○ The Fukushima Crisis 246 ; Resemblance of Cs. & K. 福島危機246.セシウムとカリウム。

2012-04-29 08:17:07 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

04/29/2012 Japan Health Physics Society

Please let me know about the difference in influence on the body of "cesium and potassium.
[Japan Health Physics Society] "
Please let me know about the difference in influence on the body of the inside contamination , radioactivity, supply of food, dose cesium, and potassium.
It reproduces from [Japan Health Physics Society].

Q; His 40's living in Fukushima In addition to this, it is an occupation. Woman Question obtained from the direction
I will ask a question about the difference between cesium and potassium (K40).
When the cesium contained in food is told about the influence which it has on the body, the thing of K40 well contained in food from the first is referred to.
However, it is said that K40 of the quantity more than [ a certain ] fixed is not accumulated in the inside of the body, but is discharged.
Isn't there any difference in respect of cesium and the influence which it has on a human body in K40?
(Although it seems that there is no change in carrying out when both are "radioactive materials" and are taken into the inside of the body "internal contamination") for example, with cesium and strontium, cesium and K40 do not have a difference so that the influences which it has on the body may differ -- if potassium is firmly taken again so that cesium may not be taken in, is this opinion right?

A; The index which shows the difference in the health effect by radiation is a "dose."
It is thought that the health effect which will be expected if their the "dose" is the same even if potassium (K-40), cesium, strontium, etc. are which radioactive materials is also the same.
According to ICRP Publ. 72, when 1 Bq of radioactivity is taken in by eating and drinking in the case of an adult, the deposition dose of 6.2x10 to 9 Sv potassium, 1.3x10 to 8 Sv cesium, and 2.8x10 to 8 Sv strontium is shown.
This calculation incorporates many knowledge, such as a motion in the inside of the body of each radioactive material, excretion, differences in the kind of radiation (alpha rays, a beta ray, a gamma ray, etc.), and a difference in energy.
I think that potassium will consider it the lowest dose about twice as highly [ the dose of strontium ] as cesium if this result is seen.
Although that is right, each is a value per Bq.
The most important one is "whether to have taken in how much radioactivity (Bq: becquerel)" here.
That is, a dose of radioactivity also changes with the quantity taken in.
Since strontium is estimated at 10% or less to the burst size of cesium to the inside of environment in this Fukushima accident, supposing it is taken also into the inside of the body at same rate, the health effect of strontium will be presumed to be about [ of cesium / 1/5 or less ].
In addition, since cesium mainly gathers for muscles easily and strontium gathers for a bone easily, I think that it is seemed that there is a difference by it, but since these differences are also woven in as long as it is looking per sievert of an effective dose, it can compare as it is.
Thus, if you also take viewpoints, such as a "dose" and an "intake", into consideration, I will think whether you can understand the influence of radiation more correctly.
Moreover, although cesium is potassium and an element of the same family and strontium is calcium and related elements, Since related elements carry out chemically similar behavior, in the body, it is supposed that cesium is taken in instead of potassium since it moves similarly, and strontium may be taken in instead of calcium.
However, since anyone has stable cesium and strontium which are not radioactivity in the inside of the body, the shift with them is presumed rather and it is thought that it is not so simple.
?2011-2012 Japan Health Physics Society The radiation Q&A activity committee of a life

04/29/2012 日本保健物理学会


FILED UNDER  内部被ばく, 放射能, 給食, 線量

Q 福島県在住 40代 その他職業 女性 の方からいただいたご質問


A 放射線による健康影響の違いを示す指標は「線量」です。カリウム(K-40)、セシウム、ストロンチウムなど、どの放射性物質であっても「線量」が同じであれば見込まれる健康影響も同じと考えられております。ICRP Publ. 72によれば、大人の場合、飲食で放射能1 Bqを摂取した場合、カリウム6.2×10-9Sv、セシウム1.3×10-8Sv、ストロンチウム2.8×10-8Svの預託線量が示されています。この計算には、各放射性物質の体内での動き、排泄、放射線の種類の違い(アルファ線、ベータ線、ガンマ線など)、エネルギーの違いなど、数多くの知見が盛り込まれています。この結果を見ると、ストロンチウムの線量はセシウムの2倍ほど高い、あるいは、カリウムは最も低い線量、とお考えになると思います。それはその通りですが、どれも1ベクレル当たりの値です。ここで最も重要なのは、「どれほどの放射能(Bq:ベクレル)を摂取したか」です。つまり、摂取された量によって、被ばく線量も変化します。今回の福島事故では環境中へのセシウムの放出量に対してストロンチウムは10%以下と見られていますので、体内へも同じ割合で取り込まれるとすると、ストロンチウムの健康影響はセシウムの1/5程度以下と推定されることになります。なお、セシウムは主に筋肉に集まりやすく、ストロンチウムは骨に集まりやすいので、違いがあると思われると思いますが、実効線量のシーベルト単位で見ている限りはこれらの違いも織り込んでいますので、そのまま比較することができます。このように、「線量」や「摂取量」といった観点も考慮いただくと、放射線の影響をより正確にご理解いただけるかと思います。

©2011-2012 日本保健物理学会 暮らしの放射線Q&A活動委員会

○ The Fukushima Crisis 245; Unstable Unit 4. 福島危機245 .危機的な原子炉。

2012-04-27 12:47:47 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

04/16/2012. Hiroaki Koide Assistant professor of Kyoto University ; Bunka bc. Chunichi web. WSJ, jp. NHK web.
No. 4 fuel pool cooling stop About a rise in heat and a pale light Hiroaki Koide 4/16 (1)
Mr. Hiroaki Koide appears on Nippon Cultural Broadcasting "Terumi Yoshida Sokodaijinakoto" on Mon., April 16, 2012.
Reference is made about the rise in heat of the cooling system of the used fuel pool of No. 4, failure of the successive thermometers of No. 2, etc.

Chunichi Shimbun: Resumption of No. 4 pool cooling : Society (CHUNICHI Web)
"Tokyo Electric Power will suspend equipment in the first nuclear power plant of No. 4 of Fukushima on the 14th by finding a leak from the joint of piping of the circulation cooling device of a pool as having resumed cooling of the spent-nuclear-fuel pool stopped by the leak etc. on an announcement / the afternoon of the 12th.
The temperature at the time of resumption of a check/cooling rises that there are no abnormalities on the evening of the 13th after restoring piping by about 7 degrees from the time of a stop, and it is 35 degree."

