◯ Caution.Only I do not die. 人は皆「自分だけは死なない」と思っている。re-up

2015-05-31 08:04:49 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

2015-05-29 14:00:42 Takehiko Yamamura.

A person thinks everyone "Only I do not die" (Takehiko Yamamura).

A theme: Book
One copy a point of view dry note of protection against disasters psychology was based on an eastern Japan great earthquake, and by which withered up.

Hereinafter than this note.

The instinct of the man who should know to an accident

① a person cuts inconvenient information.

A possibility that the smoker who can't give up smoking has lung cancer is ignored, and though a person should be sent, you can decide to fancy "There is a person who lives long by a smoker, too.", and it cries, and the fact that one is sanctioned is completed and a warning signal is ignored.

② a person thinks "Only one doesn't die of an earthquake."

There is a person who thinks only one can correspond calmly even if there are an earthquake and an accident. But the convinced much was the groundless one based on an optimistic desire, and that I met disaster actually, an eccentric is disturbed and gets the behavior which isn't considered by ordinariness. Without thinking only one is OK, the posture which corresponds modestly is important.

③ well, a person doesn't run away.

It's necessary to recognize "It's dangerous." for a person to run away. But the man of today is difficult for the switch at the heart which turns on recognition to enter. The person who would like to experience the state of the time of an accident by a television and the internet knows about the thing, will, even the time of an accident will be and gives priority to prejudice over the situation of the site.

《The behavior which should be taken for the time of an accident》

[1] even if others doesn't run away, I run away!

When that I need the time of an accident and man by myself, I'll start action by my judgement immediately, but in case of a group, I'm influenced by others' movement from the sense of security to which I say "Because I'm here by everyone." and the collectivity bias to which I say "Only 1 person is different from other people, it's difficult to act." and as a result, lose the timing to which I escape.

[2] even if I say that a specialist is OK, if danger is felt, I run away.

"Because it's that a professional says." without doubting that, a general person believes a specialist to direct. It's called "expert error" to be too dependent on a specialist's saying. But even if I say a specialist, they may not be able to direct right perfectly. It's important to decide about a thing of life and death by oneself based on the information confirmed by the five senses.

[3] when you can foresee an earthquake, I don't overestimate.

Though a big earthquake occurs frequently, there are also no 1 earthquakes you could foresee perfectly up to now. The article to which I say "You foresaw this earthquake." appears after earthquake occurring, but there is nothing able to specify a period, an occurring place and the scale. The person who thinks the imminent prediction of an earthquake is difficult and does equipment at the heart by this stage is apparent.

[4] I don't stick to"It was so before."

The experience and the experience by which people are everyone and the past, and, I think "Because before was so." But when doing an accident at the front, I always have to learn a lesson from the past and consider the most vice. "A tidal wave in the past and an earthquake were so." and, it isn't seized with experience too much and is to move to safe behavior quickly.

[5] "possibly" "just in case" is made important.

When there is a person unconsciously, even if danger is drawing near, an idea only goes and denies danger in a convenient way for "That's impossible!" "I'm certain that it'll be OK." and itself. Psychology as "normal bias". When saying well so, I have to do regaining consciousness which is "just a little" importantly consciously. "Possibly" and, if danger is felt, "just in case", I should run away immediately.

[6] don't read the lines at the time of an accident.

When many man gathers, it's requested to read " the lines", and there are vice and a done trend for can't read the air. An individual comes to be decided about by the feeling and the atmosphere which remain unknown and float on the whole group. This is conspicuous for Japanese. I sneak from a group in the time of an accident and think as an individual, and it's necessary to carry out.

[7] I get right information and knowledge.

When the root doesn't have right protection against disasters knowledge, right protection against disasters consciousness isn't born. When it's based on wrong knowledge, when saying well, I get wrong behavior. It's the first step of a disaster prevention measure to know information on the time of an accident accurately first.


























◯ A disastrous Quake M8.5小笠原沖巨大地震M8.5:遠い場所でも揺れ「異常震域」

2015-05-31 07:43:27 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

2015-05-31 07:11:13 Mainichi Newspapers.

Ogasawara offing earthquake: Also sway at a far place, "zone of abnormal seismic intensity"

Mainichi Newspapers May 30, 2015 23:51 (the last renewal May 31 36 minutes at 02 o'clock).

The seismic intensity of all part and the location of the seismic center

The seismic intensity of all part and the location of the seismic center

[Picture special story] the people who are left in Roppongi Hills and seem worried
[At night on a weekend, chain of islands GURARI] surprised resident
At the Ogasawara-shoto offing, M8.5

The latest rail transit information
[Picture special number and animation] explosive eruption in Shintake in Kuchinoerabujima
[Picture special story] "Japanese large-scale eruption"... Usu-zan and Komagatake.
The earthquake which has occurred at the west in Ogasawara-shoto
The earthquake which has occurred at the west in Ogasawara-shoto

A disastrous earthquake of magnitude (M) 8.5 which occurred on the 30th at the Ogasawara offing. The earthquake which becomes record-high after an eastern Japan great earthquake in March, 2011 (M9.0) has occurred at the very deep location as 590 kilometers of depth which also equals the distance of Tokyo - Aomori.

The earthquake which occurs at depth 100-more than 200 kilometers of room is called "shinhatsu (SHIN PATSU) earthquake". Okada Yoshimitsu chief director of National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention points out "as the place where an earthquake can happen in the earth, near invert elevation". An earthquake of M7.2 has occurred by 445 kilometers of depth at Ogasawara neighboring seas in 2000 by a recent domestic deep earthquake.

Taiheiyoupureto (rock board) is sharp-angled from Izu and Ogasawara trench around this seismic center, and I slip into underground. I can think a rock in Taiheiyoupureto into which I slipped deeply is that it broke by some cause, and an earthquake has occurred. Tadashi Hirata (change) and University of Tokyo seismographic research institute professor, "Even if only this sees a large-scale deep earthquake worldwide, there are no examples.", I speak.

A global deep place has high pressure for one of the reasons that a deep earthquake is little, and it's difficult for a rock to move. The deeper place is hot, and a rock will be relatively soft, and even if it moves, it's difficult for fracture event with big shaking to occur. An exception is colder than the environment and is an earthquake in the hard plate.

It's because an earthquake was large-scale and it was an earthquake in the plate, that "zone of abnormal seismic intensity" and the called phenomenon by which strong shaking is also observed in the area left far from the seismic center have occurred. Takashi Komura and the University of Tokyo seismographic research institute deputy director explain "Shaking is shut in the plate and is transmitted. Shaking spread to Hokkaido, the northeast and the Kanto area along the shape of the plate." On the other hand, the bottom of the sea rises and falls because of the earthquake and a tidal wave occurs by that's making surface of the sea fluctuate. (The seismic center) is too deep for Okada chief director ", so the bottom of the sea doesn't fluctuate. I can't think a tidal wave happens first,", and, I speak.

2015-05-31 07:11:13 毎日新聞


毎日新聞 2015年05月30日 23時51分(最終更新 05月31日 02時36分)










◯ KY...situation「空気を読む」・・・は英語で?

2015-05-30 05:01:25 | ♪fuckin 英会話

ほとんど英語に ない言葉ですが

1read the situation 英和対訳 100%
2to read the situation 英和対訳 100%
3to sense the mood 英和対訳 100%
4speak out of turn 英語イディオム表現辞典 100%

英語学習コラム英訳しにくい日本語 公開日2013.05.29
KY 日本語で


「Read between the lines」



・You have to read between the lines.(空気を読まないと)


1)「Pick up on something」(~に気づく)

・I didn’t pick up on this.
・He picked up on the awkward situation/atmosphere.
・Pick up on hints.(ヒントに気づく)
・Pick up on her feelings.(彼女の気持ちを理解する)

2)「Understand the situation」(状況を理解する)
3)「Be sensitive to the situation」(状況を敏感に察する)
アメリカでは物事をはっきりと伝えて自己主張する文化なので、「KY」は中々直訳できないが、「Read between the lines」と「Pick up on something」が意味的に一番近い表現でしょう!




pick up on someone's feelings
be sensitive to situations
sense atmosphere    


◯ Only I do not die. 人は皆「自分だけは死なない」と思っている(山村武彦)

2015-05-29 14:00:42 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

2015-05-29 14:00:42 Takehiko Yamamura.

A person thinks everyone "Only I do not die" (Takehiko Yamamura).

A theme: Book
One copy a point of view dry note of protection against disasters psychology was based on an eastern Japan great earthquake, and by which withered up.

Hereinafter than this note.

The instinct of the man who should know to an accident

① a person cuts inconvenient information.

A possibility that the smoker who can't give up smoking has lung cancer is ignored, and though a person should be sent, you can decide to fancy "There is a person who lives long by a smoker, too.", and it cries, and the fact that one is sanctioned is completed and a warning signal is ignored.

② a person thinks "Only one doesn't die of an earthquake."

There is a person who thinks only one can correspond calmly even if there are an earthquake and an accident. But the convinced much was the groundless one based on an optimistic desire, and that I met disaster actually, an eccentric is disturbed and gets the behavior which isn't considered by ordinariness. Without thinking only one is OK, the posture which corresponds modestly is important.

