○Unlocking/ iPhoneのロック解除、FBIが成功 サン電子の子会社が協力か

2016-03-31 16:28:38 | ♪ One Short Talk
2016-03-31 16:28:38 hufpost
Unlocking of iPhone and FBI, does the subsidiary company by which Mr. success is an electron cooperate?

The Huffington Post | A writer: Kenji Ando.
Contribution day: March 29, 2016 12:33 JST Renewing: March 29, 2016 12:53 JST IPHONE FBI.
The share
. ... Cellebrite Mobile Synchronization Ltd....

The Department of Justice announced that the American FBI (FBI) succeeded in unlocking of iPhone a suspect of the shooting rampage terrorism which was the State of California possessed in December, 2015 on March 28. I tell a courthouse "It isn't necessary to ask Apple for cooperation because you could access data.", and says that a cooperation statement was retracted. Asahi Shimbun digital reported it.

Irene and a decker federal Attorney General are statement, "Getting third person's cooperation recently, and with not damaging preserved information at all, rock of this iPhone could be released now.", as, I say that I made it clear that suspension of a suit has been decided.

The identity of "third person" who cooperated with FBI was unclear, but Reuters was reporting the Israeli enterprise which deals with criminal investigation technology "Cellebrite" to have cooperated.

Cellebrite is a subsidiary company of the electronic machine manufacturer based in Aichi-ken "St. electron". St. electronic corporate head office stated "Report (of unlocking) is understood, I'd like to refrain from a comment." and didn't make it clear about a presence of cooperation of Cellebrite to coverage of Jiji Press.

■ It was developing into opposition of the American government and Apple.

It's the shooting rampage terrorism by which 14 people have died of St. burner Dino of the State of California on December 2, 2015 and is iPhone of Saeed shot by the police to death and a fa Luke suspect that rock was released according to Mainichi Newspapers.

To elucidate a motive of a crime and backing, I tried to get information from suspect's iPhone, but FBI fails in release of rock. The State of California federal district court which received a statement of FBI was commanding to cooperate with Apple in a manufacturer in unlocking on February 16.

We assume up to now, that Apple has a broad influence on security and privacy, and it's opposite to cooperation to a government. A major IT enterprise such as Google and Facebook was also expressing support to Apple.

2016-03-31 16:28:38 hufpost
iPhoneのロック解除、FBIが成功 サン電子の子会社が協力か

The Huffington Post | 執筆者: 安藤健二
投稿日: 2016年03月29日 12時33分 JST 更新: 2016年03月29日 12時53分 JST IPHONE FBI









○ RANK/15年分のデータを徹底調査してわかった、米国トップ大学の「課題図書」ランキング

2016-03-30 20:08:02 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS
2016-03-30 20:08:02 courrier.jp
"Assigned reading book" rank of the USA top university which conducted a sweeping investigation of data for 15 years and understood

It's ── what kind of book is published by a problem at an American university. "Open syllabus project" by professors of Columbia University investigated a university curriculum as much as more than 1,000,000 cases and announced a rank for past for 15 years.

As a result, the student of a science faculty such as science and engineering was smaller in the quantity on the book taken out by a problem than a faculty of liberal arts, and there tended to be a lot of Western lawbooks. Assigned reading book of the fiction which had was "Frankenstein" by British novelist Mary Shelley.

All all-American universities and 10 school top universities (9 school enters top 10 by 2015 year rank of US news and the world report.) are compared by the said site.
An initiation note of English "English rule book of sentences" was about 1 by the whole rank. This was taken by a problem out at the session of more than 3000 by something of the first edition in 1918.

On the other hand, about 1 in a top school was Plato's "state", and even the whole was about 2. "Leviathan" of Thomas Hobbes and the "Prince" of Niccolo Machiavelli are also entering dominance 10 by both of them equally.

The high school fee beyond 10,000,000 yen per 4 years is a necessary thing, and much in a top school is famous. The raise of a cost is difficult, but when reading a book of this rank, you may be able to put on the culture near them.

Assigned reading book rank of 10 school USA top universities
About 1 "state" Plato work
About 2 "civilized, collision" Samuel P and Huntington work
About 3 "an English rule of sentences, book" William strike rank Jr. Other ones work
About 4 "Leviathan" Thomas Hobbes work
About 5 "Prince" Niccolo Machiavelli work
About 6 "American, democratic government" DE and Alexis TOKUVIRU work
About 7 "justice theory" John rolls work
About 8 "from Birmingham prison, letter" Martin Luther King Jr. Work (translating ly)
About 9 "On Liberty" John Stewart Mill work
About 10 "of how to associate, science" Robert accelerator rod work

Washingtonian mailbox (USA) other ones
Source: Open Syllabus Explorer

2016-03-30 20:08:02 courrier.jp







Source: Open Syllabus Explorer

○ Pinch. Chance.【特別対談】果たして、ピンチは本当にチャンスなのか? (イチロー×豊田章男)

2016-03-30 18:15:16 | ♪ One Short Talk
2016-03-30 18:15:16 tabi-labo.com
[I converse especially.] really, is a pinch a chance really? (Ichiro x Akio Toyota)
Masato Kometani.
The 2nd "talk series" of Ichiro who belongs to Miami Marlins and President Akio Toyota of Toyota Motor. "Pinch and chance" are a theme this time.

You often say "A pinch is a chance!", but how is that actually? By which Ichiro who wanted to ask President Toyota already approaches the core.

"President Akio is plunging into the "dead center" of a pinch."

A screen shot 2015-12-22 16.23.40.

Ichiro Is it often called to say "A pinch is a chance." in the world? But aren't actual place and pinch a pinch or (warai)?

Toyota Yes, (warai).

Ichiro Indeed the situation of "for a pinch, pinch" continued all the while me. It isn't very, but I can't think it's a chance and, I meet, it isn't possible to make them be sublimated. But (Toyota) I think President Akio may be the person who embodies that really. There are impetus, resolution and decision facing there at a pinch. I'd like usually to run away and would like to exchange somehow or other. But there is an image from which I'm diving into the dead center. Why is that?

Toyota I should think I'm probably "for a pinch, pinch", too. But if I admit that, end. You think so, it's being mixed and it's being called "for a pinch, chance", right? Because I'm an athlete originally, too, I give priority not to train and to get exercise more than I think by a head. I don't think too much variously and anyway advance towards the direction where I thought. While noticing that that was a mistake, it should be corrected. The behavior should be made "correct answer" finally. I think it's said that that is "by a pinch, chance".

"The thing which approaches a dangerous place early is safest."

A screen shot 2015-12-22 16.24.38.

Ichiro It's the reason which does that and takes one first step, isn't it?

Toyota When one first step is taken even a little, a new change is born. Then it'll be certain that I don't find out yet that it was separated newly. "The view of the chance" isn't seen from the beginning.

Ichiro I see.

Toyota I don't enter a dangerous place by taking one first step and enter a safety zone conversely. I think such sense.

Ichiro Is President Akio's character making that do that? Or the viewpoint?

Toyota You think there is also a character, right? I was playing sports as ground hockey before. There is something like a PK to say by soccer, my role at a defence stay in front of the goalkeeper and stop partner's chute. It was separated at that time. "Incompleteness" if it's the most dangerous thing that I'm in a position. A chute was rising gradually, so as I approached a partner, I remembered that it's safe more by a body.

Ichiro When that also shows in the way of thinking now.

Toyota It may be some ones somehow potentially.

The decision is dramatically early by Ichiro, too.

Toyota It's because one is painful if oneself is at the incomplete place. Anyway I approach a dangerous place early. Well, that's the safest thing, isn't it?

Licensed material used with permission by Toyota Motor.