* Although the report of having resumed cooling has come out ....
Koide "yes"
Yoshida "there is touch which cannot be touched"
Koide "yes"
Yoshida "how is Mr. Koide an idea now having become?"
Koide "yes.
Because I hear that the cooling circuit stopped well with -.
I think it unavoidable that temperature goes up.
-- every -- it will go up little by little.
it -- that -- if it comes to boil, since water will be exhausted rapidly. "
Yoshida "yes"
Koide -- since such a thing must not be made to start, of course, it is said exactly by then again that a cooling circuit is restored -- I think that they are things."
Yoshida "well"
Koide "-- I think that work is done, of course.
Since it is the serious work environment that workers will be contaminated even though it works.
-- it will not progress simply -- however .
I think that it is not what says immediately that it becomes danger immediately."
Yoshida "it is although there were also such pale of some some lights can be seen from the hit of some of the No. 4 per that twitter.
Do such things exist as a possibility?"
Koide "probably I think that there am no I"
Yoshida "isn't there any it?"
Koide "yes.
In short, it is that one at night, is peevish, . -- I hear that such a color can be seen due to lighting. -- since the temperature of a used fuel pool goes up, there is nothing in which some lights come out, that will be melted and to say."
Yoshida "such a thing cannot be found"
Koide "yes"
Yoshida "I understand.
And it is also although it is that news of yesterday and becomes empty. "
Koide "yes"
Yoshida "also although there was an announcement of the Tokyo Electric Power that a normal temperature was not able to be again measured with the thermometer of No. 2"

It is a 6-degree rise, abnormalities, and a judgment = No. 2 pressure vessel thermometer in an instant, and is ? Toden - WSJ Japanese version - jp.WSJ.com.
Since an announcement / how to go up was unusual, it is it hard to flow through the current of investigation / degree meter that the thermometer installed in the 1st nuclear power plant pressure vessel lower part of No. 2 of Fukushima recorded a 6.1-degree rise momentarily night on the 14th on the 15th, and "Tokyo Electric Power has become, and judges that the question arose in reliability.
According to /Toden which will remove from a surveillance meter before dawn on the 15th, the thermometer made unusual is just over or below [ " ] 45 degrees with another thermometer which is in a rise / the same height from the 53.8 degrees till then suddenly in an outer wall with a height [ a pressure vessel bottom to ] of about 2.9 meters at 59.9 degrees installation / around 9:00 p.m. on the 14th.
Koide "yes"
Yoshida "mere failure of the thermometer is not thought about this"
Koide "yes.
I think that that is probably right.
. -- that comes out .
I am slightly surprised from the viewpoint of you. -- the accident occurred on March 11, last year."
Yoshida "yes.
It comes out, and it occurs, what is called an accident already finishes, and it obtains. -- That is not right as to whether it is in a quiet state now.
the radioactive material itself which made the accident cause is in a nuclear reactor still more -- dividing and coming out.
Giving off violent radiation is being continued.
If man enters into a container, it will be violent contamination environment to the extent that it says that it will die in several minutes.
Since it obtains and is --, even other objects have received the crack that man will die."
Koide " .... carry out -- it is in such a situation where a thing, such as a cable for transmitting a thermometer or the signal of the thermometer, is also useless one after another"
Yoshida "I understand."
Koide "yes"
Yoshida -- "-- it is -- is it at the end of last month?
Also although it is in the situation of No. 2 where the image of this inside was exhibited ".

No. 2 It is 73 Sv (73,000-mm sievert) in a container.
Koide "yes"
Yoshida "it is high in the emergency of 73 Sv within a container"
Koide "yes"
With Yoshida "the dose of radiation was measured well,"
Koide "yes"
Yoshida "and the water level said for there to be 4 meters"
Koide "yes"
Yoshida "also although it was reported that there was only 60 cm well"

It is a water level No. 2. Only 60 cm!
The structure of an unexpected container becomes clear!

It is a water level No. 2. From a container bottom to 60-cm "really [ how far ] reactor core which water says and which I hear that was unbearable for coming out, melted, and fell can be cooled" Koide Hiroaki 3/28 (1)
Koide "yes"
Yoshida "are things realized whether No. 2 is in what kind of situation from the situation correctly?"
Koide "it does not obtain -- it does not understand" (bitter smile)
Yoshida -- "-- it does not boil -- there is nothing -- "
Koide "itself that yes, that water is not contained comes out, and are peevish"
Yoshida "yes"
Koide "I thought so and was.
Because, on March 15 when the accident occurred in the case of No. 2. -- It is reported that it is in the place called suppression chamber which is the part which constitutes the thing currently called the container, and that there was big explosion.
It is that then, it is natural" that water is unbearable only about 60 cm if a hole opens.
Yoshida "can be peevish right [ that ]"
Koide -- "-- it is .
Therefore, it is wonderful rather in why for the Tokyo Electric Power to have thought that it was no less than 4 meters, or to have expected, and it ".
Yoshida "the point"
Koide "yes.
If it will be natural, I will consider those 60 cm."
Yoshida "indeed.
Although it is saying when it comes out, it diminishes to that - and No. 2 and about 9 tons/h of cooling water is poured in.
Also although it is naturally just going to be worrisome as the place to go to of contaminated water"
Koide "yes"
He is Yoshida "whether it says [ impervious wall ] well and reason said from immediately after an accident as the underground dam was required which stops the inflow to the groundwater which has already come out also from last year from before."
Koide "yes"
Yoshida -- "-- well [ of that ...., and a general meeting (stocks) or something ] -- having only said immediately after just for a moment -- "
Koide "yes"
the Yoshida "-- since any information or motivation cannot already be found, either, although it becomes empty -- "
Koide "yes"
Yoshida -- "-- this -- already -- already -- first of all -- and I hafto do -- it is bad -- "
Koide "I am if it must do first of all in order to stop environmental contamination.
I considered those days also and still think so.
-- since money will also be applied well and it becomes a carpenter.
It obtains. -- I think that it is an unavoidable thing that workers' contamination will also increase by it.
But I want you to do."
Yoshida "since money is well applied too in imagination as this or the reason which is not, those who are having the view that it does not do have much Tokyo Electric Power.
Although I something also think so and become empty"
Koide "yes.
Probably it is it. -- Probably, there is also it.
a thing with already jostling it being bad if there is nothing to others -- coming out -- the shin.
Therefore, it is already ".
He is Yoshida "the substance of things cannot be a certain reason as a hand does not turn to there."
Koide "yes.
I think that it may be."
Reexamination of the refuge zone is performed on April 1, furthermore it is ".
Koide "yes"
Yoshida -- "-- it is by the dose of radiation -- an evacuation directive release preparation zone and an evacuation directive release preparation zone -- and a return difficult zone . -- is it three?
あ and a habitation restraining area"
Koide "yes"
Yoshida " -- if well reorganized by three of return difficult zones"

Refuge zone of a NHK NEWS WEB nuclear power plant disaster It improves and passes.
Koide "yes"
Yoshida "it is although it is saying.
Is Mr. Koide arrested by what kind of such motions?"
continuation: -- three new refuge zones -- "-- I think that it is inexcusable.
They are refuge zone release and the rash act opposite in this No. 4 problem." Hiroaki Koide 4/16 (2)

04/16/2012. 小出裕章 京都大学助教 ; Bunka bc. Chunichi web. WSJ,jp. NHK web.

