田真也さん 2012.12.11 | ヤマガタ未来ラボ

日本, 山形県鶴岡市覚岸寺水上
#027 クモの糸の実用化を目指す鶴岡市のベンチャー企業 スパイバー株式会社・村田真也さん 2012.12.11 | ヤマガタ未来ラボ
合成クモ糸繊維の実用化へ開発費8億円増資 鶴岡のスパイバー (山形新聞) - Yahoo!ニュース


関山和秀 アカデミーヒルズ
関山和秀 アカデミーヒルズ

クモの糸で変わる世界: 関山 和秀 at TEDxTokyo

Photo by Creatas / Creatas
慶應義塾創立150年Webサイト│未来の先導者 design the future 第3回 菅原潤一さんインタビュー
慶應義塾創立150年Webサイト│未来の先導者 design the future 第3回 菅原潤一さんインタビュー


日本, 山形県鶴岡市
奇跡の新素材「クモの糸」を語る  アカデミーヒルズ

クモの糸という高強度繊維を使った技術ベンチャーのプロモビデオ。超カッコイイ。日本にもこういう夢を感じさせるベンチャーがあるんだよ! | Spiber Inc. spiber.jp #Spiber
返信 リツイート お気に入りに登録 2013.05.24 22:00

鋼鉄より強い人工クモの糸で立体機動 これで巨人とも戦える!
返信 リツイート お気に入りに登録 2013.05.24 22:13

Shuhei Hayashi@tocoro
返信 リツイート お気に入りに登録 2013.05.24 21:37

ついに出来たのか!すごい!!> 世界初「クモの糸」を量産化 強度生かし自動車に利用も - 47NEWS(よんななニュース) smar.ws/jk4Jo #SmartNews
返信 リツイート お気に入りに登録 2013.05.24 22:07

○ Captain Eo. Michael Jacson キャプテン Eo. with Lylic

2013-05-26 11:25:05 | ♪ One Short Talk

Another Part Of Me

We're takin' over 僕らがこれからこの世界を動かしていくんだよ
We have the truth
This is the mission
To see it through このミッションを世界に実現させて人々を救うためにね

Don't point your finger 反発したりしないでnote1
Not dangerous 危険じゃないよ
This is our planet
You're one of us 君達は僕らの仲間なんだ

We're sendin' out 僕らは届けようとしているんだ
A major love 素敵な愛をね
And this is our
Message to you
(Message to you)
The planets are linin' up 惑星たちがずらりと並んでいるだろう?
We're bringin' brighter days そこに僕らは明るい未来をもたらしていくんだ
They're all in line 明るい日々はもうすぐそこまできているよ
Waitin' for you 君達を待っているんだよ
Can't you see . . .? ねえ、わかるだろう?
You're just another part of me . .君たちは僕の一部みたいなものなんだ(君の苦しみが分かるし、君が大事だし、幸せにしたい、分かち合いたいんだ)

Out from a nation 国というものを離れてみるとき
Fulfill the truth 真理が見えてくるよ
The final message これからいうのが僕らの君達への
We're bringin' you 最後のメッセージだからね
There is no danger 怖がることはないさ
Fulfill the truth 真理をこの世に実現させるだけなんだ
So come together だから君達も仲間になって
We're meanin' you 君のことだよ

We're sendin' out
A major love
And this is our
Message to you
(Message to you)
The planets are linin' up
We're bringin' brighter days
They're all in line
Waitin' for you
So look the truth
You're just another part of me

We're sendin' out
A major love
And this is our
Message to you
(Message to you)
The planets are linin' up
We're bringin' brighter days
They're all in line
Waitin' for you
So 'nuff true ウソじゃないぜnote2
You're just another part of me
Another part of me . .

We're takin' over 世界のあるべき姿を実現する僕らこそがリーダーになるんだよ
This is the truth, baby
This is our time, baby
Another part of me 君は僕の仲間、僕の一部みたいに大切なんだよ

note1 ; point a [the, one's] finger at
・When a man points a finger at someone else, he should remember that three of his fingers are pointing at himself. : 他人を非難するときその指のうち3本は自分を指していることを忘れてはならない。

