◯The Fukushima Crisis770;A Way To The Catastrophe2号機でロボット回収不能=作業員、設定知らず。

2014-03-30 07:50:52 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

03/29/2014 WSJ. Kyodo News.
robot recovery is impossible at [2 No. -- 1st = worker and free [ from a setting ] ? Fukushima ], although inconvenience no special worker to be and a work mistake have appeared successively in the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in which the honest worker stopped being, "The worker did not know" the case revealed this time, either is supposed, and that a worker with honest knowledge is stopping there being understands it.
Although this robot is made in the United States and does not know to really carry out how much, since the dose of radiation is high, recovery is made impossible.
it may enter time hot from now on, and may become the situation where it is alike before long and the worker of an end leaves in a group as "not doing."
If a worker abandons the spot, what will happen?
Although supplying the Toden employee and the government official of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry is only lost, does the preparedness exist?
Even though Toden only has dissolving as for it, I hear that Fukushima Daiichi going was ordered, and the "nuclear fuel" remains even if nobody stops being in a problem if it becomes the situation where the employees who resign occur one after another.
Contaminated water processing equipment "polynuclear species removal equipment (ALPS)" of the 1st nuclear power plant of Tokyo Electric Power Fukushima has stopped as usual.
Moreover, the contaminated water tank is also made from the beginning as for three years, and a life comes soon.
If the foundation may also already lean and an earthquake with the seismic intensity of five or more attacks there, a tank will collapse from door to door, and it is super-high concentration.
It will be catastrophe if it becomes the situation where contaminated water covers the whole inside of a Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. Nobody can already approach.
Even if the day carries out [ approaching every moment and ], we cannot do it at all.
However, if it becomes so, that one can be said will be [ hear / I / maybe ] the situation which cannot live in the Kanto bloc, when the worst.
Although the government does not issue an all the members evacuation order for the Kanto bloc residents, an individual judges, and escaping from the Kanto bloc is only.
A way is lost.
Although there is only wishing the worst situation does not come, it merely prays, and I do not solve and think that only the preparations at that time should always be made.
renewal of March 27, 2014 22:00 JST robot recovery is impossible at [Jiji Press] 2 No. -- = worker and free [ from a setting ] Fukushima 1st
It fell, while the U.S. robot which was investigating on the fifth floor of the 1st nuclear power plant reactor building of No. 2 of Fukushima worked on the 27th, and the Tokyo Electric Power announced that the battery was run out and it became impossible to collect.
According to Toden, a robot is the U.S. "Warrior."
In order to investigate the pollution situation etc. of the fifth floor of the building which hits immediately on a reactor container on the 13th of this month, when the concrete of the floor, etc. were extracted by two or more robots, "Warrior." ー fell.
Since the power cable was connected from the exterior, the worker was going to return on the following day, the 14th, but when checked on the morning of the same day, a power supply was not supplied from a cable, but it was dead of the battery.
Although the switch of the robot body needed to be operated for the reboot, in the building, the dose of radiation was high and gave up recovery.
When the battery of "Warrior." became full charge, it had become a setup which suspends the electric supply from the outside automatically, but a worker says that he did not know.
[Jiji Press]
- [Power which is WSJ and it strengthens] Role to decommissioning work with the 1st nuclear power plant of Fukushima, such as the 6th "tangible sensation", and a large robot
Fukushima decommissioning and the maximum difficulty are in 2020 and afterwards.
All ◯The Fukushima Crisis764;ALPS DOWN Fukushima nuclear power plant radioactivity purifying facilities stop!!! Dangerous.
It is next report.
[present condition of the 1st nuclear power plant of Fukushima] (March 24, 2014) "the completion of purification" -- much more -- difficult -- ALPS formal operation -- severe
(Kyodo News)
Contaminated water processing equipment "polynuclear species removal equipment (ALPS)" of the 1st nuclear power plant of Tokyo Electric Power Fukushima under test run became a situation where formal operation during April when a stop and Toden will aim in the trouble which cannot remove a radioactive material was severe from contaminated water.
Goal achievement that purification of the contaminated water with which the ground tank in a site continues being covered will be completed by March, next year is also becoming much more difficult.
ALPS can remove 62 kinds of radioactive materials other than tritium, and let it be a trump card of the measure against contaminated water.
In the trouble revealed on the 18th, the radioactive material which takes out a beta ray detects a maximum of 14 million Bq per liter from the water extracted among three lines at one exit on the 17th.
If it was original, about hundreds of millions of Bq contaminated water must have been purified to about hundreds of Bq.
Since extraction of water was 3 times only per week, the contaminated water which is about 2500 tons which grasp of abnormalities was not able to purify behind time flows into the tank group called "J1", and it is mixed with purified water, and contamination is expanded.
A total of about 15,000 tons is contained in 21 tanks, and Toden is busy with the check of the pollution situation.
the time of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's inspecting the 1st nuclear power plant in September, last year, as for a target that the contaminated water in a site will be purified by March, next year -- Toden Naoki Hirose (fathom- seeing in addition) The president expressed.
To achievement, a hurdle is very high at the calculation which must process 1960 tons per day of contaminated water.
ALPS under test run is been planning to be supposed that about 750 tons can be processed in one day if three lines operate fully, and Toden is planning to extend equipment of the scale.
Furthermore, a total of three equipment is scheduled to introduce "highly efficient ALPS" which fixes in response to assistance of a country, and to increase a throughput in October, this year and afterwards.
Masayuki Ono atomic power and a location director-general substitute "an improving point is reflected on new equipment (Masayuki Ono says).
Suppose that this affair does not think affecting a plan immediately."
But the time concerning the cause unfolding of this trouble, washing of equipment, etc. is unknown, and the prospect of formal operation does not stand.
Even if it sets 3 equipment, a throughput is about 2000 tons per day, and rope walking follows maintaining 1960 tons.
Once a trouble like this time occurs, a plan may fail.
(Kyodo News)
2014/03/24 13:57

03/29/2014 WSJ. 共同通信社.