4号機燃料プール冷却停止 温度上昇・青白い光について 小出裕章4/16(1)

2012年4月16日(月)、小出裕章氏が、文化放送「吉田照美 ソコダイジナトコ」に出演。4号機の使用済燃料プールの冷却システムの温度上昇や、2号機の相次ぐ温度計の故障等について言及しています。

▼中日新聞:4号機プールの冷却再開 :社会(CHUNICHI Web)





















▼瞬時に6度上昇、異常と判断=2号機圧力容器温度計で―東電 - Wall Street Jounal .WSJ日本版 - jp.WSJ.com











▼2号機 格納容器内73シーベルト(7万3000ミリシーベルト)









▼2号機水位 わずか60センチ! 意外な格納容器の構造が判明!

▼2号機水位 格納容器底から60センチ「水がもうすでにたまらないということで溶け落ちた炉心をどこまで本当に冷やせているのか」小出裕章 3/28(1)































▼NHK NEWS WEB 原発事故の避難区域 見直しへ




○ The Fukushima Crisis 244 ; Cook & Protect! 福島危機244.放射能を防ぐ調理法

2012-04-25 13:59:47 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS


Lookin' back right now.: the recipe "which protects yourself from radioactivity" -- /Vladimir Babenco [ a child and ]
Immediately after the Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster occurred in March, last year, weren't there many people who considered earnestly the problem "whether he can be protected from the radioactivity contained in food if it does what"?
The contamination to the environment by radioactivity -- although one years or more have passed since the occurrence of an accident, the radioactivity which exceeds a standard is detected from the bamboo shoot of every place this month also -- continues per 1 million, as written by 'the Fukushima crisis 240' from now on.
"oneself and a child according to the Berulad radioactivity safety research center in Belarus here -- from radioactivity -- protecting -- " -- the Japanese version is published by editorial supervision of Assistant Professor Tetsuji Imanaka of Kyoto University Research Reactor Institute.
- For protecting "oneself and a child from radioactivity, they are"(Sekai Bunka Publishing, 840 yen) http://www.sekaibunka.com/book/exec/cs/11318.html.
This book of the illustration full load by beautiful use of color is a 3-part series of "it gets to know and protects", "it eating and protecting", and "living with this background", and the easy recipe for reducing contamination according to radioactivity at it "eating and protecting" of Chapter 2 and the easy recommended recipe are especially introduced according to foods.
Although I think whether there are also many already seen directions, I arrange the knowledge acquired so far and think that it is a useful book in the meaning which looks back upon a little usual life.
Although I will extract to the portion used as the point and I will introduce in this blog, we recommend you to actually see at a bookstore the direction which is interested in the contents by all means.

□Basic view
As a principle, it is important to avoid foods with high degree of contamination first.
If there is much quantity of the radioactivity contained in foods, even if it devises a recipe, radioactivity cannot fully be reduced.
1. Vegetable, Fruit, and Cereals
O Any vegetables and fruits also wash the surface well with water.
O A cabbage throws away 3 or 4 surface leaves.
A Japanese leek also skins and throws away one sheet of the outside.
O A Japanese radish, a carrot, and a turnip cut off more greatly the stalk and leaf which have appeared in the overground part 1 to 1.5 cm.
O Cut off the portion of roots, such as a Japanese leek and an onion, more greatly [ 1 to 1.5 cm ].
O A tomato, a cucumber, the asparagus to make, paprika, etc. turn to the skin (tomato do in hot water ).
O Thresh and cereals remove husks.
In the case of rice, it is made into polished rice.
(p.48 to 51)
2. Dairy Products
A principle is "not taking in milk serum (whey) by any means."
Yogurt can remove milk serum easily, if it drains off water.
Ordinary yogurt is a just a little bit different thick taste.
O The method of "a drainer of yogurt"
"Yogurt is put into the colander which covered with gauze or a kitchen paper, and it is to a refrigerator.
It will be completion if it drains off water overnight.
The quantity of completion becomes half about. " (p. 64 to 66)
3. Meat
"O There is character which accumulates cesium in built-in of liver (lever), the kidney, etc., and is easy to accumulate strontium in a bone, respectively.
Therefore, when you purchase built-in and meat-on-the-bone meat, please make it what carried out radioactivity measurement.
Moreover, then, probably, it will be better for what was bought not to drink the soup or broth which began to be alike in a bone. " (p. 70)
O "It was reported that the contamination rate of pork is comparatively lower than chicken and beef" (p. 69).
4. Fish
"The radiostrontium and built-in worry about accumulation of radioactive cesium at a bone or a cartilage.
First of all, it washes with water, and built-in and a bone are removed and taken down, and after using only the beautiful body, it cooks.
Be sure also stripping off the skin and making it not eat the skin. " (p. 72)
[ to choose the food the price of is not cut to radioactive contamination ], recipe, and counteracting-the poison method ? Belarus" radioactivity protection research institute bell lard / Masako Tatsumi translation
Ms. "Room blog of Belarus" by Masako Tatsumi -- http://blog.goo.ne.jp/nbjc/e/9cdd28c3bb9abcd03b434e98fa63a509



昨年3月に福島原発事故が起きた直後には、「どうすれば食品に含まれる放射能から身を守れるか?」という問題を真剣に考えられた方も多かったのではないでしょうか。事故の発生から1年以上が経過しましたが、今月も各地の竹の子から基準を上回る放射能が検出されるなど、放射能による環境への汚染は、今後 the Fukushima crisis 240で書きましたように100万年単位で続いていきます。






1. 野菜・果物・穀類

2. 乳製品


3. 肉

4. 魚

◦「放射能汚染に負けない食品の選び方、調理法、解毒法 ~ベラルーシに学ぶ~」放射能防護研究所ベルラード/辰巳雅子訳


○ The Fukushima Crisis 243 ; Ex Switz. Ambassa. Says "We should Do."福島危機243. 1億Bq.毎時。

2012-04-24 07:41:27 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

04/13/2012 13.:50 alterna magazine.