③ well, a person doesn't run away.

It's necessary to recognize "It's dangerous." for a person to run away. But the man of today is difficult for the switch at the heart which turns on recognition to enter. The person who would like to experience the state of the time of an accident by a television and the internet knows about the thing, will, even the time of an accident will be and gives priority to prejudice over the situation of the site.

《The behavior which should be taken for the time of an accident》

[1] even if others doesn't run away, I run away!

When that I need the time of an accident and man by myself, I'll start action by my judgement immediately, but in case of a group, I'm influenced by others' movement from the sense of security to which I say "Because I'm here by everyone." and the collectivity bias to which I say "Only 1 person is different from other people, it's difficult to act." and as a result, lose the timing to which I escape.

[2] even if I say that a specialist is OK, if danger is felt, I run away.

"Because it's that a professional says." without doubting that, a general person believes a specialist to direct. It's called "expert error" to be too dependent on a specialist's saying. But even if I say a specialist, they may not be able to direct right perfectly. It's important to decide about a thing of life and death by oneself based on the information confirmed by the five senses.

[3] when you can foresee an earthquake, I don't overestimate.

Though a big earthquake occurs frequently, there are also no 1 earthquakes you could foresee perfectly up to now. The article to which I say "You foresaw this earthquake." appears after earthquake occurring, but there is nothing able to specify a period, an occurring place and the scale. The person who thinks the imminent prediction of an earthquake is difficult and does equipment at the heart by this stage is apparent.

[4] I don't stick to"It was so before."

The experience and the experience by which people are everyone and the past, and, I think "Because before was so." But when doing an accident at the front, I always have to learn a lesson from the past and consider the most vice. "A tidal wave in the past and an earthquake were so." and, it isn't seized with experience too much and is to move to safe behavior quickly.

[5] "possibly" "just in case" is made important.

When there is a person unconsciously, even if danger is drawing near, an idea only goes and denies danger in a convenient way for "That's impossible!" "I'm certain that it'll be OK." and itself. Psychology as "normal bias". When saying well so, I have to do regaining consciousness which is "just a little" importantly consciously. "Possibly" and, if danger is felt, "just in case", I should run away immediately.

[6] don't read the lines at the time of an accident.

When many man gathers, it's requested to read " the lines", and there are vice and a done trend for can't read the air. An individual comes to be decided about by the feeling and the atmosphere which remain unknown and float on the whole group. This is conspicuous for Japanese. I sneak from a group in the time of an accident and think as an individual, and it's necessary to carry out.

[7] I get right information and knowledge.

When the root doesn't have right protection against disasters knowledge, right protection against disasters consciousness isn't born. When it's based on wrong knowledge, when saying well, I get wrong behavior. It's the first step of a disaster prevention measure to know information on the time of an accident accurately first.


























◯ John Cantlie claims 'infinitely' greater threat of nuclear attack on US. 米国への核の攻撃を断言。

2015-05-28 07:12:41 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

2015-05-28 07:12:41 Telegraph.co.uk
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John Cantlie claims 'infinitely' greater threat of nuclear attack on US

British journalist John Cantlie held hostage by Isil claims 'infinitely' greater threat of nuclear attack on US

By Richard Spencer, Middle East Correspondent9:39PM BST 22 May 2015
The chances of Islamic State jihadists smuggling a nuclear weapon to attack the United States have risen “infinitely”, John Cantlie, the British journalist the group is holding hostage, claims in a new article.
Mr Cantlie’s article appears in the new edition of Dabiq, Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant’s English-language online magazine.

John Cantlie
Mr Cantlie, whose fellow journalist hostages have all either been released or beheaded, has appeared in the group’s propaganda videos and written previous pieces.
In his latest work, presumed to be written under pressure but in his hall-mark style combining hyperbole, metaphor and sarcasm, he says that President Obama’s policies for containing Isil have demonstrably failed and increased the risk to America.
He raises a “hypothetical” possibility under which Isil operatives in Pakistan bribe an official to provide them with a nuclear device which is smuggled into America via Libya, Nigeria, South America and Mexico.
• Isil hostage John Cantlie: 'I have accepted my fate'
“Perhaps such a scenario is far-fetched but it’s the sum of all fears for Western intelligence agencies and it’s infinitely more possible today than it was just one year ago,” he writes.
“And if not a nuke, what about a few thousand tons of ammonium nitrate explosive? That’s easy enough to make.”
He says it is no secret that Isil are planning to attack America on a large scale.

Members of ISIL marching in Syria
“They’re not going to mince about with two mujahideen taking down a dozen casualties,” he says. “They’ll be looking to do something big, something that would make any past operation look like a squirrel shoot.”
Mr Cantlie’s family will be reassured that he was alive at the time of writing – he mentions the battle for Tikrit, which took place at the end of March.

As with his other articles, “The Perfect Storm” walks a fine line between analysis and advocacy, ridiculing the West in line with Isil’s ideology and using its language without supporting its objectives.

Dabiq mag.

Dabiq mag.

2(人・ものの)性質[品質]優良の証明; 太鼓判,折り紙 〔of〕.
a work bearing the hallmark of (a) genius 天才を証明する作品.
【動詞】 【他動詞】
[London の Goldsmiths' Hall で金・銀・プラチナの純分を検証したことから]

2015-05-28 07時12分41秒Telegraph.co.uk



リチャードスペンサー 中東特派員午後9時39分BST2015年5月22日 によって
米国を攻撃するために核の武器を密輸しているイスラム状態jihadistsのチャンスは、「無限に」、ジョンカントリー、グループが押さえている英国のジャーナリスト上がった 人質、新しい記事での主張 。

・ Isil人質ジョンカントリー:『私は私の運命を受け入れた』
「および ならば not 核兵器ならば 何 約数千トンのアンモニウム硝酸塩爆発物 ?それは十分に作りやすい。」
彼は言う。 Isilが、大きいスケールのアメリカを攻撃することを計画していることが、全然秘密ではない。

彼らは、2人のムジャヒディンが1ダースの犠牲者を降ろす、ひき肉へ行っていません」と、彼は言います。 「彼らは、大きい何(どんな過去の活動でもリス射撃のように見えさせる何か)かをするために見ています。」
カントリーさんの家族は、彼が書く時点で生きていたと言って安心します – 彼はティクリートのための戦いに言及します。そして、それが3月の末に起こりました。


◯ "Tanks don’t need visas…..Brilliant”「タンクはビザを必要としません... ..Brilliant "

2015-05-27 07:36:21 | ♪ One Short Talk

2015-05-27 07:20:15 Global News

Russia begins huge surprise air force drill on same day as Nato starts Arctic training

Global News, PoliticsAdd comments

H/t reader squodgy:

“Tanks don’t need visas…..Brilliant”

Russia begins huge surprise air force drill on same day as Nato starts Arctic training
Officials say as many as 250 aircraft and 12,000 service personnel are participating in the war games

– Russia begins huge surprise air force drill on same day as Nato starts Arctic training (Independent, May 26, 2015):

Russia’s military defence has taken to the skies for a massive – and unexpected – air force exercise.

In a sign of ongoing tensions over Ukraine, 250 aircraft and 12,000 service personnel are involved in the drill, according to its defence ministry.

The ministry described the four-day practice – ordered by President Vladimir Putin – as a “massive surprise inspection” to check combat readiness.

It comes as one of Putin’s closest aides, Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin, issued a chilling warning to the West.

He said: “It is our territory, it is our shelf, and we’ll provide its security. And we will make money there.

“I have always joked about it, that they will not give us visas.

“They will put us on a sanctions list – but tanks do not need visas.” Continue reading »

Tags: Global News, Government, Military, Russia, Ukraine, Vladimir Putin

2015-05-27 07:20:15 グローバルニュース


H / Tリーダーsquodgy:

「タンクはビザを必要としません... ..Brilliant "


- NATOが北極訓練始めるとロシアが同じ日に巨大な驚きの空軍訓練を開始します(独立、2015年5月26日)を:

予期しない- -ロシアの軍事防衛は大量のために空に連れて行かれた空軍演習。

ウクライナにわたって継続的な緊張の兆候では、250航空機と12,000 のサービス担当者は、その防衛省によると、ドリルに関与しています。

戦闘即応性を確認するために、「大規模な驚き検査」として - プーチン大統領が注文 - 省は4日間の練習を説明しました。


彼は言った: "それはそれが私たちの棚で、私たちの領土であり、我々はそのセキュリティを提供します。そして、私たちはそこにお金を儲けることになります。




◯ BIG QUAKE WILL COME NEAR. J-GOV.②首都直下巨大地震の確率急上昇!これは絶対に来る!

2015-05-26 07:49:18 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

■ Even a hilly section of a city is also fire at downtown.

That you aren't supposed to see and misunderstand these probabilities?

"Because it seems dangerous 78 %, but Tokyo is a little less than 50 %, Yokohama is unrelated."

It's to cut off an area and think too much. When an earthquake beyond seismic intensity a little less than 6 occurred in Yokohama of course, Tokyo is also attacked by suitable shaking, and it's better to think big damage occurs. When saying directly, danger of huge earthquake occurring is rising at the whole metropolitan area.

