○ 3D Oil Painting in real time" "Project Wetbrush" 「リアルタイムで3Dの油絵を描ける」

2016-07-31 07:30:40 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

2016-07-31 07:30:40 gigazine

July 28, 2016 11:10 for 00 seconds

I was born by NVIDIA&Adobe collaboration, the simulator which "can draw a three-dimensional oil painting in real time" "Project Wetbrush"



"Oil painting" using a brush and paint is a three-dimensional work with depth information at the real world. A painting software of the digital world was 2D basically, but NVIDIA developed the world's first three-dimensional oil painting painting simulator which reproduces an oil painting with depth information in real time and minuteness "Project Wetbrush" in conjunction with Adobe research.

Adobe Research, NVIDIA Team up on World's First Real-Time 3D Oil Painting Simulator

It can be confirmed by the following movie what kind of technology Wetbrush which figures a digital oil painting in the real time which becomes first in the world is.

Project Wetbrush - Adobe, NVIDIA Collaborate on World's First Real-Time 3D Oil Painting Simulator - YouTube


The digital oil painting which drew a picture seen as only this real oil painting by the real time three-dimensional simulator made with Adobe research and NVIDIA "Wetbrush".


When the angle where a picture is seen is changed, shadow and gloss change because the oil painting drawn by Wetbrush has solid information. This is just same as a realistic oil painting.


The state which draws a picture in Wetbrush is such feeling.


A brush tool is used, and the color of the paint is changed, and it's same as a general painting software. I'm going to calculate the big feature of Wetbrush by real time until a movement of hair of a brush and produce the realistic "picture" like being real.


Such as a creator receives inspiration from the painting drawn by an oil painting in spite of realistic digital, it's said that they can write up creativity. The world's first simulator which can draw the oil painting which is a special work for the creator by canvas of the digital world is a reason as Wetbrush.


Three-dimensional structure of giblets of an oil painting is reproduced by the thing which makes information on the Z axial direction last by a layer in Wetbrush.


It's possible to reproduce the shadow applied by this by real paint. A simulation can also reproduce the special quality of the paint for which special Isshiki can be made with to mix the color of the paint of course in real time.



Adobe research has developed algorithm of the real time rendering which becomes a core in 2015 in case of realization of Wetbrush. It's said to be Wetbrush that the algorithm was optimized and made a practical use of by GPU in NVIDIA with parallel data processing of the supercomputer order.

It's said that Wetbrush is only the one which indicates the technological example GPU achieves according to NVIDIA, and Wetbrush learns, and is more realistic and suggests a possibility which becomes high-quality brush judgment by itself by mechanical learning by Deep learning for which computing power of GPU was utilized.




2016-07-31 07:30:40 gigazine


2016年07月28日 11時10分00秒

NVIDIA&Adobeコラボで生まれた「リアルタイムで3Dの油絵を描ける」シミュレータ「Project Wetbrush」


筆と絵の具を使う「油絵」は、現実世界では奥行き情報を持った3Dの作品です。デジタル世界のペイントソフトは基本的には2Dですが、奥行き情報を持つ油絵を、リアルタイムかつ精緻に再現する世界初の3D油絵ペインティングシュミレーター「Project Wetbrush」をAdobeリサーチとNVIDIAが共同開発しました。

Adobe Research, NVIDIA Team up on World’s First Real-Time 3D Oil Painting Simulator


Project Wetbrush - Adobe, NVIDIA Collaborate on World’s First Real-Time 3D Oil Painting Simulator - YouTube

<iframe class=" lazyloaded" frameborder="0" data-src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/S_k7VIiYNDo"></iframe>












○ The Fukushima Crisis 1006/ Fukushima: Worse Than a Disaster./ 大惨事以上の福島原発:

2016-07-30 16:23:40 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS


2016-07-30 16:23:40 counterpunch.org . eigokiji.cocolog-nifty




Fukushima: Worse Than a Disaster





Disasters can be cleaned up.

Naohiro Masuda, TEPCO Chief of Decommissioning at Fukushima Diiachi Nuclear Power Plant, finally publicly “officially” announced that 600 tons of hot molten core, or corium, is missing (Fukushima Nuclear Plant Operator Says 600 Tons of Melted Fuels is Missing, Epoch Times, May 24, 2016).

Now what?

According to Gregory Jaczko, former head of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), it is not likely the fuel will ever be recovered: “Nobody really knows where the fuel is at this point, and this fuel is still very radioactive and will be for a long time.”

A big part of the problem is that nobody has experience with a Fukushima-type meltdown, which now appears to be 100% meltdown, possibly burrowed into the ground, but nobody really knows for sure.

What’s next is like a trip into The Twilight Zone.

“The absolutely uncontrollable fission of the melted nuclear fuel assemblies continue somewhere under the remains of the station. ’It’s important to find it as soon as possible,’ acknowledged Masuda, admitting that Japan does not yet possess the technology to extract the melted uranium fuel,” (600 Tons of Melted Radioactive Fukushima Fuel Still Not Found, Clean-Up Chief Reveals, RT, May 24, 2016).

Nuclear fission is when atoms split apart into smaller atoms. With nuclear bombs, fission must happen extremely quickly to charge a large explosion whereas, in a nuclear reactor, fission must happen very slowly to make heat, which, in turn, is used to boil water to make steam to turn a turbine to generate electricity.

Eventually, by rubbing two sticks together, one can boil water, but modern-day society doesn’t have the patience, which means accepting risks leaps and bounds beyond rubbing two sticks together. Welcome to an altered world.

Even if Masuda’s cleanup crew find the missing 600 tons, which is so highly radioactive that workers cannot even get close enough to inspect the immediate areas, then they need to construct, out-of-midair, the technology to extract it, and then what? It’s guesswork. It’s what modern-day society has been reduced to, guesswork. Toss out rubbing two sticks together and build monstrous behemoths for billions to boil water, and when it goes wrong, guess what to do next. What’s wrong with this picture? Well, to start with, nobody knows what to do when all hell breaks loose.

They do not have the technology to extract it!

In 1986, Russian teams of workers found the melted corium of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant’s reactor core in the facility’s lowest level. Whilst “frying 30 workers” along the way, they contained it just enough to prevent burrowing into the ground, maybe.

During containment work at Chernobyl, a makeshift robotic camera managed to actually photograph the monster, the melted core, nicknamed “the Elephant’s Foot.” Thirty years after the fact, the “Elephant’s Foot” is still lethal.

By way of comparing/contrasting Chernobyl and Fukushima, extraordinarily high radiation zaps and destroys robots at first sight when sent into Fukushima’s containment vessels. It’s kinda like the Daleks in Doctor Who.

Whereas, thirty years after the fact, Chernobyl seems to have found a solution to the elephant’s foot menace to society, but as for Fukushima, they must first locate 600 tons of hot stuff. That may be an impossible task. Then what?

“Thirty years after the Chernobyl nuclear accident, there’s still a significant threat of radiation from the crumbling remains of Reactor 4. But an innovative, €1.5 billion super-structure is being built to prevent further releases, giving an elegant engineering solution to one of the ugliest disasters known to man,” Claire Corkhill, PhD, University of Sheffield, New Tomb Will Make Chernobyl Site Safe for 100 Years, Phys.Org, April 22, 2016.