"Fukushima nuclear power plants of No. 4 are critical situation and we should do international duty " former Switzerland ambassador is a request to Minister Edano and Minister Hosono, and the Japanese Business Federation chairman, Yonekura."

The former Switzerland ambassador, Kohei Murata
"The serious situation of the Fukushima nuclear power plant of No. 4 is already becoming serious concerns in the world". .
The former Switzerland ambassador, Kohei Murata, asked 04/08/2012, Economy, Trade and Industry Minister Yukio Edano, Toshiyuki Hosono environment and the minister on a nuclear power plant, and the Hiromasa Yonekura Japanese Business Federation chairman for the prompt correspondence to No. 4 serious damage is expected to be, when a spent fuel pool was damaged.
No less than 1535 spent fuel is kept by No. 4 of the first nuclear power plant of Fukushima to the pool.
The structure of this pool is in a vulnerable state by this earthquake disaster, and serious damage is expected, if a pool is damaged when a big earthquake and unexpected explosion next occur.
6375 fuel rods are kept by the pool in the place only 150 meters away from the pool of No. 4.
Mr. Murata indicates "The fact that what should be coped with as the original first priority, such as a No. 4 problem which threatens the world, for a start [ Fukushima ] which still continues giving off nearly [/hrs ] 100 million radioactivity is not made began to be made an issue of clearly internationally at last."
The alarm bell is sounded saying "Because the essence of the problem is concerned with global fate, this vigor does not stop."
Both ministers were called on for establishment of the "independent organization" which is moreover also in the proposal of the expert committee of the Atomic Energy Commission.
Chairman Yonekura was asked for an understanding and support as the Japanese Business Federation chairman as "it is unusual that this problem that required Japan and the fate in the world causes concern in this way as for the indifference of Japan which is a natural thing and held the Fukushima accident."
(alterna editorial dept. = Nagahiko Akasaka)

04/13/2012 13.:50 alterna 誌

"「福島原発4号機は危機的状況、国際的な責務果たせ」――元駐スイス大使が枝野・細野両大臣と米倉・日本経団連会長に要請 "

「福島原発4号機の深刻な状況はもはや世界の重大関心事になりつつある」――。村田光平・元駐スイス大使は 04/08/2012 、枝野幸男経済産業相、細野豪志環境・原発担当相、米倉弘昌日本経団連会長に対して、使用済み燃料プールが破損した場合に甚大な被害が予想される4号機への速やかな対応を求めた。






米倉会長に対しては「日本の、そして世界の命運のかかったこの問題がこのように関心を招くのは当然のことで、福島事故を抱えた日本の無関心は異常である」として、日本経団連会長としての理解と支援を求めた。( alterna 編集部=赤坂祥彦)

○ The Fukushima Crisis 242 ; NPP kills sea baby with no accident 福島危機242.海の赤ちゃんを殺す

2012-04-23 08:36:37 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

"Nuclear power plant is called "the equipment which kills the baby of fish and shellfish."

04/16/2012 11:24 alterna magazine of Jpn
A biologist is anxious about the influence of ? "harmful even if nuclear power plant does not have accident" ?? nuclear power plant operation.
Nuclear power plant is called "the equipment which kills the baby of fish and shellfish."
The collaboration document in 2009 of Professor Sato "9 Environmental destruction of Power firm, nuclear power plant ? thermal wastewater, and the sea" (Nampo company, Yukio Nakano, Masanori Sato and Tateo Hashizume / work)
All the nuclear power plants in Japan are located on the beach.
It is because the cheap system using sea water to cooling is adopted compared with a closing system.
The nuclear power plant under operation is throwing away twice [ about ] as many heat as the new style thermal power plant of the scale, and a little radioactive materials into the sea.
Many marine biologists pointed out the evil and it has submitted the petition to the government or an electric power company two or more times also in the society unit.
a mussel worm -- Professor Masanori Sato of the Kagoshima University graduate school science-and-engineering graduate course which does research of a kind a speciality calls a nuclear power plant "the equipment which kills the baby of fish and shellfish."
It asked Professor Sato about the influence on the marine ecosystem by nuclear power plant operation.
"In order to cool immense heat first, per second 40 to 90-cubic meter sea water is sucked in from a sluice gate.
There, the egg and larva of small plankton or fish and shellfish are also contained.
Most becomes extinct with the hypochlorous acid soda thrown in in order to prevent adhesion of the living thing to piping, and a heat shock.
The drainage which received the heat of the nuclear reactor and got warm about 7 ℃ is returned to the sea, and carries out "warming" of the surrounding ocean area.
Furthermore, the water used for cleaning in plant or wash of working clothes is poured with thermal wastewater after processing / inspection as "low level radioactive waste" of a liquid in the sea.
Although it is a "low level", two or more radioactive nuclides are checked.
For example, tritium is emitted also in 30 trillion Bq per year from a 1 million-kW pressurization water type nuclear power plant.
Half-life is 12 years, and since it is an isotope of hydrogen, it also becomes a moisture child.
Amino acid etc. enter also into all biological material.
Tritium as well as the strontium 90 which is flowing out in large quantities takes out only a beta ray with weak penetrability power with the Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster all over sea water.
When getting in the human living body, it is difficult to detect from outside.
A living thing is a process of evolution and has gained a certain amount of defense system to ultraviolet rays or environmental radiation.
However, for a living thing, it is unexpected that internal contamination of the nuclide by still more nearly artificial nuclear fission is added in the top, and it cannot finish preventing the hazardous property."
Finally Professor Sato does not understand the influence of "low dose contamination well yet.
It was emphasized that it was bad if nuclear power plant operation is indifferent to the damage done to the living thing of the small sea also in order to prevent human health impairment."
(Alterna editorial department = C. Setouchi)

04/16/2012 11:24 alterna 誌


◦ 原発を「魚貝類の赤ちゃんを殺す装置」と呼ぶ。













note 1

オルタナ alterna ;
株式会社 オルタナ
検証 3.11とCSR

note 2

alterna はalternative の造語でしょう。

alternative[名] は、

1 [the alternative of A or B]〈AかBかの〉二者択一(の事態,必要,余地). ▼A・Bは名詞・動名詞

a government facing the alternative of high taxes or poor highways

2 (2つのもののうち)一方,(…の他に)取りうる道,(…に対する)代替案,代替手段,代わりとなるもの((to ...))

The alternative to surrender is death.

They chose the alternative of attacking.

There is no alternative.
取りうる道はこれしかない(▼英国元首相Margaret Thatcherの口ぐせ;この頭文字をとって彼女はMrs.TINAと呼ばれた)

There is [We have] no alternative but to walk.

The alternative is liberty or death.

