○ The Fukushima Crisis 274 [In the case of a girl and a boy] 福島危機274 .女の子と男の子の被曝。

2012-05-31 11:38:21 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

05/14/2011 19:28. Hiroaki Koide It is re-up.

May 14 Why must a child's contamination be avoided?
It writes previously from "" conclusion.
If a direction with a child comes, I want you to protect absolutely.
The child has to protect from contamination absolutely.

although I think that the reason made it vague, not only the illness of the contaminated child but its child needs to be blessed with a child in the future -- it is because it may determine whether it is.
The reason is as follows although explained biologically.

[In the case of a girl]
The girl has a cell called the egg mother cell which becomes a basis of an ovum, before being born,
In the time to still stay as an embryo in a mother's belly, they are 6 million to 7 million pieces.
↓ (it decreases gradually)
They are 1 million to 2 million pieces at the time of success in life.
↓ (it decreases further)
They are about 300,000 pieces by adolescence.
The number is reduced.
The woman is said to ovulate by about 400 averages by a menopause from the first period.
(The egg mother cell in which after the menopause remained degenerates.)
Now, one egg mother cell ripens every month, serves as an ovum, ovulates, and waits for fertilization.
The egg mother cell under standby in which others do not ovulate is continuing existing in ovarian follicle, where cell division is stopped with an egg mother cell.
During the standby, since restoration of DNA is not performed, whenever it piles up age, the possibility of damage to an ovum becomes large, and the possibility of infertility also increases simultaneously.
That is, since it was born, that I would like you to be careful here has had an egg mother cell, and it cannot newly generate a woman by itself after success in life.
... Does it understand?
Or [ that what happens to the girl who was contaminated at the childhood term and received the damage in the egg mother cell ] ...
Once it is contaminated, recovery will not exist.
I think that it can imagine what will happen to the contaminated egg mother cell.
I introduce the threshold which has announced ICRP.
Acute contamination Chronic contamination one time infertility.
0.65-1.5 Gy
Permanent infertility
2.5-6.0 Gy 2.0 Gy/Year
(I think that it is good at Gy=Sv)

[In the case of a boy]
In the case of a boy, the susceptibility of a spermatocyte of radiation is high, also with a low dose, cell death will happen and it will be infertility temporarily.
Moreover, if exposed to 0.15 Sv or more, the spermatocyte which becomes the origin of a sperm will carry out cell death in response to a damage, and it is said that it becomes becoming temporary infertility with permanent infertility.
I introduce a threshold concretely also here.
Acute contamination Chronic contamination one time infertility
0.15 Gy
0.4 Gy/Year
Permanent infertility 3.5-6.0 Gy
2.0 Gy/a year
(I think that it is good at Gy=Sv)
* I am sorry.
Although the sauce of the numerical value of ICRP was looked for, since the text was never found, I will stick related URL.
The deterministic effect and the stochastic effect http://www.rada.or.jp/database/home4/normal/ht-docs/member/synopsis/030065.html Hidaka Development and Promotion Bureau (radiation) of radiation to human body It is becoming [ when it receives in a genital gland / a child / impossible ] http://www.hidaka.pref.hokkaido.lg.jp/hk/hfc/homepage/q-16.htm.
Now, even after reading this, can you allow having a child idle about in a contaminated zone?
the children of Fukushima know what on earth the government which permits 20mSV is doing -- it is -- absurd...
In fact, the teacher of the living thing of a high school was talking by the lesson this talk and a long time ago.
Since it was not imagining that a child was then contaminated, he was not able to feel actually easily.
He thinks that this report should have been earlier UP(ed) if true, and repents very much.
It is real intention that there was no confidence in its knowledge and numerical value.
But in the knowledge which he has, if children were helped, ... was thought, and it UP(ed) decisively.
* Since the lesson of its high school days was used a little as the base and the insufficient part was compensated with the network, I think whether there is any wrong part.
Since it will correct if you can point out, the noticed direction will be saved if you put in a comment.
Children's future just tends to be taken now.
If this report was read and there was a place which considers if you please, please tell this to a friend with a child.
And please protect children.
..... Thank you for your consideration.
Are immediate and please evacuate children.
Thank you for your consideration.
A governmental person ... What r u doin' right now?

05/14/2011 19:28. 小出裕章 re-upです。

5月14日 なぜ子どもの被曝を避けなければならないか。













           急性被曝     慢性被曝
一時不妊           0.65-1.5 Gy               -----
永久不妊       2.5-6.0 Gy           0.2 Gy/年


           急性被曝     慢性被曝
一時不妊            0.15 Gy               0.4 Gy/年
永久不妊      3.5-6.0 Gy            2.0 Gy/年








Comment list
1. Kirk 19:30 on May 16, 2011
>>. I disperse dis.
Thank you.
2. May [ Sunnydolph 2011 Year ] 17 06:32
Since > radiation is a kind of light .......
Other things are different, although there may be helium 4 nucleus (alpha rays) which has high energy, an electron (beta ray) which has high energy, electromagnetic waves (gamma ray) which have high energy, etc. in radiation and a gamma ray calls it a kind of light.
A cell is not affected unless it exceeds the strength (= dose of radiation) more than > fixed.
Although it seems that it is mistaken with the thing with some things like a threshold value, there is no thing like a threshold value.
If exposed to radiation in large numbers, the probability that a cell and DNA will break only the part will only become high.
If it is 20 mSv/y, since the probability which still gets cancer is low, it bore and has called it .....
And even though he gets cancer, in almost all cases, he does not necessarily get cancer "immediately."
For example, when radioactive materials, such as the strontium 90, have been taken into the inside of the body, an internal exposure will continue being carried out for dozens of years.
And even if he gets cancer whether it is in what ten years, the check of causal relationship with a nuclear power plant becomes almost impossible.
However, the damage to an egg mother cell, etc. are not understood in many cases, and that it should become conservative agrees with the thing danger which is not from a part more.
3. Hachix69 10:55 on May 17, 2011
I was allowed to introduce by Twitter.
I think that it is written intelligibly very simply.
I think that it is that many people should get to know.
Thank you.
4. Bochibochi 11:19 on May 17, 2011
Mr. >>taro
Is that right?
Since a threshold value is a numerical value actually announced, a lie cannot be written.
And a threshold value is not an acceptable value but a numerical value I want you to put up with to the last.
Nobody knows truly for which numerical value a damage actually appears in an egg mother cell or a spermatocyte.
Is giving the threshold value of 20mSV and burdening the children of Fukushima with the risk the will of the people, we? Is that it is safe thought?
I cannot be told such a thing by any means.
But it is believed that a fundamental view is the same as Mr. taro.
Thank you for the comment.
5. Taro 12:15 on May 17, 2011
For a sense,
A threshold value is a value which can carry out a last-minute acceptable value.
However, if it exceeds but just for a moment, a risk will come out.
In other words, it can say "since it is uninfluential, it can bear."
A threshold value is not "bearing, although it is influential."
And for safety, a margin is made and a regulation value is decided.
These 20mS/yrs is regulation values.
A few is generous, if it is only this and is 20mSv.
Although it compares with chemical substance regulation, or it becomes and there is little margin.
I think that a thing like [ since 20mSV is not understood at all in many cases, it is risky, and ] an experiment on a human body should not be carried out.
It agrees on dis point.
6. Seacat 13:22 on May 17, 2011
it arrived from Twitter -- I will carry out words.
I will recognize it as dangerous, if those by whom it is said as parents that 20msv is dangerous come.
Although it sees to a direction with especially knowledge mostly and it is concluded that it is not dangerous for the occurrence at this time being absurdly unnatural now, and not obtaining in safety etc., if there will be an emergency thing in the future, do you take the responsibility?
Thank you very much for contamination raising Mr. Bochibochi it to avoid is [ Mr. ] parental affection which thinks of a child, and this report, if there is doubt
15. Bochibochi 14:37 on May 17, 2011
Mr. >>Sunnydolph, Mr. kurikinD, Mr. hachix69, Mr. seacat
Thank you for the comment.
It is being prayed that people to which a child comes are reached.
Thank you for people which I had diffused in Twitter.
Blog UP is carried out from now on so that the whole Japanese can change consciousness to such things.
Let's consider firmly what we the adults should do, and in order to carry out with future [ which it can leave to children ], since it is good in the made range, act.
It believes that it is how to take our responsibility.
Although the interim standard value which the government set as the child is annual 20 mSV/y, it is Not a numerical value in consideration of internal contamination.
Furthermore, if a child's sensibility is taken into consideration, it is said that it has the influence by contamination compared with the adult in his 30's four to 5 times (they are tens times for some of the scholar).
When it thinks that there was 5 times as much susceptibility temporarily, it is an interim standard value which permits 20mSVx 5 time =100mSV to a child.
I think that considering that the threshold value is set up by 200mSV chronic infertility is well understood in what kind of meaning.
There is no telling whether to be actually receiving contamination of 20 mSV/y (popularity's was won).
Execuse me, if you can see Mr. Koide's nuclear power plant "safety myth" dissolution, I will think that it is good.
They are http://blog.livedoor.jp/tokiko1003/archives / 2696689.html#more 2-8, and a hit of 3-8.
Thank you for the comment.


1. カーク 2011年05月16日 19:30


2. Sunnydolph 2011年05月17日 06:32

> 放射線は、光の一種ですので、.......


> 一定以上の強さ(=放射線量)を超えないと、細胞に影響を及ぼさないのです。



3. hachix69 2011年05月17日 10:55

4. Bochibochi 2011年05月17日 11:19




5. taro 2011年05月17日 12:15




6. seacat 2011年05月17日 13:22



15. Bochibochi 2011年05月17日 14:37






○ The Fukushima Crisis 273 ; Radio.Mobile phone Comes up! 福島危機273.放射能スマホ発売!

2012-05-30 00:32:55 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

05/29/2012 15:00 NHK news :radioactivity portable phone sale!