As it happens, the older collapsing sarcophagus for Chernobyl is being replaced by a brand new enormous steel frame: “Thanks to the sarcophagus, up to 80% of the original radioactive material left after the meltdown remains in the reactor. If it were to collapse, some of the melted core, a lava-like material called corium, could be ejected into the surrounding area in a dust cloud, as a mixture of highly radioactive vapour and tiny particles blown in the wind. The key substances in this mixture are iodine-131, which has been linked to thyroid cancer, and cesium-137, which can be absorbed into the body, with effects ranging from radiation sickness to death depending on the quantity inhaled or ingested,” Ibid

“The Elephant’s Foot could be the most dangerous piece of waste in the world,” (Chernobyl’s Hot Mess, “the Elephant’s Foot,” is Still Lethal, Nautilus, Science Connect, Dec. 4, 2013). It’s a highly charged radioactive massive hunk of goo that will not die or waste away. This could be a Doctor Who script, par excellence! Therein exist the soft underbelly, the vulnerability, and the risks of using nuclear power to boil water, or alternatively, the sun and wind could be used. They’re not radioactive and still much faster than rubbing two sticks together.

Fukushima is three times (3x) Chernobyl, maybe more; however, in Fukushima’s case there’s a distinct possibility that its white-hot sizzling corium has already started burrowing into Earth. Thereafter, let your imagination run wild because nobody has any idea of how that ends, if ever!

But, Einstein knew. Here’s a famous Einstein quote: “The unleashed power of the atom has changed everything save our modes of thinking, and we thus drift toward unparalleled catastrophes.”

We’re finally there!

Gregory Jackzo, former head of the NRC, ponders the security of nuclear power: “You have to now accept that in all nuclear power plants, wherever they are in the world … that you can have this kind of a very catastrophic accident, and you can release a significant amount of radiation and have a decade long cleanup effort on your hands” (Epoch Times).

Looking ahead a few years, the question remains: Where will the sizzling white-hot melted corium be when the Tokyo Olympics arrive in 2020?

Nobody knows!

Still, Prime Minister Abe told the Olympic selection committee that Fukushima was “under control.”

“This debate has dogged him since his Sept. 7 speech to the International Olympic Committee, when he said the nuclear disaster is “under control.” The next day, Tokyo won hosting rights for the 2020 Summer Olympic Games,” (Tsuyoshi Inajjma and Yuriy Humber, Abe Olympic Speech On Fukushima Contradicts Nuclear Plant Design, Bloomberg, Oct. 23, 2013).

“French authorities are investigating payments worth around $2m to a company linked to the son of former world athletics chief Lamine Diack over alleged connections to Japan’s successful bid to host the 2020 Olympic Games,” (Tokyo Olympics Bid Questioned as Prosecutors Probe $2M Payouts, The Financial Times, May 12, 2016).

Japan won the right to host the 2020 Olympics with a bid to spend $5 billion, which is suspiciously small, especially in an historical context. For the record, rival Istanbul’s bid was almost $20 billion, a much more realistic commitment for such a momentous worldly event.

Thusly, with mucho “balls-in-the-air,” one has to wonder if PM Abe’s infamous secrecy law will click into play, in other words, is there any way it can impede investigations? After all, the law allows any Japanese politician to put an offender behind bars for 10 years for breaking state secrets, which are (very embarrassingly) whatever the accuser claims to be “secretive.” After all, prima facie, between Fukushima and the Olympics, there could be a lot of secretive stuff going on behind the scenes.

Japan’s state secrecy law Act on the Protection of Specially Designated Secrets (SDS) Act No. 108 of 2013 passed on the heels of the Fukushima meltdown, is very similar to Japan’s harsh Public Peace and Order Controls of WWII (a real doozy). According to Act No. 108, the “act of leaking itself” is bad enough for prosecution, regardless of what, how, or why. Absolutely, if someone “leaks,” they’re going to “the can.”

Susumu Murakoshi, president of the Japan Federation of Bar Associations dissents: “The law should be abolished because it jeopardizes democracy and the people’s right to know,” Abe’s Secrets Law Undermines Japan’s Democracy, The Japan Times, Dec. 13, 2014.

The Japan Times needs to fact-check the definition of democracy.



Robert Hunziker lives in Los Angeles and can be reached at roberthunziker@icloud.com



2016-07-30 16:23:40 counterpunch.org . eigokiji.cocolog-nifty











大惨事以上の福島原発:  マスコミに載らない海外記事













フクイチで新たな恐怖!核燃デブリ「地底臨界」危機進行中!東日本どころか地球規模の超巨大原子力災害に突き進む! 核燃デブリが地中へ抜け落ちていく? 100t超といわれる大量のデブリ塊はどこへ行ったのか?そして膨大な崩壊熱で水蒸気爆発が繰り返され、新たに生まれた放射性物質が地上へまき散らされる…。質量がケタ外れに多い福島第一原発のデブリが「地底臨界」すれば、東日本どころか地球規模の超巨大原子力災害に突き進む!海外の研究者や政府関係者が不安視、苛立つ最悪の「地底臨界」危機進行中…!どう見ても、どう考えても大変なことになっている福島第一原発 

大惨事以上の福島原発:  マスコミに載らない海外記事





東京電力福島第一原子力発電所廃炉推進カンパニー最高責任者の増田尚宏は、とうとう公に“公式に”600トンの熱い溶融炉心コリウムが行方不明だと発表した(福島原子力発電所の運営企業が、600トンの溶融燃料が行方不明と語る、Epoch Times、2016年5月24日)。




これから 先は、トワイライト・ゾーンへの旅のようなものだ。

“溶けた核燃料集合体の、全く制御不能な分裂が、発電所残骸の下のどこかで続いている ’これをできるだけ早くすることが重要だ’と増田は語り、日本は、溶けたウラン燃料を取り出す技術を持っていないことを認めた” (600トンの溶融した放射性の福島原発燃料、依然みつからないと、廃炉推進のトップが認める、RT、2016年5月24日)。











チェルノブイリと福島を比較・対照すると、福島の格納容器内に送り込まれるやいなや、途方もなく高い放射能攻撃でロボットは壊れた。BBC番組「Dr. Who」に登場したロボット、ダーレクのようだ。







象の足は世界でも最も危険な廃棄物かもしれない”(チェルノブイリの熱い塊“象の足”は今も致死的、Nautilus、Science Connect、2013年12月4日)。これは極めて放射能の高い巨大な塊で、死んだり、弱くなったりはしないのだ。

これは飛び抜けて秀逸な「Doctor Who 」の脚本かもしれない! ここに、代わりに、太陽と風が使えたのに、お湯を沸かすのに原子力を使う弱点、脆弱さ、危険性がある。太陽も風も、放射能はなく、しかも二本の棒をこすりあわせるよりも、ずっと早い。




元NRC委員長のグレゴリー・ヤツコは、原子力の安全性を熟考している。“全ての原子力発電所において、それが世界のどこであれ … この種の極めて大惨事の事故が起きて、膨大な量の放射能を放出し、何十年も、自分で後始末をしなければならなくなる可能性があることを、今や受け入れなければならない” (Epoch Times).




“国際オリンピック委員会での9月7日の演説で、彼が原発事故は“制御されている”と発言して以来、この議論は安倍首相につきまとっている。翌日東京は、2020年夏季オリンピックの開催権を獲得した” (安倍の福島に関するオリンピック演説は、原発設計と矛盾する、ブルームバーグ、稲島剛史と、Yuriy Humber、2013年10月23日)。

“フランス当局は、2020年のオリンピック開催招致に日本が成功したこととの関係とされるものを巡る元国際陸上競技連盟会長ラミーヌ・ディアックの息子とつながってる企業への約200万ドルの支払いを捜査中”(200万ドルの支払いを、検事が捜査する中、東京オリンピック招致に疑念 フィナンシャル・タイムズ、2016年5月12日).



