◯ The Fukushima Crisis791PM Abe IS PR PARK安倍首相は国民批判の朴槿恵大統領と変りはない。似た者だ。

2014-05-14 16:23:26 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

05/15/2014 Hidenori Itagaki

" delicious lover Issue "

Does the large shock of "Oisinbo;delicious lover (Tetu Kariya and original) have "weathering" of the 1st nuclear power plant disaster of Toden Fukushima stopped?
04:31 15-second | [ on May 14, 2014 ]
<> A large shock of the "megaton class" which is made to regard it as whether the popular comics "Oisinbo;delicious lover (Tetu Kariya and original)" (a cartoonist) of weekly big comic spirits discharged and attacked by surprise the "super cavitation torpedo" (ultra high-speed torpedo) from the "submarine" completely is given.
That have been shocked most are Fukushima Prefecture, the local political world, a medical association, Fukushima Medical University, Osaka, and the Shinzo Abe Administration to which a nuclear power plant group of promoters has a large majority to it.
Seemingly, it has raged with much trouble, saying "Whether it is vain having concealed all things."
Neither radioactive contamination water's having dripped secretly, flowing from the 1st nuclear power plant of Toden Fukushima, and being emitted all over the sea nor the 1st nuclear power plant surrounding area of Toden Fukushima being what was able to live very much is knowing also by whom.
The agricultural products from Fukushima, livestock products, and fish and shellfishes are continuing remaining unsold in the supermarket of the Kanto whole place in now, etc.
This is never caused by the "damage caused by rumors."
That is because many consumers suspect, "Have not Fukushima Prefecture, the local political world, a medical association, Fukushima Medical University, etc. hidden the important fact?"
It is hardly trusted.
<> Prime Minister Shinzo Abe who is the representation of a nuclear power plant group of promoters is eager for nuclear power plant re-operation and nuclear power plant sales diplomacy to overseas -- the disaster of the 1st nuclear power plant of Toden Fukushima not much even to the residents of the Toden employee, a subcontract employee, a worker, and not only Fukushima residents but a related self-governing body, Although health impairment should be done, the time passes for three years and two months since March 11, 2011, a disaster weathers in it, and there is an indication that it expects somehow to go in the world of oblivion from people's memory in it.
Although, as for many pollution incidents, such as the Minamata disease incident and the Jintsu River itai-itai disease incident, many of local residents are suffering a great deal of havoc since the Ashio mine pollution incident, the burden of proof was forced on the victim and the method of a private seal did not carry out causal relationship between that a company is an assailant, or a pollution source and a victim's damage.
The same thing can be said also about the health impairment caused by the disaster of this 1st nuclear power plant of Toden Fukushima.
Although people who appeal against "poor health" into a local resident exist actually, it is denied unsparingly and it is trying to aim at concealment.
I can hear about the posture vividly.
if science takes into consideration beginning from "doubt" or "doubt" although a medical examination may be difficulty because the influence on the human body by radiation, radioactivity, and a radiation substance is not easily visible -- "-- there are doubtful and the" necessity of investigating.
<> About the disaster and health impairment of the 1st nuclear power plant of Toden Fukushima "which are weathering", depiction of this the "Oisinbo;delicious lover "" and the utterance of characters verified anew, and have given big clue to reexamine.
It also becomes applying and stopping a brake to a reckless run of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe who has dashed to nuclear power plant re-operation and nuclear power plant sales diplomacy to overseas.
moreover, the action of the preventive measures for "reckless-run old man" not making Prime Minister Shinzo Abe boiled is induced.
Otherwise, the Japanese cannot laugh at South Korean " (work) official adhesion structure" having been brought to light for the South Korean large-sized passenger ship "Sewolnumber" sinking incident (morning of April 16) having occurred by clue, and "bribe infestation" having been exposed.
The "money profit supreme principle" that a "Sewol number" sinking incident makes light of a "human life" receives 172 survivors among boarding passenger liner member 476 persons, a victim (at the May 12 time) called 275 dead persons and 29 missing persons was sacrificed -- if thing contrast is carried out, the posture Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's nuclear power plant re-operation and focused on nuclear power plant sales diplomacy will be too blinded by the "money profit" from "a human life and health impairment" -- -- I cannot consider.
There are no President Park Geun-hye and change which are exposed to a national criticism.
He is the similar person.
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is the same as President Park Geun-hye in Korea exposed to nation criticism.
It is birds of a same feather.

