
2014-01-31 08:08:12 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS



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◯ Sony downgraded to 'junk' ソニーが "がらくた"に。

2014-01-31 08:00:26 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

01/31/2014 CNN Money online.
✴︎Sony is to junk.
CNN Money The electronic edition is reported as follows.
Sony's debt rating has been downgraded to "junk" status by Moody's,
That is, Sony was degraded to "junk" ranking by Moody's Investors Service Inc.
Although it is Sony ranked as the topmost peg as a company which represents Japan once, now and this figure degraded to junk bonds at last can also be said to be the future of Japan.
There are many pension funds etc. among the stockholders of Sony, and it is degraded to junk bonds, and the live cartridge sale from a pension fund may enter one after another in Japan from now on, and the stock price may go into the step of the next fall.

01/31/2014 CNN Money online.

CNN Money 電子版は、以下のように報じています。

Sony's debt rating has been downgraded to "junk" status by Moody's,




01/31/2014 LONDON (CNNMoney). Moody's (MCO).

✴︎Sony downgraded to 'junk'
By Alanna Petroff @AlannaPetroff January 27, 2014: 7:01 AM ET

Moody's is concerned that Sony will not be able to maintain the profitability levels it had experienced years ago.
Sony's debt rating has been downgraded to "junk" status by Moody's, with the agency warning that profitability would likely remain "weak and volatile."
Shares in Sony (SNE) dipped by 3% in Japan as most Asian markets experienced significant losses Monday.

Moody's (MCO) explained that the Japanese company was facing extreme pressure in its TV and PC units, due to "intense global competition, rapid changes in technology, and product obsolescence."
Ultimately, Moody's concluded that it would be difficult for Sony to improve and stabilize its profitability.
"We expect the majority of [Sony's] core consumer electronics businesses -- such as TVs, mobile, digital cameras and personal computers -- to continue to face significant downward earnings pressure," Moody's wrote.
Sony's hottest CES gadgets in 90 seconds
Sony released its Playstation 4 ahead of the Christmas period and recently announced it would introduce streaming games. While Moody's acknowledged that the successful launch of the Playstation 4 would help boost profitability, this wasn't enough to push profitability back to 2010 levels.
Related: Sony files patent for a "SmartWig"
Sony shares rose 57% in 2013 as the Japanese markets rallied, though investors acknowledge that the company faces many competitive pressures from the likes of Microsoft (MSFT, Fortune 500) and Apple (AAPL, Fortune 500).
The downgrade comes in the same month that Nintendo (NTDOF) warned investors that it was expecting an operating loss of 35 billion yen ($335.2 million) for the fiscal year ending in March, following disappointing software and hardware sales in the busy end-of-year buying season.

First Published: January 27, 2014: 7:01 AM ET

Alanna Petroff @AlannaPetroff 2014年1月27日によって:
午前7:01 ET

午前7:01 AM ET

◯The Fukushima Crisis741;Suisse gov.Keep Iodine Tab.5mills.スイス,ヨウ素剤配布,約500万人へ

2014-01-31 07:23:32 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

01/31/2014 24 Heures Suisse2014.01.22
It prepares for Switzerland and an accident and will be about the iodine tablet distribution to nuclear power plant peripheral people at /Switzerland 24:00 (January 22) to the expansion-50-km area in radius, and about 5 million people.
The Swiss Confederation Parliament approved the parliamentary command which distributes an iodine tablet from January 22 and a nuclear power plant to all the residents and those [ corporate-relations ] who live within a 50-km radius.
An iodine tablet is taken in order to prevent thyroid contamination, when a nuclear power plant disaster occurs.
A distribution candidate is sharply expanded in response to the Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster in 2011.
In Switzerland, the iodine tablet has so far been distributed from the nuclear power plant to all the adults and children who live in the 20-km radius in radius.
Distribution candidates increase in number from 1,200,000 people to 4,600,000 people by this measure.
Each electric power company which manages a nuclear power plant pays 30 million Swiss francs of expenses concerning distribution of an iodine tablet together.
The iodine tablet which distribution determined this time is due to be sent by mail from this autumn.
It is not concerned with an adult and a child, but the box containing 12 tablets is to be received.
The iodine tablet distributed is valid for ten years.
- source article:"nuclear power plant disaster : they are distribution" / Switzerland 24 o'clock (January 22) about an iodine tablet to about 5 million people.
(« Accident nucléaire. Près de 5 millions de Suisses recevront des comprimés d’iode », 24 Heures Suisse, 2014.01.22)

01/31/2014 24 Heures Suisse2014.01.22





● source article:「原発事故:約500万人にヨウ素錠剤を配布」/スイス24時(1月22日)
(« Accident nucléaire. Près de 5 millions de Suisses recevront des comprimés d’iode », 24 Heures Suisse, 2014.01.22)