2016-03-30 18:15:16
【特別対談】果たして、ピンチは本当にチャンスなのか? (イチロー×豊田章男)




スクリーンショット 2015-12-22 16.23.40

イチロー 世の中で「ピンチはチャンスだ」ということがよく言われますよね?でも、実際のところ、ピンチはピンチじゃないですか(笑)。

豊田 はい(笑)。

イチロー 僕なんか、まさに「ピンチはピンチ」の状況がずっと続いていました。とてもじゃないですが、チャンスだなんて思えないですし、そうやって昇華させることもできない。でも、(豊田)章男社長は、それを本当に体現している方なんじゃないかと思っています。ピンチのときに、そこにズドーンと向かっていく機動力と覚悟と思い切りがある。普通は逃げたいし、何とかかわしたい。でも、ど真ん中に飛び込んでいくイメージがあるんです。それってどうしてなんでしょうか?

豊田 おそらく、私も「ピンチはピンチ」だと思っているはずなんです。でも、私がそれを認めてしまったらおしまい。だからこそ、あえて「ピンチはチャンス」と言っているんだと思いますね。あと、私ももともとはアスリートですから、頭で考えるよりもまず体を動かすことを優先します。いろいろ考えすぎないで、とにかく思った方向に進む。それが間違いだと気づいたら、途中で修正すればいい。自分の行動を最終的に“正解”にすればいいんです。それが「ピンチがチャンス」になっているということのような気がします。


スクリーンショット 2015-12-22 16.24.38

イチロー そうして一歩を踏み出すわけですね。

豊田 少しでも一歩を踏み出すと、新たな変化が生まれる。そうすると、新たに分かったこととまだ分からないことがハッキリするんです。最初から“チャンスの光景”が見えているわけではありません。

イチロー なるほど。

豊田 一歩を踏み出すことで危険なところに入るわけではなく、逆に安全地帯に入る。そういう感覚だと思います。

イチロー それは章男社長の性格がそうさせているのでしょうか?それとも立場?

豊田 性格もあると思いますね。以前にグランドホッケーというスポーツをやっていたんです。サッカーでいうPKのようなものがあるのですが、守備側のときの私の役割は、ゴールキーパーの前にいて相手のシュートを防ぐこと。そのときに分かったんです。“中途半端”なポジションにいることが一番危険なことだと。シュートは徐々に浮き上がってくるので、相手に近づけば近づくほど安全だということを体で覚えました。

イチロー それが今の考え方にも表れていると。

豊田 何となく潜在的にはあるのかもしれません。

イチロー でもその決断がものすごく早い。

豊田 中途半端なところにいたら自分が痛いからですよ。とにかく早く危険なところに近づく。実はそれこそが一番安全なことなんですよね。

Licensed material used with permission by トヨタ自動車株式会社

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○ The Fukushima Crisis966/Anxiety / フクシマの教訓――将来への新たな懸念

2016-03-29 07:19:16 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS
2016-03-29 07:19:16 Akio Matsumura

New Conflicts. New Security. New Perspectives.
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Introducing the Emergency Action Alliance: Taking the first steps after nuclear disaster
March 22, 2016Nuclear

español | français

Akio Matsumura
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In 2005 the Board of the World Business Academy voted to create a chair for the renowned diplomat Akio Matsumura, who has dedicated his life to building bridges between government, business, and spiritual leaders in the cause of world peace.

Akio Matsumura
The Academy supports the ongoing work of renowned diplomat Akio Matsumura. You can support his work with a donation using the PayPal button above this picture.

The Intent of the Matsumura Chair: To apply in the private sector the talents and contacts developed in 30 years’ success in international diplomacy, in the resolution of a major problem confronting a multinational corporation. To develop a framework for an integral approach to a seemingly intractable transcultural challenge involving strategic, financial, and spiritual considerations.

About Akio Matsumura
Background: Throughout his long career at the United Nations and other organizations he has created events for current and future political leaders that often changed the courses of their lives. More often than not, the timing and location of these meetings has been prescient: conferences he has arranged in Kyoto, Rio de Janeiro, Jericho, Moscow, and Constantinople have all preceded major “tectonic” shifts of power in those areas.

Heads of state, corporations, and churches all have noticed his uncanny ability to “dial into” the most difficult situations, inducing people to break taboos, and connect at a deeper human level to find a solution.
On the occasion of the 5th year of the Fukushima nuclear accident, I wrote an article entitled ”Our Lessons from Fukushima: New Concerns for the Future.” It was a pleasure to receive so many positive responses from friends and other readers.

〓Many readers also indicated their frustrations with the reality that many unsolved issues continue: 400 tons of contaminated water from the Fukushima plant run into the sea every day; no repository sites have been designated for radiation waste materials; and no scientific solutions regarding clean-up of the melted reactors are expected for at least 40 years. Readers have also appreciated my concern about the high probability of terrorists’ attacks upon the many nuclear power plants around the world and the need to establish some mechanisms and strategies to tackle the situation following such attacks – post-event planning and interventions. It was gratifying to learn that the organizations Physicians for Social Responsibility/International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (PSR/IPPNW Switzerland) published this article in English and French. (IPPNW was award the Nobel Peace Prize in 1985.)

We have learned that even one mishap or mistake from any one of the many hundreds of nuclear power plants would cause a tremendous human and environmental loss for many decades, if not centuries. Damage incurred from a nuclear attack or a “dirty bomb” would be so large it would prove hard to calculate, but the costs are sure to be much larger than development and implementation of alternative energy sources. (Looking forward, an additional concern is how we safely store highly irradiated spent fuel rods whose plutonium has a half-life of 24,000 years and how we identify suitable locations for the storage of these nuclear wastes to protect our descendants.)

I see possibilities for crisis in the approximately 430 nuclear power plants that currently exist in 31 countries, with another 66 under construction in 16 countries. We have long accepted the dangers of attacks by nation state actors with nuclear weapons, and now we must understand and recognize the implications of the threat of human error and natural disasters like earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanoes on nuclear power plants besides direct attacks on these power plants. Above all, I am particularly concerned with terrorist attacks on nuclear power plants in highly volatile countries. Not only can we not stop the growing number of wars and conflicts, it may also not be realistic to expect a lower likelihood of terrorist attacks upon nuclear power plants or an increase in the readiness of governments and nuclear industries to address these challenges.

Albert Einstein said in 1945: “The release of atomic power has changed everything except our way of thinking … the solution to this problem lies in the heart of mankind. If only I had known, I should have become a watchmaker.”

I am convinced we should undertake actions that responsibly prepare us to respond to a nuclear crisis.

Prevention and Post-event Actions
Prevention of nuclear crisis is a first-order need that governments, the IAEA, many international organizations, and opinions leaders should (and do) tackle at all cost. This week, President Obama is hosting the fourth and final Nuclear Security Summit in Washington, D.C. Despite these efforts, interest in nuclear security (PDF) among world leaders is waning, driven in part by complacency – a sense that all is well because a full-scale nuclear disaster has not occurred.

But what happens if such a crisis does occur? Preventing a nuclear crisis is one job. Reducing the damage and panic after a crisis is another. What I have learned from Fukushima is post-event actions must also be anticipated – how do we best handle emergency repairs on nuclear structures, evacuations of thousands or millions of people, psychological trauma, and other actions we would prefer to ignore? The challenge is to bring the wisdom of experts across many fields to create a comprehensive analysis. This is not a problem that can be fully anticipated and solved, but we can establish mechanisms that offer significant preparedness for post-event scenarios involving nuclear crises for the next generations to come.

I write to introduce the Emergency Action Alliance (EAA). I have co-founded the EAA to tackle three specific needs: (1) identify and advise on first steps after a nuclear crisis from engineering, political, and medical fields through the diverse expertise of an international advisory council, (2) develop well-researched and effective medical protocols of interventions to reduce the harm of radiation exposure, and (3) communicate accurate, high quality information and analysis through social networks.

I am fortunate to have Steven Evans as co-founder. I met Steven two years ago at a conference to discuss the ramifications of the Fukushima nuclear accident. In particular, he has helped me focus on how we can treat the hundreds of thousands of people who have already been affected by radiation. These victims stretch back to those exposed to early cold war nuclear testing as well as the Chernobyl and Fukushima accidents.

