◯The Fukushima Crisis788Four Food groups which Win Radioactivity①食事で放射能に勝つ4つの食品群

2014-05-10 23:25:16 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

05/11/2014. Vancouver food radioactivity monitoring http://www.vancouvermonitoring.blogspot.ca/ usa
💥Four food groups which win radioactivity with meal
Category: Contamination and food
[1] Selective Uptake
(control absorption of the radioactive material of the structure similar to the nutrient by filling the body with a certain kind of nutrient like iodine)
I hear that important one prevents a radioactive mineral being absorbed by the inside of the body as much as possible first by taking in sufficient quantity of a mineral and filling the cell with the mineral.
For example, if there are natural calcium and iodine of sufficient quantity for the inside of the body in the case of minerals, such as calcium and iodine, a possibility that the body will absorb the strontium 90 near calcium or iodine 131 will decrease.
If natural minerals are insufficient, a possibility of absorbing a strontium 90 and iodine 131 will increase.
If such radioactive minerals are absorbed in a specific organization, a surrounding cell and tissue will be immediately irradiated with radiation.
The ingredients of such radioactive minerals will be collected to the organ to which ordinary use of the natural mineral with which structure was similar is carried out.
By getting calcium, a bone can be protected from the damage which strontium gives.
By getting potassium, muscles, the kidney, liver, and genitals can be protected from the damage which cesium gives.
By getting iodine, the thyroid gland and a genital gland can be protected from the damage which the radioactive iodine gives.

Radioactive iodine is main elements of the contaminant generated when a nuclear power plant carries out meltdown.
According to research, I hear that it decreases by 80% that the radioactive iodine 131 is accumulated in the thyroid gland by taking in a child, 1 mg, and an adult and 5 mg of iodine.
Seaweed (a sea weed, a sea trumpet, etc.), a garlic, an onion, (Japanese pumpkins), a spinach, asparagus, kale, citrus fruits, a watermelon, a pineapple, etc. are among the food in which iodine is contained abundantly.
Compared with the leafy vegetable, it is clear in statistics that milk will condense about 15 times and beef will condense 30 or more times and a radioactive material as a result of the contamination which lets the atmosphere pass.
Root vegetables will condense radioactivity about 3 times compared with about 4 times and grain compared with a leafy vegetable.
[2] Chelation
(a kind of the detoxification treatment which discharges a harmful mineral and wastes from the inside of the body)
Chelation is also effective as a method of protecting oneself from internal exposure.
The most outstanding chelating agent that discharges a radioactive material from the body is sodium alginate.
According to research of Mr. Yukio Tanaka and others in Canada and McGill University, sodium alginate is if the absorption to the bone of a strontium 90 was decreased by 53 to 80%.
The seaweed which contains many sodium alginate most is a kind called kelps, such as a kelp, a sea trumpet, a wakame seaweed, sea tangle, and edible brown algae.
It is a thing that it serves to discharge the strontium which sodium alginate not only suppresses absorption of strontium, but goes into a bone according to research by Dr. Schechter.
It is clear by research that alginic acid has the character combined with barium, a lead, plutonium, cesium, and a metallic contaminant called cadmium.
In research by Mr. Yukio Tanaka, it became clear that alginic acid decreases the amount of absorption of strontium, barium, and radium to 1/12.
The above-mentioned radioactive material became harmless salt, and was discharged to the outside of the body.
It is a thing that there is character which each seaweed combines with a respectively specific radioactive material according to Mr. Schechter.
Brown seaweed is combined with strontium and iron.
It is the easiest to combine red seaweed with plutonium.
It is the easiest to combine a green seaweed with cesium 137.
Seaweed contains 56 kinds of minerals, and the trace element which the body needs.
Seaweed has about 20 times as many minerals compared with the vegetables which can be taken on the ground.
Many magnesium, iron, and iodine are included.
Seaweed contains a lot of vitamin A, chlorophyll, enzyme, vitamin B groups, a fixed quantity of vitamin E, D, and vitamin C equivalent to green vegetables.

05/11/2014. バンクーバー食品放射能モニタリング

【1】セレクティブ アップテイク












キレーションも内部被曝から身を守る方法として有効である。放射性物質を体から排出する最も優れたキレート剤はアルギン酸ナトリウムだ。カナダ、マギル大学でのYukio Tanaka氏らの研究によると、アルギン酸ナトリウムは、ストロンチウム90の骨への吸収を53-80%減少させたとのことである。


アルギン酸はバリウム、鉛、プルトニウム、セシウム、カドミウムといった金属性汚染物質と結合する性質があるということが、研究によって明らかになっている。Yukio Tanaka氏による研究で、アルギン酸はストロンチウム、バリウム、ラジウムの吸収量を12分の1に減少させるということが明らかになった。上記の放射性物質は無害な塩分となり、体外へと排出された。シェクター氏によると、各々の海藻が、それぞれ特定の放射性物質と結合する性質があるとのことだ。




