○ The Fukushima Crisis 116:Radiation gets NoseBleed.s福島危機116.放射能被爆と鼻血。

2011-09-30 22:46:34 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

06/15/2011  Tokyo Shinbun(news paper)

Radiation in Japan:
Nosebleed, Diarrhea, Lack of Energy in Children in Koriyama City, Fukushima

Once a malicious "baseless rumor" on the net, now it is written up in a regional newspaper with readership in Tokyo and Kanto area.

Tokyo Shinbun (paper edition only, 6/16/2011) reports that many children in Koriyama City in Fukushima Prefecture, 50 kilometers from Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant, are suffering inexplicable nosebleed, diarrhea, and lack of energy since the nuke plant accident.

What's happening to children in Koriyama City in Fukushima right now? Nosebleed, diarrhea, lack of energy - "Effect of radiation unknown" says the doctor

Report by Ao Ideta, Tokyo Shinbun, 06/16/2011

On June 12, a non-profit organization called "The Bridge to Chernobyl" held a free clinic in Koriyama City in Fukushima Prefecture, 50 kilometers [west] from Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant.

Worried about the effect of radiation exposure, 50 families brought their children to see the doctor.

A 39-year-old mother of two told the doctor that her 6-year-old daughter had nosebleed everyday for 3 weeks in April. For 1 week, the daughter bled copiously from both nostrils. The mother said their doctor told her it was just a seasonal allergy from pollen. Her other child, 2-year-old son, had nosebleed from end of April to May.

The pediatrician from The Bridge to Chernobyl, Yurika Hashimoto, told the mother it was hard to determine whether the nosebleed was the result of radiation exposure, but they should have the blood test done for white blood cells. It was important to keep record, the doctor advised.

The family move out temporarily from Koriyama City to Saitama Prefecture after the March 11 earthquake, but came back to Koriyama at the end of March.

The mother said about 10% of pupils at the elementary school have left Koriyama. Each school in Koriyama decides whether to have the pupils drink local milk that the school provide, which tends to concentrate radioactive materials. In her daughter's school, it is up to the parents to decide. But the mother said she let the daughter drink milk with other children because the daughter didn't want to get excluded by other children for not drinking milk with them.

A 40-year-old father of a 4-month-old baby daughter was so worried that he never let the daughter go outside, even though she didn't exhibit any ill effect of radiation so far. He said, "I'm so worried. I don't know how to defend ourselves."

I [the reporter of the story] used the radiation monitoring device over the low bush near the place where this event was being held. It measured 2.33 microsieverts/hour. As I raised the device higher, the radiation level went down to 1 microsievert/hour. The highest air radiation measured in Koriyama City was 8.26 microsieverts/hour on March 15. Since middle of May, it has been about 1.3 microsievert/hour.

If you live one year in a place with 1.3 microsievert/hour radiation, the cumulative radiation will exceed 11 millisieverts. [And that's only the external exposure.]

A 40-year-old mother with a 6-year-old son was angry, and said "Doctors, researchers, they all say different things. I don't understand how the evacuation areas are determined. Take Iitate-mura, for example. They just let the villagers get exposed to high radiation for a month, and when the air radiation level got lower they told them to move out. We can't trust the national government, we can't trust Fukushima prefectural government." Her family just built a new house, and she was not sure how they could survive economically if they moved. If they moved, when would they be able to come back? What about cost of moving, or the psychological effect on her child? She just couldn't decide what to do.

2011年6月15日水曜日 東京新聞souce


一度‥‥ネットに関する悪意のある 意味のない噂、今、それは、東京および関東エリアで読者数で地方紙の中で書かれている。

Ao Ideta、東京Shinbun、2011年6月16日による報告書
それは2.33 microsieverts/時間を測定した。
私が装置をより高く上げるとともに、放射能レベルは1 microsievert/時間に達した。
郡山市で測定された最も強い空気放射線は3月15日に8.26 microsieverts/時間だった。
5月の中頃以来、それは約1.3 microsievert/時間だった。
あなたが1.3のmicrosievert/時間放射線を備えた場所に1年生きれば、累積的な放射線は11 millisievertsを超過するだろう。

○ The Fukushima Crisis115;China Syndrom & Like-Flue福島危機115.中国症候群と風邪。

2011-09-29 01:55:24 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

08/04/2011  Dr.Mark Sircus NASA

★The China Syndrome:

111“A hypothetical sequence of events
following the meltdown of a nuclear reactor, in which the core
melts through its containment structure and deep into the earth.”
New Oxford American Dictionary.

Normally I would start an essay like this with the video below at the top, but I find it important to introduce it and the general tone this essay is going to take first. There are only two ways we learn. It’s either repetition or impact. Because the truth is getting out of hand, I am going for impact.

First I would like to invite everyone to a parade. In this parade we invite everyone from the nuclear industry and all the governmental agencies involved. It is time for us to give them our thanks and well wishes for threatening all life on earth.

In times past the most beastly monsters were the priests standing on top of the Aztec pyramids waiting with knives to cut the hearts out of prisoners, one after another, all day long, and the river of blood would run. We could actually argue all day or have a contest for worst monster-of-the-year award and look back in time to see our history full of mean, despicable men.

Having a China Syndrome in Fukushima promises us bad times for a long time to come. It promises a river of our children’s blood and that blood flow is already flowing through children’s noses, as certain doctors have reported in Japan and as certain doctors noticed during the Gulf oil disaster.

08/04/2011  Dr.Mark Sircus NASA



222There are actually a lot of people we should invite to march in this parade. Even some we would never think of, like all the executives from Coke and Pepsi who have been busy poisoning the world’s population with their biologically corrosive soft drinks. One normally does not put these names up there with Monsanto and the Pentagon boys, with all their subcontractors in lethal weaponry. But when we think of former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and the aspartame story and how these companies happily distribute this poison to the public, the picture becomes much clearer.

Denial is the name of the toxicity game that industry has played for well over a hundred years. From the chemical industry, then the petrochemical industry, on into the pharmaceutical universe and then the atomic one, those who make money from toxic substances deny that there is any problem with them in terms of health.

We have hell on earth putting out intense radioactive steam made worse by the disgusting people who keep that news and information out of most people’s view. Perhaps the news is so bad, when looking forward through the corridors of time through generations of children to come (or not to come), that knowing of our bad fortune makes no difference, so why should we be told anything?

Sometimes we writers get frustrated with words (not very often) because words and ideas often cannot approach the magnitude of the reality we wish to speak about. In today’s mad world anything can be said, but life continues on its steady course even if it’s the path to hell.

Today we hide things in plain sight. Did you know that Time Magazine was already talking about China Syndromes in Fukushima in May? I must have missed this one: “The China Syndrome refers to a scenario in which a molten nuclear reactor core could fission its way through its containment vessel, melt through the basement of the power plant and down into the earth. While a molten reactor core wouldn’t burn ‘all the way through to China,’ it could enter the soil and water table and cause huge contamination in the crops and drinking water around the power plant. It’s a nightmare scenario, the stuff of movies. And it might just have happened at Fukushima.”

And now we hear from Gunter in the video above that it has happened, and also from an unidentified Fukushima employee saying in an email, “A lot of the cracks came up in the ground. Massive steam is coming up from there. It’s too smoggy here. Can’t see a thing. It seems like a nuclear reaction is happening underground. Now, we are evacuating. Watch out for the direction of the wind.”