note2 ; nuff 米[nʌ́f] (出典:e-プログレッシブ英和中辞典)
[名詞] ((発音つづり))= enough.
NUFF (出典:NAVER Japan翻訳チーム)
『チャット略語』これ以上言わなくていいよ。/いいかげんにしろ。 《Enough Said》
enough (←nuff) 米[inʌ́f] (出典:e-プログレッシブ英和中辞典)
[形容詞] (必要を満たすのに)十分な,足りる. ⇒ ADEQUATE[類語]
We have enough water. [=((古))We have water enough.]
sho nuff (出典:wiktionary)
(eye dialect of, sure enough)
'nuff said (出典:wiktionary)
(informal) Used in various situations to either end a discussion, or to imply that further discussion is not needed (Short for 'enough said').
Nuff said! Been voting lab over 30 yrs. (出典:The Telegraph)
I mean, Gary Oldman with magic powers - 'nuff said. (出典:Rotten Tomatoes)
The Street Athletics initiative was launched in 2005 by Christie's Nuff Respect organisation. (出典:The Telegraph)
OK, David is talented, but Victoria? What does she do? Nuffing? Slag. (出典:Daily Mail)
View all Nuff said reading the comments from Dee, Steve,and Michael. (出典:Daily Mail)
His name is Barack Hussein Obama…’nuff said. (出典:Telegraph Blogs)
And as for Mystic Meg, well, nuff said. (出典:BBC Blogs)

○ The Fukushima Crisis 554 ;Dose 100mSv/few days時給837円未満、数日間の被曝量計100ミリシーベルト

2013-05-24 06:12:07 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

05/23/2013. lemonde.fr. peacephilosophy. japanfocus. The magazine "Sekai,world"

Thursday, May 23, 2013
According to less than hourly wage 837 yen, the labor circumstances of the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant who continues becoming exposure dose 100mSv - evil of several days in total and the Japanese Government and the investigation by Tokyo Electric / Le Monde paper (May 21) Tokyo Electric to watch calmly, 5% receive only an hourly wage 837 yen within salary to be less than minimum wages of Tokyo among approximately 3,000 nuclear power generation workers equal to the accident processing by Fukushima nuclear power generation. Today when two years or more pass, the on-site work continues increasing, but the salary is cut more than 20% from before accident outbreak by Fukushima nuclear plant accident.

On the other hand, nuclear power generation workers of the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant are exposed to a high radiation dose for 50mSv in total in three months. It is a person in charge collecting debris to be the most terrible. There is even the person that an exposure dose of 100mSv is developed in a few days. This is equivalent to a share for five years of the quantity of annual radiation exposure limit set of a French nuclear power generation worker.

In the scenery where deterioration of the labor circumstances follows, there is lack of policy of Tokyo Electric where the service badness of the worker watches becoming it calmly by the reason of a cost cut and a subcontract system of the accident processing, Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare overlooking on-site Labor Standards Law violation and the Japanese Government.

The Kiyoshi Hasegawa (Hasegawa corner) of McGill University (McGill University) in Canada former instructor announced the analysis to point out inferior labor circumstances of the Fukushima nuclear power generation for the cause in the findings to 3,186 nuclear power generation workers on April 22 to Asia Pacific journal (Asia-Pacific Journal, note). The Hajime Hasegawa instructor puts written acceptance for the labor circumstances correction of the worker required together to Prime Minister Abe, Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare Norihisa Tamura, lower Kazuhiko Kawabe Tokyo Electric's chairperson, Naoki Hirose Tokyo Electric's president and gathers announcement, assenters to written acceptance required.

●An original article: "A sweeper" of Fukushima where is made to be exposed to radiation and is taken a kickback with a salary passes; / Le Monde (May 21) («A Fukushima, des«nettoyeurs » irradiés et sous-payés», Le Monde, 2013.05.22) http://www.lemonde.fr/planete/article/2013/05/21/a-fukushima-des-nettoyeurs-irradies-et-sous-payes_3414880_3244.html

●Written acceptance to the Japanese Government hanging for the labor circumstances correction of the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant required

(note) Contribution sentence to Asia-Pacific Journal by the Hajime Hasegawa instructor

I introduce a letter of acceptance requiring the improved treatment of the Japanese nuclear power generation worker by Kiyoshi Hasegawa of Canada Montreal required. I keenly realize a crime and responsibility of we each one permitting nuclear power generation some other time when I think of people engaged in the control work of a dangerous nuclear reactor. And I refresh sense that the people who must ask for work while I am exposed to radiation must no longer permit majority of dangerous industry becoming necessary in both Japan and the world that is re-operation,new establishment and the export of the nuclear power generation, we should not do.