Then, if metropolitan area is seized with a huge earthquake with a vertical shock, what happens? City disaster prevention, professional community building plan research center general manager of a division and Mr. Makoto Watanabe point out so.

"When a town in the metropolitan area represented by Shinjuku and Shibuya is passing through the main street, Bill of ferroconcrete can think safety is high seemingly about many eyes. But this is a great trick. For a big

building's also equaling at a city, only the circumference part where a division is circled. When I set one step of foot in the parcel from a Main Street, there are very much places where an old wooden store crowds. When a big

earthquake by metropolitan falling plumb down occurs, the wooden building in such parcel falls, and the fire breaks out soon, and the vicinity can be also burned out while involving the person who became being buried alive."

Only this is metropolitan area where a building crowds. When a specialist is fearful, they're great fire following that as well as destruction in the city by an earthquake to say in unity.

The phenomenon as "fire sensation" by which the updraft which occurred by hellfire starts to be a huge tornado occurs a lot in the area in downtown around Sumida-gawa by Great Kanto Earthquake in Taisho. It's learned that the view like the hell a red-hot gust burns to death while extorting people spread.

But Prof. Manabu Takahashi of Ritsumeikan University history Urban Disaster Research Institute, "You aren't supposed to stick to an image of this Great Kanto Earthquake too much.", the alarm is given.

"When I say an earthquake with a vertical shock in metropolitan area, I often think "A downtown is dangerous, and, the hilly section of a city is safer." from a memory of Great

Kanto Earthquake absolutely. When the situation will be analyzed calmly, however it's the one by which the person who still lives there is because there were few itself, that there were little dead at a hilly section of a city at Great Kanto Earthquake then. Is the built building really safe there? When data of foundation will be seen, I can't help doubting fairly. A house is built much at present in an area in the cliff place exposed to a boundary with Musashino-daichi on the west side called "hilly section of a city" in the Taisho Era. Much is a culvert and isn't seen now, originally, Kawazoi. An countless wooden house is also built at the place which is Yachi in I.

At such place,' There are a lot of independent houses built in around 60 's, and the old married couple of whom a child became independent and elderly of solitude live there. The surrounding way is complicated and small. When falling, a building and a wall will be shut immediately, and there is also a possibility that the person involved in fire just as it is appears one after another."

■ If I run away, it's Hokkaido.

It isn't only wooden house's collapse and great fire by that to be worried about. A superannuated building consists of the root sideways, and a main line is closed. A fuel tank tilts by a collapse of foundation at the complex in the landfill in a gulf area, and an explosion is going up in flames one after another.... a bridge on the river and a viaduct fall, and a public transport system is cut into pieces, and by which people have no escapes....

Mr. Watanabe from the front also points out such point.

"There is also a problem of a soft side such as a panic and occurrence of a groundless rumor as well as a hardware side such as a building and infrastructure. The factor you aren't supposed to leave at the great city in metropolitan area like Shinjuku already in particular is foreigner's existence. There are a lot of people such as the person and the tourist who live in Japan, but there is a person who doesn't have that he also encountered an all small earthquake by national origin, too. They who have finished suffering fall a panic at the inside which doesn't also show Japanese in the crowd like Shinjuku Station, and the fear infects people, and the trigger of havoc can be also pulled."

We can't make the building in the town and the infrastructure a citizen individual hard. But Mr. Watanabe points out that it should be possible to be confronted with a problem by such soft side.

"For example in case of the city which was circled by Bill who said a short while ago. If a wooden house in the parcel falls, the people working in a building in a penumbra behave as the rescue unit which cooperates each other. "Because one is an amateur, it's better not to hold its hand out." since regarding as etc., a saved person isn't saved, either.

I'm run after by the injured person who occurs frequently at the same time and handle of fire and don't come under you by the probability that you may say first, that the ambulance and the fire truck are absolute. It's better to think the human life which is as much as possible is helped with such premise.

The person who can make everything and the foreign language poorness explains the situation to the foreigner in the neighborhood as much as possible. When someone falls into a state of panic, there is also a possibility to the confusion that a group causes a panic and concerns the life.

Anyway when I'm not here by the resolution which does being able to make it oneself completely, a disastrous earthquake by metropolitan falling plumb down can't be weathered,".

The disastrous earthquake which may also happen on tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. It's no longer the level which can live in metropolitan area and make peaceful. I'll run away from metropolitan area right now resolutely, and it's the stage which may consider to move to low Nishibe of Hokkaido (Sapporo, 9 % of Hakodate 0* and 4 % of Asahigawa 0*), Sanin-district (Matsue 2%, Tottori 5% and Yamaguchi 4%) and Kyushu (Fukuoka, Saga, Kumamoto 8% and Nagasaki 5%) of an earthquake occurring probability by this assumption seriously.

Then, when the phenomenon which may be a prolog of such big earthquake occurs at the end, what is considered?

Seismography is a major and the Masaaki Kimura honorary professor of University of the Ryukyus who has elucidated Sagami-trough from the front and a relation of Great Kanto Earthquake speaks so.

"I pay attention to a relation between an eruption in Izu-oshima and Great Kanto Earthquake. Nishinoshima in the end in Ogasawara-shoto keeps erupting now, but when a volcanic activity becomes active at Izu-oshima where I participate in that, activity in Sagami-trough also tends to become active. If Izu-oshima will erupt from now on, I have to pay attention."

The disastrous earthquake it'll be next is creeping upon us certainly.

"Weekly today" from January 3, 2015 and No. 8th.

























◯ BIG QUAKE WILL COME NEAR. J-GOV.①首都直下巨大地震の確率急上昇!これは絶対に来る!

2015-05-26 07:14:58 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

2015-05-26 07:14:58 J-gov. Weekly today. gendai.ismedia.jp. nikkei. com

A big earthquake happens certainly! I suggest a metropolitan earthquake with a vertical shock come, is it?
The probability that a big earthquake (metropolitan earthquake with a vertical shock) occurs, within 30 years, 70%!! I suggest a metropolitan earthquake with a vertical shock come, is it? How should it be done? Shouldn't it be done now? The knowledge useful for such time of a big earthquake was gathered.

Earthquake occurring probability of the latest edition which was casual news and was announced drily. But fear of the disastrous earthquake which creeps upon metropolitan area was reflected vividly there. With the truth of the crisis Japan is put now.

■ After it was calculated more precisely.

The probability that a big earthquake beyond seismic intensity a little less than 6 will happen from now on rose 20 % more than before around Tokyo Metropolitan Government in Tokyo and Shinjuku-.

Such, an earthquake investigation committee of a government did the announcement which should be marvellous on December 19.

The one an earthquake investigation committee published on this day is the latest revise of "the whole country estimation of ground motion map". This is the material an earthquake investigation committee which consists of the University of Tokyo seismographic research institute and about 20 researchers of National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention has revised and publishes every year since 05 years which' have passed from the reflection you couldn't warn of Hanshin in 95 and Awaji great earthquake with an end of 10 after an earthquake disaster'.

<The probability that a Japanese all part area meets with shaking beyond seismic intensity a little less than 6 within 30 years> is gathered on the map.

So event probability of the announced latest earthquake was showing the rise which should be marvellous centering on all part in metropolitan area.

For example Yokohama city office, 78% (last '13 year edition 66%) and Saitama city office, 51% (the said 30%) and Chiba-shi government office are 73% (the said 67%).

Even Tokyo Metropolitan Government described to the beginning is substantial with 46% (the said 26%), increase, and, it was.

Why was it this? Seismography explains professional Musashino academy and Hideki Shimamura tokunin professor so.

"An earthquake investigation committee is giving several reasons, mainly' we assume that it's because the new study results revealed by 14 were

incorporated. The crust of 3, Taiheiyoupureto, the Philippine Sea plate and a North American plate (plate) falls complicatedly at underground in Kanto area. The crust is generally a reason with a lot of earthquakes at the part on which I fall, but Kanto area is also a rare danger zone in the world which says 3 of that's a stack and that about

30,000,000 people live right above it. However how much is the depth of Taiheiyoupureto into which you're slipping under the among 3 crusts and Philippine Sea plate? KA wasn't understood clearly up to now. If it was 30~~40 km, it seemed, I found out that it's shallower than that 10 km and is 20~~30 km. That's also one of

the reason that the probability that metropolitan area meets with big shaking rose more than last assumption,".

Certainly, a rise of event probability of an earthquake at metropolitan area stands out from this revision.

For example an earthquake of 8 classes of M will be connected the near future at huge crack in the crust and Nankai-trough to Minamioki in Kyushu through the Kii-hanto offing and the Shikoku offing from Suruga Bay, and a possibility that the disastrous earthquake which occurs occurs is pointed out.

When the probability in an area that I'd suffer the damage was seen, though it was a high number overall, it was Shizuoka 66% (last 65 %), port 62% (the said 65%), Wakayama 60% (the said 56%), Tokushima 69% (the said 68%) and Kochi 70% (the said 70%) last time mostly in a result of the sideways crawl from assumption.

The result which is this time as expected only in that, clearly.

