○ The Fukushima Crisis 448 ; Thank You So Much To See Me!「首都圏は放射能汚染している」

2012-12-31 08:09:53 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

12/31/2012 IPPNW Germany

A doctor at IPPNW warns it; "the metropolitan area performs radioactive contamination"

 It is the extract from a lecture of psychiatrist Dr. Yorku Schmidt of the German IPPNW Stuttgart Branch. Schmidt seemed to come to hear a state of the trip to Japan from her in friendship with the Derte GiedenToph woman doctor in Berlin in the week before the lecture. I told, "Derte GiedenToph was upset very much and came home from Japan". Recognition for the Japanese radioactivity did not seem to imagine the doctor to here to be sweet either. I seemed to be shocked by good "and the" thought like the "superstition that said being used because a bird was in the good" "our town which I did not pollute because an easy mark came to this" pond.

In addition, a map saying that it inspects various documents by a conclusion of IPPNW that a pollution map (it seems to be Hayakawa map) which is generally used in Japan does not accord with real pollution, and they can trust it after a heated argument most is used for even this lecture. IPPNW asserts, "the large area that Tokyo included of Japan does great cesium pollution" in the newsletter and is to say that the Hayakawa map seen in Tokyo not to make any pollution is not usable. The sources of a map used in a lecture are as follows:

 a) Article "Cesium-137 deposition and contamination of Japanese soils due to the Fukushima nuclear accident" specialized magazine "Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States f America “ (S. 19532)It is publication http://www.pnas.org/content/108/49/19530.full.pdf+html?sid=15ee6e2e-f543-4da3-8004-4f30b71f8d02 inward

b) Article "Xenon-133 and caesium-137 releases into the atmosphere from the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant: determination of the source term, atmospheric dispersion, and deposition" specialized magazine "Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics" (S. 2339)It is publication http://www.atmos-chem-phys.net/12/2313/2012/acp-12-2313-2012.pdf inward

It "is a metropolitan area of belt-shaped area lengthening in the about 40x20km inland, eastern part and northeastern part of Japan and Tokyo in particular other than Fukushima that polluted in the land". It is that there is the about the same area that I polluted outside Fukushima to be important. They exist along the above-mentioned belt-shaped zone and are dotted as well as it as so-called hotspot. It is not evacuated not to mention in such an area.

 Such pollution was caused by "a radioactive cloud" that is atmospheric radioactive contamination. This develops into soil pollution before long. Of course it is an invasion to the radiological body to be important in considering health damage. In other words it is the inside radiation exposure that is in a state that the radioactive material which invaded the body through food and breathing continues emitting the radiation in the body.

 With the thing which expressed soil pollution by the cesium-137, a red part is Fukushima (nuclear power generation), but, in some maps, knows that Japan does radioactive contamination in a wide area. Only Nanbu still relatively avoids pollution of the radioactivity. This measured air pollution by the cesium-137 by aviation monitoring. I know the radioactive contamination that is a marine local wide area. In addition, this is the thing which put xenon and cesium-137 together, and this shows a state of the air pollution again. "It is so-called radioactive cloud". I understand that it is spread throughout the ocean by wind. This area is Tokyo, but understands that it is located in the highly-concentrated pollution local middle written down with red.

The world map is hard to look a little, but here is Japan. This is North America. The radioactive cloud arrived at North America on March 15, 2011. It is just what a dose of radioactivity shows it. Europe was attacked by the radioactive cloud which rose from Fukushima on March 23, 2011. As for understanding such a thing, a monitoring net is laid to the world by Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, but this is because naturally the measurements jumped up.

There is numerical value to deserve attention to understand the scale of the accident one more. A radiation dose rose to normal 38,000 times in Fukushima from March 12 through 16th. I can still less use the computer today in the area of the on-site high dose of radioactivity that the work for improvement measures of the accidents is carried out. This is because a technical apparatus is broken by radioactivity.

These maps formulate it when they gather it up how Japanese Government downplays an accident. When it was only an evacuation zone to be high in a dose of radioactivity, I continued insisting on the Japanese Government. However, these maps prove that a dose of radioactivity is beyond a standard to need refuge in four prefectures (translation with notes) of Japan in total. In this regard, as for the particularly important one, an intake of the food, the cultivation of farm products and the breeding of the domestic animal are not prohibited in such an area that is not performed of the refuge. 」

Translation with notes: Fukushima, Tochigi, Ibaraki, four prefectures of Miyagi. Soil pollution of 5000Bq/kg is confirmed, and refuge is with need

Thank you so much.

I appreciate your drop in my blog!

I hope next year will be Splendid too.

Thank YOU !!!



12/31/2012 IPPNW独




 a) 論文"Cesium-137 deposition and contamination of Japanese soils due to the Fukushima nuclear accident" 専門誌 „Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States f America“ (S. 19532)内に掲載 http://www.pnas.org/content/108/49/19530.full.pdf+html?sid=15ee6e2e-f543-4da3-8004-4f30b71f8d02

b) 論文"Xenon-133 and caesium-137 releases into the atmosphere from the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant: determination of the source term, atmospheric dispersion, and deposition" 専門誌 "Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics" (S. 2339)内に掲載 http://www.atmos-chem-phys.net/12/2313/2012/acp-12-2313-2012.pdf



 幾つか地図のなかで、 セシウム137による土壌汚染を表したものでは、赤色部分がフクシマ(原発)ですが、日本が広域に渡って放射能汚染していることがわかります。南部だけがまだ比較的放射能の汚染を免れています。 こちらはセシウム137による大気汚染を航空モニタリングによって測定したものです。海洋地域の広域な放射能汚染がわかります。また、こちらはキセノンとセシウム137を合わせたもので、これもまた大気汚染の様子を現しています。いわゆる“放射能雲”です。風によって海洋全域に拡散されているのがわかります。この地域が東京ですが、赤色で記された高濃度汚染地域の真ん中に位置していることがわかります。




訳註:福島、栃木、茨城、宮城の四県。5000Bq/kg の土壌汚染が確認されており、避難が必要とのこと

IPPNW: 原子力に反対する独立の「核戦争防止国際医師会議」


ことし 立寄っていただき






○ The Fukushima Crisis 447 ; Pascal Duranddo Says..ヨーロッパ緑の党、福島を支援。

2012-12-29 08:26:23 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

12/15/2012. La Provence paper fr. European Green Party Pascal Duranddo Secretary General.

