◯ Tanaka Wins "Mets 0-4 Yankees"田中将 メジャー初完封で無傷の6連勝

2014-05-15 14:09:31 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

05/15/2014. Daily.co.jp
Pitcher Masahiro Tanaka (25) 6 successive-victories May 15 [ unhurt at major company first complete blockade ], 2014
= [ pitcher Yankees and Masahiro Tanaka ] 14 days, and the New York (cooperation) enlargement which decorated major company first complete blockade with the Mets game, and mentioned the unhurt 6th victory are here.
"The Mets 0-4 Yankees" (14 days, New York)

Pitcher Masahiro Tanaka (25) of the Yankees preceded the Mets game, and he decorated six unhurt successive victories with the major company first shutout victory on the 14th (Japan Standard Time 15 days).
giving up 9 times -- a 4 hit 8 strikeout non-walk -- scoreless.
pitches balls of a major personal high were thrown and consecutive defeats of the team were stopped by "4."
The win streak of the Japan-U.S. regular season was also lengthened to "34."
By blow, it is 1-for-4.
The hit was released to 9 times used as the last at-bat, and the major company first hit was recorded.


田中将 メジャー初完封で無傷の6連勝




◯Lung Ope.with 3D printer.夫の右肺、妻の左肺に 3Dプリンターで精密模型作り移植

2014-05-15 12:07:23 | fuckin Health & Med. 最先端. 健康と医学

05/15/2014 Tokyo Shimbun
To a husband's right lung and a wife's left lung It is a precision model making-transplant with 3D printer.
May 15, 2014 Morning paper
It makes with a
3D printer, The model of the lung and chest which were used for prior examination of the living body lung transplantation.
The right is in the Professor Date Youji =14 day afternoon of the Kyoto University hospital, and Kyoto.
The Kyoto University hospital succeeded in the first living body lung transplantation in the world of transplanting a part of a husband's right lung as a left lung of the wife who is an incurable disease patient.
The hospital announced on the 14th.
It is 3D printer which played the large role in this operation.
Since it was the complicated operation of having made it rotating and transplanting the back and front of a lung, 3D printer was used in advance, the model with a lung or a precise blood vessel was made, and having examined the procedure led to a success.

The lung of the patient who received this living body lung transplantation is the 40th generation woman of the incurable disease "idiopathic interstitial pneumonia" which becomes hard gradually.
It examined excising the left lung which is following condition of disease, and transplanting the lower half of a husband's (his 40's) left lung at the beginning.
However, since the left-hand side where a human lung has the heart is small, it is judged that the transplant of the lower half is not enough as the lung capacity after an operation.
It decided to transplant a part of a husband's larger right lung as a left lung.
In a lung transplantation, it is required to sew up a bronchus, the pulmonary artery, and the pulmonary vein.
In order to turn over and transplant the lung of a right-and-left contrary this time, different how from usually to tie needed to be examined.
a hospital is a request about cooperation to the professors (medical design engineering) of the history of the Kunimoto Kei(and -- carrying out) of the department of the Nagoya City University graduate school art engineering research.
Professor Kunimoto reproduces the blood vessel of a husband's lung, and a wife's bronchus as a model faithfully with 3D printer based on the data of CAT.
The hospital repeated examination of the operation procedure by this model, and decided on different how from the former to tie.
The operation early in March advances as assumption.
By the time the wife who was bedridden mostly is good at housekeeping, she will recover, and she leaves hospital this month, and it is said that the husband is also doing the work return.
Kyoto University [ which performed an operation ] Professor Date Youji (a fathom -- carrying out) -- "-- the first operation has examined the procedure using the precise model -- a sake -- enforcement -- it has decided .
It is being said that the patient's inside of the body was as the model."

