◯ "Politics that defy democracy" 民主主義に反する政治とは。by Brilliant guy.

2014-05-25 11:46:35 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

06/25/2014 Kota Hara
Brilliant guy.

Translation: "Politics that defy democracy" by a high schooler in Japan (民主主義に反する政治とは) とある高校生の投書

What a high school student will consider as acts that defy democracy.
A shrewd newspaper comment posted on a national newspaper on New Year's Eve 2013.

"Politics that defy democracy"

by Kota Hara (18), a High school student
from Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan

December 31, 2013

The ways politicians today speak and behave often defy democracy. First and foremost, they never follow through with their campaign promises. Elections are one of the very few moments when politicians actually listen in person to what the people has to say. Still, they do not uphold their promises. In fact, they sometimes enact policies that they never promised but nevertheless have a great impact on people's daily lives. Can policies like the State Secrecy Act, which they never bothered to gather public consensus through elections, be considered an act of democracy?

The State Secrecy Act infringes upon the people's right to know, so politicians and bureaucrats can hide whatever information they deem are inconvenient to the public's eyes. If they hide this important information, on what basis can the people make their decision?

I also question the mindset of those in power who claim that protesters are "terrorists." These politicians believe that they're being righteous. And they call names on people who demonstrate as a means to express their opinion, labeling them as "terrorists." But demonstrators aren't terrorists. These types of remarks should not be tolerated even if they are withdrawn.

A nation belongs to all people who pay their taxes to maintain it. I believe that you can only say that we live in a democracy when politicians explain everything and seriously consider the will of the people before enacting any of their policies.


高校生 原洪太(神奈川県 18)


Source: Asahi Shimbun

◯ The Fukushima Crisis 801; the frozen. 凍土壁、焦る安倍政権。

2014-05-25 07:48:26 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

05/25/2014 kyodonews.jp
[The present condition of the 1st nuclear power plant of Fukushima] (May 20, 2014) A frozen ground wall, uneven pace The government which gets impatient, the prudent regulation committee
Toden and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission are not in step with the government involving the frozen ground impervious wall which is due to be installed in the 1st nuclear power plant of Tokyo Electric Power Fukushima.
As a conclusive factor which stops the increase in contaminated water, the regulation committee thrust one question of an effect, necessity, and a safety aspect after another before to the government which gets impatient for a result.
The formal groundbreaking in June which was being planned is a difficult prospect, and the measure of the Abe Administration good offices is likely to stumble at the beginning.
▽ embarrassment
Was examination of "land subsidence carried out?
It is not asking for the answer "the teacher of the very first rank said like this"."
The investigative commission of the regulation committee in April.
The person in charge of the Agency of Natural Resources and Energy explaining the examination circumstances of the frozen ground wall by an expert, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, and Fuketa Toyoshi (- and the means which advanced) The committee's words were taken by surprise.
A frozen ground wall is the mechanism of burying the freeze pipe which pours in a coolant to about 30 meters below ground at intervals of 1 meter, and freezing the underground between pipes.
It is scheduled to enclose about 1.5 km of circumferences of No. 1?4, to intercept inflow of groundwater to a building, and to stop that contaminated water increases in number.
Fuketa committee points out the concern which land subsidence produces by the dignity of a building, as a result of stopping a lot of groundwater with a frozen ground wall.
Energy agency Tatsuya Shinkawa perplexed expression was not able to be hidden although the section head responded saying "I would like to arrange indication."
▽ excuse
The contaminated water problem which continues in April, last year and afterwards is one of the "omens" for the Abe Administration which maintains a high approval rating.
The frozen ground wall which supplies national expenditure is an eyeball in which the posture "where a country stands on the front" is shown.
In an actual proof examination, high anti-water is demonstrated and the government expects the drastic measure for a contaminated water problem.
There is also the political side in the circumstances as which the frozen ground system was merely adopted.
"Toden was not interested to the impervious wall which requires money.
(technically) A budget is not attached if not difficult (country)."
It serves as a chairperson in a governmental contaminated water processing task force. Yuzo Onishi The Kansai University specially-appointed professor reveals a situation.
While the Democratic Party Administration age and Toden agree on impervious wall installation of a clay system, the financial aggravation by a large amount of expenses is feared, and there are the circumstances made into wastepaper.
A country gives a budget on the principle of technical development, and the frozen ground wall of the scale "it is [ a scale ] unprecedented at home" (a responsible organization's major construction company, KAJIMA) also has the implications of an excuse to perform Toden.
▽ -- opaque
Economy, Trade and Industry Minister Toshimitsu Motegi -- Toden Naoki Hirose (fathomせ- seeing in addition) having pointed to installation of a frozen ground wall to the president -- May, last year.
As for an argument getting into stride, recognition with future was shown [ which "can carry out examination with three applications" (Fuketa committee) although Toden applied for enforcement to the regulation committee in March, this year ].
It has an experience of the 1st nuclear power plant head. Takuya Hattori (or [ it cooks with a start ]) The Japan Atomic Industrial Forum chairman of the board of directors presents a question to "if the structure which the regulation side also becomes together and considers it is not built from the stage of a concept, it will not be clear anymore what 10 year decommissioning takes", and the state of examination.
On the other hand, the opacity of a decision process is also indicated "It is said that he would like to know from overseas why it was decided that it would be a frozen ground wall."
It is worried about the badness of cooperation of the government, Toden, and the regulation committee.
(Kyodo News)
2014/05/20 11:24

05/25/2014 kyodonews.jp
【福島第1原発の現状】(2014年5月20日) 凍土壁、そろわぬ足並み 焦る政府、慎重な規制委 

 「地盤沈下の検討はしたのか。『超一流の先生がこう言った』という答えは求めていない」。4月に開かれた規制委の検討会。有識者による凍土壁の検討経緯を説明していた経済産業省資源エネルギー庁の担当者は、 更田豊志 (ふけた・とよし) 委員の言葉に虚を突かれた。
 更田委員は凍土壁で大量の地下水を止めた結果、建屋の重みで地盤沈下が生じる懸念を指摘。エネ庁の 新川達也 (しんかわ・たつや) 室長は「指摘を整理したい」と応じたが、当惑した表情を隠せなかった。
 ただ凍土方式が採用された経緯には政治的な側面もある。「東電はカネがかかる遮水壁に乗り気でなかった。(技術的に)難しくなければ(国の)予算はつかない」。政府の汚染水処理対策委員会で委員長を務める 大西有三 (おおにし・ゆうぞう) 関西大特任教授は事情を明かす。
 茂木敏充経産相が東電の 広瀬直己 (ひろせ・なおみ) 社長に凍土壁の設置を指示したのは昨年5月。東電は今年3月に規制委に実施を申請したが「3枚の申請書では審査のしようがない」(更田委員)と、議論が本格化するのはこれからとの認識を示した。
 第1原発所長の経験もある 服部拓也 (はっとり・たくや) 日本原子力産業協会理事長は「構想の段階から規制側も一緒になって考える仕組みをつくらないと、廃炉が何十年かかるか分からなくなる」と、審査の在り方に疑問を呈する。一方で、「海外からはどうして凍土壁に決まったのか知りたいと言われる」と、決定過程の不透明さも指摘。政府、東電と規制委の連携の悪さを心配している。
2014/05/20 11:24