SOFTBANK MOBILE announced the smart phone "PANTONE5 107SH" which built in the measurement function of the dose of radiation on May 29, 2012.
The Sharp com. dealt with development of a terminal.
It uses "I would like to give mother with a small child relief" (the company's representative director president, Mr. Son Masayoshi).
The schedule put on the market as a summer sales battle [ of 2012 ]-oriented new model after the middle of July, 2012.
PANTONE5 builds in the dose-of-radiation measurement module which carries two PIN photo-diodes made from Si.
Although the outside dimension of the measurement module was not clarified, it is called "the size about a SIM card" (presenter of SOFTBANK MOBILE).
Gamma (gamma) ray which is one of the radiation is measured using this.
Suppose that the range of 0.05micro to 9.99 microSv/o'clock can be measured with ±20% of an error.
Measured value always takes out and computes the dose for the past 2 minutes from the data under measurement, and also it is said that the inside of a display is updated every 10 seconds.
In order to raise measurement accuracy, measurement module total "is shipped after proofreading using Cs(cesium) 137" (Mr. Son of SOFTBANK MOBILE).
The device was added also to the user-friendliness at the time of measuring a dose of radiation.
Only by pushing the exclusive button at the lower right of a terminal, a dose of radiation is measured and a measurement position is displayed on a map.
At the sale time, it does not have the function to share a measurement result among users.
"Since a measurement result is produced with a rose by the difference in the distance from the ground, a damage caused by rumors may be caused.
When the prospect of having variation suppressed in the near future was found, it was presupposed that data may be able to be shared" (Mr. Son of Softbank).
It is said after an East Japan great earthquake that development was started by many requests having been brought near by Mr. Son's Twitter account from the user.
However, it was made to hear it "when it cannot do, in order to make it disappointed, it was not able to say simply, "Shall we do?"" (Mr. Son) about difficulties of development compared with the usual request.
It says, "It provides by special fee structure so that they can use [ many ], being able to be glad" (Mr. Son).
Other specifications are as follows.
As a succeeding model of the PANTONE series "the volume of total sales is 3,400,000 or more sets" (Mr. Son of SOFTBANK MOBILE), 8 colors of color variations of a case are developed.
An outside dimension is about 115x58x12 mm, and is equipped with waterproofing performance and dustproof performance equivalent to IP5X equivalent to IPX5/IPX7.
With about 3.7 type, an 854x480-pixel liquid crystal panel is carried.
It corresponds also to functions for domestic, such as one-segment broadcasting, Mobile Wallet, infrared transmission.
A software base is "Android 4.0" of the U.S. Google company.

05/29/2012 15:00 NHK news 放射能携帯発売!


 ソフトバンクモバイルは2012年5月29日、放射線量の測定機能を内蔵したスマートフォン「PANTONE5 107SH」を発表した。端末の開発はシャープが手掛けた。「小さなお子さんを持つお母さんに安心を与えたい」(同社 代表取締役社長の孫正義氏)とする。2012年夏商戦向けの新機種として、2012年7月中旬以降に発売する予定。




 その他の仕様は以下の通り。「累計販売台数が340万台以上」(ソフトバンクモバイルの孫氏)というPANTONEシリーズの後継機種として、筐体のカラー・バリエーションは8色展開。外形寸法は約115×58×12mmで、IPX5/IPX7相当の防水性能とIP5X相当の防塵性能を備える。約3.7型で、854×480画素の液晶パネルを搭載する。ワンセグやおサイフケータイ、赤外線通信などの国内向け機能にも対応する。ソフトウエア基盤は、米Google社の「Android 4.0」である。

○ The Fukushima Crisis 272 ; Refuted as follows with the tear.福島危機272 .涙の反論。

2012-05-29 12:18:52 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

Prof.Toshiso Kosako (radiation safety study) University of Tokyo graduate school "refuted as follows with the tear"
Sankei Shimbun , Asahi Shimbun

"In conformity with law, or an indicator and a manual, foundations advance the measure against a nuclear hazard as well as other disasters.
However (the prime minister), an official residence and a governmental agency make light of it, and seem to have delayed situation convergence by temporary correspondence." (Sankei Shimbun 04/30/2011)Toshiso Kosako (radiation safety study) of University of Tokyo graduate school April 29, At the press conference after criticizing nuclear power plant disaster correspondence of Kan admistration and resigning an adviser to the Cabinet Secretariat
Although Prime Minister Naoto Kan had already appointed nine persons' adviser to the Cabinet Secretariat before the occurrence of the first nuclear power plant disaster of Fukushima, after that, he appointed six still newer advisers to the Cabinet Secretariat as the dish focusing on the specialist in the above-mentioned Toshiso Kosako(it is likely to be considered as Toshiso Kosako) Mr. atomic power, and amounted between to 15 persons the all members.
An adviser to the Cabinet Secretariat is a brain on whom the prime minister and the Chief Cabinet Secretary are advised from a specialist's position about an administration problem specific with the national civil servant of part-time service [ a status ].
Generally, although the authority of the field will take the post, when the number increased, like the metaphor of "Too many cooks spoil the broth", the existing governmental agency besides the Atomic Energy Commission and friction arose, and it was apprehensive in nuclear power plant disaster correspondence and earthquake disaster restoration progressing slowly as a result from sometime past.
As it was in the utterance of the beginning, Professor Toshiso Kosakosmallness Sako criticized nuclear power plant disaster correspondence of Kan admistration severely when resigning.
Based on advice of the Nuclear Safety Commission, on April 19 especially the government, It refuted having set the interim standard of the degree of radioactive contamination in the case of school plant use of the area near the scene of an accident to "the dose of radiation of the amount sievert of 20 mm of annual contamination, and a schoolyard is below a 3.8-micro/h sievert" as follows with the tear.
"In the school of these, you should apply by the thing (even a special example a 1-mm sievert per year, a 5-mm sievert per year) near the usual radiation standard, Even though it is a watch term, it is an entire mistake that uses the numerical value which should be applied to an emergency (2 or 3 days or at most 1, about two weeks) at this time.
(Omission) Those who do the contamination close to a 20-mm sievert per year also have very few about 84,000 radiation operating pursuers of a nuclear power plant.
It is hard to accept asking a baby, a small child, and a schoolchild for this figure only from the standpoint on learning, considering my humanism." (Asahi Shimbun 05/01/2011)
Fukushima Prefecture which thought as important that Professor smallness Sako objected to the radiation standard value of the government in case a child uses a school plant, and he resigned the post of an adviser to the Cabinet Secretariat, At the revival concept meeting on following April 30, the Masao Uchibori vice-governor used [ distrust ] openly "Though it is the same administration official, if saying is different, it will not be clear anymore on the basis of what relief should be realized."
Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano declares maintaining the interim standard below the 20-mm sievert per year which is a governmental plan at the press conference on the 30th from now on as "Nuclear Safety Commission's specialist group of the official residence corresponded in general from the first in the opinion."
Prime Minister Kan about Professor smallness Sako's resignation in Lower House Budget Committee on the same day "Having resigned from the difference of a specialist's opinion is very regrettable,", An assigner did not touch on that they were the people from head Aimoto, but retorted "It corresponds based on advice of the Nuclear Safety Commission, and never considers it claptrap correspondence."
It is said that the Nuclear Safety Commission set up and advised the interim standard to the last.
Can he really feel easy about the governmental interim standard which "below a 20-mm sievert per year" carried out?
In fact, the argument about this standard value had strayed also inside the Nuclear Safety Commission.
Although there were five committee members whom the government appoints in the Nuclear Safety Commission, one of them said at an interview on April 13, "The amount of annual contamination used as the standard of school resumption (use of a school building or a schoolyard is accepted) of Fukushima Prefecture is a 10-mm sievert grade."
However, the Nuclear Safety Commission retorts on the following day, the 14th, "It was not necessarily called a 10-mm sievert as an official version."
Furthermore, the thing the committee "reduces the dose which a juvenile student etc. receive [ whether 1? 20 mm sievert will be made from now on by considering it as the standard in use judgment of a school building, schoolyards etc. such as a school, and ]" for the government on April 19, And the interim standard which makes it a main point "to be below a 3.8-micro sievert per hour in a schoolyard and a garden" was suggested, and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology released this as a standard of school plant use as it was on the same day.
The Nuclear Safety Commission which was arguing till then about whether the standard of the exposed dose of school plant use should be made below a 10-mm sievert inside, The international scientific organization which performs advice about radiological protection from a specialist's position, and the 2007 advice of ICRP (the International Commission on Radiological Protection headquarters is Stockholm) served as a backdrop finally eased below to a "20-mm sievert."
It was asking, as for less than a 20 to 100-mm sievert and after accident convergence, for less than 1 to 20 mm per year sievert to make the amount of contamination limits in which ordinary persons may be exposed to this advice in one year in emergencies, such as a nuclear power plant disaster, the range below a 1-mm sievert in the long run.
In Japan, it is considered as the former "it is below a 1-mm sievert about the amount of contamination limits to which ordinary persons may be exposed annually", and ICRP advice may be called that for which it asked so that it might treat a little more flexibly.
Although March 21 after the accident of the first nuclear power plant of Fukushima and statement "it is appropriate to the amount of annual contamination limits of the peripheral people of a nuclear power plant to whom the accident happened considering it as the range of 1 to 20-mm sievert" are issued in ICRP, It is said that it asked for this declaration so that the peripheral people of an accident nuclear power plant might not emigrate from a contaminated zone, and the Japanese government might be considered to a slight degree to residents.
It seems that this ICRP advice was not able to be disregarded as the Nuclear Safety Commission in deciding a standard value.
But the standard of ICRP advice is the amount of contamination limits about an adult to the last, and indication of Professor smallness Sako "you do not apply to the kindergartner or child who are the weak" cannot be disregarded.
Adult's amount of annual contamination limits "the ICRP standard is not taking the internal exposure of a human body into consideration.
The actual condition is that the view of the Europe radiation risk committee (ECRR) that the amount of annual contamination limits should be made below a 0.1-mm sievert" has also come out, and there is no established theory also among specialists.
Therefore, it was not unnatural that the difference of opinion is produced between the Nuclear Safety Commission, or an adviser to the Cabinet Secretariat and the Nuclear Safety Commission.
After resignation of the professor of said, although Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Minister Yoshiaki Takagi declared "It is reliable with this gentleman needle" about the interim standard of school plant use, pm Kan made the remark which reexamines a standard saying "The dose is lowered how in the certain sense, or its best must be immediately done in this as a start."
When do the whereabouts of a nuclear power plant disaster and radioactive exposure problem , fog about which the whole nation cares most now clear up?


小佐古敏荘 東大大学院教授(放射線安全学)

「原子力災害対策も他の災害と同様に法律や指針、マニュアルにのっとって進めるのが基本だ。しかし(首相)官邸および行政機関はそれを軽視し、その場限りの対応で事態収束を遅らせているように見える」 (産経新聞04/30/2011)
小佐古敏荘 東大大学院教授(放射線安全学)








 それまで内部で学校施設利用の被曝線量の目安を、10ミリシーベルト以下にすべきかどうか議論していた原子力安全委員会が、最終的に「20ミリシーベルト以下」に緩和した背景には、専門家の立場から放射線防護に関する勧告をおこなう国際学術組織、ICRP(国際放射線防護委員会 本部はストックホルム)の2007年勧告があった。この勧告は、原発事故などの緊急時に一般の人が1年間で浴びてもよい被曝限度量を、20~100ミリシーベルト以内、事故収束後は年1~20ミリシーベルト以内、長期的には1ミリシーベルト以下の範囲にするよう求めていたものだった。




○ laughing common sense 笑うジョーシキ

2012-05-28 09:08:07 | ♪ちょっぴりジョークJOKE

01/22/2006のre-up version
Untill 18yrs common sense u've gotten is fake.
(Albert Einstein)

i think every lifelong common sense is fake.