◯ PM Abe's Actions. "日本批判が国連安保理で"

2014-01-30 10:42:01 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

01/30/2014 U.N. Security Council . Nihon Keizai Shimbun.
"Japan criticism is "in the U.N. Security Council."
Although it is an unprecedented situation where the ambassador of China and South Korea criticizes Prime Minister Abe's visit-to-Yasukuni-Shrine problem, by the Security Council which is a top legislative body of the de facto United Nations and anti-Japanese criticism is moving to the place of the United Nations, Secretary of State Kelly may be dispatched to China and South Korea, and the United States may perform exchange of opinions, and may develop into the situation where the United States, China, and South Korea keep step pace with anti-Japanese criticism here.
Although the United States was requesting that a visit to Yasukuni Shrine should not be carried out for 3 times, are what Prime Minister Abe ignored and forced worship, and also Nikkei had also reported, but The deep-seated grudge to Prime Minister Abe to whom the U.S. Department of State bureaucrats who had taken Christmas dinner with the family by having visited to pray, and White House management made most important Christmas spoilt for the emergency summons in a fragment and one year never disappears.
Japan is going in the direction isolated all over the world, and will be in a very dangerous state.
Although the influence broadcast as Japanese militarism revival is overseas, the mass media in the world may also be becoming such tone of argument, and Japan may become the situation which is disliked from all over the world and isolated all over the world, not to mention a person.
Although it seems that Prime Minister Abe thinks that the United States is offended and Japan is realized, this will drive Japan into ruin.

01/30/2014 国連安保理. 日本経済新聞.







◯The Fukushima Crisis740;It May Develop Abandoned.次から次への問題。

2014-01-28 07:41:12 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

01/28/2014 Jiji Press . tepco. Task force of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
yesterday's more detail. January 24, 2014
(New disclosure: Fukushima nuclear power plant)
Jiji Press has reported that the following reports are performed and there is a possibility that contaminated water will begin to leak from a No. 1 building.
The problem has come out in the next from No. 1 No. 2 or 3 and the next, and if it goes as it is, a Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant may develop into the situation which is abandoned completely.
A No. 1 building is also pointed out in a pollution source or the radioactivity groundwater regulation committee task force in = Fukushima 1st.
In the problem out of which the groundwater polluted with the 1st nuclear power plant of Tokyo Electric Power Fukushima by the radioactive material is flowing into the sea, the task force of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission which argues about the measure against contaminated water was held on the 24th, the high-level radioactive water with which No. 1 turbine building underground was covered leaked, and the opinion which points out a possibility of soiling groundwater succeeded one another.
Toden explains that the high-level radioactive water which flowed into the trench (underground pipelines, such as a cable) of No. 2 or 3 just behind the accident might ooze out in soil, and may have soiled groundwater until now.
In order to prevent an outflow to the sea, neighboring groundwater was pumped up, and the soil near the shore protection is hardened, but the disclosure from a building etc. is not accepted.
A new measure is needed if contaminated water has leaked from the No. 1 building.
According to the data submitted to the task force, the concentration of radioactive material tritium was so low in the well for observation which was about 45 meters away from shore protection by the No. 1 turbine building sea side the middle of November, last year that it is undetectable, but he is the Noboru Gokami.
With the groundwater extracted on the 19th of this month, the peak price of this well was updated at 5600 Bq per liter.

01/28/2014 時事通信社. tepco. 原子力規制委員会の作業部会.

yesterday's more detail.







◯The Fukushima Crisis739Unit 1 – Skyrocket Since Last Test, Now 1,000s Of Times Higher.

2014-01-27 07:20:00 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

01/27/2014. (ENENews, Jan 25, 2014). Jiji.

Highly Radioactive Groundwater Now Flowing Under Fukushima Unit 1 – Levels Skyrocket Since Last Test, Now 1,000s Of Times Higher – 8 Locations Hit Record In Recent Days
Environment, Global NewsAdd comments
- Jiji: Highly radioactive groundwater now flowing under Unit 1 ― Levels skyrocket since last test, now 1,000s of times higher ― 8 locations hit record in recent days at Fukushima Daiichi (ENENews, Jan 25, 2014):

Jiji Press, Jan. 24, 2014: Tainted Water May Also Have Leaked from No. 1 Reactor at Fukushima N-Plant ― Highly radioactive water accumulated in the basement of the turbine building of the No. 1 reactor [...] may have contaminated groundwater, experts said Friday. [...] TEPCO has explained that the groundwater may have been contaminated by highly radioactive water in underground cable tunnels of the No. 2 and 3 reactors [...] however, 5,600 becquerels of radioactive tritium per liter was detected in groundwater taken on Sunday from an observation well near the turbine building of the No. 1 reactor. No radioactive tritium was detected in water collected in mid-November. [...]

