2014-05-03 07:53:17 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

05/03/2014. Turner Radio Network usa.

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Pursuant to an ORDER dated December 10, 2010 by federal judge Donald E. Walter, sitting at the United States District Court for the Eastern District of New York in Brooklyn, the former owner of this web site, radio host Hal Turner, divested himself of ownership and control of this - and all other - internet web sites. Mr. Turner is barred by court order from owning or contributing to the content of web sites until October, 2015. As such, Hal Turner has nothing to do with the ownership, operation or content of this web site.

Monday, 03 March 2014 18:47
March 3, 2014 -- (TRN) -- In response to a Russian invasion, the United States has sent an aircraft carrier strike group toward the Black Sea to be able to respond to developments on the Crimean peninsula of Ukraine. The super-carrier USS George H.W. Bush plus seventeen other ships and three submarines passed through the Aegean sea this afternoon. The George H.W. Bush is carrying 90 aircraft including helicopters of various types, and several squadron's of F/A-18-E/F Super Hornets, some of the most advanced combat aircraft in the world. At least one of the submarines is an Ohio-Class ballistic missile submarine with twenty four missile silos, with each silo housing a missile armed with eight separate nuclear warheads which operate as MIRV's (Multiple Independent Re-Entry Vehicles) that can be independently targeted.
(File photo, Nimitz Class Super Carrier, click image to enlarge)
The George H.W. Bush is the first and only aircraft carrier in the world that has successfully sea-launched and landed an unmanned X-47b Stealth Drone which can be used for long term surveillance or for offensive attacks.

The number of ships accompanying the George H.W. Bush in this strike group is significant: 17 ships and 3 submarines.

Aircraft carrier Strike Groups are assembled as-needed so there is no particular number of accompanying vessels. However, the graphic below gives readers a sense of the types of vessels that accompany a U.S. Carrier which is being sent into battle. Click image to enlarge:

The arrival of the USS George H.W. Bush increases the military might facing the Russians by an order of magnitude. This one strike group has more firepower than the entire Ukrainian air force and, in fact, more total fire power than all the countries bordering the Black Sea combined, with the exception of Russia itself.

The carrier has not actually entered the Black Sea and may not be able to. The Montreux Convention Regarding Regime of the Straits forbids ships whose sole purpose is launching of aircraft, from passing into the Black Sea. Russia was able to bypass this restriction by pointing out that its aircraft carrier(s) performed operations other than launching aircraft. As a state bordering the Black Sea, Russia got away with this; the U.S. may not. Even though Turkey is a NATO ally, they retain absolute legal authority over the strait of Bosporus and it will be Turkey's decision on whether or not to allow the ship into the Black Sea.

Entry into that sea is NOT necessary for the George Bush to be 100% effective. All of the Ukraine and, of course, Crimea, is already well-within operational range of the aircraft on the George Bush if it simply remains in the Aegean as shown on the map below. (Click map to enlarge)


In preparation for the arrival of the US Aircraft Carrier, last night, the Russians began moving their S-400 missile system toward Ukraine. This is one of the most advanced anti-aircraft missile systems in the world; it can track and shoot down aircraft from the size of a soccer ball to a bomber, at altitudes from 500 feet to 40 miles, even if it is traveling at supersonic speed. The video below, taken inside the region, shows a convoy of Russian S-400 missiles on the move toward the Ukraine.

Normally, such a formidable missile system would be a devastating defense, but the U.S. is also deploying another weapons system, which has been successfully tested, which can knock the S-400 out of action. TRN is not revealing the nature of that system for obvious reasons.
**************************** UPDATE : 10:27 AM EST 04 MARCH 2014 *************************
Twitter users in Greece are now reporting the aircraft carrier USS George H.W. Bush appeared along the coastline of Piraeus, Greece in the Aegean Sea today, confirming our report above. The super carrier is now within operational range of Crimea and all of Ukraine.

05/03/2014. Turner Radio Network usa.




