○ 広辞苑を超える【カニ語辞典】・前向きに考える → 【カニ語訳】 『横向きに考える』

2012-11-30 07:54:15 | ♪ One Short Talk




作者: 金田一秀穂
出版社/メーカー: ポプラ社



これは相手の立場になって考えるトレーニングにもなるよ!(^。^) その代表的なものを紹介しよう。

・前向きに考える → 【カニ語訳】 『横向きに考える』
ヒトは前向き(forward looking,ie positive thinking)しかしカニさんは、横向きで未来を見るのだ。
・頭隠して 尻隠さず → 【チンアナゴ訳】 『尻隠して 頭隠さず』

・身から出たサビ → 【アコヤガイ訳】 『身から出た珠(たま)』   
・腹八分目 → 【リス語訳】 『頬八分目』
・出る杭は打たれる → 【モグラ語訳】 『出る首は打たれる』
・シンプル・イズ・ベスト → 【クジャク語訳】 『ゴージャス・イズ・ベスト』
・幸せなら手をたたこう → 【キツツキ語訳】 『幸せなら木をつつこう』
・彼女いない歴1年 → 【ガラパゴスゾウガメ語訳】 『彼女いない歴100年』
・親の七光り → 【タマムシ語訳】 『親も七光り』
・石の上にも三年 → 【セミ語訳】 『土の下にも六年』

どう?how about dis!(^。^)ということで私も、考えましたよ~! 一瞬.
・一日一歩三日で三歩 → 【スカンク語訳】 『一日一発三日で三発!』
・犬も歩けば棒に当たる → 【犬語訳】 『犬が歩くのは当たり前』
・バカも休み休み言え → 【カバ語訳】 『カバも休み休み水浴びろ!』
・クリープを入れないコーヒーなんて → 【サル語訳】 『海水で洗わないサツマイモなんて』




○ The Fukushima Crisis 428; New Party Leader Joint to Deutsche.小沢一郎がドイツと組む。

2012-11-29 08:05:25 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

10/17/2012 Eiken Itagaki blog. Asahi digital. Sponichi annex.

"Why Germany was able to decide nuclear power generation zero in 2022"; representative Ichiro Ozawa is an inspection team in Germany.

◆I advocated a de-nuclear power generation policy, and representative Ichiro Ozawa who was going to challenge "a history of civilization" by the great revolve of the Japanese nuclear power generation policy left it for Germany to inspect an action of "the de-nuclear power generation" in the morning on October 16. Acting Chief Secretary Yoshio Maki, Representative Norihisa Matsuzaki, Representative Councilor Yuko Mori (Chief Secretary of House of Councilors and party whip long representation = House of Councilors charge =) aide go together. I go back to my own country on 21st.
Germany selected the nuclear power generation total abolition of 2022 as 2002. But Prime Minister Merkel whom I took office as on November 22, 2005 came strong pressure from the economic world and postponed the total abolition until 2032. However, after the first Fukushima nuclear plant accident, I returned a policy again in 2022.
Prime Minister Merkel. I entered the curl Marx Leipzig University (existing Leipzig University) in 1973 and majored in physics. In 1978, I acquire a bachelor's degree by results of the excellence and find a job in the scientific academy in East Berlin and study theoretical physics. In 1986, I submitted a doctoral dissertation and acquired doctorate (Dr. rer. nat.). In the fifth Helmut Kohl Cabinet, I act as environment, conservation of nature, atomic energy security minister in charge (holding the office November 15, 1994 - - October 27, 1998) after having become a politician and know a lot about a nuclear power generation policy.
Germany liberalized electricity 14 years ago and advanced the detached room for a shipment train. I looked the essential problem of the nuclear power plant which could not handle nuke puke (garbage) for the last time in the face. As a result, I decided parting with the nuclear power generation by a great wise decision.
The Ozawa inspection team meets you with the town mayor of Minister of the Environment alto Mayer and a talk, a village visit to boast of 147% of electricity self-sufficiency ratio to by the renewable energy, the nuclear power generation location local government this time and hears explanation about the employment problems after the nuclear power generation total abolition.
"Representative Ichiro Ozawa attached an entry to visit "de-nuclear power generation" inspection to Germany" at 10:19 a.m. on October 16, and Sponichi Annex delivered it as follows.
"The life of the nation "left the first" Ichiro Ozawa representative for Germany in the morning a new party 16th to inspect an action" of "the de-nuclear power generation". The party is going to propose "nuclear power generation zero" as a pillar of the next Lower House election pledge. I am planning to refer to Germany deciding de-nuclear power generation until 2022. Ozawa talks together with Minister of the Environment alto Mair in Berlin on 17th. I visit the area of the State of southern part Bayern which achieved electricity self-support by the renewable energy on 19th. I go back to my own country on 21st
◆Though representative Ichiro Ozawa investigates the contradiction of "the fake de-nuclear power generation policy" of the Yoshihiko Noda government namely "big meal nuclear power generation re-operation, a nuclear power generation promotion policy including the Oma nuclear power generation construction" and "the 2030 nuclear power generation zero policy" based on result of the Germany inspection thoroughly in an opening of a meeting planned extraordinary session of the Diet in the end of October, and Germany makes an effort for "2022 nuclear power generation zero" hard, I ask about why it is not possible in Japan and raise "de-nuclear power generation" in one of the issues for a general election in the next term and am a strategy to plan Yoshihiko Noda government overthrow.
Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda orders the making of new manifesto to Chairman of the Policy Affairs Research Council Goshi Hosono for the government prolongation of human life.
Asahi Shimbun digital at afternoon of October 10 2:48 and "there is the novitiate of the nation" "the making of manifesto Prime Minister Noda attached the entry called instructions", and delivered it as follows.
"Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda met acting Chief Secretary Chairman of the Policy Affairs Research Council Goshi Hosono and Atsushi Azumi of the Democratic Party at an official residence on 10th and directed it when "I heard the voice of the nation for the next Lower House election manifesto making" as possible carefully". This is the first time that the prime minister directs the new executives in a manifesto concretely. As for Hosono, the charge account that has done "a manifesto buster" over the consumption tax increase method that told press, it "becomes the process at the first beginning to hear the voice of the nation not deciding it only in Diet members based on past reflection without permission" threatens the prolongation of human life of the Yoshihiko Noda government after a talk. It is said whether "you intend to deceive him from a nation qualified voter again" even if I propose "de-nuclear power generation" "2030 nuclear power generation zero" and is not trusted. Therefore, from the democracy party "let's already stop the manifesto". The voice that I may have only to post a pledge on begins to appear.

A report raw Correspondent Yuichi Kojima with a picture, a photograph from the German field!
On the first day, I am going to inspect Minister of the Environment association of Mr.Klieger energy business international relations special representative and alto Mayer and a talk, a company of the photovoltaic power generation more.
On the second day, the inspection team is going to talk together with association of renewable energy (BEE) chairperson and boo ring = Schroeder Federal Congress environment chairperson.
On the last day, the inspection team is going to inspect the Merkendorf village which I talk with town mayor Essen Bach about policy U-turn after the de-nuclear power generation, and achieves self-sufficiency by the renewable energy.

10/17/2012 板垣 英憲blog. Asahi digital. Sponichi annex.