In "Europe Green Party, IAEA international conference in Fukushima protest "the atomic energy meeting holding in Fukushima act "/ La Provence (December 15) to lack in dignity"

The representation of Europe ecology, the Green Party (as follows European Green Party) visited Japan to attend at world meeting "Free Nuclear Now" which objected to atomic energy on December 15. This meeting was held against an international atomic energy mechanism (IAEA) cabinet minister meeting held in Japan for the same period. The members of the Diet of plural Pascal Durandde secretary general beginning of the European Green Party participated in representation. I introduce a part of the reportage that Melody Testie reporter of the La Provence paper which joined the field went for from Fukushima.

<reference>The state (image, animation) of members of the Diet of European Green Party participating in a protest movement to IAEA in front of the testimony by the person concerned of state Fukushima of visiting by representatives from European Green Party, the riot police is this.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

On the local first day, the European Green Party representation visited the evacuation directive area / caution area from Fukushima-shi to Minamisoma-shi by bus and listened to the testimony of the refugee from the area including the meal building village in the distance of 35 kilos than Fukushima nuclear power generation.

On the morning of Saturday, December 15, a protest movement by citizens against nuclear power generation is performed in front of the Koriyama-shi assembly assembly hall which is the meeting place of the IAEA cabinet minister meeting. Derufinne Pattou environment, sustainable development, an energy minister participates in IAEA meeting from France.

The representation from France joined the citizens who performed a protest movement. The number of participating citizens hands a spokesman of IAEA a petition in less than 100 people. In spite of a nuclear plant accident in Fukushima, it cannot be said that there is much number of people participating in protest. After having shown the symbolic behavior that is going to push back the file of the riot police, the citizen and others participating in a demonstration with Olivier Florrence member of the Diet in the lead begin to walk in silence to the gate of the assembly hall. This is because it conveys a message. "I am against re-operation" for a great barrage, and it is seen in "IAEA no" that "I protect a child", and a slogan "to stop nuclear power generation" is written.

The sometimes European Green Party Pascal do orchid secretary general that a French environment and energy minister attends at IAEA meeting in a building participates in protest to IAEA at the side of Japanese citizen and others. The do orchid secretary general offered a talk to Pattou minister several hours ago. However, there is no answer from a minister. There is a phone call for a do orchid secretary general from a minister suddenly at the very instant that a do orchid secretary general has begun to make tweet from one's cell-phone. Pattou promises local government representatives against representation from France and nuclear power generation in Fukushima to eliminate any cost, and to meet you. Local government representatives against nuclear power generation in Fukushima plan the holding of the opposite meeting to a Cabinet meeting by IAEA in the afternoon.

The ground has begun to shake then. People explain to us that it is an earthquake of seismic intensity 3. A stopped meeting meets again. An earthquake makes an everyday part in Japan. The ground shakes. All advances as usual as if nothing happened.

Interview to the European Green Party Pascal Durand Secretary General who visited <strong> Fukushima

●"Is this the first time that I visit Fukushima?" 」

Yes. And it is the first foreign travel that I perform as a secretary general of the European Green Party. As for visiting Fukushima at the present time when an argument about the switch of the energy policy begins in in France, I have a big meaning. It is important that IAEA is in here Fukushima at this time in now when Japan, it hold a meeting in Fukushima. IAEA is Fukushima, and the thing called opening cannot but call a meeting an act to lack in dignity.

●"What did you look at today?" 」

It "is secret rules" to block up the decision of the unbelievable contents which the inhabitants person concerned talked about severally (about the right or wrong of the refuge that Japanese Government went for for inhabitants of Fukushima) and the mouth of citizen and others that occur to a heart in the first. According to the testimony of inhabitants, the corruption spreads, too. I block up the tongue of some people taking advantage of money.

We obtained information quickly since an accident happened in Fukushima. Therefore I have already known the present conditions. However, I am surprised that the degree of the problem is too severe to hear the testimony from the person concerned. Since a start of the accident processing work in the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant, I heard the story that I required to take away a dosimeter, and to feign a radiation exposure dose in contract labor. To the place that I murdered a person, I did not think that I did it in here Japan.

●"What will you do in future if he/she returns to Paris?" 」

There is the international organization by the atomic energy industry (on the other hand, such as IAEA), but it is very important that the organization which the citizen of all countries ties a hand with the other globally, and assists each other exists. Various encounters that we got this time in Fukushima were very useful. This is an opportunity to have Japanese citizens know that Europe supports them. Fukushima exists as an important "trace" today. The nuclear plant accident that happened in Fukushima is an outcome of the messages of the criticism that atomic energy must not advance to earlier than this.

(abstract & partly edited)

●An original article: "Fukushima company record / La Provence (December 15) («Carnet de bord d'une journaliste de La ProvenceàFukushima», La Provence, 2012.12.15) http://www.laprovence.com/article/monde/carnet-de-bord-dune-journaliste-de-la-provence-a-fukushima by the La Provence paper reporter"

12/15/2012. ラ・プロヴァンス紙fr. ヨーロッパ緑の党パスカル・ドゥラン事務局長.


