◯ 国会議事堂前に反安保デモ35万人!

2015-08-31 04:01:17 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS


2015-08-31 04:01:17





2015.08.30demo_00 _150830.jpg












◯ The French Revolution May Happen!!フランス革命に近いことが 起ころうとしている!

2015-08-31 02:35:15 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS




2015-08-30 19:42:40 Lawyer dot com August 30 Sunday.   t.asahi com. blog.goo.ne.jp/kimito39.



A thing near the French Revolution.

It tries to happen!

A citizen opposite to security buries in front of the Diet.

The way where a scrapped bill and resignation rescue Japan!

Lawyer dot com Sunday, August 30




saigaijyouhou.com 20150830175905sapdo@o.jpg


"A thing near the French Revolution tries to happen." the| lawyer dot com news that a citizen opposite to security buries in front of the Diet.

"A thing near the French Revolution tries to happen." a citizen opposite to security buries in front of the Diet.

Lawyer dot com 16:07 Sunday August 30



The citizens who complain of resignation of a scrapped proposal and Abe political power of security related bills gathered in front of the Diet in Tokyo and Nagata-cho on August 30, and I came into action remonstrantly on a large scale.

A participant says about 120,000 people according to a sponsored announcement of "he doesn't make them make war, don't break 9 articles! Behavior operation committee of combined efforts".

Though it was drizzling on this day, Masaji Ave "isn't permitted" from around 1 o'clock p.m. around the Diet, the one of the etc. which "doesn't make" make war

People with a placard and NOBORI gathered a lot, and a road in Diet Seimon-mae was buried. A person also overflowed on a roadway as well as a sidewalk.








2015-08-30 19:42:40  弁護士ドットコム8月30日(日)t.asahi com. blog.goo.ne.jp/kimito39.  共同通信社ヘリ.


Lawyer dot com 16:07 Sunday August 30








Lawyer dot com 16:07 Sunday August 30




Lawyer dot com 16:07 Sunday August 30











Lawyer dot com 16:07 Sunday August 30






◯ To The Diet Demo.

2015-08-30 12:56:43 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS


2015-08-30 12:56:43

◯ To The Diet Demo.






2015-08-30 12:56:43

Tokyo  simbun  

I hate both a victim and an assailant; security treaty bill protest today "100,000 meeting"


On the 30th, the citizen group which opposes security related bills "don't break the* 9 article which doesn't make make war! Behavior operation committee of combined efforts" opens a protest rally around the Diet in Tokyo and Nagata-cho, targeting one hundred thousand participants. On the 29th, the student group with which I participate in an assembly "SEALDs (student urgent behavior for freedom and democracy and shells)" and total of twelve groups of group of young people throughout the country held a press conference in Tokyo-to and told a decision with the performance at the front.

Jin Motoyama Shiro (JIN SHIROU) of "SEALDs RYUKYU" formed on August 15 of the day in the end of the war by students and others of Okinawa-ken residence and a hometown, make, (23) = from said prefecture Ginowan (bowl of GI) city and International Christian University four year= explained "When a security bill passed, Okinawa assisted a Japanese war. I'd like to appeal to want to be neither a victim nor a wrongdoer."

Mr. Muroi yuugatsu where assemblies in front of the Diet are a scholar and an author in two p.m. per thirty days-4:00, a member of shells in addition to a scholar makes a speech, too. Even in front of Hibiyakoen around the Diet and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Department of the Treasury previous etc. are opened at the same time at Metropolitan area. I say that at least more than three hundred points of demonstration and assembly are scheduled nationwide on this day according to an execution committee.



「被害者も加害者もいや」 安保法案抗議 きょう「10万人集会」




 沖縄県在住、出身の学生らで終戦の日の八月十五日に結成した「SEALDs RYUKYU」の元山仁士郎(じんしろう)さん(23)=同県宜野湾(ぎのわん)市出身、国際基督教大四年=は「安保法案が通れば、沖縄は日本の戦争へ加担することになる。被害者にも加害者にもなりたくないと訴えたい」と語った。





◯ Million ppl's DEMO. 安保法案反対:30日「全国100万人行動」国会前などで

2015-08-30 10:16:58 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS



 plz read again!


2015-08-29 08:51:57 Mainichi Newspapers.oths

The security bill opposite: In front of 30 day "1,000,000 people of whole country, behavior" Diet.

Mainichi Newspapers August 28, 2015 20:14 (the last renewal August 29 49 minutes at 02 o'clock).

The people who utter a cry opposite to security related bills with the placard in the hand in front of the Diet= 7:32pm August 28 in 2015 and Goto yuya photography
The people who utter a cry opposite to security related bills with the placard in the hand in front of the Diet= 7:32pm August 28 in 2015 and Goto yuya photography
To a picture special story.

Companion piece

< I start at Kanazawa.> "TNG" I respond to shells, "The leaving all to others is useless."
< "The parent generation can't also be silent."> 40-fifties are "middles" organization.
< I sympathize with SEALDs.> I oppose a security bill Teachers, "Toulouse".
A protest movement by members and others of a student group "SEALDs (shells)" was performed in front of the Diet in Tokyo and Nagata-cho in the evening for 28 days concerning the security related bills which are being deliberated by the House of Councilors, and many participants complained a scrapped bill. A simultaneous assembly entitles "100,000 people of Diet and the whole country 1,000,000 person big behavior" on the 30th, and is scheduled at every region of the country, and we assume "All power and solidarity aiming at a scrapped bill are done. A circle of a match keeps expanding big." for operation committee.

