◯ War Bill not enough:94.2%Komeito「説明不十分」16ポイント増 安保法制で公明支持層

2015-07-31 07:23:37 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS





2015-07-30 12:01:26 Kyodo News.


"The explanation insufficiency" it's fair by security law 16 points more, supporter




Abe political power was concerned with the government explanation of security related bills aiming at the current Diet session formation by poll of Kyodo News, and 94 and 2% of the Komeito supporter answered "I didn't think it was being explained sufficiently.", and 16* increased 5 points more than 77 of an investigation and 7% in June.
64 and 4% explain by LDP supporter, insufficiency and answer. Even the bed where I answered "Abe ministry was supported." reached 62 and 0%. The voice from which even a government and the Government party supporter ask the explanation as Prime Minister Shinzo Abe admitted "You didn't get enough understanding." personally by responding to questions in the Diet, the persistent reality stood out in relief.

The party by which Democratic Party of Japan is 3 % of 93* and restoration by an opposition party supporter, 0 % of 85* and the Communist Party, 98 and 8%, "I don't think it's being explained sufficiently.", answer. Even independents of "without support political parties" went up to 90 and 9%.
When it was gender-segregated and it was seen, male 78, 87 of 4% and the female and 0% asked the explanation.

The Government party was the House of Representatives plenary session on the 16th, and while a main opposition party left Democratic Party of Japan, 49 of LDP supporter, 72 of 1% and the Komeito supporter and 2% answered "It wasn't good." about the point that voting of related bills was enforced.

(Kyodo News)

2015/07/19 17:35




2015-07-30 12:01:26  共同通信











2015/07/19 17:35


◯ Hospital in the U.S. アメリカで病院にお世話になる時に使える英会話

2015-07-30 22:28:07 | ♪fuckin 英会話


2015-07-30 22:28:07 




<iframe id="aswift_1" name="aswift_1" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no" width="300" height="250"></iframe>



アメリカの病院はwalk in(電話予約なしで直接赴く)を受け付けない場合が多いです。事前に電話で予約しておく事が必要ですが、 平気で3週間後の予約なんてされてしまう事があります。高熱が下がらないなど、すぐに見てもらいたい時はその旨をはっきり伝えましょう。
I'd like to make an appointment.
insurance/insurance card
family history
受付で渡される紙の中に、自分の過去の病気の歴史や、家族の持病を記入したりする欄があります。これは、遺伝でかかりやすい 病気などを事前に把握したりする為に必要なようです。
意味:アレルギー 発音は、アレジーで、ギーとは発音しないので注意しましょう。




severe pain 
severeは、severe headache(酷い頭痛)などにも使われます。
acute pain 
cramping pain 
dull pain 
throbbing pain
pounding pain 
頭痛を表す時に使われる英語です。poundingには鼓動という意味もあって、一定の痛みより、打ち付けるような 痛みの表現に近いと思います。
突っ張り感のある場合に使われます。tension headacheなど。



  • chill 寒気
  • fever 熱
  • runny nose 鼻水
  • rash 発疹 皮疹
  • itchy/itchiness かゆい、かゆみ ex. My skin has been itching for days.
  • tiredness だるさ
  • numbness しびれ ex. I feel numbness (in my 部位).
  • sore throat 喉の痛み ex.I have a sore throat.
  • joint pain 関節の痛み
  • dizzy くらくらする、めまいがする ex. I feel dizzy.
  • bloated 張る ex. I'm bloated.(お腹が張った)
  • nausea 吐き気 ex. I'm nauseated.(吐き気がする)


  • cold 風邪
  • Flu, Influenza インフルエンザ
  • pneumonia 肺炎(最初のPは発音しません)
  • allergic reaction アレルギー反応 
  • arthritis 関節炎 
  • bruise 打撲
  • cut 切り傷
  • disease 病気 
  • infection 感染
  • inflammation 炎症
  • injury ケガ
  • sprain ケガ (ligaments of a joint) 捻挫 捻挫する 足首・関節をくじく
  • strain ケガ(muscle or tendon) 〈筋を〉違える 



  • Mild マイルドな、弱い small 
  • Moderate 中間(激しくもないけど、弱くもない)
  • Severe 激しい strong, sharp



  • chronic 慢性 continuous and recurrent ←→ acute 急性の brief periods



I haven't (動詞の過去完了型)well for (期間).
例文:I haven't slept well for 3 days.
My(部位)has been (症状)for (期間).
例文 My right hand has been numb for a week. 
I can't stop (進行形動詞) (期間).
意味:I can't stop sneezing all day.




◯ The Fukushhima Crisis907 / Tokyo Ruined.東京が壊滅する日――フクシマと日本の運命』広瀬 隆

2015-07-30 07:45:40 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS



2015-07-30 07:45:40 Takashi Hirose.


Japan--Fukushima "and the Japanese destiny an additional printing was a big topic from the sale day, and about which decided by sale for 5 days Tokyo destroys

The author who predicted "There was a time limit for only 1 year more!" warns the Japanese report world of the terrible danger of "tritium" you sealed up urgently at the inside where it's so!



A radioactivity leak from Fukushima nuclear power plant is in most tremendous amount! The danger of "tritium" which won't be reported at all

Takashi Hirose.

Mr. Takashi Hirose, the nonfiction author who announced shocking fact by the note which predicted Daiichi Fukushima nuclear accident before half year "nuclear reactor time bomb".

I say during the earthquake which occurs frequently and an active volcanic explosion, that new risk is pressing in "eastern Japan area including Tokyo".

● "Atomic emergency declaration" announces it! Enormous volume radioactivity survey also continues at present!

Present when I have passed 4 years from an accident already and most people who live in Japan, "An accident and damage have ended.", it's misunderstood, but a great deal of radioactivity survey continues at a crash scene of "Daiichi Fukushima nuclear power plant", and a fluctuation is too big, and the release amount Tokyo Electric Power announces can't trust.

"Atomic emergency declaration" is still also announced at present at a site, and the fuel with which melting was down has not left the potential danger which has caused a critical reaction in the ground at all.

There is a grand bud fault as 70 kilometers which even reach Miyagi-ken from Fukushima-ken immediately near the Daiichi Fukushima nuclear power plant, and the fear that magnitude close to 8 disastrous earthquake is caused is high.
It's because the peripheral faults will move from an eastern Japan great earthquake one month later exactly, and a difference beyond 1 meter has been caused, to say so.

When a big earthquake also occurs here from now on, I don't know what happens to Daiichi Fukushima nuclear power plant.
6000 every day-7000 people's of working people are sparing no pains by the pollution area and are working at the site.

The radioactivity pollution water which has begun to leak from here isn't the incomplete amount.

Tokyo Electric Power becomes desperate and is collecting that, but the storage capacity reaches TOTETSUMONAI amount as 750,000 cubic meters in these 4 years.