3 (3つ以上のうち)選ぶべきもの;選択の対象となるもの

a third alternative

There are several alternatives for your choice.

4 オールタナティブ:1990年代のカウンターカルチャーをさす言葉.


1 〈物・事が〉二者択一の,どちらか1つを選ぶべき

the alternative choices of success and failure

▼3つ以上のものについていうこともある:He made several alternative translations of the passage. 彼はそのくだりにいく通りか訳をつけた.

2 〈物・事が〉代わりの,代替の,他にとるべき. ⇒ALTERNATE[形]3

alternative energy

3 伝統[習慣]にとらわれない,型にはまらない(▼特にカウンターカルチャー的なものについていう);非体制の

an alternative lifestyle

alternative theater

the alternative society

alternative birth [birthday]

4 文法選択的な

an alternative question
選択疑問文(▼例Is the baby a boy or a girl?など).

○ The Fukushima Crisis 241; Dr. Gundersen said.福島危機241.4号機の使用済み燃料プール

2012-04-21 16:42:47 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS


It is not No. 1, either, is not No. 2, either, and is not No. 3, either, and it is the spent fuel pool "of No. 4 which Americans feared most from the time of "accident occurrence.
The interview to Dr. Arnie Gundersen
This is the interview to Dr. Arnie Gundersen of Mr. Shigenori Kanehira of the TBS press bureau.
That by which booking was carried out when the first nuclear power plant [ of Fukushima ] ? truth and a view (Shueisha pocketbook) were published and Dr. Arnie Gundersen came to Japan by invitation of Shueisha of a publisher.
It was broadcast from the viewpoint (03/26/2012 broadcast) of TBS "News Bird" news.
Dr. Arnie Gundersen:
Melt through has been avoided although meltdown was carried out, since it was early to have cooled with water in case of the accident of Three Mile Island.
There is a nuclear fuel collected on the bottom of a nuclear reactor which melted 3000-degree [ no less than ] Centigrade.
In the case of the first nuclear power plant of Fukushima, it is a boiling-water reactor, and 70 holes are opening it to the bottom of the pressure vessel as a regulating valve.
On a weak point, a nuclear fuel may leak and that may fall from the portion.
From the problem of such a structure, it seems that a possibility that Melt through occurred is higher in the case of the first nuclear power plant of Fukushima.
However, nuclear Japanese staffs did not expect even the possibility of meltdown at all.
Naturally, it was not consider with Melt through, either.
Melt through means the situation where a nuclear fuel begins to leak from a pressure vessel with a thickness of 20 cm of steel outside.
In the case of Fukushima, it begins to leak from 70 holes of a pressure vessel, and there is a possibility that the bottom of the container is covered with.
TBS Kanehira:
What No. regards you as it being in the most dangerous state now?
Dr. Arnie Gundersen:
The number of the most dangerous one was always four from the point in time of the beginning.
If a big earthquake will occur again and a pool will crack if the cooling pool of spent nuclear fuel boils or, it will become impossible to cool fuel.
The result (animation) that 186,000 people die by the gas emitted from the fuel pool when the nuclear fuel of the nuclear reactor of a mark model could not be cooled according to investigation of the national volcano research institute in the United States is shown.
When an accident occurred, therefore, the American government advised the Americans resident in Japan to leave from 50 miles, i.e., an 80-km within the circle.
It was No. 1 of Fukushima first, No. 2, and not No. 3 but No. 4 that Americans were most afraid then in fact.

In fact, that the United States constructed task force immediately prepared for collapse of No. 4.
Although the mail exchanged inside the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is exhibited, when it is 03/16/2011, it turns out towards Japan that the team was specially composed.

Of course, the spent fuel pool of No. 4 "was special" also for the United States for Japan.
'The time for at least 5 trillion yen and 40 years or more starts until it makes the first nuclear power plant of Fukushima into decommissioning.'
TBS Kanehira:
How much expense and time does it take before removing a radioactive material completely and making it decommissioning?
Dr.Arnie Gundersen:
When the person who just graduated from the university retires from work in 40 years, decontamination of nuclear reactor apparatus itself finishes at last.
That is, probably, decontamination of the whole plant has not finished yet, though he graduates from a university and it keeps on working for 40 years now.
The expense should change to about 4,920 billion yen in 60 billion dollars and Japanese yen.
This is the expense only concerning a nuclear power plant, and the circumference of plant is not included.
It will cost 60 billion dollars only in decontamination of plant.
It becomes a case which is unprecedented until now.
In case of the Three Mile Island accident, although fuel remained into the pressure vessel, it also cost decontaminating it of 2 billion dollars.
As for the case of Fukushima, in a nuclear reactor, three and a nuclear fuel are beginning to leak to the floor of other buildings other than a nuclear reactor.
Nobody knows for the way how those decontamination will be performed.
The technology which decontaminates does not exist in a world now.
In order to take out the nuclear fuel which leaked and to carry out of Fukushima, it is necessary to develop still newer technology.
TBS Kanehira:
The Japanese government and the industrial world of Japan are hearing about the chance to make operation of a nuclear power plant resume.
Unbelievably, it is reality of Japan.
Dr. Arnie Gundersen:
A large amount of subsidies are given to nuclear power plant-related industry.
Also at once, utilization of the fast breeder reactor and the reprocessing plant, etc. is also still in prospect in no country once.
It is impossible to complete the ring of a nuclear fuel cycle.
Although considering the frame of a subsidy which gets down to a nuclear power plant enterprise it understands, not to mention a nuclear power plant is cheap, it is energy which now applies money most.
Even if it considers the problem of a subsidy in the side, solution first also at the time of now is renewal energy.
As for Japan, it is desirable to become a country which realizes a nuclear power reactor fadeout and can compensate with renewal energy as soon as possible.
By the Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster, all saved reliance has disappeared for these 40 years.
Even if an accident occurs again, it will not be wonderful at all tomorrow.
I worked as a specialist in the accident of Three Mile Island.
The American government tried to cover the actual condition of damage then.
I understand well what you do, in order for the government to conceal information from experience in the United States.
I want you of Fukushima to know by all means that there are specialists in a different position from the government.

note. Dr. Arnie Gundersen is independent.

In order to do the decontamination work of Fukushima and to return to a safe place, he is doing his best hard wholly.
However, it is also important that it understands that numbers of generations will be covered from now on, and there is a place which cannot return.
I also want it to cover numbers of generations from now on, and to understand that there is a place where decontamination is impossible.
It is very sad that accepts it.