言い換えれば、捜査を妨げる方法が他にあるのだろうか? 結局、この法律は(何ともあきれたことに)、何であれ、告訴人が“秘密”だと主張する国家秘密を暴露したかどで、政治家ならだれでも、違反者を10年間投獄するのを可能にしている。一見するだけで、福島とオリンピックの間に、水面下で様々な秘密の物事が行われている可能性があるではないか。





岩波書店の月刊誌『世界』7月号に、「事故30年 チェルノブイリからの問い 第3回 事故収束作業員たちはいま」 という尾松亮氏の連載記事がある。







フクイチ核燃デブリ「地底臨界」を収束できる能力と技術をもつのはロシアしかない!恐怖の中性子線やトリチウム… 飯山一郎氏…/ Dr佐野千遥…日本よりロシアで有名な物理学者だ。物事の本質をズバリ!と見透かす天才学者である。 




○ オクラは血糖を下げる|ためしてガッテン

2016-07-29 07:16:59 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS


2016-07-29 07:16:59

http://tousageru.com/entry273.html . NHK



  • NHKのガッテン(旧ためしてガッテン)でオクラスープが紹介されます。


































  • ペクチン
  • アラピン
  • ガラクタン




  • ペクチン : 果物に多い
  • イヌリン : ゴボウや菊芋に多い
  • グルコマンナン : こんにゃくに多い
  • アガロース : 寒天の主成分



  1. 肥満防止
  2. コレステロールの上昇抑制
  3. 血糖の上昇を抑制
  4. 排便効果


  詳しく見る ⇒ イージーファイバーには血糖値を下げる効果がある



  • ビタミンA、B1、B2、C
  • ミネラル
  • カルシウム
  • カリウム








  1. 30秒程度茹でる
  2. よく刻む














○ ‘Cumulonimbus cloud’ / 入道雲re-up

2016-07-28 07:45:34 | ♪ One Short Talk


2016-07-28 07:45:34


今年は 台風が 1度も来ていないのと 同様に 入道雲を 見ていない。


 Where is the cloud 9!?


cloud dreamer.






2014-08-23 04:11:22



‘cumulonimbus cloud’ といいます。

この ‘cumulonimbus’ (キュムロニンバス)、
“Cumulonimbus!” (入道雲だ!)

入道雲は ‘cloud nine’ と呼ばれたりもします。

この ‘cloud nine’ は、「至福の状態」 を表す言葉としても使われます。

“I am on cloud nine.”

“He is on cloud nine about his transfer to New York.”





○ Test:Cab Tokyo ¥410 / 410円のタクシー、都内に登場 短距離需要を検証

2016-07-28 07:12:05 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

2016-07-28 07:12:05 itmeadia
It appears on a taxi at 410 yen and Metropolitan area Short distance demand is inspected.


It was announced that the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport put the demonstration experiment which reduces a starting fare of a part taxi to 410 yen in Tokyo-to on July 26 into effect from August 5. It's an aim to inspect taxi demand of a short distance by making the starting fare inexpensive.
"The first ride of 410 yen" is written by a vehicle during a demonstration experiment clearly.
The present starting fare is 730 yen up to 2 kilometers, but even 1.059 kilometers are set to 410 yen (after, 80 yen for 237 meters) by a demonstration experiment. The first ride distance is made short, but also a fare is reduced substantially. Demand expansion of short distance use such as a sound ZORETA visit to Japan foreigner and senior citizen's daily life is expected for sightseeing.

Than the area where you can go from a photo Shimbashi station east entrance for 410 yen (1.059 kilometers and blue yen) and the area where you can go for 730 yen (2 kilometers and red yen)= a document of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport.
23 40 are chosen as an experiment and it's conducted in each 4 taxi stands in front of in front of the Shimbashi station east entrance and Asakusa station, the Shinjuku Station east entrance and the University of Tokyo hospital in sequence. I do until September 15 and confirm the advantage convenience by a questionnaire survey to the user.



 2016-07-28 07:12:05 itmeadia
 410円のタクシー、都内に登場 短距離需要を検証






○ Jungle-Book/史上初!歌舞伎座で洋画プレミア 『ジャングル・ブック』ジョン・ファヴローが来日

2016-07-27 17:07:13 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS



2016-07-27 17:07:13

First-ever! Western movie premiere "a jungle, book" John and FAVURO visit Japan at Kabukiza Theater.

July 8, 2016 4:00
First-ever! Western movie premiere "a jungle, book" John and FAVURO visit Japan at Kabukiza Theater.
Kabukiza is planning to be also lit up by Greene in a jungle look by a "a jungle, book" Japan premiere of holding on July 27 - (C) 2016 Disney Enterprises, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Expanding Picture expansion.
It was announced that a premiere event of Disney's taking a picture work "jungle book" is performed at Ginza and Kabukiza Theater on the 27th this month on the 7th. Kabukiza beyond 120 years is for a western movie premiere event's being performed at Kabukiza Theater, the historic first time. It was spent that John and the FAVURO director who were learned about by "iron man" etc. according to the premiere and took a megaphone by Motosaku again visit Japan.

Movie "jungle book" Japanese dubbing edition notice

I say to this new match that the managed Shochiku side and the both companies on Disney side are glad about Kabukiza. The Shochiku CEO (and) Sakamoto Junichi globalization is increasingly developed and who challenge that it's always new to be able to hold a "a jungle, book" Japan premiere as an announcement of a western movie work for the first time in now when a market is expanding and the history which are Mr. Disney and Kabukiza this time and feel tradition of Japanese culture in honor very much for us who make the succession and the thing which develops into the world a mission, too "" each other "feel that "jungle book" is able to conduct the first premiere event in the inside of history of Kabukiza beyond 120 years as a western movie work in honor very much", (, cormorant I'm telling with a ORUTO Disney Japan CEO and Mr. Paul Sauveur Antoine Candau Rand).

Koshiro Matsumoto who participates in a movie as a radio actor again, "Rare collaboration also hopes to be possible to contribute to the world of cultural art forever sincerely and doesn't suffer in a world as kabuki with Disney.", comment. "I think to be able to perform a story of the love the author ticket ring tried to draw at a palace of a Japanese traditional entertainment called Kabukiza in an honor very much." and, I made the joy spread.

Yellowtail gum Taylor of star's Neill cedi and producer, Matsumoto who takes charge of Japanese dubbing, Toshiyuki Nishida, Rie Miyazawa and Iseya Tomosuke in addition to FAVURO supervision are planning to participate in a premiere event. (Saki Imoto of an editorial staff)

A movie "jungle book", on August 11, the whole country opening to the public
A premiere event is held at Ginza and Kabukiza Theater on July 27.



2016-07-27 17:07:13


史上初!歌舞伎座で洋画プレミア 『ジャングル・ブック』ジョン・ファヴローが来日

史上初!歌舞伎座で洋画プレミア 『ジャングル・ブック』ジョン・ファヴローが来日
7月27日開催の『ジャングル・ブック』ジャパンプレミアでは歌舞伎座もジャングル風にグリーンにライトアップされる予定 - (C) 2016 Disney Enterprises, Inc. All Rights Reserved.