<Danger is drawing near in Kanto area = metropolitan area.>

It was something to make them feel. Mr. Shimamura continues so.

"It's obtained new knowledge that I made another event probability of an earthquake in Kanto area rise about an earthquake along Sagami-trough which passes through the bottom of the sea in Sagami-wan.

A famous one is Great Kanto Earthquake in 1923 (1923) year. A record was often also considered based on this rich Great Kanto Earthquake about an earthquake in Sagami-trough. But, it's said to be whether also not to have a new appreciation in detail about an older earthquake taking the eastern Japan great earthquake as a start, it was.

So it's Genroku Kanto earthquake of one before of Great Kanto Earthquake and 1703 that an investigation was developed once more. As this checks it, I have found out that it was an earthquake bigger than Great Kanto Earthquake more.

For example there is a record a tidal wave reached to Tsurugaoka Hachiman-gu in Kamakura by Genroku Kanto earthquake. Even if I also enter 2 km of here in an inland from a coast, a tidal wave has not come there by Great Kanto Earthquake. There are other records that a tidal wave has also come to Odawara, but I have not come by Great Kanto Earthquake.

In other words, there is a possibility that an earthquake slightly bigger than an earthquake in Taisho had happened at Kanto area. When it is, since regarding an upcoming earthquake as the Great Kanto Earthquake degree, next it may be sweet, said, it has been,".

A number, as much as I jumped up, it's event probability of this marvellous earthquake, but investigating another step, and when considering the meaning of the number, the sense by which a back freezes is welling up.

For example a number as 78% in Yokohama. How do you feel this?

I want you to imagine. If this is the rainfall probability of the weather forecast, please.

<The probability that it rains this afternoon is 78%.>

If you say so, many people judge "It rains this afternoon." and go out with an umbrella. That may be called all commonsense behavior. When it is.

<The probability that a big earthquake beyond seismic intensity a little less than 6 will happen as of somewhere for 30 years from now on is 78%.>

It'll be sensible that the people in an area who said so judge "Then, we'll encounter a big earthquake within 30 years now." Anyhow even if I live until average life expectancy, the lower generation is the number which will experience a disastrous earthquake certainly mostly at present from 50 years old.

Moreover this flicked assumption incorporates the latest knowledge and that's a result more precise than the former one, you may think, should.

nikkei. com

2015-05-26 07:14:58 J-gov. 週刊現代. gendai.ismedia.jp. nikkei. com

2015年01月11日(日) 首都直下巨大地震の確率急上昇!これは絶対に来る!


大地震は必ず起こる! 首都直下型地震がきたらどうなってしまうのか!!?
大地震(首都直下型地震)が発生する確率は30年以内に70%!! 首都直下型地震がきたらどうなってしまうのか? どうしたら良いのか? 今やっておくべきことはないのか?そんな大地震時に役立つ知識をまとめてみました。


































◯ 10,000 cobwebs together...クモの糸を1万本束ねてバイオリンの弦  羊の腸の弦と比べ「柔らかい音」

2015-05-25 19:19:34 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

2015-05-25 19:19:34 Asahionline

2010/09/12 Sunday 18:51:16

The handle which ties 10,000 cobwebs together, and is a violin

Chord of a gut and comparison of a sheep "soft sound"
The material

Prof. Shigeyoshi Osaki of Nara Medical University (biological macromolecule science) succeeded to be thin and make a handle of a violin using a strong cobweb. I say that "soft sound" comes out compared with a handle of a gut of the sheep which is a clipper (gut string). Mr. Osaki, "The handle chosen by player's taste also has a high possibility of the practical use.", I'm speaking.


Mr. Osaki kept studying a cobweb for about 30 years, and I was looking for directions. Yellow and a black tiger stripe thought it could be made a handle of a violin, and collected more than total of 300 great silk spiders in the length and made them take out thread with KOGANEGUMO in the side in a stomach.

About 10,000 of this thread was tied together, it was made thick 0.5-1mm and length 50cm and it was made a handle of a violin. Then inside of a handle with 4 kinds of thickness could put 3 except for something thinnest on the violin actually and play.

There are one made of metal in addition to a gut string and nylon for a handle of a violin, and a gut string is liked by an expert in particular. If to compare the sound of the handle of a cobweb with a gut string, the tone of "RA" is checked conversantly, there is a lot of tone of the octave difference, and the cobweb is included, and I say that it was its part "soft sound". The strength which stands up to Tsutomu who pulls it was rather weak little with about 2/3.

"Moreover I'd like to devise it as to collect long and uniform thread, you don't cut thread with the way in a spider." and, Mr. Osaki. An outcome is announced by a forum of the Society of Polymer Science, Japan which is Sapporo-shi on the 15th.

13: Nameless day honey :2010/09/12 Sunday 18:51:16 ID:KNqnrBuJ
Study results about physico-chemical quality of a cobweb

Discovery of the risk management way last from a cobweb
The strength of the cobweb is two times of the weight of the spider and is from 2 filaments, even if 1 broke, it was possible to support the weight of the spider with another, and I found that I have the last risk management system that 1 functions as "room".

The cobweb strengthened by ultraviolet rays
I found that the cobweb is strengthened by ultraviolet rays dynamically.

The strength of the cobweb is proved.
String of diameter 3mm was made by a cobweb, and succeeded in a man's of 66kg dangling.

The 66kg is quite wonderful, isn't it?

27: Nameless day honey :2010/09/12 Sunday 21:20:30 ID:tH7X6e0c
The feature by which it's these 3 whether you say so, when everything is wonderful....
33: Nameless day honey :2010/09/12 Sunday 21:53:53 ID:rcrMlWT3
Nylon is ultraviolet rays, I'd degrade, the place which becomes strong conversely is wonderful.
43: Nameless day honey :2010/09/13 Monday 00:17:39 ID:5bKhiOpy
The man of industry who suffers from degradation of organic molecules by ultraviolet rays every day.
I'm serious and would like to know a mechanism.

2015-05-25 19:19:34 Asahionline

2010/09/12(日) 18:51:16

クモの糸を1万本束ねてバイオリンの弦  羊の腸の弦と比べ「柔らかい音」







9 :名無しのひみつ:2010/09/12(日) 18:42:16 ID:nFGvyRwl

56 :名無しのひみつ:2010/09/13(月) 11:00:39 ID:HTJoYoiU

10 :名無しのひみつ:2010/09/12(日) 18:43:39 ID:oYsAwnsI
医学部の先生がやる仕事か? 仕分けろよ。

17 :名無しのひみつ:2010/09/12(日) 19:35:36 ID:eXPsRY4t

13 :名無しのひみつ:2010/09/12(日) 18:51:16 ID:KNqnrBuJ





27 :名無しのひみつ:2010/09/12(日) 21:20:30 ID:tH7X6e0c
33 :名無しのひみつ:2010/09/12(日) 21:53:53 ID:rcrMlWT3
43 :名無しのひみつ:2010/09/13(月) 00:17:39 ID:5bKhiOpy



◯ Monsanto②The Complete History of Monsanto, ‘The World’s Most Evil Corporation’

2015-05-24 11:43:57 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

2015-05-24 07:44:31 Global Research, May 20, 2015):

The Complete History of Monsanto, ‘The World’s Most Evil Corporation’

Economy, Environment, Global News, Health, PoliticsAdd comments

running amok, Monsanto has consistently outperformed its rivals, earning the crown as “most evil corporation on Earth!” Not content to simply rest upon its throne of destruction, it remains focused on newer, more scientifically innovative ways to harm the planet and its people.

1901: The company is founded by John Francis Queeny, a member of the Knights of Malta, a thirty year pharmaceutical veteran married to Olga Mendez Monsanto, for which Monsanto Chemical Works is named. The company’s first product is chemical saccharin, sold to Coca-Cola as an artificial sweetener.

Even then, the government knew saccharin was poisonous and sued to stop its manufacture but lost in court, thus opening the Monsanto Pandora’s Box to begin poisoning the world through the soft drink.


1920s: Monsanto expands into industrial chemicals and drugs, becoming the world’s largest maker of aspirin, acetylsalicyclic acid, (toxic of course). This is also the time when things began to go horribly wrong for the planet in a hurry with the introduction of their polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs).

“PCBs were considered an industrial wonder chemical, an oil that wouldn’t burn, impervious to degradation and had almost limitless applications. Today PCBs are considered one of the gravest chemical threats on the planet. Widely used as lubricants, hydraulic fluids, cutting oils, waterproof coatings and liquid sealants, are potent carcinogens and have been implicated in reproductive, developmental and immune system disorders. The world’s center of PCB manufacturing was Monsanto’s plant on the outskirts of East St. Louis, Illinois, which has the highest rate of fetal death and immature births in the state.”(1)

Even though PCBs were eventually banned after fifty years for causing such devastation, it is still present in just about all animal and human blood and tissue cells across the globe. Documents introduced in court later showed Monsanto was fully aware of the deadly effects, but criminally hid them from the public to keep the PCB gravy-train going full speed!

1930s: Created its first hybrid seed corn and expands into detergents, soaps, industrial cleaning products, synthetic rubbers and plastics. Oh yes, all toxic of course!