A citizen group "don't break the* 9 article which doesn't make make war! Behavior operation committee of combined efforts" sponsors a large-scale assembly around the Diet on the 30th. I'm planning also to participate in the "meeting of the scholar who opposes security related bills" etc. made with Shields and a researcher of many fields and develop the protest movement to which I complain of a scrapped bill of a bill and Abe political power resignation from 2:00pm. [Hioka Tetsuya]






2015-08-29 08:51:57  毎日新聞



毎日新聞 2015年08月28日 20時14分(最終更新 08月29日 02時49分)

















2015/07/24 22:00:01

I say 安倍
You say 辞めろ

I say 国民
You say なめるな


Show me what Democracy looks like.



  • 回答数:2
  • 閲覧数:1,476
  • お礼:知恵コイン50






2015/07/25 16:31:59

Tell me what democracy looks like
→ This is what democracy looks like

Show me what democracy looks like
→ This is what democracy looks like

No Pasaran!
→ No Pasaran! 
  • プロフィール画像



    2015/07/29 06:41:46

    No Pasaran! ノーパスタだっ! って聞こえてました。















    答えは「 $1,000,000(100万ドル)」。




    MM = million (例: $1MM = $1,000,000)


    B = billion (例:. $1B = $1,000,000,000)







    しかし本来のMMの意味は(duo milia)「2,000」みたいです。私が思うに、誰かが間違って「1,000,000」と解釈しちゃったから、そのまま「MM=Million」になっているんじゃないでしょうか!?





    WordReference.com Language Forums: mm and million

    How Many? A Dictionary of Units of Measurement

    Yahoo! Answers: Is one million abbreviated M or MM?







◯ 100,000 PPL Gather Make Change.<第9回>一度に10万人が官邸を取り囲めば流れが変わる

2015-08-29 17:22:14 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS



2015-08-29 17:22:14 nikkan gendai


Ichiro Ozawa who will speak about the secret plan with which a security bill is filled up/


When surrounding the Diet together, the subject changes.

August 29, 2015


Mr. Ichiro Ozawa (C), daily Gendai
Mr. Ichiro Ozawa (C), daily Gendai


I met the person going to prevent a security bill and talked, but a bill closed through the House of Representatives, so "The bill formation is inevitable.", there is a person who says "A game is next year's Upper House Election.", too.

I'm saying "What is being talked about? Now is game DOKORO." There was a press conference of which the scholars and the lawyer persons concerned who complain of a scrapped bill of a security bill on the 26th present a united front this week. 100,000 person demonstration opposite to a security law is appealed on the 30th.

More than 100,000 people gather, and when uttering a cry of "the security bill opposite", this welter becomes really increasingly big. Please imagine the scale as 100,000 people. 100,000 people aren't in the early summer rain system, when gathering at Nagata-cho together, it's possible to surround the Diet neighborhood and around the prime minister's official residence.

Up to now, Prime Minister Abe was ignoring national voice opposite to a security law. It isn't necessary to hear such voice. It's such way of thinking, Prime Minister Abe? But when demonstration of 100,000 people circles a prime minister's official residence, it's being different. If I lose immediately, you can't get the attitude like the past any more.


When 100,000 people surround an official residence together, the subject changes.


But, there is a condition to do it this way. That it's dispersive, when their gathering, it's useless. There even were many opposing assemblies this. But media aren't taken up seriously. It's difficult to be newsworthy by a small assembly. So 100,000 people gather quickly. I utter a cry simultaneously. When needing this and doing that, a possibility that this bill is prevented should rise by all means.

Even if it isn't that, one after another, the hearts of the people are estranged from now and Abe political power. Cabinet support rate is a long downward trend and the stock price also slumps and plating of Ave flea camphor tree is also coming off. The Government party candidate escaped before the opponent who gives candidacy up just before by Iwate-ken gubernatorial election. If I say running cancellation because of a healthy problem, it's unprecedented rather to say "Because you can't win, it's stopped.", and already, I think without qualification of the Government party only by this case. Why was a government which took pride in its high approval rate only that so? 2 are well-founded.



When 100,000 people surround an official residence together, the subject changes.


When an approval rate is high, one doesn't listen to national voice sincerely, and is because I became domineering and did power-like political operation. Because they didn't come, when it's on the decline like now, everything doesn't go on Masaji who answers national trust steadily any more well.

There is nothing to which I say "I think so." with Prime Minister Abe so that another may be symbolized by a talk for 70 years after the war.

Because I apologized for a war in the past twice already, I won't want to make a person in posterity apologize any more. I was saying so by a talk, but I never say "I don't want to apologize all." by person's talk. The true character and real feelings are being always hidden and cheated. I just make the world be confused by such politics by the method which should never be done as a politician. Have not the people seen that finally, either?





2015-08-29 17:22:14  nikkan gendai





<iframe class="hatena-bookmark-button-frame" style="font-size: 14px;" title="このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" width="70" height="20"></iframe>2015年8月29日






◯ "OVERSEAs"OPPOSE/ 1週間で数百人賛同 「OVERSEAs」が海外から安保法案に“NO”

2015-08-29 16:56:31 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS




2015-08-29 16:56:31 niklan gendai

Hundreds of people a week approve "OVERSEAs", from foreign countries, in a security bill, "NO".

August 28, 2015


"OVERSEAs" the promoter's Takei Yukiko lawyer (left)
"OVERSEAs" the promoter's Takei Yukiko lawyer (left)

It expands.

It was an only way of expansion, but counter exercise to a security law was also expressed oppositely from foreign countries at last.

An opposing assembly beyond the generation and demonstration were opened by young people's SEALDs, middle-aged and elderly MIDDLEs and old OLDs every week in front of the Diet, but OVERSEAs also stood up from foreign countries.