 ドイツは2002年に、2022年の原発全廃を決めていた。だが、2005年11月22日 に就任したメルケル首相は、経済界から強い圧力をかけられて、全廃を2032年まで延期した。しかし、福島第1原発事故後、再度2022年に方針を戻した。
メルケル首相は。1973年にカールマルクス・ライプツィヒ大学(現ライプツィヒ大学)に入学、物理学を専攻した。1978年、優良の成績で学士号を取得、東ベルリンにある科学アカデミーに就職し、理論物理学を研究。1986年、博士論文を提出して博士号 (Dr. rer. nat.) を取得した。政治家になってからは、第5次ヘルムート・コール内閣で、環境・自然保護・原子力安全担当相(在任1994年11月15日~- 1998年10月27日)を務め、原発政策には詳しい。
 Sponichi Annexが10月16日午前 10時19分、「小沢一郎代表がドイツ訪問 『脱原発』視察へ 」という見出しをつけて、以下のように配信した。
 朝日新聞デジタルが10月10日午後2時48分、「『国民の声聞いて』マニフェスト作りを 野田首相が指示」という見出しをつけて、次のように配信した。


Related article. Re-up.
○ The Fukushima Crisis 424; Deutsche Could Get 20NPPs by SUN. 独で太陽光発電原発20基分達成

☆11/22/2012 Tokyo Shimbun. (Germany) a renewable energy research institute (IWR)

In "" Germany quantity of generation of the light of the sun for 20 nuclear power generation example and Spain of achievement France more than 60% of demand by the velocity of the wind achievement ""

Quantity of generation of the light of the sun achieved it for 20 nuclear power generation Germany. I introduce me in conjunction with electric purchase and Spain from French Germany having achieved more than 60% of demand by wind-generated electricity at one time.

Record-high 22 million kilowatts of Germany generates electricity for 20 nuclear power generation by light of the sun

[Berlin = Masato Yuge]

I knew that quantity of photovoltaic power generation of Germany recorded record-high 22 million kilowatts equivalent to 20 nuclear power generation on 5 25 a month, 26th in the investigation by renewable energy research institute (IWR) of the country. It is influence of the good weather, but the Alnoh director of the research institute points out, "there is not the country which did such photovoltaic power generation in the past". The European and American media told.

The Mayor of aforementioned place emphasized a one-third of the electricity demand on (25th) on weekdays when a factory and an office operated that it was demonstrated on (26th) on off Saturday that I could approximately provide you with half of by photovoltaic power generation. By a survey by energy industry, a ratio of light of the sun among the quantity of generation of the last year of the country is approximately 3%.

I receive the first Tokyo Electric Fukushima nuclear plant accident, and Germany decides a de-nuclear power generation policy to abolish the nuclear power generation of 17 country totally by 2022. It is a plan to raise the electricity ratio of the reproduction energy to 35% from current approximately 20% in 2020. The ability of the photovoltaic power generation reinforces approximately 15 million kilowatts in two years until last year, too and assumes it 25 million kilowatts in total.

By light of the sun for 20 nuclear power generation the German record-high 22 million kilowatts generation May 30, 2012 Tokyo Shimbun evening paper [Berlin = Masato Yuge]
But indication that the photovoltaic power generation is connected for the rise of the price of power after a conventional electricity wholesale purchase system disturbs competitiveness improvement to be opposed to a generation panel made in cheap China is a spout in the government. Prime Minister Merkel let you approve a supporting slash to photovoltaic power generation in Federal Congress (the Lower House) in March. However, Bundesrat (the Upper House) causes the failure of the photovoltaic power generation maker and does not approve reduction from the situation that energy switch does not advance.

France and Spain

It is the reason why a fact includes the results that France bought electricity including light of the sun for from Germany.

French example
▲France is power supply stringency. I point out the electrification of the heating apparatus. Reuters

I came back through the domestic heat source for electricity and promoted switch in a policy that to depend on nuclear power generation for electricity so far, and France sold the electricity which remained to Germany and increased the consumption in own countries.

It is the structure which was not able to cope with winter sudden demand increase by having shifted heating demand to gas heating → air-conditioner. A policy is the Version becoming important after all.

Spanish example

▲Quantity of generation of the Spanish wind-power plant records more than 60% of demand of Spain at 3:48 a.m. on April 16, 2012! The country which I separated for a shipment train.
At 3:48 a.m., I record generation of the wind-generated electricity (12757 MW) among demand (21098 MW) of Spain in 60.46%.

Re-up. Related.
☆11/21/2012 東京新聞. (独)再生可能エネルギー研究所(IWR)

""ドイツで太陽光の発電量が原発20基分達成 フランスの事例とスペインは需要の60%以上を風力で達成""


太陽光で原発20基分 ドイツ 過去最高2200万キロワット発電



 同所長は、工場やオフィスが稼動した平日(25日)で電力需要の3分の1を、休みの土曜(26日)では、ほぼ半分を太陽光発電で賄えることが実証されたと強調した。エネルギー業界の 調査では、同国の昨年の発電量に占める太陽光の割合は約3%。


太陽光で原発20基分 ドイツ 過去最高2200万キロワット発電2012年5月30日 東京新聞夕刊







午前3時48分に、スペインの需要(21098 MW)のうち60.46パーセントを風力発電(12757 MW)の発電を記録しています。

☆related article. re-up ver. 10/07/2012
○ The Fukushima Crisis 396 ; Deutshe's Abolition Nuc. Now.福島危機396. 独原発ゼロナウ。

10/07/2012 French daily Le Monde.
Sun., October 7, 2012
Interview "strengthening [ with in and outside the country ]-towards decommissioning of nuclear power station-cooperation" "difficulty to the German environment and a nuclear safety-measures minister,"/French daily Le Monde certainly overcome (September 21)
Domestic persons involved in 300 persons, such as holding, a Diet member, a civic organization, and a labor union, and 14 persons' cabinet members were present in the "environmental meeting" for the France government to argue about the environmental main themes from an electric power problem to the role of the suitable government over two days on September 14.15, and it had an active discussion.
President Hollande proposes the concept which France and Germany take the lead and starts "the European Community about energy" in this seat.
French daily Le Monde held an interview about electric power policy with this opportunity to German Peter Altmeier environment, nature conservation, and nuclear safety-measures minister.
- French daily Le Monde : How is it an idea about President Hollande's proposal?
Minister Peter Altmeier :
I think that cooperative relation must be strengthened, while Germany and France respect a mutual strong point and suit, of course.
More than it usually thinks, many common features are between Germany which abolishes the atomic power which occupies 25% of the whole production of electricity, and France which is trying to reduce the rate of the atomic power to a production of electricity from 75% to 50%.
- Is saving the photovoltaics industry of Europe still possible?
When considering a success of the airbus airplane development work which France and Germany have carried out together, I cannot be for never memorizing deep impression.
In the commercial aircraft industry in which Europe did not have a wish of activity till then just because there was this joint enterprise, it was able to become the global party concerned.
Speaking of photovoltaics, I am sure of what solar energy will play the very large role for especially in Africa and Asia over these point dozens of years.
Therefore, the main persons involved in Europe have to participate in the development concept and its realization of the equipment of photovoltaics at any cost.
It is not allowed to make one China person monopolize this market.
- Germany determined to abolish atomic power in 2022.
Although it had been 14 months the place which it leaves to the next election, what is mentioned to your priority matter?
It is my priority matter to form agreement of the domestic persons concerned about the main steps for achieving the purpose of nuclear abolition and this purpose.
I would like to gather all the persons concerned, such as the federation government, each state government, an electric power company, a power distribution company, a proprietor, and a partnership person, and to discuss.
- What kind of thing is mentioned as a difficulty in an energy policy?
There are many difficult problems.
However, we are going to overcome these.
Germany is the decentralization state which has transferred big authority to each self-governing body or a state.
Therefore, the cooperation with the district persons concerned is indispensable.
About the difficulty of the price increase of power rates, the charge price increase more than the former is expected by the rise of oil and a coal price.
However, Germans are going to accept paying a former more high electricity bill, in order to receive the benefit of clean electricity.
- French daily Le Monde [: / report / of origin / "in photovoltaics industry, you have to train the actor of Europe" ] (September 21)