汚染水が福島第一原発内全体を覆う事態になれば、catastropheで もはやだれも近づくことはできません。




➕2014年 3月 27日 22:00 JST 更新 [時事通信社]






・【WSJで強化するパワー】第6回「tangible sensation」など

◯The Fukushima Crisis764;ALPS DOWN福島原発放射能浄化装置がすべて停止!!!危険。の続報です。
➕【福島第1原発の現状】(2014年3月24日) 「浄化完了」一層困難に  ALPS本格運転厳しく 

 敷地内の汚染水を来年3月までに浄化するとの目標は、昨年9月に安倍晋三首相が第1原発を視察した際に、東電の 広瀬直己 (ひろせ・なおみ) 社長が表明した。達成には汚染水を1日当たり1960トン処理しなければならない計算で、ハードルは極めて高い。
  尾野昌之 (おの・まさゆき) 原子力・立地本部長代理は「改善点を新しい設備に反映させる。今回の件が、ただちに計画に影響を与えるとは思わない」とする。だが今回のトラブルの原因究明や、設備の洗浄などにかかる時間は不明で、本格運転の見通しは立たない。
2014/03/24 13:57

◯ wonderful "teacher." 本を読むということ

2014-03-29 07:21:09 | ♪ One Short Talk

It says [ reading a book ].
Read a book from a child's time is said and the library of an elementary school remembers that it was most pleasant "playground."
Although remembered even now, when the book an "earth cave theory" is read, he remembers that the shock ran all over the body.
The earth is a cave? The world apart is located in the cave?
It will be pleasant recollections if it carries out from now on.
And and it gets interested in the earth variously, when find a fossil if carried out to mountain climbing, or it regards as ? what stone it is if a gravel is seen or the stone which was on the yard turns out to be the fossil "agatized wood" in fact, he is surprised, and it carries on the back to the museum, and remembers having asked the personnel explanation like the time of yesterday.
It is because it all also read a book.
A book is a treasury of knowledge and is an existence exciting for a child.
However, Japanese people were reported to have stopped reading a book now.
What a college student's and the time of reading of 40.5% call it zero.
(National university student life survey)
Since a college student did not stop reading a book and this does not have the custom from a child's time, it only continues.
Now, a student just becomes foolish.
Because it is made useless, having the soft flexible head with much trouble.
By the way, if it thinks well, it may be that a child did not stop having read a book, parents did not read a book, and it has only got across to the child.
The chain of the poverty of wisdom has taken place.
The home in which a child is present should give a child a book at a birthday.
What kind of book may be used.
It should surely read absorbedly.
Moreover, how about giving a book, if it is lovers?
If it seems that the partner's woman ignores the book, he will get married in the future and the born child will also ignore a book.
suitable for the companion of the future [ it ] -- a thing .
The mother was told from ancient times that there was the easiest method for seeing a partner.
It is that the environment by which it was born and the person grew up is known if behavior and manners when it has a meal are seen.
To be sure, this is so.
There are many those "who regret [ ... ]" seeing the manners and behavior of a meal.
The person who thinks "is true" is also in inside.
And after that, it "understands, if it talks."
The level of the talk differs between those who are reading a book, and those who are not reading.
I think that a book is wonderful "teacher."







(全国大学生協連 学生生活実態調査より)










◯The Fukushima Crisis769<The "Seven-Person" SUDDEN-DEATH > <福島 1年以内に知人が”7人”急死>

2014-03-28 15:52:38 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

03/28/2014. blog.goo.ne.jp/jpnx
< Fukushima The "seven-person" sudden-death > hearts of an acquaintance are four sudden death of a cause, and three acute leukemia within one year.
2014-03-24 00:57:42 |
Health impairment after the Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster
< Fukushima In 58654b50d of "seven-person" sudden-death >http://blog.goo.ne.jp/jpnx05/e/be491189760fe, an acquaintance is 681a340010 within one year.
The hearts are four sudden death of a cause, and three acute leukemia.
Yokota Ariyoshi More : It is May 14, 2013 PM [ 1:32 ] Fukushima side street living.
The 50th generation male Myocardial infarction (under hospital treatment)
The 60th generation male Myocardial infarction death
The 40th generation woman Cerebral infarction death
The 60th generation male Myocardial infarction death
The 20th generation male Acute leukemia death
The 40th generation woman Acute leukemia death
The 50th generation woman Acute leukemia death
He is my acquaintance in the past one year altogether.
<Hospital staffs living in Fukushima>
The patients who complain of the bad condition of the hearts, such as abnormal heart rhythm, are increasing in number.
Anonymity More : They are hospital staffs living in May 14, 2013 PM [ 1:41 ] Fukushima.
The other day, the acquaintance passed away by MI at the age of 33.
The patients who complain of the bad condition of the hearts, such as not only MI but abnormal heart rhythm, are increasing in number.
Statistical data-analysis is not conducted.
When the direction which has a parents' home as the beach in Fukushima goes back, the language warned by the grandmother is heavy.
http[ "which be taken care about myocardial infarction fashion from る now" ]://inventsolitude.sblo.jp/article/53096294.html
It is not only cancer.
If it exceeds 0.3 microsievert, it has been reported that risks, such as a heart attack and subarachnoid bleeding, increase suddenly.
The contamination level of <Yablokov "Chernobyl">cesium 137
The man and woman of the middle age which lives in area of 555,000Bq/square meter or more died of a heart attack earlier of 8 than average people of Belarus.
[The Buzzby doctor's warning] The population of Belarus will be lost if it goes as it is.
It has more dramatically early an effect on the heart expected that this is happening even in Fukushima! Although the rate of incidence of cancer is not extended too much in the area polluted with radioactivity like Fukushima, The big increase in cardiopathy will be seen! http://blog.goo.ne.jp/jpnx05/e/acb2587836391eac21c213fec03c2700
For Ms. Masami Uno's information, the population of the Japan house will be halved in 50 million people in ten to 20 years by the top secret information from a government brain!
It is said that it is predicted inside the government.
Before children will be 20 years old, most dies of an illness and the adult also does sudden death from the next by cardiopathy to the next.