"You could be irritated and often bring now a message opposite to a security law near from an overseas residence person, too in SEALDs. So such voice should be integrated, and a site was started, and widely, decided to collect such voice." (Mr. Yukiko Takei, the lawyer= left of a picture the end)

Why was opposite voice also collected from foreign countries an edge? Japan is the country against which I go to war and is at the very first, it's because I'm an overseas resident Japanese national, that terrorism is exposed to fear.

A start-up of OVERSEAs was announced by a press conference in the morning on the 28th. Since there was an approval of hundreds of people a week from a call at the stage before a start-up, it's dreadful. A principal could also finish reading commissioner's approval message at Aimi. A security law has already become loose.




2015-08-29 16:56:31 niklan gendai

1週間で数百人賛同 「OVERSEAs」が海外から安保法案に“NO” 











◯ CRISIS!! 「憲法の危機だけでなく、知性の危機」安保法案反対の学者・弁護士300人が会見

2015-08-29 11:21:25 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS






2015-08-29 11:21:25 Lawyer dot com.

Lawyer dot com
Civil affairs and and so on
Law in general
"Crisis of the intellect as well as crisis of a constitution" a scholar opposite to a security bill and 300 lawyers interview.
August 26, 2015 19:19
"Crisis of the intellect as well as crisis of a constitution" a scholar opposite to a security bill and 300 lawyers interview.

I look for a lawyer.
A constitution Law.
"Crisis of the intellect as well as crisis of a constitution" a scholar opposite to a security bill and 300 lawyers interview, more than 300 scholars and lawyers complained of the opposite to a security bill.
A meeting and a Japanese lawyer joint association of the scholar who opposes security related bills held a joint news conference at a bar association house in Tokyo and Kasumigaseki on August 26. A scholar and a lawyer added to a meeting place from the whole country, and more than 300 people gathered, and I complained of a scrapped bill of the security bill Abe government moves forward.


By the greeting by which Chairperson Susumu Murakoshi of Japan Federation of Bar Associations is the beginning, "Japan Federation of Bar Associations is a compulsory participation group, but only destruction of a constitutionalism principle can't admit. When such thing becomes cheaper and passes, a constitution isn't a constitution any more. A brake to state power disappears. I'm opposing a security bill by the one point. It's the behavior which stood in constitution theory as a group of the lawyer who makes the protection of human rights the mission.", I have started.


Kobayashi join Keio University honorary professor, "Unconstitutionality of this bill is proved perfectly. Defensive defense is neglected while saying peace and peace, and bankruptcy is brought to a country by a war cost. Kind faces whether whether continuation of Abe government which pushes a fish in fresh water is permitted doesn't permit such bill without having the ear heard.", I accentuated.


Chizuko Ueno and the University of Tokyo honorary professor stated "A constitutional lawyer uttered a cry as unconstitutionality first, and "constitutionalism principle" was fixed between the people. Next a scholar and a university person stood up. A just modal crisis, a crisis of the intellect of the constitution, not a crisis and a crisis of a university were sensed urgently."


● "There is also a possibility of the scrapped bill by inferiority on the number."


From the reporter who is Asahi Shimbun by a question and answer of a press conference, "How is voice being reported to the general nation? How does a politician of the Diet move?", there was a question from which an idea is asked. It "is your business" from a scholar in a meeting place and lawyers, "misery" etc. was voiced successively.


Jiro Yamaguch





<form action="http://www.bengo4.com/topics/search/" method="get">2015-08-29 11:21:25   弁護士ドットコム</form>
2015年08月26日 19時19分























◯ Avoid ALL Contact" With Rain, & Nuc Bomb雨に濡れるな&核爆弾

2015-08-28 07:11:11 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS



 re-up version

〓  ◯ "Avoid ALL Contact" With Rain, American Embassy In Beijing Warns危険!

 2015-08-18 14:05:53 




"Avoid ALL Contact" With Rain, American Embassy In Beijing Warns

Tyler Durden's picture


First in "China Sends In Chemical Warfare Troops, Orders Tianjin Blast Site Evacuation After Toxic Sodium Cyanide Found" and subsequently in "Poison Rain Feared In Tianjin As Death Toll Rumored At 1,400", we documented China’s frantic attempts to reassure an increasingly agitated and frightened public that the air and water are safe after last Wednesday’s deadly chemical explosion at Tianjin.

Although the full environmental implications of the blast likely won’t be known for quite some time, the immediate concern is that rain could react with water soluble sodium cyanide, transforming the chemical into potentially fatal hydrogen cyanide gas.

And while Beijing has already begun the censorship (some 400 Weibo and WeChat accounts have reportedly been shut down), the American Embassy isn’t mincing words. 

The following unconfirmed text message is said to have originated at the Embassy:


For your information and consideration for action. First rain expected today or tonight. Avoid ALL contact with skin. If on clothing, remove and wash as soon as possible, and also shower yourself. Avoid pets coming into contact with rains, or wet ground, and wash them immediately if they do. Rise umbrellas thoroughly in your bath or shower once inside, following contact with rain. Exercise caution for any rains until all fires in Tianjin are extinguished and for the period 10 days following. These steps are for you to be as safe as possible, since we are not completely sure what might be in the air. Remember the brave firefighters and their families along with all those suffering from the accident in Tianjin. Stand strong together China!



And meanwhile, the Embassy is "aware" of these social media messages, which it claims aren't official. Here's the official line:


Media sources have reported extensively on explosions at the port of Tianjin, China on August 13 and August 15. The U.S. Embassy urges U.S. citizens in Tianjin to follow the guidance of local authorities and avoid the blast area until given further instructions.  We are aware that local authorities are taking measures to prevent secondary disasters and are monitoring air and water pollution in the area to prevent further chemical contamination.  The Embassy in Beijing remains in regular contact with local Tianjin government and hospital officials, and we have no information other than that which has been provided to the public by Chinese authorities.  We continue to liaise with local authorities, businesses, and healthcare providers to seek information on any U.S. citizens who may have been affected by the explosions.