午前10:27 EST、ギリシャの04人の2014年3月の*************************ツイッター・ユーザが、今USSジョージH.W.ブッシュがピレエフスの海岸線

◯ The Most RELIABLE Nation. 日本は「最も信頼できる」とASEAN諸国民が回答

2014-05-03 06:22:16 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

05/03/2014. Yahoo! JAPAN. Ministry of Foreign Affairs . ASEAN
For Japan, ASEAN countries people are replies, saying "it is most reliable" anime -- the image of technical advanced nations.
May 1, 2014 category: Society
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs released the anti-Japanese opinion poll result for seven nations (Indonesia Malaysia Myanmar Philippines Singapore Thailand Vietnam) of Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).
The ratings firms in Hong Kong which accepted the trust of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will conduct investigation by an on-line system for the people of the seven above-mentioned nations aged 18 and over in March, 2014.
A total of 2144 persons answered.
The countries of Southeast Asia became clear [ having a very good image to Japan ] from these results of an investigation.
[The country which Japan can trust most]
First, the questionnaire result "which country can trust it most in 11 nations of these" is as follows.
1. Japan 33%
2. United States 16%
3. Britain 6%
4. Australia 5%
5. China 5%
6. New Zealand 4%
7. Germany 3%
8. Russia 3%
9. South Korea 2%
10. France 1%
11. India 1%
There are many people who answer it as "Japan" overwhelmingly.
It is answered that it is 47% in Indonesia and 46% of people are "the countries which Japan can trust most" in Vietnam.
Moreover, 90 percent or more of people have answered that the relation between its own country and Japan is "friendly."
[The impression to Japan]
What kind of impression do they have to Japan? To order with many replies, it is as follows.
- The technically advanced country
- The economically advanced country
- The country where a natural scene is beautiful
- A country with rich culture
- The country which is sending contemporary culture, such as anime, to the world
It seems that the image that technology is progressing is the strongest.
There were most replies called technology also to the question "some fields to know more about Japan are ?."
Moreover, it is answered also about the advance into the ASEAN countries of Japanese companies 90 percent or more "welcomes."
The tourist from the countries in [Southeast Asia is ] during rapid increase.
If these anti-Japanese opinion poll results that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs released are seen, he will be a little surprised in that the image to Japan will not be this much good for until.
However, when the number of tourists visiting to Japan of the latest countries in Southeast Asia is looked at, there is also a place which gives a nod of assent.
According to the statistical materials (tourist board announcement) of the number of tourists visiting to Japan in 2013, as large a pace of expansion as each country is shown.
- Thailand About 454,000 people Increase of 74% compared with last year
- Singapore About 189,000 people Increase of 33% compared with last year
- Malaysia About 177,000 people Increase of 36% compared with last year
- Indonesia About 137,000 people Increase of 35% compared with last year
- Philippines About 109,000 people Increase of 27% compared with last year
- Vietnam About 84,000 people Increase of 53% compared with last year
From July, 2013, the Japanese government will exempt from the visit-to-Japan visa of Thailand and Malaysia.
Since visa was eased to the Indonesia Vietnam Philippines, the tourist from Southeast Asia is increasing rapidly.
[Cross-cultural understanding calculated]
Based on such glad news, appropriate preparation is needed also for the Japanese, us who receive them.
For example, Malaysia Indonesia is a pious Muslim country.
Five worship per day and dietary restriction (halal) occur.
Still, Japan which had little relation by Islamic culture does not have an enough understanding to a Muslim in history.
It could be said that the cross-cultural understanding including the measure etc. which install a place of worship in the airport advanced now or a shopping mall which took a step forward is asked now.

External site reference report
ASEAN countries Related article in anti-Japanese opinion poll (PDF) newsfia.
visit-to-Japan visa waiver of three nations in Southeast Asia Thailand Malaysia of precedence implementation is warning to the "ASEAN division measure" of the increase of 61% of a tourist, the effect great U.S., and China. it is a backer about the peaceful resolution of a territorial right -- why -- Malaysia -- ? sponsor of Sapporo Snow Festival
Can overseas paper break down the dominance of comment "sweet tea" for a new sightseeing measure?
Japanese maker "pro-Japanese sentiment" Malaysia to which the Southeast Asia market is challenged by healthy functionality -- round of a day, and -- intense protest ? conspiracy theory which serves as a backdrop
The related article of woo topi.
As for the male of India, tea cannot enter, either?
Whether national character is related to the difference between men and women of housekeeping time, tuition, a dwelling, and a meal are no charge!
The gorgeous national women's college of Saudi Arabia supporting a woman's advance in society
powered by newzia connection
for Japan, ASEAN countries people are replies, saying "it is most reliable" anime -- the image of technical advanced nations.