○ Loxonin In Danger!「ロキソニン」を飲み続けると…危険

2016-07-27 02:51:06 | fuckin Health & Med. 最先端. 健康と医学
2016/7/26 21:38 news-postseven.When I keep drinking "
 goo picture search
 The thing the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare directed to add "narrow* of a small intestine and large intestines blockade" to the item of the "important side effect" of an alleviating fever painkiller "
" became the big topic of conversation in March of this year. When saying
, even a pharmacy is pronoun-like existence of the painkiller which can be bought easily.
 There would be a lot of people who can't leave in case of a headache and a menstrual cramps, too. When there is a possibility that a burden is imposed, "warning" the
 is made a gut. A director in Akitsu doctor's office and Mr. Akitsu toshio tell so.
"Effect is strong half the face and the medicine to which a side effect will be often reported in
. When I keep drinking, there is a person who has stomach ulcer and a duodenal ulcer by a side effect, too. The ulcer can also be made a small intestine and large intestines, and there is also a possibility that a gut is small and is filled with contents by that."
 When a gut is blocked, and I have intestinal obstruction, it's to the worst occasion and death. Important sick discovery is behind schedule. Mr. Yoshio Otani, the Ikebukuro Otani clinic director continues it, too.
"Even though heat was generated, heat could continue for only 1 week 3 times a day, and went down one which had them prescribe an alleviating fever painkiller at a different doctor's office before, and remains, but Mr. patient who can't get languidness has gone to a hospital. When it was examined, it wasn't ordinary fever and was serious illness pneumonia. Even if only heat is lowered, fundamental sickness can't be treated. When I keep taking an alleviating fever painkiller by own judgement, important sick discovery is behind schedule."
 In other words, it's the last conclusion that it isn't better to continue taking in the long run even if I feel like depending on
 which eases the pain. An alleviating fever painkiller such as the
Voltaren and the Portal by which that's besides.


, like.
"Such medicine is medicine good for temporization. Heat is lowered temporarily at time with the work which isn't rested no matter what and child's school event, and, of the pain, I ease, it's suitable for how to use. How do you want you to make about the once a day 2-tether which can continue for 3 days?" (Mr. Otani)

The person taking


 may be necessary for a one headache measure, too. The one headache which increases a seasonal turn hinders daily life big by a pain and nausea with that, and when I go to a hospital, you prescribe IMIGURAN.

But IMIGURAN is to use an extended period, and the comment which rather causes a headache is here.

"I make a drug abuse headache but the symptom be aggravated. It's also fact that there are a lot of people who depend because IMIGURAN is medicine for the system different from ROKISONIN and is very effective in one headache. Please make it at most 1 month old within 10 tablets." (Mr. Otani)

※ A female seven or 2016 year August 4 number


2016/7/26 21:38 news-postseven.















○ 'Pokemon GO''totalitarianism“ポケモンGO”が教えてくれた! 「監視社会」&開発企業とCIA

2016-07-26 16:49:26 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

2016-07-26 16:49:26


≪ It's uneasy about "totalitarianism" in Oliver stone supervision and a Pokemon GO phenomenon.
[July 22 AFP] on the 21st, movie director's Oliver stone (Oliver Stone) family (69) expressed with the "invasion of" the new stage which can be led to totalitarianism about a worldwide boom of a game for smart phone "Pokemon GO (Pokemon Go)".
It was stated stone supervision was a forum of the "a comic condition (Comic - Con), 2016" first day which is being held in San Diego in the US (San Diego) and a new movie of the said director who made the former staff Edward Snowdon (Edward Snowden) suspect of a national securities bureau in the US (NSA) a model, and that "Pokemon GO" was a cultural part bigger than the one of the "watch capitalism".
I pointed out "And something dealt something preferred to what was bought to all people in this room out, and information about usual behavior was being collected and analyzed." while assuming "History grew into this most, a fast business. A monitoring activity and a jam threw huge funds at data mining for them."
After earlier this month releases it concerning "Pokemon GO" of an expansion real game based on position information, a worldwide big boom is created. But we assume that the reading history of gurgling (Google) and access to an e-mail are requested, and criticism has also occurred by the part.
"Pokemon GO" is "beginning" of watch Bunka for the said stone director with background of Academy Award 3 time winning a prize, and that "is going" to come, it was stated that I had that and we assumed "It was called by this watch capitalism by the part and was in its new stage."
"The one there says gently, and is robot society of the new form. However eager whether everyone be to behave there the mock up added to the behavior grasps, and prepares and offers it. It's the one as so-called totalitarianism." and, a warning was rung. ≫ (AFP (c) AFP)

≪ The scheme theory which is rice in Pokemon GO Russia and a domestic delivery prohibited request.
[Moscow association] we assume that it's "scheme" with the fear that I consider "An American special engine has developed it for spying activity." and shake state security in Russia about the game for smart phone big-grossing at USA "Pokemon GO (go)", and the movement I ask for prohibited has gone out.
The Communist Party councilor of the Russian Lower House is used according to Interfax news agency on the 20th for Pokemon GO to take advantage of USA in the most advanced war, and I insist that photography information on the user's smart phone can be abused by an informer. I requested to prohibit a domestic delivery by a document to Federal'naya Sluzhba Bezoopasnasti (FSB). ≫ (Tokyo Shinbun)



★ "Pokemon GO" in personal information, attention, (NHK) http://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/20160722/k10010604901000.html

★ "Possibility Pokemon GO" isn't a just monitor-which is a magnificent brainwash experimental project! (Blog of WANTON)

★ Possibility that "Pokemon GO" is a monitor to "slave-ization of all human beings". When roots is followed... (mixi, all diary).

★ Tchaikovsky and Gagarin are caught instead of Pokemon in Moscow (test) (Sputnik Japan).

★ The security camera which becomes smarter (Yahoo! news > individuality > Kobayashi keirin) http://bylines.news.yahoo.co.jp/kobayashiakihito/20121017-00022112/

★ From a monitoring camera picture of a low resolution, personal specification, it's possible (RBB TODAY) http://www.rbbtoday.com/article/2016/03/08/140345.html.

★ Isn't Pokemon Go a game made in Japan? Niantic Labs of developing agency is Google subsidiary company http://business.newsln.jp/news/201607141315520000.html.





2016-07-26 16:49:26



●“ポケモンGO”が教えてくれた! 「監視社会」&開発企業とCIA 




≪ マップ上に現れたポケモンをタップすると、ポケモンと遭遇。画面を通して、実際の風景の上に現れたポケモンに、画面上のモンスターボールをスワイプして投げると、捕まえることができます。慎重に、でも早く捕まえないと、逃げられてしまう≫(ガイドより抜粋)
≪ ポケモンを捕まえるために使うモンスターボールは、マップ上に現れる『ポケストップ』と呼ばれる、特定の場所で手に入れることができます。『ポケストッ プ』ではモンスターボールのほか、さまざまな道具が手に入ります。せっかくポケモンに遭遇できても、モンスターボールがなくて捕まえられない! ということがないように、多くの『ポケストップ』に立ち寄って、モンスターボールをたくさん手に入れておこう。 『ポケストップ』は、世界中のあらゆる場所にあります。名所旧跡や有名なモニュメントなどはもちろん、普段気にしていなかった身近なあの場所も、実は『ポケストップ』かも?≫(公式ガイド抜粋)

 ≪「Pokémon GO」,フィールドテスト実施に先駆けて基本的な遊び方が公開。
ゲームの雰囲気が伝わってくる最新のスクリーンショットは必見  ポケモンは,Nianticと共同開発しているスマートフォンアプリ「Pokémon GO」(iOS / Android)の最新情報を,2016年3月下旬に開始予定のフィールドテストに先駆けて公開した。  こちらの記事でお伝えしたとおり,本作はスマートフォンの位置情報を利用し,現実世界でポケモンを探したり,捕まえたりできるタイトルだ。
 また,ポケモントレーナーのレベルが上がると,3種類あるチームの中から,いずれか1つに参加するよう要請され,マップ上に現れるジムに所属できるようになる。同じチームに所属するプレイヤーと一緒にジムを守る,協力プレイの要素も盛り込まれるとのことだ。  ≫(4Gamer.net)