When that's piled up lengthwise because one side is the size of 1 meter of dice, 1 cubic meter will be 750,000 meters. Because the height of Mt. Fuji is 3776 meters, 750,000 meters will be 200 times of height of Mt. Fuji.
Because it's 10,000 meters that a large airplane flies, 750,000 meters would find out the amount imagination can't also make us a little.






 2015-07-30 07:45:40  広瀬 隆 


のなかで、「タイムリミットはあと1年しかない! 」と予言した著者が、日本の報道界には封印された「トリチウム」のおそるべき危険性を緊急警告する! 



広瀬 隆 


● 「原子力緊急事態宣言」が発令中!  現在も大量放射能放出が続いている! 












知られざるおそるべき トリチウムの危険性とは? 










● 簡易式の放射線測定器では感知できない 「ベータ線」を出すトリチウム







 トリチウムによる催奇形性の確率は 致死性癌の確率の6倍! 









● 「薄めて海に放流してしまえ」 という許されざる犯罪者たちの暴言






● なぜ、『東京が壊滅する日』を 緊急出版したのか





 核実験と原発事故は違うのでは?  と思われがちだが、中身は同じ200種以上の放射性物質。福島第一原発の場合、3号機から猛毒物プルトニウムを含む放射性ガスが放出されている。これがセシウム以上にタチが悪い。







広瀬 隆(Takashi Hirose)
1943年生まれ。早稲田大学理工学部卒。公刊された数々の資料、図書館データをもとに、世界中の地下人脈を紡ぎ、系図的で衝撃な事実を提供し続ける。メーカーの技術者、医学書の翻訳者を経てノンフィクション作家に。『東京に原発を! 』『ジョン・ウェインはなぜ死んだか』『クラウゼヴィッツの暗号文』『億万長者はハリウッドを殺す』『危険な話』『赤い楯――ロスチャイルドの謎』『私物国家』『アメリカの経済支配者たち』『アメリカの巨大軍需産業』『世界石油戦争』『世界金融戦争』『アメリカの保守本流』『日本のゆくえ アジアのゆくえ』『資本主義崩壊の首謀者たち』『原子炉時限爆弾』『福島原発メルトダウン』などベストセラー多数。

◯ Warning of New Ice Age.新しい氷河期の可能性の警告

2015-07-29 19:17:47 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS


 2015-07-29 19:17:47  Global News  Lomonosov Moscow State Univ. Astronomy Now




– University press release warns that falling solar activity may bring new ice age (Ice Age Now, July 19, 2015):

“There is no strong evidence, that global warming is caused by human activity. – Dr Helen Popova

This warning of a potential ice age comes from an international group of scientists including Dr Helen Popova of the Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics and of the Faculty of Physics of the Lomonosov Moscow State University, Professor Simon Shepherd of Bradford University and Dr Sergei Zharkov of Hull University, and Professor V. Zharkova of Northumbria University.

Diminishing solar activity may bring new Ice Age by 2030

Lomonosov Moscow State University Press Release


The arrival of intense cold similar to the one that raged during the “Little Ice Age”, which froze the world during the 17th century and in the beginning of the 18th century, is expected in the years 2030—2040. These conclusions were presented by Professor V. Zharkova (Northumbria University) during the National Astronomy Meeting in Llandudno in Wales by the international group of scientists, which also includes Dr Helen Popova of the Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics and of the Faculty of Physics of the Lomonosov Moscow State University, Professor Simon Shepherd of Bradford University and Dr Sergei Zharkov of Hull University.

The above image of the Sun was taken by NASA Solar Dynamics Observations mission on 15 July 2015. 

It is known that the Sun has its own magnetic field, the amplitude and spatial configuration of which vary with time. The formation and decay of strong magnetic fields in the solar atmosphere results in the changes of electromagnetic radiation from the Sun, of the intensity of plasma flows coming from the Sun, and the number of sunspots on the Sun’s surface. The study of changes in the number of sunspots on the Sun’s surface has a cyclic structure vary in every 11 years that is also imposed on the Earth environment as the analysis of carbon-14, beryllium-10 and other isotopes in glaciers and in the trees showed.

There are several cycles with different periods and properties, while the 11-year cycle, the 90-year cycle are the best known of them. The 11-year cycle appears as a cyclical reduction in stains on the surface of the Sun every 11 years. Its 90-year variation is associated with periodic reduction in the number of spots in the 11-year cycle in the 50-25%. In 17th century, though, there was a prolonged reduction in solar activity called the Maunder minimum, which lasted roughly from 1645 to 1700. During this period, there were only about 50 sunspots instead of the usual 40-50 thousand sunspots. Analysis of solar radiation showed that its maxima and minima almost coincide with the maxima and minima in the number of spots.

In this 1677 painting by Abraham Hondius, “The Frozen Thames, looking Eastwards towards Old London Bridge,” people are shown enjoying themselves on the ice. In the 17th century there was a prolonged reduction in solar activity called the Maunder minimum, which lasted roughly from 1645 to 1700. During this period, there were only about 50 sunspots recorded instead of the usual 40-50 thousand. Image credit: Museum of London.

In the current study published in 3 peer-reviewed papers the researchers analysed a total background magnetic field from full disk magnetograms for three cycles of solar activity (21-23) by applying the so-called “principal component analysis”, which allows to reduce the data dimensionality and noise and to identify waves with the largest contribution to the observational data. This method can be compared with the decomposition of white light on the rainbow prism detecting the waves of different frequencies. As a result, the researchers developed a new method of analysis, which helped to uncover that the magnetic waves in the Sun are generated in pairs, with the main pair covering 40% of variance of the data (Zharkova et al, 2012, MNRAS). The principal component pair is responsible for the variations of a dipole field of the Sun, which is changing its polarity from pole to pole during 11-year solar activity.

The magnetic waves travel from the opposite hemisphere to the Northern Hemisphere (odd cycles) or to Southern Hemisphere (even cycles), with the phase shift between the waves increasing with a cycle number. The waves interacts with each other in the hemisphere where they have maximum (Northern for odd cycles and Southern for even ones). These two components are assumed to originate in two different layers in the solar interior (inner and outer) with close, but not equal, frequencies and a variable phase shift (Popova et al, 2013, AnnGeo).

The scientists managed to derive the analytical formula, describing the evolution of these two waves and calculated the summary curve which was linked to the variations of sunspot numbers, the original proxy of solar activity, if one used the modulus of the summary curve (Shepherd et al, 2014, ApJ). By using this formula the scientists made first the prediction of magnetic activity in the cycle 24, which gave 97% accuracy in comparison with the principal components derived from the observations.

Inspired by this success, the authors extended the prediction of these two magnetic waves to the next two cycle 25 and 26 and discovered that the waves become fully separated into the opposite hemispheres in cycle 26 and thus have little chance of interacting and producing sunspot numbers. This will lead to a sharp decline in solar activity in years 2030—2040 comparable with the conditions existed previously during the Maunder minimum in the XVII century when there were only about 50-70 sunspots observed instead of the usual 40-50 thousand expected.

