◯ Cheerio !! ■最後の言葉「サヨナラ」

2015-01-31 13:11:43 | ♪ One Short Talk

2015-02-01 07:26:14 telegraph.co.uk

■ The last word "Good-bye."

If this is done, a tear doesn't stop. By the reason which says so, news from the United Kingdom. That a kept parrot talked a word of separation on the eve when I die, I become the topic of conversation.
The parrot and "TABU" by which Ms. Nina Morgan who lives in English EKUSETA (89) kept this parrot. Mr. TABU was 55 years old. Nina is making the comment asked about him.
"That child was very intellectual and was a wise child. Though we were telling nothing, TABU was remembering a word."

And that TABU passed away, I'm looking back so.
"I went up to a bed in the evening the front where that child dies. Then did TABU speak to" Cheerio (Cheerio: Good-bye.)" for me from the inside of a basket? After all, that was that child's last word. The feeling that they're weak did, so I was somewhat very worried. If he got up in the next morning, he was at the most expensive perch in the basket, when going and having returned to make tea from green powder after I spoke, he was dead at the bottom of a basket already. I cried for 2 days. In loneliness by which he doesn't have."
■ Tanzanian :1955
Now, 2 people were spending long time together as the age of Mr. TABU also showed Nina. TABU was born in Tanzania originally. It's one kind of African gray PAROTTO (YOUMU) and is the young picked up from a nest at a chick. Nina lived in Tanzania (then, TANZANIKA) with Peter of my husband who was an origin flight engineer and was a pilot. It was TABU that 2 people bought a parrot as a pet and came for Peter of the child who becomes 8 years old. 1955 years.
"My husband was a pilot of a president machine at that time. TABU was still small, and a wing didn't also develop perfectly. Still did you remember the name of my son and be crying out for" Christopher!"."
But, Christopher has died of a car crash in 1970 's. And 2 people have returned to England with TABU. When long time passed and Peter of my husband died of emphysema, TABU has been only one relative for Nina.
"TABU was always. Please be sure to speak to" the halo and My Darling" for me in a morning. Do you give a biscuit and have breakfast together."
When Nina went out, TABU said "Good-bye." "Bye bye." "MATANE" certainly, and even neighborhood was popular. When a dog comes to play, a cat cries with "One or one!", and that penetrates outside the window, "mew", it's said that it cried. Moreover when not noticing even if a doorbell ages, and rings for Nina who became hard of hearing, I cry "NINA! NINA!" in a loud voice, and it's said that you told me.
If I'm also here together for more than 50 years, you'll be the perfect family rather than a pet already, right? In addition to that it has been alone in a house. The word isn't also found at such time. Because everyone is one when dying after all. Of the assistance which isn't also heard is considered such be like Nina's who becomes 90 years old soon being proper it's understood, and of what it may be the one by which it feels like now.

cheerio : 
音節cheer・i・o 発音記号/tʃì(ə)rióʊ|‐riˈəʊ/
1さようなら,ではまた 《別れのあいさつ》.
2015-01-31 13:11:43 telegraph.co.uk



○Terrorist incident of France. Thinking about peace 1 / 平和を考える1フランスのテロ事件

2015-01-31 07:30:34 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

Terrorist incident of France. Thinking about peace 1

2015-01-31 07:30:34


Terrorism is repeated. And the voice to which I say "Eradicate terrorism!" is high. But is that right?

He has something to discuss as "north wind and the sun" with Aesop's story, and a traveler stands up the collar in a court in the coldness which is that and is walking. A north wind is furious in order to make them take off the coat, if a wind can be revved, a traveler doesn't separate a coat increasingly. But, when the sun shines on a traveler warmly, a traveler takes off a coat.

Every matter has the cause. Though there is cause, almost all people won't be a radical solution at the direction that's made bigger where, and are informing that it's important to take the cause, and approve this.

Why isn't terrorism patient? Because the person himself throws away his life, too, there is a strong reason of some level. In case of this terrorism, the reason and cause will be the following.

1) it's said that the person one makes important, the thing and the freedom of respected thing which insults a loving person and* expression are important.

2) the violence of the state which makes it a colony, takes rights away, makes the system to have no choice but to depend on a suzerain-note1 state and fixes a subordinate relation... is good, but an individual says No.

3) it's right to think one is right.

This time, 1) and 2), it'll be put in order about 3). There were no concepts as "freedom of an expression" in our Japan. In a compensation, "Without injuring a person.", and, we assumed "You might say everything, the sincerity was important." That both society says the Bunka when it's a little different when you can assume that mutual culture is respected each other, not so bad society when it's accepted and better culture is being produced, would be common "goodness" necessary to both society.