03/28/2014. blog.goo.ne.jp/jpnx

<福島 1年以内に知人が”7人”急死>心臓が原因の突然死4名、急性白血病3名
2014-03-24 00:57:42 | 福島原発事故後の健康被害
<福島 1年以内に知人が”7人”急死>


横田 有美 より: 2013年5月14日 1:32 PM
50代男性  心筋梗塞(入院治療中)
60代男性  心筋梗塞死亡
40代女性  脳梗塞死亡
60代男性  心筋梗塞死亡
20代男性  急性白血病死亡
40代女性  急性白血病死亡
50代女性  急性白血病死亡




匿名 より: 2013年5月14日 1:41 PM








◯ Washington Has Set The World On A Path To War.(Paul Craig Roberts)アメリカ政府は世界を戦争に向かわせている

2014-03-28 06:06:12 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

03/28/2014 Paul Craig Roberts

Washington Has Set The World On A Path To War ― Paul Craig Roberts
March 16, 2014 | Categories: Articles & Columns | Tags: Crimea, John McCain, Rand Paul, | Print This Article
Washington Has Set The World On A Path To War

Paul Craig Roberts

Why is Washington so opposed to Crimean self-determination? The answer is that one of the main purposes of Washington’s coup in Kiev was to have the new puppet government evict Russia from its Black Sea naval base in Crimea. Washington cannot use the government Washington has installed in Ukraine for that purpose if Crimea is no longer part of Ukraine.

What Washington has made completely obvious is that “self-determination” is a weapon used by Washington in behalf of its agenda. If self-determination advances Washington’s agenda, Washington is for it. If self-determination does not advance Washington’s agenda, Washington is against it.

The Washington-initiated UN Security Council resolution, vetoed by Russia, falsely declares that the referendum in Crimea, a referendum demanded by the people, “can have no validity, and cannot form the basis for any alteration of the status of Crimea; and calls upon all States, international organizations and specialized agencies not to recognize any alteration of the status of Crimea on the basis of this referendum and to refrain from any action or dealing that might be interpreted as recognizing any such altered status.”

Washington could not make it any clearer that Washington totally opposes self-determination by Crimeans.

Washington claims, falsely, that the referendum cannot be valid unless the entire population of Ukraine votes and agrees with the decision by Crimeans. Note that when Washington stole Kosovo from Serbia, Washington did not let Serbians vote.

But overlook Washington’s rank hypocrisy and self-serving double-standards. Let’s apply Washington’s argument that in order to be valid any change in Crimea’s status requires a vote on the part of the population of the country that it departs. If this is the case, then Crimea has never been a part of Ukraine.

Under Washington’ s interpretation of international law, Ukraine is still a part of Russia. When Khrushchev transferred Crimea (but not Sevastopol, the Black Sea base) to Ukraine, Russians did not get to vote. Therefore, according to Washington’s own logic it is invalid to recognize Crimea as part of Ukraine. That also goes for other parts of Russia that Lenin transferred to Ukraine. Under the logic of Washington’s UN resolution, large parts of Ukraine are not legitimately part of Ukraine. They have remained parts of Russia, because Russians were not allowed to vote on their transfer to Ukraine. Thus, there is no issue about “Russia annexing Crimea,” because, according to Washington’s logic, Crimea is still a part of Russia.

Do you need any more proof that the Ukrainian crisis is made up out of thin air by schemers in Washington who created the entire crisis for one purpose–to weaken Russia militarily?

No one was surprised that the New York Times published on March 14 the warmongering rant, written by neoconservatives for John McCain, which described Washington’s aggression in Ukraine as Russia’s aggression. The US government overthrows an elected democratic Ukrainian government and then accuses Russia of “invading and annexing Crimea” in order to divert attention from Washington’s overthrow of Ukrainian democracy. There is no elected government in Kiev. The stooges acting as a government in Kiev were put in office by Washington. Who else choose them?

What surprised some was Rand Paul joining the hysteria. Rand Paul wrote his propagandistic rant against Russia for Time. Rand Paul claims, falsely, that Putin has invaded Crimea and that it is an affront to “the international community.” First of all, the decision of Crimea to leave Ukraine is a decision of the Crimean population and the elected government, not a decision by Russia. But, for the sake of argument, let’s take Rand Paul’s lie as the truth: Is “Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine a gross violation of that nation’s sovereignty and an affront to the international community” like Washington’s invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan, and Washington-sponsored invasions of Libya and Syria, and Washington’s ongoing slaughter of Pakistanis and Yemenis with drones, and Washington’s violation of Iran’s sovereignty with illegal sanctions, and Washington’s violation of Ukrainian sovereignty by overthrowing the elected government and imposing Washington’s stooges?

If Putin is behaving as Rand Paul ignorantly asserts, Putin is just following the precedents established by Clinton in Serbia, by Bush in Afghanistan and Iraq, and by Obama in Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, and Ukraine. Washington’s argument is reduced to: “We, the exceptional and indispensable nation can behave this way, but no other country can.”

As some Americans have misplaced hopes in Rand Paul, it is just as well that he revealed in Time that he is just another fool prostituting himself for the neoconservative warmongers and the military/security complex. If Rand Paul is the hope for America, then clearly there is no hope.

As I have been pointing out, the propaganda and lies issuing from Washington, its European puppets, New York Times, Time, and the entirety of the Western media are repeating the path to war that led to World War 1. It is happening right before our eyes.