The new reduction of the solar activity will lead to reduction of the solar irradiance by 3W/m2 according to Lean (1997). This resulted in significant cooling of Earth and very severe winters and cold summers. “Several studies have shown that the Maunder Minimum coincided with the coldest phase of global cooling, which was called “the Little Ice Age”. During this period there were very cold winters in Europe and North America. In the days of the Maunder minimum the water in the river Thames and the Danube River froze, the Moscow River was covered by ice every six months, snow lay on some plains year round and Greenland was covered by glaciers” – says Dr Helen Popova, who developed a unique physical-mathematical model of the evolution of the magnetic activity of the Sun and used it to gain the patterns of occurrence of global minima of solar activity and gave them a physical interpretation.

If the similar reduction will be observed during the upcoming Maunder minimum this can lead to the similar cooling of the Earth atmosphere. According to Dr Helen Popova, if the existing theories about the impact of solar activity on the climate are true, then this minimum will lead to a significant cooling, similar to the one occurred during the Maunder minimum.

However, only the time will show soon enough (within the next 5-15 years) if this will happen.

Dr. Helen Popova of the Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics and of the Faculty of Physics of the Lomonosov Moscow State University. Image credit: Lomonosov Moscow State University.

“Given that our future minimum will last for at least three solar cycles, which is about 30 years, it is possible, that the lowering of the temperature will not be as deep as during the Maunder minimum. But we will have to examine it in detail. We keep in touch with climatologists from different countries. We plan to work in this direction”, Dr Helen Popova said.

The notion that solar activity affects the climate, appeared long ago. It is known, for example, that a change in the total quantity of the electromagnetic radiation by only 1% can result in a noticeable change in the temperature distribution and air flow all over the Earth. Ultraviolet rays cause photochemical effect, which leads to the formation of ozone at the altitude of 30-40 km. The flow of ultraviolet rays increases sharply during chromospheric flares in the Sun. Ozone, which absorbs the Sun’s rays well enough, is being heated and it affects the air currents in the lower layers of the atmosphere and, consequently, the weather. Powerful emission of corpuscles, which can reach the Earth’s surface, arise periodically during the high solar activity. They can move in complex trajectories, causing aurorae, geomagnetic storms and disturbances of radio communication.

By increasing the flow of particles in the lower atmospheric layers air flows of meridional direction enhance: warm currents from the south with even greater energy rush in the high latitudes and cold currents, carrying arctic air, penetrate deeper into the south. In addition, the solar activity affects the intensity of fluxes of galactic cosmic rays. The minimum activity streams become more intense, which also affects the chemical processes in the Earth’s atmosphere

The study of deuterium in the Antarctic showed that there were five global warmings and four Ice Ages for the past 400 thousand years. The increase in the volcanic activity comes after the Ice Age and it leads to the greenhouse gas emissions. The magnetic field of the Sun grows, what means that the flux of cosmic rays decreases, increasing the number of clouds and leading to the warming again. Next comes the reverse process, where the magnetic field of the Sun decreases, the intensity of cosmic ray rises, reducing the clouds and making the atmosphere cool again. This process comes with some delay.

Dr Helen Popova responds cautiously, while speaking about the human influence on climate.

“There is no strong evidence, that global warming is caused by human activity. The study of deuterium in the Antarctic showed that there were five global warmings and four Ice Ages for the past 400 thousand years. People first appeared on the Earth about 60 thousand years ago. However, even if human activities influence the climate, we can say, that the Sun with the new minimum gives humanity more time or a second chance to reduce their industrial emissions and to prepare, when the Sun will return to normal activity”, Dr Helen Popova summarised.


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 2015-07-29 19:17:47  Global News  Lomonosov Moscow State Univ. Astronomy Now


サン-15-7  -  2015



潜在的な氷河期のこの警告は、核物理のSkobeltsyn研究所とモスクワ国立大学の物理学部の博士ヘレンポポワ含む科学者の国際的なグループ、ブラッドフォード大学の教授サイモン·シェパードとハルの博士セルゲイZharkovから来ています大学、ノーサンブリア大学教授V. Zharkova。




17世紀の間に、18世紀の初めに世界を凍結した「小氷期」の間荒れ狂っ1と同様の厳寒の到着は、年間2030から2040年に期待されています。これらの結論は、核物理のSkobeltsyn研究所の博士ヘレンポポワを含む科学者の国際的なグループでとの物理学部のウェールズのランディドノーの国立天文学会議中に教授V. Zharkova(ノーサンブリア大学)によって発表されましたモスクワ国立大学、ブラッドフォード大学の教授サイモン·シェパードとハル大学の博士セルゲイZharkov。



11年周期、90年周期は、それらの最もよく知られているときに別の期間と特性を持ついくつかのサイクルがあります。11年周期は11年毎に太陽の表面の汚れを周期的に減少として表示されます。その90年間の変動は50から25% 11年周期でスポットの数の周期的な低下と関連しています。17世紀には、しかし、太陽活動の長期化減少があった。この期間中に1645から1700にほぼ続いたマウンダー極小期と呼ばれる、わずか約50黒点の代わりに通常の40から50000黒点がありました。太陽放射の分析は、その最大値及び最小値はほぼスポットの数における最大値と最小値と一致することを示しました。


3査読論文に発表され、現在の研究では研究者が低減することを可能にする、いわゆる「主成分分析」を適用することにより、太陽活動の3つのサイクル(21~23)のフルディスクマグネトから合計背景磁場を分析しましたデータの次元とノイズと観測データへの最大の貢献で波を識別するため。この方法は、異なる周波数の波を検出する虹プリズムに白色光の分解と比較することができます。その結果、研究者は、太陽の磁気波がデータの分散の40%をカバーする主なペアで、ペアで生成されていることを明らかにするのに役立った、分析の新しい方法を開発(Zharkovaら、2012、MNRAS) 。主成分のペアは、11年の太陽活動中極に極から、その極性を変えている太陽の双極子磁場の変動の原因です。




太陽活動の新たな減少が3W / mで日射強度の低下につながる2(1997)リーンの方法。これは、地球の重要な冷却と非常に厳しい冬と冷夏をもたらしました。小氷期""いくつかの研究は、マウンダー極小期が呼び出された世界的な冷却の最も寒い位相と一致することを示しています」。この期間中にヨーロッパや北アメリカで非常に寒い冬がありました。博士ヘレンポポワは言う、 -マウンダー極小期の時代に水が川にテムズ、ドナウ川は、雪がいくつかの平野一年中に置くとグリーンランドは、「氷河に覆われていた、モスクワ川を半年ごとに氷で覆われた、凍結しました太陽の磁気活動の進化のユニークな物理数学的モデルを開発し、太陽活動のグローバル最小値の出現パターンを得るためにそれを使用し、それらを物理的解釈を与えた人。