We look forward to receiving your opinions and comments as we further develop the effectiveness of the EAA.

Introducing the Emergency Action Alliance


Estimates by knowledgeable analysts indicate there is increased probability that terrorists will target one or more of the many nuclear power plants around the world, particularly in Pakistan, where political turmoil and low security make power plants especially vulnerable.

At the same time there also exists the threat of an explosion of “suitcase” nuclear devices in critical areas [e.g., Wall Street], intended to spread radiation and panic. Buttressing this concern are recent reports of missing radioactive materials [from hospitals and other sites, both in the US as well as Iraq and states within the former USSR], which could fall into the hands of terrorists.

In the case of a crisis, the governments face competing pressures of solving an enormously difficult problem and keeping panic from breaking out. These dual needs leave a gap of trust and action between the citizen and her government.

Mission Statement

Key Needs. Given these rising threats and conflicting government interests, we have identified three critical needs that remain unfulfilled for a post-nuclear disaster scenario. The first need is to be prepared to evaluate many possible crises and devise creative solutions for authorities to reduce further damage immediately afterward – through emergency repair or evacuation, for example. A group of authorities with wide-ranging expertise from many backgrounds could independently appraise the situation and, by doing so, help marshal resources to solve the problems they identify as most urgent.

The second critical need is for the construction of useful and valuable interventions that the public could undertake, even while being “assured” everything is totally under control and no dangers exist. There is a significant need to have available well-researched and carefully defined medical protocols of interventions that could address radiation-release. Presently there are virtually no available medical protocols of care that could protect people from radiation exposure. What is needed is a prior aggregation of worthwhile interventions for a variety of levels of radiation exposure that can arise in the face of a nuclear catastrophe.

The third need is the effective utilization of social media networks and strategies, which the EAA will employ to disseminate the accurate, high quality information, analyses, and protocols it develops.

Action Plan. First, the EAA will assemble an International Advisory Council of 100 respected opinion leaders and technical experts who can offer a variety of authoritative perspectives on evacuation, safety and other aspects of crisis response, to affected communities. Second, the EAA will organize well-researched, effective medical protocols of intervention for radiation exposure that would be ready for immediate use when needed. Finally, the EAA will draw upon the full range of social media networks to disseminate the information, analyses, and protocols it assembles.

Strategy. The EAA will assemble a group of approximately 100 leading authorities representing diverse constituencies from the private and public sector, from many disciplines, and from many countries. The primary initiator and one of the co-founders of the EAA, Akio Matsumura, has a remarkable track record of accomplishing such assemblies of world opinion leaders and will again undertake this task for the EAA. The other co-founder, Steven Evans, has been researching the peer-reviewed medical literature on useful medical interventions and would help spearhead the assembly of medical expertise to address radiation exposure. He is also experienced in harnessing social media to communicate with the wide constituency the EAA will target.

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2016-03-29 07:19:16 Akio Matsumura

← フクシマの教訓――将来への新たな懸念

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March 25, 2016Japanese, Translations

松村昭雄 (元国連職員)


その中には、依然として多くの問題が未解決のままである、という現実に対するいら立ちも多々見られました。毎日400トンの汚染水が海に流れ込み、放射性廃棄物の処分場は決まらず、原子炉で溶けた燃料の取り出しは、少なくとも40年間、科学的解決策は望めません。そして、世界中に散らばる原子力発電所へのテロ攻撃に対する懸念と、そうした攻撃が起きた場合に対応するための、なんらかの仕組みや戦略づくり―事後対策や介入策―の必要性にも、読者から理解が寄せられました。前述の私の記事は、国際組織の「社会的責任を果たすための医師団(PSR)」「核戦争防止国際医師会議(IPPNW)」 (PSR/IPPNW Switzerland) によって、英語版と仏語版が掲載されました。 (IPPNW は1985年にノーベル平和賞受賞)



1945年、アルベルト・アインシュタインの言葉です。「原子力の開放は、私たちのものの考え方以外のすべてを変えてしまった… この問題の解決策は、人の心の中にある。それを知っていたら、私は時計職人になっていたにちがいない」


核災害の防止は、政府、「国際原子力機関(IAEA)」、多数の国際組織、オピニオンリーダーたちが第一に取り組む(そして必ず実行する)べき最優先事項です。今週、オバマ大統領がワシントンで「第4回核安全保障サミット」を開きます。しかし、このような働きかけにもかかわらず、各国の首脳たちの核安全保障 (PDF) への関心は薄れています。大規模な核災害は起きていないから大丈夫、という感覚で安心していることが理由のひとつとして考えられます。

しかし、大災害が実際に起きたらどうなるのでしょうか? 防止することがひとつの策です。そして、もう一つの策としては、災害が起きてしまった場合に、損害とパニックを軽減することです。フクシマから私が学んだのは、事後の行動を事前に予測しておかなければならない、ということです。構造物の応急修理、何千、あるいは何百万人の人々の避難、精神的ショックへの最善の対処法は? また、できれば目をふさぎたいその他の措置については? 問われるのは、多分野からの専門家の英知を集めて、総合分析を行えるかどうかです。完全に予測し、解決できる問題ではありません。が、起きてしまってからの状況に備え、効果を発揮する仕組みづくりができるはずです。そこには、次世代の核危機への備えも含まれます。

ここで、「エマージェンシー・アクション・アライアンス(EAA)」についてご紹介したいと思います。EAAは、特に三つの必要性から、私が共同設立した組織です。(1)核災害後、国際諮問機関の多様な専門知識を通じて、技術的・政治的・医学的分野から第一段階措置を割り出し、助言する (2)十分な調査研究を経た、効果的な医療プロトコルを作成し、放射能被ばくの影響の軽減に役立てる (3)ソーシャルネットワークを使い、正確で質の高い情報と分析を伝える









必須要件 脅威の高まりと、政府の利害対立をふまえ、核災害後の対策として不十分な3点を特定した。ひとつめは、起こり得る危機を見極め、行政が被害を即座に減少させるための創造的な解決策―応急修理や緊急避難など―を考案することである。多方面から幅広い知見を集めた独立チームが状況を評価することで、もっとも緊急性の高い問題がわかり、解決への助けとなる。



行動計画 まず、 EAAは100名の著明なオピニオンリーダーと技術者から成る国際諮問委員会を招集する。構成員は、被害地域に対し、避難、安全性、その他の危機対応について、信頼性の高い様々な見地を提供できる者とする。次に、EAAは入念な調査研究に基づいた効果的な医療プロトコルを体系化し、被ばくに対応する。そして、必要に応じて即時運用できる状態にしておく。最後に、EAAはあらゆるソーシャルメディアネットワークを駆使して、情報、分析、プロトコルを広めていく。

戦略 EAAは、民間・公的セクター、多様な分野、様々な国々からの第一人者によるおよそ100名を結集した団体である。代表者であり、共同設立者の松村昭雄は、過去に、世界のオピニオンリーダーたちによる会合を成功させた実績を持ち、今回もまたEAAで同じ仕事に取り組む。もうひとりの共同設立者であるスティーヴン・エヴァンスは、論文審査のある医学専門誌をリサーチし、医療の専門知識をまとめ、被ばくへの対応を担う。また、ソーシャルメディアに熟達し、EAAが対象とする広範な層とのコミュニケーションをはかる。

<日本語訳 野村初美>

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← Introduction de l’Alliance pour l’action d’urgence : Premières étapes après une catastrophe nucléaire

○ Kiss Flower /キスしたくなる?セクシーすぎる唇を持つ花!サイコトリア・エラータ

2016-03-28 22:14:30 | ♪ One Short Talk
2016-03-28 22:14:30 http://news.rabbitalk.com

Do you feel like kissing? Flower with a too sexy lip! Psychotria Elata.