05/23/2013. lemonde.fr. peacephilosophy. japanfocus. 雑誌『世界』

2013年5月23日 (木)



カナダにあるマギル大学(McGill University)の長谷川 澄(はせがわ すみ)元専任講師は4月22日、3,186人の原発作業員への調査結果を元に福島原発の劣悪な労働環境を指摘する分析をアジア太平洋ジャーナル(Asia-Pacific Journal、注)に発表した。長谷川元専任講師は安倍首相、田村憲久厚生労働大臣、下河辺和彦東電会長、広瀬直己東電社長に作業員の労働環境是正を求める要請書を合わせて発表、要請書への賛同者を募っている。

(« A Fukushima, des « nettoyeurs » irradiés et sous-payés », Le Monde, 2013.05.22)


(注)長谷川元専任講師によるAsia-Pacific Journalへの寄稿文

・Destination of the letter of acceptance required
ABE Shinzo, Prime Minister of Japan
TAMURANorihisa,Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare, Japan
SHIMOKOBE Kazuhiko,Chairman of the Board of Directors, Tokyo Electric Power Co., Ltd. (TEPCO)
HIROSE Naomi,President,Tokyo Electric Power Co., Ltd.(TEPCO)
'An Appeal to Improve Labor Conditions for Workers at the
Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant'
Labor conditions for the workers employed to clean up after the accident at the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant operated by TEPCO have worsened considerably since the time of the accident; compensation has decreased, the housing situation has worsened, and more.This has been reported in at least three forums: first, on the radio programHôdô suru rajio Radio Broadcast News] broadcast on March 15, 2013, specifically in a segment called “Radio Broadcast News Brings You the True Story of the Two Years since the Nuclear Accident” (hereafter referred to as:Radio Broadcast News); second, a roundtable discussion published in the April 2013 issue of the journalSekaithat featured three workers at the nuclear plant, entitled “What is happening now at 1-F [an abbreviation for “Fukushima Dai-ichi”]?” (hereafter:Roundtable); and third, a report filed in the same issue ofSekaiby Fuse Yûjin titled “1-F Has Not Yet Been Restored” (hereafter:Report).These sources have publicized the issue in some detail, so in what follows, I would like to draw from these sources what I consider to be the main points of concern and my opinions on how to address them.
What all three sources indicate as the common cause for the worsening of conditions for workers at 1-F is TEPCO’s letting outside corporations bid to provide services in order to cut costs. A company attempting to become a TEPCO contractor will submit a bid below the current rate, and this regularly results in eight or even nine layers of subcontractors, so it becomes clear why the conditions for the workers employed at the bottom of these chains of subcontracted labor get progressively worse.For example, the workers who had been performing a job at the time of the accident have seen their numbers cut in half while still expected to do the same job as before (Radio Broadcast News); moreover, workers who had been housed in hotels in Iwaki city and bused in and out of the disaster site were moved to prefab units or abandoned houses in a place nearer the disaster site called Hironomachi, and were expected to provide their own meals and their own hot water for bathing instead of having it provided for them, and even transportation to and from the disaster site became their responsibility (Radio Broadcast News).Hironomachi is located in an area that was designated an Emergency Evacuation Preparedness Zone until just the beginning of this year, and almost none of its former residents have returned; the radiation levels there are reportedly much higher than in Iwaki.
So just imagine for a moment: during the day you perform intense labor in a highly radioactive zone, and when you return to your cold house, no one is there to greet you, in fact there is almost no one anywhere around you at all; would you have the will to go out and buy ingredients to make yourself a proper meal?Would there be any day when trying to get as much sleep as possible wouldn’t take priority over preparing a balanced meal or taking a bath? To cut costs in these areas displays in extreme form a complete disregard for the health and wellbeing of workers.