太陽活動が気候に影響を与えるという考えは、ずっと前に現れました。これは、わずか1%の電磁放射線の総量の変化はすべての地球上の温度分布と空気流に顕著な変化をもたらすことができ、例えば、知られています。紫外線30~40キロの高度でのオゾンの形成につながる光化学作用を引き起こします。紫外線の流れは、日中の彩フレアの間に急激に増加します 十分に太陽の光を吸収するオゾンは、加熱されている、それは雰囲気と、結果的に、天候の下位層での空気の流れに影響を与えます。地球の表面に到達することができる微粒子の強力な発光は、高い太陽活動中に定期的に発生します。彼らがaurorae、地磁気嵐や無線通信の妨害を引き起こし、複雑な軌跡で移動することができます。






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◯ "\ Extinction"「円消滅」カウントダウン 実質実効為替レート59カ国中最悪に

2015-07-29 17:01:27 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS




2015-07-29 17:01:27 nikkan gendai

Top > news

"¥ extinction" count down It's worst out of 59 countries of real effective exchange rate.

June 19, 2015


Responsibility of Kuroda president is important (C) daily Gendai.
Responsibility of Kuroda president is important (C) daily Gendai.


A yen may become extinct--. A weird whisper spreads at a financial market. The Haruhiko Kuroda president who is the Diet Koto's kickoff and the Bank of Japan, "Further fall in the yen doesn't seem possible.", it's answered.

"When Kuroda president judges by real effective exchange rate,... makes introductory remarks with.... It wasn't the numerical value esteemed at a financial market, but moth zen and the attention rose taking Kuroda remark as a start. If real effective exchange rate was seen once more, it was astonished at a ¥ decline. Even ¥ extinction is to the extent a head is passed." (market player)

Real effective exchange rate is the numerical value in which 44 currencies of a euro, a British pound and a Chinese yuan as well as dollar yen express the degree of force of the currency targeted for (59 countries and area). The BIS which is the world engine (BIS) is publishing it every month.

The nearest statistics is 15 years and for 5 months. Japan was 69.81 (by 2010, 100), and Nantes was lowest in the* area 59 countries. ¥ (the value) also falls about 30 % compared with 5 years before. When doing the rough way of speaking, when 130 yen aren't taken out now, the juice which could be bought at 100 yen during overseas travel won't be obtainable. A jewel at 100,000 yen is 130,000 yen.

"¥ extinction" count down It's worst out of 59 countries of real effective exchange rate.

On the other hand, the real effective exchange rate financial deceleration is pointed out but which is Chinese yuan is 129.06. An original force also rose nearly 30 % contrastively with a yen. USA is 108.85 or 116.02 or United Kingdom Korean 114.34 (attached list referring).

"An American interest rate increase cuts down the dollar exchange rate of the yen, and goes to the fall in the yen from now on. Even if a long trend after 1990 is seen, it's in the fall in the yen direction. Ahead, 140 yen and a possibility that it's moving forward are 1 dollar = 130 yen more expensive." (Takeichi Yoshihumi chief analyst of money Partners)

Well, the material of "¥ extinction" It's anxious arise another financial markets.

"Rise of Chinese yuan. When the currency used in merchandise trade of the world is seen, yuan improves in terrible momentum. A yen would be passed eventually." (market player)



Yuan was the 20th place of world (0.25%) in January, 12 according to merchandise trade monetary statistics of a communication society between the international bank (SWIFT), but I surface to about 8 (1.12%) in December, 13. Momentum didn't also stop after that and about 5 (2.07%) and entrance into top 5 were achieved in April, 15.

" ¥ extinction" count down It's worst out of 59 countries of real effective exchange rate.

A yen is keeping about 4 (in April, 15, 2.73%) the other day, but "You took a top seat away in China already in Asia. Even the world scale is removed and origin replaces a yen. The day is near.", say (the financial person concerned).

The extravagant ¥ decline, Avenomics and credit ease of the Bank of Japan caused can make Japan be Ruined.






2015-07-29 17:01:27 nikkan gendai



「円消滅」カウントダウン 実質実効為替レート59カ国中最悪に <iframe class="hatena-bookmark-button-frame" style="font-size: 14px;" title="このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" width="70" height="20"></iframe>







「円消滅」カウントダウン 実質実効為替レート59カ国中最悪に










◯ weird「 ウィアード」「変だね」

2015-07-29 03:49:17 | ♪fuckin 英会話


2015-07-29 03:49:17  english0120.com

weird「 ウィアード」「変だね」


口語英語に親しむまでは、私にとっては、日本語の「なんか変だね」は strange 「ストレインジ」でした。しかし、実際には、strange はあまり人々は日常的に使っていません。そのかわりによく聞こえてくるのは、「ウィアード」weird です。英英辞書を引くと、「変な」、「普通じゃない」、「説明できない」、「理解できない」とあります。







-What?  Why you are being weird?  「何? なんで、みんな、変な顔してるの?」

-We are not being weird! 「ヤッダー! 別に変じゃないワヨ!」

-No! we are just talking. 「もう! ただ話ししてるだけヨ。」

-About me, right?  You think I'm an asshole that I become one of them that misstep for a bride.   「私のこと話してるんでしょ! 私のこと、間違って結婚してしまった大バカものだと思ってるんでしょ。」





■これは、「普通じゃない」weird でしょうか?

-I was gonna say "keep in touch".  But that's weird, right? 「これからも連絡取り合おうよって言いたいところだけど、それって変だよね?」

-I guess we can do that.  「いや、それもありだと思うわ。」直訳で、「私たちはそれはできると推定します。」




関連ページ : 海外テレビドラマで英語学習  > セックス・アンド・ザ・シティ

       ドラマで英会話-実践編 セックス・アンド・ザ・シティ




-I'm not hiding from her....  I think I'm hiding from her.  It's just a little weird having her in my place.  I've just been living alone since... forever.  I got used to putting the milk some place in the fridge and finding it in the exact same spot.  You know what I mean?  「別に彼女から逃げてる訳じゃないんだ…。もしかしたら、逃げてるのかもしれない…。ただ、自分の家に彼女がいるのがなんだか変な感じなんだよね。僕はずっと、とっても長い間、一人で住んでいただろう。冷蔵庫のどこに牛乳を置いたか、それを同じ位置からだすことに慣れてしまったんだ。言っている意味わかるだろう?」ギルモア・ガールズ21話より 





◯ "The Micro world in YOU" / BS世界のドキュメンタリー「あなたの中のミクロの世界」

2015-07-28 18:25:04 | ♪ One Short Talk



2015-07-28 18:25:04 nhk bs1


Documentary of the BS world "the micro world in you"