8 groundwater locations hit new highs for tritium since January 6 (Bq/liter):

0-2: 4,700 <1/12>
0-3-2: 73,000 <1/16>
0-4: 46,000 <1/12>
1-8: 12,000 <1/6>
1-17: 31,000 <1/16>
2-2: 660 <1/8>
2-7: 1,100 <1/17>
3-5: 170 <1/8>
View the latest sampling results here (pdf)

See also: Expert: “Can’t be changed & can’t be stopped”; Radioa

Tags: Environment, Fukushima, Global News, Japan, Nuclear, Nuclear reactors, Radiation

(ENENews、2014年1月25日). Jiji.
8 ロケーションはレコードに最近ヒットします。
- Jiji:
660 <1/8>
170 <1/8>

◯The Fukushima Crisis738; [Tepco] spiked at over 600 microSv/hrs , 毎時600マイクロシーベルト以上

2014-01-26 07:41:47 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

01/26/2014. Wall St. Journal. NHK Newsline. Kyodo News.

Water Leak Found Inside Fukushima Reactor No. 3 – WSJ: Radiation Level Spikes 60-Fold In Seconds Nearby

Environment, Global NewsAdd comments
- Japan TV: ‘Problem on their hands’ at Fukushima, constant flow of water pouring from foot-wide leak at Reactor 3; “They don’t know where water it’s coming from” ― WSJ: Radiation level spikes 60-fold in seconds nearby (VIDEO) (ENENEws, Jan 18, 2014):

Wall St. Journal, Jan. 17, 2014: As the bus carrying reporters [taking part in a media tour on Jan. 15] drove past by unit 3 toward units 1 and 2, readings on a dosimeter carried by an employee of plant operator [Tepco] spiked at over 600 microsieverts per hour, compared with a reading of around 10 microsieverts just seconds earlier. Reactors 1-3 are so highly contaminated that no one, even in a protective suit, can enter the buildings. That means almost all the cleanup work at the three units will have to be undertaken by remote-controlled robots.

NHK Newsline (Transcript), Jan. 18, 2014: The people in charge of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant have another problem on their hands. They say they found water pouring into a drain inside a reactor building. Officials at [Tepco] say they don’t know where the water is coming from and their not sure how much radioactivity it contains.

NHK, Jan. 18, 2014: Water leak found inside Fukushima reactor building [...] spotted on the first floor of the reactor building on Saturday by a camera [...] the water flow was about 30-centimeters wide [11.8 inches] and constant. TEPCO added that the water is likely flowing toward the building’s basement where a large amount of radioactive water has accumulated. TEPCO says that inside the reactor building there is water for cooling melted fuel and water in the spent fuel storage pool. It says rain water may have entered the damaged building. TEPCO is trying to find out the source of the leaking water by analyzing footage [...] radiation levels are too high for workers to approach the site.

Kyodo News, Jan. 18, 2014: Water leakage found inside No. 3 reactor of Fukushima plant: TEPCO [...] Water that could contain radioactive material has been pouring [from a] 30-centimeter wide water leak [...] It said the water had not leaked outside the building. TEPCO has been pouring cooling water on the No. 1 to 3 reactors to cool melted fuel, and water has been seen leaking through damaged parts of the No. 3 reactor’s containment vessel. [...]

Tags: Environment, Fukushima, Global News, Japan, Nuclear, Nuclear reactors, Radiation

NHK Newsline。

- 日本のテレビ:

NHK Newsline(記録)、2014年1月18日:



◯ 千両役者。

2014-01-25 17:44:06 | ♪ One Short Talk


2008年6月 8日 (日)




(1) 慶長小判 (2) 元禄小判 (3) 宝永小判 (4) 正徳小判 (5) 享保小判 (6) 元文小判 (7) 文政小判 (8) 天保小判 (9) 安政小判 (10) 万延小判

(11) 天保五両判 (12) 太閤円歩金 (13) 慶長一分金 (14) 元禄二朱金 (15) 唐の甲州露一両金 (16) 甲州一分金

(17) 慶長丁銀 (18) 元禄丁銀(19) 元文丁銀 (20) 豆板銀 (21) 小型豆板銀(露銀)







かけそば一杯16文(幕末には20文)。(浮世絵も一枚絵16文から) 現在のそばの値(500~600円程度)を基準に計算すると、1文=31~38円見当。1両=6000文として、186000円~228000円と言う事になります。
職人の日当換算。 文化文政期(19世紀初)の職人の手間(日当)は銀5匁4分。現在の日当を大まかに2万円~3万円。換算すると、銀1匁=3700~5555円。1両=銀60匁として、222000円~333300円。この場合の1文の価値は37~55円。

よく調べてくれているページがありましたので、紹介します。National Geographic Blog: 【一両の価値】。
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◯The Fukushima Crisis737;Missile n Nuc.P.P Export.インド/核搭載可能ミサイルと原発輸出