(« Il faut créer un acteur européen dans l’industrie photovoltaïque », Le Monde, 2012.09.21)

☆related article. re-up ver. 10/07/2012.
○ The Fukushima Crisis 396 ; Deutshe's Abolition Nuc. Now.福島危機396. 独原発ゼロナウ。

10/07/2012 ルモンド紙.

2012年10月 7日 (日)


● ルモンド紙:オランド大統領の提言についてどのようにお考えですか?


● ヨーロッパの太陽光発電産業を救う事は、まだ可能でしょうか。



● ドイツは2022年に原子力を廃止することを決定しました。次期選挙まで残すところ14ヶ月となりましたが、あなたの優先事項には何が挙げられますか?


● エネルギー政策における難点としてどのようなものが挙げられるでしょうか。


(« Il faut créer un acteur européen dans l’industrie photovoltaïque », Le Monde, 2012.09.21)

○ I pursue only the thing which does not arrive of the hand. 人間ってなものは手の届かないものを

2012-11-28 04:38:33 | ♪ One Short Talk

☆ Because what's called we human beings is stupid, I overlook the good luck rolling to the step.

And I pursue only the thing which does not arrive of the hand.

by Pindaros

He is the isolated poet of the ancient Greece in the fifth century B.C.

He just saw through the stupidity that both that and this wanted without noticing a certain happiness.

I watch us who live now.

☆ 我々人間というものは馬鹿だから、足元に転がっている幸運は見過ごしてしまう。






Pindaros (442/438 before previous 522/518-)

The ancient Greece's greatest lyricist. It is said that the family belongs to an old noble branch of a school in a native place of the keno Kaffa rye in the suburbs of Thebes. From the place that the oldest work which existed left in the life for pre-498 years, I wandered about through Greece each place early and seemed to play an active part. Most of the certain things are not known about the life. The work extends over all kinds of the chorus lyric, but large and small pieces are left except that 45 songs of competition celebration of a victory (Epiqia) approximately completely come. A song of celebration of a victory is a canticle for victor of the public holidays and festival days competition (Olympia, Pitia, Istomia, Nemea) of Pan-(make out) Greece (or I carry it on my back). As for the constitution, each theme is joined together by a constant pattern technically, and the meter is complicated, and the same thing is never used.

The verse is full of Pindar's original gorgeousness and ambiguity (the whole worth) with a solemn style. In particularly bold metaphor and metaphor technical again, the truth height of Pindaros who adds a free change to a song of celebration of a victory that is apt to fit in into the constant model like a kaleidoscope is shown. As for the indication of a verse talking about oneself including a private judgment and the faith of the poet, it is difficult if solemn in a song of celebration of a victory because the tendency to emphasize Takahiro is rather natural, and all the consideration of the poet concentrates on praise. However, a high sense of duty and confidence as the poet of Pindar, "Muses, judge an oracle on me". Because the root-like relations with poet and Muses to become the person that I continue to preach an oracle if I rub it are suggested everywhere, it will be apparent. His manner to examine human value only in a noble old-fashioned item of virtues with a hero does not just mean his bigotry and vulgarity, and it is thought even if I accepted a social request to need song of celebration of a victory and it, but the manner that is the piety to gods will be true. When "the family of gods and the child is another thing ," sing it; "the person is a dream of the visions". But deep insight of Pindar is recognized with reflection of traditional view of life when I call, a feeling is good as for the life of the person when light to grant it of God shines. The chorus lyric since Stesichoros reached the most top by him, but disappears from a history of literature at that point.




○ The Fukushima Crisis 427; Radio Insects Spreading Radiation All Over Jpn.昆虫で汚染拡大

2012-11-27 17:14:41 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

11/27/2012 ENENews. ScienceBlogs.

Radioactive Insects Spreading Radiation All Over Japan
Environment, Global News, HealthNo Comments »
- Are radioactive insects spreading Fukushima contamination from lake bottoms across the land? Scientist: They grow underwater then fly out & die everywhere (ENENews, Nov 21, 2012):

Title: Fukushima Update: Radioactive Fish, Conflicts of Interest, and Filtered Vents
Source: ScienceBlogs (A National Geographic partner)
Author: Greg Laden
Date: Nov. 21, 2012

Highly Radioactive Fish Have Been Found


I have a hypothesis that explains many of these observations. Fish like trout, salmon, and char eat, among other things, insects on the surface, gorging on hatches. A hatch is a large number of insects flying around and spending time over water, or often, just falling into the water, after emerging from a body of water where they spent an aquatic phase. I’ve written before about the role that insects such as dragonflies and lake flies serve the role of moving nutrients from their “final” resting place at the bottom of ponds and lakes, out across the landscape. These animals start off as an egg, and then turn into their adult form underwater, accumulating nutrients …. and cesium? …. as they grow. Then they fly out of the water and die everywhere. Or, are eaten by selected species of fish. From clay-rich lake bottom, where radioactive cesium can accumulate in sufficient density to disqualify bottom feeders from human consumption, to the mouths of trout, salmon and char. I don’t know if the Japanese researchers are thinking about it this way, but I hope it is given some thought.

Tags: Environment, Fukushima, Global News, Health, Japan, Nuclear, Nuclear reactors, Radiation

11/27/2012 ENENews。ScienceBlogs。

環境、世界的なニュース、HealthNo Comments»
- 放射能を持った昆虫は、日本国中で湖底から福島汚染を広げていますか?

Greg Laden wrote:



これらの動物は卵として出発して、そして、彼らの大人のフォームに水中で変わります。そして、栄養分を蓄えます、 …。そして、セシウム? …。彼らが成長して。


○ born we cry 人は生まれてくる。

2012-11-26 02:18:54 | ♪ One Short Talk

When we are born we cry that we are come

To this great stage of fools.









  KING LEAR:Blow, winds, and crack your cheeks! rage! blow!
   You cataracts and hurricanoes, spout
   Till you have drench'd our steeples, drown'd the cocks!
   You sulphurous and thought-executing fires,
   Vaunt-couriers to oak-cleaving thunderbolts,
   Singe my white head! And thou, all-shaking thunder,
   Smite flat the thick rotundity o' the world!
   Crack nature's moulds, an germens spill at once,
   That make ingrateful man!(3.2)

   塔という塔 風見鶏という風見鶏をおぼれさせろ


  KING LEAR: we came crying hither:
   Thou know'st, the first time that we smell the air,
   We wawl and cry. I will preach to thee: mark.
  GLOUCESTER:Alack, alack the day!
  KING LEAR:When we are born, we cry that we are come
   To this great stage of fools: (4.6)



○ The Fukushima Crisis 426 ; Don't Burn Trees,It's Peril.「燃やすな、危険」深刻な発見.