03/28/2014 Paul Craig Roberts



Paul Craig Roberts
アメリカ政府は、一体なぜこれほど、クリミア自決に反対しているのだろう? 答えは、アメリカ政府によるキエフ・クーデターの主目的の一つは、ロシアをクリミアの黒海海軍基地から追い立てる新傀儡政権を実現することだったからだ。もしクリミアがウクライナの一部でなくなれば、アメリカ政府は、自分がウクライナにしつらえた政府を、その目的に使えなくなってしまうのだ。
















Paul Craig Robertsは、元経済政策担当の財務次官補で、ウオール・ストリート・ジャーナルの元共同編集者。ビジネス・ウィーク、スクリプス・ハワード・ニュー ズ・サービスと、クリエーターズ・シンジケートの元コラムニスト。彼は多数の大学で教えていた。彼のインターネット・コラムは世界中の支持者が読んでい る。彼の新刊、The Failure of Laissez Faire Capitalism and Economic Dissolution of the Westが購入可能。

original text url:www.paulcraigroberts.org/2014/03/16/washington-set-world-path-war-paul-craig-roberts/


◯Why Dabbling Is Good for the Brain「脇道にそれること」で、脳はもっとクリエイティブになれる

2014-03-28 05:40:19 | fuckin Health & Med. 最先端. 健康と医学

03/29/2014. Entrepreneur.

Why Dabbling Is Good for the Brain

Thorin Klosowski

Thorin Klosowski
3/14/14 1:30pm
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We're often told to concentrate our time on one or different skills so we can really perfect them, but that doesn't mean dabbling in other skills is a bad idea. Entrepreneur spoke with neuroscientist Jeff Stibel about why dabbling is beneficial.

If you think that those side projects and slapdash hobbies aren't beneficial, you might be wrong. Stibel explains:

Pursuing interests in a variety of subjects stretches the mind and pushes the imagination, causing us to be more creative. Dabbling is simply a way of gathering new information and experimenting with new ways of doing something. It causes you to think differently about everything else that you do, a process which can lead to incredible innovation. "The best way to discover something is to take an existing concept in one discipline and apply it to another," says Stibel...

While you might feel taking a personal-interest course in knitting, for example, is giving your brain a break from the problem solving you spend all day doing, Stibel says far from turning off the brain, taking a personal-interest course changes the challenge for the brain which makes you more efficient and productive when you return to the task at hand. "The way you're recharging is stopping a particular problem and doing something very different," he says. While the brain can only handle so much of one task before it starts to shut down, Stibel says it can handle a lot of many different tasks. "When you hit that breaking point and take a break and hit another one, your brain can ramp back up, so you'll be twice as productive as you would have been otherwise by just doing a single task," says Stibel.
The point is, it's good to take those mental breaks and concentrate on hobbies and other projects sometimes. Even if you'll never be amazing at them, they're likely benefiting you in other ways.

Why Dabbling Can Make You a Better Entrepreneur | Entrepreneur

Photo by Anders Sandberg.

03/29/2014. Entrepreneur.


1つであれ、複数であれ、何らかのスキルを完璧に身につけたいなら、そのことだけに集中すべきだ、という話をよく耳にします。でも、目標にしているスキル以外のことに手を出すのが良くない、というわけではありません。ビジネス系ブログ「Entrepreneur」が、脇道にそれることのメリットについて、神経科学の専門家Jeff Stibel氏に尋ねました。






Why Dabbling Can Make You a Better Entrepreneur | Entrepreneur

Thorin Klosowski
Photo by Anders Sandberg

◯ The Counterattack of the Spot Workers. 非正規の反乱。

2014-03-27 16:07:16 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

03/27/2014 Nevada blog.
March 27, 2014
The counterattack of the spot workers.
The industry driven into the situation which is not made now even if Japan wants to work has come out.
A person and a thing are those of "there is nothing."
Although the government is going to do the advance order of the public works and pull up GDP, the spot does not go so.
It cannot do.
"Such an eye was not encountered when there was even a ship." (Tokyo Steel Manufacturing managing director)
Although it is the contents published in today's Nikkei, since the end of last year, the ship which carries the steel scrap of steel-materials materials to the direction of Kansai or South Korea has become less insufficient, stock of the Tokyo Bay shore has swollen up, and, for this reason, the scrap price of Kanto has plunged.
The number of the <coasters> used for conveyance was decreasing by no less than 20% in these ten years, and since earthquake disaster special procurements and government public investment went into this, the ship to carry became insufficient.
Then, although we had expected what is necessary is just to change to land transportation, it further decreases here, The number of tracks is decreasing by no less than 30% from the 1990s, and by the report, it will have become, if a track is insufficient and the matter which is about one month delayed in construction has also come out, and it has already become a dismay also on [ land or the sea ] at the spot of a major construction company's metropolitan area.
Since thought which has neglected the old spot has come out, and a skillful worker moreover is not on the spot but the amateur is working, even if it is said that even confusion has come out and work increases further from here, it cannot finish dealing with the spot and it becomes a dismay.
Moreover, the beef bowl chain which becomes the situation which can leave a lot of work in spite of a cheap salary to a Japanese young man by unstable employment (un-regular) in between, and it leaves in a group as "not doing", and is driven into closing has also come out now, Furthermore, it is a flow to which group leaving is urged in a network, and in the worst case, the staff disappears from the spot and there may also be a situation where the store driven into closing increases rapidly.
Although it becomes a kind of strike, if this affects all the spots through a network, people may stop being also in a supermarket, a convenience store, and a construction site, and it may become the situation around which a store and work do not turn.
Although there are many Japanese companies which worked the un-regular young man hard on the cheap salary until now, and have made the profit, as for the young man who turns against this cheap salary clearly having come out, the profit profile of the former of Japanese companies may change suddenly.
Many profit ratios of Japanese companies are a single figure, and it is because the company which falls into a deficit will increase rapidly if personnel expenses rise at a stretch here.
Although the chain store which profit already gets worse and closes has also been increasing rapidly, if this accelerates, vacant stores will also increase in number, the sales of a retail store also decrease, and it falls into a vicious circle.
If the mail of "resigning from today" is delivered to the spot of a supermarket, a convenience store, and a restaurant chain store from many nonregular employees a morning and suddenly, what will happen?
It becomes the situation where even opening cannot do a store, and if there is connection in "it rests since the belly hurts", and a group, helper dispatch will not meet the deadline but the chain store with many two-person stores will fall into wild confusion.
The atypical worker oppressed on the salary cheap until now may drive Japanese companies into the situation of fear.