2014-01-25 07:46:36 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

01/25/2014. greenpeace org.
It turns to disposition of India and a nuclear missile, and they are a success / Cree on-line (January 20) to a long-distance continent ballistic missile launch examination.
One of the countries where the Abe Administration strives for the marketing effort of a nuclear power plant, India.
Prime Minister Abe has agreed on the resumption of negotiation of the nuclear agreement which will be the requisite for nuclear power plant export with Prime Minister Singh of India in May, last year.
India which has not joined in the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty is not under the surveillance of an international core, and the concern by which construction of a nuclear power plant is abused
a long distance [ January 20 and India ] which a nuclear warhead can carry -- it succeeded in the launch examination of the ballistic missile Agni 4 No. for land.
Two or more persons concerned clarified.
It is the 3rd time now that India succeeded in a launch of the missile.
A missile succeeds in a 4000-km flight and much technology of the international level is used for manufacture of equipment.
<Reference>international setting NGO pea "nuclear power plant export to India which a nuclear reactor maker dislikes in fact"
In India, it is a system where responsibility is asked about the nuclear power plant manufacturer, in case of the nuclear power plant disaster.
- It "is a success to the launch examination of India and the missile which can be core carried" / Cree on-line (January 20) [ source article ]
-- nuclear power plant export to India which a nuclear reactor maker dislikes in fact . / contribution day - 2013-05-30 14:04
With Prime Minister Singh of India, Prime Minister Abe has agreed the resumption of negotiation of a nuclear agreement yesterday on the assumption that nuclear power plant export.
At the spot of the Tokyo Electric Power Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident, rope walking, such as a problem etc. of the radioactive contamination water which continues increasing in number, continues, and it is, without the ability of many victims to put life reconstruction in prospective.
On the other hand, Prime Minister Abe is selling the nuclear power plant to overseas "which can offer the safest nuclear power plant in the world."
Doesn't that it is inexcusable mean this?
The nuclear power plant export to India is high-risk.
In fact, the law which can demand responsibility also from a nuclear reactor maker exists in India in case of a nuclear power plant disaster.
This took in "polluter-pays-principle" also in atomic power from experience of the Bhopal chemical factory poisonous gas accidental spillage which is the worst ever industrial mishaps which occurred in India in 1984.
There is a place which should be considered as teachings also as the worst example of a corporate social responsibility and environmental pollution.
If a nuclear power plant is built in India, the following nuclear reactor maker management's comment is published about a possibility that the responsibility for an accident will attain to a nuclear reactor maker at Asahi Shimbun this morning.
"There is no telling which is burdened (compensation).
One [ want / nuclear reactor makers without the maker who flies, such as" Toshiba, Hitachi, and the Mitsubishi Heavy / really ] may be contracting the infrastructure building of others, such as the Shinkansen.
Japan which exports to the "safety myth"
Toshiba and Hitachi which designed and manufactured the Toden Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident furnace, and no nuclear reactor maker called GE are actually asked in the responsibility for an accident.
If responsibility is demanded, it is a question like Toden whether management was able to be continued.
In short, although a nuclear reactor maker thinks that it is delicious business that exports a nuclear power plant to the country on which responsibility for an accident is not imposed, he wavers in the country which may be blamed for a risk.
It is the proof which does not regard them as a nuclear power plant being safe.
How about importing the law of India that responsibility can be primarily demanded from a nuclear reactor maker by "polluter-pays-principle", before just Japan which has experienced the nuclear power plant disaster by the present progressive form exports a nuclear power plant to India?
First of all, priority is given to victim protection and it looks again to the Act on Compensation for Nuclear Damage which specifies a nuclear reactor maker's compensation liability.
"It is maker responsibility also to a nuclear power plant of Japan". Under on-line signature implementation!
(A banner click is carried out and it can do in 20 seconds) ↓

01/25/2014. greenpeace org.





●source article「インド、核搭載可能ミサイルの打ち上げ試験に成功」/クリー・オンライン(1月20日)

♻︎じつは原子炉メーカーが嫌がるインドへの原発輸出 . 
投稿日 - 2013-05-30 14:04



「日本の原発にもメーカー責任を」 オンライン署名実施中!