ヨーロッパ・エコロジー・緑の党(以下、ヨーロッパ緑の党)の議員団は12月15日、原子力に反対する世界会議「Free Nuclear Now」に出席するため日本を訪問した。今回の会議は同時期に日本で開催された国際原子力機構(IAEA)閣僚会合に対抗して開かれたものだ。議員団にはヨーロッパ緑の党のパスカル・ドゥラン事務局長はじめ複数の議員らが参加した。現地に同行したラ・プロヴァンス紙のメロディー・テスティ記者が福島より行った現地報告の一部を紹介します。
















(abstract & partly edited)

(« Carnet de bord d’une journaliste de La Provence à Fukushima », La Provence, 2012.12.15)

○ The Fukushima Crisis 446 ; Areva became Bad.悪影響を無視し批判されるアレバ社.

2012-12-27 07:41:39 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

12/25/2012. Le Monde.
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Areva leaves which continues polluting an African uranium-producing country, the radiation exposure damage of inhabitants: In the environmental group, the image of "a certain responsibility company" where cancellation / Le Monde (12/25/2012)
Areva raised a common enterprise was cut mercilessly. In Niger and Gabon of West Africa which mined uranium that Areva became the fuel of the nuclear power generation, It declared that the environment group sherpa which ran facilities to watch the health damage to outskirts inhabitants and a miner jointly with the company canceled the combination administration of facilities on December 18. Areva uses monitoring facilities of the healthy damage for only advertising of the simple company, and the thing that I leave without relieving it to radiation exposure damage is the reason.

●Nigerien Areva (image)

●Gabonese Areva (image)

In 2009, Areva, the environmental group sherpa, 3 organizations of the world medical care group concluded an unprecedented ambitious agreement. It installed medical facilities to watch the dig in the uranium mine particularly the influence that radiation exposure with the radioactive material gives the health of a worker and neighboring inhabitants. The setting of such facilities was carried out based on findings about the radiation exposure damage around the uranium ore that CRIIRAD Institute and the lawyers of the sherpa jointly went since 2003.

In the investigation by the CRIIRAD Institute, indication, the dig of the uranium mine by Areva "had a miserable influence on the health of a worker and inhabitants and neighboring environment" was done. Radioactive material of high density was detected from the neighboring water and soil, and it was found that radioactive waste was left out in the open in the neighborhood of the house. The facilities necessary for the protection from a radiation were not installed, and the monitoring about the health condition of the worker was not accomplished, too. Criticism was sent about such problems.

(abstract & partly edited)

●source article "Areva / Le Monde (December 18) (Grégoire Allix,«Areva accusée de négliger l'impact de ses mines d'uranium en Afrique», Le Monde) http://www.lemonde.fr/planete/article/2012/12/18/areva-accusee-de-negliger-l-impact-de-ses-mines-d-uranium-en-afrique_1808021_3244.html criticized in defiance of the adverse effects by the African uranium mine"

12/25/2012. Le Monde.
2012年12月25日 (火)





(abstract & partly edited)

●source article「アフリカのウラン鉱山による悪影響を無視し批判されるアレバ社」/ルモンド紙(12月18日)
(Grégoire Allix, « Areva accusée de négliger l'impact de ses mines d'uranium en Afrique », Le Monde)

○ The Fukushima Crisis 445 ;Can Do Flee to Okinawa子供と沖縄に避難しよう!と不正選挙。

2012-12-27 00:08:20 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

12/26/2012 Reuters. www.pref.okinawa.jp. The Yomiuri Shimbun. The Asahi Shimbun. Kaleidoscope.

A lot of problems of the rigged election appear in this general election of Japan.
I am like the issue of some Arabian rigged election.

. . . . .

This general election, circumstantial evidence of the rigged election do not stop anymore one after another!

Whenever circumstantial evidence to suggest that rigged election was held in a national great crime, a member of the House of Representatives general election chases a day, I gather one after another.
You must start this election again.

Urgent news (until December 27!) It is until tomorrow.

It is targeted for a person of Fukushima!
Let's evacuate to Okinawa with a child!
Rent is free in an emigration support system of Okinawa prefectural government office for airline ticket, hotel bill, two years!
An immediate telephone! Thursday, December 27 limit!
Okinawa prefectural government office
calls; and the first step!
To the homepage as for the person who wants to know it before calling below

There are many splendid people in Jpn.

Plz decide for ur children!

Information is over;

Though many people know that "it is election looking like black", I review it again

The circumstantial evidence indicating this member of the House of Representatives general election being rigged election gathers one after another.
There are many numbers if I take it up with blog one by one so that a sigh is given.

I am sure to develop into suit, and the Central Election Management Council will be chased for work to clear itself from these doubts in future in future.

Because many bloggers have already commented finely, I trace the outer layer quickly here.

Proportion is *0.6 neatly. Where did remaining proportion 0.4 go to?
The whereabouts of 10 million votes that disappeared on earth?

It is originally that 10 million votes of whereabouts where you should enter the future party or "would enter" become unidentified that become clear even if I say anything.

10 million votes of the rigged election "future" disappeared somewhere! ?

The Yasunori Saito (the cause) member of the House of Representatives objected to ACTA and TPP and, to members of the Diet of many friends, preached the risk.

The bottom as a result of political party approval rating survey by Reuters.  (as of night of December 12 8:00).

Political party approval rating survey by Reuters
As of night of December 12 8:00 The first place Japanese future party 36%
The second place Liberal Democratic Party 32%
The third place Meeting of the revolution in Japan 12%
The fourth place The Democratic Party 7%
The fifth place The Communist Party

By the survey by Reuters, as for the political party approval rating four days before the election day of the election, the future is 36% of top.

The result of the official counting of votes is meeting 54 of the revolution in Japan, Japanese future party 9 what.
This result is impossible.

12/26/2012 Reuters. www.pref.okinawa.jp. 読売新聞. 朝日新聞. Kaleidoscope.

今回の日本の総選挙で 不正選挙の問題が 多数現れてきています。
なんか アラブの不正選挙問題みたいです。       




途中ですがべつの、緊急のお知らせ(12月27日迄!) 明日までですよ。



是非 子どもたちのために けつだんしてください!!!