Dr. Tatsuhiko Kodama, 58, head of the University of Tokyo Radioisotope Center, Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, said, “Radiation has a high risk to embryos in pregnant women, juveniles, and highly proliferative cells of people of growing ages. Even for adults, highly proliferative cells, such as hair, blood, and intestinal epithelium cells, are sensitive to radiation,” he stated, becoming impatient with government’s delayed reaction in helping the people survive the worsening conditions.

Doctors in Japan are already treating patients suffering health effects they attribute to radiation from the ongoing nuclear disaster. “We have begun to see increased nosebleeds, stubborn cases of diarrhoea, and flu-like symptoms in children,” Dr. Yuko Yanagisawa, a physician at Funabashi Futawa Hospital in Chiba Prefecture, told Al Jazeera. She attributes the symptoms to radiation exposure, and added: “We are encountering new situations we cannot explain with the body of knowledge we have relied upon up until now.” Yanagisawa’s hospital is located approximately 200km from Fukushima, so the health problems she is seeing that she attributes to radiation exposure causes her to be concerned by what she believes to be a grossly inadequate response from the government.


★ Flu-Like Symptoms

Flu-like symptoms: dizziness, nausea, nosebleeds, vomiting, headaches, coughing and difficulty breathing or what is sometimes known as the “blue flu,” are common clinical pictures we see in chemical and heavy-metal poisoning as well as from radiation overdoses.

That chemical exposure symptoms feel like flu is a medical reality that medical officials have refused to accept or deal with as the oil spill disaster in the Gulf of Mexico brought out. Because the official position federal governments around the world take, (all gathered together and controlled by international organizations like the UN, WHO, IMF and others) that everything dangerous is safe, and that viruses are responsible for all influenza, we do not hear much about toxic threats and what to do about them.

Professor I. M. Trakhtenberg of Russia tells dentists, doctors and coal-fired electric plant operators, all of whom expose the public to massive amounts of mercury, “Chronic mercury exposure is also a threat to our health and makes us especially vulnerable to flu infections. It has been shown that “prolonged exposure of mammals (white mice) to low mercury concentrations (0.008-0.02mg/m3) leads to a significant increase in the susceptibility of mice to pathological influenza virus strains.”

We do not need to be attacked by the influenza virus to get the flu! When we are attacked with nasty chemicals, heavy metals or nuclear radiation, we are as likely to get the flu-like symptoms as when we are run over by viruses, which are more likely to cause a pandemic and drive health officials mad. Obviously the treatment, in allopathic terms, for a virus-generated flu compared to the treatment for radiation exposure or a chemically-induced flu is quite different, but in terms of my Natural Allopathic Medicine protocol the treatments are quite the same.

Thyroid Exposure444
Medical tests on children living in three towns near the crippled Fukushima Dai-Ichi nuclear plant found 45 percent of those surveyed suffered low-level thyroid radiation exposure, Japan’s government said in a statement, reported Bloomberg News. The last thing anyone wants today is to have a thyroid gland deficient in iodine because then it will readily take on the nasty radioactive isotope of iodine when exposed to it. Dr. David Brownstein has tested 5,000 of his patients and has found out that 95 percent of them are iodine deficient. One cannot repeat this vital information enough!

Mercury induces the thyroid gland
to absorb an increasing amount of
nuclear radiation from the environment.
Trakhtenberg, 1974

The Japanese are much less iodine deficient but that does not explain what I reported two days ago, that the Japanese government is prosecuting some people for the use of iodine and in generally cutting their citizens off at the pass in terms of allowing them access to this vital mineral. If the Japanese can recover the roots of their culture many in the government and in the nuclear power industry are going to be handed the sword to commit their traditional ritual suicide.

For children and thyroid-sensitive people I recommend Nascent Iodine, which is in the I¹ atomic form, or Lugol’s, which is more affordable for heavy topical treatments and the different tablets (Iodoral) that are out there. Even topical iodine tincture may be used but cannot be taken orally


In my book Nuclear Toxicity Syndrome is a much needed protocol that will provide a great measure of protection from radioactive fallout and mercury exposure. The desperate attempts to contain the fallout from the shattered atomic Fukushima Daiichi plant have failed, meaning the threat will continue to grow. None of us could have calculated in our wildest dreams the extent of what is happening in northern Japan and how the radiation would spread across the northern hemisphere.

Back in May the Dr. Chris Busby said, “The situation continues to worsen. Of course it’s time for the Japanese government to take control. But having said that, it’s very hard to know how you could take control of the situation. The situation is essentially out of control.” That has never been truer than today if the China Syndrome is in effect.

There is no reason to doubt a China Syndrome,

it’s a rational conclusion to a full meltdown. The fission of the melted fuel is too hot for anything to contain. Water has been escaping somewhere from the reactors, through cracks made from the earthquake and also from courses opened by molten fuel. We know that the melted nuclear materials have broken past their reactor containment and have dropped into the basement of the reactor buildings. At some point it would make sense for that process to continue melting through the basement floor into the earth. The dimension of the tragedy is growing for there is no way for them to get to the problem if it’s down to the water table already.

★ インフルエンザのような徴候





○The Fukushima Crisis 114;Low dose child's Contami Get Harms.3福島危機114低線量被爆、子供、危険3

2011-09-27 20:36:50 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

<<man is a living thing which must not be exposed to radiation>>.

08/31/2011 Dr. Sakiyama Sakiko

Dr. Sakiyama Sakiko

From immediately after the occurrence of the first nuclear power plant disaster of Fukushima, "immediately uninfluential for human health\" words were repeatedly emitted thousands of times from the mouth of administration officials or specialists.
However, there is no that insincere and irresponsible language.
this Kasumigaseki -- on the level of the present radiation by the internal exposure by taking in the contamination and radioactive material to weak radiation into the body, although sudden sexual disorder may not occur if literary language is translated medically, It will be said that there are risks of enough of the symptoms of late radiation injuries, such as after [ after ] cancer and leukemia, developing.
It is today's Japan which holds a nuclear power plant disaster by the present progressive form, and the greatest risk we hold is a late radiation injury by low dose contamination or an internal exposure.
Working in the National Institute of Radiological Sciences for years, Dr. Sakiyama Hisako who is also a member of the arboreal vegetation school which Mr. reason Takagi Nisaburo founded has felt anger for the state of such insincere information dissemination from the time of an accident occurrence now.

Dr. Sakiyama says that she cannot overlook the situation in particular where many citizens have exposed the life to danger by the judgment which made the mistake in being based on the random information of scientists or doctors which spoke and was mistaken.
In addition, Dr. Sakiyama says.
If it is [ radioactive exposure ] to "a threshold, i.e., here,", even if it is exposed, quantity of being OK does not exist in it.
Even a little radiation destroys human's cell and a division gene however.
It is internationally accepted widely also including the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) which has decided upon the protection standard of international radiation that the onset of cancer is proportional to the addition cumulative dosage of radioactive exposure, and there is academic already no room of doubt almost.
Nevertheless, even if exposed to a certain amount of radiation, why is it that the utterance "it is satisfactory immediately" is emitted one after another by an administration official, a scientist, a description committee of the mass media, etc. who should have sufficient information and professional expertise?
Dr. Sakiyama shows the view whether such a remark is made, getting to know that it is not right originally just because it gives priority to the subordination and the loyalty to the organization to which she belongs.
"It is an utterance immediately" overruns main media after the occurrence of an accident, and Dr. Sakiyama says in Japan that it is a problem that a "scientist for citizens" is absent about the distrust to the government or a specialist having increased.