03/27/2014 Nevada blog.















◯ Make Google Glass cool. ✴︎レイバンかOakleyで。グーグルグラスがカッコよくなるかも!?

2014-03-27 15:47:39 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

03/27/2014 [Google]

Google has just signed a deal with Luxottica. You may never had heard of 'em, but they're the eyewear manufacturer behind the likes of Oakley and Ray-Ban―and they could, maybe, possibly, make Glass cool. Perhaps.

The deal will see Luxottica bring "bring design and manufacturing expertise" to Google's Glass project. Initially focussed on Ray-Ban and Oakley for the US market, Luxottica will, apparently, design and produce a series of exclusive frames for Glass. Luxottica claims the results will "combine high-end technology with avant-garde design offering the best in style, quality, and performance." Whatever that means.

Perhaps most interesting, though, is that Google will piggy-back on Luxottica's retail and wholesale distribution channels, which is an indicator that Google is keen to push Glass as a mainstream device as soon as it can. It'll be a steady process, though. "You're not going to see Glass on your favorite Oakleys or Ray-Bans tomorrow," explains Google. "But today marks the start of a new chapter in Glass's design."

Google has, of course, attempted to make Glass more stylish by itself of recent times―but, arguably, failed. Is a Ray-Ban and Oakley tie-in it's savior, or a car crash waiting to happen? [Google]

03/27/2014 [Google]








-Jamie Condliffe

OAKLEY Flak Jacket

◯ The Fukushima Crisis768;Killer Whale's Destiny. これは国際問題です。「炭鉱中のカナリア」。

2014-03-26 07:36:47 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

03/26/2014. Prof. Yury Bandazhevsky. Seattle Post-Intelligencer. Canada.com. ENENews.

Researchers Predict West Coast Killer Whales Will Exceed 1,000 Bq/Kg Of Radioactive Cesium – Over 50 Bq/Kg In Humans Leads To Irreversible Lesions In Vital Organs

Environment, Global NewsAdd comments

- Prof. Yury Bandazhevsky: Over 50 Bq/Kg In Humans Leads To Irreversible Lesions In Vital Organs – CRIMINAL WHO And IAEA EXPOSED (Video)


- Researchers predict west coast killer whales will exceed 1,000 Bq/kg of radioactive cesium ― Over 10 times gov’t limit in Japan ― Concern about harm to humans, sea life ― Expert: People eating large amounts of fish may have levels similar to whales (ENENews, March 18, 2014):

Seattle Post-Intelligencer, Mar. 12, 2014: Ocean currents are driving those nuclear particles [...] from Japan to our coastline, and more radiation is likely to be dumped into the ocean [...] there is concern that the accumulation, especially of the long-lasting cesium-137, will eventually be harmful to sea life and us. [...] certain models “suggest that in 30 years, Cesium 137 levels in (killer) whales will exceed the Canadian guideline of 1,000 becquerels per kilogram for consumption of seafood by humans ― 10 times the Japanese guideline.” Scientists focus on whales because, like us, they are at the top of the food chain and eat a lot of fish. So, radiation levels in them is something like a “canary in a coal mine” for radiation pollution.

Canada.com, Mar. 12, 2014: Researchers developed a model based on the diet of fish-eating killer whales [...] The models suggest that in 30 years, Cesium 137 levels in the whales will exceed the Canadian guideline of 1,000 becquerels per kilogram for consumption of seafood by humans – 10 times the Japanese guideline. [...] [Juan Jose Alava of Simon Fraser University said,] “The Canadian government is the one that should be doing something, should be taking action to keep monitoring to see how these contaminants are behaving, what are the levels, and what is next.” [...] While the additional impact of Cesium 137 is unknown, it may negatively affect the immune system or endocrine system, Alava said. “The impact on the animal needs to be studied. This is part of a cumulative impact on the marine environment.” The results raise concerns for aboriginal people who maintain a diet heavy in fish. “We might expect similar results because the diet of First Nation communities is based on seafood,” Alava said. “Humans at the top of the food web can perhaps see increasing levels in the future.”

See also: “Radioactive metal from Fukushima” detected in Pacific Northwest ― Professor: “That was a surprise, it means there are still emissions … and trans-Pacific air pollution… It’s a concern to us, this is an international issue”

03/26/2014. Prof. Yury Bandazhevsky. Seattle Post-Intelligencer. Canada.com. ENENews.

- ユーリーBandazhevsky教授:


- 研究者は、西の海岸シャチが1,000Bq/kgの放射性セシウムを超過するだろう(日本の10倍以上の政府限界)と予言します - 人間、海洋生物への害に対する懸念 - エキスパート:
[...]あるモデルは「30年で、人間によってシーフードの消費のためにクジラ中の(殺人者)セシウム137レベルが1キログラム当たり1,000ベクレルのカナダのガイドラインを超過するだろうということを示唆する( 10倍の日本のガイドライン。)」。-
太平洋側北西部に検知された「福島からの放射性金属」 - Prof. Yury Bandazhevsky:

See also: “Radioactive metal from Fukushima” detected in Pacific Northwest ― Professor: “That was a surprise, it means there are still emissions … and trans-Pacific air pollution… It’s a concern to us, this is an international issue”

Tags: Environment, Fukushima, Global News, Japan, Nuclear, Nuclear reactors, Whales