ガンダーセン氏が、福島第一原発 ―真相と展望 (集英社新書)を上梓したときに版元の集英社の招きによって日本に来たときにブッキングされたもの。
TBS「News Bird」ニュースの視点(03/26/2012放送)で放送されました。













原子力規制委員会(NRC)内部で交わされたメールが公開されていますが、03/16/2011 の時点で、日本に向けての特別チームが編成されていたことが分かっています。




















note. ガンダーセン氏は independent です。




○ Australians & Britons..and a Ray. 豪人と英人。それと紫外線

2012-04-20 13:16:12 | ♪fuckin 英会話


「Aussies vs. Poms」イギリス人とオーストラリア人はいつもはりあいます。


一方で、イギリス人は「the English」と呼ばれていますが、オーストラリア人はイギリスに「poms」とか「pommy」というあだ名を付けます。それはなぜでしょうか?



1. For me, there is nothing worse in life than losing to a pom!


2. You pommy bastards will never win a cricket match.

3. I wish you bloody aussies would keep your mouths shut!






4. pommy shower


5. as dry as a pommy’s towel



The skin cancer by ultraviolet rays is a serious problem for an Australian.
In the area near the equator in Australia, it is said that the skin cancer patient more than 1000 ppls reported per population 100,000 people every year.
One person per 100 persons becomes the occurring calculation, and this is a fearful number.
If compared with the Japanese skin cancer rate of incidence being considered to be 5 to 50 persons per population 100,000 people, it turns out that there are very many the numbers.
In Australia where fear of skin cancer is felt familiar, in Japan, the measure against ultraviolet rays has permeated the general public to the extent that it does not think.
It is prosperous in PR activities of a child's measure against ultraviolet rays to say especially that prevention of skin cancer requires the measure from a child's time.
Education of a child's time to the measure against skin cancer
In Australia, in order to tell children the fear of ultraviolet rays, various education is performed.
Or [ that what kind of measure should be taken in order to explain the hazardous property of ultraviolet rays scientifically and to prevent skin cancer ]
Instruction which every child is made to consider is made.
Moreover, wearing the hat in which the spittle of the back of the head for protecting the back of a head at the time of attending school was extended for a long time, or applying sunscreen to a child's face and arm is also seen daily.
In Japan, it could still be said that it is not common to say that the image of sunscreen of female cosmetics is strong and it applies sunscreen each time at the time of a child's attending school.
However, it is an important measure for protecting not makeup but skin to apply sunscreen.
Compared with Australia, it could be said that an understanding to the measure to ultraviolet rays is not progressing still more at the schools in present Japan.
Should not the measure against ultraviolet rays to a child be put into a view for children's future, either?















○ The Fukushima Crisis 240 ; No4 Stops & To safe takes 1million yrs.福島危機240.安全までに100万年。

2012-04-19 08:00:32 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

""4 No. spent-nuclear-fuel pool's cooling systems breakdown
Time takes 1 million year until it becomes safe .
04/13/2012. 10:27
10:27 on April 13, 2012
Hiroaki Koide . nuclear power plant
No. 4 used fuel pool if it cannot cool for a long time [ cooling systems breakdown "], it may lead [ ] also to fuel carrying out meltdown -- thing" Hiroaki Koide in whom that it is more important than anything maintains cooling
04/12/2012 (Thurs.), and Mr. Hiroaki Koide appear on the Mainichi Broadcasting System "seed feed journal."
Reference was made about the cooling system of the No. 4 used fuel pool having stopped.

20120412 Seed feed Journal Assistant Professor of Kyoto University Nuclear Reactor Experiment Place Hiroaki Koide
he is an assistant professor of the Chiba "Kyoto University (* -- there is nothing to when and rapidly talking) nuclear reactor experiment place, Mr. Hiroaki Koide.
Then, Mr. Koide and today are also I would appreciate your favor."
Koide "yes.
Thank you for your consideration"
Chiba "he speaks together with a Mainichi Newspapers leader writer, Mr. Kazuo Futaki, today"
Koide "yes"
How do you do"?
Koide "yes.
How do you do, Mr. Futaki, I would appreciate your favor"
Futaki"I need your help just here well"
Chiba -- "-- if -- peevish [ come out and ] Koide Mr. today -- "
Koide "yes"
Chiba "from now on, I will ask a question"
Koide "yes"
Chiba "it told the point also by news.
It might be said that the alarm of a cooling device operated and equipment stopped to the used fuel pool of No. 4 of the first nuclear power plant of Fukushima of the Tokyo Electric Power in the afternoon today."

Unusual alarm!
No. 4 spent fuel pool Cooling systems breakdown: Difference conclusion of a report
Koide "yes"
Chiba "it obtains. -- The Tokyo Electric Power -- announces.
It is checking whether there being any leak on the spot and now.
It obtains.... The water temperature of a pool of those days is 28 degrees.
If there is no rapid rise of water temperature while the cooling device has stopped the Tokyo Electric Power, it is explaining. "
Koide "yes"
Chiba "that the alarm operated has got across to that are near the apparatus which cools the water of a pool and it is saying that possibilities, such as a leak and mixing of a foreign substance, can be considered."
Koide "yes"
Chiba "is this what may be caught as Toden says?"
Koide "I am sorry.
I got to know the information for the first time now."
Chiba "yes"
Koide "however obtain -- since I heard that the cooling device is moving anyhow, and the temperature of the water of a pool was about twenty degrees, and had not gone up any more until now"
Chiba "yes"
Koide "when I wanted me to maintain the state somehow, it continued wishing and I came.
However, if a cooling device will stop, of course, temperature will go up rapidly.
-- what having happened now -- although I do not understand, a cooling device is re-worked a little early somehow, and if there is nothing, I will regard cooling as bad.
Obtain. -- if prolonged cooling cannot be performed, it does not obtain. -- I hear that that it is more important than anything maintains cooling the fuel -- used fuel pool may lead also to carrying out meltdown again"
Well [ Chiba "]. -- already -- Early .... obtain so that it can cool like origin. -- I hear that you have to return -- "
It is Koide "yes and that it."
Chiba "are immediate"
Koide "not only me but all the nuclear persons concerned should know.
Since there must also be the Tokyo Electric Power as they know.
I think that I will do the present work now."
Chiba "yes"
Koide "however, since it is that serious contamination environment, a worker's and -- are although I am anxious about things.
But you have to do only cooling too. "
Chiba "yes .... I understand"
Koide "yes"
Chiba -- "-- Mr. Futaki -- how it is -- "
two trees -- "-- if -- that .... although this possibility of I hearing that the cooling device stopped well and calling it a leak and mixing of a foreign substance as a cause well is said -- "
Koide "yes"
Chiba "are such things considered as a cause?"
Koide "yes, that I am sorry, now, and me -- since the information on a lever was got to know at first, also although it was heard now, having obtained and thinking well, since I will hear that a flow does not come out or a pump does not move exactly that a cooling circuit is not made.
It obtains. -- I think that it is as a pump has some faults or the filter in the cooling circuit has carried out the ball to it, and that I will be some causes.
I think that it must be canceled immediately."
Chiba "yes, I understand.
Obtain. -- it is continuously overwhelmed by listeners' question shortly."
Koide "yes"
Chiba -- "-- Obtain. -- or [ that a radio name is bad at also although this is also about a nuclear fuel pool ] -- it is from a way -- "
* Someone bears and laughs, and it ? Has a fit of coughing, and is ?.
Chiba "it obtains. -- About the collapse risk of the spent-nuclear-fuel pool of the first nuclear power plant of No. 4 of Fukushima, it was taken up also in the program.
What has happened to the spent-nuclear-fuel pool of No. 1 to No. 3?
Please let me know.
It is a question of thank you for your consideration."
Koide "Yes."
The foundations in question are together. "
Chiba "yes"
Koide "since used fuel is contained also in the used fuel pool of No. 1 to No. 3, it obtains. -- The cooling there cannot be performed . -- It will obtain, if it becomes impossible.... It is since it is on the outside of the barrier of the last which shuts up radioactivity called a container.
A lot of radioactive materials will jump out.
However, it obtains. -- What occurs and needs explosion well from No. 1 to No. 4.
It was called explosion intense No. 1, or the worst explosion concerning [ limitation ] a used fuel pool took place by No. 4."
Chiba "yes"

