◯ rain shelter flower. 雨降り花。

2014-05-20 07:36:20 | ♪ One Short Talk

💥 A firefly take shelter from the rain under dis flower.

05/20/2014 yasounikki.exblog.
Tag: A firefly take shelter from the rain under dis flower.
[2011-08-04 16:38]

It will grow in slopes, such as a yard and a bank of a way, in 6 July.
Since it blooms at a rainy season term, there is also another name of "rain flower."
A rainfall flower looks down and attaches a flower to a degree.
The very appearance is "Bellflower."

Department firefly bag of a western bellflower, perennial herbaceous plant.
Distribution place It sees in whole extent of Japan.
In English, it is called "bellflower (flower of a bell)."

if it gets wet to rain, a color will fall out -- frosted glass -- like -- gently .
It is also beautiful that the spot of the dark color which is inside a bell form looms.
The lining cloth of a stylish and lovely kimono is imagined.
Silk is attached to the reverse side of the kimono of cotton, and a joke is carried out.
It is an Edoite's firefly bag which is stylish.
A purple spot pattern is in a
flower, The bell type of a petal is lovely.
Height of grass is 5to6 cm in length of a flower about 70 cm.
It seems that the flower bloomed at the time when a firefly flies about, and the name of "firefly bag" was attached since the firefly was put in this flower and it used for firefly picking.

05/20/2014 yasounikki.exblog.

タグ:ほたるぶくろ ( 2 )
[ 2012-06-30 20:18 ]
[ 2011-08-04 16:38 ]
   💥 A firefly take shelter from the rain under dis flower.                     ★… 【 梅雨の中休み 】 蛍袋・ほたるぶくろ …★ 
                   2012.06 自宅にて


【蛍袋】ききょう科ほたるぶくろ属、多年草。 分布地 日本全土に見られる。英語では「bellflower(鐘の花)」という。