05/03/2014. Yahoo! JAPAN. 外務省. ASEAN

日本は「最も信頼できる」とASEAN諸国民が回答 アニメより技術先進国のイメージが奏功か




1. 日本 33%
2. アメリカ 16%
3. イギリス 6%
4. オーストラリア 5%
5. 中国 5%
6. ニュージーランド 4%
7. ドイツ 3%
8. ロシア 3%
9. 韓国 2%
10. フランス 1%
11. インド 1%







・タイ 約45万4千人 前年比74%増
・シンガポール 約18万9千人 前年比33%増
・マレーシア 約17万7千人 前年比36%増
・インドネシア 約13万7千人 前年比35%増
・フィリピン 約10万9千人 前年比27%増
・ベトナム 約8万4千人 前年比53%増





中韓以外、みーんな親日 ~クールジャパンが世界を席巻中~ (ワニブックスPLUS新書)

ASEAN諸国 対日世論調査(PDF)

東南アジア3ヶ国の訪日ビザ免除へ 先行実施のタイ・マレーシアは観光客61%増と効果大
米国、中国の“ASEAN分断策”に警告 領有権の平和的解決を後押し
なぜマレーシアが札幌雪まつりのスポンサーに? 新たな観光施策を海外紙が論評
“甘いお茶”の優勢を崩せるか? 健康機能性で東南アジア市場に挑む日本メーカー
“親日”マレーシアで日の丸燃やす激しい抗議 背景にある陰謀説とは?

インドの男性は紅茶も入れない? 家事時間の男女差にはお国柄が関係しているかも
学費も住居も食事も無料! 女性の社会進出を支えるサウジアラビアの豪華な国営女子大学

powered by newziaコネクト
日本は「最も信頼できる」とASEAN諸国民が回答 アニメより技術先進国のイメージが奏功か

◯ The Most DREADFUL Nation ; 239.4兆円 2014年度における国の予算

2014-05-03 05:20:10 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

05/03/2014 Weekly diamond . Nevada blog
The weekly diamond magazine has published the following editorials.
Hosei University Associate Professor department-of-economics Oguro
239,400 billion yen
It is the annual expenditure sum total of the budget (general account + special account + budgets of government-affiliated agencies) of Japan in the 2014 fiscal year, and the contents of this annual expenditure have become fearful contents.
91 trillion yen Expenditures for national debt service (the part for past settlement of debt) 38% of the whole
78 trillion yen Social security cost 32% of the whole
19 trillion yen Distribution of local grant tax Whole 8%
17 trillion yen Financial investment 7% of the whole
Although the percentage that "expenditures for national debt service and social security payment account for the annual expenditure (95 trillion yen) of a general account is only about 50 percent, both costs,
The present condition that the rate of occupying to the annual expenditure net total (237 trillion yen) of a general account and a special account reaches also to 70 percent is seldom recognized. "
although it is confirmed to hide, and for expenditures for national debt service to carry out sudden expansion, now to amount also to 91 trillion yen, and for it to be alike soon, and to break through 100 trillion yen

05/03/2014 週刊ダイヤモンド. Nevada blog


法政大学 経済学部小黒准教授



91兆円  国債費    (過去の借金返済分 ) 全体の38%
78兆円  社会保障費 全体の32%
19兆円  地方交付税交付金 全体の 8%
17兆円  財投 全体の7%