July 27, 2015
Documentary of the BS world
A series The "micro world in you which gains scientific knowledge on a man.
Original title :LIFE ON US
Production :Smith & Nasht/Mona Lisa (Australia/France 2014)
Diversity of the microorganism which lives in human surface of the body and interior and the science program which analyzes a work thoroughly. The microorganism which evolved as well as the mankind are also concerned with maintenance of our life deeply.
The treasure house where a body is a microorganism the 1st time
NHKBS1 0:00am Tuesday July 7 in 2015-.
Rebroadcast/5:00pm Tuesday July 28 in 2015-
Bacteria, virus, protozoan, fungus, tick and louse-human skin and hair or the minute perishables which lives in the interior of the body. When its number reaches at 10 times of all human cells, it's called. The ecology which should be astonishing to such microorganism and the relation which isn't learned about with man are being described in special photography technology and CG. The micro creatures which settle in the unexpected location of the body are introduced at the first part. The creature is same as biodiversity on the earth, and lives in various parts of a body while keeping a balance.
The 2nd time A man is an aggregate with a microorganism.
NHKBS1 0:00am Wednesday July 8 in 2015-.
Rebroadcast/5:00pm Wednesday July 29 in 2015-
I look for a relation between a parasitic creature and human evolution by a sequel. A balance of a slight creature is changing dramatically with man by excessive sterilization and enormous volume absorption of an antibiotic, etc. in recent years.

The first time broadcast failed to write 7/7 and thoughts, there also seems to be rebroadcast. I'd like to recommend you, so I think I'll write a reflection.
It's slightly acrid but fascinating by the various contents.

The nice world microorganisms turn over in Person.
The picture of CG is also good, but is the microorganism magnified with a microscope an alien or a monster? Please, the dark impact large (warai).

When he says from a conclusion, an... person is utilized by a microorganism.
It's oriented to surplus cleanness and a person has destroyed a balance of the ecosystem of the inside and outside of the country of a body and has rather got ill weakly.
... "Assertion!" The marvellous study which is to the extent and a word good for doing become painful, is one after another.
Though the assertion way is... NHK, is "Flora in" the gut broadcast under Special of NHK the other day all right, too? Please, it felt like, that new fact is found by a relation between bacteria, a microorganism and a person one after another seems to be a recent study.



The thicket of a microorganism where the surface of the body is covered and a microorganism seem to be controlling the immunity ancestry which sometimes works too much excessively (arthritis and allergy) for protecting a body from outside.
Person's body has the ecosystem of the microorganism, and it seems said that health is kept by the balance.
May an individual and the few person to whom it's also fascinating that the kind and the number depend on an area (Intestinal bacteria of a lactobacillus are inherited from my mother by childbearing and nurse.) tend to get ill for a microorganism and bacteria? You seem to be guessing....

Bacteria seems to be communicating by a group using a protein. They seem to swindle a codeword out of other bacteria personally and rewrite.
... In other words, they're such translations that bacteria by which an antibiotic doesn't work is coming out one after another, aren't they?

A parasite is a dangerous one, but the... Helicobacter pylori a case useful for a body is also controls the immunity system of the person, and causes stomach cancer and stomach ulcer, but I say that that by which the person who doesn't develop has, too is a parasite and the person who has a roundworm even if I have it.
And everyone doesn't seem able to recommend this remedy (sweat).
May a parasite also influence the character of the person? (Toxoplasma) I care, the opinion I say.

Talk of an alpine flower zone of intestinal bacteria and Flora in the gut.
When intestinal bacteria are destroyed by sick treatment by an antibiotic, they become weak in the bacillus (villain bacteria).
The remedy by which the remedy when a serious disease is in a gut, puts topical "flight microorganism transplantation" and flight of a healthy person in patient's gut directly recently.
There also seems to be a case which has the effect on chronic malady and an incurable disease for this.
Because mechanism of "flight microorganism transplantation" is really effective without understanding, it's also seen as the feeling which looks like... for now.
Startling discovery of new vaccine and Em baccy of the Hansen's disease made with other microorganism.




These aren't therapeutic cult, it's wonderful that it's derived scientifically. A study will be more developed now.

It's bacteria to control the immunity system. But, under the bacteria's and the microorganism's being clean as vice, a person was excluding it. And a balance collapse of the ecosystem of the inside and outside of the country of a body has got ill weakly.
... by which a person is utilized for a microorganism.
It'll be a new remedy it'll be so and to return bacteria to a body.

Because I'd have tetanus, tuberculosis and the infection concerned with the life by which a person conquers and has come up to now once more when doing only and suddenly, it would be difficult, wouldn't it?
It's still a research stage now, but there seems to be also a lot of sickness a microorganism, bacteria and human symbiosis can clear.
There are many cases that I don't still know the form of the person.






2015-07-28 18:25:04   nhk bs1



シリーズ ヒトを科学する「あなたの中のミクロの世界」
制作:Smith & Nasht/Mona Lisa (オーストラリア/フランス 2014年)
第1回 体は微生物の宝庫
NHKBS1 2015年7月7日(火)午前0時00分~
第2回 ヒトは微生物との集合体
NHKBS1 2015年7月8日(水)午前0時00分~


微生物たちのめくるめく世界 in 人。










◯ Ferrari 488 GTB / フェラーリが速いのは当たり前ですけど、アウトバーンって皆速いのね

2015-07-28 08:45:41 | ♪ One Short Talk




2015-07-28 08:45:41 gizmode U.S.

Vehicle and bicycle
It's natural to be quick at Ferrari, but an autobahn is that everyone is quick, isn't it?

2015.07.27 17:30


I'd like to take a passenger seat sometime.

Ferrari 488GTB is driving 341 kilometers per hour easily in an autobahn. It's unclear for details, but if it's done in Japan, it'll be the arrest order immediately, won't it?

I'm running by more than 300 kilometers per hour per 30 seconds of an animation, it's somewhat left that a fast sense doesn't come out and the fact that others is being quite quick and is running, too.

This 488GTB learned about as 458 Italian improvement style (Grand Turismo berlinetta) loads turbo engine of type V 8 cylinder 3902cc of maximum output 670PS, and the max speed is the car which is more than 330 kilometers per hour.



It's a dream to buy it and drive by oneself also a dream, but once would like to taste its rate at a passenger seat in life. If I take it, I'd like an autobahn as expected.

source: YouTube


I'd like to read all together.

The bus which runs in UNCHI.shit and the max speed are recorded.

The marvelous speed! In the power-assisted bicycle to which I run by max speed 70km, rice Gizmodo account.