Chelation Agents キレート剤
Source  食材

Sodium Alginate アルギニン酸ナトリウム
Kelp - best chelates Strontium
昆布・あらめ・わかめ・ひじき - ストロンチウムの解毒に
Dulse - best chelates Plutonium
ダルス - プルトニウムの解毒に
Blue-Green - best chelates Cesium
藍藻類 - セシウムの解毒に
Other sea vegetables
Pectin ペクチン
Soy, apples, sunflower seeds
Zybicolin ジピコリン酸
Phytates フィンチン酸塩
Grains, beans, peas
Cellulose & Lignin セルロース・リグニン
Nondissolvable food fibers

Dr. Cozzens is a natural cellular defense (NCD) (liquid-like zeolite of volcanic eruption origin.).
The ingestion which has the character which entwines a toxic substance with meshes-of-a-net-like cellular tissue is recommended strongly.
NCD begins the kidney and removes a toxic substance effectively safely from the whole body.
NCD is refined, and since inside is a cave, researchers are making the trial calculation as it is the chelating agent outstanding nine to 20 times compared with natural zeolite.
It is clear by research that a radioactive material, heavy metals, and a radioactive mineral are discharged.
According to the research for which zeolite was used in Chernobyl, it became clear that an adult and a child can discharge all the radioactive materials in three days by eating the Cookie containing zeolite of 1 or 2 sheets on the 1st.
While powdered zeolite removes a radioactive mineral from intestines first, particulate-izing and purified NCD enter into the organization of the whole body, and a circulatory organ system from intestines, and it not only cleans intestines, but removes a radioactive material from blood or a brain.
When NCD discharges a radioactive mineral from the whole body, it plays an important role.
Since NCD is the most powerful chelating agent in what we can use, I would like to take in ten drops at a time ten drops at a time by all means 6 times per day for acute contamination 4 times per day for health maintenance.
NCD is the most outstanding chelating agent





One more article next comes.

◯ "China-Russia-Canada-America" mag-lev train:.The Guardian.高速北京-米国鉄道。

2014-05-10 11:42:56 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

05/10/2014. The Guardian

Chinese experts 'in discussions' over building high-speed Beijing-US railway
'China-Russia-Canada-America line' would run for 13,000km across Siberia and pass under Bering Strait through 200km tunnel
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Jonathan Kaiman in Beijing
The Guardian, Thursday 8 May 2014 20.00 BST
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A magnetic-levitation train leaves Shanghai. The proposed US rail line would take two days, with the train travelling at an average of 350km/h. Photograph: Aly Song/Reuters
China is considering plans to build a high-speed railway line to the US, the country's official media reported on Thursday.

The proposed line would begin in north-east China and run up through Siberia, pass through a tunnel underneath the Pacific Ocean then cut through Alaska and Canada to reach the continental US, according to a report in the state-run Beijing Times newspaper.

Crossing the Bering Strait in between Russia and Alaska would require about 200km (125 miles) of undersea tunnel, the paper said, citing Wang Mengshu, a railway expert at the Chinese Academy of Engineering.

"Right now we're already in discussions. Russia has already been thinking about this for many years," Wang said.

The project – nicknamed the "China-Russia-Canada-America" line – would run for 13,000km, about 3,000km further than the Trans-Siberian Railway. The entire trip would take two days, with the train travelling at an average of 350km/h (220mph).

The reported plans leave ample room for skepticism. No other Chinese railway experts have come out in support of the proposed project. Whether the government has consulted Russia, the US or Canada is also unclear. The Bering Strait tunnel alone would require an unprecedented feat of engineering – it would be the world's longest undersea tunnel – four times the length of the Channel Tunnel.

According to the state-run China Daily, the tunnel technology is "already in place" and will be used to build a high-speed railway between the south-east province of Fujian and Taiwan. "The project will be funded and constructed by China," it said. "The details of this project are yet to be finalised."

The Beijing Times listed the China-US line as one of four international high-speed rail projects currently in the works. The first is a line that would run from London via Paris, Berlin, Warsaw, Kiev and Moscow, where it would split into two routes, one of which would run to China through Kazakhstan and the other through eastern Siberia. The second line would begin in the far-western Chinese city of Urumqi and then run through Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Iran and Turkey to Germany. The third would begin in the south-western city of Kunming and end in Singapore. The routes are under various stages of planning and development, the paper said.

Wang was not immediately available for comment. A man who picked up the phone at his office said he was traveling and would not respond to interview requests."

• This article was amended on Friday 9 May 2014. The project is nicknamed the "China-Russia-Canada-America" line, not the "China-Russia plus America line" as we said first. This has been corrected.

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北京のJonathan Kaiman


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