Koide -- "-- Obtained -- spent fuel -- we called an operation floor in No. 1 and No. 3 -- it is calling. -- the highest floor -- although explosion has occurred in what is called well ordinary space without anything of the highest floor, In the case of No. 4, the story where the used fuel pool is embedded has already blown away.
A used fuel pool is already leaning on.
therefore .... if afraid to break from now on, first of all, No. 4, , and I definitely think dat.
Of course, other things are important. "
Well [ Chiba "].
In No. 1 danger, that it is in a alart situation ."
Koide "yes"
Chiba "it is saying that their are No. 4"
Koide "that's right.
Chiba -- "-- if -- continuously, it comes out, and it is peevish and is a question of that [ here ] or those living in and Gumma Prefecture called the radio name storyteller. . -- It is also although this is also about a nuclear fuel pool. -- It is the question ? if the pool of nuclear power plants other than the Fukushima nuclear power plant is also dangerous.Although the nuclear power plant of now many has stopped at the whole country, I think that there is a big fuel pool in a nuclear power plant even if operation of a nuclear power plant stops.
There are worries about breakage of the wall of a pool, the stop of circulation of cooling water, and fuel rods colliding by a big earthquake, tsunami, etc.
Well,-- even if it has stopped, safety will be the question how it is, although it cannot consider."
Koide "it is natural.
It obtains. -- A fission product is made as long as atomic power will be used.
to the extent that the quantity is already beyond imagination anyhow -- hugeness . -- if 1000 times of the radioactive material which the Hiroshima atomic bomb generated whenever one of them moved for one year although the nuclear power plant of 1 million kW was a standard nowadays are built"
Chiba "yes"
Koide "it is a machine which is said.
Also although the country and the electric power company are coming hardly told to you and like such a thing well"
Chiba "yes"
Koide "it has accumulated into spent fuel. -- If it becomes a situation where it cannot be cooled, of course, it will break.
There is a possibility that a radioactive material will jump out.
Therefore, it is although atomic power is said that I want me to stop at once.
There is also no reason danger disappears in the left place.
Because it could come, and it did not cut but we have called it atomic power well for electricity.called danger for that also having to associate is the present."
Well [ Chiba "].
Do I hear that reaching to the state whose danger very much already disappears where he can feel easy requires really long years?"
Koide "yes, well, I have called it 1 million, and all the persons involved in nuclear got to know that, and have come so far."
Chiba -- "-- I understand.
Obtain. -- is also obtained continuously and please let me ask one "
Koide "yes"
Chiba "radio name. Mr. Coral Gou saying.
-- Many fish are prohibition of fishing because of contamination in Ibaraki or a northeast.
. -- Though regrettable, while the outflow of the contaminated water of the Fukushima nuclear power plant also continues, how is that contamination of the fish of the sea or a river will become from now on predicted?
obtaining -- again -- the next generation of fish -- what influence does it have on a generation one after another?
It is a question to say."

: Hiroaki Koide 04/12/2012 "it will be Tokyo Bay that whose probably becomes a No. 1 problem" about the influence of the fish on from now on - 2

""4号機使用済核燃料プール 冷却システム停止と


04/13/2012. 10:27
4号機使用済燃料プール 冷却システム停止「長時間冷却できなければ燃料がメルトダウンすることにもつながりかねない 何よりも大切な事は冷却を維持すること」小出裕章


▼20120412 たね蒔きジャーナル 京都大学原子炉実験所助教 小出裕章














▼異常警報! 4号機使用済み燃料プール 冷却システム停止:報道の差異まとめ

















































千葉「ラジオネームこうらるさんごうさんというかたです。え…茨城や東北で汚染のため多くの魚が禁漁になっています。え…残念ながら福島原発の汚染水の流出も続くなか、海や川の魚の汚染は今後どうなっていくと予測されますか? え…また、魚たちの次世代、次々世代にはどんな影響があるんでしょうか。という質問です」

=====( continued)

:今後の魚への影響について「多分1番問題になるのは、東京湾だろう」小出裕章 04/12/2012 - 2

○ Quiet and Go Mad. 爆発する心臓音。And a utube.a kitty

2012-04-17 07:49:58 | fuckin Health & Med. 最先端. 健康と医学

04/15/2012. Orfield Labs by Daily Mail

If thrown into silent inside, people will go mad within 45 minutes.

"Quietest room in the world" authorized by Guinness.
It is said that the anechoic room installed in the Orfield Lab in southern Minnesota intercepts an external sound 99.99%, and will lead people to the crazy world certainly.
What on earth has happened in the room?
"An ear will get used if it is in a quiet place.
In a certain degree, an ear will become good if quiet. it is which heart sound could begin to be heard and came also as the sound of the lung.
The stomach feels noisy a sound etc. which are big sounds.
In an anechoic room, he becomes sound." (Orfield Labs director)
When it is sitting down intently in the dark anechoic room, various sound overflows and covers from the inside of the body by Ryo Oto, and it is the shin.
then, it is said that it becomes impossible for soul to bear the freshness, it can hear existence of it, and begins to produce the auditory hallucination.
However, how does soul respond to the reality in which it is also its own sound?
Furthermore, or [ that auditory hallucination lies one upon another infinitely by it becoming impossible bearing ] ...
It is a very much interesting place.
The flood of the noise which Ryo Oto's realistic raw noise and not less than 99.99% of delusion produce.
If it is you, for how many minutes can it bear?
[Orfield Labs by Daily Mail]

A little bi noisy ppls is good for ur health!

