04/29/2012 Japan Health Physics Society
Please let me know about the difference in influence on the body of "cesium and potassium.
[Japan Health Physics Society] "
Please let me know about the difference in influence on the body of the inside contamination , radioactivity, supply of food, dose cesium, and potassium.
It reproduces from [Japan Health Physics Society].
Q; His 40's living in Fukushima In addition to this, it is an occupation. Woman Question obtained from the direction
I will ask a question about the difference between cesium and potassium (K40).
When the cesium contained in food is told about the influence which it has on the body, the thing of K40 well contained in food from the first is referred to.
However, it is said that K40 of the quantity more than [ a certain ] fixed is not accumulated in the inside of the body, but is discharged.
Isn't there any difference in respect of cesium and the influence which it has on a human body in K40?
(Although it seems that there is no change in carrying out when both are "radioactive materials" and are taken into the inside of the body "internal contamination") for example, with cesium and strontium, cesium and K40 do not have a difference so that the influences which it has on the body may differ -- if potassium is firmly taken again so that cesium may not be taken in, is this opinion right?
A; The index which shows the difference in the health effect by radiation is a "dose."
It is thought that the health effect which will be expected if their the "dose" is the same even if potassium (K-40), cesium, strontium, etc. are which radioactive materials is also the same.
According to ICRP Publ. 72, when 1 Bq of radioactivity is taken in by eating and drinking in the case of an adult, the deposition dose of 6.2x10 to 9 Sv potassium, 1.3x10 to 8 Sv cesium, and 2.8x10 to 8 Sv strontium is shown.
This calculation incorporates many knowledge, such as a motion in the inside of the body of each radioactive material, excretion, differences in the kind of radiation (alpha rays, a beta ray, a gamma ray, etc.), and a difference in energy.
I think that potassium will consider it the lowest dose about twice as highly [ the dose of strontium ] as cesium if this result is seen.
Although that is right, each is a value per Bq.
The most important one is "whether to have taken in how much radioactivity (Bq: becquerel)" here.
That is, a dose of radioactivity also changes with the quantity taken in.
Since strontium is estimated at 10% or less to the burst size of cesium to the inside of environment in this Fukushima accident, supposing it is taken also into the inside of the body at same rate, the health effect of strontium will be presumed to be about [ of cesium / 1/5 or less ].
In addition, since cesium mainly gathers for muscles easily and strontium gathers for a bone easily, I think that it is seemed that there is a difference by it, but since these differences are also woven in as long as it is looking per sievert of an effective dose, it can compare as it is.
Thus, if you also take viewpoints, such as a "dose" and an "intake", into consideration, I will think whether you can understand the influence of radiation more correctly.
Moreover, although cesium is potassium and an element of the same family and strontium is calcium and related elements, Since related elements carry out chemically similar behavior, in the body, it is supposed that cesium is taken in instead of potassium since it moves similarly, and strontium may be taken in instead of calcium.
However, since anyone has stable cesium and strontium which are not radioactivity in the inside of the body, the shift with them is presumed rather and it is thought that it is not so simple.
?2011-2012 Japan Health Physics Society The radiation Q&A activity committee of a life
04/29/2012 日本保健物理学会
FILED UNDER 内部被ばく, 放射能, 給食, 線量
Q 福島県在住 40代 その他職業 女性 の方からいただいたご質問
A 放射線による健康影響の違いを示す指標は「線量」です。カリウム(K-40)、セシウム、ストロンチウムなど、どの放射性物質であっても「線量」が同じであれば見込まれる健康影響も同じと考えられております。ICRP Publ. 72によれば、大人の場合、飲食で放射能1 Bqを摂取した場合、カリウム6.2×10-9Sv、セシウム1.3×10-8Sv、ストロンチウム2.8×10-8Svの預託線量が示されています。この計算には、各放射性物質の体内での動き、排泄、放射線の種類の違い(アルファ線、ベータ線、ガンマ線など)、エネルギーの違いなど、数多くの知見が盛り込まれています。この結果を見ると、ストロンチウムの線量はセシウムの2倍ほど高い、あるいは、カリウムは最も低い線量、とお考えになると思います。それはその通りですが、どれも1ベクレル当たりの値です。ここで最も重要なのは、「どれほどの放射能(Bq:ベクレル)を摂取したか」です。つまり、摂取された量によって、被ばく線量も変化します。今回の福島事故では環境中へのセシウムの放出量に対してストロンチウムは10%以下と見られていますので、体内へも同じ割合で取り込まれるとすると、ストロンチウムの健康影響はセシウムの1/5程度以下と推定されることになります。なお、セシウムは主に筋肉に集まりやすく、ストロンチウムは骨に集まりやすいので、違いがあると思われると思いますが、実効線量のシーベルト単位で見ている限りはこれらの違いも織り込んでいますので、そのまま比較することができます。このように、「線量」や「摂取量」といった観点も考慮いただくと、放射線の影響をより正確にご理解いただけるかと思います。
©2011-2012 日本保健物理学会 暮らしの放射線Q&A活動委員会