Even if the scientist who belongs to the university which receives a big subsidy and contribution from the government or an electric power company, or a research institution repeats the utterance of government slippage, If the information to which the scientist for citizens who becomes the counterpart can oppose it based on a scientific basis is disseminated, it will become possible for citizens to make a judgment based on the information from both sides.
It argued about the problem etc. of the scientist-for-citizens absence which is the true risk of radioactive exposure, the reason it is not exactly explained by the government, and back [ its ], with Dr. Sakiyama who changed to the scientist for citizens who belongs to an arboreal vegetation school as a specialist in medical from National Institute of Radiological Sciences (from April, 2001 to the Govt. Indipendent Organization) which is a specialized agency in Japan.

★ There is "no threshold" absolutely safe for an exposed dose.

Six months passed from the earthquake disaster.
If it turns round, unfamiliar language flies about from immediately after a nuclear power plant disaster, and many things which are not yet understood correctly also have a sievert, a unit of a becquerel, etc.
It will become accustomed if the same state continues all the time.
Although the nuclear power plant circumference is in a still serious state, in the Tokyo neighborhood, the impression as [ the crisis has been no longer a crisis ] is received.

Miyadai:: There are also many people who become soon and have purchased the dosimeter on the other hand.
Of course, as for the dosimeter which Mr. Jinbo and I have, a beta ray can also measure a gamma ray.
The country with as much people who know the difference between a gamma ray, a beta ray, and alpha line as [ Japan ] thinks that there will be nothing.

Jinbo:: It is in the state where everyone is a physicist.
As for the basic knowledge of radiation, it is a problem of an "internal exposure" that it is shared to some extent and then should get to know.
Although there is also meat contamination and information has come out in fragments, touch that only the knowledge about a smattering is still acquired is acting as me.
Then, in order to arrange this problem, having called were a guest last week and Mr. Shoji Sawada (Japan Council against Atomic and Hydrogen Bombs [, Emeritus Professor Nagoya University, ] representation director).
Although Mr. Sawada became in low dose contamination and an internal exposure, he was wide range also in Hiroshima and Nagasaki and had got up, he was indicated that sufficient data was not taken.

Miyadai:: There was also a situation that the report of results of an investigation was forbidden by U.S. ABCC (Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission).
Jinbo: About low dose contamination, I had better deepen an understanding more.
Then, I had Dr. Sakiyama Hisako of a medical doctor come today.
Dr. Sakiyama is one of a few specialists who were having the problem of low dose contamination pointed out by from immediately after an accident happened.
Was she stating even in Lower House special Special Committee on Science and Technology on May 20, and did it catch up quite severely?

Sakiyama:: Before my utterance, it is a committee of the Nuclear Safety Commission and a doctor, Ms. Shizuyo Kusumi, told [ "the mortality rate of cancer only increases the maximum permissible dose of annual contamination 0.55% as for a 20 mm sievert", and ].
From her who is a doctor, such argument should be hard to be allowed to have come out.
Especially children may have the high susceptibility over radiation, and he may get cancer earlier than an old man, or the rate of oncogenesis may also become high.
out of the question having carried out and not having been greatly treated in mass media after that also wonders that all are made parallel and told.

Jinbo:: When I have a statistical number taken out, I also have a portion deceived.
For example, if it only says "increasing 0.55%", among 1000 persons, five persons will only think that it is to get cancer too much, and will think that a great thing cannot be found by them.
It is a way of speaking effective in deceiving an amateur.

Sakiyama:: Only by seeing a tumor, the cancer cannot judge whether other chemical substances influenced whether radiation influenced.
Time is taken by development of symptoms, there are various factors in the onset of cancer, and causal relationship is unclear.
Therefore, an irresponsible utterance will be made.
However, while repeating research, portion most about oncogenesis is clear now.
it happens depending on the way of attaching the crack of what kind of DNA by carrying out understood that it happens by change of a gene -- it understands a thing.
And it is so clear that that the influence of radiation comes out does not have the room of an argument academic not much, either.
but "1mSv get cance" it is arguing.
I think that it has not a level but the social and economical reason for learning.

Miyadai:: Dr. Sakiyama is writing repeatedly "cancer happens as a result which the crack of DNA made a mistake in and reproduced accumulated."
Therefore, if it contributes to the accumulation, it will say that it is uninfluential and will not go out, but if it is below a "threshold", there may be an argument of being uninfluential, scientifically.

★ The reason a child tends to be subject to the influence of radiation

Jinbo:: Another important point with which Dr. Sakiyama is asserted with the opinion "a threshold does not exist" is "high [ susceptibility / as opposed to radiation in a child ]."
In a layman's view, since a child's body is small at a growth phase and it is breathing in the place near the ground, you will realize it as .... sensuously, but what kind of backing does this have?

Sakiyama:: In the first place, cell division is prosperous in a child.
If cell division is prosperous, a possibility that DNA which got damaged by radiation though it was natural will be restored in the wrong form will increase.
Moreover, since a child's future is long, other factors which damage DNA in subsequent life will come out, and a possibility of getting cancer by a complex factor will go up.
And one more cesium gathers also for a brain from the character as a problem seldom pointed out.
Since cerebral development is also prosperous, a child also has the situation of being easy to be subject to the influence.
In 1997 to 11 years after the Chernobyl nuclear power plant disaster, the child and adult who died in Belarus dissect and there is data which investigated what cesium has collected per weight in each internal organs.
The excelling internal organs with many [ although I think that many people do not know ] amounts of cesium are the thyroid gland.
It is [ amount of cesium ] clear that a child's taking in of a radioactive material is [ children ] early in an adult's about 3 times.

Miyadai:: Though the same quantity that has much quantity to take in is taken in, even if susceptibility is high and suffers the same damage, the possibility of subsequent accumulation also has many children much.
It is a triple handicap.

Sakiyama:: In the documentary film "Chernobyl Heart" (Best Short Documentary is won by the U.S. Academy Award in 2003) currently released from August 13, in order to verify the damage of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant disaster, it is turning around the hospital of Belarus, etc.
It seems that those who bear a child now are the people who were that time children of the nuclear power plant disaster, and bear the child of malformation or cardiopathy from the influence in many cases.
Moreover, in this movie, the scene where the child like a high school student undergoes an operation for thyroid cancer comes out.
If it investigates with a Geiger counter, since no less than about twenty years have passed since the accident, iodine will not come out.
However, cesium is detected from the child's thyroid gland.
When investigated, it turned out that a lot of cesium is contained in the thing using the berries in the jam -- woods which the child is eating.

Jinbo:: 30 years which are the half-life of cesium have not passed Chernobyl yet.
Do I hear that the damage caused by a radioactive material continues even now?

Sakiyama:: Also in Japan, the economic conditions of directions which live in the contaminated zone are bad, and if it is in the state where he cannot buy a thing from outside, the thing in woods and the thing of private cultivation will be eaten more often.
Moreover, local supply and local consumption is prosperous, and even if there is a custom of eating only the things from within the prefecture, it is dangerous too.

Miyadai:: If it tries to see by the data ten years after after [ of this Chernobyl / five years ] ? and lives in the place where a contamination level is high, it turns out that it is certainly accumulated in that part human body.
Jinbo: Please let me check one point.
Is it what may be considered that talks about which Dr. Sakiyama tells, such as "a threshold does not exist" and "a child tending to be affected", are the facts that a minor argument has not been taken out and consensus can be taken in the scientific world?

