◯ The Fukushima Crisis804; Radiation levels 2,000% higher. 危険: 目茶苦茶 高い放射線。

2014-05-29 12:08:13 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

05/29/2014. Dr. Masamichi Nishio: MD, Hokkaido Cancer Center radiologist.
Kayoko Hashimoto. Vikram Ghandi. Shane Smith.

Japan: Akita Governor Has Nosebleed During Press Conference (Video) Japan Times: Fukushima groundwater now too radioactive to dump in Pacific – TV: “Radiation levels keep rising … Situation has gotten worse, not better”
Cancer Expert in Fukushima: “There has undoubtedly been radiation poisoning, people shouldn’t be living here”; Officials only focus is covering up crisis – TV: On playground, we found radiation levels 2,000% higher than displayed by gov’t monitoring post

Environment, Global News, HealthAdd comments

- Cancer Expert in Fukushima: “There has undoubtedly been radiation poisoning, people shouldn’t be living here”; Officials only focus is covering up crisis ― TV: On playground, we found radiation levels 2,000% higher than displayed by gov’t monitoring post (VIDEO) (ENENews, May 28, 2014):

Vice on HBO, Season 2 Episode 10, May 24, 2014 (at 3:45 in):

Dr. Masamichi Nishio, MD, Hokkaido Cancer Center radiologist who was examining children at elementary school 40 miles from Fukushima Daiichi: There has undoubtedly been radiation poisoning, so people should not be living here. But the government will not say that out loud. All they wanted to do was cover-up what had been done. There is a lot of secrecy. [...]
Kayoko Hashimoto, Fukushima resident: The figures don’t add up. They don’t match what the government is saying.
Vikram Ghandi, Vice: The whole concept of these stationary Geiger counters becomes suspect when only a few feet away the readings are twice as high. And when you move even further away, those government monitors start feeling completely irrelevant. Over here by the edge of the school… Whoa. Sh*t. So the reading is now 3.5 [microSv/hr]. That level is 20 times higher than the monitoring post around the corner ― on the playground, at an elementary school.
Vikram Gandh’s ‘Debrief’, May 24, 2014:

Shane Smith, Vice: Vikram Gandhi went to Fukushima, where levels of radiation have been drastically downplayed by the Japanese government. [...]
Ghandi: Our Geiger counter was reading measurements up to 900 times the measurements we found in Tokyo.
Watch the VICE broadcast here and the ‘Debrief’ here

Tags: Environment, Fukushima, Global News, Government, Health, Japan, Nuclear, Nuclear reactors, Politics, Radiation

One Response to “Cancer Expert in Fukushima: “There has undoubtedly been radiation poisoning, people shouldn’t be living here”; Officials only focus is covering up crisis – TV: On playground, we found radiation levels 2,000% higher than displayed by gov’t monitoring post”
Marilyn Gjerdrum Says:
May 28th, 2014 at 1:54 pm
The true number is really much higher.
We are all going to die from these savages.
Since the US is so into war, why not wipe them out instead of being their ally? Why do we have such idiots running the world?
We are Fucked.

05/29/2014. Dr. Masamichi Nishio: MD, Hokkaido Cancer Center radiologist.
Kayoko Hashimoto. Vikram Ghandi. Shane Smith.
福島のがん専門家:「間違いなく人々がここに住んでいるべきではない、放射能中毒がありました "; 関係者のみ焦点が危機を隠蔽されている - テレビ:運動場では、我々はGOV'Tのモニタリングポストで表示されるよりも2000パーセントに高い放射線レベルを見つけました


- 福島のがん専門家:「間違いなく放射能中毒があった人々がここに住んでいるべきではありません"; 当局は唯一の焦点は、危機を隠蔽されている-テレビ:遊び場で、我々はGOV'Tモニタリングポスト(ビデオ)で表示されるよりも2000パーセントに高い放射線レベルを見つけました(ENENews、2014年5月28日):


ヴィクラムガンジー、副:わずか数フィート離れた測定値が2倍 ​​にされたときに、これらの固定ガイガーカウンターの全体のコンセプトは、容疑者となります。あなたも、さらに離れて移動するときや、それらの政府のモニタは、完全に無関係感じ始める。おっと...学校のエッジでこっち。SH *トン。だから、読書は今3.5 [マイクロシー/時]です。そのレベルは、角を曲がったモニタリングポストよりも20倍も高い-遊び場で、小学校で。



1つの応答 "福島のがん専門家:「間違いなく放射能中毒があった人々は「ここに住んでいるべきではありません。関係者のみ焦点は、危機を隠蔽されている - テレビ:運動場では、我々はGOV'Tのモニタリングポストで表示されるよりも2000パーセントに高い放射線レベルを見つけました」


◯ The Fukushima Crisis 803; Queer Creature!!「チェルノブイリの奇妙な動物たち」

2014-05-29 07:32:33 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

05/29/2014 Le Figaro
25 years after Chernobyl : The town in strange living thing / Belgium paper "seven day in the 7th" & Buddha Le Figaro paper (May 12) Ukraine of an off-limits area, Chernobyl turned into the "laboratory" of the genuine article in which a mysterious mystery and inconsistency are developed after the worst nuclear disaster in the world which broke out on April 28, 1986.
In order to grasp the influence of the accident to an ecosystem today when it passed through 25 years from the historical accident, scientists conducted investigation about the animals and plants in an off-limits area.
The documentary (about 3 minutes) of the following depended on the Le Figaro paper shows the fact of shaking our heart.
- Le Figaro magazine "atomic power : Chernobyl and 25 years after [ " ]
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gJ-XyP24ME0 (Le Figaro Magazine"Nucl?aire: Tchernobyl, 25 ans aprè")
Also just now, the years when an untouched nature is long from an accident are continuing being exposed to powerful radiation.
The cobweb which changed, the trees which the internal color discolored greatly.
The radioactive material of very high concentration was especially detected from moss, mushrooms, and other lichen plants (plant population with which fungi and a seaweed coexist).
The needle-leaf forest much sensitive to radiation had variant-ized whether it would wither from the broadleaf forest.
The number of birds was reduced by half by generating of cancer or malformation.
Scientists will indicate that hundreds of years of years are required, by the time the danger of cesium or strontium is subsided.
If it results in plutonium, the days and months in 240,000 are needed.
The same phenomenon is expected even in Fukushima which experienced the same catastrophe in 2011.
- source article:"animals" / Belgium paper "seven day in the 7th" & Buddha Le Figaro paper with strange Chernobyl (May 12)
(« Les étranges animaux de Tchernobyl », 7 sur 7 & Le Figaro Magazine)

05/29/2014 Le Figaro




(Le Figaro Magazine “Nucléaire: Tchernobyl, 25 ans après”)



● source article:「チェルノブイリの奇妙な動物たち」/ベルギー紙「7日中7日」&仏フィガロ紙(5月12日)
(« Les étranges animaux de Tchernobyl », 7 sur 7 & Le Figaro Magazine)