■公式サイト: http://www.pokemongo.jp/howto/get/ 







 ≪ オリバー・ストーン監督、ポケモンGO現象に「全体主義」を危惧 
【7月22日 AFP】映画監督のオリバー・ストーン(Oliver Stone)氏(69)が21日、スマートフォン向けゲーム「ポケモンGO(Pokemon Go)」の世界的なブームについて、全体主義に導かれ得る「新たな段階の侵略」と表現した。 
 ストーン監督は、米サンディエゴ(San Diego)で開催中の「コミックコン(Comic-Con)2016」初日、米国家安全保障局(NSA)の元職員エドワード・スノーデン(Edward Snowden)容疑者をモデルにした同監督の新作映画の討論会で、「ポケモンGO」は「監視資本主義」のより大きな文化の一環だと述べた。 
 さらに、「これは、史上最も成長スピードの速いビジネスだ。彼らは巨額の資金を、監視活動、つまりはデータマイニングに投じている」としながら、 「この部屋にいるすべての人に対し、何を買ったか、好きなものは何か、そしてとりわけ日頃の行動についての情報を収集・分析している」と指摘した。
 また、「率直に言って、そこにあるのは新しい形態のロボット社会だ。そこでは、皆さんがどのように行動したがっているのかが把握され、その行動に合わせたモックアップが用意・提供される。いわゆる全体主義というものだ」と警鐘をならした。 ≫(AFP(c)AFP) 

≪ポケモンGOに米の陰謀論 ロシア、国内配信禁止要求も 
 20日のインタファクス通信によると、ロシア下院の共産党議員は、ポケモンGOが最先端の戦争で米国を利するために使われ、利用者のスマートフォンの撮影情報がスパイに悪用され得ると主張。連邦保安局(FSB)に対し、国内配信を禁止するよう文書で要求した。 ≫(東京新聞)

★「ポケモンGO」個人情報に注意を(NHK) http://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/20160722/k10010604901000.html




★スマート化する監視カメラ(ヤフーニュース>個人>小林啓倫) http://bylines.news.yahoo.co.jp/kobayashiakihito/20121017-00022112/ 

★低解像度の監視カメラ映像から個人特定を可能に(RBB TODAY) http://www.rbbtoday.com/article/2016/03/08/140345.html 

★Pokémon Goは日本製のゲームではない? 開発元のNiantic LabsはGoogle子会社 http://business.newsln.jp/news/201607141315520000.html 




○ Paul Craig Roberts Warns “Armageddon Approaches” After German Leak//ハルマゲドン

2016-07-26 12:02:03 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS


2016-07-26 12:02:03 GlobalNews. Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten.


– Armageddon Approaches — Paul Craig Roberts:

The Western public doesn’t know it, but Washington and its European vassals are convincing Russia that they are preparing to attack. 

Eric Zuesse reports on a German newspaper leak of a Bundeswehr decision to declare Russia to be an enemy nation of Germany.

According to a report issued on June 6th in German Economic News (Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten, or DWN), the German government is preparing to go to war against Russia, and has in draft-form a Bundeswehr report declaring Russia to be an enemy nation. DWN says: “The Russian secret services have apparently thoroughly studied the paper.

In advance of the paper’s publication, a harsh note of protest has been sent to Berlin: The head of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Russian State Duma, Alexei Puschkow, has posted the Twitter message: ‘The decision of the German government declaring Russia to be an enemy shows Merkel’s subservience to the Obama administration.’”

This is the interpretation that some Russian politicians themselves have put on the NATO military bases that Washington is establishing on Russia’s borders.

Washington might intend the military buildup as pressure on President Putin to reduce Russian opposition to Washington’s unilateralism. However, it reminds some outspoken Russians such as Vladimir Zhirinovsky of Hitler’s troops on Russia’s border in 1941.

Zhirinovsky is the founder and leader of Russia’s Liberal Democratic Party and a vice chairman of the Russian parliament. In a confrontation with the editor of a German newspaper, Zhirinovsky tells him that German troops again on Russia’s border will provoke a preventive strike after which nothing will remain of German and NATO troops. “The more NATO soldiers in your territory, the faster you are going to die. To the last man. Remove NATO from your territory!” 

Russian Trump,Zhirinovsky BLASTS NATO.

<iframe src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/aQm8L8d8uDc?feature=oembed" frameborder="0" width="500" height="281"></iframe>

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has expressed his frustration with Washington’s reliance on force and coercion instead of diplomacy. It is reckless for Washington to convince Russia that diplomacy is a dead end without promise. When the Russians reach that conclusion, force will confront force.

Indeed Zhirinovsky has already reached that point and perhaps Vladimir Putin also. As I reported, Putin recently dressed down Western presstitutes for their role in fomenting nuclear war.

Putin has made it clear that Russia will not accept US missile bases in Poland and Romania. He has informed Washington and the imbecilic Polish and Romanian governments. However, as Putin observed, “they don’t hear.”

The inability to hear means that Washington’s arrogance has made Washington too stupid to take seriously Putin’s warning. If Washington persists, it will provoke the preventive strike that Zhirinovsky told the German editor the Merkel regime was inviting.

Americans need to wake up to the dangerous situation that Washington has created, but I doubt they will.Most wars happen without the public’s knowledge until they happen. The main function of the American left-wing is to serve as a bogyman with which to scare conservatives about the country’s loss of morals, and the main function of conservatives is to create fear and hysteria about immigrants, Muslims, and Russians. There is no sign that Congress is aware of approaching Armageddon, and the media consists of propaganda.

I and a few others try to alert people to the real threats that they face, but our voices are not loud enough. Not even Vladimir Putin’s voice is loud enough. It looks like the West won’t hear until “there remains nothing at all of the German and NATO troops,” and of Poland and Romania and the rest of us.

* * *

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Related info:

– The Prophecies Of Alois Irlmaier – The Roadmap To WW3 – The 3 Days Of Darkness (Worse Than WW3)







2016-07-26 12:02:03 GlobalNews. Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten. 





ドイツ経済ニュース(ドイツWirtschafts Nachrichten、またはDWN)で6月6日に発行された報告書によると、ドイツ政府は、ロシアとの戦争に行くために準備されており、中にいるロシアは敵国であることを宣言連邦レポートをドラフト形成しますDWNは言う: "ロシアの秘密のサービスが明らかに徹底的に紙を研究してきました。





Russian Trump,Zhirinovsky BLASTS NATO.


<iframe src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/aQm8L8d8uDc?feature=oembed" frameborder="0" width="500" height="281"></iframe>







* * *


アロイスIrlmaierの預言- WW3へのロードマップ -闇の3日間(WW3よりも悪いです)










 〓ref. With Luke





The blast from the bomb was huge.


When I opened the door, there was a wintry blast.


Wow, that was a real blast!

最後に「blast it」は「ちくしょう」という意味になります。これは「damn it」に似ています。



こんにちは、筆者のLuke Tunnicliffeです。僕はアメリカとイギリスのハーフで、現在東京で翻訳の仕事をしています。生まれてから13年間をイギリスで過ごし、アメリカに越して11年間生活をした後日本に来ました。イギリス、アメリカ、日本で経験した様々なことをこのサイトに生かし、皆さんにお届けしたいと思っています。日本人の人柄と和食、そして日本語が好きなのでまだまだ日本にいるつもりです!皆さんこれからもよろしくお願いします。 新着記事を読みたい方は、ぜひフォローして下さい



  • Shiori says:

    Had a blast day!!とは言うそうですが、I had a blast day. とか、We had a blast summer. とかは言いませんか?

  • Machinist says:

    Guess how many people I killed today?