2012-11-25 12:12:47 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

11/24/2012 Le Figaro. 2012.11.14. Geophysical Research Letters. Tsukuba University study team. Buddha Franche-Comte University.

""A large quantity of cesium which "I do not burn it, and "" is dangerous", and remain behind in Japanese trees: Tsukuba University study team to a science magazine announcement / Figaro "" (November 14)

In the study team of a Kato Kouryo, researchers (life environmental science) of Tsukuba University, 60% of cesium-137 released in the air announced the findings which remained behind in the forest around coniferous trees from Fukushima nuclear plant accident in science magazine "geophysics study" (Geophysical Research Letters) as of six months later on November 10. It may be said that it is extremely serious discovery in Japan where the forest accounts for 70% of the whole country.

The investigation about the damage to environment caused by the nuclear-power disaster has been carried out mainly on an urban area and the agriculture site which population crowds until now, and it is a rare case that findings about the forest area is announced.

"The forest area has been left behind until now by a damage investigation into nuclear-power disaster". This is a wrong way. 」

Professor Pierre Mary Bud of the French Franche-Comte university which is the expert of the field of environmental pollution points it out. Because there are a leaf and a needle-formed leaf, a join with the air is bigger than the surface of the earth and a hill and may really take, as a result, a large quantity of radioactive material in the forest. Cesium which accumulated on the leaf remains without falling into the surface of the earth during several years, and it can be with "the bomb" which I am late, and explodes.

Researcher Kato carried out an investigation from Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant in Tochigi in the distance of 150 kilos. A radiation dose was relatively in comparison with the local forest where the pollution that this local forest was exposed to direct radioactive fallout was the most terrible low, but recorded the high level that the contamination level recorded about the radiation dose in the crown of coniferous trees in France Kan Mel Tours district at the time of Chernobyl disaster and Vosges district was near. Half-life of the cesium-137 is 30 years. Cesium of the about the same level was accumulated to a deodar and the cypress tree which constituted Japanese coniferous trees. According to Professor Bud, I say that quantity of dust attaching to a leaf with radioactive material by the shape (small) of the coniferous leaf is fixed.

It is considered that the radioactive material which attached to the forest pollutes the surface of the earth with time. I watch use of wood felled in the polluted forest, and the study team of researcher Kato proposes it when you should prohibit that you burn up wood for heating. (I used the firewood stove in thinning materials such as a Japanese larch, the Japanese larch in Myoko-shi of Niigata, but stopped it.) Fukushima, the distance in a straight line of Myoko-shi are because the ash which radioactive material condensed occurs if I burn up Fukushima, distance in a straight line and Tokyo,Fukushima about the same 240kilometers.pathfinderk) polluted wood of Tokyo. Inspection is necessary about the damage that a walk in the forest and an intake of mushrooms, sap fruit (mandarin orange, tomato, grape), the intake of the wild animal give to health. According to Professor Bud, the radioactive material which soaked from the surface of the earth to depth of 25-30 centimeters is taken in again several years later by a tree. It is to be up in Europe by the radioactive fallout that it was scattered in Chernobyl disaster to plus now.

(abstract and partly edited)

● source article: "Fukushima :" Polluted Japanese crown / Figaro (November 14) (Yves Miserey,«Fukushima: contamination de la cime des forêts japonaises», Le Figaro. 2012.11.14)

11/24/2012 Le Figaro. 2012.11.14 . Geophysical Research Letters. 筑波大学研究チーム. 仏フランシュコンテ大学.


筑波大学の加藤弘亮(かとう ひろあき)研究員(生命環境科学)らの研究チームは11月10日、福島原発事故から6ヶ月後の時点で、空気中に放出されたセシウム137の60%が針葉樹林を中心とする森林に残留していたとする研究結果を科学誌『地球物理学研究』(Geophysical Research Letters)に発表した。国土全体の70%を森林が占める日本において極めて深刻な発見といえる。






(abstract and partly edited)

● source article:「福島:汚染された日本の樹冠」/フィガロ紙(11月14日)
(Yves Miserey, « Fukushima : contamination de la cime des forêts japonaises », Le Figaro. 2012.11.14)

○ The Fukushima Crisis 425 ; Now 100,000 Fukushima Kids Have Thyroid Problems.10万人が甲状腺

2012-11-24 10:30:50 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

11/21/2012 Deutshe's TV ZDF. Gunma Univ. ENENews. Asahi.

Now Almost 100,000 Fukushima Kids Have Thyroid Problems
Environment, Global News, Health, Politics, SocietyAdd comments
From the article:

“Despite parental concerns about radiation exposure, it remains difficult to say with any certainty whether the 40-percent occurrence rate is alarmingly high or not.”

- Fukushima: More Then 42% of Children Have Thyroid Nodules Or Cysts (German TV Video, Nov 18, 2012):

More than 42% of 57,000 tested children have nodules or cyst, reports Dr. Suzuki who leads the examinations. In Chernobyl they found only 0.1 – 1%.

- German: Fukushima: Bei Mehr Als 42% Der Kinder Wurden Schilddrüsenknoten Oder -Zysten Festgestellt (ZDF Video, Nov 18, 2012)

And now we can say (unlike the Asahi propaganda piece) with absolute certainty that the rate is more than alarmingly high.

And We told you to evacuate Fukushima city, Minamisoma, the entire Fukushima Pref. etc. and even Tokyo a looong time ago.

“If you don’t educate yourself now and fast, you’ll die.”
- Prof. Hayakawa of Gunma University

- Asahi: Now almost 100,000 Fukushima kids with thyroid problems, parents concerned ― Whether that’s “alarmingly high” it’s difficult to say (ENENews, Nov 20, 2012):

(Subscription Only) Title: Thyroid gland tests on kids in Nagasaki to be compared with Fukushima findings
Source: Asahi
Date: November 20, 2012

[...] The Fukushima prefectural government [...] survey found that 40 percent of 96,000 or so children for whom test results are available developed thyroid gland problems, such as nodules, or lumps, and cysts. [...]

Despite parental concerns about radiation exposure, it remains difficult to say with any certainty whether the 40-percent occurrence rate is alarmingly high or not. This is because no exhaustive thyroid gland tests have been done on children using highly reliable ultrasound technology.

The Environment Ministry commissioned the Japan Association of Breast and Thyroid Sonology to conduct thyroid gland checkups on 4,500 children aged 18 or under in three prefectures outside Fukushima.

[...] Nagasaki Prefecture was chosen as a study area partly because of its remoteness from Fukushima as well as the absence of obvious health issues stemming from the nuclear disaster and the presence of experts in thyroid gland testing. The Japan Association of Breast and Thyroid Sonology also plans to carry out similar tests in Yamanashi and Aomori prefectures. [...]