糞やうんこを意味する英語 丁寧な言葉とスラング 13言葉







「bodily waste」も「feces」と「excrement」と同様に「便」を意味します。






「turd 多くの場合、「turd」は犬に対して使われます。例えば、「dog turd」は「犬の糞」です。


dump はスラングで、「take a dump」「ウンコをする」というフレーズがよく使われます。

crapもスラングで、「do a crap」や「take a crap」というフレーズをよく耳にする。「crap」は丁寧ではありませんが、スラングの中では一番丁寧な言い方だと思います。






こんにちは、筆者のLuke Tunnicliffeです。僕はアメリカとイギリスのハーフで、現在東京で翻訳の仕事をしています。生まれてから13年間をイギリスで過ごし、アメリカに越して11年間生活をした後日本に来ました。イギリス、アメリカ、日本で経験した様々なことをこのサイトに生かし、皆さんにお届けしたいと思っています。日本人の人柄と和食、そして日本語が好きなのでまだまだ日本にいるつもりです!皆さんこれからもよろしくお願いします。 新着記事を読みたい方は、ぜひ英語 with Lukeをフォローして下さいね。










2015-07-28 08:45:41 gizmode U.S.


2015.07.27 17:30

<iframe src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/of4hRRkMPO4" frameborder="0" width="640" height="360"></iframe>





<iframe src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/MLnjw0cliag" frameborder="0" width="640" height="360"></iframe>


source: YouTube


  • ウンチで走るバス、最高速度を記録

  • 驚異のスピード! 最高速度70kmで走る電動自転車に米Gizmodo記...


◯ The Threat to Press Freedom in Japan.nyt日本の報道の自由に対する脅威

2015-07-27 07:06:44 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS


2015-07-27 07:06:44   NYT Opinion

The Opinion Pages  | OP-ED CONTRIBUTOR 

The Threat to Press Freedom in Japan

TOKYO — During a press conference in March, Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga expressed concern over comments I had made during a program on TV Asahi, a major private broadcasting network: I had announced that I would no longer be appearing on the show after being subjected to “fierce bashing” from the prime minister’s office. According to the daily Asahi Shimbun, Mr. Suga said, “We will closely watch how the TV station handles the issue in line with the Broadcast Law” — a veiled threat to revoke the station’s license.

On April 17, a special panel of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party (L.D.P.) held a special meeting at party headquarters and summoned executives of both TV Asahi and NHK, a public broadcaster, to discuss two TV programs the party thought had been critical of the administration of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.

After I appeared on Tokyo MX TV, a local station, on April 25, an executive member of the L.D.P. reportedly told some journalists, “I heard that there was a TV station which allowed Mr. Koga to appear on a program. What a courageous TV station, I should say!”

And so it is that the Japanese government tampers with the media’s independence. This is happening partly because of longstanding structural characteristics that govern the relationship between the media and the state in Japan. But the Abe government has been especially aggressive in using those to its advantage, and major segments of the industry are quickly internalizing its preferences.

Instead of pushing back against Mr. Suga’s intimidation, for example, TV Asahi reprimanded the employees who had produced the TV program during which I criticized the government. And instead of invoking the anti-interference provisions of the broadcasting laws to resist questioning by the L.D.P., those TV executives complied with the party’s summons.

In Japan, relations between the state and journalists are formally maintained through a network of reporters’ clubs, or kisha kurabu. There is a reporters’ club for each ministry, each local government, each political party, each industry association. Membership in the clubs is generally limited to reporters at major media companies. Typically, only members are allowed to attend the press conferences, and only members have access to the organizations’ officials. In return for endowing reporters with this privileged status, the officials take it for granted that their organizations will get favorable coverage. And very often they do.

Another problem is that the media in Japan is not regulated by an independent agency. For example, it is the government itself — specifically the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications — that grants licenses to TV stations, and these are up for renewal regularly. Consequently, TV stations are under constant supervision and fear losing their right to operate if they challenge the government. Given Japan’s parliamentary system, this means that the ruling political parties themselves have a large influence over broadcasting.

This system hardly is new. It has been in place since before World War II, and an independent agency regulating the media that was established by the Allied forces during the occupation was abolished in 1952 by Japanese conservatives. But recently the government has applied pressure on the media to an unprecedented extent. Under the Abe administration, the top executives of major media companies go out for fine meals or to play golf with the prime minister and high-ranking government officials. And they are unabashed about making this known to the public.

Last November, soon before the general election, the L.D.P. sent so-called request letters to major TV stations, enjoining them to ensure that their coverage would “not be one-sided” and with instructions on how to select topics to cover and commentators to interview. The party wrote to one station to complain that one of its programs had suggested Mr. Abe’s economic policies benefited only wealthy people — a view shared by many Japanese, according to opinion polls.

How can the media act as a government watchdog under such conditions? The Abe administration’s treatment of journalists is worthy of an authoritarian state, not the liberal democracy Japan is supposed to be.



東京 - 3月の記者会見の間に、官房長官菅義偉私はテレビ朝日、大手民間放送ネットワーク上のプログラムの実行中に行われていたコメントに懸念を表明:私はもはや施された後ショーに表示されていないことになることを発表しました首相の事務所から「激しいバッシング」へ。 局の免許を取り消すベールに包ま脅威 - 朝日新聞によると、氏は菅は「テレビ局は放送法に沿って問題を処理する方法を私たちは密接に見てます」と述べました。

4月17日、自民党(LDP)の特別パネルは党本部で特別会合を開催し、党の思想は、の重要なされていた2テレビ番組を議論するテレビ朝日とNHK、公共放送、両方の幹部を召喚しました首相の政権安倍晋三 。

私は東京MXテレビ、ローカル局に出演した後、4月25日、自民党の幹部は、報告に私が古賀氏は、プログラムに出現させるテレビ局があったと聞いた」、いくつかのジャーナリストに語りました。 どのような勇気あるテレビ局、私が言う必要があります! "

そしてそれは、日本政府がメディアの独立性を改ざんすることです。これは部分的には、メディアと国家との関係支配する長年の構造特性の起こっている日本を 。 しかし、安倍政権は、その利点にそれらを使用する際に特に積極的にされており、業界の主要なセグメントは、すぐにその好みを内在しています。

代わり須賀さんの脅迫に対して押し戻す、例えば、テレビ朝日は、私が政府を批判している間、テレビ番組を生産していた従業員を懲戒処分しました。 その代わりに自民党によって尋問に抵抗するために、放送法の干渉防止規定を呼び出すのは、これらのテレビの幹部は、党の召喚状を遵守します。

日本では、日本の状態とジャーナリストとの関係は、正式に記者クラブのネットワーク、あるいは記者倶楽部を通じて維持されています。 各省庁のための記者クラブ、各自治体、各政党、各業界団体があります。 クラブのメンバーシップは、一般的に大手メディア企業で記者に制限されています。 典型的には、唯一のメンバーは記者会見に出席するために許可されている、唯一のメンバーは、組織の職員へのアクセス権を持っています。 彼らの組織が良好なカバレッジを取得することを許可され、この特権的地位に記者を持たせるための見返りに、当局はそれを取ります。 と非常に多くの場合彼らはありません。