[reference quotation] -- Asahi Shimbun DIGITAL -- 11:25 p.m. on May 12 -- by ripple contamination, a title called nosebleed -- protest phase following " was attached to Oisinbo;delicious lover depiction of Oisinbo;delicious lover ", and it distributed to it as follows.
Fukushima Prefecture, the local political world, etc. protested against Shogakukan of a publishing agency successively on the 12th to the depiction involving the Tokyo Electric Power Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident of the popular comics "Oisinbo;delicious lover of weekly big comic spirits.
the scene where characters point out the cause-and-effect relationship between radioactive exposure and a nosebleed, or regarding as questionable says, "don't live in Fukushima."
While the concern to a damage caused by rumors is deep-rooted in the prefecture, there is also voice which worries "it may become difficult to use uneasiness to contamination as a mouth" to the protest which becomes strong in it.
"May do [ it does not look back upon Fukushima residents' feelings at all, but damages deeply, and ] serious loss to agriculture-and-forestry fisheries or tourist business" "very regrettable [ it cannot admit decisively but ]" Fukushima Prefecture is the view put on the homepage, and it will make a protest against it strongly to Shogakukan about depiction of a nosebleed, etc. on the 12th.
It pointed out "there is no example in which the direct health impairment resulting from the radioactive material emitted by the nuclear power plant disaster was checked."
At the interview, Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga who is a governmental spokesman also judged it it will be "clear" in a specialist's evaluation on the same day, if there is no causal relationship in residents' radioactive exposure and nosebleed.
The party and faction in Diet built with Liberal Democratic Party prefectural federations or Democratic Party members of the prefectural assembly also issued the statement of protest successively.
A noise spreads also to a university.
as opposed to the associate professor of Fukushima University having denied the effect of decontamination in the sale number on the 12th -- President Katsumi Nakai -- "-- I cause trouble and anxiety in many fields, and very regrettable.
The discourse was taken out as it is warned that he understands a position well to a school staff, and it makes action and a remark."
On the other hand, Katutaka Edogawaka and the former mayor of Futaba-cho, Fukushima which made the remark involving a nosebleed only spoke the thing of a "this this at the interview on the 9th.
It was said that it was amusing that a prefecture is panicked."
About depiction of the current number, the spirits editorial department comments "I would like to consider it as an aid which deepens an argument about administration or the state of a report" by the homepage dated the 12th.
Moreover, it is supposed that the op-ed page of the next number of 19-day sale shows the view on two or more intellectuals' opinion and a protest.
It is said that there is no schedule which changes the contents of comics and expression.
Mr. Tetu Kariya of the original author shows clearly that the work about Fukushima continues by its blog. "I consider coverage as it is better to think later from it.
It is commented that all the responsibility for the written contents is in me."
(Naoyuki Takahashi, Takuro Negishi)

05/15/2014 Hidenori Itagaki

" delicious lover Issue "

板垣 英憲(いたがき えいけん)
2014年05月14日 04時31分15秒 | 政治
【参考引用】朝日新聞DIGITALが5月12日午後11時25分、「『美味しんぼ』の描写に波紋 被曝で鼻血…抗議相次ぐ」という見出しをつけて、以下のように配信した。

◯ How Bananas are Superfruits!!バナナはうつ病、便秘やand more を処理するスーパーフルーツです。

2014-05-14 15:42:50 | fuckin Health & Med. 最先端. 健康と医学

05/14/2014 Natural News. Dr. Andrew Saul:

How Bananas Are Better Than Pills For Treating Depression, Constipation And More

Global News, Health, ScienceAdd comments
Flashback (MUST-SEE):

- Dr. Andrew Saul: Nutritional Solution To Depression And Mental Illness (Video):

- How bananas are better than pills for treating depression, constipation and more (Natural News, May 11, 2014):

They’re often the fruit of choice for athletes looking to boost their electrolyte levels and get a quick energy boost, but bananas are a whole lot more than just a sweet treat or a pleasant addition to a morning smoothie. Rich in vitamins, minerals and other beneficial compounds, bananas can also serve as a natural remedy for treating depression, promoting regularity, boosting brain power and calming the nerves, among other important functions within the body.