The concept that a European school calls it "freedom of an expression" can't be born from European culture and a political system and adapt itself to other races and other culture just as it is, and there are also no principles to which I say "When it's right criticism-lessly, Europe is built." of course.

Japan is the country where I say "A custom of an other country isn't denied." so that even the world is rare. If one (Japanese) thinks "well", even a religion introduces a political system to culture again. But the time when other races were being ruled is long, so European people say "One is right. You're wrong." right now. The United States is called a policeman of the world by the epitome, but when it's being often seen, that's just to say "The United States profits."

"I'm always also right" for the cause of the war and the quarrel by a personal quarrel by a quarrel between the state, said. If there is also Japanese culture in France this time, and the idea that I say "The person others respect goes against etiquette in case of impoliteness, so, it isn't insulted." is also a little, an event, itself wouldn't happen.

Freedom of the expression by which I'm the European way, not to think "right" and to say "right" makes itself retreat to criticism-lessness a little, and I "think everyone is right" for a person on the earth, I think it's good that Japan spreads the standard I say among the world.

continued to the 4.

note1:研究社 新英和中辞典
音節su・ze・rain 発音記号/súːz(ə)rən|s(j)úːzərèɪn/

2015-01-31 07:30:34





なぜテロが耐えないのだろうか? 本人も自分の命を捨てるのだから、それなりの強い理由がある。今回のテロの場合、その理由と原因は次のようなものだろう。

1) 自分が大切にしている人やもの、尊敬している、愛している人などを侮辱すること・・・表現の自由は大切だと言われている。

2) 植民地にし、利権を奪い、宗主国に頼らざるをえないシステムを作り、隷属関係を固定する・・・国家の暴力は良いが、個人はダメという。

3) 自分が正しいと思うことが正しい。








◯ Precious Blue 青. Sperm Whale and a Girl

2015-01-30 10:31:03 | ♪ One Short Talk

2015-01-30 09:43:52 NHKworld

Precious Blue
The Caribbean Sea, Bonding with the Sperm Whale
Jan. 31, Sat. 4:10/ 10:10/ 16:10/ 22:10 (UTC)

Ai Futaki is a "free diver", meaning that she dives deep below the surface without the use of air tanks. She set 2 Guinness World Records for the longest distance dive in a cave with one single breath. In this program she takes on a new challenge to form a bridge between the creatures living in our oceans and her fellow human beings. Here she dives into sperm whale territory in an attempt to bond with the "lord of the oceans" and to make some form of emotional contact.

U r real The Little Mermaid !!

◯ We've Done.Edward Snowden / 疑ってごめんよ、シリア。

2015-01-30 05:54:54 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

2015-01-30 05:40:07 Wired via TIME

Remember when the Syrian government shut down the entire country's internet a little under two years ago? Well, thanks to Edward Snowden's recent Wired interview, we now know that may not quite be what happened. In fact, according to Snowden, it was the NSA who flipped the switch.

In the midst of the Syrian civil war, the NSA was looking to find a way into the country's main (and virtually only) internet service provider. As Time points out, "Setting up that backdoor would have given the U.S. unparalleled access to nearly all digital communications within Syria, a major intelligence advantage."

Unfortunately for the NSA, things didn't go quite according to plan. So much so, in fact, that whatever the agency was doing managed to brick the router, which in turn caused the entire country of Syria to lose its internet connection. Wired goes on to explain:

Inside the TAO operations center, the panicked government hackers had what Snowden calls an "oh shit" moment. They raced to remotely repair the router, desperate to cover their tracks and prevent the Syrians from discovering the sophisticated infiltration software used to access the network. But because the router was bricked, they were powerless to fix the problem.

Fortunately for the NSA, the Syrians were apparently more focused on restoring the nation's Internet than on tracking down the cause of the outage. Back at TAO's operations center, the tension was broken with a joke that contained more than a little truth: "If we get caught, we can always point the finger at Israel."
So far, the NSA hasn't made any comment to Wired regarding the Syrian outage or the agency's purported role in the blackout. But it's hard to imagine the agency could say anything that would repair the damage done with this kind of damning report. [Wired via Time]