不正選挙 『未来』の1000万票が、どこかに消えた!?


下は、ロイターの政党支持率調査の結果。  (12月12日夜8時現在)。

12月12日夜8時現在 1位 日本未来の党 36%
2位 自民党む 32%
3位 日本維新の会 12%
4位 民主党 7%
5位 共産党



○The Fukushima Crisis 444High Radio.作業員被曝522人最大は1万1800ミリシーベルト

2012-12-24 15:26:08 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

12/01/2012 11:42 Tokyo Electric. Hiroaki Koide.

December 1 Tokyo Electric: It is a report [as for the maximum 11,800mSv] category electric power company-affiliated nuclear power generation worker by the thyroidal radiation exposure test result of 522 workers to WHO

The 12/01/2012 05:56 Asahi Shimbun. WHO report thyroid gland radiation exposure, a maximum of 12,000mSv WHO report

[Oiwa lily] understood that there was the worker who did thyroidal radiation exposure (radiation exposure) of a maximum of 11,800mSv in the repair work of the first Tokyo Electric Fukushima nuclear plant accident. Generally, there were at least 178 workers beyond 100mSv said to that risks of thyroid cancer increased. I reported Tokyo Electric depending on a request of the World Health Organization (WHO) until now without announcing the details of the thyroidal radiation exposure of the worker.
For WHO, it was thought that the internal radiation exposure dose of radioactivity of the whole body was relatively high among workers, and Tokyo Electric provided the data of 522 employees such as an employee or the affiliates which received an examination for thyroidal radiation exposure dose of radioactivity except personal information such as the age. According to the report of WHO announced soon, as for more than 10,000mSv, there were 69 people, 200-100 15 50 people, 500-200 32 people, 1000-500 ten people, 2000-1000 two people, 10,000-2000. The radiation exposure more than 10,000mSv is fatal, but the thyroidal local radiation exposure dose of radioactivity has little influence, and, in the case of a whole body, most of the acute symptoms do not get up.
According to Tokyo Electric, the radiation exposure of best 11,800mSv is Tokyo Electric employee of 30 generations. The internal radiation exposure dose of radioactivity was best 678.8mSv the outside of the whole body. The healthy influence is not seen until now, and it is said that I work at a post except the nuclear power generation.

Thyroidal local dose of radioactivity (more than 100mSv) of the worker
Dose of radioactivity (mSv)
The number of people
More than 10000


The radiation exposure dose of radioactivity of the people who dealt with correspondence in accident outbreak those days is far beyond imagination.
That the radioactivity continues leaking now, and reduce the radiation dose that finally close a blowout panel of unit2 building, and is released now; seem to be talked.

Still, 11,800mSv does not have ... ... words for thyroidal radiation exposure.

I do not know where you can trust a thing measured in a then dosimeter to, but it is to all these number just to come out. In addition, the story that did not take a stable iodine agent leak, and the one of some workers reaches it.
[reference article]
・May 30 Tokyo Electric: I do not take a worker of the radiation exposure limit over, a Yaw material
・Sow a seed [raise contents] March 5; a journal: Voice [a report of present conditions, radiation exposure management, wage, service ... or few voice] of Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant workers

In addition, if it was not my misrecollection, such a dose of radioactivity of workers was a dose of radioactivity that dealt with real work, and it should have been in the rule that was not added when I took a break apart from work.

At the time of an accident, is not sure where the rule was applied to,; but ...

I want to wait for announcement of WHO.

Thank You..

Nihon blog village

12/01/2012 11:42 東京電力. 小出裕章.

12月1日 東電:作業員522人の甲状腺被曝検査結果をWHOへ報告【最大は1万1800ミリシーベルト】

12/01/2012 05:56 朝日新聞. WHO報告書
甲状腺被曝、最高1万2千ミリシーベルト WHO報告書




 ・5月30日 東電:被曝限度オーバーの作業員、ヨウ素材服用せず
 ・3月5日 【内容起こし】たね蒔きジャーナル:福島原発作業員の方々の声【現状・被曝管理・賃金・待遇・・・届かない声】






○ The Fukushima Crisis 443; Paradox, Japan & Funeral March. 逆説日本と「葬送行進曲」

2012-12-23 13:26:39 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

12/16/2012 www.liberation.fr/ AFP.

Is 70% of nation anti-nuclear power generation + the lowest turnout = nuclear power generation promotion, Liberal Democratic Party landslide victories in the past?

It has been already reported in this way in France while a Lower House election result is announced one after another.

Ribera Sion paper December 16, 2012

In spite of Fukushima nuclear plant accident, Japanese people choose a nuclear power generation promotion group

The article "pushed the political party and others which accused a breakaway from nuclear power generation taking the will of the nation who refused atomic energy into account by the Lower House election from a tragic incident of that Fukushima today on Sunday for 20 months, and the Liberal Democratic Party of the nuclear power generation promotion group won". begins; ...

● Though the Japanese of 8 million said "good-bye nuclear power generation" and did the signature that I was against nuclear power generation re-operation, and tens of thousands of, what people of 100,000 demonstrated in front of the Diet, it was over without a meaning.

● The Liberal Democratic Party has not touched "the de-nuclear power plant" so far, and object; the re-operation of 50 nuclear power generation within three years have been planned.

● The Liberal Democratic Party leads the Japanese government before Fukushima nuclear plant accident for 50 years and is the party which did a policy to do electricity to provide you with with atomic energy in 2030 to 50%.

It was written .

The Ribera Sion paper which just places Agence France-Presse article as follows.


Now that these election results appeared in "the opposition where nuclear power generation objects to most of Japanese in France though it became natural the article called 70% of nations", such news is blown off, and there is considerably the feeling that it was for a terrible ending not to think that it is the talk of the same country at all ... just until recently.

