👺Ashura Girl // 空手黒帯の9頭身美女!青野楓、

2017-08-26 09:20:15 | ♪ utu. Sports&Funny. 動画.

 2017-08-26 09:20:15

















◯ Funeral, Young Guy HAKA Dance. / NZ 霊柩車re-up ハカ ダンス, マオリの戦いの踊り

2017-05-31 06:50:15 | ♪ utu. Sports&Funny. 動画.
◯ Funeral, Young Guy HAKA Dance. / NZ 霊柩車 ハカ ダンス, マオリの戦いの踊り



5-10-04 18:20:46 videotopics.yahoo.co.jp

YouTubePNBHS Haka for Mr. Dawson Tamatea s Funeral Service


The hearse which arrives at premises in a New Zealand high school (Rei sudden SHA). Dance of a war in Maori of indigenous people to tell thanks and mourning to the former teacher who passed away, which starts

"HAKA". An impression is remembered so that its heroic has gooseflesh.



YouTubePNBHS Haka for Mr. Dawson Tamatea s Funeral Service


5-10-04 18:20:46 videotopics.yahoo.co.jp




◯ Keisuke Honda : Last Captain // 惜別キャプテン 本田圭佑 ミラン先発、最初で最後の“大役”果たす

2017-05-30 09:07:02 | ♪ utu. Sports&Funny. 動画.
2017-05-30 09:07:02 Sponichi
惜別キャプテン ミラン先発、最初で最後の“大役”果たす(スポニチ)

セリエA・最終節 ACミラン1-2カリアリ(2017年5月28日)






⚪️ 好きにならずにいられない. Can't Help Falling in Love

2016-11-30 07:18:58 | ♪ utu. Sports&Funny. 動画.
2016-11-30 07:18:58 Can't Help Falling in Love エルヴィス・プレスリー 歌詞 Wise men say only fools rush in But I can't help falling in love with you Shall I stay Would it be a sin If I can't help falling in love with you Like a river flows surely to the sea Darling so it goes Some things are meant to be Take my hand, take my whole life too For I can't help falling in love with you Like a river flows surely to the sea Darling so…


Mercedes-Benz G-Class
好きにならずにいられない──Gクラス効果について考える ( page 2 )
Author: 小川フミオ Brand: メルセデス・ベンツ
Tag: クルマ、 SUV、 メルセデス・ベンツGクラス



僕は、421ps(310kW)の最高出力と610Nmの最大トルクを持つ4リッターV8エンジン搭載のG550(1470万円)で、さきごろ白馬と蓼科の積雪路を回ってきた。このエンジン、AMG GTと基本的に同じものだ。




昨今では、しかも、G500 4×4²なんていう、さらに男心をくすぐる強力なスペシャルモデルの発売も予定されている。僕たちはまんまと、メルセデス・ベンツの商法に乗せられているような気がしないでもない。でもさきに書いたように、Gクラスが37年間作り続けられているという事実は、クルマにとって“進化"とはなんなのかを考えさせられる。最近は燃費のいいディーゼルエンジン搭載モデルも出てきて、Gクラス、おそろしいことに、これからも“GO"だ。

○ "Shadow Hero"Okazaki / 岡崎に「陰のヒーロー」「躍進レスターの象徴」と英紙が絶賛 

2016-05-03 17:03:55 | ♪ utu. Sports&Funny. 動画.
2016-05-03 17:03:55 Sankei com

British paper acclaims as "shadow hero" "symbol in progress Leicester" in Okazaki While it's devotion play, a change is converted positively.

[London = Okabe shin] the blue fresh breeze to blow accomplished a heroic achievement of "big upset in the century" and carved new one page in history of a premiere league.

When the whistles of the no side which ties and tells RU by which TOTTONAMU of about 2 is Chelsea and 2-2 gathered at a home of a birdie of the United Kingdom representative FW in the Leicester city, and resounded through Lester's players I was doing television watch of in the evening for 2 days, I made delight explosive in the "first-time victory of" miracle which embraces each other, and is club establishment for the 133rd year.

Japanese representative FW Okazaki also was there to be seen in the center of the circle of delight. Okazaki of an excited state was violently jostled, and if it "was the feeling which was happy, and isn't believed so that I was lost after a long time" in its TSUITTA, expressed delight.

I appear on 34 games by 36 games of league series as regular of FW and have supported a leap attack of a team as a central player.