The Embassy is also aware of social media messages relating to the Tianjin explosions from sources claiming to represent the U.S. Embassy. These messages were not issued by the U.S. Embassy.

 next article.


〓 2015-08-28 07:11:11  tumuzikaze blog.





I wouldn't want to see so much..., nuclear evidence picture of Tianjin explosion


2015-08-21 13:55:47 | News.
There would be various views....
When these pictures are seen.
What is it cautious in? An outline.
It's imagined...!
It's also the situation of the victim's corpse above all!
I wouldn't be the something who can do by ordinary fire and explosion...!


I did in a moment and died by radiant heat rather than.

It's baked by a neutron line from the interior, and it feels like that it has dried.

A cruel one has been done and carbonized in a moment.

This can consider only a neutron bomb.


I think it's the impossible situation by medicine or a usual explosion.

When I have the detailed one.

It's to the extent I want you to explain more.


The number of the victim more enormous than imagination.


They did its situation in a moment and died.


It's the corpse situation that evaporation is also peeped at in the part.

It's probably closest to an atom bomb picture to resemble....









A neutron bomb is mainly made with a hydrogen bomb.

A small hydrogen bomb.

Now that I say a neutron bomb, there is just no neutron shelter structure.

It isn't too different from an ordinary hydrogen bomb.


When conducting an on-the-spot inspection, with no trouble it would be certain.

That wouldn't be done....

Inspection of tritium and radiation-ized material inspection...

The intermediary that how much can be specified should exist?


Chuugoku kansatsu: Tianjin daibakusakugenbakouguunanmonoyakishou? Body sorrow (tanshoumochironkan!)


And blackness, the "white rain" by which it doesn't rain.

I showered at Tianjin city...!

Chemicals will rise sharply in a blast and be atomic dust and the one of the chopper this....


Since it's put in the nuclear blast.

Because a sudden updraft happens.

Black rain will be rain, and falls.

Because it's regarded as a hydrogen bomb of 5 kiloton order this time.

I can think extorted chemicals mixed with rain and fell to the ground.


URGENT: "Mysterious Acid Foam Rain" China




 The genre:









2015-08-28 07:11:11  tumuzikaze blog.





2015-08-21 13:55:47 | ニュース

何に警戒しているのか? 大凡、





























中國觀察: 天津大爆炸現場 向遇難者燒焦?体哀悼 (胆小勿看!) later.<iframe src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/pfF2j8tDzf0?feature=player_embedded" frameborder="0" width="640" height="360"></iframe>












URGENT: "Mysterious Acid Foam Rain" China  later.<iframe src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/HH-2FInM6_w?feature=player_embedded" frameborder="0" width="640" height="360"></iframe>



◯ The Fukushima Crisis914/"Kids At Risk"::東京遊び場で検出された非常に高い土壌放射線

2015-08-27 07:26:50 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS


 2015-08-27 07:26:50  Global news, RT,oths

“Authorities believe the incident has no connection to Fukushima disaster, as the contaminated area is not large.”


(Authoriies “believe” = they don’t know jack shit … or … are lying to the public)

So Fukushima could have nothing to do with it? 

– Fukushima Fuel Rod Materials At 200 TRILLION Bq/Kg Found Near Tokyo … ‘Material Spread Globally’

– Nuclear fuel found 15 miles from Tokyo suburbs — Fukushima uranium in ‘glassy’ spheres transported over 170 km — Structural materials from the nuclear reactors also present (PHOTOS)

Fuel rod parts are to be found all over Japan.

“Kids at risk”?

More like kids being sacrificed since 3/11.


– U.S. Navy Vice Admiral Alan Thompson Reported 1,500 MICROSIEVERTS Per Hour Thyroid Dose South Of Tokyo On March 20, 2011

Aaaaand have the people, especially the children, been given iodide pills to protect their thyroid? 

NO, not one pill!!!!

– Fukushima Children Thyroid Cancer Rate Continues To Rise

– Japan Paper: Now 104 children diagnosed with cancer of thyroid in Fukushima — New results show 5-fold increase in rate of suspected/confirmed cancers

– Fukushima’s Children Are Dying – Thyroid Cancer Rates Skyrocket

– Thyroid Cancer In Fukushima Children Up 50% Since Last Report 3 Months Ago – Now 90 Cases Suspected Or Confirmed

– Fukushima: More Then 42% of Children Have Thyroid Nodules Or Cysts (German TV Video, Nov 18, 2012):

More than 42% of 57,000 tested children have nodules or cyst, reports Dr. Suzuki who leads the examinations. In Chernobyl they found only 0.1 – 1%.


 Lying Scum Japanese PM Shinzo Abe: ‘There Is No Confirmation That Someone’s Health Has Been Directly Affected By Radioactive Substances’

More on Tokyo’s situation down below.


– Kids at risk: Extremely high soil radiation detected in Tokyo playground (RT, April 24, 2015):

A playground in Tokyo turned out to be contaminated with radiation levels that 2,000 times exceed the maximums permitted in areas adjoining the devastated Fukushima nuclear plant. Authorities fear some children have been exposed to radiation influence.

The administrative office of Toshima ward in northwest Tokyo reported that soil probes showed 480 microsieverts per hour. Two hours of exposure at such levels would equal one year’s maximum allowable dose of radiation.

Radiation levels measured this month in Okuma, a town less than 20 km from the Fukushima nuclear power plant, are ranging from 0.7 to 23.2 microsieverts per hour.