2015-01-30 05:40:07 Wired via TIME



NSFW(職場閲覧注意) , ニュース ,
2014.08.15 11:30





TAOオペレーション本部の中では、パニックした政府のハッカー集団が「oh shit(おーくそったれ)」状態(スノーデン談)となった。





source: Wired via TIME

Ashley Feinberg - Gizmodo US

◯ The Interview. 英語面接でよく聞かれる質問と、回答に使える英語表現たち

2015-01-30 05:16:21 | ♪ One Short Talk

2015-01-30 05:11:54 lifehacker.jp



言葉のことになると、練習しておくべき面接英語がたくさんあります。今回は、「オンライン留学体験」を提供する世界最大級のオンライン英会話スクール「EF Englishtown」の記事より、仕事の面接でちゃんと答えられる準備ができるように、特によく聞かれる質問と、回答に使える単語や熟語をいくつかご紹介しましょう。


1. Tell us about yourself

2. Where do you see yourself in ... years?
面接官は、未来に目を向けて、あなたが将来どうなっていたいかを想像するように聞いています。仕事の観点からの、現実的な想像をするように言っているのです。5年後には南フランスのプール付きの大邸宅に住むことを夢見ていたとしても、ここはそれを言う場所ではありません! 仕事に関連したことに留めておきましょう。その会社で働いている自分を想像できますか? もちろん面接官は想像できることを願っていますが、どのポジションで働いているのでしょうか? 自分のキャリア目標について考えてから答えましょう。

3. What are your strengths and weaknesses?
もしかするとあなたはクロスワードパズルが得意でチョコレートが苦手かもしれませんが、雇用者はそんなことが知りたいと思っているわけではありません。彼らが知りたいのは、職場での長所と短所なのです。あなたはコミュニケーションが上手い人ですか? 仕事の飲み込みが速い人でしょうか? 自分の優れた特質と、それが職場でどのように役立つかについて考えましょう。短所に関していえば、あまりたくさん認めたくはないですよね。短所を認めるときには、それが長所に見えるようにしたいものです。自分は完璧主義者すぎるので、何かが100%完璧になるまで満足しない、といったことです。

4. Can you give me an example of a time when you ... and how you dealt with that?

5. Do you have any questions for us?


1. I'm good at multi-tasking(私はマルチタスクが得意です)

2. I'm eager to learn(私には新しいことを学ぶ意欲があります)

3. I perform well under pressure(私はプレッシャーに強いです)

4. I'm looking for the chance to progress(私には向上心があります)

Photo by Shutterstock.

◯ Agglutination state. 膠着状態.ヨルダン 安否未確認で引き渡し応じず

2015-01-30 04:33:36 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

Agglutination is in a state

2015-01-30 04:33:36 NHK online

Jordan Safety is unconfirmed and the delivery does not accept .

January 30, 2015 4:18

We assume that a Jordanian government can't confirm the life of the pilot bound to "Islamic nation" to a time limit was provided, and the Isramic militant organization's "Islamic nation" and the seen organization's asking to collect Mr. Kenji Goto and the condemned criminal who becomes an exchange in the Turkey border, and I'm not meeting the condemned criminal's delivery.

We assumed that "Islamic nation" and the seen organization to which Mr. Kenji Goto is bound killed the pilot of a Jordanian army who restricts even asking sunset on the 29th of local time to collect Mr. Goto and Sajida Mubarak Atrous al-Rishawi condemned criminal who becomes an exchange in the Turkey border, and when not meeting.
A Jordanian MOMANI charge aspect of media made night on the 29th in Japan time and the case that I'm interviewing, am stating "There is preparation from which a RISHAWI condemned criminal is released in exchange for a pilot, but a Jordanian government can't confirm the life of the pilot, it isn't possible to advance towards the next stage." and am not meeting the condemned criminal's delivery clear.
Mr. MOMANI charge look of media "continues all efforts" on it to take back a Japanese hostage, and, I made it clear to speak and cooperate with the Japanese side for Mr. Goto's release.
11:30pm on the 29th Japan time said to be this time limit passes and is the site already in the evening, but I neither be out to a new message from the organization thought "Islamic nation" nor understand pilot's safety up to now.
After a time limit had passed, these pilot's relatives held a press conference in metropolitan Amman, and stated "A movement for problem solving had stopped. If you freed a pilot, the Jordanian people who are the same Muslim would thank you greatly.", and complained so that a pilot might be freed for "Islamic nation".