May 4, 2015
Nature, the scenery, vegetable impact animation and impact picture

Flower with a delicious crimson lip Psychotria Elata is a plant of the madder family from which Colombia, Costa Rica, Panama and Ecuador are learned about as the tropical tree which can be seen in a Latin-American rain forest.

Because I have a lip of the fascination,Psychotria Elata are called "courtesan's lip" and "hot Lipps".

The flower of the natural world shaped which looks like a human lip! Psychotria Elata.

It's said that Psychotria Elatathe have evolved into the present shape to attract a pollen go-between of a hummingbird and a butterfly. I'd like to make the sillago man, and it never evolved into such shape.

Umm, the lip glamorous with everything. You can also nod at a hummingbird's and a butterfly's being charmed. Latin American UBU, you're these Psychotria Elata surely, and the boy is practice of the first sillago.

2016-03-28 22:14:30 http://news.rabbitalk.com

| 0コメント | #

甘美な真紅の唇を持つ花 Psychotria Elata (サイコトリア・エラータ) は、コロンビア、コスタリカ、パナマ、エクアドルなど中南米諸国の熱帯雨林に見られる熱帯の木として知られているアカネ科の植物だ。


人間の唇みたいな形をした自然界の花!Psychotria Elata サイコトリア・エラータ



○ Have great weekend!! / お話できて楽しかった - カッコイイ英語表現

2016-03-28 16:36:57 | ♪fuckin 英会話

2016-03-28 16:36:57 by Roy

3-16-6お話できて楽しかった - カッコイイ英語表現







"Hi, are you tourists?"

"We're here for my brother's wedding."



最近、映画の「さゆり」(Memoirs Of A Geisha)を見て面白かったとも言っていました。




"I really enjoyed talking with you. Enjoy your stay!"




"Nice meeting you."

"Nice talking to you."




A: Nice meeting you.
B: Nice meeting you, too.



"It was nice meeting you."

"I enjoy talking with you.


○ The Pentagon Cherry Blossom! 五稜郭の桜 函館

2016-03-28 07:06:04 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

PeaceFul Pentagon

 Pentagon Cherry Blossom! 五稜郭の桜 函館

◎ Expectation bloom day in Hakodate which is an announcement on March 23, 2016 on Wednesday (offer: Japan Weather Association)

Expectation bloom day: Wednesday, April 27 Expectation full-blown day: Monday, May 2.

◎2016年3月23日(水)発表の函館の予想開花日 (提供:日本気象協会様)
予想開花日:4月27日(水)  予想満開日:5月2日(月)

○ Harvard Univ ..平均年齢38歳、ハーバード生の「頭の中」

2016-03-27 08:18:19 | ♪ One Short Talk
2016-03-27 08:18:19 toyokeizai online

In the 38 years old of average age and the head of Harvard.

Why do they come in the carrier middle?
The next page ≫.
Woods IMU Satoshi arrow: Harvard University Kennedy school student October 27, 2015.
Comment 0 "why do they come in the carrier middle during the 38 years old of average age and a head of Harvard draft beer?| Whether Harvard University and the learning are first-class- Oriental financial On-line"

With graduate student's image in Harvard? (Picture: Komaer/PIXTA)
When you hear a graduate student in Harvard, how do you imagine it? American top school over the sea. The brand which is Harvard in the campus a turf feels which is wide. You have a clear head outstandingly and don't know a collapse, and without having trouble, when and where is number 1 being also stolen--? Such impression?

Before I came to Harvard, too, it was such image. But it's so different that an actual graduate student in Harvard may say that it's complete.

After working for an average of 13 years, why is it to Harvard?

For example graduate school and Kennedy school in Harvard I learn. The average age of the student of a Master's course who belongs is 38 years old. Among 214 classmates and the most advanced age are the proprietor who are small and medium enterprises by 61 years old. The average number of years of the professional career keeps having had an experience various lives through work by "13 years".

"There is no social experience" like the young people who advanced towards a graduate student straight from a university, there are no cases that I say "A collapse has not been tasted." In fact I taste a collapse by work and privacy, stop once with the second half of the game in a life at the front and work, and would like to change the mind about the meaning to live. The mass of the 38 years old of average age who worries so.

Harvard Kennedy school. A classmate is only a man of the world in the carrier middle.
There is a conventional question which asks the classmate who met for the first time at Harvard.

"At what destination did you come here?"

It's heard so, and, such as physics and literature, in detail, "I have come to study learning.", I don't know the person who returns it. Rather by a serious face, "I'd like to become a politician and reconstruct economy in home." "I'd like to lose poverty from my country." "I'd like to start the group to help the senior citizen who doesn't have the family.", the word which can't be imagined from the graduate school which should study learning is returned.

Why do you come to the graduate school not a study, but for "realization of a dream"? That's because Kennedy school learned at present is a little different graduate school. When I say, it's the place where the adult who had a member of society experience learns the way to make the world better.

A same school is called a public policy graduate school. Kennedy school is telling politics, economy and leadership to a host like the law school which tells a law and the business school which tells management.

A name of school was put for John F. Kennedy of the 35th generation Chief Excutive which is also from Harvard. The school which brings up a politician, a staff of an international organization, a bureaucrat and a social activist of NGO (nongovernmental organization) mainly. A graduate needs bread of UN secretary general, Klaus of GIMUN and a World Economic Forum (Davos meeting) founder, Lee of SHUWABU and a Singaporean prime minister and SHENRON.

The course which calls that I belong Master in Public Administration (MPA and public business administration master). "The professional career of about at least 3 years" is asked, but to apply when having a work experience for more than 7 years, you can apply to a course as Mid-Career MPA (MPA for mid carriers). Even graduation usually needs 2 years, but you can graduate from courses for mid carriers in 1 year. Therefore it's said that there are a lot of human resources who also have abundant life experience at Harvard.

Student's background is the Hyakunin one hundred color.

I'd like to introduce classmates with what kind of background gather.

First occupation. That classmates are looked around, "father" "venture capitalist" "UN staff" "local government official" "politician" "military personnel" "social entrepreneur" "NGO staff" "investment bank person" "system engineer" "policeman" "company management" "analyst" "diplomat" "lawyer" "professor" "boffin" "management consultant" etc..

Classmate Dan of the most advanced age (61 years old) (the left of a picture) and writer (the said right). I'm carrying on a factory of a transportation equipment part at the State of Ohio in home.
National origin is also "Indonesia" "Sri Lanka" "Brazil" "Costa Rica" "Uganda" "Nigeria" "Lebanon" "Iraq" "Italy" "Croatia" etc.. To the extent a name of the country throughout the country goes up Asia, Africa, Europe, South America and the Middle East, and I think "Is this UN?" When national origin will be counted actually, I go up to 77 worlds.

214 classmates who combined the 38 years old of average age x occupation x 77 country universe. There aren't similar circumstances and man who works and meets as one person.

Such, when I gather the human resources who don't have a common point at all in one place and make them learn, what happens? It's said that that I came here and noticed "isn't the one learning at a university limited during class". There even is learning from usual a form of conversation because classmates and others have an experience a life different from oneself.

For example about labor. When the lunch was made a classmate the other day, various problems were raised. A classmate of a fashion model from New York, "Fashion industry looks showy, but there is a laborer in the developing country worked by the inferior environment in its back. When buying clothes, do we consider their viewpoint?", it was thrown.

Then a lawyer of human rights from South Asia, "To support household budget in a mother country, there are a lot of ladies worked by force at a factory of clothes. Discrimination between the men and women is still a persistent problem.", it's returned. For myself to see and advance talk based on the experience I concerned to work, conversation is being just asked at the side, and it's very interesting.

When a member is different, every heavy talk is discussed by a European immigration point, a Syrian civil war and Japan-China relations while walking by the way home while having lunch while having coffee.

Why did you stop a reporter and come to Harvard?

Why did I necessary for such environment now come to Harvard? Before coming here, in 9, I was working as a reporter by Nihon Keizai Shinbun. It's the trigger which became a reporter that an impact was received in a quarrel with the Jew and the Arab who traveled Israel Palestine at a college student and saw at the site.