○ The Fukushima Crisis 271; This is the Real Trick.福島危機271.トリック!!!

2012-05-27 14:39:27 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

People and the world are deceived using the trick of a number! The numerical value Bq of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fishery/kg is Nantes 1/150 of numerical Bq/m2 in the world.
Trick of the number about which we are anxious which the Disney amusement park in Chiba, etc. should enter and should restrict them
Spotlight Japan 11:00 on 05/15/2012
The trick of the number announced
This trick differs from the trick of sk8board.
Different units from an international standard are used in the government which wants to estimate as low as possible the influence of the 1st nuclear power plant disaster of Fukushima, or mass media.
If it converts into an international standard,
Many contaminated zones of a level specified as the "entry restraining area" by the Chernobyl accident are generally seen also in the Kanto whole place.
Is the unit of contamination capacity or area?
If overseas information has been referred to, it understands, but the soil pollution of a certain area is denoted by Bq/m2, and a becquerel / m2 (square meter).
With for example, the Chernobyl nuclear power plant disaster,
Entry of a pregnant woman and a child was forbidden to the area two of 37,000Bq/m.
Although the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology and the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries of Japan have also announced soil pollution data, in many cases, units are a becquerel/kg.
It is because this gentleman can display a number small.
Moreover, although the numerical value was taken out with the Chernobyl accident, having stripped off topsoil to a depth of 5 cm and having applied this to the inspection, at the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries of Japan, the stopgap measures of skinning to a depth of 15 cm are taken.
Naturally by extracting and mixing even the ground in which cesium has not permeated, a numerical value becomes small.
If it reconverts into a global standard, the numerical value of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fishery will go up about 150 times.
Also a pregnant-woman child's off-limits level
For example, 260 Bq/kg contamination is found in the field in Funabashi-shi, Chiba.
Urayasu where Funabashi has Tokyo Disneyland -- it is next immediately.
It will be set to about 39,000 Bq/m2 if it converts into the global standard kg in 260 Bq /.
Although the level to which entry of a pregnant woman and a child was restricted by the Chernobyl accident is exceeded, in Japan, people resided and many tourists containing a child and a pregnant woman are visiting in the area.
Is it good now?
It is review of a ---trick.
In the Chernobyl nuclear power plant disaster, the area of 37000 Bq/m2 is an off-limits zone of a pregnant woman or a child.
Although it thought by Bq/kg and Bq/m2/, "Something don't be different" ... a number changes also 150 times...
This serious happening !
Let's keep it in mind.
from now on [ all ], it will increase 150 times and will think --

---Chiba Prefecture Analytical value of radioactive cesium in farmland soil
The cesium sum total of the value (Bq/kg) which made 11/05/2011 the date of record
Kashiwa 570
Abiko 650 and 720 Shiroi 800
Matsudo 520
Ichikawa 610
Yachiyo 630
Sakae 720
Even if it sees roughly in not less than 500Bq/kg, it is this much.
If it is not less than 260Bq/kg of a control area for radiation, the city of Nagareyama, Kanzaki, Katori, Inzai, Kamagaya, Tako, Funabashi, and Hitoshi Sakura is checked.


懸念される数字のトリック 千葉の遊園地なども立ち入り制限すべきです。
スポットライトJapan 2012年5月15日 11:00 


このトリックはsk8board のトリックとは違います。














150倍も数字が変わるなんて・・・Σ(゜Д゜ノ)ノ おおぉぉぉぉ~・・・知らなかった



ーーー千葉県 農地土壌中の放射性セシウムの分析値より


柏 570
我孫子 650とか720
白井 800
松戸 520
市川 610
八千代 630
栄 720


○ The Fukushima Crisis 270; ""1 mm sievert and the 20-mm sievert ""福島危機270. 1mmSv と20mmSv

2012-05-26 12:14:34 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

05/25/2012 19:43
""1 mm sievert and the 20-mm sievert ""
nuclear power plant disaster
The Chernobyl law for establishing the right of bill presentation, refuge even in Japan
Dr. Alexander Verkin.
= 05/17/2012, the Adachi-ku labor welfare hall.
In Russia, by the "Chernobyl law", the amount area of contamination more than 1 mm per year sievert is appointed at "the right area of migration (refuge)", and support of work, a dwelling, medicine, and food is offered to a residents person and each refuge person.
Speaking of 1 mm per year sievert area (0.23-micro sievert per hour) *, the whole is over it mostly in Japan rather than existing across East Japan.
It was engaged in the convergence work of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant disaster which occurred in 1986, and Dr. Alexander Verkin (born in 1953) who exerted himself for establishment of the "Chernobyl law" gave [ last ] a lecture in the Adachi-ku labor welfare hall on the 20th.
The residents of the right area of the migration provided by the Chernobyl law receive the following compensation?
An extra is given in 1, the additional medical security (an annual medical examination, the free supply of a medicine, etc.) 2 by a national burden, the sanatorium medical treatment (recreation) in a non-polluted zone and the additional vacation 3, the extended vacation 4 outside the inhabitable area to a pregnant woman, and the moon the payment 5 of 100 U.S. dollars (the object for health enhancement, for additional food), and 30% of pensions.
"About the annual dose of "the right area of migration", it had an intense discussion those days.
Dr. Alexander VerkinMr. says, "It fought with the nuclear power plant group of promoters which is going to carry out a standard more than 5 mm per year sievert, and he gained more than 1 mm per year sievert."
Although the nuclear power plant worker's health impairment occurred one after another, there was no support by a country after a Chernobyl accident.
Around 1989, in order that nuclear plant workers might take the lead and might protect their right, the alliance was established, and it was added in quest of the improvement of support also with insufficient residents.
The Chernobyl method was enacted in this way in 1991.
That it was advanced-like makes the area of the amount of contamination more than 1 mm per year sievert "the right zone of migration", the resident himself makes a decision of the existence of migration, and a country is the point made into duty to compensate also to which of a residents person and a refuge person.
However, also although it is called Russia of "the right advanced nations " of "migration", it has the problem.
Dr. Alexander Verkin says, "The point which there is nothing and was considered as the allowance in kind only by money is good."
It is "the body using [ although it was money provision at the beginning, if it is money ] it all, to vodka."
It became the Putin Administration and the problem of compensation aggravated further.
In 2004 and afterwards, law was changed and budgets were also reduced.
It is changed into money provision and has become too much few frames for continuing receiving the service received before from the allowance in kind.
It becomes impossible to receive an equivalent compensation and it is said that many people are in pain.
Dr. Alexander Verkin looked up at the air to the question "the health condition of nuclear plant workers' after that is ?."
"The friend who worked together has those who have an A4 paperful of illness."
Now, the Japanese version Chernobyl method is going to be deliberated in Parliament.
Lawyer Satoshi Oshiro of "the lawyer network (SAFLAN) which protects the children of Fukushima" explained.
"Although hardly taken and taken up in a report, three bills are submitted to the House of Councilors by legislation by House members now.
From governing party and the Democratic Party, it is a bill nearer to the Chernobyl method.
The bill into which the ? opposition Liberal Democratic Party, everybody's party, and Social Democratic Party put power by a child's main protection.
Opposition party and the Komei Party are the bills about a main medical examination."
"The lawmaker who took the lead and created the bill is so eager that a politician is surprised with whether it works like this.
However, since there is also an uninterested lawmaker who does not want to pass a bill, it is important how we back up.
Therefore, the present signatures are collected.
Doesn't the voice of the citizen who desires this bill become big power?"
Lawyer Oshiro emphasized.
In Russia, if it is more than 5 mm per year sievert, "the area where a duty of migration is imposed" is set up.
If Japan is less than 20 mm per year sievert, it supposes "It can live."
In the posture of the government which tries to protect people from contamination, it is a great difference.
The difference of the both sides is so unusual that it is surprising.
In particular, in Japan, this 20-mm sievert is applied to weak children to radioactivity.
Children are not the nuclear power plant devotion workers in case of a nuclear power plant disaster.
Dr. Alexander Verkin puts power, saying "The "Chernobyl law" enacted over five years in the Soviet Union is wishing what is enacted early in Japan", and he says.
The dose of 0.04 Sv from nature and the additional exposed dose of 0.19 Sv by a nuclear power plant disaster were added.
If it assumes that it passes in 8 hours, the outdoors, and 16 hours of frame buildings, a 1-mm sievert will be exceeded in one year.
(Ministry of Environment HP)
The lawyer network which protects the children of SAFLAN, Dr. Alexander Verkin, the Chernobyl method, Russia, and Fukushima, the right of migration, and the right of refuge.

05/25/2012 19:43


» 原発災害









 ただ、"「移住の権利先進国」" のロシアといえども問題を抱えている。











SAFLAN, アレキサンドル・ヴェリキン, チェルノブイリ法, ロシア, 福島の子供たちを守る法律家ネットワーク, 移住の権利, 避難の権利.

○ The Fukushima Crisis 269 This media silence is the Nazi gas chamber.福島危機269.ナチスのガス室

2012-05-25 08:24:02 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

Fukushima Forever
Posted by Mark Sircus - Director on 21 May 2012 | Filed under World Affairs


In the first week after Fukushima, this physicist genius called for a massive international effort to bury the entire nuclear complex to protect as much as possible the human race from nuclear contamination. Dr. Michio Kaku said early on that “Tepco utility people are outclassed and overwhelmed and should be removed from their positions and that we would see increases in leukemias and thyroid cancers from the massive amounts of radioactive iodine being released.”

Now he is weighing in with the threat from the spent-fuel pool in reactor building No. 4 in focus saying, “People don’t realize that the Fukushima reactor is on a knife’s edge; it’s near the tipping point. A small earthquake, another pipe break, another explosion could tip it over and we could have a disaster much worse, many times worse than Chernobyl. It’s like a sleeping dragon.”

Kaku explains that just in the last few weeks it has been reported to some degree that Units 2, 3 and 4 have been shown to be in a very dire situation. Unit 2 is completely liquefied, something that’s never been seen in the history of nuclear power, a 100% liquefaction of a uranium core. Unit 4, on the other hand, has an even worse problem as it’s a spent-fuel pond that is totally uncovered because of a hydrogen explosion that took place last year.

The issue of planetary contamination is more important than the economic crisis the media is covering, which threatens to go into its own kind of meltdown. Economies grow and collapse as civilizations rise and fall. There have always been the good times when life is sweet and the bad times when human savages must have their wars or when Nature decides to have her way with us or when the elite bankers’ monetary games run through their cycles.