When premiere first goal is recorded in the waist ham competition of the 2nd clause, marvelous overhead kick has been decided in Newcastle competition of the 30th clause.

But full appearance is only 3 games. Even number big one with the Manchester United performed by away achieved the starting in advance of others appearance which becomes 16 game continuation of league series on the 1st, but I left in the second half for 67 minutes. While they're 24 games while appearing on 34 games, it's the shape that I changed.

I run about by full strength from the first half and contribute to offense and defense by the rich momentum. I leave in the second half when a flow was pulled. But its workings by which a sprint of 86 times per 73 minutes shown in Swansea competition of the 35th clause doesn't regret a trouble produced scoring chance of the muff Lesbian who gave the birdie, 17 goals and 11 assist chosen as most valuable player of an English soccer reporter society.

Dry media also estimated Okazaki's contribution properly. Quality paper "Guardian" acclaimed as "the contribution immeasurable by the number which supported a goal with an intelligent movement". "Okazaki's style is most suitable for Lester's game plan." and, rough devoting play fitted tactics of a team of "swift attack of offense and defense" and even commented "symbol in progress Leicester" "A way relay should be surprised."

A tabloid paper "mirror", "Technique and excellent work chip, but the momentum and the enthusiasm are marvelous. Okazaki who doesn't stop to run is a hero in the shadow by a mainstay, too.", it was praised.

A local supporter who has a sharp eye sent "Okazaki, the shadow leading role" and big clapping, too. While many British people understood the contribution of Okazaki, I looked at a change by my positive eyes.

But a goal, several, when doing 5 scores in Okazaki of a striker, it isn't the number satisfied. Real feelings, "Regrettable concern has been always done. I'd like to get a point as FW and be more conspicuous.", it has been bullied by a humiliation sense.

A victory isn't a goal for Okazaki. I settled in main force by a premiere league in the world highest peak and proved the value of FW which can't tell only by the number of scores once more, "It can still grow. I'd like to be the leading role of a team." The "samurai striker" which passed from Mainz (Germany) last summer with strong faith is left by persistent aspiration, and 2 games of full strength also dashes.

2016-05-03 17:03:55 Sankei com 

2016.5.3 10:03














〓〓 ref.


イギリスのプレミアリーグ(Permier League)で レスター(Leicester)が優勝を決めた、というニュースが大きく報じられていますね。

昨シーズンは下位リーグに降格になる(be relegated)のを何とかまぬがれたというレベルだったので、今回は多くの人の予想を裏切って大躍進しました。

ほかの有名なチームと比べて年俸の高いスタープレーヤーを集めたわけでもなく、少ない予算(budget)で優勝したことも話題になっています。「わずかな予算」という意味の shoestring budget という言葉を使っているニュースレポーターもいました。


A bookmaker is a person whose job is to take your money when you bet and to pay you money if you win. (コウビルド英英辞典より)

レスターの正式なチーム名はレスター・シティFCで、本拠地はイギリス中部のLeicesterです。Leicesterというつづりでレスターと読むのは不思議な感じですが、ウスターソースが Worcester sauce であるのと似ています。

イギリスではサッカーのことを football と言うので、「サッカーのプレミアリーグ」と言いたいときには Premier League football と言います。一方、アメリカでは、football と言えば普通はアメリカン・フットボールのことを意味し、サッカーは soccer と言います。

Theme 英語
Genre 学問・文化・芸術

○ Okazaki Okazaki!!英各紙が岡崎のゴール称賛「マジックのような瞬間だった」

2016-03-16 01:06:22 | ♪ utu. Sports&Funny. 動画.
2016-03-16 01:06:22Kyoto
The goal praise by which each British paper is Okazaki "It was the moment like magic."

Okazaki of Lester who decides a taking the initiative goal the first half of Newcastle competition= Leicester (association)

Okazaki of Lester who decides a taking the initiative goal the first half of Newcastle competition= Leicester (association) [expansion]

British media praised the vivid overhead kick Shinji Okazaki in Leicester who runs through the top on the 14th by English Premier League of soccer has decided in Newcastle competition.

Mr. tabloid paper dated the 15th "is sensational" (wonderfully), the name of Okazaki is hung on English and it's carried big by an headline with "SHINSESHONARU". If it "was the moment like magic", quality paper Times expressed.