The square in the school and the John F. Kennedy forum to which Prime Minister Abe who visited America lectured. A student usually rests and every heavy talk is exchanged.
"Why does a person fight? And can't this cruel quarrel be stopped somehow?". I aimed at the work to complain to the world of the problem consciousness and became a reporter. The actuality was severe. Correspondence to the news which happens every day and the daily life run after by trivial duties. During staying in busyness, I had begun to forget the starting point. I thought "I'd like to reconsider the meaning of the work and a target in a life once more. I left the work once." in the trigger one between work set suddenly. I think so, consider studying abroad and am in Harvard now.

Such the worries and problem consciousness led to a pass in Harvard actually. American unification tests for graduate schools, essay (wish motive note) and letter of recommendation like results in college days and a Japanese national center test for university as GMAT or GRE are needed to enter Kennedy school.

If it's an idea that I became familiar with a Japanese entrance examination, I'd think "When is a score of a test most important?" But an essay is most important by an entrance examination in Harvard.

The following problem was presented to an essay last year at Kennedy school.

Submit a statement that discusses your career goals, as well as the factors that led you to select the Mid-Career MPA program as a means of furthering your personal and professional goals. Be as specific as possible in describing how your expected course of study will enable you to build on your prior professional experience and achieve these goals. (750 word limit)
(Writer translations) describe your future target. Describe the reason that you choose a Master's course of Kennedy school (the Mid-Career MPA program) to achieve a dream as a business worker again as an individual. State why learning at Kennedy school leads a dream to realization again using experience as your business worker as specifically as possible.

The number of characters of the restriction is English, 750 words. They're about 1500 in Japanese. The former life is told by only 1500 words, present is placed and learning at Harvard is linked in the future. When I say to Steve who told a life by a graduation ceremony of Stanford University and Jobs-like, the work by which I'll take a line ties a point as the past and now, and is needed.

Why learning at Harvard "is needed in a life now" in the line, I think out, grope after the way to link a line in the future and bump against an essay obediently. In fact the former work and life experience which weren't always smooth at that time are living. And though the way which connects in the future is faint, it's being also seen.

A motto of a motto of Kennedy school "Ask what you can do" catches attention in the inside of the school.
There is such motto which showed a school tradition at such Kennedy school.

"Ask what you can do" (Care what can be made you.)

Originally, it's the inside word of the speech President Kennedy told by an inaugural. Write that I who learns at Harvard now by a former reporter can do about learning at Harvard and an experience. And it's to return valuable learning at Harvard to even a little many people. The education technique to change discord of Harvard , a dream and the world Harvard University tells is being introduced by this serialization.

2016-03-27 08:18:19 toyokeizai online


次ページ »
林 イム 哲矢 :ハーバード大学ケネディスクール学生2015年10月27日
コメント0「平均年齢38歳、ハーバード生の「頭の中」 なぜ彼らはキャリア半ばでやってくるのか? | ハーバード、その学びは一流なのか - 東洋経済オンライン」

ハーバードの大学院生のイメージとは?(写真 :Komaer / PIXTA)











私が所属するのはMaster in Public Administration(MPA、公共経営学修士)という課程。出願するには「最低3年ほどの職歴」が求められるが、7年以上の職務経験があればMid-Career MPA(ミッドキャリア向けMPA)という課程に出願できる。通常なら卒業まで2年が必要だが、ミッドキャリア向けのコースは1年で卒業できる。そのため、ハーバードでも人生経験が豊富な人材が多いと言われている。
















Submit a statement that discusses your career goals, as well as the factors that led you to select the Mid-Career MPA program as a means of furthering your personal and professional goals. Be as specific as possible in describing how your expected course of study will enable you to build on your prior professional experience and achieve these goals. (750 word limit)
(筆者訳)あなたの将来の目標を述べなさい。個人として、また職業人としての夢を達成するために、あなたがケネディスクールの修士課程(the Mid-Career MPA program)を選ぶ理由を述べなさい。ケネディスクールでの学びが、なぜあなたの職業人としての経験を生かし、また夢を実現に導くのか、できるだけ具体的に述べなさい。



校内にはケネディスクールのモットー「Ask what you can do」の標語が目につく

「Ask what you can do」(あなたに何ができるかを問いなさい)


⚪ B52 Dispatch /戦略爆撃機B52を投入

2016-03-25 07:12:27 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS
2016-03-25 07:12:27 cnn

〓 2015.11.30 MON

2016.03.13 Sun posted at 16:58 JST
Washington (CNN) U.S. Air Force's Deborah Lee and James chief made it clear that the preparations which throw strategic bomber B52 into aerial bombardment duty in radical's "Iraqi Syrian Islamic nation (ISIS)" base in Iraq and Syria are being advanced by the 13th.

It was told by a press conference by the Pentagon in the US. I say the stage waiting for the last approval about the said machine dispatch. A delegate of B52 is the shape that a fuselage renewal and duty of bomber B1 which came off an aerial bombardment strategy at the Middle East in January of this year for upkeeping are taken over.

A dispatch plan to Iraq of B52 was spent by a symposium at the State of Florida in the US in February of this year, and U.S. Air Force's aerial battle commander of headquarters was stating that the time would be April.

1 of the old-fashioned military planes by which a U.S. Air Force possesses and still uses it for actual fighting for the said machine. A long-distance flight between the continent where I'm introduced, load a nuclear weapon, enter into the Soviet Union territorial airspace and bomb a mark in 1950 's which was the summer of the cold war era and a high flight were designed as a possible bomber.

A new model appeared in 62 and a subject of a movie was involved in 64. Substantial remodeling was done after a cold war finish, and a precise lead missile and the electronic sensing equipment which used a high technique were loaded newly.

About 70,000 pounds of weapon onto which the said machine can be loaded is suitable for a bomb, a land mine and a missile (about 31,751 kilometers) according to a U.S. Air Force. I say that B52 dropped 40% over the general amount of consumption of bomb kinds in the Gulf War which has started in 1991. He was also dispatched to a military strategy in Afghanistan and Iraq in 2000 's.

〓 2016-03-25 07:12:27ryukyusimpo.AP=KYODO
< 37> B52 From Okinawa, the first sally July 30 morning edition in 1965.
July 30, 2010 14:02
Space of new report archive that day

◆ Vietcong area bombing

[Saigon AP= association] about thirty U.S. forces B52 bombers which started from Okinawa have added bombing to a Vietcong area in fifty-six kilometers of Saigon southeast on the same day according to the place a U.S. forces spokesman in this place announced for twenty-nine days. A Vietnamese sally of B52 bomber was performed from Guam up to now by the sixth time with this, a sally from Okinawa, first. If it "is for the circumstances this chooses as a typhoon", a U.S. forces spokesman is spreading about this. This bombing was performed as a part of a large-scale Vietcong cleanup strategy by the rice ground troop begun from this day, and a descent unit of tens of people has begun to behave in the said area after bombing.

It's well for twenty-eight days, a typhoon is avoided, and that twenty-five B52 bombers which landed at Kadena airport from Guam are chosen as resident's talk around the said airport, twenty-nine day, well, well, it flies out hastily early and I say that HIRUSU GI returned to the said airport again on the same day. Kadena U.S. Air Force spokesman avoids reference about this, but that the said machine bombed a Vietcong area of fifty-six kilometers of Saigon southeastern person seems unquestionable.
B52 bomber "will take refuge in Okinawa from Guam base urgently" for reason of the typhoon, and though a U.S. Air Force spokesman declared "The said machine took no kind of duty in Okinawa.", I force a resident to have sallied to Vietnam from Okinawa, and it's shocking him.
A legislative in regular assembly ends all of the schedule for one hundred and eighty days the twenty-eighth time, and I have closed the session for thirty days, but the 30th of session last day held a plenary session from 5:40pm, and that B52 bomber started from Kadena base and bombed two areas of Vietcong for twenty-nine days, of the purpose against which I protest hard, "of a war act, immediately, request resolution about cancellation" was approved by an unanimous vote.