◯The Fukushima Crisis736;Game Changer’: Former PM Tokyo election.「ゲームを変える男:」

2014-01-24 16:10:25 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

01/24/2014. ENENews

‘Game Changer’: Former Prime Ministers team up to win Tokyo election and end nuclear power ― It’s endangering the existence of Japan… “Our nation’s survival is at stake” ― “Could have biggest influence ever on national politics”

Published: January 14th, 2014 at 2:32 pm ET
By ENENews
Email Article

Kyodo, Jan. 14, 2014: Former Prime Minister Morihiro Hosokawa said Tuesday he will run in the upcoming Tokyo gubernatorial election with an antinuclear agenda after securing the backing of popular former Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi [...] The move [...] could have game-changing impact on the race for the helm of the Japanese capital [...] “I have made my decision to run in the Tokyo governor election,” Hosokawa told reporters after meeting Koizumi. “I have a sense of crisis myself that the country’s various problems, especially nuclear power plants, are matters of survival for the country.” [...] Koizumi indicated the main focus of the election will be whether to pursue nuclear power or not, calling the election “a war between the group that says Japan can grow with zero nuclear power plants” and the group that says it cannot. [...]

Asahi Shimbun, Jan. 14, 2014: [...] “I have a sense of crisis that various problems facing Japan today, especially the issue of nuclear power generation, will endanger the existence of our country,” Hosokawa said, explaining the reason for his candidacy. [...] Koizumi said the Tokyo gubernatorial election will be a contest between pro- and anti-nuclear forces. “My belief is that Japan will be able to do without nuclear energy. Hosokawa also has the same belief. That is the biggest reason for my support of him,” he said. [...] Koizumi told reporters, “I expressed my respects to Hosokawa from the heart. I will do my utmost so that Hosokawa wins the election.” Koizumi said the Tokyo gubernatorial election could have “the biggest influence ever on national politics.” “If the Tokyo metropolitan government shows that it can go without nuclear power generation, it will certainly be able to change Japan,” he said. Koizumi also said, “If Hosokawa becomes Tokyo governor, he will have a major influence that could shake national politics on the issues of energy and nuclear power generation.” [...]

Wall St. Journal, Jan. 14, 2014: [Former Prime Ministers Hosokawa and Koizumi] are expected to stir up the gubernatorial race and bring the energy debate back into the national spotlight. That will likely dismay of the administration of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, which would rather not have the divisive issue become an election focal point. [...] Mr. Hosokawa said [...] “I have a sense of crisis that our nation’s survival is at stake over nuclear power.”

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe: “Candidates need to discuss not only the issue of nuclear energy but also other issues facing Tokyo properly, including preparations for the 2020 Olympics and a long list of children waiting to enroll in nursery schools.”

254 コメント




◯The Fukushima Crisis735Public Comment Stop it.あなたのパブコメが、原発推進計画閣議決定を止めた。

2014-01-23 07:21:52 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

01/23/2014 Nihon Keizai Shimbun.
Your public comment stopped the nuclear power plant promotion plan Cabinet decision.
Contribution day - 2014-01-17 9:28
Your public comment stopped the Cabinet decision of the energy scheme of the country of nuclear power plant promotion.
The energy master plan proposal of the government of nuclear power plant promotion.
It is said that no less than 19,000 public comments gathered.
Nihon Keizai Shimbun "the government decided to delay the Cabinet decision of an energy master plan in February and afterwards.
It is reported that it was judged that it was necessary to add correction to a proposed plan reflecting the opinion from the voice of 19,000 affairs, and the Liberal Democratic Party and the Komei Party which were brought near by people" (January 15, 2014 Nikkei newspaper).
Although there is probably also the expectation --- which does not want to make a nuclear power plant into the point at issue of the Tokyo gubernatorial election of vote counting on February 9, I think that it is certain that the voice of 19,000 affairs affected it.
If that is right, let's raise voice increasingly it not only delayed the Cabinet decision, but so that the voice of 19,000 affairs may be reflected on the contents of the plan!
When the opinion by which no less than 19,000 affairs were brought near is telephoned and (03-3501-2304) asked to the Director-General of the Agency of Natural Resources and Energy secretariat general policy planning division which he wanted to know what kind of thing it was, and collected public comments, it is if an opinion is still under scrutinization and it opens to the public by a homepage later on.
With the energy master plan proposal of the country, atomic power is positioned, saying "It is an important base power supply supporting the stability of energy supply-demand structure", and it supposes "Re-operation will be advanced about the nuclear power plant where safety was confirmed under the new system standard of world's best standards."
Although the Toden Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster was experienced, a base power supply cannot have a nuclear power plant.
There cannot also be no re-operation under the regulatory standard which the cause unfolding of the Toden Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster does not have, either, and was made.
Let's make it correct sharply.
The Abe Administration which is going to determine an important bill by a Cabinet decision simply is very dangerous.

01/23/2014 日本経済新聞.

投稿日 - 2014-01-17 9:28



◯The Fukushima Crisis734ELECTION原発オリンピック-東京都知事選で問う危機とチャンス【松村昭雄】

2014-01-23 00:08:31 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

The Nuclear Olympics: Crisis and Opportunity in Tokyo’s Election
January 15, 2014Japan, Nuclear, Politics

Akio Matsumura

Since the Fukushima accident, I have presented the opinions of several eminent scientists on the Fukushima disaster and we have received many insightful responses from other experts in many fields. Many thanks to our friends for constantly translating this work into French, Spanish, Japanese, and German – hard work that brought in thousands of new readers. Our joint efforts have gained a high level of international credibility and helped bring these issues the urgent attention they deserve.