In terms of wages as well, even workers with seniority dating from before the accident are finding themselves being paid about two thousand yen less per day, along with the elimination of extra compensation for hazardous work conditions; there is testimony as well that at the lowest end of the spectrum, it is not uncommon for the daily wage to dip to just eight thousand yen (Report).Even more shocking, according to Radio Broadcast News, in response to a recent survey taken by TEPCO of its subcontracted workers, 5% reported earning less than 837 yen per hour (Tokyo minimum wage)!This survey is one supposedly administered regularly by TEPCO to assess the situation of its subcontracted labor, but in fact, TEPCO does not administer it directly.Rather, the surveys are entrusted to the main contractor to distribute to its subcontractors, and so on.Some workers report that during the surveys they are pointedly reminded by their bosses not to“write anything unusual” (Report), while others report having to fill out the surveys in front of their bosses or even being told what to write as they fill them out (Radio Broadcast News).So it is hard to believe that the results of this survey reflect the true working conditions of these employees, yet even it shows that 9% of them work at least five layers of subcontractors below the main contractor; 15% are “false” contract workers, that is, the company from which they receive wages and the company for which they are said to be working are in fact different; and another 15% report not being told how much radiation they are exposed to during a day(Radio Broadcast News).
It is a clear violation of the Labor Standards Act to employ this sort of “false” contract labor or to expose workers to unknown levels of radiation.If this survey was done properly, imagine what sort of conditions might be exposed!WhenSekaiasked TEPCO about the marked decrease in worker compensation and elimination of hazard pay, TEPCO’s public relations department explained, “The costs entailed in the job, including consideration of working conditions, are stipulated in the contracts we make, but these employees are contracted to subcontractors, and thus we have no knowledge of how they are compensated; after all, we cannot pretend to speak to the workings of companies with whom we have no contract” (Report).Further, when asked about the various other problems reported on the survey, TEPCO said, “We request of our contractors, as the contracting company, that their subcontractors provide workers with adequate wages, support for their basic needs, and everything else guaranteed by the Constitution” (Report).
But this survey is not something that occurred for the first time just now.It has been administered regularly for some time.In the two years following the accident, these problems have not only been left unaddressed, they’ve gotten worse.These workers are exposing themselves to radiation cleaning up a disaster TEPCO created.Is TEPCO not obliged to protect these workers’ health and provide them with proper working conditions?And what about the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare?What are they doing about the clear violations of the Labor Standards Act that have emerged from this survey?
Another important issue is the increased replacement of experienced workers familiar with nuclear technology by workers with no nuclear experience when the experienced workers reach their maximum allowable level of radiation exposure.As one worker put it during the roundtable, “In a high radiation zone, you are exposed to radiation whether you are undergoing training or not; in other words, there is no time for training.Rather than simply getting rid of experienced workers when they reach their maximum exposure levels, we should guarantee their employment during the five years it takes to reset their levels by using them to educate new workers and man conventional thermal power plants in order to preserve these human resources.That way, these workers could support operations until it was time they could return to the nuclear site.”I find it hard to contemplate returning workera who had reached their maximum radiation level back into a high radiation zone even after five years, but nevertheless, it would be good for such workers to be provided with proper medical examinations and the like during that