Daily and Miller comment "the goal to strain the eyes by a genius-like ball touch", and his work done is to the extent it isn't believed, and "don't stop to run", and, acclamation. Independent paper, "Okazaki's goal may decide Lester's future of this season.", it was praised. (Association)

2016-03-16 01:06:22Kyoto





◯ Shunsuke's/俊輔の芸術弾は”人生で不変” 英メディアが「彼は永遠にFKで輝き続ける」と大絶賛

2016-03-07 07:14:39 | ♪ utu. Sports&Funny. 動画.
2016-03-07 07:14:39 TALKING BAWS
Shunsuke's art bullet," something invariable in a life" British media, "He keeps shining in FK eternally.", big acclamation

Media, "He keeps shining in FK eternally.", big acclamation

FK bullet which is the 21st point of J1 most in Fukuoka competition A beautiful blow is also in a topic at foreign countries.

The former Japanese representative MF Shunsuke Nakamura of Yokohama F and Marinos is artistic at 37 minutes the second half of a hostile area Avispa Fukuoka competition of the performed J1 first stage 2nd clause (1-1) on the 5th, FK has been decided directly. The score by FK was the 21st point of J1 sum total directly, and the most record one has was renewed.

This beautiful goal will be also a topic at foreign countries, and even if it'll be 37 years old, the precision of the left foot which doesn't fade away is a mark of praise. The sports information site based in Scotland "TALKING BAWS", "He's well even now! Xun Suke Nakamura in Yokohama has decided the score by a bright free kick.", it's being introduced by an headline.

An article had started with such extraction.

"There is only 3 of something invariable by all means in a life. It's said that death, a tax and Shunsuke Nakamura keep being spangled with a free kick eternally."

Nakamura who became a regular season game debut this season could charm in FK where Japanese representative MF Manabu Saito was beat and got it at 37 minutes the second half of Fukuoka competition. From the inside of development where 1 sign of defeat is thick by a behind and the location of about 25 meters of goal right, a left foot, flash. A chute was drawn in by a goal while stealing the right post beyond the top of 4 walls.

2016-03-07 07:14:39 TALKING BAWS
俊輔の芸術弾は”人生で不変のもの” 英メディアが「彼は永遠にFKで輝き続ける」と大絶賛

福岡戦でJ1最多21点目のFK弾 美しい一撃が海外でも話題に


 このビューティフルゴールは、海外でも話題となり、37歳となっても色褪せない左足の精度は称賛の的となっている。スコットランドを拠点とするスポーツ情報サイト「TALKING BAWS」は「彼は今でも健在! 横浜のシュンスケ・ナカムラが輝かしいフリーキックで得点を決めた」との見出しで紹介している。




◯  Lotte di Honda! / 2アシストに止まらないミラン本田の奮闘「いつもどおりの高品質」と伊メディア

2016-03-02 22:47:07 | ♪ utu. Sports&Funny. 動画.
〓2016-03-02 22:47:07
2016.03.02 (Wed)

Keisuke Honda dell'Italia d'occhi di sforzi energici " l'alta qualità" e i media dell'Italia di Milan Honda che non si ferma a 2 giocatori d'assistente

Fw Jeremy Menez .

Il progresso di Finale di coppa italiano del seguendo di terzo giapponese Si nasconde, Nagatomo da una vittoria chiara di 5-0

 Il rappresentante dal Giappone FW Keisuke Honda d'AC Milan è la partecipazione piena delle semifinali di Tazza italiane di un giorno la seconda guerra che comincia da tre copie di  intorno. Feci lo sbaglio dello sparo a uno scopo disabitato durante sette minuti nella prima metà e perdei una probabilità del primo scopo, ma assistei per uno scopo iniziativo di FW Jeremy Menez .
Jeremy Menez durante 20 minuti e lo recuperai. Assisto per il quarto punto dell'équipe da CK e contribuisco a una vittoria di frana in 5-0 delle équipe in seguito. Nei media italiani che hanno mostrato la marcatura dopo un gioco, sono lodato con "la cosa che il lavoro come la parte di neo di Honda è prezioso".