05/15/2014 東京新聞

夫の右肺、妻の左肺に 3Dプリンターで精密模型作り移植

2014年5月15日 朝刊


◆「患者臓器」複製し準備 京大肺移植世界初手術に効果
 京都大病院が十四日発表した、左右逆の肺を移植する世界初の生体肺移植の成功には、3Dプリンター技術が大きな役割を果たした。ものづくりの可能性を広げている3Dプリンターは、外科での利用も進んでいるが、気管や血管が複雑に入り組んだ肺での活用は初めてという。 (森耕一)


◯ The Fukushima Crisis793;Bleeding Often Proves Deadly. 出血はしばしば死を招く。

2014-05-15 07:59:44 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

05/15/2014. CNN news.US

People are terrified about being exposed to radiation, including the stuff that some experts fear might leak from the quake-stricken nuclear power plants in Japan. That makes sense. Even if it doesn't prove fatal, radiation sickness can cause some pretty awful symptoms - and often proves deadly.

Keep clicking to find out eight of the worst...
CREDIT: istockphoto

①Spontaneous bleeding

Radiation sickness can cause bleeding from the nose, mouth, gums, and rectum. It can cause people to bruise easily and to bleed internally as well - and even to vomit blood.

The problems occur because radiation depletes the body of platelets, the cellular fragments in the blood that are form clots to control bleeding.
CREDIT: istockphoto

Eight awful symptoms is next time.


Eight awful symptoms is next time.

◯The Fukushima Crisis792;Evry day Bleedig.市長Idogawaの鼻は、特に朝、毎日出血。

2014-05-15 07:33:28 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

05/15/2014. ENENews. Asahi. Japan Times. Mainichi.
Former Mayor of Futaba (Fukushima) Katsutaka Idogawa, in ‘Oishinbo,delicious lover.

Former official posts pics of bloody tissues after daily nosebleed: “You can no longer live in Fukushima”… many suffer due to radiation – Fukushima U. Prof.: Impossible to make it so people can live here – Top Govt Spokesman: Nosebleeds & nuclear disaster NOT related

Environment, Global News, Health, Politics, SocietyAdd comments

Mayor Idogawa’s nose bleeds every day, especially in the mornings (Mainichi, May 10, 2014)

- Former official posts pics of bloody tissues after daily nosebleed: “You can no longer live in Fukushima”… many suffer due to radiation ― Fukushima U. Prof.: Impossible to make it so people can live here ― Top Govt Spokesman: Nosebleeds & nuclear disaster NOT related (PHOTOS) (ENENews, May 13, 2014):

Fukushima University Professor Takeru Arakida in new issue of manga ‘Oishinbo’: “You simply can’t decontaminate a wide area in Fukushima and make it a place where people can live”

Asahi, May 13, 2014: [The] professor who appears under his real name in the May 12 installment says it is impossible to decontaminate the entire prefecture and make it livable

Statement from President of Fukushima University: “We would like to remind faculty members to act and speak after thoroughly understanding their position.”

Japan Times, May 13, 2014: a character based on a real-life former mayor refers to Fukushima Prefecture in its latest issue as unlivable [Katsutaka Idogawa]: “You can no longer live in Fukushima.”

Former Mayor of Futaba (Fukushima) Katsutaka Idogawa, in ‘Oishinbo’: “Many people suffer from nosebleeds and fatigue because they have been exposed to radiation [...] People should not live in Fukushima today.”

Tweet from 32-year-old “Junichi” retweeted over 10,000 times: “I hope that this serves as an opportunity to have more people know about the reality [...] rather than cover up”

Yoshihide Suga, Top Gov’t Spokesman (Chief Cabinet Secretary): “The appraisal of experts [is] that there is no causal relationship between radiation exposure among residents and nosebleeds.” ― “We cannot think of any causal links.” ― Government will continue to disseminate accurate information

Ruiko Muto, head of group seeking criminal responsibility for Fukushima disaster: “I heard that some people suffered from nosebleeds. [...] I feel uncomfortable with the concerted effort to protest the depiction of the nosebleed segment.”

All 5 photos posted by the former mayor are here

Tags: Environment, Fukushima, Global News, Government, Health, Japan, Nuclear, Nuclear reactors, Politics, Radiation, Society

05/15/2014. ENENews. Asahi. Japan Times. Mainichi
Former Mayor of Futaba (Fukushima) Katsutaka Idogawa, in ‘Oishinbo,delicious lover.