Tags: Children, Collapse, Fukushima, Global News, Government, Japan, Nuclear, Nuclear reactors, Politics, Radiation, Thyroid

群馬大学。 ENENews。


環境、Global News、Health、Politics、SocietyAddコメント


- 福島:

同様なことをチェルノブイリでは、彼らが見つけたのはわずか0.1%~1%でした 。

- German: Fukushima: Bei Mehr Als 42% Der Kinder Wurden Schilddrüsenknoten Oder -Zysten Festgestellt (ZDF Video, Nov 18, 2012)


そして、私たち(ZDF)は福島市、Minamisoma、福島県全体その他から完全に避難するようにあなたたちに言いました。そして、looongな時ずいぶん前から東京さえも そうだと言っています。

「いま 早く 現状を理解しないと、あなたたちは死にます。」-群馬大学の早川教授

- 朝日新聞:

[...]福島県自治体発表; 96,000人の福島の子供たちの40パーセントに、検査結果が確認できる進行した甲状腺の問題、例えば小結節すなわち塊りと嚢胞です。



環境省は、胸部および甲状腺学会に福島県に隣接する三つの県、宮城県 茨城県 栃木県に 18才の子供たち 4,500人に 甲状腺検査を行なうよう通達を出した。



ZDF(ツェット・デー・エフ)とは by Wikipedia

第2ドイツテレビ(ドイツ語: Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen)は、ドイツ・ラインラント=プファルツ州の州都マインツを本拠地としている公共放送局である。略称はZDF(ツェット・デー・エフ)。連邦州によって合同契約の公社下で独立非営利機関として運営されている。

アメリカなどのテレビネットワークと違い、ZDF は系列局を持たずドイツの至る所にある大きな送信ネットワークで1つの信号を再送信している。ARD傘下の放送局と違い、Tシステム(ドイツテレコムの子会社)によって運営され、以前はドイツ郵便サービスによって運営されていた。

heute ... 看板ニュース番組
ダンス・アカデミー(Dance Academy、豪ABC、スクリーンオーストラリア共同制作)
H2O:ジャスト・アド・ウォーター(H2O: Just Add Water)
エイリアン・サーフ・ガールズ(Lightning Point)
ミア・アンド・ミー(Mia and me – Abenteuer in Centopia、ラッキーパンチ、マーチ・エンタテインメント、レインボー共同制作、ロザベル・ラウレンティ・セラーズ主演)
Bibi Blocksberg 他多数

○ The Fukushima Crisis426; NHK BS interviews Deucshe ZDFman福島危機.426ドイツの眼。

2012-11-24 09:40:29 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

This is related article and re-up version

○ The Fukushima Crisis 226; NHK BS interviews Deucshe ZDFman福島危機226.ドイツの眼。

03/08/2012 NHK BS Interview.

The satellite TV of NHK interviews Johannes Hano, ZDF-Auslandskorrespondent of Germany.
"This disaster is four.
It is four, an earthquake, tsunami, a nuclear power plant disaster, and loss of reliance."
Johannes Hano, journalist of the German public broadcasting and ZDF said.
Germany ZDF Interview to the journalist who continued going to ""Fukushima's lie"" to Fukushima, and covered
By the "door in the world" of the NHK satellite TV, Johannes Hano,journalist of public service television and ZDF is interviewed.
Johannes Hano, journalist is Germany ZDF. It is Fukushima's lie and he is the journalist who is explaining the darkness of nuclear unevenness peculiar to Japan intelligibly.
Johannes Hano,journalist is the head of a head office of the Asia head office of ZDF.

(right from [ here ]) NHK BS "Door in the world"
Announcer beginning description:
ZDF of German public service television is verified based on the interview to the persons concerned etc. in the tone of argument how for people of what is called nuclear unevenness, such as a related company, to have hidden inconvenient information in the Jpn's government, the Tokyo Electric Power, and it from themselves, and to have hidden truth from the Japanese.

Moreover, into media of Germany, quite severe evaluation is added as not having told people truth about mass media of Japan, either.
Such broadcast is carried out in Japan Standard Time on the 8th of this month (March).
Announcer of Germany ZDF: Sunday, the 11th.
From the day when tsunami attacked Japan, it is one year exactly.
The first nuclear power plant of Fukushima made shock to the world, and cooling of a nuclear reactor has been a big problem since then on the next day..
The cooling water polluted by especially radioactivity flowed into the sea over many weeks.
Some polluted cooling water in a building is purified and reused in a circulation cooling system.
The remainder is kept by the tank.
However, these solution exists only by a stopover measure.
Johannes Hano's reports from the watch zone in Fukushima.

Johannes Hano's report:
Work in the first nuclear power plant of Fukushima is dangerous.
The pool where fuel was got blocked in the nuclear reactor from which meltdown was started.
The dose of radiation here is a life-threatening numerical value.
Mr. Shirai of the Tokyo Electric Power,
"Only cooling of inquest is performed now.
However, it is not fundamental solution.
It is said that the problem is being unable to manage the present condition."
Now, the makeshift cooling system is bearing cooling of the nuclear reactor.
There are likely to be other problems also besides causing a leak.
The specialist has pointed out a possibility that an again strong earthquake will occur in this area.
Again, if a nuclear reactor may collapse, the end of Japan which we know will be meant.
Johannes Hano who performed this report.
Although you come to Beijing in China usually as the head of a head office of the East Asia head office, since it is earthquake disaster-related coverage, Japan is visited frequently.
The talk has been done to Johannes Hano the day before yesterday.
Although it thinks that the concerns of Mr.Johannes Hano's coverage may just tell Germans concerns although it is one year, is it covered with concern now at what kind of place most from the earthquake disaster and the accident of the nuclear power plant?
Johannes Hano :
If I return to Germany, Japanese people will often be asked how to overcome the crisis of a nuclear power plant.
After all, concern has gathered for the correspondence to a nuclear power plant disaster of Japan in Germany.
I think it required to tell danger exactly.
Although it has said that the Japanese goP
vernment and the Tokyo Electric Power have managed danger, I think that it is not right and is wrong.
If the Fukushima nuclear power plant, especially a No. 4 furnace cause a from now on accident, it will already become a problem of not only Japan but the whole world.
This is peculiar although there is the word "nuclear unevenness" in Japan.
In Germany, the authorities who regulate exist independently.
For example, a nuclear Audit Office.
This is "the independent organization" which is unrelated to the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.
Although the scientists there are severe viewpoints and criticize atomic energy, they are natural things, then do not lose a career.
In Japan, the political world, a society, the energy industry, and media are the impressions "connected deeply".
Although my child is in Japan now from televiewers, it is often inquired whether it is really OK.
Then, I am made to answer like this.
"It is satisfactory at all.
OK, even if it lives in Japan.
It is favorite that I also live in Japan.
It is wholly exaggerated.
Present Japan is OK.
But a certain thing should also recognize danger firmly."
It is change to the Japanese image admired just behind the earthquake disaster?
It does not change.
If the question is carried out, before will still answer to Japanese people that before has received impression.
However, with Saki, the impression has changed a lot for one year.
Although it went to many stricken areas, disaster victims do not trust the government at all any longer.
An electric power company does not trust it at all, either.
Media are not trusted at all, either.
It is thought that desertion was used.
Although it helps each other, supports and suits of disaster victims, I think that it was forsaken by the elite of the country.
It is the point that before and an impression changed it.
If the elite of this country already does nothing.
It is my impression.
It is a word to the government of Japan, Toden, and media.

Sincerity is important.

The number of these disasters is four.
It is four, an earthquake, tsunami, a nuclear power plant disaster, and loss of reliance.
If the government and an electric power company have sincerity, don't carry out that it is [ of Japan ] only beneficial.
If they want to restore public trust, you should study without concealing all.
Although Japanese media and journalist are excellent, they think that they have not employed freedom of the press efficiently to the utmost.