1940s: They begin research on uranium to be used for the Manhattan Project’s first atomic bomb, which would later be dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, killing hundreds of thousands of Japanese, Korean and US Military servicemen and poisoning millions more.

The company continues its unabated killing spree by creating pesticides for agriculture containing deadly dioxin, which poisons the food and water supplies. It was later discovered Monsanto failed to disclose that dioxin was used in a wide range of their products because doing so would force them to acknowledge that it had created an environmental Hell on Earth.

1950s: Closely aligned with The Walt Disney Company, Monsanto creates several attractions at Disney’s Tomorrowland, espousing the glories of chemicals and plastics. Their “House of the Future” is constructed entirely of toxic plastic that is not biodegradable as they had asserted. What, Monsanto lied? I’m shocked!

“After attracting a total of 20 million visitors from 1957 to 1967, Disney finally tore the house down, but discovered it would not go down without a fight. According to Monsanto Magazine, wrecking balls literally bounced off the glass-fiber, reinforced polyester material. Torches, jackhammers, chain saws and shovels did not work. Finally, choker cables were used to squeeze off parts of the house bit by bit to be trucked away.”(2)

Monsanto’s Disneyfied vision of the future:

1960s: Monsanto, along with chemical partner-in-crime DOW Chemical, produces dioxin-laced Agent Orange for use in the U.S.’s Vietnam invasion. The results? Over 3 million people contaminated, a half-million Vietnamese civilians dead, a half-million Vietnamese babies born with birth defects and thousands of U.S. military veterans suffering or dying from its effects to this day!

Monsanto is hauled into court again and internal memos show they knew the deadly effects of dioxin in Agent Orange when they sold it to the government. Outrageously though, Monsanto is allowed to present their own “research” that concluded dioxin was safe and posed no negative health concerns whatsoever. Satisfied, the bought and paid for courts side with Monsanto and throws the case out. Afterwards, it comes to light that Monsanto lied about the findings and their real research concluded that dioxin kills very effectively.

A later internal memo released in a 2002 trial admitted

“that the evidence proving the persistence of these compounds and their universal presence as residues in the environment is beyond question … the public and legal pressures to eliminate them to prevent global contamination are inevitable. The subject is snowballing. Where do we go from here? The alternatives: go out of business; sell the hell out of them as long as we can and do nothing else; try to stay in business; have alternative products.”(3)

Monsanto partners with I.G. Farben, makers of Bayer aspirin and the Third Reich’s go-to chemical manufacturer producing deadly Zyklon-B gas during World War II. Together, the companies use their collective expertise to introduce aspartame, another extremely deadly neurotoxin, into the food supply. When questions surface regarding the toxicity of saccharin, Monsanto exploits this opportunity to introduce yet another of its deadly poisons onto an unsuspecting public.

1970s: Monsanto partner, G.D. Searle, produces numerous internal studies which claim aspartame to be safe, while the FDA’s own scientific research clearly reveals that aspartame causes tumors and massive holes in the brains of rats, before killing them. The FDA initiates a grand jury investigation into G.D. Searle for “knowingly misrepresenting findings and concealing material facts and making false statements” in regard to aspartame safety.

During this time, Searle strategically taps prominent Washington insider Donald Rumsfeld, who served as Secretary of Defense during the Gerald Ford and George W. Bush presidencies, to become CEO. The corporation’s primary goal is to have Rumsfeld utilize his political influence and vast experience in the killing business to grease the FDA to play ball with them.

A few months later, Samuel Skinner receives “an offer he can’t refuse,” withdraws from the investigation and resigns his post at the U.S. Attorney’s Office to go work for Searle’s law firm. This mob tactic stalls the case just long enough for the statute of limitation to run out and the grand jury investigation is abruptly and conveniently dropped.

1980s: Amid indisputable research that reveals the toxic effects of aspartame and as then FDA commissioner Dr. Jere Goyan was about to sign a petition into law keeping it off the market, Donald Rumsfeld calls Ronald Reagan for a favor the day after he takes office. Reagan fires the uncooperative Goyan and appoints Dr. Arthur Hayes Hull to head the FDA, who then quickly tips the scales in Searle’s favor and NutraSweet is approved for human consumption in dried products.This becomes sadly ironic since Reagan, a known jelly bean and candy enthusiast, later suffers from Alzheimers during his second term, one of the many horrific effects of aspartame consumption.

Searle’s real goal though was to have aspartame approved as a soft drink sweetener since exhaustive studies revealed that at temperatures exceeding 85 degrees Fahrenheit, it “breaks down into known toxins Diketopiperazines (DKP), methyl (wood) alcohol, and formaldehyde.”(4), becoming many times deadlier than its powdered form!

The National Soft Drink Association (NSDA) is initially in an uproar, fearing future lawsuits from consumers permanently injured or killed by drinking the poison. When Searle is able to show that liquid aspartame, though incredibly deadly, is much more addictive than crack cocaine, the NSDA is convinced that skyrocketing profits from the sale of soft drinks laced with aspartame would easily offset any future liability. With that, corporate greed wins and the unsuspecting soft drink consumers pay for it with damaged healths.

Coke leads the way once again (remember saccharin?) and begins poisoning Diet Coke drinkers with aspartame in 1983. As expected, sales skyrocket as millions become hopelessly addicted and sickened by the sweet poison served in a can. The rest of the soft drink industry likes what it sees and quickly follows suit, conveniently forgetting all about their initial reservations that aspartame is a deadly chemical. There’s money to be made, lots of it and that’s all that really matters to them anyway!

In 1985, undaunted by the swirl of corruption and multiple accusations of fraudulent research undertaken by Searle, Monsanto purchases the company and forms a new aspartame subsidiary called NutraSweet Company. When multitudes of independent scientists and researchers continue to warn about aspartame’s toxic effects, Monsanto goes on the offensive, bribing the National Cancer Institute and providing their own fraudulent papers to get the NCI to claim that formaldehyde does not cause cancer so that aspartame can stay on the market.

The known effects of aspartame ingestion are: “mania, rage, violence, blindness, joint-pain, fatigue, weight-gain, chest-pain, coma, insomnia, numbness, depression, tinnitus, weakness, spasms, irritability, nausea, deafness, memory-loss, rashes, dizziness, headaches, seizures, anxiety, palpitations, fainting, cramps, diarrhoea, panic, burning in the mouth. Diseases triggered/mimmicked include diabetes, MS, lupus, epilepsy, Parkinson’s, tumours, miscarriage, infertility, fibromyalgia, infant death, Alzheimer’s… Source : U.S. Food & Drug Administration.(5)

Further, 80% of complaints made to the FDA regarding food additives are about aspartame, which is now in over 5,000 products including diet and non-diet sodas and sports drinks, mints, chewing gum, frozen desserts, cookies, cakes, vitamins, pharmaceuticals, milk drinks, instant teas, coffees, yogurt, baby food and many, many more!(6) Read labels closely and do not buy anything that contains this horrific killer!

Amidst all the death and disease, FDA’s Arthur Hull resigns under a cloud of corruption and is immediately hired by Searle’s public relations firm as a senior scientific consultant. No, that’s not a joke! Monsanto, the FDA and many government health regulatory agencies have become one and the same! It seems the only prerequisite for becoming an FDA commissioner is that they spend time at either Monsanto or one of the pharmaceutical cartel’s organized crime corps.

1990s: Monsanto spends millions defeating state and federal legislation that disallows the corporation from continuing to dump dioxins, pesticides and other cancer-causing poisons into drinking water systems. Regardless, they are sued countless times for causing disease in their plant workers, the people in surrounding areas and birth defects in babies.

With their coffins full from the massive billions of profits, the $100 million dollar settlements are considered the low cost of doing business and thanks to the FDA, Congress and White House, business remains very good. So good that Monsanto is sued for giving radioactive iron to 829 pregnant women for a study to see what would happen to them.

In 1994, the FDA once again criminally approves Monsanto’s latest monstrosity, the Synthetic Bovine Growth Hormone (rBGH), produced from a genetically modified E. coli bacteria, despite obvious outrage from the scientific community of its dangers. Of course, Monsanto claims that diseased pus milk, full of antibiotics and hormones is not only safe, but actually good for you!

Worse yet, dairy companies who refuse to use this toxic cow pus and label their products as“rBGH-free” are sued by Monsanto, claiming it gives them an unfair advantage over competitors that did. In essence, what Monsanto was saying is “yeah, we know rBGH makes people sick, but it’s not alright that you advertise it’s not in your products.”

The following year, the diabolical company begins producing GMO crops that are tolerant to their toxic herbicide Roundup. Roundup-ready canola oil (rapeseed), soybeans, corn and BT cotton begin hitting the market, advertised as being safer, healthier alternatives to their organic non-GMO rivals. Apparently, the propaganda worked as today over 80% of canola on the market is their GMO variety.

A few things you definitely want to avoid in your diet are GMO soy, corn, wheat and canola oil, despite the fact that many “natural” health experts claim the latter to be a healthy oil. It’s not, but you’ll find it polluting many products on grocery store shelves.