2015-01-30 04:33:36 NHK online

ヨルダン 安否未確認で引き渡し応じず

2015年1月30日 4時18分



◯ ♪ I'm Not The Only One ♪ (Sam Smith) サム・スミス

2015-01-29 13:54:42 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

I'm Not The Only One サム・スミス (Sam Smith)

The protagonist in the music video is the young wife of a wealthy but unfaithful husband. I think, however, a feeling like "I'm not the only one" is quite universal. It's not limited to a romantic relationship and could be applied to any kind of relationship. A child who has their baby sister or brother would also feel this way thinking they are not the only one for their parent(s). I believe everybody knows that kind of feeling. I'm sure I'm Not The Only One.
I'm Not The Only One (Sam Smith)


2015-05-07 〃

2014年09月08日(月) 05時18分54秒
I'm Not The Only One/Sam Smith

You and me, we made a vow
For better or for worse
I can't believe you let me down
But the proof's in the way it hurts

君と僕は 誓いを立てたんだ
健やかなるときも 病めるときも、と
こんなふうに裏切られるなんて 思ってもみなかった
でもそれが事実 痛みすら感じてる

For months on end I've had my doubts
Denying every tear
I wish this would be over now
But I know that I still need you here

最後の数か月は 僕の中に疑いの念があった

You say I'm crazy
'Cause you don't think I know what you've done
But when you call me baby
I know I'm not the only one

君が僕の知らないところで何してるか 僕が無知だと思ってるから
でもわかってる 君がベイビーと呼ぶ相手は

You've been so unavailable
Now sadly I know why
Your heart is unobtainable
Even though Lord knows you kept mine

君は今までもずっと 信じられないくらい魅力的だった
僕の心は君のもの それは確かなのに

You say I'm crazy
'Cause you don't think I know what you've done
But when you call me baby
I know I'm not the only one

君が僕の知らないところで何してるか 僕が無知だと思ってるから
でもわかってるよ 君がベイビーと呼ぶ相手は

I have loved you for many years
Maybe I am just not enough
You've made me realize my deepest fear
By lying and tearing us up

それでもたぶん まだ足りないくらいなんだろうね
嘘をついて ふたりの関係を引き裂いてね

You say I'm crazy
'Cause you don't think I know what you've done
But when you call me baby
I know I'm not the only one

君が僕の知らないところで何してるか 僕が無知だと思ってるから
でもわかってる 君がベイビーと呼ぶ相手は

I know I'm not the only one
I know I'm not the only one
And I know...
I know I'm not the only one


◯ For Mr. Goto, without reference 新声明でパイロット批判 後藤さんに言及なし

2015-01-29 11:10:46 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

2015-01-29 10:55:37. kyodo

By new statement, pilot criticism For Mr. Goto, without reference

One situation of picture statement the organization thought "Islamic nation" exhibited on the internet on the 28th. An army pilot of a restricted Jordanian person and the person who can see are reflected.

[kyodo] about an army pilot of the Jordanian person who exhibits picture statement to the organization judged as radical "Islamic nation" on the internet on the 28th and restricts, "I have come to kill us.", I criticized. There was no reference to Mr. Kenji Goto (47). The reliability is unclear.

Statement combined animation and a still with sound, and was also included in a picture of a Jordanian Abdullah king.

2015/01/28 23:23 [Kyodo News]

2015-01-29 10:55:37. kyodo

新声明でパイロット批判 後藤さんに言及なし




2015/01/28 23:23 【共同通信】

◯ Nikka【マッサン】エリーのモデル・竹鶴リタの着物姿が美しい ニッカウヰスキーが公開

2015-01-29 10:41:22 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

2015-01-29 10:35:08

【マッサン】エリーのモデル・竹鶴リタの着物姿が美しい ニッカウヰスキーが公開(画像)

The Huffington Post
投稿日: 2015年01月13日 12時07分 JST 更新: 2015年01月13日 12時08分 JST



着物姿のリタ、凛として本当に綺麗じゃな。心から政孝を、そして日本という国を愛していたんじゃろうな。 #マッサン #リタ

2015年1月10日 08:15

◯ The Pilot will be killed immediately.ヨルダン軍パイロットのムアーズ・カサースベを、殺害する」

2015-01-29 09:46:20 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

2015-01-29 09:46:20


The Huffington Post
投稿日: 2015年01月29日 09時08分 JST 更新: 1分前





I’m Kenji Goto Jogo. This is a voice message I’ve been told to send to you. If Sajida al-Rishawi is not ready for exchange for my life at the Turkish border by Thursday sunset, 29th of January, Mosul time, the Jordanian pilot Muath al-Kasasbeh will be killed immediately.

◯ Hostage information 日本人人質 最新情報

2015-01-29 06:52:27 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS



▼Kenji Goto Jogo is no longer a prisoner of the Islamic State.
2015年1月28日 20:51


シェア +
▼今日 06時04分 JST

عاجل || مراسل #الجزيرة_مباشر : العاهل الأردني يطمئن أهالي الطيار المحتجز لدى #تنظيم_الدولة ويقول إنه بخير
2015年1月29日 05:03

シェア +
▼今日 05時16分 JST

Information is still complicated.