◯ Annexation of the Crimea is Beginning of the Thing. クリミア併合は始まり。

2014-03-26 07:10:35 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

03/26/2014 Foreign Minister Lavrov
・Ukraine crisis
・The west side is a bustle.
・"sea bear" and "eagle"
If this system already has unnecessary "Western countries to Foreign Minister Lavrov of Russia being banished from G8
If it considers, it will be only a talk which becomes so.
It is not great, although he does not plan to hang on and it does not gather any longer. Although it seems that it was described as " and the press conference had described in the cool attitude, it is because Russia only applies a sanction silently according to a country.
It is because now G8 is an unnecessary meeting of heads' play, he must have thought that it was meaningless and it must have thought for Russia that the permanent-member-of-the-Security-Council meeting of the Security Council was enough.
It is Russia at the stage where the map is painted out calmly and steadily aiming at the Czarist Russia revival, and is because it had judged since the beginning that there was no spare time which keeps company for play like G8.
The policy which puts under the influence the country which annexation of the Crimea is also only the first step and said it as Georgia, Poland, Hungary, Turkey, and North Korea from now on should be taken, and the west side should be made busy at work from now on.
And in an international financial market, while the Russia money disappears, who becomes whether does the stopgap, but nobody is,
For the time being, it will become, because a stock is purchased, but if it is also driven in towards gun the Ukraine of one shot from Russia, meanings, such as support, will not be made but a stock price will slump.
Moreover, China has taken the posture of the Russia slippage, and arriving at the Russia side became China and North Korea, siding with the United States became Japan, and if it carries out from absolute power (controlling power), Russia will have won in Asia.
Japan is [ why ] good for Russia's diplomacy until now on the relation which has put in power, or the waist is unsteady, if the post of the United States is taken, old Russia's diplomacy will come to nothing, and if attached to the Russia side, Japan is treated as a betrayer from the west side, and may also have a situation where it is banished also from G7.
Although the large blunder in which Japan which was advancing diplomatic relations without understanding the true character of a severe sea bear called Russia at all has fallen into a state like [ now ] "tearing again", and both lose a "sea bear" and an "eagle" later on may be committed ...

03/26/2014 ラブロフ外務大臣








◯ "Puppy Dog Barking"「中身のないロシア制裁は精彩ない」米国オバマ大統領は報復を恐れている

2014-03-25 07:22:27 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

03/25 / 2014. Yahoo! news individual . blogos. itagaki-eiken.
President U.S. Obama "which, as for no empty Russia sanction, brilliance is" fears retaliation -- Prime Minister Shinzo Abe -- "lips"
05:23 50-second | [ on March 20, 2014 ]
<> President U.S. Obama who has scattered the merit of "puppy dog barking" influence inexcessively although there is also no mind which carries out gigantic war, Russian President Putin who play and show the enemy purposely.
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe who is inserted into two important figures, and is firing "a measure is taken" in rapid succession, however has excluded the word "sanction"
Only the honest feeling that the heart wants to attend the eight-major-countries (G8) summit meeting which President my "liking to go to Sochi", i.e., Obama, and the head of Europe each country will hold in southern Russia Sochi in June cannot be faked.
In Upper House Budget Committee of the morning of March 19, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said, "It infringes on the unity of the Ukraine, and the one nature of sovereignty or a territory, and he blames", and he announced the plan which considers the additional sanction against Russia.
The government determines the sanction for open of a conclusion negotiation start freeze of three points, such as a deliberation stop about March 18 and the requirement relief for visa (visa) issuance, and a new investment agreement between both countries.
Furthermore, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has declared "While cooperating with each country which include the Group of Seven industrial countries (G7) succeedingly, he examines the further measure to Russia."
But, it is not called "the further sanction" although it was called "the further measure."
In short, pretend against which a sanction is applied is only carried out.
<> Russian President Putin made a speech in the Kremlin on March 18, and he showed the posture in which the Crimea district in the Ukraine was formally included in Russia, considered that the sanction by Western countries was an aggressive act, and has expressed it as retaliating.
The U.S. already freezes the property of seven Russia high officials and four Ukraine high officials.
The commercial transaction of these high officials and the U.S. people is also forbidden.
European Union (EU) has also exercised the sanction which consists of asset freezing and a measure of a travel ban to 13 high officials of Russia, and eight high officials of Crimea.
In response to a Kremlin speech, President Obama makes public the plan which imposes additional sanction, and he is warning to set forth a still stronger means also of EU accession foreign phases.
Seemingly, as long as a U.S.-Europe sanction escalates gradually and is different between corresponding to the President's of Putin action, the voice it is feared whether develops into "the 3rd World War" is blowing off, however it must not be confused by "the poor provincial theatrical performance" of President Obama and President Putin.
It is because it is President Obama that President Putin becomes earnest, and he is come out and troubled by "retaliation."
<> President Putin -- the bosom -- there is many "retaliatory measures" which is boiled deeply and made to bear.
Russia holds the U.S. Treasury bond grade of about 164,100 million dollars (16,738,200 million yen).
China of 1,170,100 million dollars (119,350,200 million yen) of the 1st place, Japan of 1,132,800 million dollars (115,545,600 million yen) of the 2nd place, and Russia are the 8th place.
If are compared with China or Japan and it will be sold off at a stretch although it is only 1/10 or less, it will carry out "the price of U.S. Treasury bonds is a sudden drop."
Before the U.S. does asset freezing, there is also a view that the U.S. Treasury bond was moved outside the U.S. in advance, and it talks about President Putin's earnest nature in the market.
President Obama has a risk of being exposed to return blood.
China is said to hold the claim of a scale of about 4 quadrillion yen in all in the U.S. Treasury bond and which are not releasable, and PRC President Xi Jinping is said to have put up with liking to say to President Obama, "Taking over is given."
When it is asked "Sell" and responds obediently from President intimate Putin, economy and finances fail and the U.S. is certainly driven into ruin.
<> President Putin is pressing down the air route of the circumference of the Arctic Circle, and the sea route, and he can declare that this safety is not secured.
The root of the pipeline of EU-oriented oil and natural gas can be fastened.
Then, the energy supply of EU can be decreased sharply and a great blow can be given.
Wild confusion of the trade of the U.S. and EU can be carried out.
Whatever best "hidden-ball play" may say, it is having the Snowden former personnel of U.S. CIA as a ball in its hands.
When random exposure of the super-top secret information troubled if President Obama is released is carried out, it becomes impossible to stop at the presidential post.
As it is said that President Truman who was a lump of an inferiority complex called a banker and a farmer without school education ordered Japan to perform atomic bomb dropping of two shots in order to threaten Stalin of the Soviet Union There is no guarantee that President Obama does not decide on uselessness and the outbreak of war not to be considered to be "a weakling leader who cannot do war, either" anywhere.
President Putin may take advantage of the mess and he may make the countries which were being made into the Soviet Union age with the satellite country include in Russia again.
Real intention of President "illegal [ a Neo-Nazi and an anti-Semitic principle person rule over, and ]" Putin's blame of the Ukraine government?
<> [Special information]
Russian President Putin gathered both-legislative-houses lawmakers in the Kremlin on March 18, a large speech for 50 minutes was made, and Prime Minister Acshonov and others of Crimea was sitting on the front row.
In this speech, President Putin blamed severely he parent Europe government of the Ukraine with "the Neo-Nazi and the anti-Semitic principle person rule over, and it is illegal."
Is this a severe cutting comment of beginning President U.S. Obama, Prime Minister British Cameron, and France's President Hollande, and U.S.-Europe each country supporting and supporting "the parent Western Europe government currently governed by the Neo-Nazi and the anti-Semitic principle person"?
Where is the real intention of President Putin utterance sure enough?
* Yahoo! news individual
* blogos