“We are still checking what caused these elevated radiation levels and what type of radioactive substance it is,” Reuters quoted park representative Kyoko Tsujimura, stressing that radiation elsewhere in the park is low.

Authorities believe the incident has no connection to Fukushima disaster, as the contaminated area is not large.

“Because the area in which we detect radioactivity is very limited, and readings in surrounding parts are normal, we suspect radioactive materials of some kind are buried there,” AFP quoted local Mayor Yukio Takano’s statement.

The radiation-fouled area was a parking lot before being turned into park in 2013. To do so, new soil was brought in, the Toshima official said.

Now that the park is closed, experts are discussing elimination of the radiation spot and tracing the source of it.

“Many children play in the park daily, so the ward office should explain the situation,” a 62-year-old local woman told Kyodo News, as quoted by the AFP.

Radioactivity contamination in the park was spotted by chance as the Japanese stay alert of radioactive contamination after the Fukushima meltdown and constantly measure radiation levels around their houses with personal radiation detectors.

<form action="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr" method="post" target="_blank">

As I’ve said many, many times before:

Everybody should have evacuated Tokyo a long time ago.

“If you don’t educate yourself now and fast, you’ll die.”
– Prof. Hayakawa of Gunma University

– Bloomberg: ‘Near-Chernobyl experience’ for Tokyo even though 200+ kilometers from Fukushima


More than 42% of 57,000 tested children have nodules or cyst, reports Dr. Suzuki who leads the examinations. In Chernobyl they found only 0.1 – 1%.




(Authoriiesは、「信じる」、彼らはジャックのたわごとを知らない= ...または公衆に嘘をついています...)


福島燃料棒の材料は、200 兆ベクレル/キログラムの近く東京を発見されました ...」素材のグローバルな広がり」

核燃料は15マイル、東京郊外から見つかった現在も、原子炉からの構造材料(PHOTOS) - - 170キロの上に運ば「ガラス状」分野で福島ウラン











3ヶ月前最後のレポート以来、福島の子供最大で甲状腺がん50% -今90ケースは疑い


57,000テストの子どもの42%以上が結節や嚢胞を持って、検査をリード鈴木先生が報じている。チェルノブイリでは、彼らが唯一の0.1発見- 1%。















「多くの子どもたちが毎日、公園で遊ぶので、区役所が状況を説明しなければならない、「 AFPによって引用した62歳の地元の女性が、共同通信に語りました。


<form action="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr" method="post" target="_blank">





57,000テストの子どもの42%以上が結節や嚢胞を持って、検査をリード鈴木先生が報じている。チェルノブイリでは、彼らが唯一の0.1発見- 1%。





◯ Abe Gov's Hit and Run.安保法案について松本人志「このままでは安倍に当て逃げされる」

2015-08-26 07:34:32 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS



It is a child not oneself to go for war"

2015-08-26 07:34:32 The Huffington Post
About a security bill, Hitoshi Matsumoto "Just as it is, then hit and run is done."

、 Nagafuchi strength "It's a child to go to a war."

The Huffington Post | Writer : HuffPost Newsroom.
Contribution day: July 19, 2015 12:00 08 minute JST Renewing: July 20, 2015 36 minutes at 00 o'clock JST.

How should Nagafuchi Takeshi, the singer/songwriter (58) "do that the people who state "They aren't themselves to go to a war, It's a child." and don't go to a war should argue the security bill which is appearing on Fuji Telecasting system of the broadcast "WAIDONASHO" and is deliberating by the Diet on July 19" or to decide not to cause a war, and, I complained.

On this day, a security bill is featured by a program. To a bill's being approved by Mr. Hitoshi Matsumoto of a joke combination "downtown" who appeared as a commentator (51) by the House of Representatives, ", a method, absurd KU," if a method Abe political power was criticized. But Mr. Matsumoto compared necessity of a security bill to a car crash and made a comment as follows about a way of thinking of "deterrent" equipment requires safely.

"Heiwa of the war opposite thinks Mr. Abe thinks of that it's good so, too. I think all the members on the earth think. Even if but

that's understood for example the legal speed limit which isn't also doing the looking aside while driving which is driving a car, is also fastening a seat belt and isn't also drinking alcohol is being maintained, from the side and, they're some reasons to be able to be striking from the rear, aren't they? Even if you say "A traffic accident is stopped, and." at such time, "Oh?" Please, isn't it the fact that you say? nippon now, please, such situation? If it's just as it is, hit and run is done. I think I have to make them think "if it's bumped,

troublesomeness and". But.  、 Abe gov, unfortunately...,".

On the other hand Mr. Nagafuchi who appeared as a guest "is different in point at issue" to Mr. Matsumoto's and others argument, and, it's pulled one step, and, comment. "Even if a war happens, do we take a gun? Though I don't go, it's being argued at the meeting, said, a heart becomes painful for me." and, I spoke and told as follows.

"They're children to go to a war every kind of time so that it may be understood when reading history. (Special attack corps) was also flying out of Chiran in my home (It didn't scatter.). Children go. I think it's said to be how to do that we "the man who doesn't go" have to argue to decide never to do such thing (war).".




Mr. Nagafuchi introduces that one went on an encouragement concert of Japan Self-Defense Forces in case of an eastern Japan great earthquake. We assumed that "It's the SDF personnel to go to a site. I wanted you to remember an earthquake disaster, how much thing did Japan Self-Defense Forces do? Could they be let die? I thought it was said to be whether I might be able to let die." should be complained so that the respective people continued it and didn't fight a war by the respective possible ways, and "You were laughing and I wanted Mr. Matsumoto to do that. Because I changed a gun to a guitar." was complained.





