○ Be4 anonymous, j gov Does da Things. 国民監視法を作っているんだよ。

2012-06-30 08:30:33 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

06/30/2012 j gov. enecho.meti.go.jp PeacePhilosopher.blog.

It is j gov. to Friday, July 15, and 2011 other than the cyber assault of yesterday's anonymous. It reports having done [ to which the Democratic Party turns around prewar days in a top ] the Cabinet decision of dangerous national surveillance.

This was got to know by the twitter of Friday, July 15, the blog by the 2011 governments, and Mr. twitter surveillance specifications journalist Yasumi Iwagami .
"The surveillance of Twitter was specified by the homepage of the energy agency still more.
the "specifications" under invitation for bids of twitter blog surveillance business with the unsuitable Agency of Natural Resources and Energy, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, and in the direction of the bottom -- attention http://t.co/ktMctVu" specifications http://bit.ly/oiCtFx (July 14)
Also in order to hand down to future generations, these specifications were published below.
The notification of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications which did "groundless rumor" treatment of the net information was raised also on April 27.
It is clear that a blog and a twitter have "inaccurate" information.
It is applied to any media.
I think that the candidate for surveillance must be turned not only to a blog or a twitter but to the information which the government itself emits rather than anything and the information which large media emit.
The social contribution of what 10,000 twitters and blogs who have operated it and who have given the information which read and dispelled the information given incorrectly, and for which it was not understood only by the report of only an announcement or a report of the government or large media which the government and large media have hidden is unfathomable for four months.
Don't allow the inspection and the surveillance act which targeted only net media.
The voice from the speech persons who play an active part in a network about this affair is going up.
"It is said that the bid of the unsuitable net surveillance business of the Agency of Natural Resources and Energy is a check on a tender in the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry on July 15 today.
If it is said with gold and power that fellows supervise citizens, citizens will supervise fellows with 1 million times as many eyes! http://t.co/dKAptyP (twitter of the inside demon of a blog "every two persons of an inside demon and a large demon") which should let the measure which protects a life use a budget
With [ the business specifications (http://bit.ly/m8VCLn) of "energy agency net surveillance ] no definition of "inaccurate and unsuitable information."
control -- although -- a definition -- how [ the surveillance of the authorities for an ambiguous phenomenon ].
although there is also no definition of a "damage caused by rumors", who is the party concerned who caused the damage expansion by information hiding? " (Hideki Morihara Mr. twitter)
"Really the nuclear propulsion and the guardians of this country, what is considered in this situation where a Japanese (especially children) life and quality of life are being spoiled by radioactive contamination? it is for continuing protecting one's rights ?" (mail of Tiyumi who plays an active part in a blog and a twitter and who hears)
the government, Toden, and prof. gov oriented which discharge the information as for which inaccurate and a absurdity,factual transfer and diffusion according to the Internet media in order to protect mass media -- it is not going to allow -- probably, a secret design will be open.
The surveillance system over the information about radioactivity and a nuclear power plant tends to be more directly made following the computer surveillance bill which passed Parliament the other day.
It seems that the rights structure supported in fabrication and fake science could not be protected if it comes out like this and there is nothing, but fascism is opening the door steadily.
(Mail of Mr. Doujimaru who continues to make vices from Spain)
Although it wrote "It plays an active part in a network", you are not necessarily playing an active part only in a network.
They are only people who are playing an active part in a civic movement, scientific research, lecture activities, the network, or the paper medium broadly.
Also at the time of "groundless rumor" notification, if the government informed the telecom company, Mr. Son Masayoshi who is proud of the maximum number of followers in Japan laughed as don't stop having to control your own twitter first.
Taking out only a net speech person and carrying out treatment like a strange living thing now which is also sending the citizen, politician, scholar, and paper medium making full use of a blog, a twitter, or Facebook, itself could call it only anachronism.
The "specifications" published at the site of the energy agency is the following.
source: Peace Philosopher 07/15/2011: 3:01 AM Email This

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Label: A Fukushima Nuclear Power Plants Fukushima nuclear power plant problem, In Japanese Japanese contribution, Media Critic media criticism, and Satoko Norimatsu.
1 comment:
Anonymous said...
The contract track record of general competition (overall greatest value methodology) of the energy agency (H22/4)
(A foundation and a public-interest juridical body almost receive an order) This order-received place is required for surveillance somewhere.
8:42 AM
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06/30/2012 j gov. enecho.meti.go.jp. PeacePhilosopher.blog.

きのうの anonymous のサイバー攻撃のほかに、
Friday, July 15, 2011 に j gov. 民主党が戦前を上まわる危険な国民監視の閣議決定をやったのをレポートします。pathfinderk

Friday, July 15, 2011

「いよいよ、エネ庁のホームページで、Twitterの監視が明記されました。経産省資源エネルギー庁が不適切なツイッター・ブログ監視業務の入札募集中、下の方の「仕様書」に注目 http://t.co/ktMctVu” 仕様書 http://bit.ly/oiCtFx (7月14日)




「資源エネルギー庁の不適切ネット監視業務の入札は本日7月15日に経産省内で開札だそうです。奴らが金と権力をもって市民を監視するというなら市民は100万倍の目をもって奴らを監視しよう!命を守る施策に予算を使わせましょう http://t.co/dKAptyP (ブログ「中鬼と大鬼のふたりごと」の中鬼さんのツイッター)

「エネ庁ネット監視の事業仕様書( http://bit.ly/m8VCLn )に、「不正確・不適切な情報」の定義なし。取り締まりではないにせよ、定義曖昧な事象を対象にした当局の監視はいかがなものか。「風評被害」の定義もないが、情報隠しによる被害拡大を招いた当事者は誰なのか。」(森原秀樹さんツイッター)

「いったいこの国の原子力推進・保護者たちは、放射能汚染で日本人(とくに子どもたち)の命やquality of lifeがそこなわれつつあるこの事態に、何を考えているのでしょうか?自分たちの利権を守り続けるためかな?」(ブログ、ツイッターで活躍するきくちゆみさんのメールより)


source: Peace Philosopher 07/15/2011: 3:01 AM
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ラベル: Fukushima Nuclear Power Plants 福島原発問題, In Japanese 日本語投稿, Media Critic メディア批評, Satoko Norimatsu 乗松聡子
1 comment:
Anonymous said...


8:42 AM
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○ Anonymous Beats J Gov...utu. アノニマスのサイバー攻撃。utu.

2012-06-29 12:17:06 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS


06/28/2012 Japan Probe

'Anonymous Launches Cyber Attack on Japanese Government #opJapan'

More at Japan Probe Friends...

The Japanese media is reporting that the hacker group Anonymous has launched cyber attacks on Japanese government websites. The attacks are a response to last week’s revision of Japanese copyright law, which added harsh new penalties for illegal downloading.

Here is a YouTube video announcing the operation and a quote from a press release:

Japan, home to some of the greatest technological innovations throughout history has now decided to go down the path as well and cave into the pressures of the content industry to combat piracy and copyright infringement. Earlier this week Japan approved an amendment to its copyright law which will give authorities the right to imprison citizens for up to two years simply for downloading copyrighted material

We at Anonymous believe strongly that this will result in scores of unnecessary prison sentences to numerous innocent citizens while doing little to solve the underlying problem of legitimate copyright infringement.

If this situation alone wasn’t horrible enough already, the content industry is now pushing ISPs in Japan to implement surveillance technology that will spy on and every single internet user in Japan. This would be an unprecedented approach and severely reduce the amount of privacy law abiding citizens should have in a free society.

To the government of Japan and the Recording Industry Association of Japan, you can now expect us the same way we have come to expect you in violating our basic rights to privacy and to an open internet.

Anonymous apparently achieved a security breach of the Ministry of Finance’s website. The Wall Street Journal states that the ministry shut down its website after a hacker “unnecessarily added information to part of the ministry’s website containing public information about Japan’s national properties.”

The official twitter account of OpJapan has declared that the cyber attacks will continue today.

OpJapan Official@op_japan

06/28/2012 Plobe Japan

私たち anonymous は、正当な著作権侵害の根本的な問題を解決するためにほとんど行わない間に、多数の無罪の市民への多くの不必要な実刑判決にこれが帰着するだろうと強く思います。


○ The Fukushima Crisis 304 ; A Buddhist Says. 福島危機304.お坊さんのことば。

2012-06-29 07:31:51 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

' A Buddhist Says.'

06/15/2012 Asahi Shimbun
Tetuen Nakajima, chief priest "the nuclear power plant realized on others' sacrifice is [ Nakajima ] contrary to Buddhistic ethics" / The Asahi Shimbun (June 15)

There are priests who appeal against realization of society without a nuclear power plant, and are walking involving the national nuclear power plant today.
The priests of Japanese mountain Myoho-ji which visited the Ishikawa prefecture by <reference "a march of a life">
("-- a priest -- a march --a nuclear power reactor fadeout -- appealing -- Ishikawa -- a prefecture -- etc. -- a request -- a sentence -- " -- Asahi Shimbun June 7)
The strong voice which asks for abolition of a nuclear power plant blew off from the Buddhism community after the Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster last year.
That is common to these voice is the historical view that following silently the fundamental view of "living considering others' pain as pain of one", and the "national policy" of atomic power is repeating the fault which the Buddhism community in Japan committed in a previous war.
I introduce today an interview to the Tetuen Nakajima , chief priest of the temple of the Shingon sect in Obama in Fukui Wakasawan in which many nuclear power plants are held, and the Myotuji temple.
"Japan has to improve a nuclear energy policy to all the corners". Tetuen Nakajima.
When I was a student, I was interested only in literature or art.
It was taken to the friend in 1963 and went out for the peace march of the nuclear weapon contrary.
Then, it met the A-bomb victim contaminated by atomic bombing in Hiroshima.
They were those who were able to return from the front of war to Hiroshima.
Although it talked about the poetry made from itself, after it was ready for dying and going to the battlefield, in the poetry, experience which will return to Japan after all and will be knocked down by the illness by contamination was told.
I had the heart deeply moved to the conflict which the A-bomb victim holds into a breast.
And it came to participate in a peace movement.
The atomic bombing to Hiroshima and Nagasaki is the occurrence which occurred in the end of war advanced as a national policy.
The accident in the first nuclear power plant of Fukushima occurred in the end of the nuclear propulsion policy made into a national policy till then last year.
These two occurrences have overlapped for me.
It is not what both occurred within a night in.
Historical feeling is required in order to consider that these two occurrences occurred why.
If rough and ready re-operation of the Oi nuclear power plant is allowed, it will lead to the second Fukushima accident being caused.
Then, people of nuclear unevenness will give up a nuclear propulsion policy at last for the first time.
It is not very much for many people to make a clear decision for still separating from atomic power.
But it is too late, even if everybody repents a crime after the second Fukushima accident occurs.
The nuclear safety myth did not collapse by the Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster.
From that time of a nuclear power plant being forced on villages which is Japanese every place and which the village left, it had already collapsed.
It is because isolation of the nuclear power plant was based on an understanding that such plant is the dangerous institutions which cannot be stood to the suburbs of the major cities.
The governors of the Kansai area were opposed to re-operation of the Oi nuclear power plant temporarily.
If an accident occurs, their prefectures will also be from the reason for suffering damage.
However, they changed the attitude quickly and recognized re-operation as a matter of fact.
These governors' argument is completely irrelevant.
It is because the history of the atomic power over 50 years cannot be thought over comprehensively.
There is a thing "study others' pain and pain to a part of preaching of the ethics taught by Buddhism, and accept in it as your a thing."
In such a sense, people must not pursue their happiness at the sacrifice of others.
I think that an argument for me to free myself from the dependence to atomic power is what starts about the social system of the framework of the whole nuclear energy policy, and mass production and mass consumption only after performs synthetic and fundamental reexamination.
("Tetsuen) [ Kentaro Isomura, ] Nakajima: Japan must. thoroughly re-examine. nuclear energy policy", The Asahi Shimbun, 2012.06.15)http://ajw.asahi.com/article/0311disaster/opinion/AJ201206150082


06/15/2012 朝日新聞

「他人の犠牲の上に成り立つ原発は、仏教の倫理に反している」中島哲演住職/The Asahi Shimbun(6月15日)

<参考>「命の行進」で石川県を訪れた日本山妙法寺の僧侶たち。(「僧侶ら行進『脱原発』訴え 石川県などに要請文」朝日新聞 6月7日)


今日は多くの原発を抱える福井県若狭湾の小浜にある真言宗の寺、明通寺(みょうつうじ)の中島哲演(なかじま てつえん)住職へのインタビューを御紹介します。

「日本は、原子力政策を隅々まで見直さなければならない」 中島哲演








(Kentaro Isomura,“Tetsuen Nakajima: Japan must thoroughly re-examine nuclear energy policy”, The Asahi Shimbun, 2012.06.15)

○ The Fukushima Crisis 303 ; Sudden death level Dose. 福島危機303. 即死レベルの放射線出現.