〓ref. Weblio



○ Takasugi Shinsaku's Songs / 高杉晋作の歌

2016-07-26 09:36:32 | ♪ One Short Talk


〓  re-up version

○ 百年如一夢 高杉晋作


百年如一夢 何以得歓娯




 〓〓2016-07-26 09:36:32 


                高杉晋作の歌に見る      2003年5月29日



















○ France Escalates; Sends Aircraft Carrier To Fight ISIS// 仏,空母シャルル・ド・ゴール送る

2016-07-26 08:10:21 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS


2016-07-26 08:10:21 GlobalNews. SputnikNews

France Escalates – Sends Aircraft Carrier To Fight ISIS


– France Escalates – Sends Aircraft Carrier To Fight ISIS:

Seemingly not satisfied with the domestic blowback from their interventionist-driven Washingtonian foreign policy, Francois Hollande – lagging badly in the polls – has decided to double-down following the recent terror attack in Nice. As Sputnik News reports, France will send artillery to Iraq and its Charles de Gaulle aircraft carrier to assist the US-led coalition’s efforts in Syria and Iraq in the coming months.

The French aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle will be sent to the region in September, the President added.


“The Charles de Gaulle airacrft carrier will arrive in the region by the end of September. It and our Rafale aircraft will allow to intensify our strikes against Islamic State positions in Syria and Iraq,” Hollande said in a televised statement.

France will also send artillery to Iraq in August to help the Iraqi army fight Daesh terrorists, the President added.

“The Defense Council and I made a decision this morning to provide Iraqi forces with artillery as a part of anti-Daesh efforts. The artillery will be delivered in August,” Hollande said.

However, France “will not deploy ground troops,” Hollande said.

We support the operations in Syria and Iraq, but will not send our troops. We have advice to give, training to provide, but we will not deploy men on the ground,” Hollande stressed.

The US-led coalition of more than 60 nations, including France, has been carrying out airstrikes in Syria and Iraq since the summer of 2014, with the US alone having recently reached the questionable milestone of dropping 50,000 bombs on ISIS. 

Do you feel more of less safe?

* * *

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〓 ref.検索文字列Double Down

eijiro on the web

  • double down
  • Double Down
  • double-down
  • caught in a double downward spiral of declining prices and output
    《be ~》物価の下落と生産の低迷という二重の下方スパイラルに陥る
  • down more than double
    《be ~》~の2倍以上の減少となる

2016-07-26 08時10分21秒GlobalNews。SputnikNews












「私達はシリアとイラクの操作をサポートするけれども、私達の軍を行かせない。私達は、与えるために、提供するためにトレーニングしてアドバイスを持っているけれども、私達は 地上部隊は駐留させない、とオランドは強調した。

60カ国〈フランスを含む〉アメリカに導かれた連立により、2014の夏以来、シリアとイラクの空爆は、米国 最近、50,000発の爆弾をISISに落とすことの問題のマイルストーンに達した だけと実行されている。

あなたは どう感じますか?



○ The North Pole Could Soon Drift Over to Siberia // 北極がロシアに向けて急速に移動している

2016-07-25 21:05:16 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS



2016-07-25 21:05:16 Globalnews. National Geographic News


Related info:

– Earth’s North Magnetic Pole is Racing Toward Russia at Almost 64 Kilometers a Year Due to Core Flux

– ‘Russian Winter Goes EXTREME’ (Pravda): -50 Degrees Celsius In Siberia …. Video: ‘USDA Says NEW WARM LATITUDES Shift North = Russia/Sibera North Pole’

– North Magnetic Pole Is Shifting Rapidly Toward Russia (National Geographic News, Dec. 15, 2005)


– The North Pole Could Soon Drift Over to Siberia:

Earth’s magnetic field seems to be weakening and potentially migrating

arth’s magnetic field is weakening, and may be getting set to flip–in just a few thousand years north will become south and south will become north, LiveScience reports. But before it can do that, the magnetic field may wander around a bit. Right now, say scientists with the European Space Agency, the Earth’s magnetic north pole seems to be wandering over to Siberia.

The strength of the Earth’s magnetic field is always changing, with patches of stronger or weaker shielding found across the planet. Right now, the weakest spots hover above the Western Hemisphere, whereas places around the Indian Ocean have been growing stronger. The wobbles in magnetic field strength, says LiveScience, could mean that the planet’s magnetic field is entering a period of flux that will last up to a few thousand years and may ultimately end in a flipping of Earth’s magnetic poles. 

Researchers with the European Space Agency noticed the abnormalities in the Earth’s magnetic field strength while analyzing data collected by magnetometers attached to a new three-satellite system called Swarm. Here’s LiveScience:

Previously, researchers estimated the field was weakening about 5 percent per century, but the new data revealed the field is actually weakening at 5 percent per decade, or 10 times faster than thought. As such, rather than the full flip occurring in about 2,000 years, as was predicted, the new data suggest it could happen sooner.

The data, LiveScience continues, suggest that in the shorter term the magnetic North Pole might eventually relocate closer to Siberia. The magnetic north pole is currently drifting south at around 25 miles per year, says Al Jazeera, “and scientists predict it could travel from its current position in North America to Asia within a few decades.”

Researchers aren’t sure why things seem to be expedited, although the process–known as a geomagnetic reversal–is a natural one that has occurred many times before. The shift in the magnetic field is caused by the flux of molten metal contained beneath the Earth’s surface, LiveScience explains.

Regardless of how fast the flip is happening – or if it’s happening at all – humans likely have nothing to fear. No evidence exists that previous changes have resulted in any harm to species or to the planet through increased radiation damage (the magnetic field prevents cosmic radiation from bombarding the Earth).

* * *

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2016-07-25 21:05:16 Globalnews. National Geographic News





シベリアで-50摂氏...:(プラウダ)「ロシアの冬はEXTREMEを行きます」。動画:「USDAはNEW WARM緯度は北=ロシア/ Sibera北極シフト言います」





ARTHの磁界が弱められ、フリップで北へわずか数千年を南と南が北になりますになります設定取得することができる、  LiveScienceレポート。それはそれを行うことができます前に、しかし、磁場は少し周りをさまようことがあります。今のところ、欧州宇宙機関と科学者たちは、地球の磁北極はシベリアに渡ってさまよっているようだと言います。


取り付けた磁力によって収集されたデータ分析しながら欧州宇宙機関との研究者たちは、地球の磁場強度の異常に気づいた  群発地震と呼ばれる新しい3衛星システムを。ここLiveScienceは次のとおりです。


データは、LiveScienceが継続、短期的に磁気北極は、最終的にシベリアに近い再配置可能性があることを示唆しています。磁北極は現在、年間約25マイルで南に漂流され、アルジャジーラは言います、 "と科学者たちは、それが数十年以内にアジアの北米における現在の位置から移動する可能性が予測しています。」


かかわらず、フリップが起こっているどのくらいの速さの - またはそれがすべてで起こっている場合 - 人間はそう恐れることは何もありません。証拠は以前の変更は、(磁場が地球に衝突からの宇宙線を防止)増加し、放射線損傷を介して種または地球に害をもたらしているという保証もありません。

* * *



○ 温度を表す”℃(度)”の英語での読み方

2016-07-25 09:34:55 | ♪fuckin 英会話

2016-07-25 09:34:55



What's the temperature? 「気温は何度?」
It's 25℃ now. 「今、25度。」

上の英文の温度を表している ”25℃”は 英語でなんと読むでしょう?
答えは、twenty five degrees [Celsius]*1

気温体温などの”度”を表す英語は degree(ディグリー:複数形 degrees)。

What's the temperature?
It's 27.4 degrees Celsius now.
:27.4度 = twenty-seven point four degrees

Tomorrow's high will be 25 degrees, and the low, 3 degrees.