2015-08-26 07:34:32  The Huffington Post 



投稿日: 2015年07月19日 12時08分 JST  更新: 2015年07月20日 00時36分 JST 









tsuyoshi nagabuchi
特別感謝状を贈呈され自衛隊員に囲まれる長渕剛さん(2011年12月20日 東京・新宿区の防衛省)






◯ swiftopia! / テイラーと、彼女のネット帝国「スウィフトピア」

2015-08-25 17:31:09 | ♪ One Short Talk



2015.6.27 SAT

Net empire of Taylor and her "Swift peer"

Everyone should be astonished that Taylor Swift showed its power off to "Apple Music" with an apple. No, this is to get up now. Taylor, kindly, the world of the led internet, when catching, how are we here, TEXT BY JORDAN CRUCCHIOLA



eatureflash / Shutterstock.com

When an apple begins new musical streaming service "Apple Music" as it is learned about already, an offer of a free audition in 3 months is being announced (It was done!) But we assumed that they reserved payment to an artist in a free period for the 3 months (Would you like?)

On the other hand it's clear that many people got angry. It's because it suited a little cunning movement since also making 700,000,000,000 dollars of that the enterprise which recommended that it was an enterprise loudly recently. That the said company amounts to 1,000,000,000,000 dollars shouldn't also be so far, though where will the necessity to skimp be? If your employer who wants to think puts payment for 3 months on hold, and I say it's difficult to be just also able to come to the company every day, and that I should think, how is it? When moreover does the employer have savings as the Mint Bureau?

This was quite poor as PR activity. The indie label which has not contracted an apple yet and a nameless artist and their management were angry to this condition. But an apple is, self-conceit.

But Taylor Swift splashed a protection cover of the big red button and launched "Tumblr atomic warhead" for Cupertino on Sunday of last week. We had no choice but to watch a worldwide big business be threatened by the bigger power as the POP STAR of 25 years old.

It's thewhich is the grave state spreading rapidly on the internet (I hear that that it's the heavenly city which shines shinily near the stratosphere, it's unconfirmed.) that it was a launching pad of a missile.


"Weapon" of empress Taylor


AppleMusicMusic StreamingRecommendTaylor SwiftWIRED US

It's governed by kind empress and Taylor Swift there. She posted the title to which she says "Love was included in an apple, and." on her Tumblr. A move of an attack to a shabby policy of an apple. Taylor wrote that the case that a smash hit album "1989" will be drawn up from Apple Music and the apple which made sure that he can't help doing that for her should be ashamed for payment to an artist to sue an unfair thing for its post.

"By a shock, disappoint. a tolerant company is progressive and the behavior which doesn't seem." if Taylor recorded. "Everything is spoiled, and a short-tempered child isn't grumbling at this, but all artists, a composer and a producer necessary for my social club think. Because an apple is praised deeply and it respects, can't they utter a cry officially? It's concerned with free one and this matter that we can't accept, only and."

It was conventional Taylor it conformed to good will and to collect sympathy, but she piles up theory steadily for a blow of holding.

"I think Apple Music can be the platform where the situation (about payment of streaming service to an artist) is corrected. Though it's impolite to an apple, but









テイラー・スウィフトがアップルと「Apple Music」に対してその力を見せつけたことに、誰もが驚いたはずだ。いや、これこそがいま、起きていることだ。テイラーが情け深くも牛耳るインターネットの世界を、ぼくらはどのようにとらえればいTEXT BY JORDAN CRUCCHIOLA


Featureflash / Shutterstock.com

既に知られている通り、アップルは新たな音楽ストリーミングサーヴィス「Apple Music」を始めるにあたり、3カ月の無料試聴の提供を発表している(やった!)。しかし、その3カ月間の無料期間において、彼らはアーティストへの支払いを保留するとしていた(えぇ~?)。

これに対して、大勢の人が腹を立てたのは明らかだ。なぜならそれは、最近も7,000億ドル企業となったことを高らかに宣伝した企業にしては、少々狡猾な動きに映ったからだ。同社が1兆ドルに達するのもそう遠くはないはずだ、それなのにケチケチする必要がどこにあるのだろう。考えてみてもらいたい、あなたの雇用主が3カ月分の支払いを保留にして、毎日会社に来られるだけでもありがたく思うべきだと言ったら、どうだろう? しかもその雇用主に、造幣局並みの蓄えがあるとしたら?







そこは情け深い女帝、テイラー・スウィフトによって統治されている。彼女は、自身のTumblr上で「アップルへ、愛をこめて」というタイトルのポストをした。アップルのしみったれたポリシーへの攻めの一手だ。テイラーはそのポストで、アーティストへの支払いが不当なことを訴えるべく大ヒットアルバム『1989』をApple Musicから引き上げるつもりであること、そして、彼女にそうせざるをえないようにしたアップルは恥じるべきだと書いた。



「Apple Musicは(アーティストに対するストリーミングサーヴィスの支払いについての)状況を正すプラットフォームになりえると思う。でもアップルに、失礼ながら言いたいのは、(支払いを保留する)ポリシーを変更して音楽業界の人たちの気持ちを変えるのに、まだ手遅れではないということ。タダでiPhoneがほしいと言っているワケじゃない。ただ、わたしたちに何の補償もなしに楽曲を提供しろなんて、言ってほしくないの」




Helga Esteb / Shutterstock.com








<iframe id="instagram-embed-0" class="instagram-media instagram-media-rendered" src="https://instagram.com/p/37SjlPjvBm/embed/captioned/?v=4" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" height="560" data-instgrm-payload-id="instagram-media-payload-0"></iframe>







