◯ Doctors are the same as lawyers;

2014-05-02 18:24:21 | ♪ One Short Talk

Doctors are the same as lawyers; the only difference is that lawyers merely rob you, whereas doctors rob you and kill you too.

Anton Chekhov

アントン・パーヴロヴィチ・チェーホフ(ロシア語Антон Павлович Чехов:アントン・ パーヴロヴィチ・チェーホフ/ラテン文字(英文表記)Anton Pavlovich Chekhov、1860 年1月29日・タガンログ - 1904年7月15日・バーデンワイラー)は、ロシアを代表する劇作家.

◯The Fukushima Crisis785"we feel the thing could explode next minute,”次の瞬間に物事が爆発する。

2014-05-02 14:10:14 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

05/02/2014 AP. ENENews. NHK WORLD...05/01/2014

NHK: Officials admit it may be impossible to stop leaking at Fukushima reactors – Will be investigating ‘bottom of containment vessels’ for holes – Gov’t asking engineers from outside Japan for help with melted fuel
AP: ‘This town is dead’ … Locals feel Fukushima plant could explode any minute; Yearly ‘safe’ radiation levels exceeded ‘in a matter of a few hours’ – TV: ‘Fukushima evacuees complain of health problems’; Nearly 70% of households affected

Environment, Global News, Health, Politics, SocietyAdd comments
- AP: “This town is dead”… Locals feel Fukushima plant could explode any minute; Yearly ‘safe’ radiation levels exceeded “in a matter of a few hours” ― TV: “Fukushima evacuees complain of health problems”; Nearly 70% of households affected (ENENews, April 30, 2014):

NHK WORLD, Apr. 30, 2014: Fukushima evacuees complain of health problems [...] nearly 70 percent of households that evacuated after the March 2011 disaster have members who complain of health problems. The prefecture polled more than 62,800 evacuee households. About one-third responded. [68%] said one or more of their members complain of health problems such as lack of sleep or depression.

AP, Apr. 30, 2014: [...] It’s difficult to imagine ever living again in Tomioka, a ghost town about 10 kilometres from the former Fukushima Dai-chi nuclear plant. [...] The streets were abandoned [...] The neighbourhood was eerily quiet except for the chirping of the nightingales. [...] The long-term goal is to bring annual exposure down to one millisievert [...] considered the safe level before the disaster, but the government is lifting evacuation orders at higher levels. It says it will monitor the health and exposure of people who move back to such areas. In the yellow restricted zone [...] a visitor exceeds one millisievert in a matter of a few hours. [...] “The prime minister says the accident is under control, but we feel the thing could explode the next minute,” said Michiko Onuki, who ran a ceramic and craft shop out of their Tomioka home. “We would have to live in fear of radiation. This town is dead.” [...] “I can survive anywhere, although I had a plan for my life that was destroyed from its very roots,” said [Tomioka city assemblyman Seijun] Ando, tears welling up in his eyes. [...]

See also: Fairewinds Video: Many in Fukushima told me of family or friends dying suddenly ― “I sense something grave is happening” ― People are sicker in Tokyo as well ― I also experienced unusual symptoms when in Japan recently

And: NY Times in Fukushima: “It’s all lies” from gov’t about radiation ― They are forcing us to come back and live 10 miles from leaking nuclear plant ― “This is inhumane” ― “I want to run away, but… we have no more money” ― Radiation still 300% previous levels

Tags: Environment, Fukushima, Global News, Government, Health, Japan, Nuclear, Nuclear reactors, Politics, Radiation

05/02/2014 AP. ENENews. NHK WORLD...05/01/2014

NHK: 05/01/2014
原子炉の「格納容器の底」を検証しますー注 しかし出来ないー

AP: 05/01/2014


- AP:

NHK WORLD、2014年4月30日:

AP, Apr. 30, 2014: [...] It’s difficult to imagine ever living again in Tomioka, a ghost town about 10 kilometres from the former Fukushima Dai-chi nuclear plant. [...] The streets were abandoned [...] The neighbourhood was eerily quiet except for the chirping of the nightingales. [...] The long-term goal is to bring annual exposure down to one millisievert [...] considered the safe level before the disaster, but the government is lifting evacuation orders at higher levels. It says it will monitor the health and exposure of people who move back to such areas. In the yellow restricted zone [...] a visitor exceeds one millisievert in a matter of a few hours. [...] “The prime minister says the accident is under control, but we feel the thing could explode the next minute,” said Michiko Onuki, who ran a ceramic and craft shop out of their Tomioka home. “We would have to live in fear of radiation. This town is dead.” [...] “I can survive anywhere, although I had a plan for my life that was destroyed from its very roots,” said [Tomioka city assemblyman Seijun] Ando, tears welling up in his eyes. [...]


see also.
Fairewinds Energy Education, Apr. 10, 2014 ― Chiho Kaneko, member of the Board of Directors of Fairewinds Energy Education originally from Iwate, Japan (at 10:30 in): I think about what’s unfolding in Japan today ― I sense something grave is happening. I have heard many Fukushima people’s personal accounts of their family members or friends dying suddenly. In one case, a baby suddenly died ― and these illnesses and sudden deaths are not happening only in Fukushima Prefecture ― people are sicker in Tokyo [...] During my month-long stay in Japan in December and January, I too experienced unusual symptoms. I developed a skin rash that doesn’t heal. When I was in Fukushima, I developed a scratchy throat and pain in my eyes. Something is happening, and yet we cannot prove anything. The IAEA and Fukushima Medical University are working together to collect and collate the health data of Fukushima residents. Many residents fear that this effort is just a show ― or worse yet, just for the sake of collecting secret data. Many people fear that the experts already have a forgone conclusion ― the conclusion that if people get ill it is not because of the Fukushima Daiichi disaster. [...] The Fukushima Daiichi disaster opened the door for me to see how this is not a mere Japanese crisis, it’s a crisis that transcends geography and time. [...] What can we do now? Sometimes a big part of me feels the situation is too late to remedy. This is a situation mired with the world politics and economy, the struggle for power and money. [...] If we care about life, we must try to find ways to at least slow the pace of nuclear contamination and we must focus on what’s actually happening to humans, animals, and birds, and everything else on this planet ― instead of consigning the interpretation of radiation’s effects to the so-called experts.
◯The Fukushima Crisis784;NYT : ‘It’s All Lies’ 日本のリーダーは最も非人間的で野蛮なやつです。
福島についてNew York Timesは言う。放射能被爆問題についての日本政府の対応は全て嘘です。
