◯ Remote Work. リモートワークこそ未来。LinkedInで理想の仕事を見つける方法

2014-05-27 07:54:16 | ♪ Mooc. Edx Othsムーク.オンライン大学

05/27/2014 Remote Work. LinkedIn. lifehacker.jp/
A remote work is just the future.

How to find work of an ideal by LinkedIn
makeuseof: A remote work (what is called telecommuting) is the "chalice" in job-hunting activities.
The remote method of work was flexible, needed to spend neither time nor money on commuting, and has also escaped the tedious office.
Of course, time with a family also increases.
However, the job offer of a remote work has intense competition, and it is also hard to find it.
LinkedIn will be helpful supposing you are looking for the work which is possible in a remote.
Six methods of finding the position of an ideal by LinkedIn are introduced to below.
✴︎1. Participate in the Right Group.
A "group" is one of the functions which should be most utilized by LinkedIn.
The group of LinkedIn is not only a place which chats or exchanges advice.
It is also a place where a company looks for an adoption candidate.
If it participates in the right group, it will be useful not only for job-hunting activities but your career construction in all fields.
The optimal group for looking for the job offer of a remote work is "FlexJobs."
6000 or more members introduce work and a company, and there are, or they are exchanging advice.
Your job-hunting will also surely be helped.
FlexJobs is a site which can be used for those who ask for a remote work also outside LinkedIn.
"Telecommute JOBS" is a group of recommended.
Although there are not many members as FlexJobs, useful discussion is also performed actively, and with members, advice is exchanged, or work is introduced and it is.
There are many groups for a free lance or a contracted employee in LinkedIn.
Does one certainly find any fields?
Moreover, even if interest does not have you to a free lance, the recommendation of participating in some groups is carried out.
Free lances know good for the remote work, and companies may invite a job offer in the group of LinkedIn.
✴︎2. Use the Right Keyword.
The search service of LinkedIn is very excellent.
But the result to expect is not obtained if a keyword is not chosen correctly.
If a remote work is looked for, please include keywords, such as "remote", "telecommute", and "location-independent."
Keywords, such as "virtual", "work from home", "work at home", and "home-based", are also effective in others.
A company invites the job offer of a remote work using various phrases.
Probably, it will be better to try all the above-mentioned keywords (probably, it will be good to remote be a "work", to be a "telework", "for telecommuting to be possible", "virtual", "it be work in a house", etc., if it is Japan).
If a phrase is surrounded with a quotation mark """ at the time of search, search narrowed down more can be performed.
However, in my experience, the search-results number decreases narrowing down not much too much, and the expected result is not obtained.
Of course, a quotation mark can be used, when there are too many search results and they are troubled.
✴︎3. Follow Up the Right Company.
Though the "company of the dream" which wants to still work from the bottom of its heart is not found, it is pleasant, or if it is a company which polishes skill, it should happen to think.
Let's follow up such a company by LinkedIn.
Follow will come to display the update information of the company on your newsfeed.
Job information can be obtained promptly or it can participate also in open discussion which a company opens.
How is the company which follows up by LinkedIn looked for?
"Company search" is used.
First, the field which you are looking for is typed and searched to a search window ("health promotion", "content creation", "digital marketing", "customer service", "data entry", etc.).
If search results are displayed, a "company" will be clicked from the left side bar.
If there is a company interested also in others, let's push the button "is followed up" up directly from a search-results list.
The company worried although not known opens a profile page, and confirms whether update is performed frequently.
Let's follow up, if active information dissemination is performed.
When there is no telling where it should begin from, "the remote work and the top company 100 in a flexible job" of FlexJobs are consulted.
✴︎4. Search at the Right "Place."
I may feel that it is strange to search at a "place" although a remote work is looked for.
However, in search of the company in which a remote work is possible, the "place" from which the job offer is advanced becomes a key.
If there is a company which has advanced the job offer by the area distant distantly from the head office, there is a possibility of looking for the remote worker.
It is said that the local top 10 of the U.S. which a remote work tends to find is the following according to FlexJobs:
New York
North Carolina
If their eyes are turned to the world, many companies will look for the remote worker.
According to the report in 2012 of Gigaom, the top 6 of a country it is easy to find a remote work is the following:
South Africa
If it uses well such preliminary knowledge and "it being search in a place", it will become easy to find a company positive to a remote work.
✴︎5. Free Lance and Contracted Employee Also Inquire.
Probably, it is good to take and examine time for a while, though it is not interested in a free lance or a contracted employee.
Many free lances and contracted employees are working by the remote.
It is satisfied with the result of the company side.
For you, though a free lance cannot become a long-term choice, it should become a means to earn one's living expenses until it takes up work of a dream.
Moreover, if the good relation with a company is built, a possibility of getting used to a full-time remote worker will also be opened.
Also when looking for work of a free lance or a contracted employee, the group function of LinkedIn can be used.
Please carry out retrieval by keyword in the combination of "the field + free lance who is searching."
If human relations are built through exchange of a group and the presence in on-line is established, it may be recognized by the employer of the future and a good chance may be able to be got.
✴︎6. Negotiate for Remote Work.
As for a remote work, it is a fact that the specific industry is more positive although introduced into all fields.
For example, work of many IT systems or a writer system has already been performed by the remote.
Moreover, since many of start-up companies have a limitation in office space and they have put value also on flexibility, they are positive to a remote work.
If there is work which seems to suit oneself, don't dismiss only for the reason it is not remote.
At the time of an interview, let's take out the subject of a remote work and negotiate.
Although it does not necessarily go always well, a remote work may be examined if the company side wants to employ you.
At the last
The last advice is presented before taking trip where you look for a remote work.
"It challenges with a flexible posture."
It is the flexible work which you are looking for.
Please become flexible.
Moreover, a remote work is a position which many of job seekers desire.
Even if it differs from an ideal for a while, a chance to be at hand is not missed.
Please utilize LinkedIn and find work of an ideal!
Working Remotely Is The Future!
This Is How LinkedIn Can Help You|
Dann Albright(translation: Takayuki Ito) Photo by Shutterstock.
The reason for having learned and having opted for NASA change of occupation acquired in MIT which crosses the sea aiming at the universe.
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How to make payroll negotiation successful