Libération – 16/12/2012

MalgréFukushima, les Japonais ont choisi un parti pronucléaire


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - –

France TV info 12/17/2012

Strong revival of the election = maintenance, nuclear power generation promotion group in Japan


The power of the nuclear power generation promotion group comes again from www.latribune.fr 12/17/2012 Japan = Fukushima for 20 months


www.rfi.fr. RFI (radio France international) 12/17/2012

Power revival of the Japanese = right wing


"I regain Japan". It is the performance that what should cause?

"Regain". Because when said, the thing which there could be as for the thing disappeared and was taken away ; "regain". What is it?

Do you regain it to be concrete from whom or where?

Is this already new art or religion? www

After all "regains nuclear power generation"

And the influence of these election results is over an immediate effect!

La Croix 12/13/2012

In a politician "being the nation" 11% of 70% of nation politicians!

The topic of the nuclear power plant of Japan was placed.

The newspaper is Lacroix with a thing of charge account December 13, 2012 of French Roman Catholic line yesterday.

It "is not only nuclear power generation article title = that Japanese people worry"

For an article

● The 46th member of the House of Representatives general election is held; an election day is next Sunday.

● After a Fukushima first Nuclear Power Plant explosion accident, the most people of the nation are anti-nuclear power generation.

● Still because it is not only the issue of nuclear power generation that ... , the nation worry in a tendency predominant right wing Nuclear Power Plant promotion.

It is written

Begin to pull a survey by NHK against each other

Country of the paradox, Japan.
● Though many Japanese (70%) pray for de-nuclear power generation from a nuclear plant accident 21 months later, the reality is a paradox state, and a candidate focusing on a nuclear power generation problem in election is only 11%, and a problem is largely treated in economy, insurance, the old age, and, according to the survey by NHK, as for the nuclear power generation problem, it is for deferment.

● 2 million people continue living now in Fukushima, and, by an accident of the Fukushima first Nuclear Power Plant, there is it in the situation forced to emigration under the influence of the radioactivity after the accident after an earthquake disaster in 160,000 of those, but other Japanese turn up an already new page.

Though it is written, and all nuclear power generation in Japan stopped towards the very last of the article for 1:00 period, two are operated again afterwards, and an active fault is found in the Tsuruga nuclear power generation of operation recently now and is completed by the topic that non-possibility of the nuclear power generation re-operation appears.

Do you think of French people reading such an article, what including people of the French-speaking world?

"I obtain it, and a de-nuclear power plant says the people of 70%, most of of the electoral slate still regard it as nuclear power generation problem nothing by two re-operation". With ... ... which what happens to though it is an active fault or an earthquake large country

? Though a de-nuclear power plant said the people of 70%, in the Japanese Government, there does not seem to be nuclear power generation mind to stop quickly, and that Japanese does not stop it, and is nuclear power generation after all good ? With ...

"Is it that?" What is it the name? There was Japanese Prime Minister ... , and, no, nuclear plant accident convergence declaration did it (one year ago 12/16/2011) in front of some. However, I operate it again, and are two engines sputa afterwards? Country Japan which is a suicide bombing with ・・" ...

"Do it in the ... state of things"! Well, the trap which a de-nuclear power plant of France feels even in a fantasy. With ...

Frederick Chopin "funeral march"

Frédéric Chopin “ Marche Funèbre – Funeral March "

December 7, 2012
Oh, leva company top = because "the nuclear power generation is all right in the earthquake country, is ...". 」

I read such news in the Tohoku district on strong earthquake occurrence of magnitude 7.3, such a day at about 17:18 on December 7, 2012.

It is the weird day.

12/16/2012 www.liberation.fr/ AFP.



リベラシオン紙 2012年12月16日



● 800万人もの日本人が「さよなら原発」っと言って原発再稼働反対の署名をし、何万人、何10万人もの人々が国会前でデモをしたにも拘らず、意味なしに終わった。

● 自由民主党は今まで「脱原発」には触れたことがなく、反対に、原発50基の再稼動を3年以内にという計画済みだ。

● 自由民主党は福島原発事故以前、日本の政権を50年に渡り主導して、2030年には原子力で賄う電力を50% にするという政策をしていた党である。





Libération – 16/12/2012

Malgré Fukushima, les Japonais ont choisi un parti pronucléaire



France TV info  12/17/2012

日本選挙 = 保守・原発推進派の強力な復活


www.latribune.fr ラ・トリビューヌ紙 12/17/2012
日本 = フクシマから20ヶ月、原発推進派の権力再来


www.rfi.fr. RFI (ラジオ・フランス・インタナショナル) 12/17/2012

日本 = 右派の権力復活








La Croix 12/13/2012

国民70% 政治家11% ? 政治家も「国民」なのにね!



記事タイトル = 「日本人達が不安がっているのは原発だけではない」


● 第46回衆議院議員総選挙が行われ、投票日は今度の日曜日。

● 福島第一原発爆発事故後、国民の大概の人が反原発。

● それでも、右派原発推進が優勢傾向に・・・っというのも、国民が不安がってるのは原発問題だけではないから。



● NHKの調査によると、原発事故から21ヶ月後、多くの日本人(70%)が脱原発を願っているにも拘らず、現実は逆説状態で、選挙で原発問題に焦点をあてている候補者は11%に過ぎず、経済、保険、老後問題が大幅に扱われ原発問題は後回しになっている。

● 福島第一原発の事故により、現在も福島県内で200万人の人々が生活を続けており、その内の16万人においては震災後、事故後の放射能の影響で移住を強いられた状況にあるが、その他の日本人達は既に新しいページをめくっている。





「あれ?なんて名前だっけ?日本の総理大臣・・・ま、いいや、なんかズット前に(1年前 12/16/2011)原発事故収束宣言ってしてたよね。それなのに、その後2基再稼動させたんでしょ?自爆テロな国だね 日本は・・」・・・とか?