Sakiyama:: That's right.
The fact which ICRP and ECRR (Europe radiation risk committee) also accept is spoken.
In fact, ICRP had set up the regulation value highly from the first by the latest thing that the risk of radiation was found.
The risk of radiation understood these days, and when Roentgen rays begin and radiation is discovered, it is a reason for not having known that radiation does damage to the body also in whom etc.
While various verification was performed and the risk of radiation became clear, ICRP lowered the regulation value rapidly.
As the result, the number of a 1-mm sievert per year came out.
Japan which is going to set up the regulation value highly again can say that it goes against a time.

Sakiyama Hisako:
An arboreal vegetation school member and medical doctor
Born in 1939 Tokyo.
66-year Chiba University medical department graduation.
69-year Massachusetts Institute of Technology researcher.
Department completion of 74-year Chiba University graduate school medical studies.
Medical doctor.
75-year National Institute of Radiological Sciences senior research scientist.
It ages 99 and is the present post.
collaboration -- " -- popularity is won? popularity is not won -- the ? X-rays CT inspection ", "that as used in the field of now or Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster report", "30 persons' proposal etc. which makes nuclear power reactor fadeout society", etc.

Shinji Miyadai:
The professor of the Tokyo Metropolitan University, born in sociologist 1959 Sendai.
The University of Tokyo graduate school doctoral course completion.
It passes through the assistant professor of the Tokyo Metropolitan University, and the associate professor of the Tokyo Metropolitan University, and is the present post.
A speciality is social system methodology.
(A doctoral dissertation is "the expectation theory of power".) The country and Japan " and "a difficulty of Japan" that once did not have "democracy in a work, either, "sociology from 14 years old", "uniform girls' selection", etc.

Tetsuo Jinbo:
A video journalist / video news.com representation
Born in 1961 Tokyo.
The Columbia University journalism graduate school master's course completion.
Independent through the Associated Press journalist in 93.
The first news special Internet broadcasting office "video news.com" in Japan will be founded in November, 99.
how does Japan change to a work in the policy of 99 which "Democratic Party promises? " -- "I will jump out in the world with a video journalism - camera", and "country which sinks in Tuvalu ? warming",

08/31/2011 Dr.崎山比早子





神保: 震災から5ヵ月が過ぎました。振り返ると、原発事故直後から聞き慣れない言葉が飛び交い、シーベルトやベクレルという単位など、いまだに正確にはわからないことも数多くあります。同じような状態がずっと続くと慣れっこになってしまう。原発周辺はいまだに深刻な状態ですが、東京辺りでは危機が危機ではなくなっているような印象を受けます。
宮台: 他方で、いまになって線量計を購入している人もたくさんいます。神保さんや僕が持っている線量計は、γ線はもちろんβ線も計ることができるもの。日本ほどγ線、β線、α線の違いを知っている人の多い国は、ないのではないかと思います。
神保: 誰もが物理学者になってしまっているような状態ですね。放射線の基礎知識はある程度共有されて、次に知るべきなのは「内部被曝」の問題。食肉汚染もあり、情報は断片的に出てきていますが、僕自身はまだ聞きかじり程度の知識しか得られていない感じがしています。
宮台: アメリカのABCC(原爆傷害調査委員会)により、調査結果の報告が禁止されたという事情もありました。
神保: 低線量被曝について、僕らはもっと理解を深めた方がいい。そこで本日は、医学博士の崎山比早子さんに来ていただきました。崎山さんは事故が起こった直後から、低線量被曝の問題を指摘されていた数少ない専門家の一人。5月20日の衆議院特別科学技術特別委員会でも陳述なさっていて、かなり厳しく追及されていましたね。
崎山: 私の発言の前に、原子力安全委員会の委員で医師の久住静代さんが「年間被曝の許容量を20ミリシーベルトにしても、ガンの死亡率が0.55%増えるだけだ」とおっしゃったんです。医師である彼女から、そういう議論が出てきたのは許されがたいこと。特に子どもたちは放射線に対する感受性が高く、老人よりも早くガンになるかもしれないし、発ガン率も高くなるかもしれない。すべてを並列にして語るのは論外ですし、その後マスコミで大きく扱われなかったのも不思議に思います。
神保: 僕たちは統計的な数字を出されると、ごまかされてしまう部分もある。例えば「0.55%増えるだけ」というと、1000人のうち5人が余分にガンになるだけと考え、たいしたことがないと思ってしまいます。素人をごまかすには有効な言い方ですね。
崎山: ガンは腫瘍を見ただけでは、放射線が影響したのか、ほかの化学物質が影響したのかが判断できません。発症までには時間がかかるし、ガンの発症にはさまざまなファクターがあって因果関係がわかりにくい。だから、無責任な発言ができるのでしょう。
宮台: 崎山先生は「間違って複製されてしまったDNAの傷が累積した結果として起こるのがガンである」と繰り返し書いています。したがって、その累積に少しでも貢献すれば影響がないとはいい切れず、「しきい値」以下であれば影響がないという議論は科学的にありえないと。


神保: 「しきい値は存在しない」という意見とともに、崎山先生が主張されているもう一つの重要なポイントが「子どもが放射線に対する感受性が高い」ということです。素人考えでは、子どもは成長期で身体が小さく、地面に近いところで呼吸をしているから……と感覚的に捉えてしまいますが、これにはどんな裏付けがあるのでしょうか?
崎山: 第一に、子どもは細胞分裂が盛んです。細胞分裂が盛んであれば、当然ながら放射線によって傷ついたDNAが、間違った形で復元される可能性が高まります。また、子どもは将来が長いため、その後の人生でDNAを傷つけるほかのファクターも出てくるでしょうし、複合的な要因でガンになる可能性が上がってしまう。そしてもう一つ、あまり指摘されていない問題として、セシウムはその性質から、脳にも集まります。子どもは脳の発達も盛んなので、その影響を受けやすい、という事情もあるのです。
宮台: 取り込む量が多くて、同じ量を取り込んだとしても感受性が高く、同じような被害を受けたとしてもその後の蓄積の可能性も子どもの方がずっと多い。三重苦ですね。
崎山: 8月13日から公開されているドキュメンタリー映画『Chernobyl Heart』(2003年の米アカデミー賞で短編ドキュメンタリー賞を受賞)では、チェルノブイリ原発事故の被害を検証するため、ベラルーシの病院などを回っています。いま子どもを産む人は、原発事故の当時子どもだった人たちであり、その影響から奇形や心臓病の子どもを産むケースが多いようです。
神保: チェルノブイリはまだ、セシウムの半減期である30年が過ぎていない。放射性物質による被害はいまも続いているということですね。
崎山: 日本においても、汚染地域に住んでいる方たちの経済状態が悪く、外からものが買えないような状態にあれば、森のものや自家栽培のものを食べることが多くなります。また、地産地消が盛んで、県内産のものばかりを食べる習慣があっても、やはり危ない。
宮台: このチェルノブイリから5年後~10年後のデータで見みると、汚染レベルが高いところに住んでいれば、その分人体には確実に蓄積されているということがわかります。
神保: 一点確認させてください。崎山先生がおっしゃる「しきい値は存在しない」、「子どもは影響を受けやすい」などの話は、マイナーな議論を引っ張りだしてきたものではなく、科学の世界ではコンセンサスが取れている事実だと考えていいのでしょうか?
崎山: そうです。ICRPやECRR(欧州放射線リスク委員会)も認めている事実をお話しています。放射線のリスクがわかったのは最近のことで、実は、ICRPはもともとずっと規制値を高く設定していました。放射線のリスクがわかったのは最近のことであり、レントゲンが始めて放射線を発見したときは誰も放射線が身体に害を与えるなど知らなかったわけです。さまざまな検証を行い、放射線のリスクが明らかになっていく中で、ICRPは規制値をどんどん下げていきました。その結果として、年間1ミリシーベルトという数字が出てきたんです。規制値を再び高く設定しようとしている日本は、時代に逆行しているといえます。