What are our chances of this nuclear nightmare going away?

Things are so bad at Fukushima that, “Humans cannot come close to certain parts of the reactor site and even robots get fried. They’re delicate machinery; their micro-circuitry cannot withstand the intense bombardment of radiation,” reports Kaku.

And yesterday, Sunday the 20th, we read:

6.0 magnitude earthquake strikes off the coast of Japan

While all of this is happening the controlled media is silent. They prefer to let us know about snakes in Walmart rather than about the terrible threat from Japan and from all other nuclear power stations that have been built on top of fault lines, which are now being threatened with increasing seismic activity. So many of the world’s reactors have been built on fault lines―you really have to start wondering about the intelligence of the human race.

This media silence is a devastating one―so much so that if described properly it would curdle one’s soul. It is so disgusting that the only image that compares is the Nazi gas chamber, but this one is big enough for 40 million people. The elite are allowing the people of Tokyo’s greater metropolis area to fry their cells in a nuclear inferno. Well, “where are they going to go anyway?” is no excuse for not informing us accurately on what we have to weather in terms of nuclear contamination.

This mysterious black substance five times more radioactive than the Chernobyl-Belarus mandatory evacuation zone was discovered four kilometers from the center of Tokyo, the Hirai Station. At the same time we see that cesium in Fukushima prefecture is 122 times higher than in Belarus evacuation zone. The Fukushima Diary reported on Sunday (May 20, 2012) that Koichi Oyama, a member of the city council of Minamisoma in the prefecture of Fukushima, has measured unusually high levels of cesium 134 and 137 in the soil of his city.

We Were in Trouble Anyway
Without enough money, the nuclear industry will destroy the human race because there is no way on this side of the Milky Way they can store nuclear waste and no way to mothball old nuclear reactors. Chernobyl already needs a new protection building that will easily cost one or two billion dollars―money that will be hard to come by.

Some people may recall in the movie Planet of the Apes―the original one where Charlton Heston finds out he is on earth and that mankind had destroyed itself―he sees the Statue of Liberty stuck in the sand. We might reach that state for a number of reasons but the one that is staring down on us particularly hard at this moment is Fukushima. The No. 4 reactor building that houses spent-fuel pool No. 4 is leaning, cracking and falling apart due to the almost constant earthquakes,[1] open-air radiation releases, and the weight of the water in the pool, which sits high up in the air on the third floor, leaving humanity Hanging by a Thread.

The chances of the building falling due to another major earthquake is high. People have been grossly misinformed about the tragedy at Fukushima and its consequences. There is a continuing cover up, the reactors have not been stabilized, and radiation continues to be released. Fukushima and reactor No. 4’s spent-nuclear-fuel pool are threatening the world.


The vital and important static maps based on real time tabulations of the Norwegian Institute of Air Research pertaining to potential releases of radiation from the Fukushima plant were closed down soon after they showed the northern hemisphere was covered with radioactive xenon. The Atmospheric and Climate Change Department at the Norwegian Institute for Air Research (NILU) gave no reason why the vital monitoring service had been discontinued.

Actually they did not stop their work. Thereafter they continued publishing but with a secret file name Zardoz,[2] which is the name of a movie where Sean Connery played a mutant on a nuclear-contaminated world in the far future. He was employed by an elite class of people who lived in a protected dome to go out and kill other mutants who lived in the exposed environment. Is this the future coming to us today? One has to assume that this is exactly what they are previewing and why they chose that file name. The Norwegian Institute just published a report stating that the Fukushima disaster released twice as much radiation as initially estimated.

It is said that radioactive cesium attaches to muscle cells, including heart cells, and is causing an increase in heart attacks, including heart attacks in young[3] and otherwise healthy athletes who do a lot of cycling and running outdoors. The heart only replaces 1-2% of its cells per year, so it would be more vulnerable to radioactivity than other cells.[4] We already know this is the case with mercury and that athletes have fallen over dead and have been found to have mercury levels 10,000 times higher in their heart tissues. There have also been increases in infant mortality that started immediately after the disaster.

“Infant mortality is the most sensitive indicator of radioactive pollution,” says Leuren Moret.[5] Moret reported that when the nuclear plant at Rancho Seco was shut down, children’s mortality rate dropped 20%, and when the Diablo Canyon plant was turned on, the local population was exposed to enough radiation to drive up the childhood cancer rates in the local area by 80%.

Nuclear expert Arnie Gundersen is saying that radioactive rain-outs will continue for a year―even in Western U.S. and Canada―because the Japanese are burning radioactive materials. Gundersen says that this radioactivity ends up not only in neighboring prefectures, but also in Hawaii, British Columbia, Oregon, Washington and California. Gunderson warns of radioactive air, water, and soil that are going to affect the entire northern hemisphere if not the entire world. Leuren Moret says she has documented 100,000 excess American deaths since the Fukushima disaster, based on CDC data.[6]

Fukushima radiation has taken over our planet.
Leuren Moret

Radioactive iodine, cesium, strontium, plutonium, uranium, and a host of other fission products have been coming directly from Japan to the west coast for 13 months with no sign that it will stop.

It’s simply not a good time to be gambling with the safety of our loved ones―with the possibility of a greater explosion at the Japanese nuclear power station with a resultant massive release of radiation that travels far and wide across our planet. We have to learn about natural detoxification and chelation protocols for ourselves and our children and we have to prepare ourselves spiritually, for it is not going to be a picnic surviving the 21st century.

The best solution to radiation poisoning, some have said, is to raise the vibrational level of the person higher than the level of the radiation. Makes some sense but the great question, if true, is how to do that. How do we raise our vibration that makes it more difficult to tear our cells apart with nuclear particles and the energy they put off?

Re-mineralization actually would be the most basic way of changing the frequency of our bodies. When our bodies lack in minerals our cells become like Swiss cheese―full of holes―spaces that heavy metals and radioactive particles just love to fill up. That is why I am recommending strong dosages of organic sulfur, iodine, sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) and magnesium to fill up those holes.

Another way to change frequency that naturalists have long known is to go on a long juice or water fast. Personally I solar gaze when the clouds do not block the sunrise. Doctors might be surprised when I say that the best medicine (besides water) is love and that a wide open heart that radiates out its love is the strongest way of us changing ourselves vibrationally. That’s why I wrote HeartHealth.

Special Note: I am writing a book titled Water Medicine and it’s going to be important to filter our water better and to raise its alkalinity. I have found what I believe to be the very best water in the entire world and that water is available from none other than Paul Mason who is otherwise known as the magnesium librarian. I cannot say enough about his water because it delivers the highest levels of magnesium and bicarbonate in the healthiest form of “magnesium bicarbonate,” which is most difficult to find in liquid form except in the sea. Hospitals should be buying this water by the truckload!

Summing It Up
Fukushima will be stamped on the collective soul of humanity forever. It is a terrible moment for the lot of us but we parents have a special pain to embrace. In my last post, Fear and Courage, I deal with the emotional and feeling side of this catastrophe.

Michio Kaku sums up the Fukushima situation saying, “In regards to Unit 3, we found where we thought there was 33 ft. of water above the core. We put a TV camera in Units 2 and 3. We have TV pictures of the core; Unit 2 is completely liquefied, Unit 3 does not have 33 ft. of water on top of it, it has two feet of water. Two feet of water, not 33, meaning that the core is completely or partially covered, meaning it could liquefy. So between Units 2, which is completely liquefied, Units 3, which is totally exposed, and Unit 4, which has 1,500 spent-fuel rods that, in principle, are exposed to the outside environment, we have a catastrophe in the making.”

[1] It may take at least 100 years before aftershocks from the March 11, 2011 quake along the boundaries of Fukushima and Ibaraki prefectures subside, a recent study reveals. http://enenews.com/kyoto-professor-100-years-of-aftershocks-in-fukushima-relatively-close-to-daiichi-may-also-affect-volcanic-activity-in-the-area

[2] “It has been reported at several websites that both NILU and the EPA were pressured to discontinue testing―or at least to discontinue publication of the test results. The ‘pressure’ has been variously attributed to the U.S. government, the Japanese government and the United Nations, although I have seen no hard evidence to substantiate any of those claims. NILU began to publish more recent and updated historical maps in an alternate hidden file it code-named Zardoz, after the 1970’s sci-fi film about a post-apocalyptic future.” http://planetoceannews.com/category/fukushima/

[3] http://enenews.com/expert-beware-fukushima-radiation-causing-deadly-heart-problems-children-kids-already-suffering-heart-attacks-locals-affected-areas-video

[4] http://www.llrc.org/epidemiology/subtopic/caesiumheart.pdf

[5] The Kiss of Death: Nuclear Weapons Stealth Takeover 5 Admirals, U.C. Regents, Carlyle Group and Rand; LeurenMoret; http://hanson.gmu.edu/PAM/press2/GlobalResearch-8-7-05.htm

[6] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_mudMjxSaZA

 05/21/2012 Dr.Michio Kaku
ミチオ・カク(加來 道雄、Michio Kaku、1947年1月24日 - )は日系アメリカ人(3世)の理論物理学者、作家。専門は素粒子論、とくに超弦理論。
1968年ハーバード大学卒業。1972年カリフォルニア大学バークレー校のローレンス・バークレー国立研究所より博士号を取得。 1973年プリンストン大学講師を経て、25年以上ニューヨーク市立大学シティカレッジ物理学部教授として教鞭をとる。現在は同大学教授の他、プリンストン大学とニューヨーク大学の講師。


on Dr.MarkSircus's blog. 05/21/2012によって|

そして昨日 05/21/2012 に、私たちは次のものを読みます:




「乳児死亡率は放射能汚染の最多の感受性指標です」とLeuren Moretが言います。[5]モレは、Secoの原子力発電所が閉鎖された時子どもの死亡率が20%増えると報告しました、そしていつ、ディアブロ峡谷、植える、つけられた、80%ずつ地方のエリアで小児癌割合を押し上げるために、地元住民は十分な放射線にさらされました。
核のエキスパートのArnie Gundersenは、放射能雨アウトが日本人が焼いている時、
Leuren Moret は、彼女がCDCのデータに基づいて、福島災害以来100,000人の超過のアメリカ人の殺害を記録したと言います。[6]
Leuren Moret


Michio Kakuは福島状況発言を要約します。「ユニット3に対する考慮では、私たちは、33フィートの水が炉心上にあることを知りました。
[1] 2011年3月11日からの余震が福島と茨城の県の境界に沿って震動する前に、少なくとも100年かかるかもしれません、おさまる、最近の研究は明らかにします。
[2] 「少なくともテスト結果のpublishを中止するためにtesting中止するために、圧力がNILUとEPAの両方に加えられたことは、いくつかのウェブサイトで報告されました。
[3] ufferingする心臓発作地元住民影響を受けたhttp://enenews.com/expert-beware-fukushima-radiation-causing-deadly-heart-problems-children-kids-already-s - area.video.
[4] http://www.llrc.org/epidemiology/subtopic/caesiumheart.pdf
[5] 破滅のもと:
The Kiss of Death: Nuclear Weapons Stealth Takeover 5 Admirals, U.C. Regents, Carlyle Group and Rand;
[6] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_mudMjxSaZA

Related posts:

Fukushima Japan
Fukushima on Steroids
Fukushima Will Not Go Away
6 Responses to “Fukushima Forever”

Margie Kronewitter says:
May 24, 2012 at 2:34 am
Wanted to pass on a Discovery. I’ve been taking Zeolite POWDER for Detox & Radiation. Event occurred that made me Grit my Teeth during sleep. (Mold) My tooth started throbbing. I packed it with the clay and throbbing went away. It also worked for a friend whos upper lip was swelling from his teeth. Next day, his pain was Gone & it continued to heal. zeohealth.com
Thank you again for sharing your Wisdom & Knowledge. Aloha nui loa~

End of the World We Know | Dr. Mark's Blog says:
May 23, 2012 at 11:46 am
[...] business and financial community is not paying attention to what is happening in Fukushima and how that alone will ruin the plans of mice and [...]