 Il sito d'informazioni di calcio italiano "calcio il carro di Mel com" ha dato "6.5 punti" del passaggio di un punto di un esame a Honda. Aggiungo la scena che ha tolto una macchina di decisione al gioco che ha assistito per il primo scopo di FW Menez con un passaggio di cappio squisito dicendo che "Ho perso un punto da uno sbaglio scandaloso e, comunque, assiste per uno scopo di Menez con un passaggio splendido e ha fatto il suo gioco per connettersi con il secondo punto" mentre è detto, "è scandaloso", e la scena che ha scelto la lite con il secondo scopo di punto di Menez è apprezzata.

 In 2 occhi di punteggio di Menez, la terza scena di punto dell'équipe, Honda è confrontment nella probabilità che DF di compagno non può saltare in quando ricevo un passaggio di MF Andrea Poli nella parte giusta nell'area di penalità. Faccio il tempo quando Poli che arrotonda la parte giusta corre abbastanza e fornisca una palla prima di Poli in soltanto il tempo giusto. Finalmente, il Menez decide un risvolto di Poli.

"La cosa che il lavoro come la parte di neo è prezioso"

 Inoltre, " com Honda valutata come "6.5 punti", anche". Il lavoro come la parte di neo nello stadio medio quando sostenni Menez e 2 cima di Balotelli che mostra il comportamento che è libero in un fronte non la scena davanti allo scopo è apprezzato dicendo che "Mostrai il gioco di  l'alta qualità, e lavorando come la parte del suo neo è preziosa per un'équipe di ".

 La Milano che vinse in punteggio totale 6-0 con il primo cerchio diventò il progresso di Finale di coppa italiano dalla 2002-03 stagione quando vinsi il campionato a questo. Per Honda, seguì che appesi un conto per il primo acquisto di titolo in Milano poiché mi unii a rappresentante dal Giappone DF Yuto Nagatomo chi vinse il campionato in Intel nel Sig. dell'ex rappresentante dal Giappone MF Hidetoshi Nakata, la 10-11 stagione quando vinsi il campionato in Parma in una 01-02 stagione in conquista di Tazza italiana e il 14 gennaio del terzo giapponese chi continuò.

2016-03-02 22:47:07
2016.03.02 (Wed)

2アシストに止まらないミラン本田の奮闘 「いつもどおりの高品質」と伊メディアの眼








È il cambiamento, il grido di gioia & l'applauso l'Italia Keisuke Honda per l'italiano dall'inglese da Milan Honda, le domande e risposte della conferenza stampa

Sono presente all'atto dell' intervista del progetto di compagno con lo sponsor d'équipe

 Il rappresentante dal Giappone FW Keisuke Honda d'AC Milan è stato il cursore la Milano nella città di Milano su 4o e assistito a un'équipe e la conferenza stampa del progetto di legame su con produttore d'apparecchio familiare tedesco "Brown Corporation". Dall'intervista a cui il rappresentante dei Paesi Bassi MF Nigel de Jong ha assistito, ho mostrato un modo di progresso linguistico di avere una sessione di domanda-e-risposta nell'italiano e l'applauso ricevuto da un attendant.

 È stato il numero 10 uniforme che ha risposto a una domanda nell'inglese dall'intervista, ma, circa 3 cima del direttore Filippo Inzaghi, ex Budda FW Jeremy rappresentativo Menez e quale di FW Fernando Torres l'ha cambiato con l'italiano per una domanda se il tempo di 1 cima è stato facile da giocare.

Un grido di gioia sale da un luogo d'incontro quando parlo con "" (mi piacciono entrambe di due persone). Inoltre, il luogo d'incontro fu avvolto in applauso quando continuai in "giocatori eccellenti dicenti italiani li rispettò, e potevano giocare loro e me, e stetti contento, e che fu buono, o non mi preoccupo".

Honda lo continua nell'italiano per una domanda "da cui la lingua proprio di solito ha bisogno di comunicazione?".





「ミ ピアーチェ トゥッテ ドゥエ(2人のどちらも好きだよ)」と語ると会場からは歓声が沸き起こる。さらに「彼らは優秀な選手たち。彼らを尊敬している。彼らと僕はプレーできて嬉しい。僕はどちらがいいとか、心配していない」とイタリア語で続けると会場は拍手に包まれた。


◯ Shhhhhhhhhhhhh!!「映画館では静かに」re-up versi.

2015-04-07 09:38:37 | ♪ utu. Sports&Funny. 動画.

2015-04-07 09:38:37 re-up versi.

03/19/2014 Gizmodo.Coca-Cola.