Over these past three years I have begun to understand nuclear power and how its heavy risks – 10,000 years of environmental damage – are beyond what most are willing to accept as reality.

Next month the Japanese people have an opportunity to question Fukushima’s safety again. A special election for the governor of Tokyo will take place February 9, an election the entire world will watch and comment on, and one which include serious discussion of energy. Candidates have already declared themselves for or against nuclear power.

Why is a gubernatorial election of international importance? The honor and responsibility of hosting the 2020 Summer Olympic Games.

Over the next weeks, as election debates revisit the question of the ongoing crisis at Fukushima and nuclear power’s safety, it is useful to review the lessons learned from the March 2011 and the disaster that ensued.

①We have arrived at a very basic realization: every potentially dangerous machine should have an emergency “off” switch that shuts everything down completely ― but nuclear power reactors don’t have one, because radioactivity cannot be shut off and therefore the irradiated nuclear fuel will continue to produce dangerous amounts of heat for many years after the plant’s shutdown.

②While nuclear power plants are generating electricity, they are also mass-producing enormous quantities of radioactive poisons that remain dangerous for centuries after the plant has been permanently shut down ― poisons capable of contaminating food and water supplies long after they have been released to the environment.

③Water used to cool a damaged reactor core becomes radioactively contaminated, and as the cooling must continue for years the volume of contaminated water grows very large and is difficult to keep out of the environment; this is especially true of subterranean waters

④We have no radioactive waste repository in Japan where irradiated nuclear fuel can be safely isolated from the environment for 100,000 years, nor do we have an interim radioactive waste repository for the temporary safe storage of these nuclear wastes for one hundred to two hundred years.

⑤Japan cannot complete the decommissioning and removal of the radioactive cores of the crippled Fukushima nuclear power plants for at least 50 years, during which time radioactivity may continue to be emitted into the atmosphere, the soil, and the groundwater, while contaminated water will continue to flow into the Pacific Ocean.

⑥Because nuclear power plants raise national security issues, governments try to hide the internal workings of these plants from public attention, including failures and episodes of mismanagement that could compromise public safety.

⑦Since the medical effects of radiation exposure such as the appearance of thyroid disorders, cancers, leukemia, and damage to the gene pool will take several years or decades to become apparent, society will experience a gradually flowering crop of radiation-induced illnesses.

⑧Exporting our nuclear power technology to developing countries can increase the risk of more uncontrolled nuclear disasters from this immature technology not only from accidental causes but as a result of conventional warfare or terrorist attack in politically unstable regions.

⑨Every nuclear reactor also produces a man-made element called plutonium, which is the primary nuclear explosive material used in the world’s arsenal of nuclear weapons, and which will remain available for tens of thousands of years after the last reactor has been shut down.

These nine truths are easily digested here, but operators, bureaucrats, and many journalists let them sit shrouded in mystery for the past three years. Public worries are further compounded with no good solution to contain the radiation emanating from the crippled reactors and a still-unknown number of children affected by thyroid and other cancers, a number we will only see over the next five to ten years.

Coinciding with that period is the preparation for the Tokyo Summer Olympics. There are few events more prestigious to host. The Games are a huge investment of money and pride – Japan has budgeted more than $8 billion, and their international reputation depends on a smooth performance. The foremost concern for the IOC and Japan during the bidding process was safety: what impact will Fukushima and its radiation have on athletes and spectators? Japan satisfied the IOC’s qualms. The IOC president Jacques Rogge said to Japan, “You have described yourself as a safe pair of hands.” The information coming from Fukushima should have led to a different conclusion. I hope this is more directly addressed through the debates as Tokyo elects a governor.

The best way to address Fukushima as a safety threat to the Olympic Games will be when the “safe hands” include those of Japan, the IOC, and international scientific and engineering experts. It will be this concerned consortium that will assess and confirm that everything that can be done to mitigate the threat from Fukushima has been identified and that appropriate and timely action has been taken. That will be the most respected Gold Medal of the games.

Five candidates will race to govern Tokyo and the city’s 13.2 million inhabitants. The next governor of Tokyo will be in a once-in-a-century position to help Japan build new international relations and a new energy policy. The ideal candidate will have unique qualifications: long term perspective, first-rate diplomatic skills, a clear grasp of energy policy, and municipal experience. With this special skill set in mind, Mr. Morihiro Hosokawa, a former Prime Minister and former Governor of Kumamoto who entered the race earlier this week, stands a head above the rest.