Margie Kronewitter says:
May 22, 2012 at 2:06 pm
Mahalo, Thank You & Blessings, Dr. Mark.
How is Sancutuary? Any new Refugees? I’m a passionate gardener… love my Earthworms. My Organic farmer Friend in Northern Cal is posting pics of Dandylions with several heads on the flowers & lumpy lemons. Seems normal on Maui… which is abnormal to start. LOLove Ya.

Greg Lake, Columbia, TN says:
May 22, 2012 at 11:23 am
The radiation exposure live map is showing Europe and North Africa with the cloud plume advancing from North America. I am not aware of any excessive radiation being emitted from North America. I don’t understand this graphic!

Louis says:
May 22, 2012 at 1:33 am
I monitor the radiation levels here in Belgium. On sunday 20th the levels shot up 20 % for about 3 hours. A “little” radioactive cloud due to the earth quake at East Coast Of Honshu, Japan?

drew says:
May 21, 2012 at 10:42 pm
Sounds like it is going to go into to complete failure to me, and blast everyone on the pacific rim out of existence and then creep over the rest of the planet and starve the rest of the population out of existence. So do the elite have a way of repairing the earth and themselves that we are not aware of? Are they off world as some are saying, do they have summer houses on Mars? Remember the old saying “Don’t poop were you eat”
Well there is a lot of pooping going on and the planet is being soiled to then extent that is unbelievable to the point of feeling like we are all in a really nasty twilight zone movie.
Dr Sircus help!

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○ The Fukushima Crisis 268 ; Near Rokkasho RPP,Big temblor Occurs福島危機268.青森県で危ない地震発生

2012-05-24 10:55:14 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

05/24/2012 00:02. NHK news.
'The earthquake of magnitude 6.0 on the Richter scale is generating in Aomori Prefecture.'
It is the focus around generating time 00:02 on May 24, 2012. The offing of the Aomori east
Latitude The 41.3 north latitude
Longitude A 142.1 east longitude magnitude 6.0 depth of 50 kilometers
The maximum seismic intensity is Tohoku-cho. Upper 5 on the Japanese intensity scale.
It is 35.1 km when you follow a road from Tohokumachi, Kamikita-gun, Aomori-ken to Rokkasho-mura, Kamikita-gun, Aomori-ken.
It is 18.4 kilometers in distance in a straight line.

How much spent nuclear fuel does Rokkasho-mura have?
Tokyo Shimbun 03/09/2012
Although the safety of the nuclear power plant is maintained by the container of a nuclear reactor and its outside, if it is in the place high again in an outside building and a building breaks like [ this time ] the first nuclear power plant disaster of Fukushima, the pool in which spent nuclear fuel is stored becomes being weather-beaten, and will be in a very dangerous state.
The spent-nuclear-fuel pool of No. 4 dries up, and it is referred to as having been that a lot of radioactive materials are emitted that the U.S. was also most worried in the accident this time.
"According to Federation of Electric Power Companies, the storage capacity of the spent-nuclear-fuel pool of all the nuclear power plants is 20,630 tons.
Among these, about 70 percent is buried and, as for the remainder, only the amount of 6400 tons are.
The spent fuel generated when all the nuclear power plants usually pass and operate is 1000 tons per year.
it is the calculation which fills with about six years -- the reprocessing facility of Aomori Rokkasho-mura which has received the spent nuclear fuel of each nuclear power plant from 1999 also amounts to 2860 tons, and and a limit (3000 tons) press for it. " (Tokyo Shimbun 03/09/2012)

●3 source : The construction stop appeal secretariat of a Rokkasho reprocessing plant
Japan Congress against A- and H-Bombs http://www.gensuikin.org
Citizens' Nuclear Information Center http://cnic.jp/rokkasho/

-The Rokkasho reprocessing plant is unnecessary!
A reprocessing plant is a factory for taking out plutonium out of the nuclear fuel burned once in the nuclear power plant (nuclear power plant).
In Japan, the "nuclear fuel cycle policy" which uses the taken-out plutonium as a nuclear fuel again has been advanced.
Therefore, by Aomori Rokkasho-mura, the large-scale reprocessing plant which produces about 8 tons of plutonium in one year is under construction.
A reprocessing plant is the worst nuclear facility that discharges dangerous radioactivity.
In Europe, radioactivity, such as plutonium sprinkled around the reprocessing plant, is checked also from the bird, the fish, the plant, and the human body.
Moreover, if a big accident happens in a reprocessing plant, radioactivity will spread all over Japan.
Let's stop operation of a factory before soiling the rich nature of Aomori by radioactivity!

Fast breeder reactor Monju which uses plutonium as fuel causes a big accident, and is still stopping it in 1995.
Then, the plutonium thermal use which uses plutonium in an ordinary nuclear power plant hurriedly was planned in the Takahama nuclear power plant (Fukui Prefecture), the first nuclear power plant (Fukushima Prefecture) of Fukushima, and the Kashiwazaki Kariwa nuclear power plant (Niigata Prefecture).
However, by local [ each ], the state where opposite voice is strong and the plan stopped continues from the uneasiness to the danger of using plutonium fuel in the nuclear power plant for uranium fuel, etc.

Use of plutonium does not progress at all but the surplus state continues.
There is no necessity of newly building the Rokkasho reprocessing plant.
Plutonium is not needed! Reprocessing which will be stopped all together!
The Rokkasho reprocessing plant is at a quick pace, and construction is following it.
The huge pool (3000 tons) for storing spent fuel is already completed, and fuel is conveyed from the nuclear power plant in Japan.
Although a factory main part is a schedule of the June, 2005 completion, the functional examination of the process is already started.
From July, 2003, the examination using spent fuel is further planned in uranium.
If a radioactive material enters in a process, not only a process but the whole factory will be polluted by radioactivity.
It which applies a stop to a plutonium production plant without necessity is also a subject with pressing stopping, before a factory is polluted.
The whole country from Aomori to plutonium and others cannot be found! Let's collect the voice of the citizen ! and stop reprocessing factory planning.
The factory construction costs and final expense which continue swelling are 10 trillion yen or more?
The whole expense of the Rokkasho reprocessing plant plan is not clear even now.
Only factory construction costs were released and the price of the time of a business application (1989) was 760 billion yen at the beginning.
However, though drastic reduction of institutions will be performed in 96, construction costs are continuing the about 3 times as many jumps with 2,140 billion unusual yen in 1,880 billion yen, 2.5 times of expense, and 99 at the beginning.
In addition to construction costs, operating costs, such as an institution repairing cost and personnel expenses, the dismantlement cost of institutions, the processing expense of the generated transuranic waste, etc. are needed from now on, and if the total amount of a plan amounts to 10 trillion yen or more, Federation of Electric Power Companies is making the trial calculation (2002).
Therefore, the call for the Rokkasho factory planning freeze is going up also from people who promote a nuclear power plant.
If a plan progresses as it is, all of such expenses will become every citizen's burden in the form of an electricity bill.

-Reprocessing increases waste!
The government and an electric power company are advertizing saying "The quantity of waste becomes less by reprocessing."
This is a big lie.
If surely the spent fuel of a high level is used as vitrified wastes, it will become small, but the huge radioactive waste of a low level occurs simultaneously with it.
The quantity is about 40 times in about 15 times and the Tokai reprocessing plant in Japan compared with the original spent fuel in Usine de retraitement de la Hague in France.
Even in the Rokkasho reprocessing plant, if a trial calculation is made from a business application, generating of about 7 times as many radioactive waste is expected.
Moreover, there is also effluence of the everyday radioactivity to the empty and the sea it is not considered that are wastes.
Furthermore, after operation of a factory, the whole institution will be radioactive waste.
If these are included, a reprocessing plant also has the trial calculation value of producing about 200 times as much waste compared with the original spent fuel.
These are all the wastes which are not generated if reprocessing is not performed.
A reprocessing plant "will give off the radioactivity for nuclear power plant one year in one day" off.
spent fuel is a lump of huge radioactivity, and continues giving off very powerful radiation which will die instantly if man approaches, and high heat .
A reprocessing plant makes such dangerous spent fuel cuts, and are plutonium and a huge chemical factory which it burns and divides into the remaining uranium and a fallout (fission product) using a lot of chemicals.
Therefore, even if it is not an accident, if a lot of [ daily ] radioactivity is not emitted, it cannot operate.
From a huge exhaust pipe, gas-like radioactivity, such as tritium including krypton, iodine, and carbon, is emitted into the atmosphere.
From the injection hole of the sea discharge pipe of 3 km of Rokkasho-mura offings, all kinds of radioactivity is mixed with waste fluid, and tritium, iodine, cobalt, strontium, cesium, plutonium, etc. are thrown away into the sea.
Although removal of krypton and tritium was planned in the original plan of the Rokkasho factory, it is abandoned from an economical reason and the whole quantity is emitted.
Childhood leukemia occurs frequently on the outskirts of a reprocessing plant of English and the Buddha.
From Europe where the reprocessing plant is already operated for 30 years or more, the influence on the environmental pollution by huge radioactive release and a human body has been reported.
On the outskirts of Usine de retraitement de la Hague, the report that the development-of-symptoms rate of childhood leukemia reached by the about 3 times France average was announced, and the motion which regulates operation and radioactive release of a reprocessing plant has come out.
If the Irish Sea polluted by the radioactivity from Sellafield Reprocessing Plant of Britain is traveled, it has developed into the situation where the Ireland government on the opposite shore appeals against the British government.
The government of many countries in western Europe is asking to stop operation of the reprocessing plant of the U.K. and the FR., in order to prevent the radioactive contamination beyond this.
We are anxious about the influence on the environmental pollution and human body in the circumference of the Rokkasho reprocessing plant, and "cancer investigation of the Aomori child cancer etc." is conducted from 1999 even in Aomori Prefecture.
The whole country from Aomori to plutonium and others cannot be found! Let's collect the voice of the citizen !
and stop factory planning.
●3 above.