A closer look at the scientific literature on bananas reveals a host of little-known benefits associated with eating the fruit. Everything from regulating blood pressure and healing a damaged gut to relieving the symptoms of arthritis and even battling drug addiction have been attributed to this simple fruit, easily labeling it as one of the most amazing, widely available and inexpensive superfruits known to man.

Eating bananas can help relieve depression and improve one’s mood

As bananas contain tryptophan, the same compound in turkey meat that promotes a calm, relaxed mood, bananas are also said to aid in relieving the symptoms of depression. Combined with the benefits of B vitamins, the conversion of tryptophan into serotonin, the so-called “happy hormone,” helps improve mood and overall feelings of well-being.

“Keeping your B vitamin intake up could ward off depression as you age,” explains Emily Main in a Rodale News article. “[W]hen you combine food sources of B vitamins with the added boost of supplements, the positive effects on depression are more pronounced.”

The fiber in bananas helps promote regularity

Like many other whole fruits and vegetables, bananas are an excellent source of soluble fiber. Fiber is necessary for maintaining regularity. Remembering to incorporate bananas into your regular diet can help you avoid constipation and other intestine- and bowel-related conditions.

“Bananas help restore normal bowel function, especially if you have diarrhea,” explains one report. “This fruit also has lots of fiber to aid digestion.”

Boost your brainpower with bananas

In addition to B vitamins, bananas also contain high levels of potassium, an electrolyte mineral used by the heart, kidneys and other body organs for normal function. Brain neurons rely on high levels of potassium, a lack of which can lead to “brain fog” and other cognitive problems.

“A 2013 study published in the Journal of Neuroscience Letters researched potassium supplementation and levels of free radicals in the brain,” reads a SFGate report on potassium and memory.

“After 20 days of supplementation with potassium, the levels of harmful free radicals decreased significantly, reducing the amount of oxidative damage that occurred in the test subjects. Because oxidative damage leads to decreased brain function, potassium counteracts this effect and prevents brain damage.”

B vitamins in bananas help calm the nervous system

Of the eight known B vitamins, bananas are an excellent source of five of them ― thiamin (B1), riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3), pyridoxine (B6) and folate (B9). The basic food source of the nervous system, these B vitamins aid the body in digesting and using other nutrients, as well as supporting a healthy heart, muscles and nerves.

B vitamins “help produce and maintain new cells and are an essential part of many biochemical reactions in your body,” explains a report on bananas written by Joanne Marie for SFGate. “Bananas contain useful amounts of these B vitamins, ranging from 785 micrograms of niacin to 24 micrograms of folate in one medium banana.”

Sources for this article include:








Tags: Antidepressants, Bananas, Food, Fruits, Global News, Health, Science

05/14/2014 Natural News.

バナナはうつ病、便秘やand moreを処理するためのサプリメントよりも優れている方法


- 博士 アンドリューソール:うつ病や精神疾患への栄養ソリューション(ビデオ):

- バナナ、うつ病、便秘などを治療するために薬よりも優れている方法(ナチュラルニュース、2014年5月11日):





「あなたの年齢としてあなたのビタミンB摂取を最新の状態に保つことは、うつ病を追い払うことができ、「エミリー主なロデールニュース記事で説明しています。「[W]鶏あなたはサプリメントの追加ブーストとビタミンB群の食料源を組み合わせ、にプラスの影響うつ病はより顕著である。 "



「バナナはあなたが下痢を持っている場合は特に、正常な腸機能を回復、「1報告書は説明しています。「この果物はまた、消化を助けるために、繊維がたくさんあります。 "


バナナはまた、カリウム、高レベルの、心臓、腎臓、正常な機能のための他の身体器官によって使用される電解質を含有する鉱物、ビタミンB群に加えて。脳の神経細胞はカリウムの高いレベルに依存している、の欠如は、 "脳の霧」やその他の認知の問題につながることができます。


「カリウムの補給の20日後に、有害なフリーラジカルのレベルは、被験者に発生した酸化的損傷の量を減らす、有意に減少した。酸化的損傷は、脳機能の低下につながるため、カリウムは、この効果に対抗し、脳の損傷を防止する。 "


8既知のビタミンBを、バナナは彼らの5の優れた供給源である- (B2)リボフラビン、チアミン(B1)、ナイアシン(B3)、ピリドキシン(B6)および葉酸(B9) 。神経系の基本的な食料源は、これらのビタミンB群は、消化し ​​、使用して他の栄養素だけでなく、健康な心臓、筋肉と神経を支える体を支援。