Coca-Cola Filmed Noisy Filmgoers And Put Them In Fake Movie Trailers

Andrew Liszewski

Andrew Liszewski
Thursday 9:20am


To help drive home the point that you shouldn't ruin a movie by talking, using your phone, or snacking excessively loud, Coca-Cola created a fake movie trailer featuring people in the actual theater disrupting the action on screen. Which served to drive home the clip's tagline: "When you make noise during the movie, you become part of it."

Using a green screen and a hidden camera in the theater's lobby, unsuspecting patrons were filmed and then immediately composited into a fake trailer that served as a PSA reminding the audience to be polite and respectful to others while enjoying a movie. The turnaround time for pulling off such a stunt was incredibly tight given the clip had to run before the movie everyone was going to see, but there's no doubt it would have put everyone in that theater on their best behavior. [YouTube via Taxi]
35 replies | Discuss
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Dabamash started this thread Thursday 9:52am


DabamashUAndrew Liszewski
Thursday 9:52am
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I'm going to be that guy and call this fake. There is no way in hell that this would work.

1. It would be so unlikely that people would frame themselves perfectly against a green screen while drinking/on their phone/chatting etc etc

2. You're damn right the turnaround time would be tight. There's no way they could composite that in the time it takes to sit down for a movie. They would have 30 mins max.


Thursday 9:54am
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It's probably about as real as most viral marketing wossnames..

DJ Ninjah

DJ NinjahUDabamash
Thursday 10:14am
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1. This is one of those "a broken clock is right twice a day" spots. If you have 200+ people milling about a theater for 20 or 30 minutes, you'll get 7-8 people randomly framed well for 2-3 seconds.

2. It depends how big the team is. A team of 10 to each handle one clip and do the large composite at the end could do this in 30 min easily. It doesn't have to be perfect either, most people are too busy laughing at the spot to notice any imperfections.
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Chip Skylark of Space started this thread Thursday 9:58am

Chip Skylark of Space

Chip Skylark of SpaceUAndrew Liszewski
Thursday 9:58am
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I'd buy a Coca Cola branded theater taser

I'm sure that once tased, eventually he'd slump back into his seat.
tuhsteh started this thread Thursday 9:56am


tuhstehUAndrew Liszewski
Thursday 9:56am
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Haha, they got those people to clap IN The THEATER! bahahahahaha!!!!

03/19/2014 Gizmodo.Coca-Cola.









[YouTube via Taxi]

Andrew Liszewski

◯ Guy in Wingsuit flies Impossibly./むささび人間。ウイングスーツで攻める「地上ギリギリ」の世界

2014-12-20 13:56:56 | ♪ utu. Sports&Funny. 動画.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/10byeZV5jcc" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

2014.12.20 11:00


ちょっと想像してみましょう。まずは目を閉じて、深呼吸します。この人になった気持ちで空を飛b… うおおおおこわいこわい! すすすすいません、想像なのに3秒も安全に飛べませんでした(涙)。



Casey Chan - Gizmodo SPLOID

◯ Standing Ovation!! 空手世界チャンピオンのキレキレ演武に、フランスの観客が拍手喝采!

2014-08-25 07:37:03 | ♪ utu. Sports&Funny. 動画.

2014-08-25 07:37:03. TABILABO August21, 2014
A karate world champion goes berserk, it goes berserk and a French spectator applauds a martial art performance!
August 21, 2014 TABILABO 1279 PT ShareTweetLINE

The animation here currently reproduced 1 million times or more by YouTube.
Although it becomes a front thing for a while, it is a martial art performance of Ms. Rika Usami who won the victory in the world karate-do championship "formal part" held in Paris in France in 2012.
Probably, as for the reason for a championship, only the beauty of her form was not necessarily evaluated.
"The heart, work, and the body" It is because the martial art performance which feels disagreeableness and something beyond it was announced.
Therefore, the hall is wrapped in applause and standing ovation
Possibly the appearance is climax more than a domestic convention.
The direction which Mr. Usami has already returned to private life though regrettable, but wants to know about her more is here. Her face without make-up is also checked!

2014-08-25 07:37:03. TABILABO 2014年8月21日

2014年8月21日 TABILABO 1279 PT



残念ながら、すでに宇佐見さんは引退しているが、彼女のことをもっと知りたい方は、こちらで 彼女の素顔もチェック!