◯The Fukushima Crisis798Lying Scum Japanese PM Shinzo Abe【可算名詞】口語.人間のくず,ごくつぶし.

2014-05-20 22:31:02 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

scum http://ejje.weblio.jp
音節scum 発音記号/skˈʌm/音声を聞く
1【不可算名詞】 [また a scum]
a(煮沸または発酵の際に生じる)浮きかす[泡], 上皮.
2a【不可算名詞】 [集合的に; 複数扱い] 人間のくず.
the scum of the earth 世間のくずども.-Shakespeareがよく使用する-
b【可算名詞】 《口語》 人間のかす,ごくつぶし.
【動詞】 【自動詞】
(scum・med; scum・ming) 浮きかす[泡]ができる.

05/22/2014 Global News. Arnie Gundersen. BBC Interview. TOKYO (Kyodo) .

Lying Scum Japanese PM Shinzo Abe: ‘There Is No Confirmation That Someone’s Health Has Been Directly Affected By Radioactive Substances’

Environment, Global News, Health, PoliticsAdd comments

Just ask the USS Ronald Reagan crew!!!

I could post here hundreds of links that would expose Abe as the ultimate liar.

- Arnie Gundersen: Terrifying Cancer Data For Fukushima – ‘Statistics Are Astounding Especially For Young Girls’

- 75 Fukushima Children Confirmed Or Suspected With Thyroid Cancer – Expert: ‘Gene Pool Is Damaged’; Surge In Disease Expected

- Thyroid Cancer Rates On The Rise In Japanese Children, Experts Warn Residents To Evacuate

- BBC Interview: “News about Fukushima… keeps getting worse” ― Japan Professor: “Rash of disease” in Fukushima children, rate of cancer in thyroid up to “dozens of times higher than usual” ― Expert: Forcible radiation exposure by gov’t

- Thyroid Cancers Surge Among Fukushima Youths

- Fukushima Cover-Up: Extraordinary Amount Of Children Have Thyroid Cancer

“If you don’t educate yourself now and fast, you’ll die.”
- Prof. Hayakawa of Gunma University

- Abe seeks to dispel radiation concerns stirred by Japanese manga (Mainichi/Kyodo, May 19, 2014):

TOKYO (Kyodo) ― Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on Saturday sought to dispel concerns stirred by a famous Japanese comic which linked radiation exposure from the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear complex to nosebleeds, saying there is not a single case of someone’s health known to have been damaged through exposure.

In a recent edition of the long-running comic “Oishinbo,” the main character is shown having a nosebleed after visiting the plant, where three nuclear reactors melted down and buildings exploded days after a huge earthquake and tsunami hit northeastern Japan in 2011.

“There is no confirmation that someone’s health has been directly affected by radioactive substances,” Abe told reporters after visiting Fukushima Medical University to be briefed about radiation effects in the wake of the disaster at the Fukushima plant.

“There is a need for the state to make all-out efforts to deal with baseless rumors,” Abe said and vowed to provide accurate information to eliminate such concerns.

The premier also said his government will study whether the way it has been providing information to the public was sufficient.

During his one-day trip to Fukushima, Abe watched a simulated thyroid examination at the medical university. Radioactive iodine released in nuclear accidents can accumulate in thyroid glands due to breathing or ingestion, and increase the risk of thyroid cancer.

Tags: Environment, Fukushima, Global News, Government, Japan, Nuclear, Nuclear reactors, Politics, Shinzo Abe

One Response to “Lying Scum Japanese PM Shinzo Abe: ‘There Is No Confirmation That Someone’s Health Has Been Directly Affected By Radioactive Substances’”

Marilyn Gjerdrum Says:
May 19th, 2014 at 3:22 pm
Why aren’t these criminals facing the world court for global genocide? These bastards have broken the food chain for all time, very likely have now left the planet uninhabitable for humans. By their own lies and greed, (they refused Russia’s help three years ago, the one nation that had experience with nuclear fallout) they wanted to put TEPCO’s future ahead of the lives of the people.
The bastards should be living in jail at Fukushima.
If I had my way, all the warring nations would turn on Japan and wipe them off the face of the earth…….but in retrospect, they have already done it for us. Unfortunately, others will suffer and die as well. They will cook alive, but so will others unless some people show up with pills for us to take to avoid radioactive death, so that we can just go to sleep………
Cooking from the inside out is very painful.
They have destroyed the human race and still mouth their lies……..
They are the enemies of the world. Warmongers, go after them.

05/22/2014 Global News. Arnie Gundersen. BBC Interview. TOKYO (Kyodo) .





- アーニーGundersenの:福島恐怖のがんデータ- 「統計特に若い女の子のための驚異的です」

- 75福島の子供を確認または甲状腺がんと疑われる-専門家: '遺伝子プールが損傷しています'; 考慮される疾患の急増

- 日本の小児で急上昇している甲状腺がん、専門家は、避難する住民に警告。

- BBCのインタビュー:「福島についてのニュース...が悪化し続けて" -日本の教授:福島の子どもたちの「病気の発疹」、「通常より数十倍」までの甲状腺がんの割合-専門家:「日本GOVによる強制放射線被ばく」

- 甲状腺がんは、福島の若者の間でSurgeしています。

- 福島カバーアップ:子供の甲状腺癌の異常な急上昇。


- PM安倍は、日本のマンガで攪拌した放射線の懸念払拭に努める(Mainichi/Kyodo、2014年5月19日)。

TOKYO (Kyodo) ― Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on Saturday sought to dispel concerns stirred by a famous Japanese comic which linked radiation exposure from the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear complex to nosebleeds, saying there is not a single case of someone’s health known to have been damaged through exposure.

In a recent edition of the long-running comic “Oishinbo,” the main character is shown having a nosebleed after visiting the plant, where three nuclear reactors melted down and buildings exploded days after a huge earthquake and tsunami hit northeastern Japan in 2011.

“There is no confirmation that someone’s health has been directly affected by radioactive substances,” Abe told reporters after visiting Fukushima Medical University to be briefed about radiation effects in the wake of the disaster at the Fukushima plant.







1つの応答 "スカム日本PM安倍晋三横たわる:「誰かの健康を直接放射性物質の影響を受けていることは確認がない」」
Why aren’t these criminals facing the world court for global genocide? These bastards have broken the food chain for all time, very likely have now left the planet uninhabitable for humans. By their own lies and greed, (they refused Russia’s help three years ago, the one nation that had experience with nuclear fallout) they wanted to put TEPCO’s future ahead of the lives of the people.
The bastards should be living in jail at Fukushima.
If I had my way, all the warring nations would turn on Japan and wipe them off the face of the earth…….but in retrospect, they have already done it for us. Unfortunately, others will suffer and die as well. They will cook alive, but so will others unless some people show up with pills for us to take to avoid radioactive death, so that we can just go to sleep………
Cooking from the inside out is very painful.
They have destroyed the human race and still mouth their lies……..
They are the enemies of the world. Warmongers, go after them.


私は私の方法を持っていた場合は、すべての戦争する国が突然日本を攻撃して、地球上から消してしまう、 が、振り返ってみると、彼らはすでに私たちのためにそれを行っているでしょう。残念ながら、他の人も同様に苦しみ、死んでしまう。彼らは生きて調理しますが、我々だけでスリープ状態に入ることができるように、そのように他の人が何人かの人々は.........、放射性死を防止するための私たちのための薬で表示されない限り、
彼らは人間を破壊してきた その嘘をつくその口で........

(a person who advocates war or warlike policies)