2012-06-28 07:57:52 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

06/27/2012 Yomiuri Shimbun . Jiji Press . Chunichi Shimbun . TBS News. Assistant professor of the Kyoto University nuclear reactor experiment place Hiroaki Koide.

The greatest ever dose measurement (20:37 on June 27, 2012 Yomiuri Shimbun) Tokyo Electric Power announced on the 27th that it measured the 10,300-mm/h sievert used as the greatest ever dose of radiation in the building in No. 1 of the Fukushima first, and a building in the reactor building underground of the first nuclear power plant of No. 1 of Fukushima.
The 50-mm sievert which is a worker's annual contamination contamination limit is become in only about 20 seconds, and acute condition, such as vomiting , appears in about 6 minutes.
Towards decommissioning, although a disclosure place needs specification and restoring by contaminated water in building underground, Toden says, "It becomes the difficult work using not the level that a worker puts in but a robot."
Measurement puts in and carries out an endoscope and a dosimeter from the penetration mouth which is the first floor along which piping passes.
Although there was "pressure control room" of the container lower part in an underground story, damage was not able to be checked with a camera.
The depth of contaminated water was about 5 meters, and the dose went up to about 30 times as many 625-mm/h sieverts by the stage included in an underground story, and recorded the highest near the water surface of contaminated water.
It becomes a dose of 10 times or more of the building underground story of No. 2 or 3.
Toden analyzes it as "No. 1 had the most serious reactor core damage, and many [ underground ] radioactive materials flowed in."

It is No. 1 and is dosimeter Toden Jiji Press (2012/06/27-21:17) to a 10,000-mm sievert = reactor building.
The Tokyo Electric Power put the dosimeter etc. into the 1st nuclear power plant reactor building underground of No. 1 of Fukushima, and as a result of carrying out an internal investigation, it announced on the 27th that it recorded the 10,300-mm sievert per a maximum of hour.
With the value sharply higher than No. 2 and No. 3, the company is analyzing it as "Since not less than 90% of fuel melted into the container bottom and No. 1 has fallen on it, I think that there is much quantity of a radioactive material."
According to Toden, investigation will be conducted on the 26th.
The camera and thermometer of the endoscope for industry, and the dosimeter were inserted in the "Taurus room" which has stored the pressure control room which collects water by a part of container from the outside.
Variation of the dose was large, and the lowest dose was the Taurus indoor upper part, and was the 19.5-mm sievert.
There was contaminated water in inside from a bottom to a height of about 5 meters, and it was the highest dose near the water surface.

It is the Fukushima building underground of No. 1, and will be at 10,300-mm sievert (Chunichi Shimbun) 20:55 on June 27, 2012.
It was announced on the 27th that the Tokyo Electric Power measured the dose of radiation of a 10,300-mm/h sievert at the maximum in the reactor building underground of the 1st nuclear power plant of No. 1 of Fukushima.
The very high numerical value which will die in about 40 minutes if people are exposed.
The maximum dose measured within the nuclear power plant when removing the inside of the container.
Toden put in the endoscope, the dosimeter, and the thermometer from the crevice between piping of the first floor of the reactor building on the 26th, and investigated the situation of building underground with a pressure control room.
the position which showed the highest numerical value near the water surface of high concentration contaminated water, and was 5 meters away from contaminated water -- 625mmSv -- it was.
The water temperature of contaminated water is about 32?37 degrees, and since it is comparable as the temperature of the nuclear reactor lower part, the water which cooled the nuclear reactor is expected to flow in without placing time.

It is Photography TBS News i (20:04 [ 27-day ]) about a camera and an inside to the underground of a No. 1 building.
The Tokyo Electric Power put the endoscope camera into the underground of the reactor building of the first nuclear power plant of No. 1 of Fukushima for the first time, and photoed the inside covered with contaminated water.
This is the image which the endoscope camera photoed and signs that piping corrodes or the paint and rust which separated are drifting underwater are reflected.
The white spot which is visible to a screen is a noise by strong radiation.
This place was the first basement level with the pressure control room of a reactor building, contaminated water accumulated about 5 meters and water temperature was 37 degrees from 32 degrees.
Although the surface of the water whose dose of radiation was the highest was 10.3 Sv/h and it was a very high dose which will die if there is man for 1 hour, since the dosimeter broke down on the way, the deep-water portion was not able to be measured.
Although it supposed that the Tokyo Electric Power wants to pinpoint the damaged part of a pressure control room by this investigation, I hear that it was not able to specify with an image.

assistant professor of the Kyoto University nuclear reactor experiment place Hiroaki Koide November 1
Hayako Sakiyama : I will protect -- I will protect child get to know -- in order to live in radiation Koriyama .
10,300 mm sievert =10.3 Sv
Not less than 99% dies from =>6 Sv.
Although pinpointing a disclosure part by a robot, taking that up, and making it water coffin is the work schedule which the Tokyo Electric Power has stood, it is a question very much about the ability to do [ how far ] in the state where there is only a meter which breaks in the stage of measuring a dose.
what to do what or the thing which prevents contamination in an epoch-making robot although I, an amateur, cannot do imagination at all, either -- or work will be impossible unless detoxification of the radioactive material of a miracle is realized.
I regard as an infallible thing that this is beginning to leak to groundwater or the sea.
I am sorry [ ... ].
Hiroaki Koide

06/27/2012 読売新聞. 時事通信. 中日新聞. TBS News. 京都大学原子炉実験所助教 小出裕章.


(2012年6月27日20時37分 読売新聞)


(中日新聞)2012年6月27日 20時55分

TBS News i(27日20:04)

京都大学原子炉実験所助教 小出裕章
11月1日 崎山比早子氏:「守ろう子供たち 知ろう放射線 郡山で暮らすために」をご紹介より

10,300ミリシーベルト =10.3シーベルト





○ The Fukushima Crisis 302 ; Thyroid Abnormalities. 福島危機302.甲状腺異常. 35%.

2012-06-27 13:02:07 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

The Fukushima thyroid inspection and 35% are the possibilities of the thyroid abnormalities more than a knot of 5 mm or less and "of 20 mm or less a pustule" ? Gomel'.
Fukushima Mimpo . HP of Fukushima Prefecture; The 6th Fukushima "people-of-the-prefecture health-care-administration investigation" examination committee . Dr. Michiyuki Matsuzaki . of the Hokkaido Fukagawa city hospital internal medicine peacephilosophy.blog-04/27/2012. 09:54. Fukushima Mimpo http: //www.minpo.jp/view.php?pageId=4107&blockId=9966191&newsMode=article
Fleshy tumor "it is a good nature in general" Thyroid inspection People-of-the-prefecture health survey aged 18 and below
There were no people of the prefecture judged "Require a secondary inspection immediately" among 38,114 persons who finished the inspection by the end of March by the prefectural thyroid inspection which received the first nuclear power plant disaster of Tokyo Electric Power Fukushima.
The prefecture showed on the 26th in the people-of-the-prefecture health-care-administration investigation examination committee open in Fukushima.
It is inspecting for aged 18 and below [ of 13 cities, towns and villages specified as the watch zone etc. ], and a consultation rate is 79.8%.
Fukushima Medical College which is inspecting although it was 186 persons that a fleshy tumor 5.1 mm or more in diameter etc. were checked, and it was the target of the secondary inspection "it is a good nature in general.
With the usual medical examination, it was considered as expected [ " ].
A prefecture forms an inspection implementation organization in 46 all prefectures except this prefecture so that an outside-of-the-prefecture refuge person can undergo an inspection.
Within the prefecture prepares an inspection base besides Fukushima Medical College.
A dose of radiation will inspect for 154,894 persons of 12 comparatively high cities, towns and villages in the Heisei 24 fiscal year.
Object cities, towns and villages are as follows.
Fukushima, Nihommatsu, Motomiya, Otama, Koori, Ten-ei, Kunimi, Shirakawa, Saigo, Izumizaki, Koriyama, Miharu (2012/04/27 09:54)
- HP of Fukushima Prefecture; The 6th Fukushima "people-of-the-prefecture health-care-administration investigation" examination committee?
A doubtful expression of "being a good nature in general" was worrisome, and when searching, such documents had appeared in HP of Fukushima Prefecture.
6th Fukushima "people-of-the-prefecture health-care-administration investigation" examination committee?
This shows differing from the impression which the upper report gives actually fairly.
12,460 (35.3%) of 38,114 persons in whom not being reported received the inspection are that "A knot 5.0 mm [ or less ] and a pustule of 20.0 mm or less were accepted" is supposed.
"A not less than 5.1 mm knot and not less than 20.1-mm a pustule" are supposed that 186 persons and a secondary inspection are required.
- I received the comment from Dr. Michiyuki Matsuzaki of the Hokkaido Fukagawa city hospital internal medicine below.
1. Both of a pustule of the case where only the tumor of fullness nature is pointed out, and a tumor may be pointed out to the "knot" of the thyroid gland.
By a paper, a definition is various.
2. In this Fukushima investigation, since a "knot" and "a pustule" are divided and it has described (till after [ an accident ] 12 months), it can be regarded as the frequency of a "tubercular" frequency = solid tumor.
3. The result of this Fukushima investigation can be summarized as follows.
: If this data is examined as contrasted with the result of the thyroid medical checkup for the minority of the foreign countries of the 35.1% of a pustule 4. past of 1.0% of the medical checkup (aged 18 and below) thyroid nodule of an one year after [ an accident ],
(1) Mr. Yamashita's medical checkup results in the Chernobyl Gomel' district (Fukushima and contaminated zone beyond it)
The investigation analysis around local [ 120,000 ] will be ended by five-year Hazama from May, 1991 to April, 1996.
That is, when the data of a ten years after [ five years after a Chernobyl accident ] was seen, the thyroid nodule detection rate of the child of the Gomel' area was 1.74%.
By saying, if the frequency of this "thyroid nodule" is frequency containing "a pustule", it will be said that the abnormalities in a form of the thyroid gland have generated Fukushima in high rate also 36 times as much as the Chernobyl Gomel' district.
If it is the frequency which does not include another side "a pustule", it will be thought that it is the thyroid nodule frequency of appearance of the almost same level as the Fukushima investigation.
Since the Chernobyl data is data in the time of 5 to 10 year passing after contamination while it corrects and the Fukushima investigation is data for less than one year of radioactive exposure "in Fukushima, It can be said that it is a rate of incidence of the same thyroid gland tumor as the time of 5 to 10 year passing from contamination of the Chernobyl Gomel' district when one year has passed since contamination."
I think that that a "fleshy tumor" occurs in the thyroid gland has the possibility which shows fear of generating of a future thyroid cancer, and it needs to pursue carefully although the judgment of being cancer is not yet attached since a thyroid cancer increases as years leave radioactive exposure.
(2) Thyroid medical checkup http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1029709/pdf/archdisch00562-0027.pdf of about 5500 11 to 18 years-old children of Croatia which is a chronic iodine insufficient area
The thyroid nodule (a pustule is included in knot) detection rate was 0.055% (it inspects with the ultrasonic device of Aloka).
This is a super-low rate called 1/70 of 36% of the "knot" + "a pustule" detection rate of the Fukushima investigation.
Frequency of only the knot which does not contain "a pustule in Yuzuru Hyappo" = even if compared with 1.0%, it is a low rate called 1/20.
Although it is investigation about ten years ago, it is a stake reason thinking that ultrasonic-diagnosis technology has a difference so much, and cannot wipe away the concern to which thyroid abnormalities are occurring frequently to the children of Fukushima rather than Croatia.
From the above examination, since there is no data of the child of Japanese "time of peace", an affirmative thing cannot be said, but I think it more nearly required than anything to continue firmly monitoring of the thyroid gland of the children of Fukushima by a scientific technique.
Michiyuki Matsuzaki
-- annual 100mmSv -- even if exposed, it is uninfluential on a human body -- the nuclear power plant business which bragged -- a doctor.
A doubtful expression of above "being a good nature in general" worried that Professor Toshikazu Yamashita was inaugurated as the Fukushima Medical College vice president.
we can guess this situation.