[Tokyo head office] the House of Representatives committee of foreign affairs holds an urgent conference at a little past eleven o'clock a.m. for thirty-one days about Okinawa start problem of B52 and cross-examines Shiina Minister of Foreign Affairs and others. The Minister of Foreign Affairs, "Chinese Communist Party wasn't bombed, so a war didn't come to Okinawa, but anxiety was being given from national sentiment, so I asked to pay careful consideration, but the rice was slow. But it isn't a treaty violation, so, you can't protest.", I answered.

〓 2016-03-25 07:12:27
Chuo Nippo Korean English Chinese

North Korea, international of politics and economics, society of the Republic of Korea and Japan and cultural life sports opinion square Korean financial newspaper

Bombing in B-52... North Korea and a Korean war of nuclear missile 32 shot loading, trauma (2)
11:00 August 25 in 2015 for 06 minutes
[ⓒ Chuo Nippo/Chuo Nippo, Japanese edition] comment15 sharemixi
B-52 into which 30 tons of bomb can be loaded together was also upgraded by the performance over several times up to now. Atomic warhead attachment can load possible 32 missiles and 4 shots of hydrogen bomb into 1 plane AGM-129 and AGM-86. B-52 is the reason by which it itself is a nuclear weapon. When B-52 sallies, like guarding F-22 RAPUTA of a stealth fighter and F-15 fighter also move together. Therefore B-52 has the power which isn't judged from only 1 bomber simply. Arranged B-52 did bombing practice at Jeonra Bug Do (CHONRABUKUDO) in February of last year in a Guamanian Anderson base, and a key resolve practice in 2013 and Fort eagle practice those days also sallied in Han peninsula more than 3 times. North Korea reacted to this travel keenly exceedingly. North Korea where U.S. forces developed B-52 strategy at Saikai (SOHE and the Yellow Sea) in February of last year, "A nuclear blow practice was done.", as I rallied. When North Korea which agreed on a separated family members reunion event canceled northern and southern accord for reason of B-52 sally, I also threatened.

Other F-22 stealth fighters of B-52, B-2 stealth strategic bomber which was flying, was doing bombing practice and was returning non-stop from USA to the Han peninsula in 2013 and a nuclear submarine are a subject of study. At the time when the past F-22 stealth fighter was brought to Han peninsula for practice, Kim Jong Il (Kim Jong Il) general secretary, a long time track, you can have absconded. An army person in authority explained "However aggressive when the fighter with the stealth function be being he didn't know, North Korea was afraid."

The plan which makes Han peninsula neighboring seas throw the U.S. atomic submarine which anchors in Yokosuka is also considering military authorities. A competition to North Korean submarine investment. A North Korean traditional way, in the purpose by which a submarine is a battery charge, 2-, while it's every 3 days and I have to surface on the surface of the water, only that's threatening because a nuclear submarine can dive for 2-3 months and develop a strategy.

Bombing in B-52... North Korea and a Korean war of nuclear missile 32 shot loading is a trauma.

Is it back the time of the Vietnam War increasingly?


2016-03-25 07:12:27 CNN

2016.03.13 Sun posted at 16:58 JST
ワシントン(CNN) 米空軍のデボラ・リー・ジェームズ長官などは13日までに、イラクやシリアでの過激派「イラク・シリア・イスラム国(ISIS)」の拠点の空爆任務に戦略爆撃機B52を投入する準備を進めていることを明らかにした。






〓2016-03-25 07:12:27ryukyusimpo.AP=KYODO
<37>B52 沖縄から初出撃 1965年7月30日朝刊
2010年7月30日 14:02




〓2016-03-25 07:12:27


[ⓒ 中央日報/中央日報日本語版] comment15 sharemixi
一度に30トンの爆弾を搭載できるB-52はこれまで数回にわたり性能もアップグレードされた。AGM-129とAGM-86など核弾頭装着が可能なミサイル32発と水素爆弾4発を1機に搭載できる。B-52自体が核兵器であるわけだ。B-52が出撃する場合、護衛のようにステルス戦闘機のF-22ラプターやF-15戦闘機もともに動く。このためB-52は単純に爆撃機1機だけでは見られない威力を持っている。グアムの アンダーソン基地に配置されているB-52は昨年2月に全羅北道(チョンラブクド)で爆撃訓練を行ない、2013年のキーリゾルブ演習、フォールイーグル演習当時も3回以上韓半島に出撃した。このたびに北朝鮮は極度に鋭敏に反応した。昨年2月に米軍が西海(ソヘ、黄海)でB-52作戦を展開する北朝鮮は「核打撃演習をした」として反発した。また、離散家族再会行事に合意した北朝鮮がB-52出撃を理由に南北合意を取り消すと脅したりもした。






○ Busch Helps Ted Cruz./「反トランプ氏」の動き拡大 クルーズ氏への結集進む

2016-03-24 15:59:43 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS
2016-03-24 15:59:43 Kyodo
Kyodo News March 24, 2016 Movement expansion of 15:48 " Anti-Trump" Concentration to Ted Cruz is developed.


Ted Cruz Widens Iowa Lead Over Trump, When Does The Reality TV ...ago
It should be a fist of Ted. pfk pfk

[Washingtonian association] they feel aim at designation acquisition prevention of. businessman Trump who have everything their own way and the movement which backs Ted Cruza senator of about 2 is wide by the Republican Party candidate designation quarrel of race for Federal office. The Busch former Floridan state governor who withdrew from a designation quarrel in February went around Ted Cruz in support on the 23rd.

"For the Republican Party and USA, Trump have to ride over brought discord and vulgarity.". Mr. Bush appealed to have no choice but to concentrate under Ted Cruz by statement.

Support of Christian conservatist is thick for Ted Cruz, a firm stance is sale. It's opposite with Mr. Bush of faction in power with many enemies at an internal party from the posture which puts up "anti-Washington" and denies faction in power.

2016-03-24 15:59:43 Kyodo
共同通信2016年03月24日 15:48「反トランプ氏」の動き拡大 クルーズ氏への結集進む




○LINE FREE/ LINEが最大200人までのグループ通話をリリース。利用は無料。

2016-03-24 13:29:58 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS
2016-03-24 13:29:58

A group call up to LINE at most 200 people is possible.
LINE released the group call function up to at most 200 people. The use is free.

LINE released the group call function which can be called at the same time up to at most 200 people on February 23 in country. The use is free.

A sound call became possible at the same time up to at most 200 people between the users who participate in a group toque of LINE. The number of people with which I participate at present on the toque screen can be confirmed, and during putting into the output, a mark is indicated on the user's icon.

I say that conference call as well as between my friends and the family also expect utilization by a business scene. The group sound kyat function can use a hang out of Skype in Microsoft in the US and Google in the US for free of charge.

It was being opened ahead at each country including Thailand, Taiwan and Indonesia by March 17.

[The state of the group sound call]

A group call is begun from a toque room of a group toque or more than one people. When it begins, a notice message arrives at the participation user. A mark is indicated on the icon of the user uttering a vocal sound in addition to the number of people with which I participate at present on the screen during a call, and you can grasp visually whose remark it is.

An application is raised in a newest version (ver5.11) in use, with the necessity to date. You answer with PC/Mac edition more than ver4.5.

2016-03-24 13:29:58








○ How Belgium became the hub of terror in Europe/ベルギー :ヨーロッパの恐怖のハブになったか

2016-03-24 10:07:20 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS
2016-03-24 10:07:20 WashPost
How Belgium became the hub of terror in Europe

By Greg Miller and Joby Warrick March 22 at 8:14 PM
For three days last week, counterterrorism officials and experts from dozens of countries gathered in Brussels for a conference on a threat quietly gathering in the city around them.

