○ i'll meet u again. 1

2006-09-29 08:41:42 | ♪fuckin 英会話
i'll meet u again.これが間違いと分かるひとはかなりの英語通。受験英語を一生懸命やってもなかなかわからないにちがいない。

"i'm glad to meet u."
"Nice to meet u." 2度目以降は、
"Glad to see ya again"

英語民族は会うということにmeetとseeというふうに2つの言葉を持つ。日本人は会うという言葉は1つだ。たとえば英語民族は色で言えば虹の7色プラスアルファだ。ところが日本人は青というだけで、青墨、青竹、青丹、青鈍というように20ちかくの色に対する感覚を持っている。雨をとってみても英語ではrain,がほとんどひとりでがんばっている。日本語で小糠雨、等 40、50の雨を表す言葉がある。



○ Get mad! Osaka sell water.

2006-09-28 20:35:42 | ♪Weblog
Incredible thing happened in Osaka.
Osaka city to sell tasty tap water.

Until now,Osaka's tap water is famous for worst one in Japan,not even any town follow them,because outlet of Kyoto's sawage is only apart 100m from entrance of Osaka's tap water!

today's paper said the Osaka municipal govt's Water Bureau plans to sell bottles of highly purified tap water from Yodogawa river in an attempt to dispel a long-held belief among residents that the Osaka's water doesn't taste good.

i think it's a black joke.

○ チャールズの職業

2006-09-28 15:50:56 | ♪ちょっぴりジョークJOKE



同じ英国で、1990年の4月1日に BBC が放送した。


○ Israel be wipe out 2

2006-09-27 22:17:07 | ♪Weblog
So,the answer is yes,u do believe that it should be wiped off the face of the Earth?
R u asking me yes or no? Is this a test? Do u respect the right to self-determination for the Plestinian nation? Yes or No? Is Palestine,as a nation,considered a nation with the right to live under humane condition or not?
Let's allow those rights to be enforced for these 5 million displaced ppl.
How can u come to this country and tell our president to change his behavior?

We're just defending our honor.

Both of them eternaly parallel.

○ Presi.Iran said Israel wiped off.

2006-09-27 21:08:05 | ♪Weblog
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadindjad sat down in New York last week with WSP's Lally Weymouth to discuss ...
R u really serious when u say that Israel should be wiped off the face of the Earth?
We need to look at the scene in the Mid East - 60yrs of war,60yrs of displacement,60yrs of conflict,not evena day of peace.Look at the war of Lebanon,the war in Gaza - what are the reason for these conditions? We need to address and resolve the root issue.U've been quoted as saying that Israel should be wiped off the face of the Earth. Is that ur belief?
What i have said has made my position clear.If we look at a map of the Mid East from 70yrs ago...

○ Guy hugs guy.

2006-09-26 21:24:55 | ♪fuckin 英会話
Nowhere else in U.S's culture do they see men hold hands,slap each other warmly,hug in celebration or even cry together in defeat on sports.

Players speak of being closer with teammates than with their own families.Sharing the physical hardships of a long and grueling season binds pro athletes in much the way veterans say that combat makes powerful bonding.

Inside the locker room of pro sports team somewhere in America,a player may well be struggling to decide whether he is ready to come out publicly as a gay man.

Quarterback Koqdel Stewart faced such rumors as a member of the Pittsburgh Steelers in 1999.He called a news conference to deny them,described specific heterosexual acts he enjoyed,and half-jokingly warned teammates"u'd better not leave ur girlfriends around me,cuz i'm out to prove a point."

○ It's disappointing.

2006-09-25 20:51:24 | ♪Weblog
Asafa Powel shot down his chances to rewrite his own world record.

Powel did the unthinkable,getting disqulified for a false in the men's 100meters at the Seiko Super & Field Meet on Sunday at Yokohama's Nissan Stadium.

Japanese athelete,Singo Suetugu,winner of this game, said to the paper person."I was wrote about it,i was really looking forware to it.He's a very strong runner and it's not often i would get to be in the next lane. It's disappointing."

○ not fu*ks but fax. 2

2006-09-24 06:35:05 | ♪fuckin 英会話


water,little bit,


city : 悪い、シティ 正しい、スィティ shitty:クソったれ と間違われる。

sit down : 悪い、シット・ダウン 正しい、スィット・ダウン 同じく、大便の意味のシットになる。この場合、set downと発音しても良い。

flight : 悪い、fright(frait)と発音 正しい、(flait)
cook : 悪い、コック、 正しい、クック

○ だめだなぁ~東京人 2

2006-09-22 21:34:42 | ♪Weblog
って、東京はいろんな地下鉄が、我先にと、お客様の便利のためと、これがcustomer satisfactionとばかりに、ほとんどの地下鉄のホームや電車内で携帯が使えるようになってきている。




だけど東京より名古屋のほうがものの考えかたが進んでいますね。心臓ペースメーカと携帯電話 東芝病院

○ 流石がやるね!名古屋人。 1

2006-09-22 18:27:28 | ♪Weblog




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