A journalist is not a governmental spokesman.

If the mission of the media, we, is not finding out what whose being true and not being true, and telling it to people, it will not become.
We are national spokesmen.
Therefore, I would like to tell that I want you to utilize effectively a possibility that he has to media of Japan.
It is being able to say not only to Japan but to media of Germany.
It is being able to say and being able to say to global media.

Johannes Hano covered earthquake disaster one year in Kesennuma-shi, Miyagi yesterday.
Johannes Hano:
I would like to ask how far it revived to the person who lived here.
Also about that what is the most problem and the future.
"It is being wished it becomes unnecessary to carry out coverage of a stricken area or a nuclear power plant early.
Because, since it has happened that it is not good there, it is " that it is necessary to report.
Johannes Hano was telling.

Johannes Hano:
The child who lost the father, and the man who lost the family were seen.
I am very sad.
I am sorry.

This is related article and re-up version



ドイツZDF フクシマのうそを福島に通い続けて取材したハーノ記者へのインタビュー


ハーノ記者は、ドイツZDF フクシマのうそで、日本独特の原子力ムラの闇について分かりやすく解説している記者です。

(ここから)NHK BS 「世界の扉」


























福島原発、特に4号炉が from now on 事故を起こしたら、もう日本だけではなく、全世界の問題になるのです。





































That the impression remained very much in Johannes Hano's interview thinks that "stricken area was made into desertion."
There was a word of trusting neither an electric power company nor the government nor media.
This severe indication from the foreign journalist who frequwantly visited the stricken area to .
I think that it is earthquake disaster one year which will be anew appreciated also for us.
In fact, people of nuclear unevenness did not have a basis at all about the safety of a nuclear power plant.
The worlds are the fools who still continue a play although this is known.
eye spots of today and the Nuclear Safety Commission -- him -- judgment "primary evaluation of the stress test in connection with Oi nuclear power plant re-operation is appropriate" was made, and it has left in only 5 minutes.
Also when he attended the 1st nuclear power plant disaster investigating committee of Tokyo Electric Power Fukushima on February 15 as a witness, a word did not describe the valve of reflection as this shameless and surely crazy about having contaminated people by repeated stray judgment, either.
Furthermore, it said till "nuclear reactor data of SPEEDI not being enough and not being helpful to refuge."
Probably, from these days, it considered resigning the post of the chairperson of the Nuclear Safety Commission.
It seems that it is preparing scrupulously steadily so that the powder of unexpected fire may not fall on on itself after resigning from a chairperson.
Eye spots is a very slick human being such a place.
It was too begun from the head time in February to say also about validity evaluation of the stress test, "Primary evaluation of a stress test is not related to nuclear power plant re-operation."
At today's press conference for only 5 minutes, primary evaluation of the stress test of "Oi nuclear power plant is appropriate similarly.
Although the government would use the Oi nuclear power plant how by next, since it was judgment of the government, it was said that it was unrelated to this committee."
Although the Nuclear Safety Commission was installed in order to suggest the judgment from a specialist's position, "or" and, "it being appropriate" and a judgment were made with it in the place separated completely.
This will be the same as having said entirely that it does not take into consideration, and will have said the original finality of the Nuclear Safety Commission "Any meaning does not have a stress test etc. primarily."
Why is this much so dull at each time and each time?
However, it is cunning, and also since it is this person and people also without the piece of gracet, if dissuaded from resigning, their words may be gone back simply and it may remain behind.
Mr. Shizuka Kamei -- "-- , such a crazy fellow and fire'im ", Ex PM Naoto Kan should have done so.
At once, media have taken out Professor Takashi Okamoto of the University of Tokyo, a scholar under the government's hired, in order to flesh this out.
"I think that the safety measures of the Oi nuclear power plant are enough.
It is swaying to the nuclear power plant group of promoters again, saying that I also consider the intention of an electric power company and think that primary evaluation of a stress test is appropriate."
This is a next man of Mr. Toshiyuki Hosono who did the TV appearance, when the Noda Cabinet issues a coldness- stop and a convergence declaration in December, last year. "there is danger of a building by aftershock which the situation of a nuclear reactor does not understand yet, either, which has a nuclear fuel where and which is not understood a thing.
Although it had said, "You had to think carefully under these circumstances", if the Nuclear Safety Commission authoritative for Mr. Takashi Okamoto considers it as those with validity, a needle will sway greatly conversely immediately.
This is a human being completely like a weathercock.
It does not have the idea etc. which were consistent about the safety of the nuclear power plant.
However, it is superb to read the occasional wind.
eye spots -- him -- if "SPEEDI says that it is not helpful, it makes Mr. Takashi Okamoto stand beside the monitoring post of the first nuclear power plant of Fukushima
Wonderful work will surely be carried out.
Finally a nuclear power plant engineer, Mr. Masashi Goto, comes out. ""even if a thing comparable as the earthquake and tsunami which occurred in Fukushima occurs, probably it will be bear" to the last people who plan for re-operation to be only an impracticable theory and for the thing more than the seismic intensity to which reality attacked the first nuclear power plant of Fukushima, and tsunami to occur"
It is severely criticized as "However, people to make it re-working have completely omitted about this possibility."
The motive of people who a nuclear power plant wants to re-work even as what is 100% "money."
I want "money", although what quibbling they say.
completely -- a scholar's under the government's hired tenacity of purpose -- a thing -- it is uncanny.
One with the most important, Johannes Hano said, ""It is sincere.""
Japan had said that it suffered four disasters.
"This disaster is four.
It is four, an earthquake, tsunami, a nuclear power plant disaster, and loss of reliance."
He said so and shed tears involuntarily in Sanriku and Kesennuma where many people passed away from tsunami for Japanese people.
I did not think that the word"the most important thing is sincerity" would appear if it says honestly.
So much, possibly journalism of Japan was polluted more than radioactivity.
I think that our society itself will break before the following earthquake's occurring and destroying the first nuclear power plant of Fukushima, and the Oi (if it is made to re-work forcibly) nuclear power plant, if doing of the human beings of the nuclear unevenness which talks only sophism and does not have and a hint of sincerity, either is allowed every day.
Since environment changed, such people do not commit a crime to Japan.
From, from, they have a definitely criminality factor, when born.
"What is necessary is just to be able to deceive people well.
It is said that you may do anything if people do not notice."
Now, they are impossible things, such as reasoning them into compliance.
There is no other way but to drive out before us.
People in the world are the first nuclear power plant disaster of Fukushima, and if the further massive earthquake will occur from now on, Japan finishes (that is, it becomes extinct gradually), not to mention when the inside of the world is a Chernobyl accident, it turns out that it is contaminated above, so that Johannes Hano may say.
The politicians of a nuclear power plant group of promoters, bureaucrats, and the scholars that stick are still using for one year to have passed since the first nuclear power plant man-made disaster accident of Fukushima "also noting that an earthquake equivalent to the earthquake which occurred in Fukushima occurs --" at the conventional epithet.
One required now is "in preparation for a possibility that the thing beyond the earthquake which occurred in Fukushima will occur."





