ビタミンB群」のヘルプ食材や新しい細胞を維持し、あなたの体の多くの生化学的反応の本質的な部分である、 "のためにジョアンマリーによって書かれたバナナに関する報告書について説明しSFGateは。「バナナはナイアシンの785マイクログラムから1培地中の葉酸の24マイクログラムの範囲で、これらのビタミンB群の有用な量、含まれているバナナを。 "



http://www.healingfoodreference.com/banana.h ...


http://www.rodalenews.com/depression-and-die ...

http://healthyeating.sfg​​ate.com/potassium-me ...

http://www.health.com/health/gallery/0、2055 ...

http://healthyeating.sfg​​ate.com/many-differe ...


◯Russia Retaliates:No GPS, Bans US Rocket Enginesロシアの巨大な報復。オバマは自分の鼻を切り落とす。

2014-05-14 13:23:40 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

05/14/2014 ZeroHedge. RT

💥 Russia Retaliates: Blocks GPS, Bans US Use Of Its Rocket Engines

Global News, PoliticsAdd comments

-💥 Russia Retaliates: Blocks GPS, Bans US Use Of Its Rocket Engines (ZeroHedge, May 13, 2014):

Just as Russia had promised, sanctions were not effective and so they went straight to targeted bans. On the heels of The Pentagon admitting that they had “no solution” to replacing Russian rocket engines in the launch systems for US military satellites (as we have covered extensively), Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin this morning announced:

He further added that Russia will not extend its partnership in the International Space Station beyond 2020 (which suggests Russia does not expect a quick resolution to the current tensions).

As RT reports,

Moscow is banning Washington from using Russian-made rocket engines, which the US has used to deliver its military satellites into orbit, said Russia’s Deputy PM, Dmitry Rogozin, who is in charge of space and defense industries.

According to Rogozin, Russia is also halting the operation of all American GPS stations on its territory from June 1.

Russia currently hosts 11 ground-based GPS stations, the Deputy PM said.

The move comes after the US refused to place a signal correction station for Russia’s own space-based satellite navigation system, GLONASS, on American territory, he explained.

This is a major problem for the US military because (as Bloomberg reports),

The Pentagon has no “great solution” to reduce its dependence on a Russian-made engine that powers the rocket used to launch U.S. military satellites, the Defense Department’s top weapons buyer said.

“We don’t have a great solution,” Frank Kendall, the undersecretary of defense for acquisition, said yesterday after testifying before a Senate committee. “We haven’t made any decisions yet.”

Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel ordered the Air Force to review its reliance on the rocket engine after tensions over Russia’s takeover of Ukraine’s Crimea region prompted questions from lawmakers about that long-time supply connection.

United Launch Alliance LLC, a partnership of Lockheed Martin Corp. and Boeing Co., uses the Russian-made RD-180 engine on Atlas V rockets.

As Putin warned – apparently correctly…

“The US is certainly one of the world’s leaders. At some point it seemed that it was the only leader and a uni-polar system was in place. Today it appears that is not the case. Everything in the world is interdependent and once you try to punish someone, in the end you will cut off your nose to spite your face,” he said.

Tags: Economy, Global News, Government, Military, Politics, Russia, U.S., Ukraine

05/14/2014 ZeroHedge. RT

RT : ロシア・トゥデイ

開局 2005年12月10日
所有者 ANO TV-Novosti
映像形式 4:3 (576i, SDTV)
スローガン Question More
国 ロシア
言語 アラビア語、英語、ロシア語、スペイン語
放送地域 世界
本社 モスクワ
過去名 Russia Today
姉妹チャンネル Rusiya Al-Yaum, Russia 24, RTD
公式サイト RT.com

カテゴリ: ロシアのテレビ局ロシア連邦のメディアモスクワの企業


- 💥 ロシアは報復:ブロックGPSは、そのロケットエンジンの米国使用を禁止する(ZeroHedge、2014年5月13日):


* 米国の軍事衛星のロケット取り扱いロシアBANが起動します:IFXを








"我々は、優れたソリューションを持っていない、「フランク·ケンドール、買収防衛の次官は、上院委員会で証言した後に明らかにした。「我々はまだ決定を行っていない。 "



プーチン大統領は警告したように-明らかに正しく ...