”零下(氷点下)”を表すのは、below zero や below freezing 。 また、日本語と同じく「マイナス」を使って minus ○○ degrees や negative ○○ degrees などでも表現します。
The temperature is 25℃ below zero now.

I had a temperature of 101 degrees [Fahrenheit] yesterday.


”℃”の”C”、つまり”摂氏”のことは、英語で Celsius(セルシアス)といい、
アメリカなどで使われる”°F(華氏)”は Fahrenheit(ファーレンハイト)といいます。
(degrees Celsius/Fahrenheit, degrees C/F , deg C/F)

どちらも考案した学者の名前がそのまま使われていて、”摂氏”は、スウェーデンの天文学者 Anders Celsius が考案した、水の氷点(freezing point)を0度、沸点(boiling point)を100度とする単位。
華氏”は、ドイツの物理学者 Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit が考案した、水の氷点を32度として沸点を212度とする温度の単位です。(Fahrenheit が、当時、氷と食塩を使って作れた最低温度を0度として、自分の体温を100度としたという説をはじめ、その設定理由には諸説ある模様。)



緯度(latitude)経度(longitude)や角度(angle)を表す”度”も degree で、
”北緯○○度”なら latitude ... degrees north / ... degrees north latitude
”東経○○度”なら longitude ... degrees east / ... degrees north longitude
Long. 135°10′E ⇒ longitude 20 degrees 15 minutes east
A degree of latitude is approximately 111 kilometers.

A right triangle is triangle with an angle of 90 degrees.


”アルコール度数(強さ)”は proof で表すそうなのですが、これは日本でのアルコール度数(体積比によるアルコール含有量)と数字が変わってきて、日本でアルコール度数”10”なら、アメリカでは 20 proof、イギリスだと 17.5 proofとなるらしいです。



○The Fukshima Crisis 1005/Genkai NPP/九州~大阪まで壊滅,井野博満東大名誉教授が警告 玄海原発は爆発

2016-07-25 07:56:24 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

2016-07-25 07:56:24


It destroy from 12/2/2011 nine province to Osaka Hiromitsu Ino University of Tokyo honorary professor warns The Genkai nuclear power plant is explosive.

The most dangerous nuclear power plant-this Genkai nuclear power plant where I doubt that and cry.
If an accident occurs, the damage isn't the Daiichi Fukushima's ratio.
Expected "large explosion" blows the life of the people and the Japanese future completely.

Large explosion beyond Chernobyl

"As a nuclear reactor is superannuated, a pressure container depends on neutron line, and embrittle (squid)= will degrade. When then I fell
the condition to have that, that a container is 2-amino-3-methylbutyric acid, there is danger which breaks. Destruction of a pressure container should be called the last horrible accident for a nuclear power plant. If a pressure container breaks, almost all means which stop running out of control of a nuclear reaction disappear. A nuclear reactor wakes the large explosion which has not also occurred at Daiichi Fukushima nuclear power plant up. The danger is drawing near in Genkai nuclear power plant (Saga-ken and Kyushu Electric Power) now."

It's the authority of the metal material science to point out so, and I'm Mr. Hiromitsu Ino of the University of Tokyo honorary professor.

A meltdown accident in Tokyo Electric Power Daiichi Fukushima nuclear power plant is received, and a government has decided complete suspension in Hamaoka nuclear power plant (Shizuoka-ken).
A reason, M8 super-TO, I say that a possibility that the Tokai earthquake occurs is because I'm rising. But is "dangerous nuclear power plant" only Hamaoka really?

Mr. Ino is the researcher who keeps warning of one of the oldest nuclear reactors and danger of Genkai nuclear power plant 1 number machine hard in Japan.

"You don't generally know much, but Japan is "advanced country of nuclear power plant aging". The United States made a nuclear power plant work at '60 time in 10 early more than Japan, but the most part is decommissioning of reactor already and, Germany, like. It's only Japan that the nuclear

power plant which has been constructed and has begun driving at the time is used in plenty. It's 1 number machine for Genkai nuclear power plant that you can say symbolic existence in the superannuated nuclear power plant where the kind isn't seen to such world."

1 number machine oldest at Genkai nuclear power plant and,', 4 number machine for driving starting is working at present in 97.
An airplane and 3 number airplane are during periodical inspection number 2, localness is complicated concerning the re-operation, Genkai-cho, operation, it's approved, such as Saga-ken doesn't assume the careful relaxed b, argument continues. 3 number machine,', it's also learned about as the nuclear reactor which has begun Japan's first plutonium thermal use generation of electricity in 09.

"' The Genkai nuclear power plant 1 number airplane which worked in 75 may say that Japanese best is a dangerous nuclear reactor already. Because because there is danger by which itself destroys a container in the case when the usual cooling function stops by some cause such as the earthquake and the breakdown, and an emergency core cooling system (ECCS) operates, and a reactor pressure container is quenched.

It's usually more than 300 ℃ of high pressure and high temperature in the pressure container 150 atmosphere, and a pressurized water light-water nuclear reactor like Genkai nuclear power plant 1 number machine (PWR) is driven. 150 atmosphere of this pressure container breaks, and I suggest you explode, will it be? The sky will spout all radioactive materials in the container out, and soars and showers upon a vast area highly. It's apparent to become a catastrophe beyond Chernobyl Daiichi Fukushima and also.

Then, I'll explain why Genkai nuclear power plant 1 number machine is so dangerous.

When planning for aging in a nuclear power plant, there is something as "neutron irradiation embrittle" of a pressure container in an important index. When division occurs in the nuclear reactor, the neutron which occurred in the hearth flies and is crashed against inside of wall of a pressure container, and damage will be given to metal.

As years have passed, this, a pressure container, (It leaks.)That's the phenomenon called neutron irradiation embrittle.

When I generally say a nuclear reactor, maybe it's very strong and often made of some special ingredients, but there are no such things at all actually.

Since being made with nickel and the steel to which the molybdenum has been added a little (for,) for iron and coming to laying of the pipes, the pressure container is stainless, and this is same as the material of the sink for domestic use. The one as a nuclear reactor is made of such all ordinary metal.

Therefore when also coming GATA by the passing years like other general machines, aging is also done. Moreover there is cause peculiar to nuclear power plant in the aging, and that's a reason as neutron irradiation.




〓〓A nuclear reactor breaks readily.



What kind of thing is "embrittlement = deterioration" and?
Briefly, metal flexibility, elasticity is lost by a neutron line and becomes "firmly" and is that it becomes fragile.

Please image that blood vessel becomes easy to rupture by arteriosclerosis if you compare it to the human body. When deterioration advances in the case of metal, ceramics come to be broken by small and thunderous power plainly at all if it becomes lower than "a certain temperature" (called brittle transition temperature). This phenomenon advances in the deterioration nuclear reactor such as the Genkai Nuclear Power Plant first unit.

This phenomenon is developed at a superannuated nuclear reactor like Genkai nuclear power plant 1 number machine.

A steel brittleness transition temperature is usually about minus 20 . But this temperature will rise gradually by being bathed in a neutron line.

A nuclear reactor becomes so dangerous that this temperature is high. Because when an emergency core cooling system operated for an earthquake and I had to cool a pressure container and it was, this, the operation for which the necessity to say "It's cooled." is indispensable will be because it itself will cause danger.

Surprisingly, in case of Genkai nuclear power plant 1 number machine and this temperature are "98 ".

When boiling water is poured into a glass of glass, it breaks, doesn't it? This is because Tsutomu who forms by the temperature difference of inside the glass and the outside can't hold any more glass back. When it's a nuclear reactor, it becomes reverse to this.