time.In any case, the cleanup of Fukushima Dai-ichi is a job that will end in the far future, any number of decades down the line.Precisely because workers are irradiating themselves in order to complete this job for us, we must closely safeguard their wellbeing.Whether this clean-up process continues slowly and steadily or another major accident occurs is an affair that concerns not just Japan but every living being on the planet.So it is the duty of each and every one of us to guarantee a stable work environment for those who perform this job for us, so that they can work proudly, knowing that they are doing their part to stop our environment from becoming even more polluted than it already is.Let us all listen in good faith to the words of the workers, and be vigilant in our calls to make TEPCO and the Japanese government take proper responsibility toward them, to guarantee that each and every one of them will see their proper wages restored and their work environments improved; let us never let up in these demands until they are met.
Sumi Hasegawa
Faculty Lecturer, McGill University (Retired)
English translation: Brian Bergstrom
If you or your group would like to sign this letter, please send your name (as well as any relevant institutional or group affiliation) and location to Sumi Hasegawa atsumi.hasegawa@bell.net
内閣総理大臣 安部晋三殿
厚生労働大臣 田村憲久殿
東京電力取締役会長 下河辺和彦殿
東京電力取締役社長 広瀬直己殿
東電福島第一の事故収束作業に従事する作業員の待遇が事故当初より賃金も下がり、宿舎などの条件も悪くなっている。 これについては『報道するラジオ』3月15日放送分の“報道するラジオが伝える原発事故2年の真実”(以下“報ラジと略)と雑誌『世界』4月号の原発作業員3人による座談会“いまイチエフはどうなっているか”(“世界座談”と略)、及び布施裕仁氏によるルポ“イチエフいまだ収束せず”(“世界ルポと略)の中で詳しく報道されているが、以下にその要点をまとめながら、問題点や意見も加えていきたい。
三つの報道が共通して指摘しているこの待遇改悪の原因は東電がコスト削減を理由に作業の発注を入札制にしたためだ。 仕事を取りたい元請会社が同じ仕事を今までより安く落札し、その皺寄せが8次受け、9次受けも珍しくないという下請け業者の末端の作業員の待遇改悪となって現れているのだ。 例えば、事故当時と同じ仕事をしているのに作業員の員数が半分に減らされたり(報ラジ)、以前はいわき市の旅館を借り上げて、作業員を住まわせ、そこから現場までバスで送迎していたのを止め、原発に近い広野町という所にプレハブを建てたり、空家になっている民家を借りて住まわせ、旅館の時には付いていた食事も自腹で自炊、お風呂の支度なども自分たちでしなければならず、送迎も無しになっていると言う(報ラジ)。 広野町は緊急時避難準備区域であったのが今年になって解除されたばかりで、元々の住民はまだ殆ど帰って来ていない所で、いわき市に比べて線量もずっと高いという。 考えても貰いたい。 一日、高線量の所で激しい労働をして、帰って来ても、温かいねぎらいの言葉もなく、火の気も無い家に入り、元々の住民が殆ど戻っていないような所で、まともな食材を買ったり、料理したりすることができるのだろうか? 風呂や食事の支度をするより寝た方が良いなどという日はないのだろうか? こんなところでコストの削減をするのは、作業員の健康管理などに何の心使いも無いことを端的に示している。 日当についても、事故前から福島第一で仕事して来たベテラン作業員さえ事故当初に比べ2千円下がって、危険手当も付いていないと言う証言や、末端の作業員の中には日当8千円という人も珍しくないという証言もある(『世界』ルポ)。 それどころか、報ラジでは東電が下請け作業員に対して行った最近のアンケートから、時給837円(東京都の最低賃金)を下回る人が5%いるという驚くべき 結果を挙げている。 このアンケートは東電が下請け作業員の就労実態を把握するために定期的に行っているそうだが、東電が直接行っているのではない。 元請を通し下請け業者毎にまとめて配られ、その時、元請から『変なこと書かないでね』と釘をさされたり(『世界』ルポ)、下請け業者に因っては、その社長の前で作業員が記入したり、記入する答えを指定されることもある(報ラジ)という。 正確な就労実態が反映されているとは到底思えないが、そのアンケートからさえ、自分が仕事している所が元請から数えて5次請負以上という人が9%、自分に日当を支給している会社と現場で作業の指示をしている会社が違う偽装請負が15%、その日の自分の放射線の線量が分からないという人が15%もいたと言う(報ラジ)。 偽装請負と線量を知らされていないのは明らかに労基法違反である。 このアンケートが正しい方法で獲られていれば一体どんな実態が現れていたのだろうか。 日当が下がっていることや危険手当が付いていない人が多いことに対して、雑誌『世界』が東電に問い合わせたところ、東電本社広報部は“作業環境や条件を考慮した工事費で契約しているが、あくまで元請けと契約しているので、下請けがどのように作業員に支払っているかは把握していないし、契約関係にない会社に口出しすることは出来ない”と説明した(世界ルポ)。 そして、アンケートに出てきた色々な問題については“発注者の立場から元請に対して下請け会社が作業員に適正な賃金、手当てを支給し、法律上必要とされる保護を行うよう要請する”と回答している(世界ルポ)。 しかし、このアンケートは初めて取られたものではない。今までも定期的に取られてきたのだ。事故後2年たった今も問題は改善されていないどころか悪くなっている。 作業員は東電の引き起こした事故を処理するためにここで被曝しながら作業しているのです。 その作業員の健康を守り、適正な条件で働いてもらうようにするのは東電の義務ではないのか。 また、明らかな労基法違反があることがアンケートに出ているのに厚生労働省は何をしているのか。
事故当初からの現場の仕事の流れを知悉している熟練作業員が線量限界に達して、現場を去り、代わりに原発での仕事経験がない人が増えているという問題も深刻だ。 “高線量の現場では新人に仕事を教えている間にも被曝するから、教えている時間がない。 線量限界に達した熟練者を放置しないで、被曝線量のカウントがリセットされる5年後まで、新人の教育や火力発電所などで仕事を保証し、人材を確保してほしい。 そうすれば5年後にまた福島第一の現場に戻る時まで技術を維持できる”(世界座談)という現場の作業員ならではの提言もある。 線量限界に達した人をまた5年後に現場に戻すには忍びない気もするが、その5年の間にしっかりと健康診断などをしてもらうということは出来ると思う。 とにかく、福島第一の事故は収束などには程遠く、これから何十年も続く作業だ。 被曝しながら作業してくれる人達がいるからこそ、辛うじて現状を維持しているのだ。 ここがこれから大きな事故もなく、少しずつでも収束に向かって進めるかどうかは日本だけでなく、この地球に住むもの全てに関わる問題だと思う。 海も空も続いているのだから。 したがって、そこで働く作業員に心身ともに安定した環境を整え、地球環境のこれ以上の悪化を自分たちが食い止めているという誇りを持って仕事できるよう支えるのは私たち一人一人が負うべき義務だと思う。 作業員の発信に真摯に耳を傾け、東京電力と日本政府が責任を持って、作業員一人一人の賃金と生活環境を改善するまで監視し、要求を送り続けましょう。
長谷川澄  退職マギル大学専任講師 、モントリオール、カナダ
このアピールの賛同人になっていただける方は以下のメールアドレスにご連絡ください。 個人としてお名前を掲載する時は住所(国名も)と名前を、所属団体名と名前を掲載する場合は団体の所在国、市まで(例えば、“カナダ、モントリオール、マギル大学”のように)をお送りください。このアピールは日本語と英語と仏語 で出しますので、どの言語の下にお名前を掲載希望かもお書きください。