別の問題は、日本のメディアは独立機関により規制されていないことです。 総務省、具体的 - - 例えば、それは政府そのものであるTV局にライセンスを付与し、これらは定期的に更新するためにアップしています。 そのため、テレビ局は一定の監督下にあり、彼らは政府に挑戦場合操作する権利を失うことを恐れています。 日本の議会制度を考えると、これは与党政党自体が放送上の大きな影響力を有することを意味します。

しかも、事実上経営の分離と大手メディア企業でニュース編集室がありません。 同社の会長または社長がしばしば報道を微細管理する、または個々の記者のでも動作します。 それらのいくつかはあるため、日本の雇用システムのような侵入を挑戦する勇気:歴史的に、大手メディア企業での仕事は、定年までのセキュリティと非常に高い給与を意味しています。 多くのジャーナリストは、彼らのボスが政府に従順であり、自身が熱心な自分のキャリアを保護するために、政府の重要なことを躊躇していることを認識します。 会社の忠誠心は、独立したジャーナリズムの職業倫理を切り札。

このシステムは、ほとんど新しいものではありません。 それは第二次世界大戦以前から実施されており、U.S. 占領連合軍によって設立されたメディアを規制する独立機関は、日本の保守派によって1952年に廃止されました。 しかし、最近、政府が前例のない程度に、メディアへの圧力を適用しております。 安倍政権の下では、大手メディア企業の幹部は、すばらしい食事に出かけたり首相と政府高官とのゴルフをプレイします。 そして、彼らは公衆に知られているこのことについて臆面もないです。

最後の11月、まもなく総選挙前に、自民党は取材がしてカバーするトピックを選択する方法の説明や解説者をして「一方的ではない」ということを保証するためにそれらをenjoiningし、主要なテレビ局にいわゆる要求の手紙を送りましたインタビュー。 世論調査によれば、多くの日本人が共有ビュー - 当事者は、そのプログラムの一つは、安倍氏の経済政策が唯一の裕福な人々が恩恵を受けて提案していたことを不平を言うために1局に手紙を書きました。

How can the media act as a government watchdog under such conditions? The Abe administration’s treatment of journalists is worthy of an authoritarian state, not the liberal democracy Japan is supposed to be.


どのように、メディアはそのような状況の下の政府の監視役の働きをすることができますか? 安倍晋三政権のジャーナリストに対する扱いは、権威主義的な国(日本がそうであると思われる自由主義の民主主義でない)に値します。

emphasis pathfinderk added


How the Euro Turned Into a Trap










変化形 : 《複》emphases
イディオムやフレーズ : put emphasis on
  • emphasis
    1. 〔あるものや出来事に対する〕注目、重要視、重点を置くこと
    2. 〔重要性を示すための表現の〕力強さ、強調、力説
    3. 《言語学》〔音節や語への〕強調、強意
  • emphasis circuit
  • emphasis for contrast
  • emphasis for intensity
  • emphasis is on
  • emphasis is on safety
    《the ~》安全重視

◯ Big Quake Warning.米国西海岸大地震の警告 - USGS引用「今すぐにでも " -

2015-07-26 12:23:05 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS


 2015-07-26 12:23:05  global news.  USGS.  FOX news


Don’t miss!

Related info:

– Huge Earthquake To Devastate Pacific Northwest (Video):

It will strike, and it will be bigger than the 9.0 that struck Japan in 2011.

“Our operating assumption is that everything west of Interstate 5 will be toast,” says Kenneth Murphy, who directs FEMA’s Region X, the division responsible for Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and Alaska

“The region will be unrecognizable …. That’s Seattle, Tacoma, Portland, Eugene, Salem (the capital city of Oregon), Olympia (the capital of Washington), and some seven million people.”

FEMA expects that nearly thirteen thousand people will die in the earthquake and ensuing tsunami. Another twenty-seven thousand will be injured. On top of that, the agency expects that “it will need to provide shelter for a million displaced people, and food and water for another two and a half million.”

<iframe src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/jtyrYre9Et8?feature=player_detailpage" frameborder="0" width="484" height="272"></iframe>
Jul 23, 2015


Warning issued for a large earthquake to strike the West coast near San Francisco California (quote) “Any day now” comes from professionals:


New Yorker article calling for a M9.2 earthquake along the West coast in the near term future:



TV News ticker accidentally shows M9.0 “mega-quake” announcement for San Francisco California on live TV:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xpQAx… Continue reading »





アメリカ地質調査所 - Wikipedia

アメリカ地質調査所(アメリカちしつちょうさじょ、英: United States Geological Survey; USGS)は、アメリカ合衆国内務省の傘下にある研究機関である。水文学、生物学、地質学、地理学の4つの主要な学問分野について、合衆国領内を中心に、自然景観、天然 ...



2015-07-26 12:23:05  global news.  USGS.  

FOX news


西海岸大地震の警告 - USGS引用「今すぐにでも " -

2015年7月23日 - (ビデオ)








<iframe src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/jtyrYre9Et8?feature=player_detailpage" frameborder="0" width="484" height="272"></iframe>








https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xpQAx... »続きを読みます





◯ ToThe Ruin.Abe Gov.祖父と同じ道…戦争法案「強行採決」で迫る安倍政権“退陣”の日

2015-07-26 07:43:22 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS





2015-07-26 07:43:22 nikkan gendai


July 16, 2015

Day of Abe government which approaches by the same way... war bill as my grandfather "railroading" "resignation"



Opposition member (C) daily Gendai for which I press Chairperson Hamada

Opposition member (C) daily Gendai for which I press Chairperson Hamada

It expands.

On the 15th, House of Representatives Heiwa safe law ad hoc committee puts a concentration deliberation and generalization inquiry into effect. Self-publicity overcame the opposite of an opposition party side and decided on "railroading". Does this violence of the Government party draw Japan into the way of "war" again? Or do you trigger Abe political power resignation?

"Argument has already fullied express.". Tanigaki Teiichi secretary-general of LDP is based on deliberation time's of the bill exceeding 110 hours, and says so, and understanding is indicated in generalization inquiry by special committee and railroading, and Chairperson Yasuichi Hamada has decided voting. Important ones are the contents by a deliberation, and it isn't time, though Chairperson Hamada was also democratic by special committee on the 14th, and community of goods absented itself, I "enter at inquiry time of Democratic Party of Japan", and, a committee is continued by official authority. "I raced." 1 hour and a half also wore a watch, and I gained deliberation time. What intension you'll deliberate seriously from Hana didn't the Government party have?



Opposition member (C) daily Gendai for which I press Chairperson Hamada of Japan of Abe government which approaches by the same way... war bill as my grandfather "railroading" "resignation"

Opposition member (C) daily Gendai for which I press Chairperson Hamada

It expands.

Though special committee ended a deliberation and railroaded a war bill as scheduled on the 15th, and it was approved by majority approval of self-publicity. The arrogant posture of Abe political power is just similar to grandfather's bank ministry.