福島民報. 福島県のHP; 第6回福島県「県民健康管理調査」検討委員会. 北海道深川市立病院内科の松崎道幸医師 . peacephilosophy.blog
●04/27/2012. 09:54. 福島民報

しこり「おおむね良性」 甲状腺検査 18歳以下の県民健康調査   

東京電力福島第一原発事故を受けた県の甲状腺検査で、3月末までに検査を終えた3万8114人のうち、「直ちに2次検査を要する」と判定された県民はいなかった。26日、県が福島市で開いた県民健康管理調査検討委員会で示した。  警戒区域などに指定された13市町村の18歳以下を対象に検査しており、受診率は79.8%。直径5.1ミリ以上のしこりなどが確認され、2次検査の対象となったのは186人だったが、検査している福島医大は「おおむね良性。通常の診療では想定内」とした。  県は県外避難者が検査を受けられるよう、本県を除く46都道府県に検査実施機関を設ける。県内は福島医大以外にも検査拠点を整える。平成24年度は放射線量が比較的高かった12市町村の15万4894人を対象に検査する。  対象市町村は次の通り。  福島、二本松、本宮、大玉、桑折、天栄、国見、白河、西郷、泉崎、郡山、三春(2012/04/27 09:54)

●福島県のHP; 第6回福島県「県民健康管理調査」検討委員会 




3.今回の福島調査の結果を次のようにまとめることができます。:事故から1年後までの検診(18歳以下)甲状腺結節1.0% のう胞35.1%









○ The Fukuahima crisis 301; Metro.Contami. Right Now. 福島危機301. 東京放射能汚染の今.

2012-06-26 07:45:29 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

06/11/2012 Tokyo Metropolitan Government Communist Party jcp.or.jp June11 : 10,000 Bq is exceeded at radioactivity measurement and an every place point in a metropolitan area, and [maximum is 251,000Bq[/kg ]] of Mizumoto-Koen, Katsushika-ku.
Category contamination damage (environment, health, food, etc.) politics and government organization

06/11/2012 19:21 Sankei news From the ground of the park parking lot of sankei.jp.msn.com Katsushika-ku to 250,000 Bq Tokyo "it is examination about correspondence"

●The Tokyo Metropolitan Government Communist Party announced on the 11th that 251,000 Bq per km radioactive cesium was detected from the ground of the parking lot in "metropolitan Mizumoto Park" in Katsushika-ku, western part of Tokyo.
It asked for the party from the capital the public inside a garden so that measures, such as prompt investigation and decontamination, might be taken, noting that it planted besides here and 112,000 Bq was detected from inner soil.
In the capital, investigation of the party is received and it is saying, "Correspondence is considered."
The standard value set to be able to use for land reclamation with waste, incineration ashes, etc. is 8000 Bq per km.
The party is investigated based on the connection from a Tokyoite.
When the ground of the park parking lot will be measured on the 10th, it is said that 251,000 Bq was detected.
However, it remained in the 0.27-micro/h sievert in the 1-meter point above ground measured at the same place.
A capital is measured every three months in accordance with the guideline the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology etc. indicated the local space dose to be about the place is an eastern metropolitan area made comparatively high [ a space dose ], and it is supposed that a radioactive material accumulates easily in November, last year and afterwards.
height 1-meter-above ground -- the circumference -- a 1-micro/h sievert -- although it is a standard of whether to perform simple decontamination etc. whether it is high, it is said that there were no places including the park which exceeded this.
●It is Katsushika and Mizumoto Park and is 250,000 Bq. The soil and radiological investigation Akahata of a party Tokyo Metropolitan Government team Tue., June 12, 2012
It became clear on the 11th in measurement of the Japan Communist Party Tokyo govt. team to have detected the high-concentration radioactive nuclide (cesium 134 and 137) over 250,000 Bq per kg from the ground in the 2nd parking lot in Mizumoto-Koen, Katsushika-ku, Tokyo.
Investigation will measure the activity concentration of the space dose of radiation of 116 points, such as a sidewalk, a park, a housing complex, and the soil of 55 points centering on an eastern part area from the littoral district of Tokyo in 06/01/2012.
It was 34 points, a center, a harbor, Sumida, Koto, Arakawa, Adachi, Katsushika, and Edogawa, of the 8th division which exceeded the standard (8000 Bq per kg) of controlled landfill type landfill sites, such as incineration ashes of a country.
The point which detected 251,000 Bq, and the point which detected 112,000 Bq of the thicket in the 2nd parking lot of Mizumoto Park are the places where children can go in and out.
The point over 110,000 Bq was a 1.10-micro/h sievert exceeding the guideline (1 meter above ground more than a 1-micro/h sievert) of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.
At a press conference, although Tokyo Metropolitan Government's jcp had a point beyond a 1-micro/h sievert, it criticizes that it is neglected.
It emphasized "You should measure and investigate the capital immediately."
The party Tokyo Metropolitan Government team requested that the measure which stops the influence of fine and radiation, such as soil with which all the Tokyo Metropolitan Government's belongings institutions, the thicket, the sewer, etc. were covered, should be immediately performed to Governor Shintaro Ishihara on the same day.
A capital environmental agency answers "An environmental agency answers by tomorrow's interpellations by representatives (Japan Communist Party)", and the Construction Bureau has not restricted by investigation entering, either, even after a party Tokyo Metropolitan Government team tells results of an investigation on the 9th.
The [Communist Party Tokyo Metropolitan Government legislative mission HP] It is on June 11, 2012 about radioactive contamination results of an investigation in the city of Tokyo. The Japan Communist Party Tokyo Metropolitan Government legislative mission .

06/11/2012 東京都議会共産党 jcp.or.jp
6月11日 :都内で放射能測定、各地点で1万ベクレル越え【最大は葛飾区水元公園の251,000Bq/kg】
06/11/2012 19:21 産経ニュース sankei.jp.msn.com
葛飾区の公園駐車場の土から25万ベクレル 東京都「対応を検討」


●葛飾・水元公園で25万ベクレル 党都議団の土壌・放射能調査
しんぶん赤旗 2012年6月12日(火)

2012年6月11日 日本共産党東京都議会議員団

○ The Fukushima Crisis 300 ; Swallows dies.福島危機300.つばめの大量死.

2012-06-25 20:29:32 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

●06/25/2012 It checked that eye the spittle of 33 birds was dead in the water purification plant in the same Iida-shi, Nagano of the 17:55 TV Asahi news . super J channel . following.
The move work of the sludge of a water purification plant was done on the previous day.
A cause is under investigation.
● 07/22/2011 00:44 NHK
"reproduced the woods of "contamination now.
A swallow is extensive death. Nagano http://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/20110721/t10014370351000.html
Swallow is extensive death. Nagano
It was found that about 250 swallow have died from the institution in the water purification plant in Iida-shi, Nagano, and since Iida investigated the cause of death, it requested the inspection from the research institution.
It is an effluent treatment institution in the 妙琴 water purification plant in Iida that swallow was dead.
When employees found that a lot of wild birds were dead for 19 days and Iida investigated it, about 250 swallow appeared and were dead to the pool which collects the mud which came out from the water purification plant, and water.
I hear that 35 meters in length, those with 15 meters in width, mud, and water were [ pool ] contained by about 1-meter Fukashi.
The death of swallow sends the water and a pool to a prefectural research institution, and Iida is investigating the cause of death in detail.
I hear that it was netative about avian flu as a result of the simple exam.
Iida Water Supply Division Section Chief Takeshi Shinohara "since tap water performs an inspection and surveillance every day, it is [ tap water ] reliable.
It was being said that he had not heard such a thing until now and a cause was not known at all."
< series Chernobyl accident 25 year > Contaminated (contamination) woods are now http://www.veoh.com/watch/v209939355MpJjSGC.
http: //www.asyura2.com/11/genpatu10/msg/805.html contributor Hermit of a rainbow Time 10:41:11 on May 11, 2011: ZmDTMI6bcHXKo
(Reply place: Enemy tonight broadcast 5/11 24:00 to 24:50] which <series Chernobyl-accident 25 years> Is not visible May [ hermit time 2011 year ] 11 09:28:53 of a contributor rainbow)
Although seen, the rat was strong to radiation and birds had stated last evening the fact that it was weak to radiation.
A rat almost has neither malformation nor mutation, it breeds in the woods in which people stopped being, and biodiversity is also increasing.
A number of individuals and a kind are in birds only 1/2 to 1/3 in the contaminated woods.
If the specialist in a swallow investigates, change of malformation or a gene is accepted and it has become a graveyard of birds there.
I feel that it is important to carry out observation of a swallow and a bird from here even in Fukushima.
you should invite the specialist in the swallow which has come out here to Japan -- I consider.
The experiment of the scientist who is studying where the difference arises from was introduced.
In this program, it had focused on the free radical which therefore arises in radiation.
The rat had drawn the conclusion that an obstacle arose, when the antioxidants which erase a free radical will be taken out if exposed to radiation, destruction of DNA is prevented and production of antioxidants stopped having fulfilled demand.
On the other hand, since a swallow was a migratory bird, and it had exhausted antioxidants by the passage, it received damage in the gene immediately and was giving description of it becoming impossible to maintain an individual.
It is introduction of some research out of much research.
Understanding even from here will be in a swallow state, if the work environment of people of the spot who are fighting by from Imahara is bad, although research of a different conclusion must also consider a certain thing plentifully.
It is having to change into the rat state where improve treatment and it is living freely in woods.
Moreover, probably, it should take in as a measure after contamination, if it understands, although the name of concrete antioxidants was not going up.
●05/10/2011 The woods of contamination are right now on Wednesday at midnight. From NHK special edition program .http://www.nhk.or.jp/wdoc/backnumber/detail / 110510.html scene of an accident to the 18-km mark. Leonide who lives in one corner of a contaminated area without a figure.
The agricultural products grown around a house are eaten and it is living.
Leonide who is also a scientist investigates the agricultural products exposed to radiation.
It gets to know that the degree changes with kinds of agricultural products.
Even if grown at the polluted place, it turned out that there are agricultural products eaten.
Dr. Ukrainian Gashuchku is investigating the influence of radiation over a long period of time around Chernobyl.
Although a radiation level is still thousands times higher than usual, as compared with immediately after, it decreases even to 3%.
The off-limits area regained the old figure gradually, and by the time it could now be said to be the natural treasury, it recovered it.
Furthermore, a doctor investigates a rat and completely traces a healthy thing for appearance also by the individual exposed to radiation.
In order to explore the reason, the doctor started joint research with Texas Tech University.
Texas Tech University Professor Rogers says, "The off-limits area in Chernobyl is a place precious as a subject of research which investigates the influence of radiation."
University of South Carolina Professor Mussor and others investigates the bird in an off-limits area.
It traced that there were many swallows which have abnormalities in the form of tail feathers.
Moreover, it also became clear that it died before 70 percent of a bird breeds.
Scientists are trying to learn "Chernobyl" to what from an accident for 25 years.
Documentary which followed the tip of research.
Original title: Chernobyl, A Natural History?
Work: Camera Lucida Productions/Arte France/CNRS Images (France 2010)

It is another article.
●Radioactive contamination in today's Tokyo.
TV Asahi news 06/25/2012 18:00 About 80 usual times radioactivity 1.22 micro Svt/hr. is checked by Tokyo, and is working on the measure nine in Mizumoto Park (it is 15.1 km at Tokyo Station to distance in a straight line) of 18:00 Katsushika-ku.

●06/25/2012 17:55 テレビ朝日ニュース.スーパーJ チャンネル.