Because these GM crops have been engineered to ‘self-pollinate,’ they do not need nature or bees to do that for them. There is a very dark side agenda to this and that is to wipe out the world’s bee population.

Monsanto knows that birds and especially bees, throw a wrench into their monopoly due to their ability to pollinate plants, thus naturally creating foods outside of the company’s “full domination control agenda.” When bees attempt to pollinate a GM plant or flower, it gets poisoned and dies. In fact, the bee colony collapse was recognized and has been going on since GM crops were first introduced.

To counter the accusations that they deliberately caused this ongoing genocide of bees, Monsanto devilishly buys out Beeologics, the largest bee research firm that was dedicated to studying the colony collapse phenomenon and whose extensive research named the monster as the primary culprit! After that, it’s “bees, what bees? Everything’s just dandy!” Again, I did not make this up, but wish I had!

During the mid-90s, they decide to reinvent their evil company as one focused on controlling the world’s food supply through artificial, biotechnology means to preserve the Roundup cash-cow from losing market-share in the face of competing, less-toxic herbicides. You see, Roundup is so toxic that it wipes out non-GMO crops, insects, animals, human health and the environment at the same time. How very efficient!

Because Roundup-ready crops are engineered to be toxic pesticides masquerading as food, they have been banned in the EU, but not in America! Is there any connection between that and the fact that Americans, despite the high cost and availability of healthcare, are collectively the sickest people in the world? Of course not!

As was Monsanto’s plan from the beginning, all non-Monsanto crops would be destroyed, forcing farmers the world over to use only its toxic terminator seeds. And Monsanto made sure farmers who refused to come into the fold were driven out of business or sued when windblown terminator seeds poisoned organic farms.

This gave the company a virtual monopoly as terminator seed crops and Roundup worked hand in glove with each other as GMO crops could not survive in a non-chemical environment so farmers were forced to buy both.

Their next step was to spend billions globally buying up as many seed companies as possible and transitioning them into terminator seed companies in an effort to wipe out any rivals and eliminate organic foods off the face of the earth. In Monsanto’s view, all foods must be under their full control and genetically modified or they are not safe to eat!

They pretend to be shocked that their critics in the scientific community question whether crops genetically modified with the genes of diseased pigs, cows, spiders, monkeys, fish, vaccines and viruses are healthy to eat. The answer to that question is obviously a very big “no way!”

You’d think the company would be so proud of their GMO foods that they’d serve them to their employees, but they don’t. In fact, Monsanto has banned GM foods from being served in their own employee cafeterias. Monsanto lamely responded “we believe in choice.” What they really means is “we don’t want to kill the help.”

It’s quite okay though to force-feed poor nations and Americans these modified monstrosities as a means to end starvation since dead people don’t need to eat! I’ll bet the thought on most peoples’ minds these days is that Monsanto is clearly focused on eugenics and genocide, as opposed to providing foods that will sustain the world. As in Monsanto partner Disney’s Sleeping Beauty, the wicked witch gives the people the poisoned GMO apple that puts them to sleep forever!

2000s: By this time Monsanto controls the largest share of the global GMO market. In turn, the US gov’t spends hundreds of millions to fund aerial spraying of Roundup, causing massive environmental devastation. Fish and animals by the thousands die within days of spraying as respiratory ailments and cancer deaths in humans spike tremendously. But this is all considered an unusual coincidence so the spraying continues. If you thought Monsanto and the FDA were one and the same, well you can add the gov’t to that sorry list now.

The monster grows bigger: Monsanto merges with Pharmacia & Upjohn, then separates from its chemical business and rebrands itself as an agricultural company. Yes, that’s right, a chemical company whose products have devastated the environment, killed millions of people and wildlife over the years now wants us to believe they produce safe and nutritious foods that won’t kill people any longer. That’s an extremely hard-sell, which is why they continue to grow bigger through mergers and secret partnerships.

Because rival DuPont is too large a corporation to be allowed to merge with, they instead form a stealth partnership where each agrees to drop existing patent lawsuits against one another and begin sharing GMO technologies for mutual benefit. In layman’s terms, together they would be far too powerful and politically connected for anything to stop them from owning a virtual monopoly on agriculture; “control the food supply & you control the people!”

Not all is rosy as the monster is repeatedly sued for $100s of millions for causing illness, infant deformities and death by illegally dumping all manner of PCBs into ground water, and continually lying about products safety – you know, business as usual.

The monster often perseveres and proves difficult to slay as it begins filing frivolous suits against farmers it claims infringe on their terminator seed patents. In virtually all cases, unwanted seeds are windblown onto farmers’ lands by neighboring terminator-seeded farms. Not only do these horrendous seeds destroy the organic farmers’ crops, the lawsuits drive them into bankruptcy, while the Supreme Court overturns lower court rulings and sides with Monsanto each time.

At the same time, the monster begins filing patents on breeding techniques for pigs, claiming animals bred any way remotely similar to their patent would grant them ownership. So loose was this patent filing that it became obvious they wanted to claim all pigs bred throughout the world would infringe upon their patent.

The global terrorism spreads to India as over 100,000 farmers who are bankrupted by GMO crop failure, commit suicide by drinking Roundup so their families will be eligible for death insurance payments. In response, the monster takes advantage of the situation by alerting the media to a new project to assist small Indian farmers by donating the very things that caused crop failures in the country in the first place! Forbes then names Monsanto “company of the year.” Sickening, but true.

More troubling is that Whole Foods, the corporation that brands itself as organic, natural and eco-friendly is proven to be anything but. They refuse to support Proposition 37, California’s GMO-labeling measure that Monsanto and its GMO-brethren eventually helped to defeat.

Why? Because Whole Foods has been in bed with Monsanto for a long time, secretly stuffing its shelves with overpriced, fraudulently advertized “natural & organic” crap loaded with GMOs, pesticides, rBGH, hormones and antibiotics. So, of course they don’t want mandatory labelling as that would expose them as the Whole Frauds and Whore Foods that they really are!

However, when over twenty biotech-friendly companies including WalMart, Pepsico and ConAgra recently met with FDA in favor of mandatory labelling laws, this after fighting tooth and nail to defeat Prop 37, Whole Foods sees an opportunity to save face and becomes the first grocery chain to announce mandatory labelling of their GMO products…in 2018! Uh, thanks for nothing, Whore.

And if you think its peers have suddenly grown a conscience, think again. They are simply reacting to the public’s outcry over the defeat of Prop 37 by crafting deceptive GMO-labelling laws to circumvent any real change, thus keeping the status quo intact.

To add insult to world injury, Monsanto and their partners in crime Archer Daniels Midland, Sodexo and Tyson Foods write and sponsor The Food Safety Modernization Act of 2009: HR 875. This criminal “act” gives the corporate factory farms a virtual monopoly to police and control all foods grown anywhere, including one’s own backyard, and provides harsh penalties and jail sentences for those who do not use chemicals and fertilizers. President Obama decided this sounded reasonable and gave his approval.

With this Act, Monsanto claims that only GM foods are safe and organic or homegrown foods potentially spread disease, therefore must be regulated out of existence for the safety of the world. If eating GM pesticide balls is their idea of safe food, I would like to think the rest of the world is smart enough to pass.

As further revelations have broken open regarding this evil giant’s true intentions, Monsanto crafted the ridiculous HR 933 Continuing Resolution, aka Monsanto Protection Act, which Obama robo-signed into law as well.This law states that no matter how harmful Monsanto’s GMO crops are and no matter how much devastation they wreak upon the country, U.S. federal courts cannot stop them from continuing to plant them anywhere they choose. Yes, Obama signed a provision that makes Monsanto above any laws and makes them more powerful than the government itself. We have to wonder who’s really in charge of the country because it’s certainly not him!

There comes a tipping point though when a corporation becomes too evil and the world pushes back…hard! Many countries continue to convict Monsanto of crimes against humanity and have banned them altogether, telling them to “get out and stay out!”

The world has begun to awaken to the fact that the corporate monster does not want control over the global production of food simply for profit’s sake. No, it’s become clear by over a century of death & destruction that the primary goal is to destroy human health and the environment, turning the world into a Mon-Satanic Hell on Earth!

Research into the name itself reveals it to be latin, meaning “my saint,” which may explain why critics often refer to it as “Mon-Satan.” Even more conspiratorially interesting is that free masons and other esoteric societies assigned numbers to each letter in our latin-based alphabet system in a six system. Under that number system, what might Monsanto add up to? Why, of course 6-6-6!

Know that all is not lost. Evil always loses in the end once it is widely exposed to the light of truth as is occurring now. The fact that the Monsanto-led government finds it necessary to enact desperate legislation to protect its true leader proves this point. Being evicted elsewhere, the United States is Monsanto’s last stand so to speak.

Yet, even here many have begun striking back by protesting against and rejecting GMO monstrosities, choosing to grow their own foods and shop at local farmers markets instead of the Monsanto-supported corporate grocery chains.

The awakening people are also beginning to see they have been misled by corporate tricksters and federal government criminals poisoned by too much power, control and greed, which has resulted in the creation of the monstrous, out-of-control corporate beast.