○ The Fukushima Crisis 424; Deutsche Could Get 20NPPs by SUN. 独で太陽光発電原発20基分達成

2012-11-22 07:25:34 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

☆11/22/2012 Tokyo Shimbun. (Germany) a renewable energy research institute (IWR)

In "" Germany quantity of generation of the light of the sun for 20 nuclear power generation example and Spain of achievement France more than 60% of demand by the velocity of the wind achievement ""

Quantity of generation of the light of the sun achieved it for 20 nuclear power generation Germany. I introduce me in conjunction with electric purchase and Spain from French Germany having achieved more than 60% of demand by wind-generated electricity at one time.

Record-high 22 million kilowatts of Germany generates electricity for 20 nuclear power generation by light of the sun

[Berlin = Masato Yuge]

I knew that quantity of photovoltaic power generation of Germany recorded record-high 22 million kilowatts equivalent to 20 nuclear power generation on 5 25 a month, 26th in the investigation by renewable energy research institute (IWR) of the country. It is influence of the good weather, but the Alnoh director of the research institute points out, "there is not the country which did such photovoltaic power generation in the past". The European and American media told.

The Mayor of aforementioned place emphasized a one-third of the electricity demand on (25th) on weekdays when a factory and an office operated that it was demonstrated on (26th) on off Saturday that I could approximately provide you with half of by photovoltaic power generation. By a survey by energy industry, a ratio of light of the sun among the quantity of generation of the last year of the country is approximately 3%.

I receive the first Tokyo Electric Fukushima nuclear plant accident, and Germany decides a de-nuclear power generation policy to abolish the nuclear power generation of 17 country totally by 2022. It is a plan to raise the electricity ratio of the reproduction energy to 35% from current approximately 20% in 2020. The ability of the photovoltaic power generation reinforces approximately 15 million kilowatts in two years until last year, too and assumes it 25 million kilowatts in total.

By light of the sun for 20 nuclear power generation the German record-high 22 million kilowatts generation May 30, 2012 Tokyo Shimbun evening paper [Berlin = Masato Yuge]
But indication that the photovoltaic power generation is connected for the rise of the price of power after a conventional electricity wholesale purchase system disturbs competitiveness improvement to be opposed to a generation panel made in cheap China is a spout in the government. Prime Minister Merkel let you approve a supporting slash to photovoltaic power generation in Federal Congress (the Lower House) in March. However, Bundesrat (the Upper House) causes the failure of the photovoltaic power generation maker and does not approve reduction from the situation that energy switch does not advance.

France and Spain

It is the reason why a fact includes the results that France bought electricity including light of the sun for from Germany.

French example
▲France is power supply stringency. I point out the electrification of the heating apparatus. Reuters

I came back through the domestic heat source for electricity and promoted switch in a policy that to depend on nuclear power generation for electricity so far, and France sold the electricity which remained to Germany and increased the consumption in own countries.

It is the structure which was not able to cope with winter sudden demand increase by having shifted heating demand to gas heating → air-conditioner. A policy is the Version becoming important after all.

Spanish example

▲Quantity of generation of the Spanish wind-power plant records more than 60% of demand of Spain at 3:48 a.m. on April 16, 2012! The country which I separated for a shipment train.
At 3:48 a.m., I record generation of the wind-generated electricity (12757 MW) among demand (21098 MW) of Spain in 60.46%.

☆11/21/2012 東京新聞. (独)再生可能エネルギー研究所(IWR)

""ドイツで太陽光の発電量が原発20基分達成 フランスの事例とスペインは需要の60%以上を風力で達成""


太陽光で原発20基分 ドイツ 過去最高2200万キロワット発電



 同所長は、工場やオフィスが稼動した平日(25日)で電力需要の3分の1を、休みの土曜(26日)では、ほぼ半分を太陽光発電で賄えることが実証されたと強調した。エネルギー業界の 調査では、同国の昨年の発電量に占める太陽光の割合は約3%。


太陽光で原発20基分 ドイツ 過去最高2200万キロワット発電2012年5月30日 東京新聞夕刊







午前3時48分に、スペインの需要(21098 MW)のうち60.46パーセントを風力発電(12757 MW)の発電を記録しています。

☆related article. re-up ver. 10/07/2012
○ The Fukushima Crisis 396 ; Deutshe's Abolition Nuc. Now.福島危機396. 独原発ゼロナウ。

10/07/2012 French daily Le Monde.
Sun., October 7, 2012
Interview "strengthening [ with in and outside the country ]-towards decommissioning of nuclear power station-cooperation" "difficulty to the German environment and a nuclear safety-measures minister,"/French daily Le Monde certainly overcome (September 21)
Domestic persons involved in 300 persons, such as holding, a Diet member, a civic organization, and a labor union, and 14 persons' cabinet members were present in the "environmental meeting" for the France government to argue about the environmental main themes from an electric power problem to the role of the suitable government over two days on September 14.15, and it had an active discussion.
President Hollande proposes the concept which France and Germany take the lead and starts "the European Community about energy" in this seat.
French daily Le Monde held an interview about electric power policy with this opportunity to German Peter Altmeier environment, nature conservation, and nuclear safety-measures minister.
- French daily Le Monde : How is it an idea about President Hollande's proposal?
Minister Peter Altmeier :
I think that cooperative relation must be strengthened, while Germany and France respect a mutual strong point and suit, of course.
More than it usually thinks, many common features are between Germany which abolishes the atomic power which occupies 25% of the whole production of electricity, and France which is trying to reduce the rate of the atomic power to a production of electricity from 75% to 50%.
- Is saving the photovoltaics industry of Europe still possible?
When considering a success of the airbus airplane development work which France and Germany have carried out together, I cannot be for never memorizing deep impression.
In the commercial aircraft industry in which Europe did not have a wish of activity till then just because there was this joint enterprise, it was able to become the global party concerned.
Speaking of photovoltaics, I am sure of what solar energy will play the very large role for especially in Africa and Asia over these point dozens of years.
Therefore, the main persons involved in Europe have to participate in the development concept and its realization of the equipment of photovoltaics at any cost.
It is not allowed to make one China person monopolize this market.
- Germany determined to abolish atomic power in 2022.
Although it had been 14 months the place which it leaves to the next election, what is mentioned to your priority matter?
It is my priority matter to form agreement of the domestic persons concerned about the main steps for achieving the purpose of nuclear abolition and this purpose.
I would like to gather all the persons concerned, such as the federation government, each state government, an electric power company, a power distribution company, a proprietor, and a partnership person, and to discuss.
- What kind of thing is mentioned as a difficulty in an energy policy?
There are many difficult problems.
However, we are going to overcome these.
Germany is the decentralization state which has transferred big authority to each self-governing body or a state.
Therefore, the cooperation with the district persons concerned is indispensable.
About the difficulty of the price increase of power rates, the charge price increase more than the former is expected by the rise of oil and a coal price.
However, Germans are going to accept paying a former more high electricity bill, in order to receive the benefit of clean electricity.
- French daily Le Monde [: / report / of origin / "in photovoltaics industry, you have to train the actor of Europe" ] (September 21)

(« Il faut créer un acteur européen dans l’industrie photovoltaïque », Le Monde, 2012.09.21)

☆related article. re-up ver. 10/07/2012.
○ The Fukushima Crisis 396 ; Deutshe's Abolition Nuc. Now.福島危機396. 独原発ゼロナウ。

10/07/2012 ルモンド紙.