Water is put for emergency core cooling in the hot nuclear reactor.
Then a pressure container is destroyed by that. "Brittleness transition temperature" but the danger by which a container breaks at the early stage chooses that it's expensive in the case, and comes out, it's said that it's easy to break, it'll be.

By the way, a brittleness transition temperature of the Genkai nuclear power plant 1 number machine Kyushu Electric Power is publishing,', 76 years, 93 years' by 80 years, 37 ' for 35  were 56 .

But, that jumped up to 98 times quickly by an investigation in latest' 09. You rose this much suddenly or why is the cause unclear?

When impurities of copper mixes with steel of a pressure container, aging is early and developed, and I know that this temperature becomes high.

A brittleness transition temperature of Mihama nuclear power plant 1 number machine for Kansai Electric Power was most expensive before (81 ), there isn't little copper-base in a pressure container here, and it's included.

There is a place which isn't explained simply in case of Genkai nuclear power plant, but the hypothesis to which steel says that itself isn't the uniform material seems to consist. In other words, a possibility that it itself was a kind of defective product can't also throw a pressure container away,".

I didn't know safety and maintenance in.

When Genkai nuclear power plant 1 number machine exploded, how much damage is exerted on the circumference?
Mr. Keiji Kobayashi, the former Kyoto University nuclear reactor experiment place lecturer tells so.



"Brittleness destruction in a nuclear reactor will be the huge accident the world has never experienced. The Daiichi
Fukushima's accident is serious, but 90 percent of the radioactive materials seem still to be left in the pressure container. When brittleness

destruction erupts, but a pressure container is emptied, and all radioactive materials are released mostly. The east as well as Kyushu where Genkai nuclear power plant is damaged would even come to Osaka. Osaka will be a refuge district like the

present part of Fukushima-ken, and you can't live any more there. Moreover development of an accident is early, so it's also difficult to be sheltered. Europe and America as well as the Asian countries by which China is more neighborhoods for damage I'd come to NI. It wasn't grasped until we "nuclear power

plant superannuated problem workshop" pointed the brittleness transition temperature by which Genkai nuclear power plant 1 number machine has strangely out to Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency in December of last year in being amazed. There is no

obligation not to be handing this information down to maintenance in and also to inquire of a power company maintenance in, so Kyushu Electric Power says that I didn't know. Atomic management and watch condition are a problem not to have functioned at all by an accident in Daiichi Fukushima nuclear power plant, but the same thing has also occurred here. While safety

isn't thought back to, aging in a Japanese nuclear power plant is advancing one after another. Brittleness It isn't only Genkai 1 number machine that there is a transition temperature in a critical

region. 81 , the nuclear
reactor where a machine is
Kansai Electric Power by which Oi (a lot of) 2
number machine has Takahama

1 number machine in Fukui-ken from 2nd place of 54  and worst to about 5 70  78 ℃ occupies Mihama 1 number machine number 2. Later, there will be also Tsuruga 1 number airplane of about 6 (Japan Atomic

Power and 51 ) in Fukui. Early, a superannuated nuclear power plant also has to make the moment decommissioning of reactor. It's outrageous such as to extend and use that use in 40 was assumed primarily like Genkai 1 number chance in 60 forcibly,".

Kyushu Electric Power public relations department answered "A brittleness transition temperature by a test fragment was 98 , but even if the driving was continued for 60 years 80 , assessed value of the container body was estimated at

91 . I fell below the standard as which "Japan Electric Association" set this numerical value (93 ) and wasn't thinking there is a problem with safety." to coverage of this magazine.




But "myth" also collapses fragilely before an earthquake and a tidal wave, and the Daiichi Fukushima nuclear power plant where safety should have no problems in the same way gives a terrible sight as a multiple meltdown.

When a cruel fate accident in a nuclear power plant occurs this time, Japan ends ruin perfectly.
Where is the reason that you take the risk and use a superannuated nuclear power plant?

(Weekly gendai-day July 2 number)



2016-07-25 07:56:24


12/2/2011 九州から大阪まで壊滅 井野博満東大名誉教授が警告  玄海原発は爆発する

もっとも危険な原発― それは疑いなく、この玄海原発だ。


すると、ある条件に陥った場合に、容器がバリン、と割れてしまう危険性があるのです。圧力容器の破壊は、原発にとって究極の大事故と言うべきものです。 圧力容器が割れたら核反応の暴走を防ぐ手立てはほとんどなくなります。原子炉が、福島第一原発でも起きなかったような大爆発を起こすのです。その危険が、いま玄海原発(佐賀県・九州電力)に迫っています」




「一般にはあまり知られていませんが、日本は『原発老朽化の先進国』です。 アメリカは日本より10年早く、'60年代に原発を稼働させましたが、大半はすでに廃炉になっていますし、ドイツも同様です。

その頃に建設され、運転を開始した原発がいくつも使われているのは、日本だけです。 こうした、世界に類を見ない老朽化原発の象徴的存在といえるのが、玄海原発の1号機なのです。」

2号機、3号機は定期検査中だが、その再稼働を巡って地元は紛糾し、 玄海町は稼働を承認するも、佐賀県は慎重な姿勢を崩していないなど、議論が続 く。 また、3号機は、'09年に日本初のプルサーマル発電を開始した原子炉としても知られる。

「'75年に稼働した玄海原発1号機は、いまや日本一危険な原子炉であるといっても差し支えありません。 なぜなら、地震や故障など、何らかの原因で通常の冷却機能が停止し、緊急炉心冷却装置(ECCS)が作動して原子炉圧力容器が急冷されると、その際に容器そのものが破壊されてしまう危険性があるからです。

玄海原発1号機のような加圧水型軽水炉(PWR)は通常、圧力容器内が150気圧、300度以上の高圧・高温で運転されています。もし、この150気圧の圧力容器が壊れ、爆発したらどうなるか。 容器内の放射性物質はすべて噴出し、空高く舞い上がり、広大なエリアに降り注ぐことになります。福島第一どころか、チェルノブイリ以上の大惨事になるのは間違いありません。







〓原子炉が あっさり 割れる



簡単に言えば、中性子線によって金属の柔軟性・弾力性が失われて「硬く」 なり、壊れやすくなる、ということです。

人体にたとえれば、動脈硬化によって血管が破れやすくなるのをイメージしてください。金属の場合、劣化が進むと、「ある温度」(脆性遷移[ぜいせいせんい]温度と言います)より低くなると、まるで陶磁器が割れるように、小さな力であっさりと割れてしまうようになります。 この現象が、玄海原発1号機のような老朽化原子炉では進んでいるのです。









ところが最新の'09年の調査で、それが一気に98度へと跳ね上がりました。 なぜこれほど急激に上昇したのか原因は不明です。












九州電力はこの情報を保安院に伝えておらず、保安院も電力会社に問い合わせる義務がないので知らなかったと言うのです。 福島第一原発の事故で、原子力の管理・監視態勢がまったく機能しなかったことが問題になっていますが、ここでも同じことが起きている。



と、ワースト2位から5位まで、福井県にある関西電力の原子炉が占めています。 また、6位の敦賀1号機(日本原子力発電・51度)も福井にあります。



この数値は『日本電気協会』の定めた基準(93度)を下回っており、安全性に問題があるとは考えておりません」 と回答した。




そのリスクを冒してまで老朽化原発を使用する理由がどこにあるのか。 (週刊現代7月2日号)



〓〓 Ref. 47news.jp






 〓〓〓ref. Yahoo co.jp. Asahi online

イメージ 1
「原発30キロ圏:避難に最長6日…渋滞激化で 民間試算」
イメージ 18
「玄海原発、住民避難に25時間 周辺3県が事故時想定」
朝日新聞 2014年5月1日