●07/22/2011 00:44 NHK
"被曝の森はいま"が再現した。ツバメが大量死 長野http://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/20110721/t10014370351000.html
イワツバメが大量死 長野




<シリーズ チェルノブイリ事故 25年> 被曝(ひばく)の森はいま

投稿者 虹の仙人 日時 2011 年 5 月 11 日 10:41:11: ZmDTMI6bcHXKo

(回答先: <シリーズ チェルノブイリ事故 25年> 見えない敵 今夜放送5/11 24:00~24:50] 投稿者 虹の仙人 日時 2011 年 5 月 11 日 09:28:53)


●05/10/2011 水曜深夜00:00
被曝(ひばく)の森はいま NHK特集番組.



原題:Chernobyl, A Natural History?
制作:Camera Lucida Productions/Arte France/CNRS Images (フランス 2010年  

●今日の東京都内の放射能汚染。 テレビ朝日ニュース 06/25/2012 18:00
通常の80倍ほどの放射能 1.22 micro Svt /hr.が東京都により確認され対策を検討しています。

○ The Fukushima Crisis 299 ; Stop The Reactors ! 福島危機299. 大飯原発再稼働をストップさせよう!

2012-06-24 08:59:46 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

☆1 06/24/2012 Former Assistant to the Prime Minister Sumio Mabuchi . Gousi Hosono. Minister nuclear power plant disaster . NHK news. Toyo University Professor Watanabe.

"" -- former Assistant to the Prime Minister Sumio Mabuchi's opinion.
-- reason ,Sumio Mabuchi like this to whom I am opposed to Oi nuclear power plant re-operation
The thing whose danger in an emergency of the Oi nuclear power plant is higher than the first nuclear power plant of Fukushima is clear.
The Oi nuclear power plant has only one poor road where a bridge and a tunnel continue.
In the case of the first nuclear power plant of Fukushima, the general national highway No. 6 which is a direct control national highway is close, and the access road was improved exactly.
Therefore, various rescue operations also at the time of an accident were possible.
Even if the Oi nuclear power plant also has the conditions of location of being located at a peninsular tip and compares with the first nuclear power plant of Fukushima, it is also a low institution of redundancy with a high possibility that it will be isolated at the time of the occurrence of a big earthquake, and the correspondence from the outside will become difficult.
That is, in the worst case, in the Oi nuclear power plant, the aid from the outside which was possible in the first nuclear power plant of Fukushima is a very dangerous nuclear power plant which cannot expect but cannot but correspond only with the institution in plant at the time of the occurrence of an accident.
The situation of judging earthquake external force artificially by the method which may change a result easily by the accuracy of investigation and the method of evaluation of results of an investigation shows that the big risk about an unexpected earthquake motion still exists.
In order to reduce unexpected [ by artificial judgment ], you should clarify a standard anew about judgment bases, such as the investigation technique about an earthquake motion, and an evaluation technique, immediately.
It is the reason I put the name in a row to the signature of the re-operation contrary collected in the party.
Nuc. pp is disneed. A life is important.
Immediately near the Oi nuclear power plant, a number like this of nuclear power plants,
And there is an active fault.
The Oi nuclear power plant is a solitary island of land, when a tunnel collapses in an earthquake.
Yes, it becomes a perfect solitary island.
At the time of the first nuclear power plant of Fukushima, the tank of the Self-Defense Forces and the special vehicle called common name KIRIN put in.
It becomes impossible to use this entirely.
The tide embankment of the measure against tsunami is also said that completion is a schedule in March, next year.
An offsite center is installed in along what and the seashore.
The danger of the Oi nuclear power plant that the cliff of a back hand will crash immediately is pointed out.
If a cliff collapses and a nuclear reactor is hit directly, Japan will become in the end of one volume.
Fortunately, there are no space etc. into which an emergency vehicle goes also as about the direct hit of rock or earth and sand.
Even if the Kansai Electric Power is advised to Safty institute again and again so that an important quake-absorbing building may be installed, it has extended for the reason of "since there is no budget."
In the first nuclear power plant of Fukushima, this important quake-absorbing building existed and it bore a measure and directions.
If this important quake-absorbing building does not exist, the first nuclear power plant of Fukushima has finished it as the first explosion.
It says "Prepare for emergency, and if it is said [ how ] whether be it, the evacuation route of the residents of Oi-cho is specially exposed to a radioactive material flatly, and he walks under the arcade of the radioactive material of the nuclear power plant Ginza, and escape."
Preparation of distribution of a stable iodine tablet in the circumference self-governing body of the Oi nuclear power plant is also nothing.
Shiga Prefecture takes out the SPEEDI information which poured in our tax paid by the sweat of its brow in plenty from one year or more before to the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology -- as -- in spite of requesting -- yet -- full disregard.
All also of a 5.7-m tide embankment and an offsite center were [ important quake-absorbing building ] equal to the first nuclear power plant of Fukushima.
The stable iodine tablet was also distributed to residents only in form.
Although the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology concealed, there was also SPEEDI information.
And neither the cliff which is likely to collapse, nor a tunnel is in the back hand of a nuclear reactor in the first nuclear power plant of Fukushima.
Therefore, the tank and large-sized heavy industrial machine of the Self-Defense Forces of rubble withdrawal were able to enter comfortably one after another.
It is only an offsite center that is in the Oi nuclear power plant among these.
It is the "safty institute' s ppl go to die" in offsite center built by seashore with an above sea level of 2 meters high,
The legal name of an offsite center is an "offsite center."
A duty of installation of an offsite center (offsite center) is imposed as an institution which the minister in charge specifies beforehand by the 1st clause of Article 12 of Nuclear Disaster Special Measures Law.
The offsite center of the nuclear power plant of Japan is built in most cases from what and a nuclear power plant at only several kilometers and the place which is less than the altitude of 10 meters below 2 km from the seashore.
In the case of the first nuclear power plant of Fukushima, it was built in 5-km-away Okuma-cho, but since the filter for blocking radioactive goods which fly from a nuclear power plant, such as radioactive iodine and radioactive cesium, was not attached, the dose in an offsite center became high rapidly.
At last, after a nuclear power plant carries out hydrogen explosion, it has taken refuge in the Fukushima prefectural office which abandoned this and was left 60 km on the 4th.
Although the personnel of Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency which escaped from the offsite center were investigated by mass media, saying, "Residents were thrown up and one escaped", A true reason is also from it "not having been imagined [ that a high-concentration radioactive material to the extent that a filter is needed flew ]" with what, either.
The offsite center from a woman dry river bed was built with distance in a straight line from the sea at 600 to 700 m and a place with an above sea level of 8 m.

☆1 06/24/2012 馬淵澄夫元首相補佐官. 細野豪志原発事故担当相. NHK news. 東洋大学の渡辺教授.




福島第一原発の場合は直轄国道である一般国道6号が近傍にあり、アクセス道路がきちんと整 備されていた。

大飯原発は、半島の先端に位置しているという立地条件もあり、福島第一原発と比較して も、大地震発生時に孤立し、外部からの対応が困難となる可能性が高い、◦リダンダンシーの低い施設でもある。





原発いらない いのちが大事
























A nuclear center and an offsite center are annihilation states at tsunami.
The head of a center and the residents who have taken refuge were drunk by tsunami, and fell victim.
( simbun Akahata "Oi" disaster prevention base nuclear power plant offsite center above sea level of only 2 meters)
The thing that the indifference of Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency will be vividly known if it regards what kind of equipment is prepared in the center as the location of an offsite center.
Although building an offsite center at such a dangerous place itself are already lack of imaginative power and that there is no irrational pole ball, since the inside of a bureaucrat's head is a flower garden, it will be tidied up at a word of "having been unexpected."
That is, it means thinking that even only several meters tsunami does not happen.
probably -- an offsite center -- the resort house of "relaxation of the personnel of Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency .
The offsite center of the Oi nuclear power plant is still severer, and is built along the seashore.
It is at a with what and an above sea level of 2 m place.
It is above.

☆2 O The Fukushima Crisis 296 ; Daimyo's alternate-year residence in Edo of Japan Gets'Feudal'on Reactor Restarts. Fukushima crisis 296.pm Noda
Chester Dawson/The Wall Street Journal
As I write before,
"Gousi Hosono Minister nuclear power plant disaster promised to send two administration officials to this town along the seashore last month (May) as part of making a route towards resumption of operations of the Oi nuclear power plant of No. 3 or 4.
While people's concern over the safety of a nuclear power plant increases, the determination of the Oi nuclear power plant resumption of operations has caused controversy.
Two high officials' dispatch is like the "daimyo's-alternate-year-residence-in-Edo" system of the feudal age.
ordering a modern version daimyo's alternate-year residence in Edo, in order to support the operation surveillance of the Oi nuclear power plant according to the authorities what is likely to become things -- the Seishi Makino economy industrial deputy minister and Shin-ichi Kuroki commissioner of Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency.
And, so to speak, it "was said [ that two persons were the hostage " ]". [ a certain persons concerned ] [ of the governmental core policy ]
Although it is not appeal of safety at all for people in the place where such incompetent bureaucrats like this resided in the offsite center of this tsunami of one shot permanently, a minister called Hosono is still using a means of cheating by which was also worn out many times in the Jpn's Democratic Party.

☆3 This is "the special surveillance system" which a country and the Fukui governor's Nishikawa say.
It was installed in response to the fact that it asked for a country to supervise operation with responsibility, and, as for "the special surveillance system", "surveillance and the urgent correspondence organization " were always fixed" until a new nuclear regulation organization could do it. [ which makes the Makino economy industrial deputy minister the top in the offsite center of the Oi nuclear power plant ]
(It is special "surveillance system" 06 / 16/2012 to an NHK news Oi nuclear power plant)
As a Japanese, it is really shameful.

☆4 They say that there is not only an active fault of the Oi nuclear power plant big several kilometers ahead, but it did not come out so much, and it turned out that an active fault is also just under a nuclear reactor according to Toyo University Professor Watanabe.
Oi nuclear power plant re-operation An accident does not have how to protect?
Professor Watanabe
Although the earthquake which hit the first nuclear power plant of Fukushima was a massive earthquake, it was not a directly under type.
A nuclear power plant of Japan is certainly destroyed by an epicentral earthquake.
"It is "nuclear power plant Ginza to the fault Ginza "."
With no measure which the Oi nuclear power plant will adopt if destroyed.
It is only contaminated silently.
It will become impossible to cool, even if a nuclear reactor bears, if a tunnel crashes or the back hand of a nuclear reactor collapses.
It is because an aid unit will stop putting in.
That is, it will be destroyed or the next Takahama nuclear power plant, the Tsuruga nuclear power plant which appears right above the big seabed fault, and the most dangerous fast breeder reactor and Monju in the world will also be destroyed not a little, if the Oi nuclear power plant is destroyed. They r very near within 70kilometers each other.
If an accident occurs in this nuclear power plant Ginza, the next nuclear power plant will also make an accident induce continuously.
The members of a town assembly of a cover town are the completely ignorant and irresponsible human beings .
Mayor Tokioka is foolish.
the Nishikawa Fukui governor is same thing..
Although Fukui Prefecture tried to become famous for "Obama'town name' = Obama", when re-working the nuclear power plant, the - Toshikazu Yamashita Fukushima director of a hospital of Fukushima said it. "it will become famous even if it does nothing.
It is the famous cover town " in the world.
A massive earthquake certainly happens.
A foolish cover town, foolish Fukui Prefecture, Mayor deplorable Osaka, the Kyoto governor, the Shiga governor.
And mad - Noda, -Hosono, -Edano, -Sengoku.
If the gorgeous member full cast like right there, Japan can ruin the world any number of times.
http:/-- there is [ /plaza.rakuten.co.jp/mabo400 dc/diary/201205100001 / / ooi ] Nuc.f.f. Disneeded. A life is important thing.
Now, let's make re-operation of the Oi nuclear power plant stop all together.