They passed through an airport whose vulnerabilities had been assessed by Islamist militants. Some even stepped off a subway system already marked as a soft target. They heard a top Belgian official warn that the recent arrest of a suspect in last fall’s Paris attacks had exposed only the edge of a larger network.

The suspect, Salah Abdeslam, “was ready to restart something from Brussels” four months after he went underground, said Didier Reynders, the Belgian foreign minister. At the conclusion of the massive manhunt, authorities had “found a lot of weapons, heavy weapons . . . and we are seeing a new network of people around him in Brussels.”

The arrest of Abdeslam appears to have set off a race between security officials in Belgium and a terrorist cell that must have known that it had limited time to act. On Tuesday, the authorities lost.

[How vulnerable is the United States to a Brussels-like attack?]

The attacks, which killed at least 31 people and left about 250 others injured, were promptly claimed by the Islamic State, the terrorist group that has unleashed a series of external plots as its territory in Syria and Iraq has begun to shrink. Belgian officials described the devastation as a “black day,” darker than any the country had seen since World War II.

The carnage also exposed the extent to which Belgium has become the Western hub of a terrorist threat that has spread from the Islamic State’s strongholds in Syria across the Middle East and deep into Europe.

Belgium has seen a larger share of its Muslim population leave to fight in Syria than has any other Western country. The Molenbeek district of Brussels, the capital, is a particularly fertile breeding ground for militants, including several involved in the Paris attacks that killed 130 people last year.

Belgium was the first country in Europe to face an attack on its soil tied to the Islamic State: a shooting at a Jewish museum in Brussels that killed four people nearly two years ago. But despite that early wake-up call, the carnage Tuesday showed how woefully vulnerable Belgium remains.

“It’s kind of astonishing how hard it is for bureaucracies to be galvanized without direct experience of a major terror attack,” said Daniel Benjamin, a former top counterterrorism official at the State Department. “The tragedy is that country after country has had to learn this the hard way,” he said, describing the Islamic State’s support network in Belgium as “probably the most fully developed [terror] infrastructure in Europe.”

[How the Brussels attacks could force Obama to betray his policy instincts]

A small nation of 11.2 million, Belgium has had at least 470 of its citizens enter Syria to join the fighting since the civil war began there four years ago. That is triple the number of suspected fighters who have attempted to get to Syria from the United States. And the ratio of Belgian fighters ― about 45 for every 1 million citizens ― is more than twice that of its neighbor France

2016-03-24 10時07分20秒WashPost



容疑者、サラーレフAbdeslam、彼の4ヶ月後の「ブリュッセルから何かを再スタートする用意ができていた」が行った アンダーグラウンド が 言った ディディエReynders、ベルギーの外務大臣 。大規模な人間狩りの結論には、当局は持ち、たくさんの武器、重い武器と気付かれた。。。そして、私達はブリュッセルで彼のまわりの人々の新しいネットワークを見ている。」



攻撃(それは少なくとも31人を殺して、およそ250の他の人を負傷するままにしておきました)は、イスラム州(シリアとイラクのその領土が縮み始めて、一連の外部の計画を誘発したテロリストのグループ)によって、すぐに要求されました。 ベルギーの当局は、荒廃を「黒い日」(同国が第二次世界大戦以来遭遇した何よりも暗黒の)と言いました。




「官僚機構が大きなテロ攻撃の直接の経験なしで電流を流されることがどれくらい難しいかは、驚かすようなものです」と、ダニエル・ベンジャミン(USA 国務省の元最高のテロ対策当局者)は言いました。 「地方が難しい方法でこれを学ばなければならなかった、悲劇はこの国ベルギーです」と、彼は言いました。そして、ベルギーでイスラム州のサポート・ネットワークを「おそらくヨーロッパで最も完全に開発された[恐怖]基盤」と言いました。


ベルギー1120万の小さい国、内戦が4年前そこで始まった時から、ベルギーは市民の少なくとも470人に戦いに加わるためにシリアに入らせました。 それは、アメリカ合衆国からシリアに着こうとしたファイター容疑者の3倍の数です。 そして、100万の市民―ごとの45人- についてのベルギーのファイター―の比率は、その隣人フランスのそれの2倍以上です

◯ 90%Sickness in Japan can be cured by itself! /90%の病気は自分で治せる!って本当ですか?①

2016-03-23 07:18:20 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS
2016-03-23 07:18:20

Med Doctor Yutaka Okamoto

< profile>
It was born in Osaka-shi in 1957.
Graduated from Kitano high school Graduated from Osaka University
A doctor MD.
I become a brain surgery medical specialist via anesthesiology and training of ICU and work on treatment of bad brain tumor. Immunity method of treatment of cancer and a gene therapy are studied at a cell technology/cell engineering center.
After that I have a doubt in the present medical treatment and medicine and make "the meeting which considers the 21st century medical treatment and medicine" with company's doctors.
I don't like being tied exceedingly, and neither disobeys nor follows "", I live selfishly so often in a principle.
I give priority to a hobby and my boom over work carelessly, "Poor, I have free time.", man of common sense who has a pain and prefers.

< hobby>
Travel (unsteadily, here and there)  
Reading (Is it in the year in spite of the genre?
One hundred thousand yen are also spent.)
It can be cut (Mr. Osamu Kubo and Hajime Narita Tetsu teacher train.)
It can be cut "The Gion Festival month halberd street turning".
Imagination and delusion
< my boom>
Astronomical observation (I have moved to a house with a roof intentionally for it.)
Mountain climbing
< favorite word>
When there is a market (ICHI, when), I don't need a state.
Ittou shousumimantomoshibi Terukuni
< to aim.>
I gather my good companies, create a think tank and send a creative suggestion to the world.
< motto>
I live long vigorously.
I neither disobey nor follow.

Sickness of 90% in Japan can be cured by itself! , is it true?

The number of patients a Japanese doctor examines is European and American 3.5 times. And Japan is the country where I have a lot of medicine by far in the world. "Good patient" with medicine dependence which is fooled by an abnormal METABO boom and increases increasingly. But you say it's own immunity power which is the inner "skilled physician" to claim really, and that it's natural support..., and it's said that they can cure 90 percent of sickness by themselves.
If, some day suddenness and all the one from Japan

When Mr. patients of autonomic imbalance...... etc. were everyone and a hospital (doctor's office), and didn't high blood pressure, diabetes, arteriosclerosis, obesity, gout, constipation, a headache, lumbago and insomnia have a medical treatment any more?

If the accident that the inspection that I am awakened to curing one's disease by oneself, and the medicine unnecessary than required does not drink does not receive gets up, and so medical care how's it going?

When indeed this by which it can also be said that it's absurd has happened actually.

Is Mr. patient in trouble because he kills?
Will a doctor be in trouble because he kills?

No, Mr. patient and a doctor may not be in trouble possibly...,....

There is a strange habit I can often arrange under a delusion.

Expectation is driven in that I don't also have that approximately and that it doesn't seem achieved, its.
Talk can be being inflated one after another based on expectation. It's possessed with the illusion that a delusion isn't a delusion any more and seems real gradually soon.

Then because it's seeming in the good idea to which the distress is changed, it's strange that I don't also have that all too soon and that it doesn't seem achieved.

By the way high blood pressure, diabetes, arteriosclerosis, obesity, gout, constipation, a headache, lumbago, insomnia and autonomic imbalance generically call, and are called "sickness of a comedy" around me.

The reason is easy.

Because those diseases are because they can never have heroine's sickness of tragedy.

It's possible to cure "sickness of a comedy" by the power as a principle and even when needing the power of the doctor temporarily, it's adequate by just a little advice.

On the other hand, I don't live through "sickness of tragedy" so.

A doctor and Mr. patient build relationship of mutual trust while communicating densely, and Mr. patient has to be aiming at healing while looking for gou ivy treatment method each. Indeed homemade treatment is indispensable.

There are "good patients" in Japan.