◯ Russia and China.ロシア・中国が尖閣沖で合同軍事演習へ

2014-05-03 00:08:42 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

05/03/2014 Jiji Press
May 01
Although it became clear off Senkaku to joint military exercises that Russia a China perform joint military exercises in the Senkaku Islands northwest ocean space at the end of May, Russia and China, The visit to China by President Putin (Shanghai) is planned, an
d this time just becomes the appearance to which
Russia and China stand f
ace to face against the United States, Japan, and the South Korean alliance.
Moreover, Russia is the stage which should complete annexation of the eastern Ukraine before that, should be making the sanction by the west side, and the retaliation sanction by Russia exercise, and gathered altogether, The Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia (CICA) summit meeting held in China on May 20 and the 21st will be attended.
Although it is this Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia (CICA) summit meeting, it is Asia and the Middle and Near East head, and of what kind of country leaders participate attracts attention.
This Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia (CICA) summit meeting is because the world will be declared that the influence which turns against the west side completely is done, when Chinese Xí Jìnpíng is to serve as the chairperson and President Russia Putin participates.
Although position was taken up in the world and the game has started, By the Obama Administration (the approval rating has fallen even to 41% at last) which becomes weak, many countries which secede from a U.S. alliance should come out, China which excels in seeing an opportunity deserts the United States, and it is added to the Russia union, and possibly decided that it was begun follow an original way.
Even if annexation of the Crimea of Russia was seen, Chinese management has recognized anew failure of annexation performed in Xinjiang-Uygur etc. until now, the consultation was stood to Russia and it heard the strategy, it is not wonderful at all.
Although it has been said that China is ruled over long years, the strategy is a failure continuation and does not have the place which completed rule.
However, although Russia carried out effective control of East European countries and the Northern Territories after the war and East Europe was lost after that, If a western fund is gained by having presented East Europe of the load, economic reform and economic growth are attained, now funds do not come any longer and it will become, a relation with the west side will be severed, and it is returning to warmongering using resources.
The strategy applied for dozens of years is carried out, and all were successful.
China learns from Russia about rule here, and if it becomes performing Asia rule again, it will be taken to Asian nations and will pose a threat.
It is because there is no country which transfer Russian troops to an enemy and can win.
NATO is w?
Confrontation etc. will be impossible, if there is no weak army as the scratch coalition forces and Russian troops attack them at a stretch.
It is Germany in Europe that feels the threat of Russia from experience, and Prime Minister Merkel can say that serious crossroads are made to stand now.
Do you take lessons from the United States and surrender to Russia?
If the west side is reached, all the natural gas from Russia will be lost and it means collapse of the German economy.
It is because 30% or more of natural gas supply is lost and Germany becomes whether can do sure enough.
It is a card which Russia has, and although we announced you the card which it has to the last previously, it is "Qatar."
It is because it will mean that Russia had suppressed the natural gas market in the world and the west side will become a dismay completely, if this "Qatar" can be drawn into Russia and the China camp.
[Jiji Press and Beijing] the China-Russia navy will be the joint-military-exercises = East China Sea, a Japan-U.S. check, or in May.
[Jiji Press and Beijing] When the navy of China and Russia carried out marine joint military exercises in the East China Sea late in May, it clarified on China Department of Defense April 30.
While Japan-U.S. leaders strengthen cooperation involving Okinawa and the Senkaku Islands and strengthen concern to an air defense identification zone setup in the East China Sea sky by China, there is likely to be an aim which checks Japan and the U.S.
According to the China army bulletin and Liberation Army Daily, after considering it as "a periodical exercise" about a China-Russia military exercise, that of "business cooperation of both armies being made to enhance and heightening the capability corresponding to a marine safety threat" is aiming for the Department of Defense. [ the China version twitter "Bihaku" Moreover, the kankyu time signal of the Communist Party bulletin and a People's Daily system reported that it was the northwestern ocean space in the Senkaku Islands as a report of Russia Media that exercises.
He is going for Russian President Putin to visit China late in May, and to attend the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia (CICA) summit meeting held in Shanghai, and planning to attain cooperation strengthening of China-Russia both countries.

05/03/2014 時事通信社














中ロ海軍が5月に合同軍事演習=東シナ海、日米けん制か 【時事通信社、北京】

( 2014/04/30-23:22)