崎山 比早子(さきやま・ひさこ) 高木学校メンバー・医学博士
1939年東京生まれ。66年千葉大学医学部卒業。69年マサチューセッツ工科大学研究員。74年千葉大学大学院医学研究科修了。医学博士。75年放射線医学総合研究所主任研究員。99年より現職。共著に『受ける?受けない?エックス線CT検査』、『これでいいのか 福島原発事故報道』、『脱原発社会を創る30人の提言』など。
宮台 真司(みやだい・しんじ) 首都大学東京教授、社会学者
神保 哲生(じんぼう・てつお) ビデオジャーナリスト/ビデオニュース・ドットコム代表

○The Fukushima Crisis 113;Put Becquerel Saves NE Farmhouse.福島危機113.ベクレル表示が必要

2011-09-26 01:54:41 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS


A northeastern farmhouse in Japan will be saved if it indicates by "becquerel.
"by Kunihiko Takeda

Neither northeastern agricultural products nor not less than 90% of dairy goods are polluted.
However, if written as "the product from a northeast", and the "product from Iwate" in the store, consumers cannot buy it as "probably not being polluted" sink or swim.
Although Japan is known as a country where infant mortality rate is very low, that is exactly because "Japanese mother" does her best to be careful about a child's meal, health, and a little change from every day.
We have to know that there is prosperity of a country just because Japanese mother brings up a child hard.
"Sink or swim" etc. should not be carried out although such mother makes a child eat.
Temporarily, if persons, such as circulation, display becquerels, such as northeastern agricultural products, the mother can buy a safe thing as a safe thing, although it will be a "northeast", and it will be "Fukushima."
However, although it acts the utterance to the effect "it is said that it is safe at any rate since people do not understand a becquerel etc." as a governor of Iwate Prefecture, an utterance's [ such ] will just increase the distrust over the agricultural products "from Iwate."
And distrust will decrease, if the Japanese government does not decide a surprising high standard value which Japan calls 2500 Bq (cesium + iodine, 1 kilo gram) to the United States being 170 Bq (all radioactive materials, 1 kilo gram).
As long as it has called it "the product from a northeast", the "product from Iwate", and the "product from Fukushima", the state [ "the product from Akita" and "the product from Aizu (Fukushima)" ] similarly "he cannot buy it since it is about a possibility of being polluted" will continue.

The positive attitude which is not related is expected to the government.
The becquerel display attaches all the supermarkets of "for foreigners" in Tokyo.
It is because the foreigner is asking for concrete safety, and a display is possible if it does not try to deceive.









○ The Fukushima Crisis 112;Evacuee.福島危機112Hinan。

2011-09-24 03:53:01 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

09/07/2011 15:02

It decreases from a nuclear power plant to the contamination 1/3 by refuge.

The external dose of radioactivity of the person who took refuge in Aomori from Namie-cho, Fukushima used as a planned refuge zone by the 1st nuclear power plant disaster of Tepco Fukushima comes before and after a 60-mm sievert per year,
The Hirosaki University contamination medical research institute etc. summarize the statistics it is supposed that were decreased by 1/3 at the time of not taking refuge, and the homepage of English science journal "Nature" will announce them on the 7th.
Professor Yukatsugu Shinji and others of the research institute (radiological protection study) will measure a dose of radiation 1-meter-above ground in Namie-cho of a planned refuge zone, etc. in April.
souce Kyodo News.

Refuge from a high concentration polluted radioactive area is showing that it is a problem of the utmost importance right now.

Especialy for children.

However, this 60-mm sievert / yrs It is out of the question.
First, it is required to take the measures which should take refuge and emigrate to the area where an external dose of radioactivity is lower.

09/07/2011 15:02





しかし、この60ミリシーベルト/yrs は論外です。


○ The Fukushima Crisis 111;1900yrs bfr predicted Chernobyl.福島危機111。1900年前に予言

2011-09-23 19:56:41 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

★ The Chernobyl nuclear power plant disaster was predicted 1900 years ago.

It can see to " Revelation" of the New Testament.

Revelation is the writing of the very end of the New Testament.
Evil of war, famine, a big earthquake, etc., etc. is written to this writing that is said to have drawn the spectacle of the future which John, an author, had shown from God.
The battle of an angel and an evil spirit and the situation of the Last Judgment are also described.

It is being thought of around 68 which is the reign last stage of the King Nero at the Anno Domini96 time of the reign last stage of the Domitian of the Roman Empire that John's Revelation described.

The accident of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant

New Testament John's Revelation.

[8-10] -- Then the third angel sounded:
And a great star fell from heaven,
burning like a torch,
and it fell on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water.

[8-11] -- The name of star is Wormwood.
A third of waters became wormwood,
and many men died from the water,
because it was made bitter.
New King James Version.

While John is looking at a screen like holography"the sea of the glass similar to crystal", the scene of an image changes with the signal of the third trumpet, and the surface of the earth through which a big river flows near appears, and suppose that a thing like the ball of huge explosion and blue fire was witnessed all of a sudden.
Although it is saying "the name of this star is called "wormwood"", it seems to be better for this big star to consider some symbols, since a large meteorite cannot have had a name from the first.
The hint "many people died since water became bitter therefore" is easily conjectured to be radioactivity.
If it is called the accident in which many people were killed by radioactivity in recent years, the nuclear power plant disaster of Chernobyl will be remembered (1986).
Then, if it investigates about Chernobyl, the Pripet river is considering as what the radioactive contamination with this violent river of the nuclear power plant which flows through width immediately and is flowing into the Kiev lake and the Dnieper River.
And the reservoir of the head which the person of 35 million uses says that it is near the nuclear power plant.
It also became clear to be continued by afflicting the vast area from East Europe to Moscow the sequela of serious radioactive contamination.
("Hiroshima from Chernobyl" Hirokawa Ryuichi work, an Iwanami junior pocketbook, P 10 ref.).
Isn't it upper" of 1/3 and the head of "river literally?
Furthermore, in a surprising thing, the name of Chernobyl means it as a "wormwood" in Russian.
"It is a kind of wormwood to чернобыльник " is described in the Russian great dictionary.

The image changed suddenly, and John saw brightness like the ball of fire appear in the ground suddenly, when the river thought that the ground which flows through the neighborhood and has a reservoir projected on the screen.
The head would be polluted, and the scene where many people died would also be projected, and the title would come out to the corner of the screen as explanation, saying "The name of this star is called wormwood."
This nuclear power plant disaster is a thing of the maximum scale which a nuclear fission reaction runs recklessly (loss of control), and a reactor core serves as high temperature, and continues melting the surrounding wall and the concrete of a ceiling.

When seen from the sky, it must have been seen that the ground serves as a ball of the blue fire of 2800 huge degrees or more.
If such various marks like this are in agreement, it must be concluded that the nuclear power plant disaster of Chernobyl is suggested.