I wish Tokyo a successful Olympic Games. The city’s people can show they wish this as well by putting their confidence in a leader cut out to find opportunity in the crisis ahead.

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01/23/2014 松村昭雄(元国連職員)

原発オリンピック ━ 東京都知事選で問う危機とチャンス
January 19, 2014






















◯The Fukushima Crisis733Running Mad.最後は税金を食い逃げする気だ イカれてる東電と巨大銀行。

2014-01-22 21:31:41 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

01/21/2014 Gendai online. special feature article 2014.1.14
An interest is "survival" and [ "make a great fortune /" ], two interests accords.
the last is their mind which bilks a tax --they are running mad.
Toden and a mega-bank

■ don't opt for freely -- a loanee with "delicious" ■ Toden
■ They are just resistance forces.
The child who runs about hills and fields is hanging the dosimeter from the head.
There is a family who left the house to which it got used and exceeded the year in the makeshift house.
Toden and a mega-bank began to move to nuclear power plant re-operation, without looking back upon the reality of now in addition severe Fukushima.
Don't opt for re-operation freely.
"While verification of the Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster is not fully carried out primarily, although that examination which should correspond how is not carried out, either, when the same accident occurs, it cannot have the argument on re-operation.
Although the manager of the Tokyo Electric Power kept hiding that the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant was carrying out meltdown two months, he is clear-headed in why such concealment occurred, and has not clarified.
Even if it uses the problem of contaminated water, the management of Toden gave priority to the problem of money over safety, and the spot has stopped the plan of the spot rather, although the measure was elaborated from the early stage.
If borrowing is impossible from a bank, the reality of management will have neglected what the problem of money should be made an excuse and should be done for it.
Safe management of a nuclear power plant, etc. cannot be performed in the situation where 90 percent in the president's head has filled with the reparation problem in addition to a debt or dealing with decommissioning and contaminated water."
It is Governor Hirohiko Izumida of Niigata Prefecture that is angry like this.
Toden summarized a plan so that it may be astonished at the end of last year.
Re-operation of the Kashiwazaki Kariwa nuclear power plant of Niigata Prefecture was incorporated in the comprehensive special business plan = restructuring plan which the nuclear damage compensatory support mechanism of the government which grasps the stock of the majority of Toden and Toden made.
Synthesis of the talk of the persons concerned will say that No. 1 or 5 and the scenario re-worked one by one are drawn as a starter by re-working No. 6 or 7 of the Kashiwazaki Kariwa nuclear power plant in July, this year after that in a restructuring plan.
Toden began to push on in a straight line towards a "rash act" called nuclear power plant re-operation as if there was no reflection which caused the nuclear power plant disaster which carries out terror of the whole world.
When this restructuring plan was collected continuously, mega-banks, such as Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation and Development Bank of Japan, performed a 500 billion yen loan to Toden so that nuclear power plant re-operation might be backed up.
As everyone knows, the Kashiwazaki Kariwa nuclear power plant is in a situation with the ability of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to re-work [ opaque ] in a safety review now.
Although re-operation also requires consent of the local Niigata governor, Governor Izumida is continuing the opposite posture like the beginning.
That is, it means that Toden makes the black-figures plan on condition of the nuclear power plant re-operation which cannot be impossible, and the mega-bank had also lent Toden large amount money, saying "Lend if it becomes black figures."
Between Toden and a mega-bank, the talk has already followed nuclear power plant re-operation as "having been decided."
Although it will be hard to understand, if you can see the upper table, the trick of how it carries out and such "a crazy notice" is performed is quite obvious, and understands it.
This is the correlation diagram which explained in full detail the exchange [ what kind of money ] is performed between Toden and a financial institution.
The appearance by which a large amount of "Toden money" flows into a financial institution one after another can grasp at a glance.
"Main creditor banks, such as a mega bank of the Mizuho Bank and Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ and Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank, occupy the great portion of about 4,500 billion yen loan (highest rung) in Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation which is a main financing bank at first in a roll.
The money of the unit of 100 billion yen was lent, respectively, and abundant interest is received." (major securities company management)
Although hardly known, even if it leads "another route" through which money flows into Toden through original or the government, the financial institution has received the considerable frame.
"For example, the money at the time of original financing Toden 1 trillion yen in July, '12 is twisted by the loan by a financial institution.
This loan is a mechanism in which money will roll into the bosom of a financial institution with jab jab for one year, half a year, and a short period whenever it renews." (before said)
Since it is determined by bid which bank I have lent, the business in connection with the bid was entrusted to the Mizuho Bank, Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation, and Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, and three mega banks have got the frame of 100 million units.
Since the degree of a bid is outsourced, the financial institution is to gain money also here each time.