○ The Fukushima Crisis 553; Deutshe's gov man Says "Right Way"ドイツの脱原発は正しい道だ。

2013-05-23 14:31:17 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

05/23/2013. 12:05pm nhk news

Krechman, chairperson of Bundesrat equal to the German Upper House which visited Japan for the policy discussion with Diet members of Japan accepted an interview of NHK in Tokyo on the night of 22nd.
Germany receives an accident of the Tokyo Electric Fukushima first Nuclear Power Plant and pushes forward an action to close all domestic nuclear power generation by 2022, but I am connected, and the problem in the economic aspect has it pointed out by the raise of the electric bill.
About this, chairperson Krechman stated, "it was the way which not only I zeroed an expense to hang for the safety measures of the nuclear power generation, but also the de-nuclear power generation policy was connected for creation of economic growth and the employment by the spread of renewable energy, and was right economically" and emphasized the legitimacy of the de-nuclear power generation policy.
In addition, he stated, "Germany decommissioned two nuclear power generation since before an accident in Fukushima and piled up the results in this field and should keep it alive" after chairperson Krechman talking together with the Governor Sato of Fukushima this time, and having clarified that they exchanged an opinion about decommissioning work of the first Fukushima nuclear power generation and showed a thought to want to cooperate with decommissioning work of the first Fukushima nuclear power generation as Germany.

05/23/2013. 12:05pm nhk news


○ SHAQ O'Neal シャック・オニール

2013-05-22 17:35:39 | ♪ One Short Talk

○ Shak. Mac. (Act V, Sc. VIII) 不死身!
を書きながらshak.が shaqであたまに浮かんできてしまった。
シャキール・ラシャウン・オニール(Shaquille Rashaun O'Neal、ニュージャージー州ニューアーク生まれ、1972年3月6日 - )は、アメリカの元バスケットボール選手。「Shaquille Rashaun(シャキール・ラシャウン)」とは、アラビア語で「小さな勇士」という意味である。

体重 148kilograms

○ Shak. Mac. (Act V, Sc. VIII) 不死身!

2013-05-22 17:04:41 | ♪ One Short Talk

05/22/2013 Shak. Macbeth (Act V, Sc. VIII)

"I bear a charmed life". quote Shak. Macbeth (Act V, Sc. VIII). 

charmed U.S. [tʃɑ́ːrmd] (the source:) Dictionary) during e- progressive English and Japanese
[adjective] magic wanted to be taken [was protected] and was cursed, (…I was similar, and) was fascinated,…Nice ((with where I appear, and) is enchanted by ...to do)) ; I was mad with joy ...
bear [indomitable 〈 Shak. where lead, have] a charmed life are always lucky] Macbeth V. viii 〉 charm (← charmed) U.S. [tʃɑ́ːrm]) (the source:) Dictionary) during e- progressive English and Japanese
[noun] [C][U] charm, a magical power, ((- s))) (the woman in particular) personal appearance, color and scent, Amiability ...
physical charm animal magnetism charmed circle rice (the source:) Dictionary) during e- progressive English and Japanese
An exclusive group, the group of the special privilege.
lead/have a charmed life (the source:) Oxford Phrasal Verbs Dictionary for Learners of English) have a lot of good luck, avoiding accidents or harm
Carol appeared to lead a charmed life, with her successful career in television, money and a happy home life.
charmed life (the source:) wiktionary)
(idiomatic) A life in which one is always lucky and safe from danger.