テイラーのSpotify撤退とApple Musicからの『1989』引き上げ公表で大きく違う点は、それを配信したメディアにある。

昨年、彼女はそのメガホンとして『The Journal』紙を使った。これは評判となり、他のアーティストから称賛された。これはTidal登場以前のストリーミングサーヴィス界からすれば、24歳が取る行動としては信じられないほど大胆なものだった。

しかし今回、アップルへの挑戦において、『The Journal』や『NY TIMES』、『Rolling Stone』は必要ではなかった。テイラーに必要だったのは、Twitterへの自動投稿機能を備えたTumblrにログインすることだけだった。


これは、至ってシンプルだ。つまり、テイラー・スウィフトそのものがインターネットなのである。〈スウィフトピア〉は、テイラーに忠誠を誓った者にとって、「デジタル安全領域」だ。雑誌、新聞、ウェブサイトには、テイラーが自分でやるよりもスピーディに、そしてより上手にできることは、もう無い。ファンたちはテイラーの近況を知るのに雑誌の特集記事が出るのを待つ必要もなく、ただTumblrで彼女をフォローすればいいからである。またテイラーには、(オープニングアクトを飾った)ビルボード・ミュージック・アワードでのプレミアを前に新しいMV「Bad Blood」をチラ見せしようと、MTVとパートナーシップを組む必要はない。3,500万近いInstagramのフォロワーが、彼女がそのヴィデオのティザーとして使った大量のキャラクターポスターを、いいね/シェアして騒ぎ立ててくれるからである。


<iframe title="YouTube video player" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/QcIy9NiNbmo" frameborder="0" width="580" height="360"></iframe>




だけど、弱ったな。このことについてテイラーにインタヴューしたいのだけど、いったい誰がジャーナリストを必要としてるんだ? 彼女にはTumblrがあるのに。



◯The Fukushima Crisis913 Re-Operation Protest日本人はなぜ再稼働に抗議するのか

2015-08-25 17:09:27 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS


2015-08-25 17:09:27. lemonde.fr
Why doing Japanese's protest against re-operation or/lemonde paper (August 11)

Abe government decided on re-operation in the Sendai nuclear power plant in Kyushu in Japan where a disaster of Fukushima nuclear accident was experienced on August 11. Since Fukushima nuclear accident, all nuclear power plants will be the first re-operation stopped medium except for a certain period. Japanese much, in opposition to re-operation, when, many people participated in the protest movement which opposes re-operation on this day (picture).


It's the point that a lesson from Fukushima nuclear accident is ignored that the people who participated in a protest are insisting.

Abe government which takes the lead in re-operation contrary to this is insisting on influence to the economic effect and the environment by the use of coal firepower. When there is a possibility which also works about other nuclear power plants, Japanese Government is seen.


● Original article: "Why doing Japanese's participate in demonstration opposite to re-operation or"/lemonde newspaper (August 11)/picture




 2015-08-25 17:09:27. lemonde.fr


 日本人はなぜ 原発再稼動に抗議するか








●元の記事: 「日本人はなぜ再稼働反対のデモに参加するのか」/ルモンド紙(8月11日)/映像





◯ Black Monday / ブラックマンデー:中国証券取引所、2007年以来の暴落

2015-08-25 11:09:30 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS



 あのブラックマンデー、世界株式大暴落が始まった日 ...co-smart.net500×313



2015-08-25 11:09:30 sputniknews.com

I fall from pessimism to Shanghai stock exchange and the domestic market 8.5 %.
Black Monday: Chinese stock exchange and slump since 2007

© AP Photo/ Ng Han Guan
August 24, 2015 16:23 (update August 25, 2015 00:53)
A stock exchange in the Asia Pacific received that a Chinese stock exchange fell from deceleration anxiety of Chinese economy 7-or 8 %, and reduced the price by 3-or 4 % suddenly.


When a Europe exchange starts to trade, are 2.5-3% falling and Chinese dullness backing and "collapse of" restraining impossibility?
When a Europe exchange starts to trade, are 2.5-3% falling and Chinese dullness backing and "collapse of" restraining impossibility?
Index Shanghai Composite in Shanghai stock exchange fell 8.45 % current as of 7:33 at the time of Moscow and put 3211.2 points. It's a lowest number in 5 months. Equally, 7.61% and Hang Seng Index in Hong Kong fall to 4.64% and Taiwanese TAIEX all with 4.4% in index Shenzhen Composite in Nii Sen stock exchange.

Japanese Nikkei 225 mixes, and 7.52% and Korean KOSPI also have complete set of 2.34% and this, and falls to 3.5% and Australian S&P/ASX 200.


In the price of resources and cheapness in 16 after Brent petroleum and 45 dollars for 1 barrel, interrupt.
In the price of resources and cheapness in 16 after Brent petroleum and 45 dollars for 1 barrel, interrupt.
A Chinese authority removed a ban on stock purchase of a pension fund, but falling doesn't stop. "A negative trend is seen in a market. There is no good news. The stock price is still high. There is also no new inculcation of cash.". Mr. YOYUFEN tells an analyst of CEBM and KI* so. Reuters communication told.

We assume clearly, that the main cause of the case that the price falls suddenly at an exchange of the world in this summer according to a head strategy strike of Jefferies Group Inc and Mr. Sean Derby is Chinese economic growth dullness and falling of the petroleum price.


Dow-Jones average Historical slump.
http://jp.sputniknews.com/business/20150824/796208.html#ixzz3jn1kpNFW which reads c SPUTNIK/ VITALY PODVI continuation




Is a heavy fall in the century performed?
It may be second advent in Black Monday.