フレデリック・ショパン 「葬送行進曲」 

Frédéric Chopin “Marche Funèbre – Funeral March”

December 7, 2012



○ The Fukushima Crisis 442 ; JPN FORGET FUKUSHIMA.福島を忘れる日本人. 日本の豹変ぶり

2012-12-20 07:43:50 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

12/19/2012 Le Monde

Japanese forgetting Fukushima (December 18). / Le Monde

The nuclear power generation tragic incident that happened in Fukushima is already forgotten, and will you be moving to a new stage at time? The time is irony. An international conference about the safe reinforcement of the nuclear power generation by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) chose the Liberal Democratic Party where open , the Japanese strongly promoted re-operation of the nuclear power generation as the ruling party in Japan.

It is such a sudden change of Japan, and there is a thing to stare wide-eyed at. Japan which prepared for a breakaway from nuclear power generation until the night of Saturday begins to move in a direction operating 48 stopping nuclear power plants again since the Liberal Democratic Party government was born on Sunday. The turn of this 180 degrees worries us. The large-scale nuclear plant accident that happened in Fukushima in March, 2011 exposed the serious malfunction that the safety management system of atomic energy facilities contained based on broad daylight. And the double security risk called an earthquake and the tsunami which Japan has still is just ignored. All the nuclear power generation in Japan is installed along the shore, and three of those are built on an active fault.

●source article: "People / Le Monde (December 18) (Grégoire Allix,«On oublie Fukushima», Le Monde, 2012.12.18) forgetting Fukushima"

12/19/2012 Le Monde




●source article:「福島を忘れる人々」/ルモンド紙(12月18日)
(Grégoire Allix, « On oublie Fukushima », Le Monde, 2012.12.18)

○ The Fukushima Crisis 441;The 162 Towns Erased On the Map.地図から抹消の162の街と村

2012-12-19 08:16:22 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

12/19/2012 kahoku co jp

Chernobyl: 162 towns and villages which were crossed by the face of the Earth

Thought of the homesickness not to be able to delete forced emigration / without the town / return right hushed up

The building of Prichapi center setting in the forest. The town where 50,000 people lived in becomes uninhabited, and 26 years pass

Gravepost of the residence district of <162>
Scenery changed when I could skip an inspection. A field disappears, and a forest is deepened. The shadow of a person disappeared, too.
It is two hours by car in the north from capital Kiev, Ukraine. In the 30 kilos zone of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, a general entrance is forbidden except a part of the Belarussian side in now 26 years after the accident.
At the time of an accident, 116,000 people who lived in the 30 kilos zone were made to emigrate forcibly. I occasionally see a deserted house. The bad house of the pollution was broken and was buried. The trace ranges like the soil steamed bun of the graveyard thickly.
It is ten several kilos until nuclear power generation. There was the monument called "the path desired" in the Chernobyl city which became the base of the accident processing.
It is lined with 162 marks of the township which disappeared by forced emigration by 200 meters. The flower is offered, too. It is totally a gravepost. Long mud (Iitate-mura, Fukushima), Akougi (Namie-machi), Ottozawa (Okuma-machi). Radioactive material released by the first Fukushima nuclear plant accident falls, and the local name forced to refuge inhabitants floats.
High-rise apartment group was about to sink into the forest. It is town Prichapi of 3 kilos from nuclear power generation. "It is an antiquity". A sigh leaked out from the inspection team.

Is like a The bedroom town of the staff of nuclear power plant where 50,000 people lived in. The average age was 26 years old, and 1,000 babies were born every year. It was a town with young vigor.
I remember the explanation at the Kiev Chernobyl museum. "The nuclear power generation was a pride of Ukraine". The town where the person of Prichapi lived with confidence in the future became uninhabited, and 26 years passed. The trees and plants grow thick, and the main Lenin main street is just before an animal trail. The theater where a wall came off. A silent amusement park. In the illuminations that red got rusty, I shined to silver whether only a national emblem of the former Soviet Union which modelled a sickle and a hammer was made by aluminum.
The former Soviet Union performed large-scale decontamination until 89, but an effect was light and there was the problem that a large quantity of waste occurred and canceled it for enormous expenses. Ukraine, Belarus, Russian three countries where a stricken area spreads through do not do the plane-like decontamination now. The high contaminated site is not decontamination, and emigration is a principle.
"There is no such precedent that inhabitants came back to the original township". Both the house and the infrastructure were broken in 26 years. There is not at all the plan to let you return. The charge chief of the bureau of the ministry of state of emergency in Belarus asserted. The Ukrainian government is not planning to admit the return to the 30 kilos zone for several hundred years and says, "an entrance is half limited forever".

Omari Ryo, modern management institute of technology (Tokyo) knowing a lot about Russian stricken area aid package proposes it in this way. "The right of the victim should make it wide". The refuge standard of setting should do Japan is 20mSv a year with a set in the emigration right and the return right. I establish the constant standard in the area less than it, and inhabitants can choose emigration or the residence.
With that in mind, support return, setting it up prepares to be able to make it for the revival of the hometown as well as "a right to leave" of the one way in the future when a dose of radioactivity and soil pollution decreased. The return right is a few concept in former Soviet Union three countries.
In the old socialism country where land was owned by government, there is consider that attachment is lighter than Japan, turning to the native district. But it was wrong.
"Despair not to be able to go home." It is the hardest. The refugee from Prichapi answered the private investigating group of Fukushima in last November. Spring Spiritual Festival of the Eastern Orthodox Church that the visit to a grave to the hometown is permitted once a year. The no-go area does well in great numbers. I cannot hush up the thought of the homesickness.
Thursday, August 16, 2012

12/19/2012 kahoku co jp

チェルノブイリ : 地球上から抹消された162の街と村






○ The Fukushima Crisis 440 ; Chernobyle Deja Vu .福島危機440.チェルノブイリ・デジャヴ

2012-12-18 12:17:41 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

12/18/2012 Fukushima Courier company. Yahoo Answers.