01/21/2014 Gendai online.
特集記事 2014.1.14
イカれてないか! 東電と巨大銀行

■再稼働を勝手に決めるな ■東電は「おいしい」融資先
















◯The Fukushima Crisis732"It's the thing that wake me up at the night"「心配で夜,目が覚めます」

2014-01-21 07:16:24 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

01/21/2014. Nyt.
Looking for nuclear power plant worker.Extensive retirement, unpopular, a decline of the reduction. United States nuclear power industry of the number of nuclear power plants and the nuclear power plant worker / New York Times which continues decreasing (January 11)
It is about 90 miles from Texas [ U.S. ] Houston to southwest.
The nuclear power plant which a "South Texas enterprise" manages rises high over the side of the Colorado.
One photograph puts into a frame and is decorated by the wall of the greatest nuclear power plant in this state.
200 men and women have fitted in the photograph with smile with the banner.
It is atmosphere just like the set photograph of a high school.
If it removes that there are those who have made a pose in front of the chimney of a cylinder type nuclear power plant.
On a banner, the character of nuclear power plant No. 1" for commerce can be read on August [ "1988 year ] 25.
40% will greet an age of retirement in several years in and after next year among the rich workers beyond average experience 22 year reflected to this photograph.

Dennis Kohl, a manager, states.
"It's the thing that wake me up at the night"

The workers of a nuclear field cannot keep on working from balance with the total exposure dose for a long period of time.
As a result, skilled workers always run short.
Now, the same thing has broken out in about 100 nuclear power plant in the U.S.
Nuclear power plant industry of which ? decline is done
It aged 2011 and the U.S. Government was putting power into atomic power once upon a time [ last ].
President Obama promised 8,300 million dollars as that it hits to nuclear power plant construction of Georgia, and it was planning that Texas built eight nuclear power plants.
The nuclear power plant industry called this time in the word "nuclear power plant Renaissance."
It is only one STP company making the construction application of one new nuclear power plant in Texas today.
However, since the government said that the disposal method of radioactive waste had not become settled, it froze the check of applications itself.
The politics and economic conditions which surround atomic power were changed completely today.
The intense nightmare of the Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster is still new to people's memory.
Development of cheap shale gas is progressing in the U.S.
Nuclear bureaucrats already object to the voice whether nuclear talented people are unnecessary.
Atomic power occupies 12% of U.S. energy.
The electric power company has been striving for required talented people's reservation through the contribution to the educational facilities in the U.S., and nuclear talented people's training organization establishment for some time.
Such a motion has not still stopped.
(abstract n partly edited)
- "Asking for tomorrow's nuclear worker" / New York Times (January 11) [ source article:]
("Seeking Nuclear-Power) Workers of Tomorrow", The New York Times, 2014.1.11)

01/21/2014. Nyt.


米国テキサス州ヒューストンから南西に約90マイル。コロラド川のほとりに「南テキサス事業」が運営する原発がそびえている。この州内最大の原発の壁には、一枚の写真が額に入れて飾られている。200人の男女が横断幕とともに笑顔で写真におさまっている。まるで高校の集合写真のような雰囲気だ。円筒型の原発の煙突の前でポーズを取っている者がいることを除いては。横断幕には「1988年8月25日、商業用原発 第一号機」の文字が読める。









(abstract n partly edited)

●source article:「明日の原子力労働者を求めて」/ニューヨーク・タイムズ(1月11日)
(“Seeking Nuclear-Power Workers of Tomorrow”, The New York Times, 2014.1.11)

◯The Fukushima Crisis731;Daily Worst. 井戸水で270万ベクレル=福島第1、最高値更新-東電

2014-01-20 07:40:36 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

01/20/2014. Jiji Press . Tepco.
Daily Worst.
Contaminated water (Fukushima first) 01 / 19 / 2014. Jiji Press which recorded the worst have reported that Toden has announced that it detected 2,700,000 Bq (plutonium mainly) at the observation well door which is in the sea side of a No. 2 turbine building for a start [ Fukushima ].
This well is in 40 meters from the sea, and it has become 2,400,000 Bq last time, and while one week cannot be found, it means that concentration had risen by no less than 300,000 Bq.
It seems that it is going to the next stage of Catastrophe.
It is well water and they are 2,700,000 Bq = Fukushima 1st and renewal of peak price ? Toden.
On the problem which is flowing into the sea, the groundwater polluted with the 1st nuclear power plant of Tokyo Electric Power Fukushima by the radioactive material, Toden announced on the 17th that 2,700,000 Bq per liter of radioactive materials which take out beta rays, such as a strontium 90, with the well for observation in the No. 2 turbine building sea side from the water extracted on the 16th were detected.
an old peak price -- said -- it was 2,400,000 Bq.
This well is located from shore protection at about 40-meter place, and renewal of a peak price continues from last year.

01/20/2014. 時事通信社. Tepco.

Daily Worst.

最悪を記録した汚染水(福島第一)01/19/2014. 【2号機タービン建屋】