Information is still complicated.


◯ Jordanian leading newspaper saysヨルダンの有力紙アルガドSays

2015-01-28 22:10:28 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

2015-01-28 22:10:28 TBS

About the Sajida Rishawi condemned criminal who crosses Jordanian leading newspaper ARUGADO at 7 o'clock p.m. Japan time today and imprisonment him as talk of a person in authority of a Jordanian government.
I told that a Jordanian government issued statement soon.

A person in authority of a Jordanian government "may release a RishawiI condemned criminal in exchange for pilot's release of a Japanese hostage and a
Jordanian person" according to a website in ARUGADO.
It's said that they told. A person in authority, "A Jordanian government issues formal statement soon.", it's said that they spoke.

2015-01-28 22:10:28 TBS



◯ Release? ヨルダン政府関係者とTBSと非公式に接触。

2015-01-28 16:04:58 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

2015-01-28 16:04:58 TBS day catch.2015-01-28 16:00
TBS contacts with a person concerned Jordanian government unofficially.
The Sajida Mubarak Atrous al-Rishawi death penalty and exchange!
We may speak good news :The Jordanian government.
In addition, there is the reverse news.
Announcer Kyokei Arakawa.

2015-01-28 16:04:58 TBS day catch.2015-01-28 16:00





荒川強啓 アナウンサー.

◯ In Dog WE Trust. terrorism but pup...

2015-01-28 07:39:04 | ♪ One Short Talk

2015-01-28 07:18:58. CNN

Sheriff's office rug with 'In Dog We Trust' typo sells for nearly $10,000
By Emma Lacey-Bordeaux, CNN
Updated 1304 GMT (2104 HKT) January 22, 2015

Story highlights
The sheriff's office put up the rug for auction
It received 83 bids
(CNN)A Florida sheriff's office has turned a $500 mistake into a $9,650 windfall for charity.

The Pinellas County Sheriff's office ordered a new rug, which turned up last week with a typo. The large green rug with the black and yellow Pinellas County Sheriff's Office logo included the phrase "In Dog We Trust" within one of its crests.

It was supposed to read "In God We Trust."

The Sheriff's Office said rug manufacturer, American Floor Mats, would replace it

That could have been the end of the story except Sheriff Bob Gualtieri had an idea.

He decided to auction off the unique item -- the "doggone rug," as he called it -- and donate the proceeds to a local rescue.

"The Pinellas County Sheriff's Office will not sweep anything under the rug," the department said when it put up the item.

Jane Sidwell is the founder of Canine Estates Inc. She figured her shelter would net a few hundred bucks from the sale.

"I knew that the sheriff's office paid $500 for it," she told CNN affiliate Bay News 9 . "So I thought well, that's great. We'll get $500. But we had no idea it would escalate into what it has."

Eighty three bids later, the rug was sold -- for a whopping $9,650!

The money will go mainly toward vet bills, Sidwell said. Last year, the shelter adopted out 186 dogs.

"A lot of these dogs just come in in absolute terrible shape," she told the affiliate.

CNN's Andreas Preuss contributed to this report.

2015-01-28 07:18:58. CNN



ピネラス郡保安官事務所は、新しいラグ、注文したタイプミスで先週上がってきた 。 黒と黄色のピネラス郡保安官事務所のロゴを持つ大規模な緑の敷物は、その山の一つに「私たちは犬を信じる」という語句が含まれていた。

これは、「私たちは神を信じる。」simply makes error.



彼はそれと呼ばれるように」、doggoneじゅうたん " - - 彼は、ユニークなアイテムを競売することを決定し、現地の救助に収益を寄付。

「ピネラス郡保安官事務所は、じゅうたんの下に何かをスイープしませんが、「 部門は言った 、それがアイテムを置くとき。


「私は保安官のオフィスはそれのために500ドルを支払ったことを知っていた」と、彼女はC​​NNのアフィリエイトベイニュース9に語った。 「だから私は、私たちは、500ドルを得るでしょう。それは素晴らしいことだ、よく考えました。しかし、我々は、それが持っているものに発展するだろう理解していませんでした。」

83件入札後に、敷物は販売されていた - なんと9650ドルに!

お金は獣医の治療費に向かって主に行きます、シドウェルは語った。 昨年、ドッグ避難所186人のわんちゃんを採用した。



i think it' word terrorism right now ,but puppy lover.


Turn a misfortune into a blessing

Bad luck often brings good luck.〔prob.〕

I wish Japan becomes like this