In addition, worm is a snake in worm wood of the English name of a wormwood.
This wormwood has grown in the way on which the banished snake crawled and which was followed from paradise of Eden.
A snake is an evil spirit ie satan is expressed.

ref. radioactivity bitter?
Since the radioactive material mixed in tap water is carrying out ion combination at the water pipe of each home when a radioactive material attacks Tokyo in large quantities, with the radiation, water ionizes and the grain of water.
It became ion bulk and is tinged with electricity.
Although each other is offset on the whole and it is zero potential, there are also those who think it bitter that an electric charge moves to the nerve of a tongue from abnormalities having occurred in the electron orbit partially.
This is the same phenomenon as bitter one, when the electrode of a battery is licked.
Since the bad radioactive material has adhered to the merit of half-life inside a water pipe, ionization and ordinary iodine will be contaminated semipermanently, and it will be tinged with radioactivity, and will flow into a human body.
Even if it is not exchanging the contamination water pipe, there is no danger immediately.




 ヨハネの黙示録が記されたのは、ローマ帝国のドミティアヌス帝の治世末期のAnno Domini96年頃、あるいはネロ帝の治世末期である68年頃と考えられています。


新約聖書 ヨハネの黙示録。
New King James Version.


 「水が苦くなったので、そのために多くの人が死んだ」という暗示は、放射能であると容易に推測される。近年で、放射能により多くの人が死亡した事故といえば、チェルノブイリの原発事故が思い出される(一九八六年)。そこで、チェルノブイリについて調べてみると、なんと、プリピャチ川が原発のすぐ横を流れ、キエフ湖、ドニエプル川へと流れ込んでおり、このプリピャチ川が猛烈な放射能汚染をしているのである。そして三千五百万もの人が利用している水源の貯水池が、その原発の近くにあるという。東ヨーロッパからモスクワにかけての広大な地域が、深刻な放射能汚染の後遺症に悩まされ続けていることも明らかになった。(『チェルノブイリから広島へ』広川隆一著、岩波ジュニア新書、P 10 参照)。



なお、苦よもぎの英名のworm wood で、worm とは蛇のことです。
楽園 of Eden から追放された蛇が這ってたどった道にこの苦よもぎが生えてきた。
蛇とは悪魔 satanを表します。





○ close your eyes ... つぶる目

2011-09-22 02:25:39 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

You can close your eyes

to reality

but not to memories.

Stanislaw Jrezy Lec







Close your eyes

and I kiss you

tomorrow I miss you.

Remember I always be true,

And in while I'm away

I write home everyday

I send it my loving to you,

All my loving,darling I be true,


○ The Fukushima Crisis 110;The Second Terrors Up. 1福島危機110。2番目の恐怖出現

2011-09-20 04:43:36 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

Half a year passed from the accident of the first nuclear power plant of Fukushima.
The radioactive material poured on various parts of the Japanese Islands gave the great blow to agriculture, a fishing, the stock raising industry, etc., and serious damage has spread also to other industries.

Now, it is important and it is contamination of the radioactivity to a human body that it is a No. 1 problem.

When one of these and ruling the Democratic Party Administration wanted to have converged a nuclear power plant disaster from six months in nine months, it had said repeatedly, but prospects are absolutely impossible.

In the decommissioning plan of No. 1 to No. 4 of the first nuclear power plant of Fukushima that the Tokyo Electric Power announced, in order to collect the very dangerous nuclear fuels which filled all pressure vessels and containers with water, and melted and fell, the "sinking method" is proposed.
however, the hole countless like it does not count and go out which produced at the whole nuclear reactor by the loud explosion which broke out between 1 to 2 weeks for that purpose on and after March 12 -- it does not crack and stop closing.
For this reason, at least this preceding paragraph story work is done on not finishing in ten years.
That is, even if it assumes that this sinking method was able to be done well, it must be ready for the effluence state of radioactivity continuing number ten years after this.
actually -- the nuclear power plant disaster in March -- 'radioactivity large discharge -- ' -- even after being settled temporarily, the numerical value of the dose of radiation of East Japan does not show a bearish tendency easily.
Although curved, time shows rise sign clearly.

* for example, metropolitan area leading 'power hot spot -- ' -- the roof of a certain building of Kashiwa-shi, Chiba which has become famous.

05/12/2011 1.08microSv/hr
09/06 / 2011 2.48microSv/hr (2.2 times)
09/05/2011 1.20microSv/hr This (2.0 times) is an official announcement number of the Fukushima city office Higashi building.

* A big change is appearing also at the place whose dose of radiation was low again until now.
The tunnel sidewalk under the guard to which JR Yurakucho Station and Shinbashi Station in Tokyo are connected through which you often pass,

07/10/2011 0.05microSv/hr The minimum radiation level in the metropolitan area was kept.
07/26/2011 0.20microSv/hr The dose of radiation increased why (4.0 times) or suddenly.
09/06/2011 0.27microSv/hr It came here (5.4 times) and the dose has leaped up at a stretch.






05/12/2011 1.08μSv/hr
09/06/2011 2.48μSv/hr (2.2倍)

09/05/2011 1.20μSv/hr (2.0倍)これは福島市市役所東棟の公式発表数字。


07/10/2011 0.05μSv/hr 首都圏で最低の放射線レベルをkeepしていた。
07/26/2011 0.20μSv/hr (4.0倍)なぜか突然放射線量が上昇した。
09/06/2011 0.27μSv/hr (5.4倍)ここにきて一気に線量が跳ね上がってきた。

○ Edo Ukiyoe artist foresee Tky Sky Tree.180年前の浮世絵師が東京スカイツリーを予見

2011-09-19 19:39:12 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

The ukiyoe artist of the Edo period foresee "Tokyo Sky Tree."

It was left behind to the landscape in which the tower "of the similar" mystery drew Sumida River on being surprised next spring at the sky tree of commencement of business.
The author is popular ukiyoe artist Utagawa Kuniyoshi (1797 to 1861) by bold composition or the novel way of thinking.
The pinnacle which towers under the empty of 180 years ago is a mystery.
The miracle of old story of the scenery of Sumida River found splendidly the tower of the ship and mystery like the water-bus of the Edo period, etc.
"The figure of a Mitumata" of the Utagawa kuniyoshi.
It is considered as Tsukuru around Tenpo 2 (1831) year, the ship of freshwater clam picking floats on Sumida River, and, to the front, the craftsman of two dried their ship.
This picture is looking at Oshiage of the location place of a sky tree from present Fukagawa in Edo and the Fukagawa neighborhood on the opposite shore.
Two long and slender structures which press other buildings appear.
One fire watching tower of 'fire with which the lower one existed those days -- ' -- it is carried out and it is said that another huge sectional tower did not exist really.





○ The Fukushima Crisis 109;Low dose Child's Contami.Gets Harms.2 福島危機109.低線量被爆.危険2

2011-09-17 07:52:47 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

About a child's Hazardous low dose radioactivity contamination.

[Phase 2]

The Sakiyama Hisako. former National Institute of Radiological Sciences senior research scientist . of the member of an arboreal vegetation school told the influence which radioactivity has on the body. An arboreal vegetation school is the organization which founded in 1998 in order that the reason and Mr. Hitoshi Takagi Nisaburo of the physicist who continued appealing against the danger of plutonium might raise the scientist for citizens who tackles a problem from a civic position.
As not existing [ safe for contamination / a "threshold" etc. ] (have no standard. zero or anything.), the example of Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and Chernobyl was given by contamination of the low dose, and it has appealed against "various dangers of becoming sick including cancer." "An American atomic bomb obstacle investigating committee (ABCC) begins, and according to the whole life follow-up survey performed to about 90,000 Hiroshima atomic bomb contamination survivors whom Radiation Effects Research Foundation succeeded, after that. As it being clear that cardiac disease, a cerebrovascular disease, a digestive system disease, and a respiratory ailment also increase besides cancer",
The A-bomb victim follow-up survey of "Hiroshima and Nagasaki is evaluated as reliable research also in the world, and the international radiological protection member meeting (ICRP) is also issuing the advice "there is "no threshold" in oncogenesis" based on these results of an investigation.
Moreover, the U.S. science academy (BEIR VII), U.N. National Science Board (UNSCEAR), and the Europe radiation risk committee (ECRR) have also adopted "threshold-less straight line theory""have no standerd rule." of low dose contamination. But, among Japanese health professionals, those who make a remark which disregards the results of an investigation of ABCC are needed. if "it is said at 100mSv that it is harmless", the firm scientific basis which exceeds this investigation should be shown -- " -- it says. Moreover, 52 children who died by 10 years old will be autopsied pathologically in the State of Gomel' of Republic of Belarus in "1997, paper which investigated the cumulative dosage according to internal organs of cesium 137 (Bandazbervsky Y.I. Swiss Med Wkly 133-2003) " -- it takes up and is carrying out as follows very important indication.