(しんぷん赤旗 「大飯」防災拠点 原発オフサイトセンター は海抜わずか2メートル)






note. リダンダンシー : redundancy 冗長性。余裕。

☆2 ○ The Fukushima Crisis 296 ; Japan Gets ‘Feudal’ on Reactor Restarts.福島危機296.pm野田の参勤交代
Chester Dawson/The Wall Street Journal
As I write before,



当局によると、大飯原発の運転監視を支援するため、現代版参勤交代を命じ られることになりそうなのは、牧野聖修経済産業副大臣と原子力安全・保安院の黒木慎一審議官。



☆3 これが国や、福井県知事の西川が言う「特別な監視体制」ということなのです。

(NHKニュース 大飯原発に「特別な監視体制」 06/16/2012)

☆4 それだけでなく、東洋大学の渡辺教授によると、大飯原発の数キロ先に大きな活断層があるだけでなく、原子炉の真下にも活断層があることが分かったというのです。

大飯原発再稼働 事故は防ぎようがない- 渡辺教授













そして mad な・野田首相、細野大臣、枝野大臣、仙谷大臣。





○ The Fukushima Crisis 298 ; Deutshe's Big Green Voices.福島危機298.ドイツの緑の党の声.

2012-06-23 12:07:05 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

☆A. 06/14/2012 "entrusted to the anti-re-operation signature German Green Party 2784-person Japanese Embassy" Tokyo Shimbun

[Berlin = Masato Yuge] -- 90-year union and the Green Party of Germany will ask for the nuclear power reactor fadeout under deployment in Japan on the thirteenth -- "-- good-bye, the 10 million nuclear power plant action ", [ support and ] The signature for 2784 persons which complains of the re-operation contrary of the Kansai Electric Power Oi nuclear power plant of No. 3 or 4 (Fukui cover town) to Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda, Fukui Governor Kazumasa Nishikawa and others was entrusted to the Japanese Embassy in Germany in Berlin.
The letter to Prime Minister Noda and others whom Lenart Kuenast common leaders of the party attached to the signature "that an industrial nation like Japan is working by nuclear power plant zero one month or more has given the hope to the future without nuclear danger to the world.
It appealed by saying that I would like not to re-work the Oi nuclear power plant, but to make the atomic age finish, and to follow towards [ both ] energy conversion."
The Thomas Gambke Congress lawmaker of the party who sent the signature emphasized "The solidarity from Germany which opted for the nuclear power reactor fadeout is shown" to our paper.
Germany receives the first nuclear power plant disaster of Tokyo Electric Power Fukushima, and has determined to abolish a nuclear power plant by 2022.
Before the accident in Fukushima, although 17 sets were working, the present is nine sets.
The Green Party of Germany addressed to 13 days, 3 [ besides Prime Minister Noda ] cabinet members, the Fukui governors, the Shiga governors, and the nuclear safe special committees of Fukui Prefecture, and submitted the letter which asks for withdrawal of Oi nuclear power plant re-operation judgment to the Japanese Embassy in Berlin.
The stop of nuclear power generation and construction of resource conservation and a renewal energy policy are demanded on the grounds that that the procedure of re-operation is not democratic, that investigation of the cause of an accident of the Fukushima nuclear power plant is insufficient, the provisional safety standards applied to the stress test are insufficient, etc.
Moreover, the signature (a signature of the Congress lawmaker of all the members' almost of the party is included) of about 6000 brushes collected from German residents was also submitted.
Tokyo Shimbun 20120614 "it entrusts to the anti-re-operation signature Green Party 2784-person Japanese Embassy from Gr."

☆A. "再稼働反対署名 ドイツ緑の党 2784人分 日本大使館に託す"
06/14/2012 東京新聞





東京新聞20120614「独から再稼働反対署名 緑の党 2784人分 日本大使館に託す」

☆B. Press release, 12 June 2012. Original.
Published by: Dr Thomas Gambke, German Bundestag, Platz der Republik 1, 11011 Berlin

Members of parliament Dr. Thomas Gambke and Bärbel Höhn hand in thousands of sig- natures against nuclear power to the Japanese embassy in Berlin
On June 13 2012, Dr. Thomas Gambke and Bärbel Höhn, the vice chairperson of the parliamen- tary group of the Green Party in the German Parliament, will hand in thousands of signatures against nuclear power to a representative of the Japanese embassy in Berlin.
Dr. Thomas Gambke has collected almost 6.000 signatures for the international petition „Sayo- nara Nukes“ urging the Japanese government to stop using nuclear power and to enter a new era of renewable energies, among them the entire parliamentary group of the Green Party, headed by Renate Künast and Jürgen Trittin, and the Chairperson of the Committee on Envi- ronmental Affairs of the German Parliament Eva Bullig-Schröter.
„At the moment, there is not a single nuclear power plant producing energy in Japan, and we would like the situation to remain the same. These signatures underline our support for the Jap- anese anti-nuclear movement,“ says Gambke.
This week, the Ōi nuclear power plant is to be restarted – against the will of the majority of the Japanese people. „The German support for the Japanese anti-nuclear movement is of great importance especially because we have already achieved a nuclear phase-out in Germa-
ny,“ says Gambke.
The Greens in the German parliament have received information about missing implementation of stricter guidelines on security in the Ōi nuclear power plant which were passed after the strong earthquake in the prefecture Niigata in 2007 and the nuclear catastrophe in Fukushima

Published by: Dr Thomas Gambke, German Bundestag, Platz der Republik 1, 11011 Berlin









☆C. pref. re-up vers.
○ The Fukuahima Crisis 278 ; PM Merkel says "We Can Do Nothing Nuke."福島危機278.原発無しでOK.
06/01/2012 fri.
A power generation:world record is broken by sunlight for "" Germany and 20 nuclear power plants! "" / Actualité Environnement (05/28/2012)

Germany broke the world record from Friday the last week to Saturday by the production of electricity per [ according 22 GW/h to power generation and sunlight ] time.
22 GW/h is equivalent to the production of electricity at the time of making 20 nuclear power plants operate at full swing.
Germany, since the factory and the office were closed on Saturday, on Saturday, the abbreviation half of the electric power consumed at home was able to be provided with photovoltaics last week.
The capability of the photovoltaics in Germany is equivalent to the quantity which united the capacity of the photovoltaics equipment in [ whole ] the world.
The German government determined to abolish nuclear use after the Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster which occurred one year ago.
Since then, eight nuclear power plants have been closed and it is decided to carry out complete closure by 2022 also about nine sets which are still working now.
The production of electricity by the nuclear power plant which is due to be closed is due to be provided with the renewable energy by wind force, sunlight, the biomass, etc.
Germany has already generated about 20% of electric power by renewable energy.
"renewable energy should provide the electric power which a large majority of unstable advanced nations need -- there is nothing -- " -- there is also criticism in part.
However, the Angela Merkel German prime minister declared "Germany wants to prove that advanced nations are able to do by power generation by renewable energy ."
By the promotion-of-utilization policy of the alternative energy by the government, Germany is a leader which tows the world in this field.
(Extract, in part edit)

(« L’Allemagne bat un record de production d’énergie solaire », Actualité Environnement, 2012.05.28)

Plz this article share across Japan, across the whole world! pathfinderk

☆C. 参考です。re-up version です。
○ The Fukuahima Crisis 278 ; PM Merkel says "We Can Do Nothing Nuke."福島危機278.原発無しでOK.
06/01/2012 fri.






(« L’Allemagne bat un record de production d’énergie solaire », Actualité Environnement, 2012.05.28)

このarticle を日本中にshareしてください! pathfinderk

○ The Fukushima Crisis 297; Angers Across the Glove to Nuc PP's Re-Ope. 福島危機297.世界中の怒り

2012-06-22 14:09:13 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

06/21/2012 LAtimes. The Japan Daily Press. German Green Party. Austrian Green Party. Italy's ppls. Us's ppls. Thai and Korean ppl. Bloomberg・Business Week. Temple univ.in Tky.pref.Robert Rejaric. Mainichi news. Rikyou univ. in Jpn Andrew David. Enformable Nuclear News. Minister Edano. Jpn's Local govt. meeting. Tatuya Murakami.Toukaimura 's village mayer. Kansasi Electric Power.

LAtimes. 06/15/2012
● In which movement of the protest to Japan's nuclear power plant re-operation occurs all over the world
- "Japan to Restart Nuclear Reactors despite widespread "Japan where the spreading uneasiness also progresses to never mind and nuclear power plant re-operation"
Los Angeles Times
The inside of the world is developing the protest activities of anger to the Noda government which re-works forcibly the Oi nuclear power plant of safety-measures zero.

●The Japan Daily Press 06/19/2012
The determination of Japan's nuclear power plant re-operation is exposed to an international criticism.
- Japan's nuclear restart decision earns international criticism
Many of other politicians and antinuclear campaigners of countries gather, and it protests against the re-operation determination of two nuclear reactors of the Oi nuclear power plant of Fukui Prefecture.
The international protest activities to Japan are developed.
last week -- since -- this problem -- concern -- having had -- people -- oneselves -- the letter of a protest is sent to the Japanese Embassy and the consulate of a country, or the meeting is held.

●Green Party of Australia and Europe.
There are people of the Green Party of Australia and Europe, a doctor, and a labor union among people who blame the determination of nuclear power plant re-operation of the Japanese government.
as the basis which expresses a contrary intention to they standing on nuclear use again and returning -- "Fukushima's tragedy -- " -- it is referred to.

●Green Party of 06/12 / 2012. Germany.
- The member of a total of the 53 Green Party of 06/12 / 2012. Germany sent the letter of the protest to Fukui Governor Kazumasa Nishikawa with Prime Minister Japanese Noda on Tuesday last week.
Mr. Rebecca Harms of Senator European Parliament and the German Green Party expressed that it should consider and carry out direct [ of the selection that the nuclear facility in Japan will be revived ] on behalf of the member of a party in Berlin.
- The Green Party of Australia and the Scott Ludlam senator wrote the letter of the protest to the Japanese Embassy in capital Canberra.

● All the Japanese Embassy in Rome.
- All the Japanese Embassy Rome [, Italy ] Received the signature note of protest of 3700 Italians who asked to forbid re-operation of a nuclear power plant.

●in New York,Chicago and Los Angeles.
- In the United States, activists gather outside Japanese Consulate in New York, and protest against Friday and Monday, or the large-scale protest rally is planned in the Japanese Embassy in Washington, D.C.
Moreover, it was said that the antinuclear group of Chicago and Los Angeles will open an event throughout this week.

●in Asia,Thailand and South Korea.
- At some other places in Asia, the foreign residents of Thailand and South Korea raised the voice of the protest in the demonstration performed in front of the Japanese Embassy on Friday.

●Tokyo Shimbun.
[Tokyo Shimbun] Anti--from re-operation of Nuc. plant in Germany, signature Green Party 2784 persons. It entrusts to the Japanese Embassy. "The solidarity from Germany which opted for the nuclear power reactor fadeout is shown." (Thomas Gambke Congress lawmaker)

●Bloomberg-Business Week. 06/18/2012
- "Noda Ends Japan Nuclear Freeze, Risking Backlash at Polls"Bloomberg-Business Week. 06/18/2012 Noda, Bloomberg Business Week with which a nuclear freeze is made to finish even by risking the risk of reaction in an election 2012.6.18
.... Oi nuclear power plant re-operation of Noda was determined after canceling some campaign platforms contracted among people in compensation for having connected the agreement which pulls up a consumption tax twice by dealings with the opposition party.
According to the opinion poll, the large majority is opposed to both nuclear power plant re-operation and consumption tax increase.

●The present age Asia research institute and the head of the Temple University Tokyo canvas, and the Robert Dujareque say, "Like old all the past Prime Ministers, Noda will be gotton off.like "historical garbage " quite early, and will be finished."
"Garbage is waiting for him."

●06/04/2012 Mainichi Newspapers
In the ballot results of Mainichi Newspapers released on June 4, 71% of respondents are opposed to rough and ready re-operation of the Oi nuclear power plant.
Moreover, in the individual ballot results of the Pugh research center in Washington released on June 5, 70% of Japanese have answered that a Japanese should reduce the dependence to nuclear energy.
Moreover, 52% of Japanese think that they are uneasy with possibly his family having received radioactive exposure. [ oneself or ]


06/21/2012 LAtimes. The Japan Daily Press. German Green Party. Austrian Green Party. Italy's ppls. Us's ppls. Thai and Korean ppl. Bloomberg・Business Week. Temple univ.in Tky.pref.Robert Rejaric. Mainichi news. Rikyou univ. in Jpn Andrew David. Enformable Nuclear News. Minister Edano. Jpn's Local govt. meeting. Tatuya Murakami.Toukaimura 's village mayer. Kansasi Electric Power.