「米国は確かに、世界の指導者の一人である。ある時点で、それが唯一のリーダーだったと単極性のシステムが所定の位置にあったと思われた。今日ではそれがない場合があります。世界のすべてが相互依存であり、あなたが誰かを罰することを試みるたら、最終的にあなたがあなたの顔にもかかわらずにあなたの鼻を切り落とします "と彼は言った。


◯ The Fukushima Crisis790 ; Hubris PM Abe.安倍首相の思い上がり。傲慢。nytimes.com

2014-05-14 08:37:34 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

05/14/2014 nytimes.com
The Opinion Pages | EDITORIAL

Japan’s Pacifist Constitution


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Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan is pushing for an expanded role for the Japanese military that would allow it to fight alongside allies beyond the country’s territory. He seeks to shoulder greater global security responsibilities by what he calls proactive pacifism.

But he faces a major hurdle. Article 9 of the Constitution, which has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize this year, states the Japanese people “forever renounce war as a sovereign right of the nation.” Mr. Abe’s aim to change the powers of the military would require a constitutional revision, which would mean winning two-thirds approval in both houses of Parliament, followed by a referendum ― a very tall order. So instead, Mr. Abe seeks to void Article 9 by having the government reinterpret the Constitution. Such an act would completely undermine the democratic process.

Mr. Abe’s highest political goal is to replace the Constitution written and imposed upon the Japanese by the American Army following World War II. For 67 years, not a single word has been amended. Mr. Abe strongly feels that the Constitution imposes an onerous restriction on Japanese sovereignty and is outdated. Still, as critics point out, he should know that the Constitution’s primary function is to check government power. It is not something that can be altered by the whim of government. Otherwise, there is no reason to bother with having a constitution at all.

As things stand, only the New Komeito Party, the junior coalition member of the government with a deep pacifist bent, could inhibit Mr. Abe’s ambition. Without New Komeito, the prime minister’s government loses its majority in the upper house, so Mr. Abe is doing his utmost to come up with a way toward a constitutional reinterpretation acceptable to New Komeito. The other eight opposition parties are in disarray. Mr. Abe has a strong hand, and Japan is facing a genuine test of its democracy.

A version of this editorial appears in print on May 9, 2014, in The International New York Times. Order Reprints|Today's Paper|Subscribe

05/14/2014 nytimes.com

ニューヨーク・タイムズ社説、安倍首相の解釈改憲への動きを激しく批判 The New York Times Editorial Criticizes Abe's Move to Reinterpret the Pacifist Constitution
05/08/2014 - 17:59
From Peace Philosophy Center
ニューヨーク・タイムズの電子版に、安倍氏による解釈改憲の試みを強烈に批判する社説が出た。紙版では、5月9日のニューヨーク・タイムズ国際版(International New York Times)

Japan’s Pacifist Constitution


Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan is pushing for an expanded role for the Japanese military that would allow it to fight alongside allies beyond the country’s territory. He seeks to shoulder greater global security responsibilities by what he calls proactive pacifism.

But he faces a major hurdle. Article 9 of the Constitution, which has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize this year, states the Japanese people “forever renounce war as a sovereign right of the nation.” Mr. Abe’s aim to change the powers of the military would require a constitutional revision, which would mean winning two-thirds approval in both houses of Parliament, followed by a referendum ― a very tall order. So instead, Mr. Abe seeks to void Article 9 by having the government reinterpret the Constitution. Such an act would completely undermine the democratic process.

Mr. Abe’s highest political goal is to replace the Constitution written and imposed upon the Japanese by the American Army following World War II. For 67 years, not a single word has been amended. Mr. Abe strongly feels that the Constitution imposes an onerous restriction on Japanese sovereignty and is outdated. Still, as critics point out, he should know that the Constitution’s primary function is to check government power. It is not something that can be altered by the whim of government. Otherwise, there is no reason to bother with having a constitution at all.

As things stand, only the New Komeito Party, the junior coalition member of the government with a deep pacifist bent, could inhibit Mr. Abe’s ambition. Without New Komeito, the prime minister’s government loses its majority in the upper house, so Mr. Abe is doing his utmost to come up with a way toward a constitutional reinterpretation acceptable to New Komeito. The other eight opposition parties are in disarray. Mr. Abe has a strong hand, and Japan is facing a genuine test of its democracy.