(1,3) http://bestmeal.info/monsanto/company-history.shtml
(2) http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php/Monsanto
(4,5) http://www.pfnh.org/article.php?id=65

◯ Monsanto① モンサント、「世界で最も邪悪株式会社」の完全な履歴.

2015-05-24 11:29:11 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

2015-05-24 07:33:26 Global Research, May 20, 2015):



- モンサントの完全な履歴、「世界で最も邪悪コーポレーション」(グローバル·リサーチ、2015年5月20日):


すべてのメガ軍団がアモックのうち、 モンサントは 一貫として冠を獲得し、そのライバルをアウトパフォームしている「地球上で最も邪悪な会社!」単に破壊のその王座に載るために満足していない、それがより新しい、より科学的に革新的な方法に焦点を当てたまま惑星とその人々を傷つけます。

1901年:同社はジョン·フランシス·ホモの、のメンバーによって設立された マルタ騎士団、モンサント化学工場の名前はいるオルガメンデスモンサントと結婚して30年の医薬品のベテラン、。同社の最初の製品は、人工甘味料としてコカコーラに売却、化学サッカリンです。

その後も、政府は、サッカリンが毒を知っていたし、その製造を停止するように訴えたが、このように開く、法廷で失われた モンサントパンドラの箱を ソフトドリンクを通して世界を中毒開始します。








1950:密接にウォルト·ディズニー·カンパニーと整合し、モンサントはで数々の観光スポットを作成する ディズニートゥモローランド化学品、プラスチックの栄光をespousing、。その「未来の家」は、完全に彼らがアサートしていたとして、生分解性ではない毒性プラスチックで構成されています。何、モンサントは嘘をつきましたか?私はショックを受けましたよ!

「1957年から1967年2000万の訪問者の合計を集めた後、ディズニーはついにダウンして家を引き裂いたが、それは戦いなしでダウンしないでしょう発見しました。モンサント誌によると、台無しボールは文字通りガラス繊維強化ポリエステル材料に反射。トーチ - jackhammers、チェーンソーとシャベルは動作しませんでした。最後に、チョーカーケーブルが離れてトラックで運ばするビットで家のビットの一部をオフに絞るために使用された。」(2)





環境中の残基として、これらの化合物の持続性とその普遍的な存在を証明する証拠は疑問を超えていることを「...地球の汚染を防ぐためにそれらを排除するための公共および法的圧力は避けられません。対象は雪だるま式れます。こうなったらどうしようか 代替案:廃業。限り、我々はできる、それらの地獄を販売し、他に何もしません。ビジネスに滞在してみてください。代替製品を持っている。」(3)

とモンサントのパートナー IGファルベン、バイエルアスピリンのメーカーと第三帝国のゴーへの化学メーカー、第二次世界大戦中に致命的なチクロンBガスを生成します。一緒に、企業は食料供給に、アスパルテーム、別の非常に致命的な神経毒を導入するために、それらの集団の専門知識を使用しています。質問は、サッカリンの毒性に関する表面とき、モンサントは、疑いを持たない公共の上にさらに別の致命的な毒のを紹介するこの機会を利用しています。




1980年代には:アスパルテームの毒性作用を明らかにし、などの後、FDAのコミッショナー博士Jere Goyanがオフに市場にそれを維持法に請願書に署名しようとしていた議論の余地の研究の中で、ドナルド·ラムズフェルドは彼が就任する日の後に賛成するためのロナルド·レーガンを呼び出します。レーガンは、非協力的なGoyanを発射した後、すぐにヒントがサールの好意とNutraSweetでスケールが乾燥製品。で人間の消費のために承認されたFDAを、頭に博士アーサー·ヘイズのハルを任命レーガン、既知のジェリービーンとお菓子以来、悲しげに皮肉になります愛好家は、それ以降の彼の第二項、アスパルテーム消費の多くの恐ろしい効果の1つの間にアルツハイマー病に苦しんでいます。

徹底的な研究は85度華氏を超える温度で、それがことが明らかになったので、サールの本当の目的は、しかし清涼飲料の甘味料として承認アスパルテームを持っていることであった「既知の毒素のジケトピペラジン(DKP)、メチル(木)、アルコール、およびホルムアルデヒドに分解します。」(4 )、その粉末形態よりも致命何倍になって!




アスパルテームの摂取の既知の効果は以下のとおりです。「躁病、怒り、暴力、失明、関節痛、疲労、体重増加、胸の痛み、昏睡、不眠、しびれ、うつ病、耳鳴り、脱力感、痙攣、神経過敏、吐き気、難聴、メモリ損失、発疹、めまい、頭痛、発作、不安、動悸、失神、痙攣、下痢、パニック、口の中で燃えます。。米国食品医薬品局(5):/ mimmickedトリガー疾患は、糖尿病、MS、狼​​瘡、てんかん、パーキンソン、腫瘍、流産、不妊、線維筋痛症、乳児死亡、アルツハイマー...ソース含み






さらに悪いことに、この有毒な牛の膿を使用して、として、自社製品にラベルを付けることを拒否乳製品会社は「牛の遺伝子組み換え型成長ホルモンフリー」 それがなかった競争相手の上に彼らに不当な優位性を与えると主張し、モンサント社訴えています。本質的には、どのようなモンサントが言っていたことは「ええ、私たちは、牛の遺伝子組み換え型成長ホルモンは、人々が病気になります知っているが、それはあなたがそれはあなたの製品ではありません広告を出すことはない大丈夫だ。」あります


あなたは間違いなくあなたの食事で避けたいいくつかのことは、多くの "自然な"健康の専門家は、健康なオイルであることが、後者を主張するという事実にもかかわらず、遺伝子組み換え大豆、トウモロコシ、小麦、キャノーラ油です。そうではありませんが、あなたはそれが食料品店の棚に多くの製品を汚染見つけることができます。

これらのGM作物がするように操作されているので「自家受粉、 '彼らは彼らのためにそれを行うために、自然や蜂を必要としません。そこに非常にダークサイドの議題はこれにあり、それは世界のミツバチの人口を一掃することです。

モンサントは鳥や特に蜂、原因植物を受粉する能力への独占にレンチを投げるが、このように自然に会社の外の食品作ることを知っている "完全支配制御アジェンダ」をミツバチがGM植物や花に受粉しようとすると、それを取得します毒殺と死にます。実際には、ミツバチのコロニー崩壊が認められ、GM作物が最初に導入されて以来続いています。

彼らは意図的にミツバチのこの継続的な大虐殺を引き起こしたこと非難に対抗するために、モンサントは悪魔アウト購入 Beeologics、及びその広範な研究プライマリ犯人モンスターという名前のコロニーの崩壊現象を研究に捧げられた最大の蜂の調査会社を!その後は、「蜂、蜂何ですか?すべてがちょうどダンディです! "繰り返しますが、私はこれをしなかったが、私が持っていたのに!



モンサントの計画は最初からあったように、すべての非モンサントの作物は、その毒性使用する農家に世界中で強制的に破壊される ターミネーターの種を。そして、モンサントは、有機農場を毒殺ターミネーター種子を風に吹かれたときに折り目に入ることを拒否した農家が廃業駆動または提訴したことを確認しました。


彼らの次のステップは、グローバルに、できるだけ多くの種子会社を購入し、任意のライバルを一掃し、努力にターミネータ種子会社にそれらを移行する十億を過ごすことだった 有機食品を排除 地の面から。モンサントの見解では、すべての食品は、それらの完全な制御下にあると遺伝的に改変されたか、彼らは食べても安全ではありませんする必要があります!

彼らは、作物が遺伝的に病気の豚、牛、クモ、猿、魚、ワクチンやウイルスの遺伝子で修飾されたかどうかを科学界の問題の彼らの批評家は食べることが健康であることはショックを受けるふり。その質問への答えは明らかに非常に大きな "ない方法!」ではありません

あなたは会社が彼らの従業員にそれらを提供したいが、そうではない彼らの遺伝子組み換え食品のように誇りに思うだろうと思いますよ。実際に、 モンサントは遺伝子組み換え食品を禁止している 独自の社員食堂で提供されているから。モンサントは弱々しく、「我々は選択を信じています。「彼らは本当に意味がある答え「私たちが助けを殺すためにしたくありません。」




ライバルデュポンはとの合併を許可するには大きすぎる企業であるため、彼らは代わりに、それぞれが互いに対して、既存の特許訴訟をドロップし、相互利益のために遺伝子組み換え技術を共有し始めることに同意するものとステルスのパートナーシップを形成しています。素人の面では、一緒に彼らは農業に事実上の独占を所有しているからそれらを停止するには何のためにあまりにも強力で、政治的に接続されます。「食糧供給を制御する&あなたが人々をコントロール! "

あなたは、いつものようにビジネスを知っている - モンスターが繰り返し不正に地下水へのPCBのすべての方法をダンプし、継続的に製品の安全性について嘘によって病気、乳幼児奇形や死を引き起こすための$のために何百万の100Sを提訴されているようではない、すべてがバラ色です。