In "Chernobyl, "my house is higher" in the radioactivity. Fukushima member of prefectural assembly of the Futaba-gun election that went together muttered. "

(1) Town, the deja vu that life disappeared whether it was Fukushima,the level 7/after 25 year.

The Chernobyl nuclear power generation fourth unit which caused a casualty. The northern part of = Ukraine at the spot of 300 meters that visitors usually bring this side close by a monument most

<3,500 ppls accident processing work>
In July, 2012, it is the northern part of Ukraine. The huge structure of the lead color blended with the sky of the slightly cloudy weather and stood. The Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant fourth unit. I caused one of the world's largest atomic energy accidents in April, 1986.
Though it is the first place, paramnesia is strong. Is this because it is the spot of the world history judging from a book and TV, a newspaper? Only it is not a reason. It is the result that I came for from Fukushima.
The neighboring towns where the figure which some building connected of the cuboid, a big chimney, a no-go area and an inspection, life disappeared. I watched similar scenery many times after last March. To one one of the situation, I have a stricken area and 8,000 kilos away Fukushima first Nuclear Power Plant coming at the same time.
There is much shadow of a person of the nuclear power generation yard unexpectedly. 7,000 people work at the time of the driving, and 3,500 people deal with accident processing now. The woman who moves a short-sleeved man and lawnmower having a pleasant chat. An expression does not have the shadow of the catastrophe 26 years ago. There is even an idyllic atmosphere.

<It is less than 1μSv right there>
The yard decontaminated thoroughly is below 1μSv an hour in most. The display facilities outskirts of approximately 300 meters were around 5μSv from the fourth unit, too. "My house's radioactivty is Higher than this area ". Fukushima member of prefectural assembly of the Futaba-gun election that went together muttered.
As for the description of past Chernobyl inspection, "○○ of Tokyo emphasized the high neighboring doses of radioactivity with doubling it". It is low, and skip time, and it is really assumed that I come unexpectedly.
Stay in the no-go area six and a half hours; and 5μSv only as for the accumulation dose of radioactivity. When I reported on the first nuclear power generation in this February, it was 1,500μSv an hour at the best. 1μSv is not rare in Fukushima-shi either. But it will be my sense to be out of order. I think of extraordinariness of Fukushima some other time.
I cannot make light of Chernobyl. In the fourth unit, a large quantity of nuclear fuel which I melt, and festered stays in an unmanageable state with the late pattern of the then worker. The concrete of 18 meters of thickness called "the sarcophagus" barely confines a severe radiation in "Deathworld".
The woman guide of display facilities, Yuria Marusitiy's words are heavy. Even if "26 years pass, a dose of radioactivity is high, and the place that the person does not put is a lot"; even if "talk about the hope of the dreamlike story, there is no help for it". I think about the decommissioning at the span of 200 years for 100 years. The Japanese Government which cannot but wait for half-life if a technique is not developed shows a progress schedule completing decommissioning of the first nuclear power generation 30-40 years later. However, the you rear says. "Fukushima may be a great accident than Chernobyle". It is one engine, but Fukushima has the problem that four nuclear reactors are serious here

<330,000 ppls emigrate>
According to the International Atomic Energy Agency, 28 people die by acute radiation damage in the Chernobyl accident. 350,000 people worked on processing in a high dose of radioactivity after an accident in two years.
Approximately 5 million people spend the pollution area needing management on Ukraine, Belarus, 145,000 square km of Russian three countries in total. 336,000 people of the high pollution area were made to emigrate. The 30 kilos range is in principle still Closed to the Public.
Level 7 same as for the radiological burst size by an estimate despite a one-sixth as for the first nuclear plant accident. I may learn what from Chernobyl. Is this ground a figure 25 years after Fukushima?
Professor Shuji Shimizu of Fukushima University which I inspected together emphasized it. "We can make use of trial and error of Chernobyl". Knowledge and the technique develop, too. It is not necessary to take the same number of years

I joined the overseas administrative survey by Fukushima assembly which investigated nuclear plant accident measures. A quarter of century passed since Chernobyl accident, and what happened to Ukraine, the Belarussian radiation exposure ground? I match it with Finland building the high-level atomic waste disposal ground for the first time in the world and think about the problem of the Fukushima accident from the present conditions of three countries. (Fukushima all-out station, Tsuyoshi Nakajima)

Yahoo best answer
About a sarcophagus.

Nuclear fuel and the nuclear fuel of the used pool which performed meltdown
This is because Tokyo Electric and the government do not give up taking it out, and processing it.
(if, aside from the nuclear fuel of the pool, it is near to impossibility I melt, and to take out muddy nuclear fuel .)

Because I gave up taking out nuclear fuel, Chernobyl made a sarcophagus and did the neighborhood in the residence prohibition zone.
This is because radioactive material continues leaking from the gap as far as there is nuclear fuel inside even if I make a sarcophagus.
Because it was rush work, it was sloppy, and the sarcophagus of Chernobyl became the porous structure and did a stripe.
However, heat and steam collect inside if I make an occlusive high sarcophagus and are in danger of the explosion.
In other words it does not become the solution to the problem even if I become a sarcophagus.
Actually, Chernobyl is building the huge sarcophagus covering the present sarcophagus now.

In the> meantime, how much radioactivity will be scattered?

It is surely the information that there is important.
However, neither Tokyo Electric nor the government intends to disclose information.
It is a totally terrible talk.

The news to say how that purification facilities of the contaminated water did how today is an unrelated story for we commoners.
How much radioactivity is scattered by the atmosphere, and it is considered that how much radioactivity contaminated water leaked to groundwater or should show it honestly every day today than such a thing.