03/25/2014. Yahoo!ニュース個人. blogos. itagaki-eiken.

2014年03月20日 05時23分50秒 | 政治





◯ Bone Training!!筋トレだけでなく「骨トレ」をしよう:骨は強度のエクササイズで強くなる

2014-03-24 14:33:28 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

03/24/2014 The New York Times

We've known for a long time that the more impact we put on our bones, the stronger they get, but we haven't known how much that needs to happen. The New York Times points to a few studies that show just how much and how hard we need to jostle our bones to keep them healthy.

You might think that doing high-impact exercises like jumping is bad for your bones, but subjecting your bones to stress makes them stronger. The problem is that they need quite a bit of force―about 4.2 Gs―to strengthen the bones into old age. This includes exercises like running a 10 minute mile or jumping from a box of at least 15 inches. So, to keep your bones healthy for a long time, you'll need to give them a little work:

So, Dr. Tobias says, young people and healthy adults should probably pound the ground, at least sometimes. Sprint. Jump off a box 15 inches or higher at your gym and jump back up. Hop in place. A study by other researchers published in January found that women between 25 and 50 who hopped at least 10 times twice a day, with 30 seconds between each hop, significantly increased their hipbone density after four months. Another group of subjects, who hopped 20 times daily, showed even greater gains.
Researchers are still figuring out more of the specifics on this one―especially in how to get the benefits of these high impacts when your bones aren't capable of handling it―but for now it seems like putting a little stress on your joints is a good thing.

Why High-Impact Exercise Is Good for Your Bones | The New York Times

Photo by Matthew Venn

03/24/2014 The New York Times

02/20/2014 12:00

負荷を与えるほど、骨が強くなるというのは昔から知られていることですが、その程度についてはよく知られていません。米紙『The New York Times』では、骨を健康に保つためにはどのくらいの頻度と強さで鍛える必要があるのかについての研究を、いくつか紹介しています。


Dr. Tobiasは若者や健康な大人に、ダッシュしたり、ジムで40センチメートル以上の高さの箱から地面に飛び降りて、そこから飛び上がるというエクササイズをしたり、かえる跳びをしたりというように、脚のエクササイズをたまには目一杯するよう勧めています。1月に他の研究者が発表した研究結果によると、1日2回、30秒のインターバルを間に挟cみつつ、少なくとも10回以上カエルとびをしている25歳~50歳の女性の腰骨の密度が4カ月後には大幅に改善されました。毎日20回カエル飛びをした他の被験者のグループの結果にはさらに大きな改善が見られました。


Why High-Impact Exercise Is Good for Your Bones | The New York Times

Thorin Klosowski(原文)

◯The Fukushima Crisis767;A Dose of Rad. Goes Abruptly UP!!【速報】福島県で放射線量が急上昇!