怪物は、しばしばperseveres、それが提出始めると殺害することは困難証明 農家に対する軽薄な訴訟 それが彼らのターミネータ種子の特許を侵害主張を。事実上すべての場合において、不必要な 種子が農民の土地の上に風に吹かれている ターミネーターシードの農場に隣接することによって。最高裁はモンサントと下級裁判所の判決と側面たびに覆すながら、これらの恐ろしい種子は、訴訟は、破産にそれらを駆動し、有機農家の作物を破壊するだけではなく。


世界的テロは、GMOの不作によって破産している10万人以上の農民としてインドに広がる ラウンドアップを飲むことによって自殺を その家族は死亡保険金支払いの対象となりますので。応答では、モンスターが最初の場所で国の不作の原因となった、非常に物事を寄付することで、小さなインドの農家を支援するために、新しいプロジェクトにメディアを警告することで、状況を利用しています!その後フォーブス名モンサント 「年の会社。「 不快感を覚えるが、真。

もっと厄介なホールフーズ、有機自然と環境に優しいとしての地位をブランド企業は何でもであることが証明されていることです。彼らはサポートすることを拒否 命題37、モンサントとそのGMO-兄弟たちが最終的に敗北に貢献カリフォルニアのGMO標識対策を。

なぜでしょうか?ホールフーズは、密かに高値で、その棚を詰め、長い時間のためにモンサントとベッドの中でされているため、不正のGMO、農薬、牛の遺伝子組み換え型成長ホルモン、ホルモンや抗生物質を搭載した「ナチュラル&オーガニック "がらくたをアピール。それは、彼らが実際にあることを全体詐欺と娼婦食品として公開となるように、当然のことながら、彼らは表示義務をしたくありません!

を含む20以上のバイオテクノロジー向け企業しかし、 ウォルマート、ペプシコとConAgraは最近FDAと会った 表示義務の法律を支持して、これはプロップ37を倒すために歯と爪を戦った後、ホールフーズは、顔を保存する機会を見て、最初の食料品になります2018年...そのGMO製品の表示義務を発表するチェーン!ええと、何のために感謝し、売春婦。


世界損傷、モンサントと犯罪のパートナーアーチャー·ダニエルズ·ミッドランド、ソデクソとタイソンフーズ書き込みに侮辱を追加し、スポンサーに 2009年の食品安全近代化法を:HR 875。この犯罪者は「行動する」企業の工場は警察に事実上の独占農場与えますと自分自身の裏庭を含む任意の場所に成長し、すべての食品を、制御し、化学物質や化学肥料を使用していない人のために厳しい罰則や禁固刑を提供します。オバマ大統領は、これは、合理的な鳴らし、彼の承認を与えたことを決めました。


さらに啓示がこの邪悪巨人の真の意図についてのこじ開けてきたように、モンサントはばかげて細工された HR 933継続決議、別名モンサント保護法、 オバマロボ署名well.This法として法律には、のように述べているどんなに有害モンサント社の遺伝子組み換え作物があり、関係なく、彼らは国際にもたらすどのくらいの荒廃、米国連邦裁判所は、どこでも、彼らが選択し、それらを植え続けてからそれらを停止することはできません。はい、オバマはいかなる法律の上モンサントを行い、政府自体よりもそれらをより強力にする条項を締結しました。我々は、それは確かに彼はないので、国の責任で本当にだ誰だろうする必要があります!

企業があまりにも悪になり、世界が押し戻す...ハードとき転換点は、しかしそこに来ます!多くの国では、人道に対する罪のモンサントを有罪を続け、それらを言って、それらを完全に禁止している「外に出て外に滞在します! "

世界は、企業の怪物は、単に利益のために、食品の世界生産の制御を望んでいないという事実に目覚め始めています。いいえ、それは地球上の月 - 悪魔地獄に世界を回して、第一の目標は、人間の健康と環境を破壊することである死と破壊の世紀以上によって明らかになっています!

名前自体の研究はさらによりいわく面白い」。月~サタン「批評家はしばしばそれを参照する理由を説明する可能性がある」、私の聖人」を意味する、それはラテンであることが明らかになったということである 自由石工やその他の難解な社会が番号が割り当てられ 、各文字に6システムにおける当社のラテン系のアルファベットシステムで。その番号制度で、モンサントはに何を追加するのでしょうか?なぜ、もちろん6-6-6の!





(1,3) http://bestmeal.info/monsanto/company-history.shtml
(2) http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php/Monsanto
(4,5) http://www.pfnh.org/article.php?id=65

◯ INCOHERENT statement of Shinzo Abe「私は総理なのだから」…安倍首相“戦争法案”答弁の支離滅裂

2015-05-23 07:28:30 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

2015-05-23 09:11:26 nikkan-gendai.com

"Because I'm a Prime Minister."... of Abe prime minister "war bill" answer, it's INCOHERENT.

May 22, 2015

Okada representation by debate among party leaders and Abe prime minister (C) daily Gendai

Okada representation by debate among party leaders and Abe prime minister (C) daily Gendai

Maybe the living room where prime minister's answer was asked by the live relay broadcast was also beyond a doubt, this is certainly what it means to be dumbfounded. . Since June of last year, very, the debate among party leaders on the 20th held by 11 months old after by the Diet. It was the first confrontation with Okada representation of Democratic Party of Japan who acceded in January, but it wasn't respectable argument. Prime Minister Abe isn't going to answer from front about the risk by which Japan is involved in a war, and it's because a logic which becomes like a child play.

The element which is logistic support of Japan Self-Defense Forces by a war bill, conventional, the stop to which I say "limited to non-battle area" comes off. A ban is also removed on an offer of a weapon and an ammunition and transportation of a soldier armed. When making it the hostile country which tries to cut off a supplement way of course, Japan Self-Defense Forces will be a suitable target. Who is the reason the danger by which a member loses his life even if it's seen, increases remarkably how, Okada representation, "Risk rises on leaps and bounds. I'll explain to the people and argue accurately.", he approached, but now, how did Prime Minister Abe answer?

"Safety does logistic support at a reserved place." "An assistance force isn't fully armed. It's natural to choose the area where I have no things involved in a battle as much as possible." "If it happens, a battle cancels to work promptly, and or I evacuate."

Oh, anyway the paper on a desk to which I say "The place where Japan Self-Defense Forces come into action was safe." was repeated in such condition.

"Even if a member runs away after a battle happens, it'll be just shot from a back certainly. Koizumi former prime minister says "The place where Japan Self-Defense Forces are active is non-battle area." in case of Iraqi dispatch of Japan Self-Defense Forces, and, of the people, AKIRE, make, it's the inaccurate answer which makes the remark bear a close resemblance." (Rissho University honorary professor and Mr. Masaru Kaneko= constitution)

■ He left a discussion unsettled anything.
Restriction isn't held for the place where Japan Self-Defense Forces use right of collective self-defense by a series of war bill. For example U.S. forces will be because right of collective self-defense can't be used when not going to the site when battling at a territory in a partner country.

So Okada representation confirmed "Did a used place come to a territory in a partner country, territorial waters and territorial airspace?" many times, Prime Minister Abe, "Overseas sending isn't generally admitted. It hits a foreign territory, and I don't use armed force.", this just also repeated principle theory, not real theory.

The security law which has no cuts" is being talked about, but "assumption outside" isn't admitted by responding to questions in the Diet and the theme to which I say "There are no things involved in a war by any means." is repeated. If it's also argument with this, it isn't done.

I don't have that until I say once more but "It's involved." advances towards a war of U.S. forces, and is kind of right of collective self-defense. "It's involved in a war." Prime Minister Abe assumes a fact, and doesn't admit that to have to argue. Right of collective self-defense will be a deterrent, and a war is the persistence which doesn't happen.

This day also says "It was involved and there was also theory at the time of a security revise in 1960. History already proves that that was wrong.", cormorant yam took fart RIKUTSU which is every time out, and did argument disagreeably.

When only this fires a fraudulent answer, a hooting springs and happens from the floor, and it's natural. Prime Minister Abe reacts to "from just now, pass of summer flies" "Please don't make noise each time each time." "Mr. contentment (Democratic Party of Japan a country vs. chairperson surrogate) is warned, and." one by one in the hooting, the end, "The explanation about the bill we submit is just right. Because I'm a Prime Minister.", the disposal which looks grave by a look from the top.

"It's "truth" of a series of war bill to tender Japan Self-Defense Forces to American purpose of Japan people, not because it's safe. For the people, "really," when telling, the "bill formation until" summer promised with USA becomes impossible. So Prime Minister Abe will have no choice but to cut SHIRA through." (Mr. Masaru Kaneko)

When I think Prime Minister Abe can get away by this answer, it's a big mistake.

💣 開いた口がふさがらないとはまさにこういうことに違いない
Beyond a doubt, this is certainly what it means to be dumbfounded. - Weblio Email例文集

2015-05-23 09:11:26. nikkan-gendai.com


















◯ It's kiss day.きょう5月23日はキスの日!日本にはキスの呼び方がたくさんある

2015-05-23 05:49:12 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

2015-05-23 05:49:12 Gow!Magazine. excite news



Gow!Magazine 2012年5月22日 18時00分 (2012年5月24日 23時12分 更新)

















Written by Wicca
Photo by sleepyjeanie

how about u !?