Although the person "cesium is accumulated only in skeletal muscle" is also needed among the specialists on "Japan, according to this paper, high cesium is overwhelmingly accumulated in the thyroid gland from skeletal muscle. In addition, although cesium of the high dose is accumulated also in the adrenal gland, the pancreas, and the thymus, these are all the endocrine systems important for growth and metabolism of the body to commit. If cesium of a high dose is saved here, hormonal secretion also worsens and will bar growth. Therefore, it is said that the body did not become large easily and the children of a weak constitution increased in number. There are many diabetic children among the States of Gomel', and having affected secretion of an insulin is also considered by cesium being accumulated in the pancreas. It is said that cesium is accumulated in the small intestine, the large intestine, the kidney, the spleen, the heart, the lung, the brain, and liver in addition to an endocrine system, a respiratory ailment and a digestive system disease are repeated, or there are a cranial nerve disease, an inborn error, a cataract, etc. Moreover, there are also results of an investigation that there are many diseases of cardiovascular systems, such as abnormalities of high blood pressure, low blood pressure, and an electrocardiogram, and it is surprised that there is also a child who suffers from illness just like elderly people.

Since accumulation is looked at by immunity systems, such as a spleen, an immune function falls, infection is caused and it becomes easy to become sick. As for the feature, there are many children who are tired easily and are holding two or more illnesses alone. Although 80 to 90% of the whole children were healthy before Chernibyl, there is child healthy only about 20% after the Chernobyl nuclear power plant disaster.
Since it is the character similar to potassium or sodium, radioactive cesium also has the idea of being easy to accumulate cesium in the organ which these accumulate, but the cause out of which such illness comes is not known clearly yet. However, it is a figure of Fukushima of 25 years after now [ of Chernobyl ]. 《(It's not only 25yrs later but we can see in six months later now,acute diseses of children occurred in Fukushima) pfk,》 I think that it must try hard for protecting children's health. "

"In Belarus, a child is moved to pollution-free environment, the food which is not polluted is given, and there is data which measured the quantity of cesium in the living body. Although 5 g of dry powder (15 to 16% of apple pectin is included) of the apple is made to take twice per day simultaneously at this time, in three weeks, cesium in the living body is decreasing in number by 62.6%.

Although it is an ideal that the child of Fukushima can also emigrate to pollution-free environment, when it is difficult, it is that which is said at least during the summer vacation, and if sent to places, such as a summer camp which the relative who is present in a pollution-free area, and the volunteer organization are holding, I will think that it is good. "


【 Phase 2 】


被ばくに安全な「しきい値」など存在しない( have no standard. zero or anything.)として、低線量の被曝により「がんをはじめとしたさまざまな病気になる危険性」を広島・長崎・チェルノブイリの例をあげて訴えている。

「広島・長崎の被爆者追跡調査は世界でも信頼性の高い研究として評価されており、国際放射線防護員会(ICRP)もこの調査結果に基づいて「発がんには『しきい値』はない」という勧告を出しています。また、米国科学アカデミー(BEIR VII)、国連科学委員会(UNSCEAR)、欧州放射線リスク委員会(ECRR)も、低線量被ばくの「しきい値なし直線説」"have no standerd rule."を採用しています。それなのに、日本の医療者の中にはABCCの調査結果を無視するような発言をする人がいるのです。もしも「100mSvで害がない」というなら、この調査を上回るしっかりとした科学的根拠を示すべき」と言います。

また、「1997年にベラルーシ共和国のゴメリ州で、10歳までに死亡した子ども52人を病理解剖して、セシウム137の臓器別蓄積量を調べた研究論文 (Bandazbervsky Y.I. Swiss Med Wkly 133,2003)」をとりあげ、次のように大変重要な指摘をしています。



放射性セシウムは、カリウムやナトリウムと似た性質なので、これらが蓄積する器官にはセシウムも蓄積しやすいという考えもありますが、こうした病気が出る原因はまだはっきりとは分かっていません。しかし、チェルノブイリの今は、25年後のフクシマの姿です。(It's not only 25yrs later but we can see in six months later now,acute diseses of children occurred in Fukushima)pfk、子どもたちの健康を守るための努力をしなければならないと思います。」

「 ベラルーシで、汚染のない環境に子どもを移して、汚染されていない食べ物を与えて、体内のセシウムの量を測定したデータがあります。この時、同時にりんごの乾燥粉末(15~16%のアップルペクチンを含む)5gを、1日2回、服用させているのですが、3週間後には体内のセシウムが62.6%減少しています。


○ The Fukushima Crisis 108;Low dose Child's Contami.Gets Harm.1福島危機108.低線量被爆.子供.危険1.

2011-09-16 06:16:42 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

[Phase 1]

The crisis of the increase in cardiopathy to the children of Fukushima! Cesium influences! Dr. Busby.

Christopher Busby of 09/11 / 2011 Europe radiation risk committee. About Fukushima and Chernobyl.
1. When defining a radiation risk model, cancer and the rate of incidence of leukemia are always told. That is, the present radiation risk model guesses what cancer and leukemia break out even in Fukushima or Chernobyl. However, we know in Chernobyl that radiation is all kinds of sick cause, and one in it is "cardiopathy."
2. Although My Fellow Yury Bandazhevsky and He are Famous for "Research of Influence to Child of Cesium 137 of Chernobyl in Belarus" about Influence Which Cardiopathy Has on Child, It discovered that abnormal heart rhythm had happened to children's heart polluted with per weight of 1 kg by the radiation cesium 137 of querelle only 20 to 30 Bq late in the 90s. And a heart attack was caused and it has passed away. This is a very serious problem! All that matters is the illness of cancer or not only leukemia but the heart. The symptoms is shown in probability higher than usual. It becomes the illness which only the elderly adult usually becomes. That is, it is that of causing-by low dose contamination-what kind of illness . He began research about this thing.

The size of a 2 to 5-year-old child's heart is only like a kiwi. The size of the heart of 10 years old is only a tomato. It understands how many cells of the heart there are. The heart is 220 g in weight and there is the 85-g muscular system. 3 billion muscle cells exist in a child's heart. 50-Bq cesium 137 is put into this organization as to how it verifies. Then, by this cesium 137, 1% of cell became extinct. Although it is only 1%, 25% is lost as muscles of the heart! This is a very serious thing. It is because the heart and its muscles always beat over the whole life. The blood of 7000Litters flows into the body every day. We will live for 70 years. This beat continues throughout life.