† charmed[ trmd]

1 magic wanted to be taken [protected] and was cursed, (…I was similar, and) was fascinated,…Nice ((with where I appear, and) is enchanted by ...to do)) ; I was mad with joy

bear [lead, have] a charmed life]
〈 Shak. which is always lucky immortality Macbeth V. viii 〉

be charmed with [by] the music
I am enraptured by music

I'm charmed to meet you.
) more polite than (▼ be pleased which is honored to be able to meet you

He was charmed against all evil.
He was protected from all evil by a magical power.

2 physics 〈 quarks had the property of the 〉 charm

a charmed quark
A charm quark.


Of the immortality

Indomitable sacred bird a legendary immortal bird called phoenix - EDR Japan and Britain translation-pair dictionary called the phoenix

I seem to only have even indomitable life as for a hook.
who seemed to have a charmed life, - James Matthew Barrie "Peter Pan and Wendy"

Achilles was immortal except the heel.
Apart from his heel, Achilles was invulnerable.  - Tanaka Corpus

He is the immortal man who came through line of death many times.
He is an incredibly tough [a virtually indestructible] man who has survived a life or death crisis more than once.  - Dictionary during Kenkyusha new Japanese and English

05/22/2013 Shak. Macbeth (Act V, Sc. VIII)

"I bear a charmed life". quote Shak. Macbeth (Act V, Sc. VIII). 

charmed 米 [tʃɑ́ːrmd] (出典:e-プログレッシブ英和中辞典)
[形容詞] 魔法をかけられた[で守られた],のろわれた;(…に)心を奪われた,(…で)うっとりしている,うれしい((with ..., to do));狂喜した ...
bear [lead, have] a charmed life常に運がよい,不死身である〈Shak. Macbeth V. viii〉
charm (←charmed) 米 [tʃɑ́ːrm] (出典:e-プログレッシブ英和中辞典)
[名詞] [C][U]魅力,魔力;((~s))(特に女性の)容色,色香;愛きょう ...
physical charm 肉体的魅力
charmed circle 米 (出典:e-プログレッシブ英和中辞典)
lead/have a charmed life (出典:Oxford Phrasal Verbs Dictionary for Learners of English)
have a lot of good luck, avoiding accidents or harm
Carol appeared to lead a charmed life, with her successful career in television, money and a happy home life.
charmed life (出典:wiktionary)
(idiomatic) A life in which one is always lucky and safe from danger.

†charmed[ trmd ]

1 魔法をかけられた[で守られた],のろわれた;(…に)心を奪われた,(…で)うっとりしている,うれしい((with ..., to do));狂喜した

bear [lead, have] a charmed life
常に運がよい,不死身である〈Shak. Macbeth V. viii〉

be charmed with [by] the music

I'm charmed to meet you.
お会いできて光栄です(▼be pleasedより丁寧)

He was charmed against all evil.

2 物理学〈クォークが〉チャームの性質をもった

a charmed quark



Of the immortality

a legendary immortal bird called phoenix  - EDR日英対訳辞書

who seemed to have a charmed life, - James Matthew Barrie『ピーターパンとウェンディ』

Apart from his heel, Achilles was invulnerable.  - Tanaka Corpus

He is an incredibly tough [a virtually indestructible] man who has survived a life or death crisis more than once.  - 研究社 新和英中辞典

☆ A certain immortality.

JellyfishTurritopsis nutricula which does not die.