2014-03-24 07:05:02 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

03/24/2014. Radioactivity news flash mail . Regular descent thing environmental radioactivity measurement result (estimate) (the 809th news).
ANN News.
2014/03/15 Sat. 13:32:56
💥A dose of radiation goes abruptly up by the large area of [news flash] Fukushima Prefecture! It warns also of radioactivity news flash mail! It is the twice of time of peace in ten places! A dose rises by 1.5 times at 30 or more places!
Doses of radiation are going abruptly up all at once by the large area of Fukushima Prefecture.
The data of 3931 monitoring posts which the country installed all over the country was totaled, and when becoming more than twice time of peace, warning came from "radioactivity news flash mail" of the white hood which has emitted warning.
It is a thing that the dose which exceeds 1.5 times of time of peace in the observation point which according to it measures the dose which matches the twice of the average value for the past 30 days in ten observation points on March 16, and exceeds 30 places was observed.
Moreover, after entering in March, it became clear that the amount of descent of radioactivity is increasing rapidly also at the regular descent thing environmental radioactivity measurement result which Fukushima Prefecture has released.
The radioactivity total amount which came down from March 1 to the 16th is set to two in 194 megabecquerels/km putting together the radioactivity except un-detecting [ which it has written on "the regular descent thing environmental radioactivity measurement result (estimate) (the 809th news)" ].
Atmospheric nuclear testing is the amount of descent of the pace which exceeds the most prosperous time, and this value is a value which matches tens times last month.
Although the cause by which the dose of radiation is increasing rapidly is not known, since the temperature of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant nuclear fuel pool of No. 3 is rising rapidly from the end of last month, it is surmised that there is a certain relation to this.
When going out for you who live in Fukushima Prefecture and an adjoining prefecture, and a sense, let's become brave about the measure against radioactivity of wearing a mask.
The 0.649 microSv/h more than twice as many local 1.101micro of 7.171micro of 4.311micro of Akougi, Namiemachi meeting place Sv/h Hirusone, Namiemachi 屯所 Sv/h Tsushima, Namiemachi meeting place Sv/h Iitoi, Iitate-mura elementary school whose dose is for the past 30 days as this
The 0.220 microSv/h 0.656micro of group meeting place Sv/h Fukushima Sakura nursery school in 0.565micro of Okura, Iitate-mura gymnasiums Sv/h Maeta, Iitate-mura
The 0.227 microSv/h Motomiya Shirasawa synthesis branch office
The 0.369 microSv/h Yamakiya, Kawamatamachi police box
A 0.319 microSv/h Koriyama central children's park
☆Q. Is the Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster severer than the nuclear test in the atmosphere of the 1960s?
URL http://genjitsu.jp/archives/432
In the case of a nuclear test in the atmosphere
The nuclear test in the atmosphere was briskly conducted focusing on the U.S. and Soviet in the 1950?1960s.
Since the Limited Test Ban Treaty (prohibition of a nuclear test in the atmosphere) which forbade especially the nuclear test in the atmosphere was signed in August, 1963, just before that was the most intense.
Those days, the radioactive material (fallout) sprinkled by the nuclear test was pouring all over the world.
According to observation of the Meteorological Research Institute located in Koenji in Tokyo, the amount of descent of cesium 137 recorded 1,924 Bq/m2 in 2 or 550 Bq/m 1963 (for one year) in June (for one month), 1963 which was a peak.
Incidentally, by about two 100 Bq/m, since it fitted in less than 1/30 next month, a nuclear test in the atmosphere sees globally how, and it understands whether it was serious in May, 1986 after a Chernobyl accident.
: The end of quotation
is it ? state of emergency!? The rise in heat of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant of No. 3 and a nuclear fuel pool does not stop! coming out for two weeks just for a moment -- 8℃ -- 21℃! the dose of radiation of Fukushima -- under a sudden rise!
URL http://saigaijyouhou.com/blog-entry-2024.html
💥Is it state of emergency!? The rise in heat of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant of No. 3 and a nuclear fuel pool does not stop! coming out for two weeks just for a moment -- 8℃ -- 21℃! the dose of radiation of Fukushima -- under a sudden rise!
Temperature is continuing rising from February 23 to the nuclear fuel pool of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant of No. 3.
According to the data which Toden releases, although the water temperature on February 23 was about 8℃, it rose to 21℃ as of March 14.
The maximum temperature of Fukushima on March 16 is 13℃, and the lowest temperature has become minus 2℃.
It could be said that the rise in heat of a No. 3 nuclear fuel pool is unusual, even if it takes outer temperature etc. into consideration.
And water temperature, such as No. 4, is not rising abruptly to there in one month.
Only No. 3 has caught the sudden rise over 10℃.
It is uncanny that anything does not have Toden to the announcement about this affair, and I suspect a possibility that some serious accidents and problems are hidden.
Moreover, after entering in March, in Fukushima Prefecture, a dose higher than time of peace is under measurement.
When the "regular descent thing environmental radioactivity measurement result" which Fukushima Prefecture has released was seen, the radioactivity which matches several times in February was already observed in March.
Furthermore, also with the "national radioactivity news flash map" which visualized the governmental monitoring post, the maximum dose is caught in the observed value this year.
As of March 15, the dose which matches the twice of time of peace at five places in Fukushima Prefecture was observed, and the dose which matches 1.5 times at the place exceeding 20 places was observed.
The rise in heat of No. 3, and the dose rise after entering in March.
I can think that I am in these two phenomena about a certain relation.
Although Toden has announced nothing, please carry out requiring special attention [ of especially those living in Fukushima Prefecture ].
* The radioactivity which matches by 1000 times the nuclear reactor under operation is detected from the No. 3 nuclear fuel pool.
* Regular descent thing environmental radioactivity measurement result (estimate) (the 807th news)
URL http://wwwcms.pref.fukushima.jp/download/1/koukabutsu807.pdf
Category: Nuclear power plant relation
Janre: News
Posted on 2014/03/15 Sat. 13:32:56 [edit] tb 0 : cm 13 ▲

03/24/2014. 放射能速報メール. 定時降下物環境放射能測定結果(暫定値)(第809報). genjitsu.jp.
saigaijyouhou.com. ANN News.
2014/03/15 Sat. 13:32:56





浪江町赤宇木集会所 4.311μSv/h
浪江町昼曽根屯所 7.171μSv/h
浪江町大字津島集会所 1.101μSv/h
飯舘村飯樋小学校 0.649μSv/h
飯舘村大倉体育館 0.565μSv/h
飯舘村前田中組集会所 0.656μSv/h
福島市さくら保育園 0.220μSv/h
本宮市白沢総合支所 0.227μSv/h
川俣町山木屋駐在所 0.369μSv/h
郡山市中央児童公園 0.319μSv/h

☆Q. 福島原発事故は1960年代の大気圏内核実験よりひどいのか?
URL http://genjitsu.jp/archives/432




💥 緊急事態か!?福島第一原発3号機、核燃料プールの温度上昇が止まらず!2週間ちょっとで、8℃が21℃に!福島の放射線量も急上昇中!
URL http://saigaijyouhou.com/blog-entry-2024.html






URL http://wwwcms.pref.fukushima.jp/download/1/koukabutsu807.pdf

Category: 原発関連
Janre: ニュース
Posted on 2014/03/15 Sat. 13:32:56 [edit]tb 0 : cm 13 ▲