By the way, if I completely isolate a nuclear power generation basement from all around and can intercept groundwater besides

〈The choice that I bury in〉

I think whether there is. However, I cannot completely isolate it now.
So do you say stable cooling?
At first it has a choice elsewhere only to cool to take out nuclear fuel.

12/18/2012 福島新報社. Yahoo知恵袋.


(1)レベル7/25年後の福島なのか 生活消えた街、デジャブ、





Yahoo ベストアンサー








も有りかと思います。 しかし今から完全隔離はできません。

○ The Fukushima Crisis 439 ; Chernobyle Hazard Now.チェルノブイリ 安全性への懸念が高まる!

2012-12-15 12:59:21 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

12/13/2012 Greenpeace.fr. La presse.ca/AFP.

Concern to safety increases now the Chernobyl nuclear power plant which exploded 26 years ago!

In blackout - concern /La presse. &AFP (December 5) 1986 to safety to increase, as for the Chernobyl nuclear power generation that caused worst-ever nuclear-power disaster, a part of the power supply is stopped by the reason of nonpayment of the electricity fee for use from December 6 by the explosion of the nuclear reactor without being able to pay Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, an electricity bill. In contrast, the environmental group green peas expressed concern saying that a problem might happen in a weak point in the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant such as the safekeeping warehouses of the spent nuclear fuel.

It is AES Kiefobrenergo company to supply electricity to Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant. It was behind with the electricity fee for use to rise than 600,000 euros (approximately 1,080,000 yen) since from same source stopped the operation of all nuclear reactors in 2000 and was placed under observation according to the official announcement of the company safely. AES company states, "It cannot but stop power supply in some facilities of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant" till obligation is returned.

According to holes Tachi a Iliad bitch public relations officer of the AES company group, the company stops the electricity of machine parts repair room in from same source and "other plural office facilities" during a period before a debt from Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant being refunded after Thursday, December 6. The Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant holds a large quantity of nuclear fuel and radioactive waste now, but Mr. Iliad bitch speaks "the safety management with responsibility of the Chernobyl nuclear power generation" about the danger that this interruption of electric service gives safety of the Chernobyl nuclear power generation.

By an explosion of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant fourth unit, European most suffered damage for the pollution. The cover of the concrete cracks a sarcophagus made with a quickie overall now, and an airtight cover to reduce the risk of the radioactivity radiation exposure is newly during a reconstruction in those days.

(abstract and partly edited)

(«Greenpeace s'inqui te des coupures dlectricit Tchernobyl», La presse.ca/AFP, 2012.12.05) http://www.lapresse.ca/environnement/pollution/201212/05/01-4601042-greenpeace-sinquiete-des-coupures-delectricite-a-tchernobyl.php

The sarcophagus of thickness 18meter of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant fourth unit where it seemed that it is firm in radioactivity-related embrittlement by strong radioactivity continuing constantly in the period having a short it called 26 years and am not a success.
It flutters and Hiroaki Koide of the Kyoto University nuclear reactor laboratory assistant instructor says, too, but at first should make a sarcophagus with the Fukushima first Nuclear Power Plant, Japan.
However, the sarcophagus lasts only during a short period.
In other words it is a temporary remedy. pathfinderk

12/13/2012 Greenpeace.fr. La presse.ca/AFP.






(abstract and partly edited)

(« Greenpeace s’inqui te des coupures d’lectrici Tchernobyl », La presse.ca/AFP, 2012.12.05)

つまり 弥縫策なのである。pathfinderk

○ The Fukushima Crisis 438 ; help us! 助けてください 福島県南相馬市の 女子高校生です

2012-12-14 09:42:35 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

Friday, December 14, 2012

The pollution of a public-private united atomic energy village is intense, and the Democratic Party can advocate a policy of the real de-nuclear power generation, and the Liberal Democratic Party does not seem.

I do a referendum or choose the political party where there are few future party, minna no Party, Social Democratic Party, pollution of the atomic energy village including the Communist Party, and, only as for waiting, there will be the method in what they are big, and grow up.


A certain voice.

◆The truth

I need your help.

Of Minamisoma-shi, Fukushima

I'm a high school girl

I lost my friends by a tsunami

And the other my friend lost parents

My best great close friend

In Minamisoma,cannot evacuate

'cause there is no gasoline

Only by a telephone and an email

It is possible only to encourage it

A close friend still with fear of the radioactivity

I fight

But I already gave it up

Though it is still 16

I prepare for death

I gradually feel death and shine

Even if it was saved

After this with fear of the radioactivity


As for the politician in the nation

In the media as for the expert

As for the nuclear power generation upper echelon, all is an enemy

They are all liars

On TV nuclear power generation

It is not broadcasted

The picture of the same tsunami

Of media is heartless


Empty condolence

One politician who called suffering "the wrath of Heaven"

Politicians, please help us

Stop ur luxury

Let a victim live

Do not do only an order,

I do not look from the safe place,

I crawl, and, please help using your body locally

As for us, it was got rid of ...

Probably Fukushima is isolated

I am completely got rid

We will be killed first by the country

We, a human being of the stricken area

After this all the time

The country which got rid of a victim,

I do not permit it and continue bearing a grudge

To the person who watched this

I want to tell

When one's important person

I do not know whether you disappear

The person who laughs now in the neighbor

Disappearing suddenly

Please think

And the person

Please value it than now

I spend the youth now

A school becomes the corpse morgue

I did physical education and club activities

In a gymnasium never

People who do not move lie

How the truth

To alone many people

One or ... which is conveyed

If even one has you look, I am happy

Although being selfish after I thought

I borrowed this place

I'm sorry, and

You're very kind.

Thank you so much!


自民党も民主党も実質 脱原発の政策を掲げることはできそうもない。

国民投票をするか、未来の党、みんなの党、 社民党、共産党など原子力村の汚染が少ない政党を選び、彼らが大きく成長するのを待つしか方法はないのだろう。

























































