 The Nikkei Average makes 623 weak yen, rate now and plays 3.21% of sudden drops,


but 7.5% also slumps and the Shanghai overall price index of stocks is 3244 and is falling below 3500 points of the buying support standard big.
Hang Seng Bank Index is also performing a slump of 3.9%, and an Asian stock is showing a cataclysm.

When a slump also continues just as it is in the afternoon, the Nikkei average would perform a slump beyond 1000 yen and the Shanghai overall price index of stocks falls below 3000 points, and a heavy fall in the century can be performed.

The urgent stock price measure which admits buying of the local pension fund (the total amount 10,000,000,000,000 yen scale) in China is introduced, but that's received and this slump is being performed, and it's being in the state which has no struck hands.

A stock exchange of the world has begun to show a meltdown, and if Asia market performs a slump in the century today, the world is rushed into financial confusion and becomes the havoc by which the time of Riemann shock won't be comparison.






2015-08-25 11:09:30 sputniknews.com 



© AP Photo/ Ng Han Guan
2015年08月24日 16:23(アップデート 2015年08月25日 00:53) 




上海株式市場のインデックスShanghai Compositeはモスクワ時7:33現在で8.45%下落、3211.2ポイントをつけた。5か月で最低の数字だ。同様に、新セン株式市場のインデックスShenzhen Compositeは7.61%、香港のHang Seng Indexは4.64%、台湾のTAIEXは4.4%と、軒並み下落している。


あわせて、日本の日経225は3.5%、豪州のS&P/ASX 200は7.52%、韓国のKOSPIは2.34%と、こちらも揃って下落。




Jefferies Group Incの主任ストラテジスト、ショーン・ダービー氏によれば、この夏世界の取引所で急激に価格が下落していることの主な原因は、明らかに、中国の経済成長鈍化と石油価格の下落である、としている。


ダウ平均株価 歴史的暴落







【大幅安となる】17800-18400円のレンジを想定=フィスコ村瀬 智一


【大幅安となる】信用投売り、プット買戻しの先物売りを警戒=フィスコ田代 昌之






◯ Cool August Tokyo 残暑も影を見せ始め…二十四節気「処暑(しょしょ)」

2015-08-24 07:10:45 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS




2015-08-24 07:10:45  dot.asahi.com oths


 The lingering summer heat has begun to show a shadow, too.



The style of the morning and evening changes for two weeks from the first day of the autumn, and the sky has also begun to be clear. The state by which a seasonal flower suits the sky is also refreshing, isn't it?
Twenty-four seasonal datum points "Shosho (SHO SHO)" are met on solar calendar August 23. It's also the day with singularity of the weather and....
You can listen for a footstep in autumn from charming sights at this time.

The scene around Shosho

I read as "Shosho" in twenty-four seasonal datum points (SHO SHO) and have the meaning to say "When the heat goes away." like a letter.
When it'll be these days, I come to hear a footstep in autumn certainly. That shows by dress of clothes of the person who goes on a town, the kind of foods which equal a storefront and the shape that... is visible a weather forecast more deeply to the front a little, and I come.
Shosho also says to other ones "with a lot of typhoons" as the day with singularity of the weather and....
A typhoon will also draw near in Japan this weekend. A forecast and attention enough for a warning in an area are needed, aren't they? I'll turn my eyes to the landscape after a field minute (typhoon), wishing for a victimless thing.

After a piece in summer vanishes.

There is a word as typhoon passage (would, FUU I or). It was cleaned by a typhoon, and the sky is clear, and the scene at which various... transferred to... strong wind of remains of a typhoon is held is shown to the ground contrastively. When the summer holidays end impliedly, strange painful akin to loneliness of the felt touch (Ichi waits.) floats. A footprint of a remaining typhoon makes them think of "piece in summer" in the ground, and as if I also take the piece and have left, the sky which became new may be felt one.
But natural beauty which got over that is waiting for us after a storm. For example when does now say floral one of best time...?

A season word in autumn colors it and is abundant!


"Autumn" with the image quiet and deserted compared with summer. However, it's colored in the world of a season word and it's abundant.
"sui cotton rose" of a picture of the beginning (respiratory cotton rose). The cotton rose is matched as a flower in early autumn, and there is a kind as "sui cotton rose (respiratory cotton rose)" as well as "red cotton rose" (for florescence, in August-in October) "white cotton rose" deeply. The history of the name of "sui cotton rose" is white in the morning, and as time has passed, opening of the flower increases in the tinge of red, and it's said that the name as the drunk's flower stuck from the place which will become the color like the red cotton rose in the evening. Is a cotton rose in neighborhood the same color in a morning and evening?... "When the heat goes away." to observe is taking a walk and is also fun, isn't it?
A cotton rose is also called the flower to which "good-looking person" is compared from ancient times, and even if it withers up, even if it's called "ko cotton rose (dead cotton rose)", and it withers up, a phrase of a Japanese banana plant, Buson Soseki Kyoshi and many haiku poets still enjoys with..., and is also left.
I'm also Takahama Kyoshi at the inside, "In a form, for a cotton rose, of a flower, a stripe is flooded.", for, the floral sign shriveled in the evening seems visible, doesn't it?

Haiku compendium "autumn" Kadokawa art and science publication volume
Seasonal floral 300 (link referring)


 2015-08-24 07:10:45 rgt now.

華氏Fahrenheit  73.4

摂氏Celcius 23





残暑も影を見せ始め…二十四節気「処暑(しょしょ)」(更新 2015/8/23 11:00)













俳句歳時記『秋』  角川学芸出版編







on the other hand,









〓 by alc

on the other hand
  • on the other hand
  • while on the other hand
  • on the one hand ~ on the other hand
  • with ~ in onhand and ... in the other
  • place one hand on one's chest and the other on one's abdomen