流血の組織の元公職の写真毎日鼻血後: "あなたは、もはや生きて福島のできる" ...多くは、放射線に起因する苦しみ - 福島U.教授:人々はここに住むことができるようにそれを作ることは不可能 - トップ政府のスポークスマン:鼻血&核災​​害関連していない



- 毎日鼻血後血まみれの組織の元公職の写真: "あなたは、もはや生きて福島のことができます」...多くの人が放射線による苦しみ-福島U.教授:人々はここに住むことができるようにそれを作ることは不可能-トップ政府のスポークスマン:鼻血&原子力災害は関係ありません(写真)(ENENews、2014年5月13日):



福島大学の学長からの声明:「我々は徹底的に自分の位置を理解した行動と話すように教員を念の為申し上げます。 "

ジャパンタイムズ、2014年5月13日:現実の前市長に基づいて文字が住めない[Katsutaka Idogawa]として、その最新号に福島県を指し、「あなたは、もはや生きて福島のことができます」

前市長双葉(福島)Katsutaka Idogawaの中で、「美味しんぼ」:「彼らは放射線にさらされているため、多くの人が鼻血や疲労に苦しむ[...]人々は、今日、福島に住んではいけません。 "

万回以上もツイート32歳の「純一」からツイートした: "私は隠すのではなく、[...]これは、より多くの人々が現実を知っている機会として役立つことを願っています」

良英須賀、トップGOV'Tスポークスマン(官房長官)、「専門家の鑑定には住民や鼻血の間で放射線被曝との間には因果関係がないことである[] 。" - " 私たちはどんな因果リンクを考えることはできません。 " - 政府正確な情報を発信していきます

ルイ子武藤、福島の災害のための刑事責任を求めてグループの先頭:「私は何人かの人々は鼻血に悩まさと聞きました。[...]私は鼻血セグメントの描写に抗議する協調努力と不快に感じる。 "



◯ Issue

2014-05-15 06:21:53 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS


音節is・sue 発音記号/íʃuː|íʃuː, ísjuː/音声を聞く
【動詞】 【他動詞】
1a〈出版物などを〉出す,刊行する,出版する; 〈命令・布告・免許証などを〉発行する,発する.
The commander issued several orders. 司令官はいくつかの命令を発した.
When was your driver's license issued to you? あなたの運転免許証はいつ発行されましたか.
issue smoke 煙を出す.
3〔+目的語+前置詞+(代)名詞〕〈政府などが〉〔人などに〕〈ものを〉(官給品として)支給する,交付する 〔to〕; 〈人などに〉〔ものを〕支給する,交付する 〔with〕.
They issued an extra blanket to each soldier.=They issued each soldier with an extra blanket. 各兵士に毛布を一枚ずつ余分に配給した.
1〔(+副)+from+(代)名詞〕〔…から〕出る,発する,流出する,噴出する 〈out,forth〉.
A stream issues from the lake. ひと筋の小川がその湖から流れ出ている.
The trouble issued from her lack of knowledge. 不幸は彼女の無知から起こった.
1a【不可算名詞】 (出版物などの)発行; (命令・布告・免許証などの)発布,交付.
the issue of commemorative stamps [a newspaper] 記念切手[新聞]の発行.
b【可算名詞】 発行物; (雑誌・新聞などの)…号,…刷.
today's issue of The Times きょう発行のタイムズ誌.
c【可算名詞】 [通例単数形で] 配給(物).
a daily issue of bread and milk to schoolchildren 学童に対する毎日のパンと牛乳の配給.
2a【不可算名詞】 [また an issue] 流出.
an issue of blood 出血.
b【可算名詞】 流出物; 排出物.
3【可算名詞】 重要な点,論(争)点; 問題(点) 《★【類語】 ⇒question 3》.
an issue of fact [law] 事実[法律]上の問題点.
4【可算名詞】 [通例単数形で] 結果,結末 〔of〕.
the issue of an argument 議論の結果.
5【不可算名詞】 [集合的に] 【法律, 法学】 子,子女.
die without issue 子を持たずに死ぬ.

at íssue tàke [jóin] íssue
[ラテン語 exīre ‘go out' から]