With the reprocessing facility of Aomori Rokkasho-mura which has received 2860 tons of the above-mentioned spent nuclear fuel of each nuclear power plant to distance in a straight line
The earthquake registering upper 5 on the Japanese intensity scale (about [ as the seismic intensity of Tokyo of an East Japan great earthquake / same ] 5) occurred by 18.4-kilometer Tohokumachi.
It is a very near distance like Tokyo Station to Kawasaki Ikegami-Honmonji.
It is dangerous if destruction of structures, such as a building, or crack cracks takes place.

05/24/2012 00:02. NHK news.

'青森県でマグニチュード 6.0の地震が発生 '

● 1
発生時刻 2012年05月24日 00時02分ごろ
震源 青森県東方沖
緯度 北緯 41.3度
経度 東経 142.1度
マグニチュード 6.0
深さ 50km
最大震度は東北町で 震度5強。

道路を行くと 35.1km。直線距離で 18.4km です。

● 2
六ヶ所村に、使用済み核燃料がどのくらいあるか? 東京新聞03/09/2012


●3 source六ヶ所再処理工場の建設中止アピール事務局
 原水爆禁止日本国民会議 http://www.gensuikin.org
 原子力資料情報室 http://cnic.jp/rokkasho/






















●3 above.

18.4kilometer の東北町で震度5強(東日本大震災の東京の震度と同じ5強)の地震が起きました。東京駅から川崎市の池上本門寺あたりの極めて近い距離です。


○ The Fukushima Crisis 267 ; The electric power Shortage dis summer.福島危機267.原発電力は要らない

2012-05-23 11:40:05 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

The electric power shortage situation and nuclear power plant re-operation problem of this summer of the Kansai Electric Power.

The nuclear generating station's electricity is unneeded.

05/20/2012 TV Asahi "morning bird" and Tokyo Shimbun Morning paper
O TV Asahi "it is shortage of "5% suddenly in "14.9% of shortage" 05 / 16 to enter in the stage in April from the morning bird " in "16.3% of shortage" May"

The situation may turn to, in which too much of the indifference is perceived and "the electric power shortage campaign of this summer" in the Kansai Electric Power pipe by the Kansai Electric Power and major company mass media goes to a setback.
About the electric power shortage in the Kansai Electric Power , in the stage in April, if it will enter in May, what was considered as "16.3% of shortage" will begin to carry out the decrease of fine, as it was called "14.9% of shortage", and it serves as the "absurd announcement" "5% of shortage" suddenly 05/16/2012.
If it says, the high numerical value of "16.3%" will be shown without the Kansai Electric Power's conspiring with the government and extracting wisdom to the improvement of electric power supply and demand properly, It was going to threaten people in order "to nuclear power plant re-work", but this does not work, but has the "wrong nature" of electric power trial calculation pointed out from all directions, and it is forced to correct this.
By the way, although it is this "electric power shortage campaign of summer" of a series of, While being introduced as a comment of "Yoshito Sengoku" with the following Tokyo Shimbun reports, in fact as the Kansai Electric Power staffs are also doing vomit "supply-and-demand problems", There is nothing, and since a nuclear power plant becomes a "property => debt" in the balance sheet of an electric power company if a nuclear power plant is not re-worked, it is "real intention" that a "nuclear power reactor fadeout" is impossible on business accounting.
That is, the government and the Kansai Electric Power are planning that business accounting of the electric power company which are one private enterprises makes priority give over the Japanese's safety.
ref. "the calm judgment of the people increasingly escalation asked for the electric power shortage campaign " of "summer towards Oi nuclear power plant re-operation."
<> Inside of the Kansai Electric Power "the increase of electric power is possible" Democratic joint session It is verification committe report. Doubt 05/17/2012 Tokyo Shimbun Morning paper
The Democratic Party held the second joint session by two task forces which are summarizing the proposal opposite to support about nuclear power plant re-operation, respectively on the 16th.
The opinion about which it argues about the report of the supply-and-demand verification committee of the government which made the electric power supply and demand projection of this summer insufficient [ 14.9% ] within the Kansai Electric Power pipe and which it doubts "Whether it can accumulate a production of electricity further" succeeded one another.
Mr. Hiroshi Kawauchi who is opposed to nuclear power plant re-operation asks a question "Whether although it was computing based on the past power generation track record, the flow of the river which can actually be used was accumulated for every plant" about the amount of water-power generation.
Since it answered that the person in charge of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry which was attending the meeting was not checking, he asked for re-verification noting that Mr. Kawauchi's production of electricity might increase.
Mr. Kaname Tajima who admits nuclear power plant re-operation also indicated about the pumped hydro power generation generated with the water pumped up at night, "Can be whether a production of electricity increased more (pumping is increased)?"
From another present lawmaker, there were a new thermal power plant which is planning the test run, and an opinion with whether it should add to a production of electricity.
The acting Yoshito Sengoku chairman of the Policy Research Council which has participated in the meeting of Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda who does political judgment of the right or wrong of re-operation, and three cabinet members on the other hand asks for an utterance himself. "if the nuclear power reactor fadeout of the supply-and-demand problem is carried out [ not re-working ] independently, a nuclear power plant will become a debt from property.
It was emphasized on business accounting that a nuclear power reactor fadeout was impossible immediately."
Tokyo Shimbun.

A quoting agency: http://anago.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/bizplus/1337417639/
1 Name : Right Stuff OPhi *:2012/05/19 (Sat.) 17:53:59.58 ID :.

"The government is dreadful of this summer being overcome without atomic power.
if it can overcome without a nuclear power plant -- " -- a nuclear power plant is unneeded too -- it is not -- the public opinion of the nuclear power reactor fadeout "increases.

For the government, what wants to work [ a nuclear power plant ] before summer anything so that there may be nothing right [ that ].
Therefore, the government and the industrial world instigate the electric power shortage of summer briskly." (Democratic Party leading member of the Diet)
On May 6, 54 nuclear power plants in Japan all stopped.
Although the Noda government tried re-operation of the Kansai Electric Power of Fukui Prefecture, and the Oi nuclear power plant of No. 3 or 4, resistance of circumference self-governing bodies, such as Shiga Prefecture and Osaka, is received, and it runs into difficulties.
The objection blew off also from the inside of the Democratic Party, the government and the ruling parties, and all nuclear power plants stopped.
It has still appealed against the crisis "electric power shortage is disliked and, in a company, escape and industry hollow out to outside the country" out in part. [ that a newspaper has the government, an electric power company, and a possibility of becoming a large-scale power failure if "nuclear power plant stops and summer comes around", ]
Is electric power really insufficient this summer?
The Satoshi Arai chairman of the Democratic Party nuclear power plant disaster convergence measure project team (PT) detailed to an energy problem talks like this.
"Although we argued about this problem by intraparty from last year repeatedly, in conclusion, it expects "it can overcome."
It puts at 3 or about 4 days in mid-August with a high-school baseball relay broadcast, and the time of electric power shortage being expected is also about 4 hours from not during the 1st but 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Electric power is not insufficient all the time during summer.
I regard not carrying out rolling blackouts, if it is this extent, but changing an air-conditioner into an electric fan etc. as the ability to respond somehow if it appeals for power saving to people."
According to the electric power supply-and-demand hope which energy and an environmental meeting of Cabinet Office and National Policy Unit summarized on July 29, last year, the electric power supply power of nine electric power companies in August, this year is 162,970,000 kW at the maximum.
On the other hand, the electricity demand of the year before last which was intense heat is 179,540,000 kW.
Then, if this summer was about the same intense heat as the year before last, the trial calculation of the meeting was made as it will be 16,560,000 kW (9.2%) electric power shortage in August.
"Speaking of the summer of the year before last, it is before an East Japan great earthquake still happens.
That is, people will assume that electric power is wasted like a great earthquake front, and the government has threatened it that it will be insufficient no less than 9.2%.
The consciousness of the people about electric power changes a lot through a great earthquake, and there is finishing [ rolling blackouts ] of experience in the metropolitan area.
People are not so foolish as the government thinks of them.
Counting backward from a peak and emphasizing electric power shortage is the body to re-work a nuclear power plant" (above - Democratic Party leading member of the Diet).
Aside from trial calculation of [ in summer ], the trial calculation based on the peak hour of last summer is also taken out with energy and an environmental meeting the year before last.
This is that whose trial calculation was ordinary heat last summer, and this summer made having assumed to have performed use restrictions of the same electric power last summer.
It is the calculation in which 6,360,000 kW (3.9%) electric power remains conversely at nine companies in case of the trial calculation here.
That is, when electricity is not saved, either but electricity is used earnestly, it runs short, but if about the same use restrictions as last year are performed, electric power will remain.

The nuclear generating station's electricity is unneeded.

05/20/2012 テレビ朝日「モーニングバード」 と  東京新聞 朝刊


関西電力と大手マスコミによる関西電力管内の "今年の夏の電力不足キャンペーン"が、

関西電力管内の電力不足については、4月の段階では「16.3%の不足」とされていたものが、5月に入ると「14.9%の不足」といったように微減し始め、05/16/2012 にはいきなり「5%の不足」という”アキレタ発表”となっています。




ref.「大飯原発再稼動に向け、「夏の電力不足キャンペーン」が益々エスカレート ~求められる国民の冷静な判断~」

◆関電管内「電力積み増し可能」 民主合同会議 検証委報告を疑問視
 05/17/2012 東京新聞 朝刊






1 名前:ライトスタッフ◎φ ★:2012/05/19(土) 17:53:59.58 ID:???








05/18/2012 18:00 NHK news


2億6000万kilowatt hr です。このうち3000万kwが、原発電力です。
使用電力を高めの2億kw とみても3000万kw の余裕があります。

○ The Fukushi,a Crisis 266 ; SONGS calf. Is unusual.福島危機266 .第4世代原発u.s. 不具合。

2012-05-22 21:35:30 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

The San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS) is a nuclear power plant located on the Pacific coast of California. -- again -- accident: -- meeting (May 10) against which not less than 100 liters/h of radioactive steam ensures the safety of an outflow / fourth generation atomic power & San Onofre.