2012年10月 7日 (日)


● ルモンド紙:オランド大統領の提言についてどのようにお考えですか?


● ヨーロッパの太陽光発電産業を救う事は、まだ可能でしょうか。



● ドイツは2022年に原子力を廃止することを決定しました。次期選挙まで残すところ14ヶ月となりましたが、あなたの優先事項には何が挙げられますか?


● エネルギー政策における難点としてどのようなものが挙げられるでしょうか。


(« Il faut créer un acteur européen dans l’industrie photovoltaïque », Le Monde, 2012.09.21)

○ The Fukushima Crisis 423; Fish Radio.Comtami. Worsen 魚介の放射能汚染が悪化

2012-11-21 06:04:58 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

gohya.vegi.dis sept. 800grams. im king in my place.
not affected frm nuc rad.

10/26/2012. LeMonde fr. sciencemag.org

Aggravation United States researcher "is science" the radioactive contamination of fishery products in the "" Pacific coast; announcement ""/ Le Monde (October 26)

In now when 17 months passed since Fukushima nuclear plant accident, the radioactive contamination density of fishery products continues going up it around the Fukushima coast in the Japanese Pacific coast. On October 26, Mr. Ken Bwesly researcher (chemical specialty) of the Woods hall oceanography research institute in Massachusetts, U.S.A. announced it to "science" (note).

Mr. Ken Bwesly researcher analyzes data about the radioactive contamination that Japanese Government measured and suggests that radioactive material included in the polluted underwater sediment continues polluting the Pacific in conjunction with the radioactive material which begins to leak from the nuclear reactor of the Fukushima nuclear plant accident that caused an accident or an accident.

The researcher points out that pollution density with the radioactive material does not decrease in almost all fishery products again in comparison with the past and, according to the data which Japanese Government announces, approximately 40% of fish light it up to the radioactive contamination standard value of the Japanese Government in the Fukushima sea near the shore and suppose it when not safe.

Mr. Ken Bwesly researcher points out, "it is necessary to find out the polluter which continues raising the radiological pollution density in the fishery products of the Fukushima coast such highly".

abstract,partly edited.

(note) It is a researcher at science (October 26 version) / Mr. Ken Bwesly.Woods hall oceanography research institute for "the answer that there is off Fukushima"
"An earthquake, a tsunami, the triple disaster called the release of the radiation from Fukushima first Nuclear Power Plant that happened on March 11, 2011 continue being unprecedented events for the sea and society". More than 80% of radioactivity released by Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant are spitted out into the atmosphere of the offing or are dumped in the sea direct as a used coolant. I am safe, but, as for the seawater of the offing, the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant continues draining radioactive contaminated water into the sea in light of international standards. Many fishing grounds in the neighborhood of the nuclear power generation that caused an accident are closed. What kind of situation will include the possibility of the future revival? 」

◦ source article.: "The radioactive material density of fish in Fukushima is rise" / Le Monde (October 26) http://www.lemonde.fr/planete/article/2012/10/26/radioactivite-elevee-pour-les-poissons-de-fukushima_1781486_3244.html


10/26/2012. LeMonde fr. sciencemag.org

""太平洋岸で魚介の放射能汚染が悪化 米国研究者が「サイエンス誌」で発表""/ルモンド紙(10月26日)





abstract,partly edited.

(note)「福島沖にある答えを求めて」サイエンス誌(10月26日版)/ケン・ブエスレー ウッズ・ホール海洋学研究所研究員

◦source article.:「福島における魚の放射性物質濃度が上昇」/ルモンド紙(10月26日)

○ The Fukushima Crisis 422 ; Media Silence Jpn.沈黙を守る日本のメディア

2012-11-20 15:41:56 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

11/20/2012 fukushima.over-blog.fr mainichi.jp

The Japanese media / Fukushima over blog (November 12) "hydrangea revolution" to keep silence with 100,000 citizens who filled Tokyo where "did not need nuclear power generation" came over again. On November 11, Japanese citizens demanded a stop of big meal nuclear power generation built on an active fault and the atomic use abolition by the Japanese Government and performed a protest rally again in each nine places of ground of Tokyo. The hydrangea does not fade.


According to the Mainichi Shimbun, approximately 100,000 citizens participate in this protest movement (I announce the sponsor "association of metropolitan area anti-nuclear power generation"). The police announced it with 7,000 people.

The monitor site of the news article by English sent to by Japan "does not disappear from the news in Fukushima", most of this protest movements are not reported. Strong dissatisfaction and a voice of the distrust go up it from participants to a protest movement for silence of the media which is going to show the scale of the protest demonstration smaller than a fact.

The correspondence of the Japanese media not to report a protest movement is one of the technique for spin control. If the topic of people does not have a demonstration, the protest is because I would not exist. Another technique is prohibition of the protest movement to be carried out at the place where the number of the participants is easy to be visible. The demonstration that I was against the nuclear power generation that was planned in Hibiya Park on that day was canceled by approval refusal of the permission to use park by Tokyo. In the case of the demonstration that it is against large-scale nuclear power generation carried out in July, Hibiya Park is buried because of many people, and this is because it is strong, and generally it impressed it with many people objecting to nuclear power generation.

11 "large-scale demonstration / Fukushima over blog (November 12) («Grande mobilisation antinucléaire le novembre 2012àTokyo», Fukushima over blog, 2012.11.12) http://fukushima.over-blog.fr/article-grande-mobilisation-antinucleaire-le-11-novembre-2012-a-tokyo-112388480.htm to protest atomic energy in Tokyo on November 11"

11/20/2012 fukushima.over-blog.fr mainichi.jp






(« Grande mobilisation antinucléaire le 11 novembre 2012 à Tokyo », Fukushima over blog, 2012.11.12)

The Mainichi
Thousands protest against nuclear power in central Tokyo

Anti-nuclear protesters stage a demonstration through the rain near the Diet building on the evening of Nov. 11. (Mainichi)

Thousands of people staged a demonstration near the Diet Building on the rainy evening of Nov. 11 to call for an end to nuclear power.

According to figures released by demonstration organizer Metropolitan Coalition Against Nukes, roughly 100,000 people took part in the protest. Police put the figure at about 7,000.

"We don't need nuclear power!" chanted people who had gathered simultaneously at nine locations in the government quarter, including in front of the prime minister's office. The crowd began assembling at the main meeting point in front of the Diet at just after 5 p.m. and soon the pavement was packed with people. At one point, there were so many protesters packed into one place they disrupted use of the local crosswalks.

"The number of people at the weekly Friday protests has been going down with the temperature," said Haruomi Hanada, a 47-year-old Tokyo man with his 10-year-old daughter in tow. "I was worried people were starting to care less about the issue, but I'm relieved to see so many people here today."

A demonstration scheduled for the capital's Hibiya Park the same day was cancelled after the Tokyo Metropolitan Government refused to issue a permit.

November 12, 2012(Mainichi Japan)

Click here for the original Japanese story

「東京中心部で数千人が核発電に抗議」/The Mainichi(11月12日)
(“Thousands protest against nuclear power in central Tokyo)

The Mainichi



デモ主催者Met.Coalition Against Nukesによって公表される数字によると、100,000人が、抗議に参加しました。


「Every weekly Friday protestersは、いままで熱に倒れていました」と、ハルオミ・ハナダ(彼の10才の娘を連れた47才の東京出身者)は言いました。