When there are 30,000,000 people even if I make an estimate low, its number may reach tens of millions of people possibly, too.

It's said that this "good patient" keeps increasing every day in that you can say certainly freely would be a problem.

It means that "good patient" is Mr. very thankful patient needless to say for a doctor.

Then, where are you thankful?

Without also complaining first, go regularly all the while periodically.

It isn't this much difficult to be got for a doctor. The visitor who can come periodically is the special patron.

Moreover I keep taking medicine silently and keeps having an examination. When it is, the profits can also be expected certainly, and I should be so very thankful.

This will be a very important point, in the life or, nevertheless that I don't recover comes in handy perfectly with KAWARUKO.

"I don't concern the life." and "It isn't completely cured." these 2 points will be a very important key word.

To take charge of the patient who concerns the life, worth doing, kanki, but, a mental burden is a big one as expected for a doctor. Its degree is a strong one so that I have that when I'm a serious doctor. Too strong in the thought that I'd like apply heart and soul to the patient who concerns the life and be confronted, there are many doctors who drive oneself too much and burn out too rather actually, too. Such, the delicate doctor is too serious, and resigns from a doctor suddenly on some days and retires from a site or often pulls a curtain in a life personally.

Mental share isn't also little of course for being confronted with the patient who concerns the life. The resolution on which great time is spent is necessary and also quite troublesome of course. Moreover it's the current state that it doesn't pay off like money considering it.

When examining Mr. patient who doesn't concern the point and life, there is gikan extremely by a point as worth doing, but whatever I say, it can correspond comfortably, so I'm very thankful. Moreover it's the point that it's also good that I don't recover perfectly.

Therefore since concerning the life, that would be a problem, even so, that I'm refreshed, even if it's completely cured, I'm in trouble about medical examination and treatment of once and twice.

In short or it's said that the patient who can be still a customer is the other thankful existence by which "good patient" is a fact.

It was because it was felt whether it was necessary to look back upon the work as a doctor by leading with sickness taking the strange delusion as a start, that I wrote this book.

2016-03-23 07:18:20


1957年 大阪市生まれ O型
北野高校卒 大阪大学卒
医師 医学博士

旅行 (ふらふらあちこち) 
読書 (ジャンルを問わず、年間に
きりえ 「 祇園祭月鉾辻回し」





































○ WatsonIBM Watson/日本語版API提供開始。コグニティブ(認知)が未来を拓く

2016-03-22 07:15:23 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS
2016-03-22 07:15:23 CHANGE-MAKERS
IBM Watson Japanese edition API offer starting. COGNITIVE (recognition) opens the future.


by CHANGE-MAKERS2016.02.29
The design of the reporter announcement of the IBM Watson Japanese edition API offer starting held on February 18 is the day, I told you by " [newsletter edition] IBM Watson Japanese edition API To the press conference to which I say that offer starting and Mitsubishi Tokyo UFJ Bank also began QA service in LINE". I think how to enter fight of IBM Japan and Sofbank equivalent to Japanese edition development, the expectation to the Watson Japanese edition thronged with mass communication a lot and the atmosphere of the vicinity such as the Watson utilization which seems very convenient where the user enterprise is wrestling already are transmitted already, but then newsletter edition] chooses the point I couldn't finish telling in this time.


The concert to which a lot of press thronged. Protuberance of the expectation to which I say "I'd like also to use Watson in Japan." isn't unrelated to these days' AI (artificial intelligence) boom of course. Such as I make a spectacular showing by a popular quiz show and release a creative recipe, and looking for a new remedy, various achievements are told Watson, but IBM doesn't call Watson AI. How to call such as "COGNITIVE (recognition) systems" is made a question key system recently in an early stage. They seem to choose not to use a word as AI to which an image is precedent and to say COGNITIVE to explain the solution Watson offers more correctly.

Then, what is COGNITIVE?

Digitalization of various enterprise data is developed simultaneously including IoT and sociality at present, and it's the momentum which doubles every year. It also increases in the percentage of non-structured data as well as the structured data which were the mainstream big in the past in it. Mr. Paul Yonamine, the IBM Japan CEO is explaining "The user who can understand such data would be a winning group."

Structuralization and non-structured data are understood, and sets up a hypothesis, reasons and recommends a candidate as the need arises, and Watson is learning in order to make correcter data. This is a supply chain of information. When looking up in an English dictionary, these cycle as "understanding, inference, recommendation and learning" and this are the meaning of cognitive left (recognition). IBM explains Watson with an expression as "the 1st version of technology and a COGNITIVE solution". They seem to be making the ecosystem and be sending new solution of Watson and tool kinds to the Japanese market and the global market in the definition of COGNITIVE from now on.

The level is different from speech recognition of familiar shop assistant and SUMAHO at all.

[Newsletter edition] then, demonstration of business support by "Sofbank brain" was introduced. It seems that an animation is exhibited by a site of Sofbank.
Besides the day could also see many interesting demonstration and case. Though the user who visited an apparel shop on the net carried on a dialog with Watson, demonstration by Mr. Masayoshi Nakano who also takes charge of marketing of Watson by IBM Japan at the inside was the one to product purchase, and it was explained clearly visually how Watson was working.
When the user logs in to an apparel shop, a user authentication is performed, and personal profiling information is called to the screen upper left, and information on purchase goods in the past, a store and the price is shown to the lower right.

Watson recognizes the user and conversation starts.
"Hello, what kind of goods is Mr. Nakano looking for today?"
"I think when I have a good one by a jacket today."

Watson picks a key word out from the inside of the user information and the conversation which understand and are accumulating a context of conversation (context), and an important word of "jacket" "medium" etc. is shown to the screen lower left. More relevant goods are recommended from the inside of a picture of a data base of goods in the upper right.

Mr. Nakano seems to have liked the goods Watson recommends.
"I'd like to try it on."
"It's medium there is stock at the Hakozaki store you're always using. Please have right or wrong fitting.", isn't it?
"Thank you very much."
"You're welcome. Is there something else?"
"I'd like also to see slacks which match a jacket."

Watson proposes a candidate for the slacks.
"It's good, can I also try this on?"
"Yes. Stock is also at Hakosaki store here, so please try it on. I'm waiting for coming."

It isn't distinguishable from the conversation exchanged with a familiar shop shop assistant, is it? The level is different from speech recognition of SUMAHO. Watson reads a meaning of this sentence of conversation and chooses information suitable for the user individual from a knowledge base, and proposes.

I become 6 of Japanese announced this time in this demonstration, it seems that API (Natural Language Classifier, Retrieve and Rank, Document Conversion, Dialog, Speech to Text and Text to Speech) is used.

2016-03-22 07:15:23 CHANGE-MAKERS
IBM Watson日本語版API提供開始。コグニティブ(認知)が未来を拓く

by CHANGE-MAKERS2016.02.29
2月18日に開催されたIBM Watson日本語版API提供開始の記者発表の模様は、当日の「【速報版】IBM Watson日本語版API 提供開始、三菱東京UFJ銀行もLINEでQAサービスを開始、という記者会見へ」でお伝えしました。日本語版開発にあたった日本IBMとソフトバンクの気合の入り方、多数マスコミが詰めかけたWatson日本語版への期待、ユーザー企業がすでに取り組んでいる超便利そうなWatson活用といったあたりの雰囲気はすでに伝わっているかと思いますが、今回は【速報版】ではお伝えしきれなかったポイントをピックアップします。




現在はIoT、ソーシャルをはじめさまざまな企業データのデジタル化が一斉に進み毎年倍増する勢いです。そのなかで従来主流だった構造化データばかりでなく非構造化データの割合も大きく増加しています。「こうしたデータを理解できるユーザーが勝ち組になるだろう」と日本IBM 代表取締役社長のポール与那嶺氏は語っています。









このデモンストレーションには、今回発表された6つの日本語化API(Natural Language Classifier、Retrieve and Rank、Document Conversion、Dialog、Speech to Text、Text to Speech)が使用されているようです。