"Democracy's destroyer" and a criticized Kishi former prime minister visited America in January, 60 and signed a new security treaty between President Eisenhower in those days. After that Diet deliberations are complicated concerning approval of a new treaty. LDP which came to a deadlock has gone out to railroading like this time.

When one in case of Prime Minister Abe also visited America in April and spoke by an assembly, the Diet deliberations I promise "I make a security bill be accomplished by summer." selfishly, and which are after that go to neither a niche nor thatch any more. History isn't repeated--, but Abe government now is following the same way as 55 years before. Mr. Makoto Morita, the publicist says so.



"A bank ministry was also so, but there won't be choices besides the railroading by the situation that opposite voice spreads so that a deliberation is prolonged. But opposite voice of an opinion rose suddenly after railroading at security for 60 years. There is also a possibility that counter exercise spreads quickly enough this time. Even if a bill is so well-informed when it is, Abe ministry is coming to a deadlock."

After railroading, a bank ministry was driven into resignation suddenly. When further down and an approval rate also go down Abe political power, there is a possibility that I advance the same way including physical condition deterioration from a stress. There is LDP congressman who says "When an approval rate falls, Abe's 'hanamichi' "the End" theory goes out.", too.






2015-07-26 07:43:22  nikkan gendai









祖父と同じ道…戦争法案「強行採決」で迫る安倍政権“退陣”の日 浜田委員長に詰め寄る野党議員ら(C)日刊ゲンダイ






◯ Expansion,Demo 70,000 More.国会周辺にデモ7万人…「打倒安倍政権」の声がさらに拡大

2015-07-26 07:24:44 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS





2015-07-26 07:24:44 nikkan gendai


More voice of demonstration 70,000 person... "overthrow Abe political power" expands around the Diet.



(C) daily Gendai through which a chorus of shouts of "the opposite" echoed expands to Hibiyakoen.

A flame of national anger to Abe political power and a security bill keeps kindling. The citizen assemblies to which I complain of "Abe political power NO!" are the evening on the 24th and Tokyo Hibiya amphitheater, and without giving up, I "will keep" saying political power overthrow, and, I raised spirits.

"The war opposite" "Obey constitutions." "for Abe, YAMERO"--. Many citizens throng from the front at 6:30pm of assembly starting, and the sultry concert hall is stuffier by person's many heat. 3000 people beyond Capa of the accommodation number of people thronged immediately. Ms. Rika Kayama, the psychiatrist, "In the government which fell the wrong idea that I say if it was for peace, that you might fight a war, we, a citizen has to say "Please soon take it back."", when I call, big clapping and shout of joy have occurred from a meeting place.

Demonstration is also performed at the Diet circumference on this day, and about 70,000 people participate according to student group "SEALDs" etc.. Murayama Tomiichi former prime minister, "A young potato is also unrelated growing old to make this bill a scrapped bill.", the other participants who raised their voice "make" them make war, "Don't involve the people in bloodshed.", a chorus of shouts was given.






2015-07-26 07:24:44  nikkan gendai



◯ Conversion. 安倍政権、軍国化を加速 「軍が関係する場合」もODA援助対象へ 密かに方針転換

2015-07-25 07:27:50 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS




2015-07-25 07:27:50. business journal

Abe political power and militarization, the acceleration "When an army is related." is also secret to ODA aid target, policy conversion


"Prime minister's official residence HP" lay
The security related bills it enables to provide the logistic support to U.S. forces by Japan Self-Defense Forces on the 16th this month (security law) are approved by the House of Representatives, and national argument is being called from the anxiety which leads to Japanese militarization.

But well, it can be close in a turmoil concerning bill formation, and you don't know much about a government's making the "start" already. A government converted a policy of ODA (official development assistance) big, and didn't admit up to now as an aid target, it was done "When an army or a person with the military or naval register was related." like but development cooperation's being done.

"Development cooperation outline" was endorsed by the Cabinet on February 10. This is the one to which the "official development assistance outline" as which former ODA was defined was changed substantially, but the big meaning is here in the name's being changed to "development cooperation" from "development assistance". A change in the posture "cooperation" is being made equal to which from a conventional relation as "the aided side" "the done side" is indicated. Even the ODA graduation country which wasn't made the target (the country where the income was the fixed standard per one person) is more fragile up to now in a cooperation target, I decorated a held country with the policy I aid.

"Poor reduction through growth in a target country" is proposed hard. Development cooperation as well as this will be that a government will be priming water, and various subject and funds are aiming to cooperate with a university and a research institute in an enterprise and a local self-governing body.

The word as "national interests" which wasn't used by a conventional official development assistance outline is incorporated into a development cooperation outline. "Peace of our country and safe maintenance" "realization of prosperity" "maintenance of international order and protection based on the universal value" are being explained with "national interests". This is a told way of thinking of "national interests" by the "Bush Doctrine" which becomes foundation of a security law (It's endorsed by the Cabinet on December 17, 2013.)



The aid to which an army is also related in the past

Then, it was admitted by policy conversion of ODA newly, "When an army or a person with the military or naval register is related.", what kind of case do you point at specifically? When governments are commercial use rather-like and non-military purpose after inserting nonmilitary cooperation in a basic policy, we assume "Even when an army or a person with the military or naval register is related, I aim at its substantial significance, and individuality is considered specifically." The offer of goods to an army, the repair of the army hospital and the democratization training of the army person concerned when being accident aid, can be named as an assumed case.

When seeing only this, near, there seem to be no problems with humane support. But a specialist is uneasy about "FANJIBIRITI of aid (substitutability)". This indicates the danger to which the one taken out as support is diverted. For example goods offered by disaster countermeasures are the case diverted for military use.










con • ver • sion
kənvə'ːrʒən | -ʃən
conversions (複数形)
  1. [名][U][C]
  2. 1 (形状・質・機能の)(…から;…への)転換,変換,変化;(…から;…への)(紙幣の)兌換(だかん), (外貨の)両替,(証券の)切り替え,(財産・債務の)転換((of, from ...;into, to ...))
    • conversion of securities into cash
    • 証券の現金化
    • conversion premium
    • (転換社債の)転換プレミアム.
  3. 2 (構造・デザインの)(…から;…への)改造,改装((of, from ...;into, to ...));(装置・方式の)(…から;…への)切り[取り]替え((of, from ...;to ...))
    • conversion from propane to gas
    • プロパンから都市ガスへの切り替え.
  4. 3 (宗教・主義などの)(…から;…への)改宗,転向,変節((from ...;to ...))
  5. 4 《アメフト》《ラグビー》コンバート:タッチダウン[トライ]後のボーナス得点(を得ること)








 2015-07-25 07:27:50

安倍政権、軍国化を加速 「軍が関係する場合」もODA援助対象へ 密かに方針転換