●"Japan to Restart Nuclear Reactors despite widespread Fears." LAtimes. 06/15/2012


●Japan’s nuclear restart decision earns international criticism
The Japan Daily Press  06/19/2012












【東京新聞】独から再稼働反対署名 緑の党 2784人分 日本大使館に託す 「脱原発を決めたドイツからの連帯を示す」(トーマス・ガンプケ連邦議会議員)




●"Noda Ends Japan Nuclear Freeze, Risking Backlash at Polls"
Bloomberg・Business Week. 06/18/2012
ブルームバーグ・ビジネスウィーク 2012.6.18





●06/04/2012 毎日新聞


●Rikkyo University and Prof. Andrew David.
- .... "Noda is placed under the political pressure of the degree of pole from the bank and electric power company which a nuclear reactor wants to re-work.
They are moving a nuclear power plant and the professor of Rikkyo University and Mr. Andrew David who are observing the energy policy as I think that he would like to draw the flow of a profit near" say.

●Enformable Nuclear News 06/18/2012
- Japanese government ready to move past public concern after decision to restart idled nuclear reactors
Enformable Nuclear News
The government of 2012.6.18 Japan is going to make this problem the past matters of public concern after the determination of nuclear power plant re-operation.
.... (two nuclear reactors of the Oi nuclear power plant) It is moved to re-operation within one week, and it is supposed that it will take six weeks before making it operate at full swing.
Although media already insist repeatedly "They will start a blackout if a nuclear power plant is stopped" for one year or more, such electric power sufficient in practice can be made that such a thing etc. are dismissed laughingly by saying.
Power saving is a kind of state religion.
With having done last year, similarly, even if Japan has no nuclear power plant, it can overcome this summer.
Governmental high officials do not need to carry out a rotation power failure, and the public begins to accept that they may be able to stop frenzy to nuclear energy, and they are making fear for nuclear energy to begin to think that it would be only undoing dreams in fact.

●Economy, Trade and Industry Minister Edano. 06/16 / 2012
- the press conference on 06/16 / 2012 Saturdays -- Economy, Trade and Industry Minister Edano -- "we not thinking that all the understanding of a country has been obtained"
It was admitted that the regulatory system of the present atomic power was not functioning.
Moreover, he said, "It is difficult to ask for the cooperation from the Nuclear Safety Commission."

● Head meeting of the local self-governing body. 06/18/2012
- Head meeting of the local self-governing body which aims at a nuclear power reactor fadeout The leaders of the district in 06/18/2012 Japan are opposed to the determination of nuclear power plant re-operation of the government.
In order to protest the plan of the government that all the nuclear power plants that can be moved move against the 73 sovereign chief's often committed group from which it retired, the press conference was given on Sunday.
The head meeting which aims at an "it is to nuclear power plant zero to early stage" ? nuclear power reactor fadeout is inaugurated.
73 "it is disregard about people's concern" heads protest against Oi re-operation (12/06/18).
This group took out the note of protest to Prime Minister Noda on Monday.

●Village mayor Tatsuya Murakami of Ibaraki Tokaimura.....He is a great man.
.... Not only a safety test is insufficient, but village mayor Tatsuya Murakami of Ibaraki Tokaimura says that the government opted for re-operation only by the consent of nuclear power plant location.
He expressed disappointment and anger to the determination of re-operation, saying that the decision to associate with the nuclear power plant was renewed in his village used as the scrap.

●Shikoku Electric Power and Kansai Electric Power.
The major candidate of the next re-operation requires it, but a report of Japan is not the Shikoku Electric Power Ikata nuclear power plant of No. 3.
Governor Tokihiro Nakamura of Ehime Prefecture is already beginning to emphasize the importance of re-operation of the Ikata nuclear power plant of No. 3.
On the other hand, the seashore in Washington rolls in to all the rubble poured by tsunami.
- While the Kansai Electric Power had stopped the nuclear power plant at the beginning, the electric power shortage of this summer had called it 18.4%.
However, it changes to -> [ 18.4% of ] 16.3% after that by scientific investigation of the Osaka special adviser, Mr. Shigeaki Koga, and Mr. Tetsuya Iida.
Furthermore, it was suggested that compression was possible to -> [ 16.3% of ] 15%.
And eventually the Kansai Electric Power itself suggested "large compression of 5% of electric power shortage is also possible."
The Kansai Electric Power itself has announced trial calculation only 5% of power saving is "sufficient" this summer. --
That is, also in nothing and an important quake-absorbing building, nothing and a filter are also built by nothing, as for a tide embankment, it is built along the seashore, and Bento equipment is [ the offsite center of nothing and a nuclear reactor which the cliff of a back hand collapses and meets immediately / it ] also at a place with an above sea level of 2 m.
Furthermore, even if the active fault not only found decisive one just under the nuclear reactor, but it does not move specially the Oi nuclear power plant which also has access in such an emergency in Riku's solitary island called one tunnel, the Kansai Electric Power itself has said that it can provide electric power.
Although major company media had also said shortage this 5% at the beginning, it was to call it "a shortage of 15%" unawares.
After all, although the electric power company also seems to be natural, it turned out clearly that the way of the government wants to move a nuclear power plant more.
Again, from nuclear makers, such as an electric power company, Federation of Electric Power Companies, Confederation of Electric Power Related Industry Workers' Unions of Japan, Hitachi, and Toshiba, and a general contractor, as the above-mentioned professor of Rikkyo University and Mr. Andrew David said, the Japanese government is moving a nuclear power plant, and only thinks that he would like to draw the flow of a profit near to themself.


●Japanese government ready to move past public concern after decision to restart idled nuclear reactors
Enformable Nuclear News   2012.6.18








●脱原発をめざす地方自治体の首長会議 06/18/2012

















○ The Fukushima Crisis 296 ; Japan Gets ‘Feudal’ on Reactor Restarts.福島危機296.pm野田の参勤交代

2012-06-20 08:06:40 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

06/12/2012 8:41pm. WSJ.

Fukushima Watch: Japan Gets ‘Feudal’ on Reactor Restarts

By Chester Dawson and Mitsuru Obe

Chester Dawson/The Wall Street Journal
Oi’s Nuclear Emergency Response Center.
More In Nuclear

Fukushima Watch: Japan Gets 'Feudal' on Reactor Restarts
New JRT Feature: Fukushima Watch
Nuclear Debate Turns to Yamaguchi Prefecture
Local Governors Throw a Wrench Into Reactor Restart Works
An Unexpected Bump on the Road to Oi Restarts
As the Japanese government moves full steam ahead with plans to bring back online the first nuclear reactors since last year’s crisis in Fukushima, the town of Oi is preparing to roll out the futons for a pair of long-term visiting V.I.P.s from Tokyo.

The two high-ranking government officials are being sent to the rural seaside town as part of a promise made last month by nuclear disaster minister Goshi Hosono, in order to pave the way for restarts of Oi’s No. 3 and No. 4 reactors―a controversial decision amid widespread public anxiety about nuclear safety.

To many in Japan, the move brings to mind a modern-day interpretation of the feudal-era practice of “sankin-kotai,” or alternating residency, in which local warlords returning to their seats in the countryside were forced to leave their families in Tokyo, as high-class hostages.

In today’s modern version, deputy trade minister Seishu Makino, a ruling party lawmaker, and top nuclear regulator Shinichi Kuroki, will likely be dispatched to help oversee operations at the Oi plant, according to ministry officials, who half-jokingly refer to the two as “hostages” of Tokyo’s nuclear policy.

The pair could be stationed as soon as next week at Oi’s Nuclear Emergency Response Center, which is about seven kilometers from the plant. The center is one of 20-odd facilities built near nuclear power stations in order to provide a central operations hub for civil authorities and plant operators in the event of minor mishaps or major disasters.

Mr. Hosono’s move to shore up confidence in the safety of Japan’s idled nuclear plants by putting senior officials on the front lines comes amid criticism that not enough has been done to prevent another accident and prepare for worst-case scenarios. Yet critics say offsite centers like that in Oi remain vulnerable to some of the same problems that rendered Fukushima’s emergency response center useless within hours of the disaster.

In theory, these facilities are designed to serve as headquarters to help government and plant officials coordinate decisions on dispatching first responders to a nuclear plant, updating central government authorities and, if needed, implementing evacuations. Most feature a state-of-the-art satellite videoconferencing system with dual screens, rows of desks equipped with phones and laptops and plenty of whiteboards ready to be wheeled out at a moment’s notice. Oi’s emergency facility even includes a small sleeping room with cots and a press center and has been used in repeated drills.

But critics say the offsite center in Oi is woefully unprepared for a severe accident on the scale of Fukushima. A report issued by a Japanese Nuclear Safety Commission expert panel earlier this year found that all 20 centers are located within 13 kilometers of their respective plants―in one case just 2 kilometers away. Only two are equipped with air filtration systems―and even those aren’t designed to protect against contamination by radioactive noble gases like xenon.

What’s more, many of the centers are vulnerable to tsunamis, since they were built less than two kilometers from the shore and at elevations under 10 meters. The NSC report concluded that a “fundamental rethink” of Japan’s network of offsite centers was needed to prevent a recurrence of the paralysis that gripped authorities in Fukushima.

So far, no major upgrades have been made to Oi’s Nuclear Emergency Response Center, which is just seven kilometers away from the reactors and less than a dozen meters from the edge of Obama Bay, according to local officials.

One recent weekday, the two-story building was empty save for a sole security guard at the entrance and a skeleton crew of officials from Japan’s Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency working out of an anteroom. Although off limits to unauthorized personnel, a visitor from JRT was permitted to enter (after exchanging outdoor footwear for green slippers) and approach a rack in the main hallway stuffed with more than a dozen informational pamphlets with titles such as “Hello, I’m [Your] Nuclear Safety Inspection Officer” and “Emergency Response Support System: Real-Time Support for Everyone’s Safety and Security.”

Officials in Oi and Tokyo declined to say where the visiting VIPs will be lodged during their stay. There are just a handful of options for overnight accommodations, including one less than a kilometer from the main gate of the Oi plant that features 18 rooms and a seaside view. Its name? Fukushima Inn.

Follow Chester Dawson on Twitter @DeliverTheFirm

feudal :
yahoo dicti.
1 ((限定))封地
a feudal domain. 封土.
2 ((限定))封建的土地保有の;封建制度の
a feudal lord. 封建領主,大名.
3 ((限定))封建時代の
Japan's feudal period. 日本の封建時代.
4 〈人・態度が〉封建的な.

feu·dal. :\ˈfyü-dəl\. Merriam-Webster
1 : of, relating to, or having the characteristics of a medieval fee
2 : of, relating to, or suggestive of feudalism <feudal law>
feu·dal·ly \-dəl-ē\ adverb
First use: 1602

Chester Dawson/The Wall Street Journal





当局によると、大飯原発の運転監視を支援するため、現代版参勤交代を命じ られることになりそうなのは、牧野聖修経済産業副大臣と原子力安全・保安院の黒木慎一審議官。



以下が The Wall Street Journal です。

2012/6/14 16:54


Chester Dawson/The Wall Street Journal








最近のある週末、2階建ての防災センターを訪れると、そこでは入り口に警備員が1人と休憩室の外で仕事をする原子力安全・保安院から派遣された当局者数人のみが勤務していた。建物内へは関係者以外立ち入り禁止だが、Japan Real Timeの記者は入棟を許可された(ただし、外履きから緑色のスリッパへの履き替えが必要だ)。正面ホールにはマガジンラックが置いてあり、近づいて見てみるとそこには、原発関連の広報冊子10数冊がラックいっぱいに収められていた。seaside view のそれは福島旅館です。

記者: Chester Dawson and Mitsuru Obe

○ The Fukushima Crisis 295;Med and FNPP'radio.differ.福島危機295.医療と原発の放射線は違う.

2012-06-19 08:24:01 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

It is the difference between medical radiation and the radiation in the Fukushima nuclear power plant.