The U.S. and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) announced on May 9 that radioactive steam is flowing out of the "The San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS) " in California.
Radioactive steam has leaked and come out of the steamy generation equipment currently installed in No. 3 of the nuclear power plant, and it is expected that the quantity which exceeds 100 liters/h is discharged.
This accident is equivalent to the level 1 (degradation of abnormal circumstances and safe tolerance) on the International Nuclear Event Scale (INES) which measures the degree of seriousness of a nuclear accident.
Immediate reactor manual shutdown steps were taken in response to this accident.
Since one of the pipes attached to steamy generation equipment was damaged, the cause of the steamy outflow is seen.
After the steamy generation equipment with which the accident occurred this time is installed, it is still comparatively new equipment for less than one year.
However, it is said that superannuation at a speed unusual about other three pieces of the steamy generation equipment with which exchange was performed at the period is seen.
Steamy generation equipment is equipment with high importance which a nuclear reactor links directly safely.
SinceThe San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS) caused the accident by which piping damages, water is emitted to leakage and a radioactive material is emitted to the atmosphere in January, this year, the scram of it was carried out.
The nuclear power plant has stopped since this accident.
According to the meeting which ensures the safety of The San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS) , when exchanged in equipment, since the equipment of the model different from the original equipment was attached, vibration may have been arisen and damaged in the pipe connected with equipment.
It is likely that in addition, electric power will not be insufficient for the peak hour of summer irrespective of the stop of The San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS) .
-The San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS)
- the report by the meeting / fair new "impossible [ repair with safe steamy generation equipment of an ill-omened oscillating:The San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS) ]" civic organization "wind" president engineer who ensures the safety ofThe San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS).
http://sanonofresafety.org/2012/05/15/bad-vibrations-san-onofre-steam-generators-cannot-safely-be-repaired-new-fairewinds- video-and-report/
(« La fuite radioactive sur le site de San Onofre USA supérieure à 100 l / heure », La 4ème génération nucléaire (gen4), 2012.05.10)

Sponsored Link


The San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS) is a nuclear power plant located on the Pacific coast of California.
米国サン・オノフレ原発で再び事故:毎時100リットル以上の放射性蒸気が流出/第四世代原子力 &サン・オノフレの安全を守る会(5月10日)






(« La fuite radioactive sur le site de San Onofre USA supérieure à 100 l / heure », La 4ème génération nucléaire (gen4), 2012.05.10)

Sponsored Link

▲ Branew NGS in the us is making faults,and Garapagos Fukushima npp is making bigger faults. pathfinderk

○ The Fukushima Crisis 265 ; small voice. 福島危機265 . がれきを受け入れないこと。

2012-05-21 22:19:49 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

"Small voice which is opposed to rubble wide area processing"
Sphere: Related Content
POSTED BY AREVAMIRPAL: : LAPRIMAVERA AT 1:12 PM 0 COMMENTSLABELS: Inzai, radioactive contamination, and decontamination
MONDAY, MARCH 26, 2012
Small voice which is opposed to rubble wide area processing (post of a guest) Mrs. Nectarina 's ("it cannot be said that a nuclear power plant disaster and radioactive contamination are intimate persons") friend is written.
It is said that it gets to know with the intention for Hofu-shi, Yamaguchi to receive rubble, and sent the letter of the identical text to the Yamaguchi governor mostly with the sentence published below although he took refuge in Yamaguchi from Tokyo and health was regained.
By the gentle text similar to Mrs. Nectarina , it is written from its experience.
I worked as an office worker in Tokyo on March 11, last year.
A lot of radioactive materials emitted by the Fukushima nuclear power plant explosion were in the wind, came also to Tokyo as radioactivity Plume, were poured with the rain on March 15 and the 21st, and polluted Tokyo.
I who did not know being contaminated if it gets wet to the rain in which the radioactive material was contained have got wet to the rain on the way from work.
Fate regards truly having got wet at rain, although the right hand was injured as bad.
The hole got bored with the skin like a crater, and the condition which has not been experienced once appeared immediately and blood spout and come out.
And it was afflicted by condition, like small bads out of which the swelling of herpes and lymph and purple spot in which the feeling of worthlessness, the headache, and the fever with which diarrhea does not stop do not go down come is made after that repeatedly.
When the heart begins to have hurt in November last yr suddenly, and it had already died the way things stand, it opted for refuge.
If it was where of Japan, when it would be safe and a refuge place was looked for, if it is along Setonaikai in which he has lived when young, there are little earthquake and tsunami, and I have separated them from the Fukushima nuclear power plant with 950 km, and also regarded marine contamination as much less than the Pacific Ocean side.
Above all, since the source of a stream has already been polluted with Tokyo, tap water is also polluted with it, and cooking used mineral water in it, but it was impossible to have used the tap water in which a bath, wash, and all cleanings were polluted, and to already have lived in Tokyo on this situation.
Moreover, even if contamination wanted to buy the foods of the west which is probably, deceptive labeling of production centers was rampant, and uneasiness was not exhausted.
Therefore, I decided to take refuge in Yamaguchi Prefecture in quest of air, water, and foods about which he can feel easy.
When work was resigned in December, last year and it had taken refuge in Yamaguchi Prefecture, I felt relieved from the bottom of his heart.
The air which can breathe in comfort, water service which can be used in comfort, joy with which the fresh vegetables from local are obtained.
The humanity of the people of the beautiful sea and river, and Yamaguchi Prefecture gentle to was touched, and I was glad and it shed tears.
After the deep emotion and condition which can dry a wash thing outside and which can walk along outside even if it is glad and he has no mask also came here, it recovered very much.
Work is stopped, and although the life base was lost, if anyhow alive, a way will open it.
That was very glad.
The vegetables from Yamaguchi are sent to the friends who still remain in Kanto, so it is appreciated in "It being fresh and being very delicious."
"Yamaguchi Prefecture is a wonderful place wholly.
It is said that I would like to emigrate to Yamaguchi Prefecture."
However, if [ in which Bofu is inclined to receive rubble ], it got to know in the newspaper the other day.
In what should just already escape more then where, it was puzzled, and filled with the sad feeling.
The wonderful nature of this Yamaguchi Prefecture is a treasure.
I ask you not to make this pollute from the bottom of my heart.
Please protect the sea and a sky beautiful from now on, air, and food.
And please be in Yamaguchi Prefecture to which people of East Japan currently troubled by poor health like me emigrate in comfort.
Many friends who are in the Kanto region are observing the whole circumstances of things intently as although he would like to take refuge, since the trend of rubble acceptance is confirmed.
I would like you to declare "Rubble is not received" so that such people can be accepted by all means.
Thank you for your consideration.
The susceptibility over radioactivity differs just in it greatly by an individual.
That is declared even by advice of ICRP (International Commission on Radiological Protection), and it is supposed that there is no meaning in the measure for an "average individual" not much.
The reader the United States and living in Europe has been sending the comment "the health impairment which can be regarded only as the influence of radiation has appeared in itself" to the direction of an English blog from the time of the beginning of the accident last year.
using irony for it these days and saying, "it will be because it is not laughing by that Professor Yamashita (he's gov man and always say that 'laughing prevent radio. harms)is changing to anger.
They are not a politician and a bureaucrat.
ordinary Japanese residents -- what -- it is said that it is.
Their Japan is visible to the mysterious thing which the ordinary (it looks like from overseas) Japanese who cannot do what, either but have done nothing from the distant place cannot understand to the fearful situation of incinerating the earthquake and tsunami rubble polluted by radioactivity all over Japan.
They say that he does not want to see radioactive contamination and that sprinkling contamination more in the world should stop like the ostrich which thrusts the head into sand although a Japanese kitchen does not want to know if danger is imminent.
I think that I will take out the text of this Mrs. Nectarina's friend also with an English blog.
In the proof in which the Japanese who is raising voice perfectly is also.


Sphere: Related Content
LABELS: 印西市, 放射能汚染, 除染
MONDAY, MARCH 26, 2012

がれき広域処理に反対する、ささやかな声 (ゲストポスト)
























○ The Fukushima Crisis 264; A Canadian feels.福島危機264.4号機今もそこにある危機.

2012-05-19 13:30:26 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

Hokkaido Shimbun morning paper 2nd page Member of editorial board Mr. Takao Onishi's report.

No. 4 Crisis which is still there

He cannot feel relieved as since all domestic nuclear power plants stopped.
The danger of an accident also hangs around spent nuclear fuel.
A high school English teacher (57) in Hakodate, Mr. Peter Howlett, is astonished from the bottom of his heart to the mail delivered from the younger sister who lives in Canada last month.

American specialists' view was pulled and it was like this.
"It is the crisis which approached the whole body of mankind.
If the fuel pool in Fukushima collapses, people have to escape from Japan and will stay indoors even in West Coast in the U.S. (the Pacific Ocean was separated) or Canada (avoiding radioactivity)."
The origin of a crisis is a spent-nuclear-fuel pool of the 1st nuclear power plant of No. 4 of Fukushima.
In fact, there is a former diplomat who warned of the same thing in Parliament.
<> <>
Mr. Kohei Murata (74) who successively held ex Switzerland ambassadors etc.
An official statement in Upper House Budget Committee (03/22/2012).
"Endless radioactivity is emitted, when this fuel pool collapses and a fuel rod begins to burn in the atmosphere.
It becomes impossible of course, for Tokyo to live.
(Abbreviation) If No. 4 just causes an accident, it can be said to be the beginning of the ultimate catastrophe in the world."
The fuel pool of No. 4 continues being the greatest risk from immediately after a great earthquake to now.
What an internal and external specialist is doubtful of? .
In No. 4 which was under periodic check at the time of an accident, the nuclear fuel was carried out of the inside of a furnace, and was in the spent-nuclear-fuel pool of a reactor building.
The several 1535
It is equal to the total stored by No. 1 to 3.
Although the pool remained in the 3 or fourth floor portion of the building, a roof blows away by explosion and there is no barrier of radioactivity.
Although the water which cools the decay heat which continues coming out of a fuel rod is required, if a building collapses in an earthquake etc., cooling is impossible, and it is it's all over.
Fuel collapses and huge radioactivity is sprinkled in the atmosphere.
The quantity is said to a report also as the 10 times as many worsts of the Fukushima accident.
He met Mr. Murata in Tokyo.
About the present condition of ? government.
"It is lack of a sense of crisis and a sense of ethics.
It is to waver to a nuclear power reactor fadeout in addition, while experiencing Fukushima.
It is because there are not ethics and imaginative power.
You have to put an end to "nuclear autocracy" organization of Japan."
It is gazing also at overseas [ ? ].
"The world will be finished if there is an accident by No. 4.
It is appealing for holding of ethics summit to Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon of the United Nations.
The assessment committee which collected international wisdom should be built, the aggregate power should be mentioned, and extraction of a fuel rod should be hurried."
The Tokyo Electric Power reinforced the pool bottom of No. 4 with the support after the accident.
Although it is said also in an earthquake comparable as the great earthquake last year that neither a fuel pool nor a building breaks, while aftershock occurs frequently, is it OK sure enough?
<> <>
It asked Mr. Masashi Goto (62) who serves as a committee at the safety evaluation (stress test) opinion interview meeting of Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, by the former atomic power plant design technique person.
"Danger cannot be said to be that there is nothing although he thinks that temporary antiseismic reinforcement was made.
It stops being able to deal, when a floor falls through and fuel disperses.
It is already a dismay.
Japan come to end first. "
The report of the "Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster independent verification committee" (private sector accident tone) is verifying the "worst scenario" which the government created at the time of an accident.
The trigger of the worst scenario for which 30 million metropolitan area refuge was needed is "fuel destruction of a No. 4 pool."
Continuously, also with other number machines, fuel destruction progresses and it results in large discharge of a radioactive material? .
A fuel pool is "just a weak ring" most, and the report has indicated that it was a "dead angle."
A writer thinks that a No. 4 problem is pregnant.
Spent nuclear fuel is stored in the national nuclear power plant including the Tomari nuclear power plant.
It became so clear that more than this does not have the danger.
Above-mentioned Mr. Murata has appealed for the breakaway from the economic supreme principle that their diplomat days are also symbolized by the nuclear power plant.
If it does not stop at any cost now "the worst scenario" is insisted.
It performs in Sapporo on June 9.
As mentioned above, a whole sentence is published.
Mr. Murata is "sense of crisis and moral hazard about the present condition of government in the middle of a report.
It is to waver to a nuclear power reactor fadeout in addition, while experiencing Fukushima.
It is said that it is because there are not ethics and imaginative power."