05/27/2014 Remote Work. LinkedIn. lifehacker.jp/


1. 正しいグループに参加する


「Telecommute JOBS」もおススメのグループです。FlexJobsほどメンバーは多くありませんが、有益なディスカッションも活発に行われ、メンバー同士でアドバイスを交換したり、仕事を紹介しあったりしています。


2. 正しいキーワードを使う

リモートワークを探すなら「remote」や「telecommute」「location-independent」などのキーワードを含めてください。ほかにも「virtual」「work from home」「work at home」「home-based」などのキーワードも有効です。企業はさまざまなフレーズを使ってリモートワークの求人を募集します。上記のキーワードはすべて試したほうがよいでしょう(日本なら、「リモートワーク」「テレワーク」「在宅勤務可」「バーチャル」「自宅でお仕事」などが良いでしょう)。


3. 正しい企業をフォローする

LinkedInでフォローする企業をどうやって探すか? 「企業検索」を使います。まず、検索ウィンドウにあなたの探している分野をタイプして検索します(「health promotion」「content creation」「digital marketing」「customer service」「data entry」など)。検索結果が表示されたら、左サイドバーから「会社」をクリックします。



4. 正しい「場所」で探す


New York
North Carolina

South Africa

5. フリーランスや契約社員も検討する


6. リモートワークの交渉をする




Working Remotely Is The Future! This Is How LinkedIn Can Help You|makeuseof

Dann Albright(訳:伊藤貴之)
Photo by Shutterstock.

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小野 雅裕|東洋経済新報社
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最初に金額を出したら負け? 給料交渉を成功させる方法

◯ Why Mass Killers Are Always Male 男が大量殺人者。

2014-05-27 04:38:23 | ♪ One Short Talk

05/27/2014 time.com

Why Mass Killers Are Always Male
Jeffrey Kluger @jeffreykluger 12:12 PM ET
Whenever there's a mass shooting or massacre, there's a 98% chance the perpetrator is a man. Why is that?

There are no absolute certainties when it comes to mass killers, but a few things come close. Someone will use the term “disaffected youth” to describe the perpetrator. Somewhere there will be a diary―either Tweets, blogs, YouTube videos or scrawled musings in a lined notebook. And the murderer will―with more than a 98% certainty―be male.

That was the case again on Friday as Elliott Rodger, a 22-year-old student at Santa Barbara City College, killed six people and wounded 13 others in a stabbing and shooting spree, before taking his own life. If you say that you were surprised that his name was Elliott and not, say, Ellen, you either haven’t been paying attention or you’re playing at political correctness. But the fact remains: it’s almost always boys who go bad. The question is, Why?

There is no shortage of explanations for the overwhelming maleness of the monster population. Some of the answers reveal a lot―and yet nothing at all. Testosterone fuels aggression. Stipulated. Boys take longer to mature than girls. Stipulated. And like the forebrains of young females, those of young males are not fully myelinated until the late 20s or even early 30s. The forebrain is where executive functions―impulse control, reflection, awareness of consequences―live. In the case of males, who are already trip-wired for aggression, that provides a lot of years to behave badly.

There are, too, the social factors: violent video games, a culture of physical aggression fueled by contact sports and the general tendency of all societies to turn their men into hunters and warriors, putting those jobs off-limits to women or at least making them optional.

But there’s more, and a lot of it has to do with status. Males, for better or worse, are ferociously protective of their position in any tribe, community, or society, and any threat to that position goes to the core of their identity and self-esteem. It’s a common observation in times of recession that while loss of a job is miserable for both genders, it’s the males who are likelier to become completely undone by it. Without the role of worker and money-earner, men feel hollowed-out, and that too often calls for revenge. it’s not for nothing that the victims in workplace shootings are often managers who just the month before demoted or sacked the shooter.

As Candice Batton, director of the School of Criminology and Criminal Justice at the University of Nebraska, Omaha, told NPR in the wake of the 2013 Washington Navy Yard shootings:

“Some research supports the idea that males are more likely than females to develop negative attributions of blame that are external in nature, that is: ‘The cause … of my problems is someone else or some force outside of me’. And this translates into anger and hostility toward others.”
[Women], on the other hand, “are more likely to develop negative attributions of blame that are internal in nature, that is: ‘The cause of my problems is some failing of my own: I didn’t try hard enough, I’m not good enough.”
This is also the reason that when women do kill―and they do―it’s typically in a more intimate way, such as by drowning or suffocating. Men tend to go wild, spraying a room with gunfire and the world be damned. That, of course, also increases the male killer’s body count.

Rodger, dead now, his work done now, fits so much of this ugly profile. He did leave a diary―in his case YouTube videos―and his rants bare his resentments toward the women who never found him attractive enough, as primal a kind of status loss as can possibly be imagined.

He now joins the dark gallery of men and boys who have gone before him―each of them less important than the previous ones, since their crimes become so tragically familiar. If there is any bitter satisfaction to take from that, it’s that in their very attempt to be remarkable in some way, mass killers instead achieve a sort of homicidal banality, the anonymity they dreaded in life following them into death.

05/26/2014 time.com

Elliott Rodger, a 22-year-old student at Santa Barbara City College