06/18/2012 sankei.com. commongate.
■ A.
At the "use of radiation in - medical spot" medical spot, radiation is used in various forms.
1) X-ray
It is the affected part by making a special film expose the X-rays which irradiated the affected part with X-rays (gamma ray of low energy), and penetrated the body.
thing using the degree absorbed by the bodily part being different when, as for this, X-rays pass the body it is .
(A white portion becomes the part by which many X-rays were absorbed)
Photography part Dose of radiation (mSv)
Head 0.1
Chest 0.4
the stomach (barium) -- 3.3
Mass screening Stomach 0.6
Abdomen 1.0
Lumbar 4.0 to 8.0
Pelvis 3.0
Hip joint 4.0
Thigh 2.0
Articulatio-genus 0.5
In the case of a child 0.2 to 0.7
Although a basic principle is the same as an X-ray, while an X-ray irradiates with X-rays in a field, in CT, it is as a fan type beam. It is glaring, detecting the penetrated X-rays in a small block unit, and performing various calculation processings, and converts the inside of bodily into a video signal more vividly. The image is carried out.
The doses of radiation in CT are 46mSv and the chest CT in the head CT, are 6.9mSv and the abdomen CT, and are 20mSV.
(Note) MRI
In the case of MRI, radiation is not used although I think that some people seem to be a kind of CT.
In the case of MRI, the vibrating strong magnetic field is used.
3) Radiotherapy
Generally, it is adopted as Gang's medical treatment method.
It is the local remedy using radiation.
- Pour a radiation source into the affected part directly, and annihilate the affected part from an inside.
For example, in the case of Graves' disease, it is iodine 131. The radiation source about 111 to 222 MBq (MBq: 1 million Bq) is used.
They are the 10 times in the case of a thyroid cancer further. 3.7 to 7.4GBq (GBq: 1 billion Bq) is used.
Value regulated now Vegetables: 2000Bq [ kg ] /, water: The thing of of 300Bq/kg 100,000 times as many ? [ as ] about 1 million times is used.
- Irradiate the affected part with radiation (gamma ray), and destroy the Gang cell from the exterior.
The affected part is irradiated with 2 Sv (2000mSv) 8 Sv (8000mSv) several times.
The Gang cell cannot be annihilated unless it is radiation that strong.
The dose of radiation with which it irradiates changes by the grade of malignancy of Gang of the affected part, the size, and a part.
- About the intensity of the radiation used and used about the standard of the dose of radiation in the medical spot at the present medical spot, it is fundamentally based on ICRP advice.
1) By using radiation, when the merit which a patient receives needs to be large, it can be used.
For example, when strong radiotherapy is undergone and other effective methods cannot be found as a life-prolonging means, even if there are side effects (a possibility of making a treated area generating another obstacle) etc.
2) Stop the amount of contamination which a patient receives as low as possible.
3) Usually, don't exceed the dose of radiation in the restriction dose which an individual receives.
When general: Five or less mSv per year. Qq
In the case of a radiation pursuer: (The maximum may be set to 20mSv) It is a maximum of 50 mSv annually.
They are a total of 100 mSV(s) for five years.
- The dose of radiation in the actual medical spot
When general, it is a value of annual 5mSv, but the radiation in which reality exceeded this far is used.
example 1:
It is common to take a picture of years time Roentgen rays in the case of a gastric ulcer etc.
For example, when barium is drunk 3 times and a photograph is taken, it is set to 9.9mSv by three 3.3mSvx, and becomes twice [ about ] annual 5mSv.
example 2:
When the thigh is broken in a traffic accident etc., there are 10 times or more of cases by which roentgenography is carried out.
In this case It will be set to 20mSv by ten 2.0mSvx, and will be 4 times the standard.
Since the number of times of photography may surely increase in an operation, fracture, etc., it is certain to be set to 5 or more mSv in every year.
And since it is a local value in the case of medical treatment while it is a case of the whole body, annual 5mSv is about 10 times of a standard in practice. It becomes a value.
- In the case of the influence external exposure of the dose of radiation to Gang's generating, that appears as data notably is a case where it is exposed to 200 or more mSV at once.
The case where it is exposed to 200mSv in every year is also considered to be the same.
Also when exposed to the radiation not more than this, it is thought that the probability which shows the symptoms of Gang becomes high.
In the case of a child, compared with an adult, probability will become high.
About an internal exposure, influence changes with the radiation sources and parts which went inside the body.
In the case of iodine 131, it is easy to accumulate in the thyroid gland, and when accumulated in large quantities, it is supposed that it will be easy to get a thyroid cancer.
100 micrograms to 200 micrograms of iodine is needed by the adult per day.
(An equivalent amount is discharged by the outside of the body) Though iodine 131 was contained in food when taking in marine products daily, absorption is possible for the minimum.
(In the case of Japanese people, I regard the iodine tablet as it being needlessness individually.)
Since the thyroid gland disorder by superfluous ingestion may be caused especially in the case of a child, cautions are required.
The strontium 90 mainly accumulates in a bone easily, and when a dose of radiation is strong, it may cause an osteosarcoma.
It is eating sea tangle etc. too as prevention.
The alginic acid contained in sea tangle serves to suppress absorption.
The cesium 134 and 137 mainly accumulates in muscles and a bone easily, and it is supposed that it is influential of the cesium.


06/18/2012 sankei.com. commongate.
■ A.
撮影部位 放射線量(mSv)
頭部 0.1
胸部 0.4
胃(バリウム) 3.3
集団検診 胃 0.6
腹部 1.0
腰椎 4.0~8.0
骨盤 3.0
股関節 4.0
大腿部 2.0
膝関節 0.5
小児の場合 0.2~0.7
   基本原理はレントゲン写真と同じですが、レントゲン写真がX線を面で照射するのに対し、CTの場合扇型のビームとして  照射し、透過してきたX線を小さなブロック単位で検出し、さまざまな計算処理を行うことで、体の内部をより鮮明に映像化しています。


    例えば甲状腺機能亢進症(パセドウ氏病)の場合ヨウ素131 111~222 MBq(MBq:100万ベクレル)
    甲状腺がんの場合はさらにその10倍 3.7~7.4GBq(GBq:10億ベクレル)を使用します。
    現在規制されている値 野菜: 2000Bq/Kg 、水: 300Bq/Kg の10万倍~100万倍程度のものを使用します。


    一般の場合: 年間5mSv以下。(上限を20mSvとしている場合もある)


   この場合 2.0mSvx10回で20mSvとなり、基準の4倍となります。

  しかも、年間5mSvというのは全身の場合であるのに対し、医療の場合は局所的な値ですので、実際は基準の10倍程度 の値になります。





03/20/2011 12:00 Kunihiko Takeda.
■ B. Nuclear power plant Urgent information (17) "" medical practice and radiation Comparison [ of what / different ] ""
Kunihiko Takeda:
The professor of Chubu University (affiliation . comprehensive engineering laboratory)
The Cabinet Office Atomic-Energy-Commission special committee, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Council for Science and Technology special committee
The so-called specialist's remark was [ how ] doubtful in the accident of this Fukushima nuclear power plant, or things were proved clearly.

For example, when the value of the 20-micro sievert per hour in contamination of the radiation of Fukushima comes out, Specialists took out an example, such as "carrying out contamination of a 600-micro sievert at once through Roentgen rays", all at once, and commented for the numerical value in which 20-micro Shibel is [ how ] small at that time which is not a problem.
However, since it is per hour, if you stay at the house for one day, since it is 7 times 24 when 24 times and also a radiation leak continue for one week only by it in the almost same environment as outside, a 20-micro sievert will increase 168 times.
This becomes an about 3.4-mm sievert and exceeds the 1-mm sievert made into the limit where the man in the street will be contaminated in 1 you to be Haruka.
moreover, somewhere else is reached, and since it is a 1.7-mm sievert even if it is in the room which does not ventilate, it cannot be said to be "safety" for 12 hours per day . -- moreover, since people who comment decide the amount of limits for one year, they think that there is no irresponsible ball.
Now, I see this problem from another viewpoint this time.
Most quantity of the radioactive material was found from the spinach which was able to be taken in the farmland near the Fukushima nuclear power plant, and the problem whether it was unsuitable as food arose.
Moreover, comparison with 1 time of Roentgen rays or CAT was carried out, and only the specialist of "being safe" appeared in television.
However, CAT is one of the medical practice performed under a doctor.
Although the case where a doctor carries out directly, and the professionals according to a doctor may do medical practice, . medical practice which looks at the person's health condition, etc. and is performed anyway under surveillance is not "safety" of the usual meaning, either, and is not a division "good for health."
For example, a doctor may cut a leg if needed.
Why does cutting a leg cut a leg in a doctor, although ず does not have "it is good for health"?
That is because a doctor thinks of all the persons and does the best thing by medical practice.
It gets worse more, when saying that a life is lost, a doctor worries about as [ this ], it judges and it is also a certain reason to cut a leg.
Even so, an ordinary person may not necessarily cut a leg.
That is, the radiation contaminated in the case of medical practice is completely unrelated in it being general.
When carrying out CAT, of course, a doctor is contaminated by thinking of the patient as few as possible, and it is indispensable to follow the patient also after that.
Contamination by such medical practice and the influence which it has on the ordinary person who lives in Fukushima Prefecture with the radiation which came out of the Fukushima nuclear power plant are completely different.
The specialist in radiation is shown this by my experience repeatedly.
For example, although those who do the work of radiation are allowed to be exposed to remarkable radiation instead, a medical examination must be carried out and record how much it was contaminated in the past through life must also be submitted.
Furthermore, when working, and a batch is attached for a dosimeter or a film and one work is done, it records firmly what contamination was carried out.
Although quantity is also a problem, I hear that the quantity contaminated simultaneously understands the danger of contamination of radiation.
The report of "it being exposed to serious radiation and suffering troubles" continued to people who are in charge of accident processing of the nuclear power plant focusing on media in . from Fukushima which knows that safety can be maintained by saying that a specialist has record.
Although it is not wrong in itself, of course, those who work are working measuring a contaminated quantity strictly.
To it, he understands the person of Fukushima Prefecture also for neither contamination nor quantity, and has not done a medical examination, either.
If I think as an administrator of radiation, dangerous one will be more anxious about the ordinary persons who live in Fukushima Prefecture than those who are doing repair work in the Fukushima nuclear power plant.
. for which make it want it to appeal to people to have made the mistake in people called speciality of a theme called the health of radiation and a human being remembering these fundamental things once again -- since there was this, it took out "the amount of contamination will be calculated by itself" to the blog of today's beginning.
I would like to continue again and to deal with contamination of a spinach.
(12:00 on March 20, Heisei 23 writing)
Kunihiko Takeda
(C) Kunihiko Takeda (Chubu University) Please freely [ quotation ]

03/20/2011 12:00 武田邦彦.