The fertilized egg that Jellyfish.Turritopsis nutricula is fertilized commonly becomes an adult commonly after the time of the child called the planula → polyp.
Jellyfishes usually die after zoogamy. However, Jellyfish.Turritopsis nutricula returns to a polyp (child) again. In other words I can become younger: This process is called transdifferentiation (note 1). And can become an adult again; therefore the life is infinite
There was time thought that this which even poison is different from the immortality not to die even if I cut it not to die in is seen in only a thing from the Mediterranean Sea discovered in JellyfishTurritopsis nutricula from the Mediterranean Sea in 1991, but YawaraJellyfish where Japan is confirmed afterwards is the same
Note 1: A direction of the differentiation lets you reverse with switching it an organization and an organ parting from the differentiation individually, and developing
◎Story (for the common person) that in a sense I feel slightly sick with this
Because it becomes the child from a fertilized egg when the egg sperm is fertilized in the people, the child is cell itself of the parent
And, as for the cell being inherited by a child, our cell is to be ancient ancestral cell itself
◎When the salmon which there is rises in the one river, and a lot of animals which die when it lays eggs lay eggs, I die out there. The child does not know a parent without the parent being able to watch a child; slightly sentimentally
◎A planarian: Even if cut it to six even if creature this to finish on Wednesday small cuts a body to four, each comes back to the original body; did it by an experiment of the immortality science in this sense; the person is, too, and the reproduction of the tail of the lizard that it is said is famous, but "planarian and I are much than it greater even if cut it even if cut it"
◎The bacteria which assumed arsenic (in substitution for phosphorus) which was poison nourishment were discovered in the meaning to be called immortality (2010.12)

☆ ある不死身。


ベニクラゲも普通に受精する 受精卵は プラヌラ→ポリプ と呼ばれる子供の時期を経て普通に大人になる。
クラゲは普通 有性生殖後は死んでしまう。ところがベニクラゲは再びポリプ(子供)へ戻る。つまり若返りすることができる:この過程を分化転換(注1)という。そして再び大人になることができる
したがって 寿命は無限大
毒物でも死なない 切っても死なないという不死身とはちがいます
これは1991年 地中海産のベニクラゲで発見された 地中海産のものにしか見られないと思われた時期があったが その後日本でもか確認されている
注1:分化とは組織や器官が個々に分かれて発達すること 転換とは分化の方向が逆になることをさしている 
 人でも卵 精子は受精をするとそれは受精卵から子供になります
 ですから子供は 親の細胞そのものです  
 ということは 私たちの細胞は大昔の先祖の細胞そのものである ということになります
◎産卵をすると死んでしまう動物は沢山います サケもその一つ 川をのぼり産卵するとそこで死に絶えます。親は子を見ることはできず 子は親を知らない ちょっとセンチメンタルに
◎プラナリア:水にすむ小さな生物 これは体を4つに切っても 6つに切ってもそれぞれが もとの体に戻ります  そういう意味では不死身 理科の実験でやった人もいるのでは
「切っても 切ってもプラナリア」と 私はいっています
トカゲのしっぽの再生も有名ですが それよりはるかにすごいです
◎不死身と言う意味では 毒物であるヒ素(リンの代わりに)を栄養とするバクテリアが発見されました(2010.12)

○ The Fukushima Crisis552; Nuc Reactor in His Kitchen ! 台所原発。

2013-05-21 19:30:45 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

05/21/2013. Swedish gov. local Helsingborgs Dagblad (HD) newspaper.

Swede held for building nuclear reactor in his kitchen
Published: 2 Aug 2011 12:36 CET | Print version
Updated: 4 Aug 2011 15:30 CET
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Swedish police have detained a 31-year-old man in Ängelholm in western Sweden who was discovered after he sought advice from authorities on the legality of building a nuclear reactor in a domestic kitchen.

Richard Handl began his experiment some six months ago and has reportedly been open about his plans to construct a nuclear reactor in his apartment in the small Swedish coastal town, maintaining a blog of his nuclear adventure.

Handl, who explained that his interest in nuclear physics was awakened as a teenager, ordered some radioactive material from overseas and acquired more by taking apart a domestic fire alarm.

Despite the Handl's frank and full disclosure of his experiment, his activities only came to the attention of the authorities a couple of weeks ago when he contacted the Swedish Radiation Authority (Strålsäkerhetsmyndigheten) to inquire if it was legal to construct a nuclear reactor at home.

Handl was told that somebody would be sent to measure the levels of radiation in his flat.

"When they came they had the police with them. I have had a Geiger counter and have not detected a problem with radiation," he the local Helsingborgs Dagblad (HD) newspaper.

Handl was arrested by the police and taken in for questioning. He admitted to his plans and was later released.

He told the newspaper that had he succeeded in building a nuclear reactor, generating any power would probably have proved beyond him.

"To get it to generate electricity you would need a turbine and a generator and that is very difficult to build yourself," he told HD.

Handl is reported to have spent around 6,000 kronor ($950) on his project and after all his equipment was seized in the raid, he has confirmed that in the future he intends to focus on the "theoretical" aspects of nuclear physics.

2011年8月2日12:36 CET|