【Phase 1】

福島の子供たちに心臓病増加の危機! セシウムが影響する! Dr.バズビー 09/11/2011

私の同僚ユーリー・バンダジェフスキーYury Bandazhevsky、彼は"ベラルーシにおけるチェルノブイリのセシウム137の子供への影響の研究"で有名ですが、90年代後半に、体重1kg当りでわずか20-30べクレルの放射線セシウム137に汚染された子供たちの心臓に、不整脈が起っていることを発見しました。

2-5歳の子供の心臓の大きさは、kiwi くらいです。10歳の心臓の大きさは、トマトくらいです。心臓の細胞が何個あるかわかっています。

○ Homonym...同音異義語.ホモニム.

2011-09-15 09:26:28 | ♪fuckin 英会話

Homonym 同音異義語.ホモニム.

air  空気 heir:相続人  
aloud 声を出して allowed:allowの過去・過去分詞形
altar 祭壇 alter:変える
ascent 登り assent:同意する
bad 悪い bade:bid(命ずる)の過去形
bare 裸の bear:熊
baron 男爵 barren:不毛の
base   基部 bass:低音  
bean 豆 been:beの過去分詞形。ここに載せるの間違っていました。たとえば、How long have you been? お久しぶり!はハウロングハヴュウビンとなります。ビーンとやるとおまえのマメは長いのか となっちゃいます。
bee みつばち be:be動詞の原形
berry ベリー(を摘む) bury:埋葬する、埋める
blue 青い blew:blowの過去形
board 板、会議 bored:boreの過去・過去分詞形
bow お辞儀する bough:大枝
bread パン bred:breedの過去・過去分詞形
break 壊す brake:ブレーキ(をかける)
buy 買う by:~のそばに
ceiling 天井 sealing:sealの現在分詞形
cent セント scent:香り
clause 条項、節 claws:claw(つめ)の複数形
complement 補足、補語 compliment:お世辞、賛辞
core 果心、核心 corps:軍団、集団
course 課程、進路 coarse:きめの粗い、粗末な
cue 手がかり queue:弁髪、列
dear 親愛な deer:鹿
desert 見捨てる dessert:デザート
die 死ぬ dye:染料、染める
due 正当な dew:露、滴
eight 8 ate:eatの過去形
fair  公正な、見本市 fare:運賃  
fir モミ(の木) fur:毛皮
flower   花 flour:小麦粉  
forth 前へ fourth:第4の
foul 不潔な、不正な fowl:鶏
four 4 for:~のために
groan うめき声 grown:growの過去分詞形
guest 客 guessed:guessの過去・過去分詞形
hair  髪、毛 hare:野うさぎ  
hear 聞く here:ここに
heel かかと heal:癒す
herd 群れ heard:hearの過去・過去分詞形
hire 雇う higher:highの比較級
hole 穴 whole:全…
holy 神聖な wholly:全く、完全に
hour 時間 our:私たちの
idle 怠惰な idol:偶像
in ~の中に inn:宿屋
isle 島 aisle:通路
key 鍵 quay:波止場
knot 結び目、ノット not:~でない
lead 鉛 led:leadの過去・過去分詞形
lesson レッスン lessen:少なくする
lightning 電光、稲妻 lightening:ligthenの現在分詞形
loan 貸す、貸付け lone:孤独な
maid お手伝い made:makeの過去・過去分詞形
mail 郵便 male:男性(の)
meat 肉 meet:~に会う
mist (薄)霧 missed:missの過去・過去分詞形
morning 朝 mourning:喪、哀悼
night  夜 knight:騎士、ナイト  
one 一つの won:winの過去・過去分詞形
or または oar:オール
pain 痛み pane:窓ガラス
pair 一対 pear:洋梨
pale 青白い pail:手桶
peace 平和 piece:一片
peel 皮 peal:響き、とどろき
pier 桟橋 peer:貴族、同僚、仲間。ずいぶん昔この名前の情報誌がありました。
plain 明白な、簡素な plane:飛行機、平面
pole 棒、極 poll:投票
pray 祈る prey:えじき、犠牲
rain 雨 reign:治世、統治する
right 正しい、権利 rite:儀式、慣習  write:書く
road 道 rode:rideの過去形
role 役、役割 roll:転がる、巻物
root 根 route:道筋
sail 帆 sale:販売
scene 場面 seen:seeの過去分詞形
sea 海 see:見る
seem ~のように思われる seam:縫い目
sell 売る cell: 細胞、小部屋
seller 販売人 cellar:地下室
sew 縫う sow:種をまく
site 敷地、位置 sight:視力、視界、光景  cite:引用する
some いくらかの sum:合計
son 息子 sun:太陽
soul 魂 sole:唯一の、足裏
stair 階段 stare:じっと[じろじろ]みる
steal 盗む steel:鋼鉄
straight まっすぐな strait:海峡
sweet 甘い suite:ひと続きの部屋
tail 尾 tale:話
through ~を通って threw:throwの過去形
vain 無駄な vein:静脈、血管
wait 待つ weight:重さ
waste 浪費(する) waist:腰
way 方法、道 weigh:重さをはかる、目方が~ある
week 週 weak:弱い
wrap 包む rap:コツンとたたく(事)。ラップです。

○ Romance ...where's he? 第1章。そして、heroin.

2011-09-14 02:40:15 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

Marriage is a romance

In which

the heroine dies

In the first chapter.

Cecilia Egan






The other thing;

Homonym 同音異義語,ホモニム

heroine. 【he'rouin】ヒロイン

heroin. 【he'rouin】ヘロイン a heroin addict.

○ The Fukushima Crisis107;"Right Thing to Do."Prof.Takeda.福島危機107."やるべきこと"武田教授。

2011-09-13 07:43:47 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

It is calling the ripple that Professor "Kunihiko Takeda made reference on "throw away as much as possible" and television in the food from a northeast. "09/04 / 2011 Yomiuri Telecasting It said to there of "Takajin broadcast by the Yomiuri Telecasting series on September 4, and Chubu University Professor [ in the committee " ] Kunihiko Takeda's (68)'s remark has extended the ripple.

It spoke in the form which replies to the question which was brought near by the boy child of the fourth grader in an elementary school, and which is referred to as "Whether what will happen if northeastern vegetables and beef are eaten" at the corner ? "child consultation room." since Professor Kunihiko Takeda is alike first and he injures "health, he should throw away as much as possible. After carrying out [ that potassium cyanide was scattered in the field , it said as "the radioactive material has fallen on Ichinoseki", "It is bad, if there is no decision to tackle after decontaminating."
Mayor Osamu Katsube (61) of Ichinoseki had information dissemination about contents from the televiewer on September 6. The mayor who checked the program transmitted mail of the contents of "protesting strongly as a head of a local self-governing body" to Professor Takeda's individual address.
Professor Takeda answered "Since I have said the utterance as it is in my scientific judgment and an honest feeling, and I am sorry to trouble you but it is a fact, he does not do cancellation." Professor Takeda has released the exchange of detailed mail in the report of "the reply to the Ichinoseki mayor."

About this, an economic analyst (50), Mr. Kazuhide Uekusa, announces the report "the right view about northeastern vegetables and meat." The cover fire of Professor Takeda's posture is carried out as follows. If the standard of Professor Takeda's utterance has such a portion about a portion which shows the basic position that prudence should be expected also to a prudent top, to radioactive contamination, and is different from the fact about an individual case, correction and an apology will be required for it, but the basic position itself is not the wrong thing. How far should it care about radioactivity about the food of the Tohoku district? the northeastern farmhouse which is in pain without selling products while there are some consumers who care about safety -- how should things be considered?
Well,You should do the extensive argument all together right now.

09/04/2011 読売テレビ