■ B. 原発 緊急情報(17) ""医療行為と放射線 違うものの比較""

中部大学教授(所属. 総合工学研究所)

(平成23年3月20日 12時 執筆)


(C)武田邦彦 (中部大学) 引用はご自由にどうぞ

○ The Fukushima Crisis 294 ; Myocardial Infarction comes out by radio.福島危機294.心筋梗塞は..。

2012-06-18 07:41:38 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

09/18/2012 myocardial infarction: heart attack
"The myocardial infarction of [talk which has already come out owing to damage] Fukushima Prefecture is based on radioactivity."
source. Tatsuhiko Kodama Teaching [ of the University of Tokyo ] .SANWA East Japan Disaster Risk Management Office . Mr. [ Kinoshita Kota / . ] sankei.jp.msn.com.
2011-09-18 Contribution of 00:00:00 Pochifx
Theme: Radiation protection https://twitter.com/#! /saigaisanwa/statuses/115031983859580928
SANWA East Japan Disaster Risk Management Office (Kobayashi, Fukaya)
@saigaisanwa SANWA East Japan Disaster Risk Management Office (Kobayashi, Fukaya)
[Talk which has already come out owing to damage] RT @pochifx: If cesium is accumulated in a cardiac muscle, it will die certainly.
All specialized conducting systems are damaged, and it is arrhythmic and dies.
It dies of heart failure.
Suddenly, ventricular fibrillation, TdP, and the pulse VT originate.
It is not reported yet and I consider.
"Professor of the Tatsuhiko Kodama University of Tokyo" http://ameblo.jp/pochifx/entry-10987624082.html
From 2 hours before [ Keitai Web ] Favorite It sends a reply.
Indrasarrow and other 22 person are retweets.
http: //search.ameba.jp/search.html?q=%E5%BF%83%E8%87%93&aid=pochifx(degreeomegadegree) ↑ searches a blog with the heart.
tens of thousands of persons will be trials at myocardial infarction in ten years -- it is likely to happen.
↓ is 2011-08-16. The 11:35:48 contents
https://twitter.com/#! /nijntje08/statuses / 103094016932978689@KinositaKouta Kinoshita Kota
It cannot be concluded that the continuation death of the automobile persons concerned in his 30's in Fukushima and his 40's is accidental.
The administration authorities and the medical institution should begin the proper investigations also including dissection for whether the radioactive material has collected on the inside of the body, especially a cardiac muscle.
more than it considered -- early -- a pathological change -- it is possible.
Don't make such a thing camouflage as general death.
From 18 hours before [ web ] Favorite Cancellation of retweet It sends a reply.
https://twitter.com/#! /dEpAs555/statuses/102808136947220480@dEpAs555 [gLaM]
Plutonium is contained in alpha line group.
Cs is taken into muscles.
(It is taken also into a cardiac muscle).
It will die, if Cs is accumulated in a cardiac muscle.
All specialized conducting systems die , abnormal heart rhythm, and heart failure.
Suddenly, VfTdP happens.
From August 15 Tweet Button Favorite It sends a reply.
https://twitter.com/#! /dEpAs555/statuses/102807190561226752@dEpAs555 [gLaM]
The same fellows as Ca have Sr and it absorbs the body similarly.
A biological concentration happens and Sr goes inside the body by eating a fish also on a human body.
If it goes inside the body, if taken in and taken into a bone, radiation will riot at the last there, marrow will be invaded, and it will become hypoplastic anemia and marrow leukemia.
From August 15 Tweet Button Favorite It sends a reply.
https://twitter.com/#! /dEpAs555/statuses/102803946833321985@dEpAs555 [gLaM]
Tatsuhiko Kodama 1/2 Anger from his heart in Diet, health Committie. If influence http: [ to nuclear health ]//youtu.be/1 bBe-gZ4Epg Cs is accumulated in a cardiac muscle, it will die certainly.
All specialized conducting systems are damaged, and it is arrhythmic and dies.
It dies of heart failure.
Suddenly, ventricular fibrillation, TdP, and the pulse VT originate.
It is not reported yet and I consider.
From 08/15/2011 Tweet Button Favorite It sends a reply.
https://twitter.com/#! As for /igarashi0724/statuses/102982025983705088hanayuu, the Nayu-(metabolic which loved me) acquaintance still died suddenly by myocardial infarction by the youth in the first half of the 30th generation.
The vegetables and stock raising of Fukushima or a northeast are purchased in large quantities from April to June. carrying [ ], whenever it also purchases a picture (Fukushima vegetable set like) -- "-- I can do it -- about such a thing -- " -- http://chatran6.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-16.html 08/13/2011 which had appealed for stricken area aid loud
Reply @hanayuu ↑
@basilsauce basil
I am really fearful.
@hanayuu acquaintance still dies suddenly by myocardial infarction by the youth in the first half of the 30th generation. -- The vegetables and stock raising of Fukushima or a northeast are purchased in large quantities from April to June. carrying [ ], whenever it also purchases a picture -- "-- I can do it -- about such a thing -- " -- stricken area aid -- loud -- http://chatran -- from [ 21 hours before / web / 6.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-16.html ] Favorite It sends a reply.
User information included in this tweet.
559 :Earthquake Thunder Fire Namelessness (Aichi Prefecture) : 2011/08/10 (Wed.) 13:01:55.84 ID:fJXbtOP80
The acquaintance still died suddenly by myocardial infarction by the youth in the first half of the 30th generation.
There is connection from a relative and it is about the person's blog to a long time.
The vegetables and stock raising of Fukushima or a northeast are purchased in large quantities from April to June.
Carry, whenever you also purchase the picture (Fukushima vegetable set like).
"-- I can do it -- about such a thing -- " -- it had appealed for stricken area aid loud
Seemingly, the person of the surroundings or a relative was also called to.
579 Name: -- Earthquake Thunder Fire Namelessness (Aichi Prefecture) [Sage] Contribution Day: -- 2011/08 / 10 (Wed.) 13:57:18.52 ID:fJXbtOP80
>>566 Since it is an individual blog, it is impossible truly (moreover, he is the deceased).
her mind if it considers, conscience will reproach -- J
After some links of northeast gourmet mail orders including JA Fukushima were stuck
I think that it was earnest, became the power in the direction of northeastern, and swarmed.
Appeal was desperately performed so that a blog might not be confused by the rumor, either.
Such pure persons are the feelings which are done as victim to the rumor in a true meaning is fallen and as for which せ is not.
593 Name: -- Earthquake Thunder Fire Namelessness (Aichi Prefecture) [Sage] Contribution Day: -- 2011/08/10 (Wed.) 14:34:05.13 ID:fJXbtOP80 >>589
But northeastern food was ordered by chance by her blog.
Text to say Because I who have in radioactivity in a feeling of a crisis saw,
Since it carries out by accident and -- is thought It is,
The cause-and-effect relationship between Fukushima vegetables and her death is although it is not what can be proved,
If it becomes known to a bereaved family or a common acquaintance to have carried out address after writing in the bulletin board, I will think that it is unsavory too.
I think that a feeling of [ anti-] will buy it if it becomes known as his being me.
Unreasonableness, I'm sorry absolutely.
(It is the writing of the person of Aichi Prefecture from an urgent natural disaster board)
He is for the person who collapsed during work from Fukushima first and passed away in it to be also unknown, and to call a cause myocardial infarction after all.
Causal relationship will not be accepted unless many victims who become instead of [ of potassium ], who have influence on a circulatory organ system, and do so and lend it and in which others are the same with a pollution example since that is right are [ cesium ] sacrificed.
Even if the cardiopathy number leaped up 6 times after the accident, it had said by the documentary of NHK.
It investigates instead of the pig of a 70-km village, and a person from the contents of broadcast of NHK of internal contamination the other day, and Chernobyl.
(Eight months after the birth.)
Eating habits eat the same things, such as a village-people self-sufficiency hourly pay potato, and grow up.
Heart 16.52 bq/kg thyroid gland 13.46
Kidney 21.29
Liver 11.19
Large intestine 11.5
Stomach 15
Remarks: The level in which the food of a village is frightful now, and a mushroom are 116,000 Bq of kilo hits.
■ Cesium is accumulated also in the room and the thyroid gland of Belarus (click!).
■ Cesium accumulated in the room and internal organs of Belarus (click!)
* "The room in Belarus" is a blog for getting Japanese people to read in Japanese about a life in Belarus.
A metastasis rate exceeds a thyroid cancer 70% anything.
Many people die.
Butter butter.
It is not only it.
Cesium is also rapidly accumulated in this muscles which have entered in large quantities at internal organs.
The heart stops suddenly.
■ Yahoo! wisdom (click!)
Although the Roentgen rays of good are 50-micro sieverts, they differ from 50-micro sievert per hour.
They have not made a mistake in flying with 600-micro sievert per hour, although the Roentgen rays to stoumach are 600-micro sieverts, either.
It is the cheat which will not be understood what is different.
■ Yahoo! wisdom (click!)

=> -- this article; -- "a difference between medical radiation and the radiation of the Fukushima nuclear power plant" -- to be published .. is carried out later.

http: A //sankei.jp.msn.com/life/news/110812/bdy11081211240004-n1.htm ambulance does not carry out an AED operation. It dies in the 30th generation male and 2 hours.
2011.8.12 11:23
It turned out on the 12th that the automated external defibrillator (AED) in an ambulance did not operate at the Kakunodate fire department in Akita Prefecture in June, and it was not able to take a measure to the man in his 30's with doubt of acute myocardial infarction.
The male died of acute myocardial infarction.
The police station supposes ", about the causal relationship of were not able to use a male's death and AED, it is not given by a hospital."
According to the police station, around 7:15 a.m. on June 8, a patient's request of transfer conveyance is received from the hospital in prefecture Semboku, and it leaves towards the hospital in Akita by an ambulance in about 15 minutes of it.
It is needed from a male condition on the way, and an ambulance officer uses AED.
Although operated, it does not operate normally the 2nd time and afterwards [ the 1st time of ], but it is said that it died around said 9:30.
Aged deterioration of the code which connects the main part of equipment and an electrode pad is regarded as a cause.
[https://twitter.com/#! /saigaisanwa/statuses / 115031983859580928 sanwa East Japan Disaster Risk Management Office] is searched with an amoeba.


"【既に被害で出てる話】福島県の心筋梗塞は放射能によるもの "

source. 児玉龍彦 東大教授. SANWA東日本災害対策室 . 木下黄太氏. sankei.jp.msn.com.

2011-09-18 00:00:00 pochifxの投稿
テーマ:Radiation protection https://twitter.com/#!/saigaisanwa/statuses/115031983859580928
@saigaisanwa SANWA東日本災害対策室(小林、深谷)
【既に被害で出てる話】RT @pochifx: セシウムが心筋に蓄積すると確実に死ぬ。刺激伝導系が全てやられ不整脈で死ぬ。心不全で死ぬ。突然、心室細動、TdP、パルスVTが起こる。まだ報道されてない思う。「児玉龍彦 東大教授」 http://ameblo.jp/pochifx/entry-10987624082.html
2時間前 Keitai Webから お気に入り リツイート 返信


-----------↓は 2011-08-16 11:35:48 の内容 ------------

@KinositaKouta 木下黄太
18時間前 webから お気に入り リツイートの取消 返信

@dEpAs555 【gLaM】
8月15日 Tweet Buttonから お気に入り リツイート 返信

@dEpAs555 【gLaM】
8月15日 Tweet Buttonから お気に入り リツイート 返信

@dEpAs555 【gLaM】
児玉龍彦 1/2 満身の怒り 衆厚労委 核の健康への影響 http://youtu.be/1bBe-gZ4Epg
08/15/2011 Tweet Buttonから お気に入り リツイート 返信

hanayuu はなゆー(私を愛したメタボ)
知り合いがまだ三十代前半の若さで心筋梗塞で急死した。 四月から六月にかけて福島や東北の野菜や畜産類を大量に購入して画像(福島野菜セットみたいなの)も購入するたびに載せて 「私が出来るのはこんなことくらい」と被災地応援を声高に唱えてた http://chatran6.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-16.html 08/13/2011

返信 @hanayuu ↑
@basilsauce バジル
本当にこわいです。@hanayuu 知り合いがまだ三十代前半の若さで心筋梗塞で急死…四月から六月にかけて福島や東北の野菜や畜産類を大量に購入して画像も購入するたびに載せて 「私が出来るのはこんなことくらい」と被災地応援を声高に http://chatran6.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-16.html
21時間前 webから お気に入り リツイート 返信

559 :地震雷火事名無し(愛知県):2011/08/10(水) 13:01:55.84 ID:fJXbtOP80







579 名前:地震雷火事名無し(愛知県)[sage] 投稿日:2011/08/10(水) 13:57:18.52 ID:fJXbtOP80

>>566 個人ブログなのでさすがに無理です(しかも故人ですし、

彼女の志 を思うと良心が咎めます) J





593 名前:地震雷火事名無し(愛知県)[sage] 投稿日:2011/08/10(水) 14:34:05.13 ID:fJXbtOP80 >>589


という文章を 放射能に危機感持っている私が目にしたから、

ひょっとして…と思うので あって、






( 緊急自然災害板より 愛知県の人の書き込み)





心臓 16.52bq/kg
腎臓 21.29
肝臓 11.19
大腸 11.5
胃  15

備考:村の食べ物は現在凄まじいレベル、 きのこはキロあたり11万6千ベクレル












⇒この article;"医療放射線と福島原発の放射線の違い"..は後日 publish してゆきます. pathfinderk

救急車のAED作動せず 30代男性、2時間後に死亡
2011.8.12 11:23
【https://twitter.com/#!/saigaisanwa/statuses/115031983859580928 sanwa東日本災害対策室】をアメーバで検索