04/16/2012. Orfield Labs by Daily Mail








[Orfield Labs by Daily Mail ]

A little bi noisy ppls is good for ur health!

on the other hand,

Cute dreaming kitty (Original!!)


むにゃむにゃ~ じゃましないで

○ The Fukushima Crisis 239 ; Strontium also flow out 2.福島危機239 .ストロンチウム流出 2

2012-04-16 12:37:35 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

○ The Fukushima Crisis 237; Strontium also flow out. Fukushima crisis 237. strontium outflow.
It is detail.
"Estimated 1,000,068,000,000 Bq of strontium flows into the sea."

From the first nuclear power plant of Fukushima the accident "is supposed to have converged by the "coldness-and-warmth halt condition" publicly", a notice which is surprised as usual is contained every day.
If even comparatively conscientious Tokyo Shimbun serves as a thing of contaminated water in media, as for the quantity of a radioactive material, a unit will be the "cubic centimeter" instead of a liter.
It is how to say as the amount of presumption of strontium is still described.
Say that about 140 million Bq per liter strontium flowed [ 12-ton ] through "the concentration of strontium of the contaminated water in March, etc. is 140,000 Bq per cubic centimeter, and it is concluded this time also that it is comparable."
If a total amount is used, it will become 1,000,068,000,000-Bq strontium!
What kind of meaning does this number have, and what kind of influence is brought a Pacific Ocean ecosystem and marine products?
If the contaminated water information announced and reported thinks the tip of the iceberg, a situation dangerous about sea pollution will just merely merely be felt.

04/05/2012 Tokyo Shimbun
12 tons of contaminated water sea -- outflow The first nuclear power plant of Fukushima Strontium is included.
The Tokyo Electric Power announced that 12 tons of contaminated water containing high-concentration strontium etc. flowed out of piping of the contaminated water processing system of the first nuclear power plant of Fukushima on the fifth.
That the hose of piping escaped from the knot results.
Contaminated water might pass along the drain and most may have flowed into the sea.
According to Toden, that contaminated water leaked is the salt water condensed with freshening equipment after removing the great portion of radioactive cesium.
Strontium is not removed.
On the outskirts, 0.15 tons leaked in December, last year, 0.08 tons of contaminated water will leak in March, this year, and it will flow into the sea.
The concentration of strontium of the contaminated water in March, etc. is 140,000 Bq per cubic centimeter, and it is concluded this time also that it is comparable.
In investigation of surrounding sea water, radioactive cesium is not detected and the measurement result has not come out of strontium yet.
equipment -- five-day twelve midnight -- enough -- the abnormalities of the increase in amount of water were perceived and stopped automatically 4 times in 1 hour from time.
However, a worker reboots the first 3 times by remote control at every time.
Enough, he notices the possibility of a leak for the first time by the fourth automatic stay, and it is said that the spot was checked at 1:00 a.m.
The outflow of contaminated water continued till 2:20 a.m.
It is concluded that how for the knot of the hose to have deteriorated or tie was loose.
The Junichi Matsumoto atomic power and the location director-general substitute of Toden said, "The spot should have been checked at the time of automatic stay."
(Tokyo Shimbun)


○ The Fukushima Crisis 237; Strontium also flow out. 福島危機237.ストロンチウム流出。の detail です。



media のなかで、比較的良心的な東京新聞でさえ汚染水のこととなると放射性物質の量は単位はリットルではなく「立方センチメートル」になってしまう。




04/05/2012 東京新聞


汚染水12トン海へ流出か 福島第一原発 ストロンチウム含む

東京電力は五日、福島第一原発の汚染水処理システムの配管から高濃度のストロンチウムなどを含む汚染水 12トンが流出したと発表した。配管のホースがつなぎ目から抜けたのが原因。汚染水は排水溝を通って、ほとんどが海に流れ出た可能性がある。
周辺では昨年12月に 0.15トン、今年 3月に 0.08 トンの汚染水が漏れて海に流出。3月の汚染水のストロンチウムなどの濃度は 1立方センチ当たり 14万ベクレルで、今回も同程度とみられる。周辺の海水の調査では、放射性セシウムは検出されず、ストロンチウムはまだ測定結果が出ていない。
装置は 5日午前零時 10分ごろからの 1時間で 4回、水量増加の異常を感知して自動停止した。ところが、最初の三回はそのたびに作業員が遠隔操作で再起動。午前 01:10、四回目の自動停止で初めて水漏れの可能性に気がつき、現場を確認したという。汚染水の流出は、午前 02:20まで続いた。

○ If not a cherry tree in the world... 'たえて桜の' の返歌。業平。and utube.

2012-04-15 12:47:26 | ♪ One Short Talk


Chirebakoso itodosakuraha medetakere ukiyoninanika hisasikarubeki
Just if it breaks up cherry tree It can be loved . What is it in world? , in springtime how untroubled our hearts would be!I

Yononakani taetesakurano nakariaeba harunokokoroha nodokekaramasi
In a world If not a cherry tree at all. Inside The spring heart It canna move aside and twines.
Ariwarano Narihira ( born a.d. 825 )

The upper song is a poem composed in reply of a carrying-out AriwaranoNarihira song.
The person who composed a poem is anonymous.
" oh, if there is nothing in the world in a cherry tree etc., it can pass leisurely also in spring (a cherry tree blooms and it does not care in condition etc.) -- ?! -- "
It is if a poem is composed.
It is the song returned saying "It is in a world which is not that it is eternal and this world is good thing since it breaks up as a cherry tree."
Seemingly, there is no poem composed in reply in record about who composed a poem, since AriwaranoNarihira composed a poem in a seat of the sake party of an informal party.
Is it humble?
Since AriwanoNarihira's song is famous, if Oyaji,a man, who has murmured! Plz,say'im dis returned song.
Just if it breaks up cherry tree It can be loved . What is it in world? It should be carried out .
This is a check required!
Although it is to around this week and becomes empty.

散ればこそ いとど桜は めでたけれ 憂き世になにか 久しかるべき

世の中に たえて桜の なかりせば 春の心は のどけからまし  在原業平

詠んだ人は anonymous です。




散ればこそ いとど桜は めでたけれ 憂き世になにか 久しかるべき




Boo - The world's cutest dog =D

Hey! Wazzup!