2012_05_13 北海道新聞朝刊 2面 異聞風聞 編集委員 大西隆雄氏の記事。

4号機 今もそこにある危機





                 ◆                         ◆











             ◆                            ◆






 前出の村田さんは外交官時代も原発に象徴される経済至上主義からの脱却を唱えてきた。いま「最悪シナリオ」は何としても食い止めなければと訴える。6月9日には札幌で公演する。 2012/5/13



○ The Fukushima Crisis 263; Village mayor Comes up! 福島危機263. 村上村長立ち上がる。

2012-05-18 08:25:52 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

05/18/2012 Tokyo Shimbun . Stop Nuclear power reactor head meeting
the heads who can trust it here -- "-- re-operation -- being foolish -- "5/15 Tokyo Shimbun
"-- re-operation -- being foolish -- " Stop Nuclear power reactor head meeting " .
Tokyo Shimbun May 15, 2012 Morning paper
Tatsuya Murakami [ of "a head meeting who aims at a nuclear power reactor fadeout" launched at the end of April ] -
Village mayor Ibaraki Tokai, and Hajime Mikami (start) and the Kosai-shi, Shizuoka mayors asked for the measure which handed the written resolution which conferred with the Mitsuyoshi Yanagisawa deputy minister in the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, and was approved by the establishment meeting, and was turned to the nuclear power reactor fadeout on the 14th.
72 the head and the sovereign chiefs of 35 all prefectures across the country who assert the community improvement which does not depend for a head meeting on a nuclear power plant participate.
In a written resolution, it is required that "nuclear power plant zero" should be determined by a governmental alternative energy master plan.
The Kansai Electric Power Oi nuclear power plant of No. 3 or 4 (Fukui cover town) was begun, and it presupposed "It does not fall with more haste than caution, but asks for agreement formation of a self-governing body and residents" in re-operation of the nuclear power plant.
Mayor Mikami is the Yanagisawa deputy minister.
A rise of the public opinion which asks for "now the rate of a nuclear power reactor fadeout group and a group of promoters is 8 to 2" and a nuclear power reactor fadeout is pointed out.
It pressed as "I want you to decide by all means in the direction of zero (nuclear power plant)."
A motion of the fields in which the Murakami village mayor promotes re-operation and an electricity bill price increase "I think that it separates with people.
It was criticized that it would become the second and third defeat if the absurd thing of re-operation is done gradually (Japan)."
Yanagisawa deputy minister
The governmental measure was asked for an understanding, saying "The directivity which tackles renewable energy from the front has come out" etc.
Although the worries to the electric power shortage of this summer by nuclear power plant stop were also shown, Mayor Mikami and others retorted that it was possible not to re-work but to also overcome と by power saving.
Although it shudders when the talk of the member of a town assembly of a cover town is heard, it will also keep it in mind the heads who can trust it, and that 80 percent exists in Japan in mind.
Utterance--nuclear power plant re-operation of the members of a town assembly of --cover town ... Cover town assemblies are "admission" 5 / 14 report station.
I will keep in mind the name and face of a cover member of a town assembly! "Re-operation" cover town assemblies are those of admission 5 / 14 (FNN) town assembly with list of names.
Related article
the heads who can trust it here -- "-- re-operation -- being foolish -- "5/15 Tokyo Shimbun -- Nuclear power plant re-operation ... a cover town assembly -- "admission" -- the opinions 5/15 of Governor Fukui Nishikawa [ today's ] "misunderstanding spreads among people since there is no posture into which the Prime Minister clarified" [ 5 / ] [ 14 report station ]
Presentation and Ishihara do in ? capital which has them what? [ much quantity ] [ a terrible quantity of the signature of 323,076 persons of referendums which asks the right or wrong of a nuclear power plant, and ]
It is "Decision of Mrs. Jakuchou and others of nuclear power reactor fadeout immobility is also a hunger strike" greatly in the 1st page of the evening paper.
Oi re-operation -- the Safe institute all out ? "earthquake cause theory" seal 4 / report stations 4/19 (an animation and the contents beginning) which "carry out even mind whether I am political group suicide rather" 27 Tokyo Shimbun
"Ryukyu Shimpo theory 4/16 theme with nuclear power plant re-operation government explanation full of inconsistencies : a "nuclear power plant" -- really required one
Category: Politics and economy

05/18/2012 東京新聞.  脱原発首長会議


「再稼働ばかげている」 脱原発首長会議 経産副大臣に迫る

東京新聞 2012年5月15日 朝刊

四月末に発足した「脱原発をめざす首長会議」の 《村上達也・茨城県東海村.村長》









夕刊1面に大きく「脱原発 不動の決意 寂聴さんらもハンスト」
テーマ : 「原発」は本当に必要なのか
ジャンル : 政治・経済

○ The Fukushima Crisis 262 ; Significant report by prof.Takeda 福島危機262.被曝の重要ニュース

2012-05-17 16:45:54 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

05/11/2012 prof.Kunihiko Takeda
Significant report about increase in the dose of radiation.

Kunihiko Takeda Professor of Chubu University (affiliation: comprehensive engineering laboratory)
The Cabinet Office Atomic-Energy-Commission special committee, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Council for Science and Technology special committee

1) The subject for discussion of the Atomic Energy Commission cannot argue by a bureaucrat's disturbance.
Although this is a scoop of Mainichi Newspapers and it was seldom reported by other newspapers and televisions, the method of office work (bureaucrat) applied the stop for the reason [ subject for discussion / for the Atomic Energy Commission to discuss the main policy of future atomic power ] for "Becoming the hindrance of nuclear power plant resumption", and it had requested correction from the organization of a group of promoters.
If such a thing is accepted, it will become perfect bureaucrat's control.
The committee of the Atomic Energy Commission does not become the prime minister's appointment, and a bureaucrat is not necessarily on it.
2) The Ministry of Environment and NHK educate in a junior high school.
The photography stage of the Ministry of Environment (Minister's Secretariat length) and NHK is in a junior high school in the city of Tokyo, and it turned, and took charge of the education of "whether to take over rubble."
It is a major premise of the Constitution of Japan that education is independent of politics, and it happened to make a junior high school student consider the rubble problem which is in a severe state politically now based on one-sided information.
Rubble of 100 Bq/kilogram or more (the ashes after incineration are also included) is "nuclear waste", and it is thought that the explanation is not given.
It is surprisingly abnormal that NHK also broadcasts.

The 3rd [ this ] is yesterday's ○ The Fikushima Crisis 261.; It corresponds to the 5.5millions Contami and detected. Fukushima crisis 261. 5,500,000Bq. detection !.
3) Although the blog of Mr. Oyama of soil (not reported mostly) Minamisoma of 100 times or more of a regulation value had got the message also individually in Minamisoma, contaminants (soil and dry blue-green algae), such as 5,500,000 Bq per kg, are found.
I think that not only this but many things polluted considerably are probably scattered about.
Let's measure firmly with a dosimeter and protect children.
4) One of the reasons electric cost of Japan is high
Osaka had got contribution of the cost of 7,300 million yen of a municipal science museum from the Kansai Electric Power.
Since it is what does not have to do such a thing in appropriation of an electricity bill, there are some purposes.
It becomes a crime for there to be no purpose and to divert an electricity bill.
Thus, since the electricity bill from the visitor is used out of the purpose "in order to maintain its influence", electric cost of Japan becomes U.S. twice.
It "is monopoly" from a user. Taking electric high cost and distributing it freely just like one's money has all stopped bordering on this nuclear power plant disaster, it receives, and must be able to be made to perform some legal measures.
5) The professor of Nagoya University gets and examines 11 million yen just before examination.
The professor of Nagoya University had got Chubu Electric Power and an affiliated company to about 11 million yen from 2006 over 2008 by the safety review of the tide embankment of the Hamaoka nuclear power plant.
What "there are not a company examined and an interest" when sensibly in charge of examination must be a premise, and at least five years must be unrelated.
Although "I scatter money and have an advantageous examination carried out" is rampant, this also needs to apply legal restriction.
6) Individual bashing prospers further.
Individual bashing to those to whom contamination reports danger and the fact of contamination continues.
Since it is anonymity, a sending agency also has an unknown but quite special thing, and possibly participation of the organs concerned is also considered.
This has also been the target of bashing if the increase in the dose of radiation of Mie Prefecture is written by my blog.
Although what is necessary is just to say that it is good since many people let you know further with a "bashing report" ...
It became disagreeable society without sincerity.
Because people with the power of judging atomic power and contamination recommend the method and bash law-abiding.

平成24年5月11日 武田邦彦(中部大学)

武田邦彦 中部大学教授(所属:総合工学研究所)

1) 原子力委員会の議題が官僚の妨害で議論できず

2) 環境省とNHKが中学校で教育??

この3番目がきのうの○ The Fikushima Crisis 261; the 5.5millions Contami, detected.福島危機261. 550万Bq.検出!に該当します。
3) 南相馬市で規制値の100倍以上の土壌(ほぼ報道されず)


4) 日本の電気代が高い理由の一つ

5) 名古屋大学教授が審査直前に1100万円をもらって審査

6) 個人バッシングがさらに盛んになる